商業模式創新講座 120406

Post on 17-May-2015






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2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3. 1. 4. .. Business Model Source:http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3153/3059807529_9aa5f159f8_o.jpg 5. Business Model 6. 7. Business Model GenerationAlexBusiness ModelSource:http://www.businessmodelgeneration.com/images/coreteam_alex.png 8. KP KA (VP) (CR) (CS) (KR)(CH)(C$)(R$) 9. 2. 10. 2005 50% 20082/3Source:http://www.thetechherald.com/media/images/200943/IBM_2.jpg http://www.infotoday.com/il99/hotlinks/eiu.gif 10 11. / IBM 11 12. 13. 3. 14. KP KA (VP) (CR) (CS) (KR)(CH)(C$)(R$) 15. SKYPE KP KA (VP) (CR) (CS) (Payment (Mass Providers) Customized) (Distribution(Partners) (KR) ) (CH) Skype.com(Telco Partners) (HeadsetPartnership)(C$) (R$)(Software Development)(Free)(Complaint Management)SkypeOut 15 16. 1.(Target Customer Segments) Market Segmentation1. 2.() 17. 2.(Value Proposition)? Job to be done 18. (Newness) (Performance) (Customization) (Getting the job done) (Design) /(Brand/status) (Price) (Cost Reduction) (Risk Reduction) (Accessibility) /(Convenience/usability) 19. 3.(Distribution Channels)Ex. 1. Skype.com2.() (Headset Partnership) 20. 4. (Customer Relationships) 1.() () 2. 3. 4.Ex.(Mass Customized) 21. 5.(Key Activity) Ex. 1. 22. 6.(Key Resources) Ex. 1.2. 23. 7.(Key partnership)BusinessAlliancesEx. 1.2. 24. 8.(Cost Structure) Ex. 1.2. 25. 9.(Revenue Model) Ex. (Free) () SkypeOut Source:http://shop.skype.com/i/images/phones/cordless-router/rtx-dualphone-3088/lrg/ft.jpg 26. 4. 27. KPKA (VP) (CR) (CS)QR (KR)(CH) (C$) (R$)28 28. Source:http://www.g-winner.com/TW/images/cf03.jpg 29. 30 30. vs () (20) , () (4) 31. : : : 32. 5. 33. KP KA(VP) (CR) (CS)A?A(Job to be done) (KR)(CH)/A(Value Proposition)(C$)(R$)34 34. http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/16248/2007/03/09/2065@1489487_1.htm 35 35. Job-to-be-done trees 36. 37. (Innosight):,,/(IT),38 38. (A2-1) (A2-2) 39 39. - - 3~640 40. Leading the Way with Knowledge and Innovation

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