10-1 vocab of terms

Alan Nochenson IST 511 10/1/2012

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Alan NochensonIST 511


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Motivation Real-world example Techniques

Tokenization Stop words Normalization Stemming/lemmatization

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Using a variety of techniques, we want to improve IR systems so that they “understand” more of what we want from a query

E.g. When searching for a paper about Facebook, the following queries should all return the paper The facebook, facebook, face-book

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Damerau–Levenshtein distance is the number of ops between two words Insert Delete Change Swap

adidas = adiidas == adifas (distance 1) But: cat != rat != hat (distance 1)

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Breaking up sentences on a variety of rules Split on non-alphanumeric?

Good: The dog ran to the park Bad: Ms. O’Hannety went to O’Flaggerty’s pub

(Ms, O, Hannety, went, to, O, Flaggerty, s, pub) Split on space?

Bad: San Fransisco is a great city.

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E.g. Lebensversicherungsgesellschaftsangestellter  = life insurance company employee

Would not get split by any of the previously mentioned methods

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Drop common ‘useless’ words How useless are they (“President of the USA”)

Not a big problem to include them, space or time-wise

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What I did at Amazon (codenamed BrandSims normalization)

Maps words/phrases that are semantically related to each other, so they can refer to the same content

E.g. Alan went to the store = Alan go store

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Mainly dropped since they were not always supported

Problematic since in certain languages accents are critical to understanding

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Standardize to all caps or all lowercase (more common)

Everywhere in the sentence? Bad: We went to the White House

Better solution is the beginning of a sentence and in titles

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More complicated than previous normalization techniques

Goal is to remove things like tense, number, possession from strings

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Chop off the end of the word Con: Crude and sometime ineffective Pro: Fast and no overhead

E.g. cookies -> cooki, cup->c

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Use a vocab list and morphological (structural) list [which may or may not help much]

Recognize context in a sentence (saw would become see if used as a verb, not a noun)

Porter’s algorithm:

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Understand the type of queries that will be submitted

It is all about tradeoffs between precision and recall

These techniques can be used differently depending on the context.

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