aufnahmeprÜfung berufsmaturitÄt 2017 · complete the sentences with the past simple (i walked) of...

Post on 11-Oct-2020






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Berufsfachschulen Graubünden



Name: ………………………………………………………………… Vorname: …………………………………………………………………

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Teil Maximale Punktzahl Erreichte Punktzahl

A Vocabulary 30 Punkte

B Use of English 80 Punkte

C Reading Comprehension 25 Punkte

D Conversations 10 Punkte

Total 145 Punkte


Unterschrift der Expertinnen und Experten:



Ort/Datum: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Seite 2 von 12


TASK 1 Underline the correct answer(s). You only get a point if all of your answers are correct; there are no

half points.

1. Which word pair does not express the opposite?

A curly / straight B fat / thin C interesting / boring D rude / impolite

2. Which things can you wear around your neck?

A scarf B bracelet C tie D gloves

3. John hardly ever … TV; he prefers to read.

A sees B watches C looks D eyes

4. Which part of your body can you not break?

A a bone B a tongue C a leg D a wrist

5. Could you … me on your way home.

A shout B tell to C call D ring

6. Which words can be used to describe shoes?

A large B tall C checked D tight

7. Tennis is played … .

A on a field B on a course C on a court D on a pitch

8. Which phrase is incorrect?

A do the dishes B make the cooking C make your bed D do your reading

9. In the future I would like to be … .

A reporter B a reporter C journalism D a journal

10. The pharmacy is … the supermarket.

A on the left of B near of C in the opposite of D in front by

11. “We should have hurried. Then we wouldn’t have… the bus.”

A missed B lost C passed D gotten

12. I usually go to bed … 11 and 12 pm.

A at B between C from D on

13. I’m very keen … classical music.

A on B about C for D into

14. What can’t you „play“?

A monopoly B hockey C tango D the piano

15. Your brother’s son is your … .

A cousin B father C uncle D nephew

16. Who doesn’t usually use scissors in his or her job?

A a chimney sweeper B a hairdresser C a lawyer D a baker

Seite 3 von 12

17. Which of these animals could never be a pet?

A a lion B a budgie C a parrot D a piglet

18. Which part of the house is situated inside?

A the balcony B the terrace C the roof D the hall

19. Which of these words have regular plural forms?

A duck B child C woman D sheep

20. Which verb(s) can be followed by „to“?

A look B buy C lie D go

/ 20 points


Write the opposite to the expressions in bold.

1. a dark corner ____________________________________

2. a big advantage ____________________________________

3. a thin man ____________________________________

4. straight hair ____________________________________

5. a cheap bag ____________________________________

6. He’s nervous. ____________________________________

7. an empty dustbin ____________________________________

8. a safe journey ____________________________________

9. dry hair ____________________________________

10. a married woman ____________________________________

/ 10 points

Vocabulary Total / 30 points

Seite 4 von 12



Use the verbs in brackets in the present simple (I do) or present continuous (I am doing).

1. Every day, Julie _____________________________ (take) the bus to go to her office.

2. At the moment, Henry _____________________________ (write) an e-mail to his teacher.

3. The bank _____________________________ (open) at 9:30 every morning from Monday to

Friday, but it _____________________________ (not open) at the weekend.

4. Our cousin _____________________________ (come) to see us next Saturday.

5. Today is Sunday. Tom and Julie _____________________________ (relax) in their garden.

6. Simon _____________________________ (speak) three languages: English, French and Spanish.

7. “_____________________________ (you, do) anything right now or do you want to come

outside with us?”

/ 8 points


Complete the sentences with the past simple (I walked) of verbs in the box. You can use some

verbs more than once.

lie like work ride finish not do make die start not catch

leave go

1. Yesterday evening, Alex _____________________________ to the cinema with a friend from


2. From 2009 to 2016, Tom _____________________________ in a bank in Tokyo.

3. On Saturday night, the concert _____________________________ at midnight.

4. I was ill last week so I _____________________________ in bed most of the time.

5. When he was young, Joe _____________________________ a bicycle to school.

6. Amanda _____________________________ enough English exercises last week to prepare for

the test.

7. The great composer Mozart _____________________________ at the age of 35.

8. My husband _____________________________ to play golf about five years ago.

9. Last Sunday was my mother’s birthday, so I _____________________________ a special cake for


10. I wanted to catch the 8 p.m. train, but I _____________________________ it because I

_____________________________ the house too late.

11. “_____________________________ you _____________________________ the concert?” –

“No, it was much too loud.”

/ 12 points

Seite 5 von 12


Write the correct words to complete the questions.

1. “_________________ are you so happy?” – “Because it’s my birthday today!”

2. “_________________ do you usually go to school?” – “I walk there.”

3. “_________________ is the police station?” – “In front of the park.”

4. “_________________ _________________ do the tickets cost?” – “I don’t know. Maybe £15.”

5. “_________________ book is that?” – “It’s Maria’s.”

6. “_________________ can translate this word into English?” – “I can!”

7. “_________________ _________________ CDs do you have?” – “About 50.”

8. “_________________ is your favourite colour?” – “Orange.”

/ 8 points


Use the verb in brackets in the past simple (I walked) or past continuous (I was walking).

1. Simon _____________________________ (prepare) dinner when the phone

_____________________________ (ring).

2. Emma _____________________________ (learn) to drive when she

_____________________________ (work) in London last year.

3. The old lady _____________________________ (fall) when she

_____________________________ (cross) the road.

4. In what direction _____________________________ (you, drive) when your car

_____________________________ (break) down?

5. Amanda _____________________________ (meet) Peter while she

_____________________________ (walk) through the park.

/ 10 points

Seite 6 von 12


Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect (I have cooked) or past

simple (I cooked).

1. Last night, I _____________________________ (lose) my keys, so I had to call my flatmate to let

me in.

2. She _____________________________ (play) hockey since she was a child; she’s pretty good!

3. I’m sorry, John isn’t here now. He _____________________________ (go) to the shops.

4. I _____________________________ (drink) three cups of coffee yesterday.

5. “When _____________________________ (you, arrive)?” – “At 10 last night.”

6. She _____________________________ (be) a teacher for more than ten years and she still

enjoys it.

/ 6 points


Write the comparative (longer) or superlative (the longest) of the adjective in brackets.

1. This armchair is ____________________________________________ (comfortable) than the old


2. Trains are ____________________________________________ (slow) than planes.

3. I bought ____________________________________________ (expensive) souvenir I could


4. That TV set is ____________________________________________ (cheap) of all.

5. Kate is ____________________________________________ (pretty) than Rachel.

6. Don’t go there; you’re ____________________________________________ (safe) here than


7. He thinks Chinese is ____________________________________________ (difficult) language in

the world.

8. I’m ____________________________________________ (good) now than yesterday.

/ 8 points

Seite 7 von 12


Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition (in, on, at, etc.).

1. _________________ the picture, I can see a woman. She is sitting _________________ a table.

_________________ the table, there are a laptop, a piece of paper, a calculator and two pens.

2. Peter sometimes plays tennis _________________ Sundays – but only _________________

summer and autumn.

3. My brother’s birthday is _________________ 11th March, and my birthday is

_________________ December.

4. I can meet you _________________ half past seven and then we can go to the cinema

_________________ bus.

5. We are going to see my parents _________________ the weekend.

6. “Can I speak _________________ your husband?” – “I’m sorry, but he’s not _________________

home _________________ the moment.”

7. I don’t like walking alone in the streets _________________ night.

8. “What are you doing _________________ the afternoon?” – “I don’t know. We may go

_________________ the beach. Do you want to join us?”

/ 8 points


Put the verbs in every sentence into the correct future tense: will or going to.

1. I hope the weather ____________________________________________ (be) nice tomorrow.

2. “Take your umbrella with you. It ____________________________________________ (rain).”

3. She ____________________________________________ (have) a baby next April.

4. Mary ____________________________________________ (get) a good mark because she has

studied hard.

5. “Why is Peter’s bike outside?” – “Because he

____________________________________________ (ride) it in the park later.”

6. “Do you want me to help you?” – “No, thanks. Joe

____________________________________________ (help) me.”

7. “Would you prefer tea or coffee?” – “I ____________________________________________

(have) some coffee, please.”

8. I’ve already decided: I ____________________________________________ (buy) a new car!

/ 8 points

Seite 8 von 12


Underline the most suitable answer.

1. We’ll meet at my house at 3 o’clock. ... late!

A Don’t be B Be not C Don’t are D Are not

2. He’s a very good pianist and he can play the violin extremely … , too.

A good B well C goodly D worse

3. “Hello, could you give me … information about your school?”

A some B any C an D many

4. “Are those shoes … ?” – “No, they belong to me.”

A her B hers C her’s D theirs

5. “Let’s go to the beach!” – “… brilliant idea!”

A What a B What C Such D So a

6. I like Oxford. It’s … town.

A very a nice B very nice a C a very nice D very nice

7. “… dancing?” – “No, I hate it.”

A Would you like B Do you like C Do you want D Do you hate

8. We couldn’t get a seat. … was so crowded.

A Everywhere B Everybody C Every time D Everything

9. “How many days … in January?” – “31.”

A has it B are there C gives it D have it

10. It only cost £30, so it wasn’t too expensive, … ?

A not B did it C was it D wasn’t it

11. He’s a millionaire; he … work but he does because he enjoys it.

A has to B hasn’t to C doesn’t have to D mustn’t

12. Here, John, take … folders and put them on the desk over there.

A that B this C those D these

/ 12 points

Use of English Total / 80 points

Seite 9 von 12



Read the text below and decide if the statements 1-10 are true or false. Make a tick () under


The tricks of food photographers

We’ve all seen the gorgeous photos of colourful vegetables and freshly-baked cakes in books and

magazines. When we see these pictures we believe that if we follow the recipe, we can make food

that looks like that, too. However, not many people realise the strange things that photographers use

to change a simple plate of food into the mouth-watering dishes in the photos.

Food is one of the most difficult subjects for photographers. Hot food goes cold, cold food goes dry,

and frozen food melts, making it useless. But don’t worry, because food photographers have the

tools to deal with these problems. They don’t just visit photography shops. They also visit art shops,

garages and pharmacies. As well as camera equipment, a photographer’s bag includes motor oil to

help sauces look brighter, hairspray to stop cakes looking dry, and a spoonful of shoe polish to help

meat look cooked.

There are a few rules about food that photographers have to follow. If a photo is going to become

part of an advert, rules say the food which the company wants to advertise must be the real thing.

However, any other food in the photo doesn’t need to be real. Plastic ‘fruit’ or glass ‘ice’ in a drink

next to the real dessert is acceptable, according to the rules. Of course, there are some

photographers who choose not to use non-food items in their photos, even when the rules allow it,

but that does make their job much more challenging.

Whether a food photographer believes in using tricks or not, one thing is definitely true: food

photography needs a lot of patience.


1. Food we make can look the same as the food on the photos in magazines. ____ ____

2. Everybody knows that photographers have their tricks. ____ ____

3. Food is easy to photograph. ____ ____

4. Change in food temperature does not change its looks. ____ ____

5. Photographers visit photography and art shops, as well as garages and pharmacies. ____ ____

6. Motor oil helps sauces look brighter. ____ ____

7. Hairspray helps cakes look dry. ____ ____

8. Shoe polish makes meat look uncooked. ____ ____

9. Photographers can do what they want when photographing for a magazine. ____ ____

10. All food in the photo has to be real. ____ ____

/ 10 points

Seite 10 von 12


Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? Write the correct letter.

0. You cannot use your phone. Notice D

1. You cannot enter. Notice _____

2. You have to break the glass to push the alarm. Notice _____

3. This cannot be used. Notice _____

4. You shouldn’t give this to children. Notice _____

5. You have to be careful and take a big step. Notice _____

A Keep out of Reach

of Children

E Please close the gate

B No Trespassing F In Case of Fire Break


C Final Reductions! G OUT OF ORDER

D Turn off all mobiles

during flight


/ 5 points

Seite 11 von 12


The young adults below want to choose a profile photo for a social networking site. Read the

descriptions (A-H) and decide which photo would be the most suitable for them. Write the correct

letter (A-H) next to the description of the person.


Naomi finds her work very stressful. She has a good imagination and spends a lot of time thinking about living in a more relaxing place.

Marcus enjoys teaching at a primary school. His students say he always listens to them carefully. He and his wife really want to have their own children one day.

Laura’s active and loves having fun. However, she doesn’t like rules and often gets into trouble for breaking them.

Jacob likes moving around the country and learning to do interesting things he’s never done before. He is proud of his many artistic and sporting talents.

Kasia loves her boyfriend very much. She wants to get married to him in the future. She hopes that they will grow old together.

A - With an animal A photo with an animal shows that you can care for people. It is important for you to give these people your full attention so you can help them develop. It can also mean that you enjoy taking care of plants and other living things, or that you have a strong need to be a parent.

D - With a partner This photo tells everyone that you have found a special person that you care for. It says that you are in a serious relationship with that person, and you want to be together for a long time. You are looking for something deeper in life.

G - Doing an activity This photo says that you think your many creative and athletic abilities are important. You care a lot about experiences and often try new and exciting activities. You don’t want to stay in the same place for too long and you’re possibly not looking for a serious relationship at the moment.

B - Dancing Dancing in a photo says you you are lively and always looking for pleasure. Dancing is connected with feeling free so you probably don’t do what you should do all the time. This might cause problems for you sometimes.

E - With a man/ woman who is just a friend A photo with a friend of the same sex shows that you are a talented storyteller. You love having fun and playing jokes on people. You enjoy relationships with people and always want to know what other people are doing.

H - Looking away from the camera This photo says you want to be different from other people. You are confident about making your own decisions. You are independent so no one can stop you doing what you want! You like spending time alone in thought.

C - On a night out with friends This image shows that you enjoy your social life very much. You love talking and are at your happiest when other people pay you a lot of attention.

F - On holiday A holiday photo could say that you are a dreamer. It suggests you worry a lot about things in your job and at home. You probably dream of moving to an area where your worries have gone and your life is carefree.

/ 10 points

Reading Comprehension Total / 25 points

Seite 12 von 12



Underline the best answer.

1. How much is it?

A About £25. B 10 o’clock. C There are ten of them.

2. How do you spell ‘aunt’?

A She’s fine, thank you. B A-U-N-T. C It’s your mum or dad’s sister.

3. I’m ill.

A Get well soon. B Get good. C Good luck.

4. How do you do?

A How do you do? B Fine, thanks. C I’m a teacher.

5. Where does this bus stop?

A It certainly does. B I have no idea. C In a little while.

6. Can we have the bill, please?

A Yes, that suits me fine. B Yes, I’ll try some. C Of course. Just a minute.

7. I’ve passed the final exams!

A Good luck! B Well done! C At least!

8. [On the telephone] Good evening, can I speak to Mr Dawson?

A Yes, speaking. B Yes, here. C Yes, I’m here.

9. Can you come to our party?

A I’m afraid we can’t. B I’m frightened, too. C I’m scared we can.

10. Have a nice weekend!

A Equally! B Same to you. C I wish you, too.

/ 10 points

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