aci, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937...

ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표

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Page 1: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

ACI, 2012. 4월

세계공항실적 분석결과 발표

한국항공진흥협회 기술정보실

Page 2: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표

주요 유럽국가의 경기 침체에 대한 우려에도 불구하고 항공 여객은 안정적인 성

장을 지속하고 있다. 유로존의 국가부채로 인한 경기 침체에도 불구하고, 항공 여

객은 4월 약 5%의 성장률을 기록했고, 국제 여객도 6%정도 증가했다.

항공 여객은 거의 모든 나라에서 증가했고 특히, 신흥 시장에서 두드러진 성장

세를 보였다. 아시아 태평양, 아프리카, 중동지역은 전년 동월대비 약 10% 증가

세를 보였고, 수카르노하타국제공항(CGK)과 싱가폴 창이공항(SIN) 등 아시아 태

평양 지역의 주요 공항들도 각각 18%와 13%의 두 자릿수 이상 성장률을 기록했


아시아를 비롯한 신흥시장과 달리 북미(2.9%), 라틴 아메리카(2.7%)와 유럽

(1.9%)은 완만한 성장세를 보였다.

이처럼 낙관적인 항공여객에 대한 전망과 달리 항공화물에 대한 전망은 조금 다

르다. 4월 항공화물은 약 4% 감소했고, 대다수 세계 화물 허브공항들은 2011년

수준을 유지하였다. 세계 상위 20위의 전 세계 화물 공항 중 15개 공항이 4개월

동안 화물량이 감소하였다. 세계 상위 20위의 화물운송공항에서 처리되는 복합

화물량은 전세계 화물의 50% 이상을 차지한다. 항공화물의 감소세는 특히 북미,

유럽과 아시아 태평양지역에서 뚜렷이 나타나 각각 -7%, -4.3% 그리고 -3.1%를

기록했다. 예를 들어, 앵커리지국제공항(ANC), 푸동국제공항(PVG) 그리고 프랑

크푸르트(FRA) 공항의 경우 각각 -16.7%, -12.3%, -10.8%로 두 자릿수 이상의

Page 3: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

감소세를 보였다.

ACI 세계 경제 국장 Rafael Echevarne는 “유럽의 부재 문제는 다른 경제 및

무역 대상국으로 파급효과를 가져올 것이다. 유럽의 경제 뿐만 아니라 북미, 아시

아 태평양 지역 그리고 라틴아메리카의 허브공항까지 항공화물 축소를 가져올 것

이다. 유럽의 국내선 여행의 침체를 보고하고 있지만 다행히 세계적인 관점에서

항공 여행은 다르다. 해외 여행객은 2011년 4월에 비해 국제 여객은 약 6% 성장

하면서 유럽으로부터 잠재적인 경제 위기에도 영향을 받지 않는 것으로 나타났

다”고 언급했다.


Page 4: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324


Passenger traffic on steady growth path at 5% year

over year as air freight continues its descent for April

Montréal, 05 June 2012 – Passenger traffic continues to show resilience in the face of on-going concerns about recessions in many major European economies. Regardless of the slowdown that was triggered by the sovereign debt crises in the Eurozone area, passenger traffic grew by almost 5 percent while international traffic increased by 6 percent for the month of April. While air travel has experienced an expansion in all regions, emerging markets continue to post impressive growth figures. Asia-Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East all experienced year over year growth in the vicinity of 10 percent for April. Major airports in Asia-Pacific such as Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK) and Singapore Changi Airport (SIN) posted double digit gains of 18 percent and 13 percent respectively. Relative to the emerging markets of Asia, more modest growth was observed in North America (2.9 percent), Latin America-Caribbean (2.7 percent) and Europe (1.9 percent).

Global trends in the air freight environment are different from the more optimistic view of air travel passenger markets. Air freight volumes have declined by -4 percent for the month of April. Many of the world’s freight hubs are contracting vis-à-vis 2011 levels. A total of 15 of the world’s top 20 freight airports contracted in freight volumes for the month of April. The combined freight volume passing through the world’s top 20 freight traffic airports make up more than 50% of global freight volumes. The contraction in freight traffic is especially evident in the economies of North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific with declines of -7 percent, -4.3 percent and -3.1 percent respectively. For instance, Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC), Pudong International Airport (PVG) and Flughafen Frankfurt/Main (FRA) each experienced double digit declines of -16.7 percent, -12.3 percent, -10.8 percent respectively.

ACI World’s Economics Director Rafael Echevarne commented, “The European debt problem is having a contagion effect on other economies and trading partners. Traffic volume in air freight has been curtailed not only in the economies of Europe but also in the trading hubs of North America, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. Although we are seeing a slowdown in domestic passenger traffic travel in Europe, fortunately, the story is different for air travel from a global perspective. The international traveller continues to be unaffected by the potential economic contraction and spill over effects from Europe with growth reaching almost 6 percent in international passenger traffic as compared to April 2011.”

Page 5: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

ACI PaxFlash and FreightFlash – April 2012 2

+++++++++++++ Notes for editors

1. Airports Council International (ACI), the only worldwide association of airports, has 580 member airport authorities, which operate over 1,650 airports in 179 countries. ACI’s mission is to promote professional excellence in airport management and operations, and this mandate is carried out through the organization’s multiple training opportunities, as well as the customer service benchmarking programme, a wide range of conferences, industry statistical products and best practice publications.

2. PaxFlash and FreightFlash statistics are based on a significant sample of airports that provide regular monthly reports to ACI. They represent approximately 60% of total passenger traffic and 70% of total freight traffic worldwide. Commentary, tables and charts are based on preliminary data submitted by participating airports and are therefore subject to change.

3. Regional results and trend graphics are provided on the following pages. 4. For further information, contact Cheryl Marcell [email protected]


Apr 2012

Over Apr 2011

Year to date 2011

12-month rolling year


International passenger 5.8 6.6 5.8

Domestic passenger 4.0 4.9 3.7

Total passenger 4.7 5.6 4.6


International freight (3.8) (2.2) (2.7)

Domestic freight (4.9) (2.3) (1.7)

Total freight (4.4) (2.4) (2.6)

Page 6: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

ACI PaxFlash and FreightFlash – April 2012 3

TABLE 2: PaxFlash Summary – Apr 2012

Regions APR 2012 % YOY YTD APR

2012 % YOY

YE thru APR 2012


International Passengers

AFR 5 868 13.8 21 358 12.3 68 037 (5.5)

ASP 36 400 13.7 144 521 11.0 420 367 8.0

EUR 77 671 2.7 263 514 3.9 934 757 5.8

LAC 6 522 2.0 28 274 5.6 77 582 5.8

MEA 8 610 11.1 33 865 14.3 98 496 9.3

NAM 16 372 1.2 62 859 3.7 194 749 3.8

ACI TOTAL 151 443 5.8 554 391 6.6 1 793 987 5.8

Domestic Passengers

AFR 2 850 (0.2) 11 127 1.5 33 524 (1.6)

ASP 53 863 7.6 211 025 8.4 629 889 5.2

EUR 22 721 (0.9) 84 949 0.3 281 322 2.9

LAC 15 950 3.6 63 909 6.9 190 660 8.0


NAM 77 330 3.4 290 728 3.6 921 153 2.3

ACI TOTAL 172 715 4.0 661 738 4.9 2 056 549 3.7

Total Passengers

AFR 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1)

ASP 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2

EUR 100 894 1.9 350 324 3.0 1 222 475 5.1

LAC 23 024 2.7 94 538 5.9 275 526 6.8

MEA 8 974 10.0 35 367 13.4 103 378 9.0

NAM 93 979 2.9 354 312 3.6 1 118 882 2.5

ACI TOTAL 326 992 4.7 1 227 361 5.6 3 886 942 4.6

Traffic table definitions: PASSENGER TRAFFIC: departing + arriving passengers (000s) INTERNATIONAL: traffic performed between the designated airport and an airport in another country/territory DOMESTIC: traffic performed between two airports located in the same country/territory TOTAL: international + domestic passengers + direct transit passengers counted once (when breakdown is available) YOY Year over year same month comparison YTD Year to date, starting January 2012, compared to same period previous year YE Year end, based on rolling 12 month period, compared to same prior 12 month period

AFR – Africa EUR – Europe MEA – Middle East

ASP – Asia Pacific (including India)

LAC – Latin America and Caribbean

NAM – North America

Page 7: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

ACI PaxFlash and FreightFlash – April 2012 4


Month by month comparison with same month previous year

Page 8: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

ACI PaxFlash and FreightFlash – April 2012 5

Month by month comparison with same month previous year

Month by month comparison with same month previous year

Page 9: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

ACI PaxFlash and FreightFlash – April 2012 6

Month by month comparison with same month previous year

Page 10: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

ACI PaxFlash and FreightFlash – April 2012 7

TABLE 3: FreightFlash Summary – Apr 2012

Regions APR 2012 % YOY YTD APR

2012 % YOY

YE thru APR 2012


International Freight

AFR 40.3 1.8 161.6 2.6 491.2 1.6

ASP 1 608.3 (3.9) 6 276.1 (1.9) 19 283.2 (4.1)

EUR 984.2 (3.9) 3 885.6 (3.9) 12 037.8 (2.1)

LAC 143.0 (8.7) 563.3 (4.6) 1 853.1 1.8

MEA 326.0 5.0 1 238.8 2.6 3 763.3 0.5

NAM 564.3 (7.0) 2 194.7 (2.4) 6 813.2 (3.1)

ACI TOTAL 3 666.0 (3.8) 14 319.9 (2.2) 44 241.8 (2.7)

Domestic Freight

AFR 2.8 22.4 11.5 10.3 28.6 12.9

ASP 516.1 (0.7) 1 950.1 (0.9) 6 173.4 0.5

EUR 48.3 (3.1) 189.2 (1.0) 610.7 2.2

LAC 56.0 (21.6) 219.2 (18.5) 819.2 (4.7)


NAM 900.4 (6.2) 3 677.8 (2.0) 11 429.5 (2.8)

ACI TOTAL 1 523.7 (4.9) 6 047.8 (2.3) 19 061.5 (1.7)

Total Freight

AFR 48.4 2.8 193.7 2.5 580.3 1.8

ASP 2 124.6 (3.1) 8 226.2 (1.6) 25 457.8 (3.0)

EUR 1 211.1 (4.3) 4 780.9 (4.5) 14 966.1 (2.8)

LAC 199.0 (12.7) 782.4 (9.0) 2 672.3 (0.3)

MEA 326.2 4.9 1 253.7 3.8 3 780.9 0.9

NAM 1 496.4 (6.9) 5 995.4 (2.4) 18 646.0 (3.0)

ACI TOTAL 5 405.6 (4.4) 21 232.3 (2.4) 66 103.5 (2.6)

Traffic table definitions: FREIGHT TRAFFIC: loaded and unloaded freight; data in metric tonnes INTERNATIONAL: traffic performed between the designated airport and an airport in another country/territory DOMESTIC: traffic performed between two airports located in the same country/territory TOTAL: international + domestic freight (when breakdown is available) Note: No domestic freight traffic is reported by airports in the Middle East region. YOY Year over year same month comparison YTD Year to date, starting January 2012, compared to same period previous year YE Year end, based on rolling 12 month period, compared to same prior 12 month period

AFR – Africa EUR – Europe MEA – Middle East

ASP – Asia Pacific (including India)

LAC – Latin America and Caribbean

NAM – North America

Page 11: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

ACI PaxFlash and FreightFlash – April 2012 8

Freight Traffic Trend Charts YOY, YTD, YE comparisons summary

Month by month comparison with same month previous year

Page 12: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

ACI PaxFlash and FreightFlash – April 2012 9

Month by month comparison with same month previous year

Page 13: ACI, 2012. 4월 세계공항실적 분석결과 발표 · 2018. 12. 21. · afr 8 831 9.0 32 937 8.4 103 017 (4.1) asp 91 291 9.5 359 884 9.2 1 063 664 6.2 eur 100 894 1.9 350 324

ACI PaxFlash and FreightFlash – April 2012 10

Month by month comparison with same month previous year

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ACI PaxFlash and FreightFlash – April 2012 11










% C


International Freight


Month by month comparison with same month previous year

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ACI PaxFlash and FreightFlash – April 2012 12

Month by month comparison with same month previous year

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