
职职职职职职职职 SCENEA 职职职职职职职职职职职 01职职职职职职职 Dave: Welcome to InfoKing. I'm Dave. Looks like you've 1) inherited Bob's 2) cubicle. 戴戴 戴戴戴 。。。 Zina: I'm Zina Romero. Sales. Who was Bob? 戴戴 戴 戴戴戴戴 。。? Dave: Bob was a totally 3) studly 4) programmer. 戴戴 戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴 Zina: Studly? 戴戴 戴戴? Dave: You know. Big brain. 戴戴 戴戴 ,。 Zina: His stuff is still 5) tacked up on the walls. Did he leave in a hurry? 戴戴 戴 戴戴戴戴 西。? Dave: The pressure got to him. Plus he wanted to get paid. 戴戴 戴戴 。。 戴戴戴戴 A: Sitting in a cubicle all day. 戴戴戴戴戴戴戴 B: What do you hate most about working in an office? 戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴 戴戴 一。 get to 戴戴 戴戴 get to 戴戴戴戴戴戴“戴 ,: A:The pressure has been really getting to me lately. 戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴 B:Maybe you should take a vacation. 戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴 get to 戴 “戴戴” 戴戴 ,,: A:How can I get to the train station? 戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴 B:It's around the corner and to the left. 戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴 get to 戴 戴戴戴 一, “戴 戴 A:How did you get to be a politician? 戴 B:Many years of hard work. 戴戴戴戴戴 1) inherit (v.) 戴戴 2) cubicle (n.) 戴戴戴戴戴戴 () 3) studly 戴戴戴戴戴 “戴戴”戴 stud 4) programmer (n.) 戴戴戴戴戴 5) tack (v.) 戴戴 () 02Zina: What do you mean? If he was a good programmer, he should have been 1) raking it in. 戴戴 戴戴戴 ?,。 Dave: The boss wanted to pay Bob with 2) stock options. But Bob didn't want to play that game again. 戴戴 戴戴 。。

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Page 1: 职场社交英语口语

职场社交英语口语SCENE① A 加州的资讯王达康办公室01、欢迎来到资讯王Dave: Welcome to InfoKing. I'm Dave. Looks like you've 1) inherited Bob's 2) cubicle.戴夫: 欢迎来到资讯王。我是戴夫。看来你已经接管了鲍伯的办公室隔间。Zina: I'm Zina Romero. Sales. Who was Bob?吉娜: 我是吉娜萝美洛。业务员。谁是鲍伯?Dave: Bob was a totally 3) studly 4) programmer.戴夫: 鲍伯是个彻头彻尾的壮男程序设计师。Zina: Studly?吉娜: 壮男?Dave: You know. Big brain.戴夫: 你知道嘛,就是头好壮壮。Zina: His stuff is still 5) tacked up on the walls. Did he leave in a hurry?吉娜: 他的东西还钉在墙上。他走得很匆忙吗?Dave: The pressure got to him. Plus he wanted to get paid.戴夫: 压力让他崩溃了。加上他又想拿到薪水。语言详解A: Sitting in a cubicle all day. 整天坐在隔间里。B: What do you hate most about working in an office? 你最恨在办公室工作的哪一点。【get to 影响,左右】get to在对话中是指“影响,左右”,多半是指负面的情况:A:The pressure has been really getting to me lately. 我最近真的被压力压得喘不过气来。B:Maybe you should take a vacation. 或许你该去度个假。get to的另一个常见用法是“抵达”,这个短语在问路时很好用,相信大家也都不陌生:A:How can I get to the train station? 我要怎么才能到火车站?B:It's around the corner and to the left. 它就在转角那边靠左侧。get to还有一个常见用法,意思是“得以,才能够”:A:How did you get to be a politician? 你是如何才得以当政治人物的?B:Many years of hard work. 多年的苦功。1) inherit (v.) 继承 2) cubicle (n.) (办公室)隔间 3) studly 健壮帅气的,“猛男”是 stud 4) programmer (n.) 程序设计师 5) tack (v.) (用大头针)钉上02、此话怎讲?Zina: What do you mean? If he was a good programmer, he should have been 1) raking it in.吉娜: 此话怎讲?若他是个好的程序设计师,他应该早就发了。Dave: The boss wanted to pay Bob with 2) stock options. But Bob didn't want to play that game again.戴夫: 老板想用认股权当作薪水付给鲍伯。可是鲍伯不想再次玩那种游戏了。Zina: Again?吉娜: 再次?Dave: At his last 3) start-up, Bob worked for stock and no salary. They 4) folded and he made 5) zip.

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戴夫: 鲍伯上回参与的创业公司,他工作的酬劳是股票,不拿薪水。他们的公司倒闭,他半毛也没拿到。Zina: Ouch.吉娜: 真惨。Dave: Now he only works 6) freelance. Hundred 7) bucks an hour.戴夫: 现在他只接个案做。时薪一百美元。语言详解A: Their business folded last week.他们的店上星期倒了。B: No, I can't believe it! That was my favorite bookshop.不,我不敢相信!那是我最爱的书店。【What do you mean?这话怎讲?】这是谈话时较随便的讲法,照说应该是What do you mean by that? 另一个类似句型是What does the word mean?这个字作何解释?mean 在这两个句型的“意思、意表”解。mean 也作“打算”解,须要注意的是后面只能接不定词,不可接-ing式,例如:Paul means to go to Taipei next week.保罗打算下星期到台北去。A: What do you mean by sayingJudy is leaving the country.?你说茱迪要出国是什么意思?B: Well, she means to accept a job offer in Singapore.她打算要接受新加坡的一个工作机会。1) rake in 发财,大捞一笔2) stock option 股票选择权,认股权3) start-up (n.) 开始(创业,工作,动工等)4) fold (v.) 关店,倒闭5) zip (n.) 零,乌有6) freelance (a.) 无约、自由工作的7) buck美元03、你是怎么算薪水的?Zina: How do you get paid? 1) If you don't mind my asking.吉娜: 你是怎么算薪水的?若你不介意我问的话。Dave: Not cash. But if our 2) launch goes well, my stock options will pay off, big time.戴夫: 不是现金。但要是我们上市的情况很好,我的股票期权可就值大钱了。Zina: And in the meantime, how do you pay the rent?吉娜: 那这段期间你要怎么付房租?Dave: I don't have to worry about rent. I live right here.戴夫: 我不用担心房租。我就住在这里。Zina: What? In your cubicle?吉娜: 什么?在你的隔间里?Dave: Right here. Me and my PC. Home sweet home.戴夫: 就在这。我和我的个人电脑。甜蜜的家庭。语言详解A: We're launched a new website.

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我们推出了一个新网站。B: That's great. What's the address?太棒了。网址是什么?【big time 超级,非常】big time是在口语中常常可以听到的短语,用来强调句中程度的高,意即“超级,非常”,可以当做副词用:A:I need to go to the bathroom, big time!我得要上厕所,超急的!B:There's a toilet over there. Why don't you go?那里就有厕所。你为什么不去?也可以当做形容词,写做 big-time:A:She is a big-time movie producer!她是个大牌的电影制片!B:Really? Why haven't I heard of her before then?真的?那怎么我以前从没听说过她?1) If you don't mind my asking. 若你不介意我问起的话。这是客气的询问句。要注意的是,mind 的后面要接动名词;而若提到是谁问的,则要用所有格。2) launch (n., v.) 事业登场,投入市场

SCENE A ② 隔周,吉娜到老板的隔间去看他04、我会让你发财Zina: Hi, boss. You wanted to see me?吉娜: 嗨,老板。你说要见我?Vince: Zina. Look, I know when I 1) hired you, I told you I'd pay you a salary. But I just can't.文斯: 吉娜。听着,我知道当我雇用你之时,我说过会付你薪水。可是我没办法。Zina: Excuse me? I hope I didn't just hear what I think I just heard.吉娜: 你说什么?我希望我不是真的听到我以为我听到的。Vince: I know it's 2) awkward, but you're going to be thanking me later. I'm going to make you rich.文斯: 我知道这说来尴尬,不过你以后会感谢我的。我会让你发财。Zina: You're going to make me rich by not paying me?吉娜: 你要用不给我薪水的方法让我发财?语言详解A: How many people did the company hire this year?公司在今年雇用了多少人?B: Over two hundred.超过两百个。【look听着】很奇怪,怎么英文的 look会翻译成中文的“听着”?其实这正说明文化的差异。在英、美社会里,要对方在意你即将说的话,最普遍的语词是 look,而我们在同样情况下却说“听着”。A:Look, I'll give you ten dollars if you sweep the room for me.听着,如果你帮我扫房间,我就给你十块钱。B:Sounds reasonable.听起来蛮合理的。

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1) hire (v.) 雇用2) awkward (a.) 令人尴尬的的,感到尴尬的05、我要提供你认股权Vince: I want to 1) offer you more InfoKing stock options.文斯: 我要提供你资讯王的认股权。Zina: When you hired me, you knew you were going to be low on cash, didn't you?吉娜: 你在雇用我的当时,就知道你会缺现金,对吧?Vince: Let me explain. To get more cash, I'll have to borrow more from Vikam, the 2) venture 3) capitalists.文斯: 容我解释。为了要有更多现金,我就得跟投资我们的维康创投借更多的钱。Zina: I know how it works. You don't want to give away any more of your future 4) profits than you have to.吉娜: 我知道这种运作方式。除非万不得已,你不会想把更多未来的利润拱手让人。Vince: Exactly. Instead of 5) increasing their 6) position, I want to increase yours.文斯: 正是。我不增加他们的股权,反倒要增加你的。语言详解A: I'm going to offer you a position in our sales department.我要提供我们业务部的一个职位给你。B: Thank you.谢谢您。【I know how it works. 我知道规矩。】这里的work不是指“工作”,而是指“事物运作的道理与规范”,类似于行规的概念:A:I am afraid we are going to have to fire you.我恐怕我们得要开除你了。B:It's OK, I know how it works. You just don't like me.没关系,我知道行规。你就是看不惯我。【give away 送掉】give away 这个短语看起来很简单,不过有许多常用的意思,对话中所用到的 give away 是指“赠送”。A: Why did you give your bicycle away?你为何把你的脚踏车送掉了?B: It's too old. I want to get a new one anyway.那台太老了。反正我要换新的。1) offer (v.) 提供2) venture (n.) 具冒险性的事业3) capitalist (n.) 出资者,金主,capital 是“资金”。4) profit (n.) 利润5) increase (v.) 增加6) position (n.) 地位,此指“股权”。06、我可不便宜Zina: I'm not cheap.吉娜: 我可不便宜。Vince: I'm prepared to increase your 1) stake to three percent.文斯: 我准备把你的股份增加至百分之三。

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Zina: I've sold more 2) subscriptions to InfoKing in one week than you 3) expected me to sell in a month.吉娜: 我一星期内所卖出资讯王的订阅数,就比你期望的月业绩要高了。Vince: I know you're good, Zina. You know how much three percent could be 4) worth, don't you?文斯: 我知道你很厉害,吉娜。你知道百分之三值多少钱,对吧?Zina: Vince, I'm better than good. I'm the best. I want four percent.吉娜: 文斯,我比厉害还要厉害。我是最棒的。我要百分之四。Vince: Three-and-a-half.文斯: 百分之三点五。Zina: Done.吉娜: 成交。语言详解A: I expect you to follow all the rules.我希望你遵所有的规则。B: Yes, ma'am!遵命,夫人!【subscription to 订阅】subscription 或其动词 subscribe 后面都要用介系词 to才等于中文的订阅,例如:I renew my subscription to Time Express.我续订《时代杂志中文版》。A:Many of my friends subscribe to the evening newspaper.我的许多朋友订了那家晚报。B:Why?为什么?A:Only because they want the free Teddy Bear.只因为他们想要免费的熊宝宝。1) stake (n.) 股份2) subscription (n.) 订阅3) expect (v.) 期待4) worth (a.) 值得的SCENE A ③ 吉娜一早进公司07、我开了一整晚夜车Zina: Dave, 1) wake up.吉娜: 戴夫,醒醒。Dave: Whaah? Zina? What time is it?戴夫: 啊?吉娜?现在几点了?Zina: It's seven-thirty. I want to know who left this note on my desk.吉娜: 七点半。我要知道是谁在我桌上留了这张纸条。Dave: What note? I can't see. I just 2) pulled an all-nighter.戴夫: 什么纸条?我看不到。我开了一整晚夜车。Zina: It's a little green 3) post-it note, 4) stuck right in the middle of my computer screen.吉娜: 是小张的绿色便利贴,就粘在我电脑屏幕的中间。Dave: And? What does it say? Isn't there a name?戴夫: 然后呢?上面写着什么?没有名字吗?

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Zina: It says, Zina, I like how you 5) rhumba. An 6) admirer.吉娜: 上面写着:“吉娜,我喜欢你跳伦巴的样子。仰慕者。”语言详解A: Where should I put this picture of Fiona?我该把费欧娜这张照片摆哪儿?B: Just stick it on your front door.把它贴在你的前门就好了。【It's seven-thirty. 七点半。】在这个句型中,it指时间。虽然这句话也可以简化为 Seven-thirty.但还是用原句型较为适当。it除了指时间以外,也用于指天气或距离,例如:It's very hot today.今天天气很热。It's about 400 kilometers from Taipei to Kenting.从台北到垦丁大约 400公里。A:How far is it from here to Hualien?从这里到花莲有多远?B:It's about 150 kilometers.大约 150公里。A:How is the weather like down there?那里天气怎么样?B:It's raining at the moment.此刻正在下雨。1) wake up 醒来;awake是“醒着的”。2) pull an all-nighter 开夜车,熬夜3) post-it note 可贴的便条纸,系 3M公司出品的办公用具,现已成为同类产品的代名词。4) stick (v.) 粘贴5) rhumba (n.) 伦巴舞6) admirer (n.) 仰慕者,secret admirer 是“暗恋者”。08、我受不了电脑怪胎Dave: Whoa. Now I'm awake! Zina has a secret admirer.戴夫: 哇。这会我可醒了!吉娜有暗恋者了。Zina: I really do not have time to deal with some 1) lovesick computer 2) geek.吉娜: 我真的没时间去应付爱昏了头的电脑怪胎。Dave: I know what you mean. I can't stand computer geeks.戴夫: 我知道你的意思。我也受不了电脑怪胎。Zina: Sorry, Dave, I didn't mean you. I am just not 3) in the mood for this. I have work to do.吉娜: 抱歉,戴夫,我不是说你。我只是没心情搞这玩意儿。我还有工作要做。Dave: Who do you think it is?戴夫: 你觉得是谁?语言详解A: Your friend seems to be in a better mood.你朋友的心情看起来好多了。

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B: I gave her a pep talk.我给她来了段精神讲话。【I can't stand... 我无法忍受……】stand这个字大家一定都知道,但它除了“站”这个意思之外,最常用的就是指“忍受”,可以用在人身上:A: Allison is my best friend.爱丽森是我最好的朋友。B: I can't stand her. She is so fake!我受不了她。她好假喔!也可以用在事物身上:A: It must be 45 degrees in here.这里一定有四十五度。B: I can't stand it anymore. It's too hot!我再也受不了了。有够热的!用来表示动作也行:A: Let's go have a beer at Tom's.我们去汤姆的店喝啤酒。B: I can't stand to go there. It reminds me of my ex-girlfriend.我不能忍受去那里。那会让我想起我的前女友。1) lovesick (a.) 因爱而分神迷乱的2) geek (n.) 怪胎3) be in the mood for有心情去...

SCENE A ④ 文斯顺道来吉娜的隔间看他09、你今天早来了Vince: Hey, Zina. You're here early today.文斯: 嗨,吉娜,你今天早来了。Zina: Yeah, I'm going to be making phone calls all day. What a 1) blast.吉娜: 对啊,我今天要打一整天的电话。真够好玩的。Vince: I just wanted to say thanks for putting us on the map so fast. I 2) appreciate it.文斯: 我只是想谢谢你那么快就让我们站上柜面了。我很感激。Zina: Save it, Vince. After I put my first million in the bank, I'll say you're welcome.吉娜: 省省吧,文斯。等我在银行存了第一个一百万,我会跟你说不客气的。Vince: Fair enough. 3) Keep up the good work.文斯: 很公平。再接再励。语言详解A: Here are those tools you wanted to borrow.这些是你想要借的工具。B: Thanks a million. I really appreciate it.千恩万谢。我真的很感激。【Save it. 你省省吧。】save是“存,省下”的意思,而 Save it.在对话中用做短句,意思是“省省吧。”,告诉对方多说无益。而 save it for的句型也很常用,意思是“替……预留”,请看以下的实际例子:A:I wasn't drinking, officer; I just didn't see the red light.

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警官,我没有喝酒;我只是没看到红灯。B:Save it for the judge.这些话你留着去跟法官说吧。A:I love this movie! I want to watch it, too.我好爱这部电影!我也要去看。B:OK. I'll save it for tonight when you get home from work.好。我就把这部电影留到今晚,等你下班回家一起看。1) blast (n.) 尽兴,玩得愉快2) appreciate (v.) 感激3) Keep up the good work. 再接再励SCENE A ⑤ 戴夫由上方探头,进吉娜的隔间10、万一他就是你那伦巴男孩呢?Dave: Hey, Zina. You shouldn't act so tough with Vince. 1) What if he's your rhumba boy?戴夫: 嘿,吉娜。你不该故意对文斯那么凶巴巴的。万一他就是你那伦巴男孩呢?Zina: Please. He's only nice to me because I'm making him a ton of money.吉娜: 拜托喔。他对我好只是因为我在帮他赚大钱。Dave: He was definitely happy. You must be making a lot of sales.戴夫: 他真是高兴得很。你一定做成了很多买卖。Zina: It isn't hard. All the 2) online businesses need a way to 3) keep track of the 4) traffic to their 5) sites.吉娜: 这不难。所有的线上商务都需要设法掌握他们网站的流量。Dave: That's InfoKing. Tracks every visitor. Or at least it will, if we can get it to work.戴夫: 这就是资讯王。掌握每一位访客。或者至少以后会是这样,若我们能让做出来的东西管用。语言详解A: I can't get online.我连不上线。B: There must be too many other people using the Internet.一定是有太多人上网了。【act tough with... 故作强硬】tough 这个字,指的是“强悍的”,若要说“对……很强悍、强硬”就是 be tough with...,对话中用了 act这个字,act tough with听来的感觉倾向于“故意装得很强硬”。A: I'm so angry. I could hit you in the face.我好生气。我真想揍你的脸。B: Don't you act so tough with me. I know you couldn't hurt a fly.你别跟我故作强硬。我知道你连只苍蝇都舍不得杀。【get it to work 让它运作】get...to work这个句型,若是用在事物身上,是指“让……能够运作”,可能是指草创的新东西,或是某个窒碍难行的制度,也可以单纯指东西坏了:A: My car broke down again.我的车又坏了。B: I bet I can get it to work. Where is it?我打赌能让它上路。车子在哪里?

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1) what if... 万一,要是……2) online (a.) 连上电脑网路的,线上的3) keep track of... 随时掌握……4) traffic (n.) 此指“网站的流量”5) site (n.)“网站”,即website

11、你要知道动机何在吗?Zina: Do you want to know what really 1) motivates Vince to be nice to me?吉娜: 你要知道文斯对我好的动机何在吗?Dave: OK. What?戴夫: 好啊。是什么?Zina: It isn't 2) gratitude. It's fear. Vince is afraid I'll 3) jump to a 4) competitor.吉娜: 那不是感激。是恐惧。文斯怕我会跳出去帮竞争对手。Dave: You wouldn't do that. Would you?戴夫: 你不会这么做,对吧?Zina: I might. Vince knows he needs to keep me happy.吉娜: 我或许会喔。文斯知道他得让我保持快乐。Dave: What about your 5) accounts?戴夫: 那你的客户呢?语言详解A: Man, that guy was a really good boxer.天啊,那家伙真是个好拳手。B: You fought a good fight. But your next competitor will be even tougher.你打了场好拳。但是你的下个对手将会更强。【nice to me 对我好】nice to 后面接“人”时,表示“友善、随和”的意思,例如:Grandma was nice to me when I visited her.我去探望祖母时她对我很友善。We should all be nice to the new-comer.我们应该对那位新来的人客气些。【I might. 我可能会】在英文中谈论可能的情态助动词(modals)有好几个,包括 might, could, may, must。大致上,might表示的可能是最低,而must最高。Tina might be sick.(少于 50%可能)Tina could be sick.(约 50%可能)Tina may be sick. (约 50%可能)Tina must be sick. (约 90%可能)1) motivate (v.) 给……动机2) gratitude (n.) 感激3) jump to... 换(公司),尤指违反合约的情况。4) competitor (n.)竞争者5) account (n.) 客户,尤指生意上往来的客户。

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12、这是生意经Zina: My accounts go where I go. Vince knows that.吉娜: 我到哪里,客户就跟到哪。文斯知道的。Dave: Wow. You are a real snake.戴夫: 哇。你真狡猾。Zina: It's business, Dave.吉娜: 这是生意经,戴夫。Dave: I know, I know. Kill, or die, right?戴夫: 我知道,我知道。不是杀人就是被杀,对吧?Zina: Right. The 1) faint of heart should not 2) apply.吉娜: 没错。绝对不可以显得胆小。Dave: I really feel sorry for that rhumba boy if he ever 3) identifies himself.戴夫: 若那个伦巴男孩现身,我还真会替他感到难过。Zina: So do I.吉娜: 我也是。语言详解A: She applied so much make-up to her face that I don't recognize her anymore.她在脸上用了好多化妆品,我都认不出她来了。B: I thought she was wearing a mask.我还以为她戴了面具呢。【So do I. 我也是。】谈话中对方提到某种想法或动作,而你要表示同感时常会用到这个句型,要注意助动词 do要置于主词 I 之前。类似的句型还有 So am I.也表示“我也是”。使用 So do I 或 So am I 取决于对方是否使用 be动词,使用 be 动词则用 So am I,其他动词则用 So do I. 。A: I want to find out where John is.我想要找出约翰到底在哪里。B: So do I.我也是。A: I'm anxious to know if I'm admitted to the college.我急于想知道我是否被那所大学录取了。B: So am I.我也是。1) faint of heart 心生畏惧2) apply (v.) 适用,运用3) identify oneself 表明身分SCENE A ① 加州的资讯王办公室13、另一张绿色便条纸Zina: Dave! Look at this!吉娜: 戴夫!你看这个!Dave: You don't have to yell, Zina. I'm just one 1) cubicle away.戴夫: 你不必用喊的,吉娜。我才离你一个隔间而已。Zina: Somebody left another green post-it note.吉娜: 有人留了另一张绿色便条纸。

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Dave: Was it your humba boy again?戴夫: 又是你那个“伦巴男孩”啊?Zina: It says, You look so 2) frail, / but I know you're tough like a nail. / To me, you are more beautiful than free e-mail.吉娜: 上面写着:“你看来娇柔,但我知道你如钢铁般强韧。对我来说,你比免费的伊妹儿还要讨人喜欢。”Dave: Wow. He really likes you, doesn't he?戴夫: 哇,他还真喜欢你,不是吗语言详解A: Brian went off in class and yelled at the teacher.布莱恩在课堂上情绪失控还对老师大喊。B: That guy is totally out of control.那家伙真是 完全失去控制了。【doesn't he? 不是吗?】这是所谓附加疑问句,是添加在句末的问句,是为了确定自己讯息正确或为了得到对方的赞同。肯定附加疑问句希望得到否定回答,否定附加疑问句希望获得肯定回答。A: This is the book that you want,isn't it?这是你要的那本书,不是吗?B: Yes, it is.正是。A: You don't like coffee, do you?你不喜欢咖啡,是吗?B: No, I don't.对,我不喜欢。1)cubicle (n.) (办公室) 隔间2) frail (a.) 柔弱的14、有谁一早就在这里了?Zina: Who has been here already this morning?吉娜: 今天有谁一早就在这里了?Dave: Well, Vince dropped off some sales reports for you. Said you signed a big deal with HomeSupplies.com.戴夫: 呃,文斯丢了一些销售报告给你。说你签下了HomeSupplies.com这个大客户。Zina: They're 1) small fry. Tonight I'm going to LA to 2) negotiate with Stars.com. That'll be big.吉娜: 小菜一碟。我今晚要飞去洛杉矶跟 Stars.com协商。那可大了。Dave: You're right. All the 3) entertainment web sites follow Stars.com.戴夫: 没错。所有的娱乐网站都以 Stars.com马首是瞻。Zina: Who else has been here?吉娜: 还有谁到过这里来?Dave: Elvin stopped by to see me.戴夫: 艾文顺道过来找了我一会儿。Zina: Elvin? Which one is he?吉娜: 艾文?他是哪一个啊?语言详解A: Did you sign a contract before agreeing to work for him?在你同意为他工作前先签合约了吗?

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B: He told me we would do it later.他说那个晚点儿 再签。【stop by 顺道拜访】stop by是指你在要去一个地方的途中,因为顺路而到某人家拜访:A:I was going to the store and thought I would stop by.我正要去店里,就想可以顺道过来。B:I'm so glad you did!我真高兴你来了!stop by也可以用来表达“稍作停留,不会久留”的意思:A: I just stopped by to see if you needed anything.我只是过来看一下你是否需要什么。B: I need some more cough medicine.我还需要多一些咳嗽药。1) small fry 微不足道的事2) negotiate (v.) 协商,协调3) entertainment (n.) 娱乐15、集怪胎与朋克于一身Dave: You don't know Elvin? 1) Studly programmer 2) numero uno? With the 3) ponytail and nose ring?戴夫: 你不认识艾文?那个头好壮壮,叫我第一名的程序设计师?绑马尾穿鼻环的那个?Zina: Great. A 4) geek and a 5) punk all rolled into one. Just my type.吉娜: 好极了。集怪胎与朋克于一身。正合我意。Dave: You think he's the one?戴夫: 你觉得那个人就是他?Zina: Could be. He sounds like a 6) prime suspect.吉娜: 有可能。他听起来很像头号嫌疑犯。Dave: What about your 7) assistant? She was here looking for you just now.戴夫: 那你的助理呢?她刚刚才来找过你。Zina: Mary? Please, Dave. Anyway, I know it couldn't be her. She has a boyfriend.吉娜: 玛莉?帮帮忙,戴夫。反正我知道不可能是她。她有男朋友了。Dave: Yeah, but I bet he's nothing like you.戴夫: 是啊,但我敢说他跟你可不一样。语言详解A: What's your job title?你的职称是什么?B: I'm an assistant professor of chemistry.我是化学系的助理教授。【be nothing like... 可不像……】be nothing like...这个句型可以用来比较两个人的不同:A: Your sister is nothing like you.你的姐姐跟你完全不像。B: I know, she's much more independent than I am.我知道。她比我独立多了。

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除了比较人以外,你也可以用这个句型来对事物或是地方做比较,可以是好,可以是坏:A: This job is nothing like the one I used to have.这个工作跟我以前的是两个样。B: Hang in there. Maybe it will get better.撑着点。或许情况会好转的。1) studly (a.) (俚) 健壮帅气的2) numero uno(意,西)即 number one “第一名,头号人物”。3) ponytail (n.)(发饰)马尾4) geek (n.) 怪胎5) punk (n.) 朋克,指发型服饰怪异新潮的族群,指源于美国 70年代因摇滚乐兴起的运动。6) prime suspect 头号嫌疑犯7) assistant (n.) 助手SCENE A ② 艾文与玛莉在意式浓缩咖啡前出现16、我不敢居功Mary: Are you Elvin?玛莉: 你是艾文吗?Elvin: Elvin Dixon. Who are you?艾文: 艾文迪克森。你是谁?Mary: I'm Mary. I want to say I really 1) admire the software you're designed.玛莉: 我是玛莉。我真的很欣赏你设计的软件。Elvin: Easy stuff. But thanks. And the 1)admiration is 2) mutual.艾文: 简单的玩意。不过还是谢了。这份欣赏是彼此彼此。Mary: It is?玛莉: 真的?Elvin: You're selling InfoKing 3) subscriptions like nobody's business. And we don't even have a working 4) demo yet.艾文: 你把“资讯王”的订阅卖得如入无人之境。 而我们甚至连能用的样品都还没着落呢。Mary: I can't take the credit for that. I'm just Zina's assistant. She's the 5) pro.玛莉: 我不敢居功。我只是吉娜的助手。她才是高手。语言详解A: Here's a demo of our product.这是我们产品的样品。B: Thank you. I'll take a look at it and get back in touch with you.谢谢。我看过之后再联络你。【like nobody's business 如入无人之境】like nobody's business可以用来表达“无人能出其右”,形容此人相当有一手:A: They play the blues like nobody's business.他们演奏蓝调的技巧无人能敌。B: I have to go and see them.我一定要去看看他们。【take the credit居功】credit是“功劳,赞扬”的意思,take the credit就是指“因为功劳而接受赞扬”,可以用在正面的“居功”。A: Josh, you are amazing!

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乔许,你真是令人不可思议!B: I can't take the credit for this job. We all worked hard on it.这工作我不能居功。大家都很努力。1) admire (v.) 仰慕,钦羡;名词是 admiration2) mutual (a.) 互相的3) subscription (n.) 订阅4) demo (n.) (商品的)样品,demonstration的略缩。5) pro (n.) 专家,系 professional 的略缩17、她整个人热力四射Elvin: She is, like, 1) mega-intense, isn't she?艾文: 她整个人热力四射,对吧?Mary: Ha, she is unstoppable. I'm learning so much from her.玛莉: 没有事情能挡得住她。我跟她学了好多。Elvin: What's it like to work with her?艾文: 跟她共事是啥感觉?Mary: She's 2) demanding. But I like that. I mean, I know our timeline is tight.玛莉: 她的要求很高。但我喜欢那样。我是说,我知道我们的时间很紧。Elvin: Tell me about it.艾文: 这还用说。Mary: You guys are working around the clock, I know. That guy Dave next to Zina never leaves.玛莉: 我知道你们都在二十四小时赶工。那个坐在吉娜隔壁叫戴夫的人从没离开过。Elvin: Vince wants us to have everything 3) debugged and ready to go by the end of the month.艾文: 文斯要我们把程序错误全部修正,准备在月底前上线。语言详解A: Your mother is so demanding!你妈妈的要求真高!B: That's what my dad always says.我爸爸也总是这么说。【around the clock 日以继夜】由 clock 组成的成语除了 around the clock 之外,另有一个 against the clock“赶时间”。A: Frank, why does your factory have to work around the clock this month?佛兰克,为什么你们工厂这个月要日以继夜地赶货?B: Well, we have got quite a lot of orders for shipment this quarter.我们最近收到相当多订单,都要这一季出货。A: In other words, you are all working against the clock now.换句话说,你们现在全都在赶时间。B: You're right.你说对了。1) mega-intense intense是指“紧张的、一触即发的”,字首(prefix) mega是“非常,相当多”的意思,亦指 “百万的”,如 megabyte“百万位元组”。2) demanding (a.) 要求很高的3) debug (v.) (电脑)除虫,指修正电脑程序中的错误。

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18、我们得要抢先完成Mary: Is it true that one of our 1) competitors is planning to 2) launch their 3) tracking service next month?玛莉: 听说我们有个竞争对手打算下个月推出监测流量的服务,这是真的还是假的?Elvin: That would be WebTracker. We're heard they're almost ready. That's why we have to finish first.艾文: 你说的是“网路搜寻家”。听说他们几乎准备好了。所以我们得要抢先完成。Mary: Or they'll take over the market before we even get started.玛莉: 否则在我们还没来得及开始之前,他们就会占去整个市场。Elvin: Right. And that would be a total 4) giga-bummer.艾文: 没错。到时就一败涂地了。Mary: I guess we'd better get back to work.玛莉: 我猜我们最好赶快回去工作吧语言详解A: You have such a strange accent. Where are you from?你的口音奇怪。你是哪里人?B: Take a guess.猜猜看。【take over 接掌、占据】take over 表达商务上或军事上的“接掌、占据”。A: Once again, the military has taken over the African country.又一次军方接管了那个非洲国家。B: Do you think that'll interrupt your plan of taking over the market there?你想这会干扰到你要掌控该地市场的计划吗?A: Maybe and maybe not. I just have to wait and see.或许会,或许不会。我只有等着瞧了。1) competitor (n.) 竞争者2) launch (v.) 事业登场,投入市场3) tracking service 监控服务,此指“监控网站流量的服务”。4) giga-bummer bummer是指“倒霉、不幸的遭遇”, giga这个“字首” 是指“十亿”,意即“非常巨大,非常多”。SCENE A ③ 吉娜去她老板的隔间看他19、我就不拐弯抹角了Zina: Vince. We're both busy, so I'm not going to beat around the bush. I need a 1) raise.吉娜: 文斯。大家都很忙,我就不拐弯抹角了。我要加薪。Vince: I can't do that, Zina. You know I can't.文斯: 办不到,吉娜。你知道我无能为力的。Zina: 2) Bull. I're done my 3) research. I know you still 4) control more than 65 percent of InfoKing 5) options.吉娜: 胡扯。我做了研究。我知道你仍掌握了“资讯王”百分之六十五以上的股权。Vince: Who told you that?文斯: 谁跟你说的?Zina: That doesn't matter. I want 6) at least 4 percent.吉娜: 那不重要。我少说要百分之四。

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语言详解A: I have done extensive research on the French Revolution.我对法国大革命做过广泛的研究。B: Then you must have been to Paris.那你一定去过巴黎。【beat around the bush拐弯抹角】beat around the bush原意是指猎人在打猎时,先在草丛附近拍打,以让鸟类猎物受惊而现出踪迹,引申出藉由迂回的方式,不针对问题回答,犹如中文里的“拐弯抹角”:A: Stop beating around the bush, and tell me what you want.别拐弯抹角,告诉我你要什么。B: I want a divorce.我要离婚。A: What did Tom want to tell you?汤姆那时想要跟你说什么?B: I'm not sure. He kept beating around the bush.我不确定。他一直在拐弯抹角。1)raise (n.) 加薪2) bull 原意是“公牛”,这里是用作 bullshit 委婉说法。3) research (n.) 研究4) control (v.) 控制5) option (n.) 选择,此指“股票选择权”6) at least 至少,起码20、我得要有动力Vince: Your 3.5 percent 1) share is going to be worth at least a million.文斯: 你那百分之三·五的股权,将会值个百万以上。Zina: I need to be 2) motivated, Vince. 3) Multi-motivated. As in multi-million.吉娜: 我得要有动力,文斯。多重动力,多重百万的多重。Vince: What if I said no?文斯: 要是我说不呢?Zina: Ever hear of WebTracker?吉娜: 有听过“网路搜寻家”吗?Vince: You wouldn't! If you leave, you'll make nothing.文斯: 你不会那样吧!你若是离开,连半毛都赚不到。Zina: I might make nothing even if I stay. For that kind of risk, I want to get rich.吉娜: 我留下搞不好也赚不到半毛。 基于这种风险,我要发财。Vince: OK. If you sign the Stars.com 4) account before WebTracker does, we'll talk next week.文斯: 好吧。若是你早“网路搜寻家”一步签下 Stars.com这个客户,我们就等下星期再谈。语言详解A: Don't you want to go and exercise?你不想在运动吗?B: Yes, but I can't seem to get motivated.想,可是我没有动力。

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【用 as in... 做补述】as in这个短语是用来补述,好让意思能让人更明白,常用在解释拼字的时候:A: My name is Meg.我叫做梅格。B: Is that M as in Mary, E as in elephant, and G as in girl?那是Mary的m、elephant的 e,girl的 g吗?as in可以用来进一步解释情况,犹如中文里的“像……那种”:A: I just ate a Chinese buffet for only 2.99 dollars.我刚只花了 2.99美元吃了份中式自助餐。B: As in the all-you-can-eat kind? That's so cheap!是吃到饱的那种吗?还真便宜!你也可以用 as in来提问,以确定自己没有误会对方的意思:A: I made a million last year.我去年赚了一百万。B: Is that as in dollars?你说的一百万是美元吗?1) share (n.) 股份2) motivate (v.) 给予……动力3) multi “多重的”字首4) account (n.) 客户,尤指生意上往来的客