simple present perfect

Post on 23-May-2017






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Simple Present (I drink) Simple Past (I cooked/ 2) Un adevar general:

Water freezes at 0 degres Celsius. O actiune care s-a petrcut intr-un interval de timp

bine definint din trecut si care s-a incheiat.My sister cooked lunch yestarday.My friend greaduated 2 years ago.

Actiuni obisnuite, repetate:I usually go to school by bus.He gets up at 6 o’clock every morning.

O situatie, actiune care s-a desfasurat de-a lungul unei perioade de timp in trecutMy grandma lived in a small village during her last years.

Sentimente si opiniiI think this is their house but I’m not sure.

O activitate care s-a petrecut in mod repetat in trecutRegularly every Christmas Mary went to visit…

Comentarii sportive de la radio si TVJohn passes to Smith…

Would, used to

Rezumarea actiunilor unor carti, filme sau tablouri istoriceIn Chapter 1 Helen meets her foster parents and agrees to return to school.

Present Continous (I am + ing) Past Continous (+ ing) O actiune care este in curs de desfasurare in

momentul vb (adv de timp – now, right now, at this moment)The child is watching a cartoon right now.Listen! Somebody is knocking at the door.

O actiune care s-a desfasurat neintrerupt intr-o perioada de timp bine definite in trecutI was doing my homework at 5 o’clock yesterday.My brother was sleeping when I came home last night

O schimbare de scurta durata intr-o activitate obisnuita:He goes to work by bus but today he is walking.

Accentuam faptul ca o actiune s-a desfasurat pe o perioada mai lunga de timpThe baby was crying all day yesterday.There were having fun the whole time they were together.

O actiune planificata sa se desfasoare in viitor (adv de timp)Paul is going on a trip next month.Are you doing anything on Saturday night?

O actiune de durata desfasurata in trecut si intrerupta de o alta actiune din trecutWhen the guests arrived I was still cooking.She was sleeping when the phone rang.

O actiune repetata in mod frecvent (adv: forever, all the time, always – cu sensul de very often)He’s always making silly mistakes.

Simple Present Perfect (have + ed/3) Simple Past Perfect (had + ed/3) Recent events without a definite time (the idea of time is

in the speakers head):I have left my bag behind.I have just broken my leg.

O actiune trecuta anterioara unei alte actiuni tot din trecutI was sure I had met her.When we arrived at the station the train had already left.She had done her homework by 6 o’clock yesterday.

Events that have not happened:I haven’t found …yet

Hardly, scarcely, no soonerI had hardly/ scarcely fallen asleep when the phone rang.He had no sooner arrived than he had to leave again.

The event may be connected with the present because of the results of the events in the presentI have broken my arm as you can see.I can’t buy anything else because I have spent all my money.She is lying in bed because she has broken her leg.

No definite time is given for the eventI have been in France 3 times.She has done a lot for me.Have you brought a new car?

Actiuni care s-au petrecut de mai multe ori pana in prezentShe has made several phone calls since coffee break.How often have you been abroad so far?I have listen to this story 3 times.

Ever, never, before, already, yet This/it/ that is the first/ second/ best/ worst

Present Perfect (have been + ing) Past Perfect Continous (had been + ing) O actiune inceputa in trecut care se continua in

presentI have been teaching english for a long time ago (I started teaching English a long time ago and I’m still teaching this language)

O actiune de lunga durata care a continuat pana intr-un anumit moment din trecutHe had been waiting in the rain for half an hour when she arrived.At that time he has been working on the project for 6 months.

O actiune care se termina in trecut si are efecte in prezentYou look thrilled. I know, I have been watching a very

Forma continua se foloseste atunci cand accentual se pune pe aspectul de continuitate a unei actiuni, in timp ce forma simpla se foloseste atunci cand se evidentiaza

amusing film. terminarea unei actiuniI had been watching horror films and my mind was full of terrifying images.I had watched lots of horror films and was beginning to get scared.

O actiune nu este terminata sau s-a terminat recentWe’ve been walking for hours! Let’s have a rest.I’ve been digging the garden. That’s why I’m dirty.

For:He’s been very busy for 3 days.I have known them for 10 years.She has been cooking for 2 hours.

Since:He’s been very busy since Monday.I have known them since 89.She has been cooking since 11 o’ clock.

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