3 11英文單字

1.travel KK: [ ] vi. (不不不不不 intransitive verb) 1. 不不 My uncle is travelling in South America. 不不不不不不不不不 2. (不,不不不)不不,不不[Q] Light travels faster than sound. 不不不不不不不不 3. 不不不不不不[Q] He travels for our firm. 不不不不不不不不不不不 4. 不不不不不不 【】 ,不不 5. 不不,(不不)不不 Her eyes traveled over the scene. 不不 一。 6. 不不[(+with)] vt. (不不不不 transitive verb) 1. 不...不不,不不 They travelled Australia from end to end. 不不不不不不不 2. 不不,不不,不不(不不) The youngsters travel long distances to school every day. 不不不不不不不不不不不不 n. (不不 noun) 1. 不不,不不[U] We had ten day's travel by train. 不不不不不不不不不不 2. 不不;不不不不[P] 3. 不不[P]

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1.travel   KK: [ ]

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 旅行

My uncle is travelling in South America.

我叔父在南美洲旅行。2. (光,聲音等)行進,傳導[Q]

Light travels faster than sound.

光的速度比聲音快。3. 旅行推銷貨物[Q]

He travels for our firm.

他擔任我們公司的外務員。4. 【口】快速前進,飛馳5. 移動,(眼睛)掃視

Her eyes traveled over the scene.

她雙目掃視了一下這個場面。6. 交往[(+with)]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 在...旅行,遊遍

They travelled Australia from end to end.

他們遊遍了澳洲。2. 經過,走過,駛過(距離)

The youngsters travel long distances to school every day.

孩子們每天走很遠的路上學。n. (名詞 noun)

1. 旅行,遊歷[U]

We had ten day's travel by train.

我們乘火車旅行了十天。2. 漫遊;海外旅行[P]

3. 遊記[P]


   KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 奢侈,奢華[U]

They live in luxury .

他們生活奢華。2. 奢侈品[C]

A refrigerator was then a luxury .

那時候冰箱是種奢侈品。3. 享受;樂趣[U][C]

She enjoyed the luxury of doing good.


3.famous   KK: [ ]

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 著名的,出名的

The city is famous for its silk.

該市以出產絲綢而聞名於世。He is a very famous writer in this country.

他是這個國家裡很有名的作家。2. 【舊】極好的;非常令人滿意的

4.building   KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 建築物,房屋[C]

The World Trade Center in New York City is one of the world's tallest

buildings .

紐約的世界貿易中心是世界上最高的建築物之一。2. 建築;建築術;建築業[U]

5.modern   KK: [ ]

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 現代的;近代的[Z]

In the afternoon they went to an exhibition of modern art.

他們下午去參觀了現代藝術展。2. 現代化的;時髦的;最新的

His office is tastefully furnished with modern furniture.

他的辦公室用新式傢俱裝飾得十分雅緻。3. (常大寫)(指語言)現代的;近代的[Z]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 現代人;(思想等)現代化的人[P]

6.treat  KK: [ ]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 對待;看待,把...看作[O][(+as/like)]

Do not treat this serious matter as a joke.

不要把這件嚴肅的事情當作笑料。She treated me all right.

她對我還不錯。2. 處理;為...塗上保護層

This substance must be treated with acid.

這材料得用酸來處理。3. 探討;論述

The book treats some political problems.

該書論述某些政治問題。4. 醫療,治療[(+for)]

The doctors were not able to treat this disease.

醫生治不了這種病。5. 款待,請(客)[(+to)]

We'll treat you to dinner.

我們請你吃飯。vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 探討;論述[(+of/about)]

This book treats of economic problems.

這本書探討經濟問題。2. 談判,協商[(+for/with)]

3. 請客

I'll treat today.

今天我作東請客。n. (名詞 noun)[C]

1. 請客

It's my treat .

我請客。2. 難得的樂事

It's a great treat for them to go to the theater.

他們去看戲真是樂事。For dessert we had fresh strawberries -- a real treat .


7.overlook   KK: [ ]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 眺望;俯瞰

The house on the hill overlooks the valley.

小山上的房子俯瞰著山谷。2. 看漏;忽略[+v-ing]

My calculation was wrong because I overlooked one tiny point.

由於我忽略了一個細微之處,我的計算錯了。3. 寬恕,寬容

He has been kind enough to overlook my fault.

他很寬容,原諒了我的錯。4. 【罕】細看;檢查

He overlooked the contract before he signed it.

他在簽字之前仔細閱讀了合同。5. 照管;監督;監視

She did not know that she was being overlooked by the woman next


她不知道隔壁鄰居的女人一直在監視她。6. 高聳於...之上

The monument overlooks the square.


8.persian   KK: [ ]

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 波斯的;波斯人的;波斯語的

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 波斯人;波斯語

9.gulf   KK: [ ] 

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

1. 海灣

2. (意見等的)巨大分歧,鴻溝[(+between)]

They used to be friends but a great gulf has developed between them.

他們過去一直是朋友,但如今兩人之間已產生了極大的分歧。3. (地面的)裂口;深淵,深坑

The earthquake left a gulf in the fields.

地震在田地裡留下一條裂口。4. 旋渦5. (大寫)波斯灣;波斯灣各國[the S]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 吞沒,淹沒

10.designed     KK: [ ]

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 設計好的;故意的

11.shape     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 形狀;樣子,外形[C][U]

The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman.

雕刻家將泥土捏成一個婦女的形狀。2. (表現)形式;體現,具體化[U][C]

The writer's dreams find a shape in his novel.

作者的理想在他的小說中得到體現。3. 【口】情況,狀態[U]

Athletes must stay in shape .

運動員一定要保持身體健康。4. 模糊的人影;幽靈[C]

In the darkness, I saw a shape tiptoeing out.

在黑暗中,我看見有個身影悄悄走出去。5. 種類[S]

6. 模型,模子[C]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 使成形;塑造,製作[(+into/from/out of)]

The potter shaped the clay into a vase.

陶工將泥土塑成花瓶。2. 形成

Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping one's


童年經歷在形成一個人的性格方面往往起重要作用。3. 使符合;使適合[(+to)]

4. 使合身[H][(+to)]

The dress was shaped to her figure.

這件洋裝做得很適合她的身材。5. 計劃;設計;想出;使具體化6. 引導

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 【口】成形;成型;形成[(+up/into)]

2. 成長,發展

Our vacation plans are shaping well.

我們的假期計劃進展順利。3. 【罕】發生

12.sail     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 帆,篷[C][U]

2. 乘船航行,乘船遊覽[S]

They took a sail to Dover.

他們乘船去多佛。3. 帆狀物;(風車的)翼板[C]

4. (單複同)船隻[C]

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 航行,(坐船)遊覽[Q]

2. 啟航,開船[Q]

Our ship sails tomorrow for Hong Kong.

我們的船明天啟航前往香港。3. (鳥,飛機等)(輕快地)飛行;(魚等)浮游;(女人)儀態萬千地走[Q]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 在...上航行;飄過;飛過

Clouds are sailing the skies.

雲在天空飄移。2. 駕駛(船)

Can you sail a boat?


13.meter    KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 米,公尺[C]

The blue whale grows to over 30 meters long.


14.moment    KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 瞬間;片刻[C]

Just a moment , she's coming.

請稍等,她馬上來。2. 指定時刻[C]

3. 時機;重要時刻,關頭[S1][+to-v]

I'll have to pick my moment before telling my wife.

我得選個合適的時機將這件事告訴我妻子。4. 【書】重要,重大[U]

This is a question of great moment .

這是一個極為重要的問題。5. 【哲】要素,契機[U]

6. 【物】(力)距[C]

15.enter     KK: [ ]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 進入

He entered the classroom.

他進了教室。2. 參加;加入

The United States did not enter the war until April 19, 1917.

美國直到一九一七年四月十九日才參戰。3. 使參加;使進入

They entered their child at a private school.

他們讓他們的孩子在一所私立學校就讀。4. 開始從事;開始進入

He entered politics at the age of 30.

他三十歲開始從政。5. 登錄;將...輸入

He showed me how to enter data into the computer.


vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 進入

He rose as she entered .

他在她進來時站起身來。2. 參加,加入[(+for)]

He decided not to enter for the race.


16.lobby     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

1. (劇場,旅館等的)大廳;門廊

I met him in a hotel lobby last Monday.

上星期一我在一家旅館的休息廳見到他。2. (英國下院的)會客室,休息室3. (對議員施加壓力的)院外遊說團[G]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 對(議員等)進行遊說(或疏通)[O2]

We lobbied the members of parliament.

我們對國會議員進行了遊說。2. 施加壓力(或影響)使(議案等)得以通過[(+through)]

lobby a bill through the Senate

施加壓力使法案得以通過參議院vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 對議員遊說;從事幕後活動[(+for/against)]

They lobbied on the environmental protection issue.


17.hold    KK: [ ]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 握著;抓住;夾住

He held a knife in his hand.

他手裡握著一把刀。2. 托住;支承

The roof was held up by pillars.

屋頂由柱子支撐著。3. 使保持某種姿態等[O]

She held herself erect.

她挺直了身子。4. 拘留,扣留

The highjackers held two women hostage.

劫機者扣留兩名婦女作人質。5. (船或飛機)沿...航行

The ship held an easterly course.

船繼續向東航行。6. 繼續唱(某音符)

7. 抑制,約束

Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight.

吉姆忍住了怒氣,避免了一場鬥毆。8. 佔據,守住;吸住(注意力等)

He held this office for ten years.

他擔任這一職務有十年。9. 擁有,握有,持有[W]

He holds much property in the town.

他在鎮上擁有很多地產。10. 容納;包含[W]

The box can hold all my clothes.

這箱子能裝下我的全部衣服。11. 認為;持有(見解等)[W][O2][O8][+that]

She holds the same view.

她持有同樣的看法。12. 舉行

They will hold a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow.

他們明天將開會討論這個問題。vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 持續,保持

I hope this beautiful weather will hold .

我希望這種好天氣將持續下去。2. 頂住,支持

The dike held during the flood.

洪水期間河堤沒有崩潰。3. 有效,適用

My decision still holds .

我的決定仍然有效。n. (名詞 noun)

1. 抓住,握住;握法[C][U][(+of/on)]

He lost hold of the rope and fell to the ground.

他沒有抓住繩子,摔到地上。2. 可手攀(或腳踏)的東西,支撐點[C]

He couldn't find a hold on the cliff.

他在懸崖上找不到一個可以站住腳的地方。3. 掌握;支配(力)[U][C][(+of/on/over)]

He's got a good hold of his subject.

他很好地掌握了自己的學科。4. 延遲;延期;耽擱

It is time to put love on hold .


18.large     KK: [ ]

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 大的,寬大的;大規模的

I want a large box; this is too small.

我要一個大盒子;這個太小了。2. 多的,多量的,多數的

The concert drew a large audience.

音樂會吸引了大量的觀眾。3. 廣博的;廣泛的

The President is a man of large experience.

總統是一位經驗豐富的人。ad. (副詞 adverb)

1. 大,大大地

Do not write so large .

不要把字寫得這麼大。2. 誇大地

He tends to talk large .

他喜歡講大話。n. (名詞 noun)

1. (一般只用於慣用語中)大



19.atrium    KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 【建】天井前廳;中庭2. 【解】心房;房

3. 【昆】口前腔

20.cover     KK: [ ]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 遮蓋;覆蓋[(+with)]

Mary covered her face with her hands.

瑪麗用雙手捂住臉。2. 覆蓋...的表面[(+in/with)]

The highway was covered with snow.

公路被雪覆蓋著。3. 掩飾;隱匿

She laughed to cover her anxiety.

她試圖以笑來掩飾她的焦慮。4. 包含;適用於

These regulations cover such cases.

這些規定適用於這類情況。His reading covers a wide range of subjects.

他閱讀的書籍涉及多種學科。5. (不用被動態)行過(路程)

We covered about 30 miles a day.

我們每天大約走三十英里。6. 採訪,報導

Jack covered the Gulf War for CNN then.

傑克當時替美國有線新聞電視網報導海灣戰爭。7. (錢)足夠付

Is the money sufficient to cover the tuition?


8. 給...保險;使免受損失[(+against)]

Are the goods covered against fire damage?


9. 用槍掩護;把槍口對準(某人)

10. 巡邏11. 【體】(為奪球)盯住(對手);守(位)

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 頂替,代替[(+for)]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 遮蓋物;蓋子;套子[C]

2. (書的)封面,封底[C]

On the front cover of the magazine is a picture of a boy.

雜誌的封面是一張男孩的照片。3. 掩護(物);掩蔽處[U]

This is only the cover for their unlawful activity.

這僅僅是他們非法活動的掩護而已。4. 保險[U][(+against)]

5. 偽裝;藉口[S]

6. (一副)餐具;餐席[C]

7. (在金融方面)承擔責任的能力

21.surface     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 面,表面[C]

It has a rough surface .

它表面粗糙。2. 水面[C]

The breeze rippled the surface of the lake.

微風吹皺了湖面。3. 外觀,外表[the S]

Beneath his rough surface he is really a very kind person.

他外表粗魯,但實際上是一個很善良的人。a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 表面的,外觀的

It was a surface wound and soon healed.

那是一個表面傷,不久便長好了。2. 地面上的,水面上的

The Americans are strengthening their surface fleet.

美國人正在加強他們的水上艦隊。3. 表面上的,外表上的

There have been improvements in surface conditions but not in

fundamental weaknesses.

表面情況已有改善但根本的弱點依然如故。4. (郵件)陸路的,普通的,水路的

Surface mail takes much longer than airmail.

平郵比空郵慢得多。vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 對...進行表面處理;在...上加表面

We are going to surface this road.

我們將要為這條路鋪路面。2. 使...浮出水面,使出現

The ship was stopped by a surfaced submarine.

那艘船被一浮出水面的潛水艇攔住了。vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 浮出水面

Fish were surfacing to catch insects.

魚兒正浮出水面捉昆蟲吃。2. 顯露,呈現

Concern for the children never took long to surface .

對小孩的關切總是不用很久就顯露出來。3. 【口】起床,露面

He didn't surface today until after eleven.


22.suite     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

1. (總稱)隨員,隨從[G]

2. 套房3. 一套傢俱4. 系列,套,組[(+of)]

a suite of dining-room furniture

一套餐廳傢俱5. 【音】組曲


     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 排,行;一系列[C]

The library has ranges of books in perfect order.

這個圖書館的書一排一排放得井井有條。2. 山脈[C]

3. (變化等的)幅度;(知識等的)範圍;區域[U][S1]

The houses are sold out within this price range .

在這個價位範圍之內的房子已售完。The company sells new cars with a wide range of prices.

該公司銷售價格差異很大的各種新車子。4. 【軍】射程;距離;(加足燃料後車輛等的)最大行程[U][S1]

What is the range of this telescope?


5. 級別,等級;階層;類別[C]

This store sells a wide range of TV sets.


6. (動植物等的)生長區,分佈區[C]

The range of this plant is East Asia.

這種植物的產地在東亞。7. 靶場;(飛彈等的)試射場[C]

8. 放牧地,牧場[C]

9. 多爐爐灶[C]

10. 閒蕩,漫遊[S]

She takes her dog for a range every afternoon.

她每天下午牽著狗閒逛。vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 排列,將...排成行[O]

The cards were ranged in alphabetical order.

卡片以字母順序排列。2. 使並列;使進入行列

They were ranged against us.

他們站在反對我們的一邊。3. 把...分類;使系統化4. 把(槍砲等)對準[(+on)]

5. 在...來回走動,漫遊於

We ranged the woods looking for a place to set up our tents.

我們在樹林裡東走西跑,找個地方搭帳篷。6. 放牧(牛,羊等)

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 平行;列成一行

The shabby houses used to range along the road.

過去這路邊破敗的房子排成行。2. 綿亙,延伸

The road ranges westward from the lake.

這條路由湖邊向西延伸。3. 漫遊;(範圍)涉及 [Q][(+over)]

4. (在一定範圍內)變動,變化[W][Q]

The temperature ranges between 30 and 40 degrees centigrade.

溫度在攝氏三十度與四十度之間。5. 【軍】測距;射程為6. (動植物)生長,棲息

24.square     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

1. 正方形;方形物;方塊2. (方形)廣場

There is a fair in the town square .

市中心廣場有個市集。3. 【美】(街道圍繞的)街區4. 方形舞;方陣5. 曲尺,丁字尺6. 【數】平方,二次冪[(+of)]

64 is the square of 8.

六十四是八的平方。7. 【俚】古板守舊的人,拘謹的人;不諳時尚的人

Teenagers always think their parents are real square .

青少年總認為他們的父母真是跟不上時代的老古板。8. 【植】棉桃

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 正方形的[Z]

2. 成直角的3. 結實的,魁梧的

The mayor is a man of square frame.

市長是個體格魁梧的人。4. 正直的,公正的

His dealings are not quite square .


5. 直截了當的,斷然的

They offered to buy his farm but met a square refusal.

他們出價要買他的農場,但遭到斷然拒絕。6. 拉平的;兩訖的[F][(+with)]

7. 【數】平方的[Z][B]

8. 【口】令人滿意的;充足的9. 【俚】古板守舊的,拘謹的;方方正正的;呆板的10. 【俚】安分守己的

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 使成正方形2. 【數】使成平方;求...的面積

5 squared is 25.

五的平方是二十五。3. 使挺直;使平正4. 使一致,使相符5. 拉平;結清(帳目)

She squared her account at the store.

她在商店裡結清帳目。6. 【俚】收買

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 成正方形;成直角2. 一致,相符[(+with)]

His views on the question do not square with mine.

他對這個問題的看法跟我的不一致。3. 成平局;結清

ad. (副詞 adverb)

1. 成正方形地2. 成直角地,垂直地

The path turned square to the left.

小路向左成九十度轉彎。3. 公平地,正當地

4. 面對面地

I ran square into a tall guy.

我與一個高個子撞個正著。5. 乾脆地;堅定地

square meters(平方公尺)

25.each of the (每一個,每一間)

26.dining area (用餐的地方,不一定是餐廳)

27.furniture     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)[U]

1. 傢俱

Some articles of furniture were lost when we moved.

我們搬家時有幾件傢俱丟失了。2. (工廠等的)設備

28.butler     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 男管家;司膳總管[C]

29.on handph. (片語 phrase)

1. 在手邊,在近處

There weren't enough snacks on hand for the party.


We have plenty of money on hand to pay for the snacks.

我們手邊有很多錢可以買零嘴。We have nobody on hand to repair your car.

我們現在沒有人能修你的車。2. 出席,在場

30.see toph. (片語 phrase)

1. 照料

I'll see to everything here.

這裡的一切我會照料。2. 修補;診治

You ought to have your eyes seen to by a doctor.


31.relax     KK: [ ]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 使鬆弛,使鬆懈,放鬆

He lagged far behind his classmates because he had relaxed his


他因為放鬆了努力,故遠遠落後於班裡同學。2. 緩和;放寬;減輕

The judge relaxed the rules.

法官放寬了規則。3. 使輕鬆;使休息

She relaxed her mind by listening to music.

她聽聽音樂使大腦得到休息。vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 鬆弛,鬆懈,放鬆

His muscles relaxed .

他的肌肉放鬆了。2. 緩和;放寬;減輕

The heat did not relax until midnight.

直到半夜,炎熱才緩解。3. 變得不拘謹;變得和藹;變得寬鬆

His manner relaxed .

他變得隨和了。4. 鬆散;休息

He took a glass of beer and relaxed after a day's work.

一天工作下來,他喝杯啤酒輕鬆一下。5. 通便

32.private    KK: [ ]

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 個人的,私人的

That's my private view.

那是我個人的觀點。2. 私下的,非公開的,祕密的

I wish to have a private talk with you.

我希望私下和你談談。3. 私營的,私立的,私有的

If you go to a private hospital you must pay.

如果你去一家私立醫院就診,你得付費。4. 非官方的

The president is paying a private visit to his neighboring country.

總統正在對鄰國作非官方的訪問。5. 隔離的,隱蔽的,幽僻的6. 喜歡獨處的,不愛談論私事的

She's a very private person.


7. 無官職的;平民的

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 士兵,列兵[C]

2. 陰部[P]

3. 私下,不公開[U]

Let me speak to him in private .


33.beach     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

1. 海灘;海濱度假地

They are vacationing at the beach .

他們正在海濱度假。2. 湖濱,江濱3. 陸地;陸上生活[the S]

4. (總稱)海濱的砂石

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 將(船等)拖上岸

34.excellent     KK: [ ]

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 出色的;傑出的;優等的[Z]

He is excellent in mathematics.

他的數學非常好。Of course she is an excellent doctor.


35.guest     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

1. 客人,賓客

We're expecting guests to dinner.

我們正等候客人進餐。2. 旅客;顧客

The motel manager showed the guests to their room.

汽車旅館經理把旅客領到他們房間。3. 特別來賓(或演奏者,演講者等);客座教授4. 寄生動植物

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 客人的;為客人的2. (演員等)特邀的,客座的

The guest speaker will be our old friend John Lewis.

特邀演講者將是我們的老朋友約翰‧路易斯。vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 款待,招待

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 當特別來賓(或演奏者等)[(+on)]

She is guesting on tonight's TV show.


36.fake     KK: [ ]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 偽造;捏造;冒充

He faked my signature to get money from my bank.

他冒充我的簽字從我的銀行裡取錢。He faked the fine furniture of the century before.

他仿造了一個世紀前的精美傢俱。2. 假裝;假裝...的樣子

She faked illness so as not to go to school.

她為了逃學假裝生病。3. 佯做(動作);欺騙,迷惑

He faked an opposing player out of position.

他用假動作使一名對手離開了自己的位置。vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 假裝;佯攻;做假動作

I thought he was really hurt but he was faking .

我以為他真的受了傷,而他只是在裝樣子。n. (名詞 noun)[C]

1. 冒牌貨;仿造品

The experts discovered several fakes in the art collection.

專家們在這批藝術收藏品中發現了幾件贗品。2. 冒充者;騙子

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 假的;冒充的[B]

This is a fake picture.


37.submarine    KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

1. 潛艇

a nuclear-powered submarines

核動力潛艇2. 海底生物3. 水下裝置4. (橄欖球運動員的)低身穿插

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 海底的

Submarine cables were laid across the Atlantic.

鋪設了橫越大西洋的海底電纜。2. 水下的3. 潛艇的

Allied transports suffered greatly from German submarine attacks.

盟國的運輸船受到德國潛艇攻擊,損失慘重。vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 用潛水艇攻擊(或擊沈)

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. (橄欖球運動員)低身穿插

38.ride    KK: [ ]

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 騎馬,乘車;騎馬(或乘車)旅行[Q]

She rode home on her bicycle.

她騎腳踏車回家。2. 乘坐,搭坐[(+on/in)]

3. (馬,車等)乘起來(感覺)...[Q]

The car rides smoothly.

這車乘起來很平穩。4. 漂浮;航行;停泊[Q]

The ship riding close to shore will set sail tomorrow.

近岸停泊的那艘船將於明日起航。vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 騎(馬等);乘(車等)

He learned to ride a horse at the age of nine.


2. 騎馬通過;乘車行經

We have ridden 600 miles.

我們已經行駛六百英里了。3. 用車運送(貨物等)

4. 【口】困擾;支配;纏著...不放[H]

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

1. 騎;乘坐;搭乘

He gave me a ride to the plaza.

他讓我搭車去市場。2. 騎馬(或乘車)旅行,兜風

We went for a ride in the car.

我們開車兜風。3. (林中的)騎馬道4. 交通工具,車輛5. (車輛的)行駛性能

39.located     KK: [ ]

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 坐落的,位於的

well-located buildings

地位很好的建築群The house is conveniently located within the town centre.


40.above     KK: [ ]

prep. (介係詞 preposition)

1. 在...上面

The moon is now above the trees.


2. 在...之上,超過

They are children above six years old.

他們是六歲以上的孩子。3. 高於;優於;勝過

In the company, Dick ranks above Tom.

在公司裡,狄克的地位比湯姆高。4. 不屑於;不致於

He considered himself above doing such things.

他自認為是不會去做那種事的。ad. (副詞 adverb)

1. 在上面;向上面

There are snowy peaks above .

上面是白雪皚皚的群峰。2. (級別,數目等)更高;更大;更多

Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote.

年齡在十八歲以上的男女有投票表決權。3. 在上文

See the examples given above .

見上述例子。a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 上文的,前述的

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 上文;上述事實

In addition to all of the above , she won a Pulitzer Prize in 1980.


41.ground     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 地面[the S]

Snow covers the ground .

雪覆蓋著地面。2. 土壤;土地;田產[U]

The ground is fertile.

這片土地很肥沃。3. (為某種目的的)場所,場地[C]

Our school has a large football ground .

我們學校有一個大足球場。4. 底,海底[U]

5. 基礎,(繪畫等的)底子,底材;底色[C]

Our friendship is on firm grounds .

我們的友誼建築在牢固的基礎上。The curtains have white flowers on a blue ground .

這些窗簾的圖案是藍底白花。6. (問題所涉及的)範圍;研究的領域[U]

The discussion covered some new ground .

討論涉及了一些新的領域。7. 立場,觀點[U]

The book just goes over the same old ground .

那本書只是重複一些舊的說法。8. 陣地[U]

The enemy is losing ground .

敵人正在節節敗退。9. 根據,理由[U][P1][(+for)][+to-v]

There is no ground for his complaints.

他沒有理由抱怨。10. 【電】【美】接地;地線[C][U]

11. 建築物周圍的土地,庭園[P][K]

The house stands in lovely grounds .

這房子位於美麗的庭園之中。12. 渣滓;沈澱物[P]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 【海】使擱淺

Their ship was grounded .

他們的船擱淺了。2. 使停飛

The plane was grounded by fog yesterday.

昨天那架飛機因霧停飛。The pilot was grounded for 3 days.

該飛行員被禁飛三天。3. 把...建立在牢固的基礎上;把...基於[O][(+on/in)]

My argument was grounded on my own experience.

我的論點有我自己的經驗作為根據。Our plans are grounded on the results of feasibility study.

我們的計劃是建立在可行性研究結果上的。4. 【電】把...接地5. 把...放在地上;使落地6. 給...以基礎訓練[H][(+in)]

All applicants must be well grounded in computer science.

申請人都須有良好的電腦科學根底。vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. (船)擱淺

The ship grounded in shallow water.

那條船在淺水中擱淺。2. 依靠,根據,基於[(+on/upon)]

3. 落地

42.incredible     KK: [ ]

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 不能相信的,不可信的[Z]

The plot of the book is incredible .

這本書的情節叫人難以相信。2. 【口】難以置信的;驚人的;極妙的

For such a tiny woman she had an incredible appetite.


43.view     KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 視力;視野[U]

Victory is in view .

勝利在望。2. 觀看;眺望[S][(+of)]

There's a fine view of the lake from our hotel window.

從我們旅館的窗口可以看到湖的美麗風光。3. 景色;風景畫,風景照片[C]

4. 看法,觀點[C][+(that)][(+about/on)]

She tried writing out her views .

她試著把自己的想法寫下來。5. 觀察,展望,概觀[S1][(+of)]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 觀看;查看;察看2. 看待;考慮;將...看成是[O][(+as/with)]

These people were viewed as their most dangerous rivals.


44.comes at a price該有的價值,應該有的價值。

45.night and up(意指過一夜,睡一晚)

46.head    KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

1. 頭

He was hit on the head .

他被擊中頭部。2. (東西的)頭;上端;前端;上首[the S][(+of)]

The young man walked at the head of the parade.

那年輕人走在遊行隊伍最前面。3. 頭腦,才智

Steve has a good head for mathematics.

史帝夫擅長數學。4. 頭痛[S1]

I've got a bad head .

我頭痛得厲害。5. 能力;克制力[S][(+for)]

She was able to keep her head in the crisis.

她在這次危機中保持了清醒的頭腦。6. 一個頭的長度[S]

He is a head taller than his younger sister.

他比他妹妹高一頭。7. 人;個人

It costs about $12 a head to eat here.

這裡吃飯一個人大約要花十二元。8. (牛羊等的)頭數[M]

We keep 1,000 head of cattle.

我們養一千頭牛。9. 首腦;首長,頭目

He is the head of a firm.

他是一家公司的經理。10. 標題;項目

He arranged his speech under five heads .

他把講話分為五個部分。11. (蔬菜的)頭,結球;穗;花冠12. 酒沫13. 海角,岬14. (瘡等的)膿頭15. (硬幣的)正面[P1]

16. 【文】中心詞17. 吸毒者;癮君子

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 作為...的首領;率領;站在...的前頭[(+up)]

A car headed the procession.

一輛汽車為遊行隊伍開路。2. 用頭頂(球)

3. 給...加...標題;放在...的頂部[O8][O9]

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. (指果結實等)成頭狀物2. (向特定方向)出發,(船)駛往[Q]

Our ship headed south.

我們的船朝南開。(本課為不及物動詞 vi 2)

47.helicopter    KK: [ ]

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 直升飛機[C]

The helicopter hovered over the crowd for a while before inching



vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

1. 用直升飛機載送

The officials were helicoptered aboard the ship.

官員們被用直升機送到船上。vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

1. 乘直升飛機

He helicoptered to the capital.


48.perfect     KK: [ ]

a. (形容詞 adjective)

1. 完美的;理想的

Her acting is really perfect .

她的演技真到了爐火純青的境界。2. 精通的;嫻熟的

Practice makes perfect .

熟能生巧。3. 對...最適當的[(+for)]

The weather is perfect for a garden party.

這是舉行露天聚會的理想天氣。4. 完整無缺的5. 完全的,十足的[B]

I have perfect trust in his judgment.

我完全相信他的判斷。6. 【文】完成式的[B]

7. 【植】雌雄同花的

n. (名詞 noun)

1. 【文】完成式[the S]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)