北歐峽彎俄羅斯精華14天遊 - america asialargest city in russia, located on the north shore...

Post on 17-Sep-2020






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9 10

搭乘豪華客機飛往哥本哈根 - 丹麥的首都Board flight to Copenhagen, Denmark.


Transfer to Copenhagen via Helsinki, this fairy tale master Andersen’s hometown, visit the Queen’s House of Denmark- Amalienborg Pal-ace, Please do not forget to take a photo with the guards, to the city hall, a red appearance of the Renaissance-style buildings, which with up to 110 meters of the bell tower is impres-sive, Admire the bronze statue of Andersen, a

The cruise ships along the fjord, with a rare fjord view, and enjoy breakfast on board and a cruise ship to the Norwegian Capital-Oslo. After getting off the boat, visit the famous life sculpture park, and watch the bronze sculptures of white life, and the Viking craft that will be known in the Viking Museum. Afternoon limousine to the Nordic fjord area.


Cruise around the World’s longest fjord today, with steep cliffs on the coast and a picturesque coastline along the Mountains. It’s like being in a fairyland.


After breakfast continue along the peak road turn, let people linger, at noon continue south, along the road in the mountains to overlap, tranquil magnifi-cent scene, is the world acid unparalleled, in the evening back to Oslo.

早餐後,離開奧斯陸,經過挪威 與瑞典邊境,沿途欣賞瑞典的湖光山色于遼闊的平原。體會斯堪地那維亞國家內陸的景色,從而瞭解瑞典從豐富的直然工,礦質源下,發展出有名的宜家家俱。世界一流的名車VOLVO 和SAAB 汽車,Kosta Boda 水晶製品等重工業。接著來到瑞典境內最大的湖區,續往瑞典首都-斯德哥爾摩。

美國 - 哥本哈根 (丹麥) U. S. A. -COPENHAGEN (DENMARK)1


行程特色/ HIGHLIGHTS:• 暢遊哥本哈根,阿瑪蓮皇宮,腓特烈堡,克倫 波堡,奧斯陸,人生雕刻公園,峽灣地區,哈丹 格峽灣,高山觀景火車, 挪威峽灣,Hardanger Fjords,斯德哥爾摩,華沙戰艦博物館,赫爾辛 基,沙皇夏宮,克里姆林宮,聖彼得堡,阿爾巴特 大街,列寧山,莫斯科 。• 包舒適酒店,專業中/英領隊陪同出發,配合 當地導遊,沿途作詳細解說,行程適當,觀光為 主,精心安排每日早/晚餐(中式或當地餐)。 • Vist Copenhagen, luxury Cruises, Oslo, Norway, Fjord Area, alpine View Train, fjord area, Norwegian, Stockholm Sweden, Helsinki, Saint Petersburg, train Moscow• Includes Deluxe Hotel Accommodation with Daily Breakfast, Dinners (Chinese or Local Style)• Professional Chinese / English-Speaking Tour Escort with local Guide Throughout the Trip, Comprehensive Itinerary and Appropriately-Timed Schedule.

哥本哈根 (晚餐)


峽灣地區-高山觀景火車- 峽灣地區 (早/晚餐)



峽灣地區-奧斯陸 (早/晚餐) VOSS-OSLO (B/D)6




哥本哈根-豪華遊輪-奧斯陸 挪威 (早/晚餐)



fairy tale master in the city hall Square. later, the car went to see the famous bronze statue of the mermaid, the statue is sitting on the edge of the Harbor. Looking deep into the boundless ocean, after decades of beloved, the World’s most fa-mous landmark in Copenhagen.


Morning, along the northeast coast to visit the most representative castle in Denmark- Fried-richshafen this magnificent exterior, full of clas-sical and romantic Renaissance style of the castle, interior decoration of the beautiful, re-splendent, the castle church was the King of Denmark was the place of the Coronation cer-emony; continue to the Prince Revenge of the story of the place-Krempo, a glimpse Shake-speare’s Historical Famous Stage. In the eve-ning, arrange for a luxury cruise ship sailing in the North Sea, to the Norwegian capital-Oslo, overnight aboard the boat, the cruise ships equipped with everything, dinner is the authen-tic Scandinavian Norwegian Asian Pirate Feast.

遊輪沿著峽灣前進,途徑難得一見的峽灣風景,於船上享用豐盛的早餐,遊輪抵達挪威首都-奧斯陸。下船後,遊覽著名的人生雕刻公園,觀賞呈獻人生白態之銅雕作品;此外將可於維京博物館內-睹北歐海盜橫行時期揚名於世的維京造船技藝。午後專車前往北歐 聞名的峽灣地區。

奧斯陸 (早/晚餐)


9 10

After breakfast, leave Oslo and go through the norwegian-swedish border to enjoy the lakes and mountains of Sweden on the vast plains. Experience the inland landscape of Scandina-via, and learn about Sweden’s well-known IKEA furniture from its abundant direct and mineral sources. World-class car Volvo and Saab car, Kosta Boda Crystal products and other heavy Industries. Then the largest lake in Sweden, the Swedish capital-Stockholm.


After breakfast, explore this beautiful city known as the [nordic pearl]. Stroll through the old town of ancient color, the old town is still preserved is the Fifth century architectural style, the seaside of Stockholm, by several large and small island Yi link, the size of the island Yi between the shape of beautiful arches, bridge often towering all kinds of beautiful statues. Stockholm’s Ele-phant drought-city hall, the venue for the annual Nobel Prize-winning Gala dinner, is a dazzling mural of 23K gold-plated mosaic tiles with 1800 white pieces of brilliant walls. The momentum is shining, ineffable. The Warsaw battleship museum, a huge building with only a wooden giant ship on Display. The giant ship was a classic of the 17th century, and after more than 400 years of burial, the sea bottom began to come to light due to an accident on the maiden Voyage. Then cruise across the Baltic Sea to [thousand lakes] Finland’s capital, Helsinki, and enjoy a first-class Viking-style buffet dinner on the cruise ship in the Evening.


After enjoyed the breakfast on board, arrive in the capital-Helsinki, followed by a tour of the city, visit the Special Stone chapel, market square, The Parliament building. The Russian cathedral and the park of the great Finnish musician, West. After dinner, will return to the hotel.


Early in the morning by train to the second largest city in Russia, located on the north shore of the Baltic sea, St. Petersburg, the city of 18th century by the western city as the blueprint of the cities, is recognized as one of the most beautiful cities.

今天繼續聖彼得堡市區觀光,接往芬蘭灣畔的沙皇夏宮,參觀金碧輝煌的宮庭建築以及美侖美奐的皇家花園; 宮庭內有七個公園,二十個大小皇宮,更有六十多座噴泉及二百多座威尼斯風格的鍍金雕像,點綴其中,極具心思。晚上特別按排享用宮廷晚宴及俄羅斯民俗歌舞表演.

Continue today in St. Petersburg city for a visit to the Tsar’s Summer Palace on the shores of the Finnish gulf, and see the magnificent court architecture and the stunning royal gar-dens. In the evening, the dinner and the Rus-sian folk song and dance show are served in special Order.


Sightseeing begin with Vasa Museum, a res-cued warship sunk in the harbor in 1628. A lakeside drive to Gamia Stan, the quaint old town. Visit the Blue Hall in City Hall, the venue for the Nobel Prize-winner’s dinner. Afternoon

travel to the 17th century Drottningholm Pal-ace (Queen Island Castle), now home to the Swedish royal family.

今日安排參觀壁畫琳瑯滿目的莫斯科地下鐵車站, 漫步於有名的阿爾巴特大街; 午後, 驅車登上列寧山,鳥瞰莫斯科,並參觀典型史達林式建築的莫斯科大學;晚餐後, 可安排欣賞俄羅斯著名的芭蕾舞(自費), 或舉世聞名的馬戲團表演(自費) Today, we visit a typical Metro Station with mar-velous frescos and the famous University of Moscow. In the evening, an optional Russian Ballet or Moscow State Circus will be arranged

享用早餐後, 前往機場, 搭乘豪華客機, 返回家鄉, 結束為期14天難忘的北歐之旅。祝旅途愉快!

After Breakfast, We take a memorable picture and say farewell as we transfer to the airport for our return flight to U.S.A. with memories of a holiday you will never forget. CIAO!

斯德哥爾摩-豪華遊輪-赫爾 辛基(芬蘭) (早/晚餐)



赫爾辛基(芬蘭) (早/晚餐)


聖彼得堡 (早/午/晚餐) (B/L/D) Saint Petersburg(Russia) 11

聖彼得堡乘火車莫斯科 (俄羅斯) (早/午/晚餐) (B/L/D) SAINT PETERSBURG BY TRAIN MOSCOW (RUSSIA)


莫斯科 (早/午/晚餐)

Moscow (B/L/D) 13

莫斯科 - 美國 (早餐)

MOSCOW - U.S.A. (B) 14


※ 服務費每天 $10歐元

Remarks and Excludes:※ Service fee at 10 EUR Per Day Per Person

赫爾辛基- 彼得堡 (俄羅斯) (早/晚餐)



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