twenty-sixth sunday in ordinary time september …€¦ · twenty-sixth sunday in ordinary time...

Post on 09-Jun-2018






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1-180 St. Thomas of Villanova


SEPTEMBER 27, 2015

A Note from Fr. Joe … In many ways, this Sunday’s Readings seem tailor-made for Pope Francis’ visit with us. I can only begin to imagine how he will craft his homily for the Papal Mass on the Parkway. What I do know is that Francis’ preaching – and other talks throughout his trip to the United States – will continue to uplift and challenge us in the weeks and months ahead. Perhaps these lines from his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) at least provide a glimpse into the direction he’ll take at the Papal Mass. He writes, “The Christian ideal will always be a summons to overcome suspicion, habitual mistrust, fear of losing our privacy, all the defensive attitudes which today’s world imposes on us…the Gospel tells us constantly to run the risk of a face-to-face encounter with others…True faith in the incarnate Son of God is inseparable from self-giving, from membership in the community, from service, from reconciliation with others.” Sounds a lot like Moses and Jesus in the 1

st Reading and Gospel,

respectively, as they ask their followers – as they ask us to expand our thinking and to widen our hearts. We’re called to be more tolerant, more inclusive. We have to be careful not to try to limit God’s spirit. As Moses declares, “Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets! Would that the Lord might bestow his spirit on them all!” And, when John and the other close disciples of Jesus complain to him about an apparent ‘outsider’ doing his work, Jesus makes a startling, significant pronouncement – “Whoever is not against us is for us.” The care that Jesus the Christ himself shows for the “little ones,” those who often might be overlooked or seen as ‘outsiders,’ calls us to recognize and to reach out to the seemingly insignificant. It causes us to reflect on those situations where we might have labeled others as ‘not part of the crowd.’ Do we act like prophets and healers, spreading God’s message of inclusion, mercy, and love? Would that we might always do things in Christ’s name, even if just giving someone “a cup of water to drink,” donating food or clothing, or providing a ride to an appointment or the store. It really can – and does – make a difference! For it’s in doing the ‘little things’ that we come in touch with our shared humanity, that we overcome the exclusion and intolerance that often stem from ignorance. May we here at St. Thomas of Villanova always be known not for withholding or amassing, of which St. James warns against in the 2

nd Reading, but for our giving and sharing – without distinction.

Finally, as a way to have some fun, while we enjoy the Pope’s visit, I wanted to share a “Pope Francis Trivia Quiz” I recently put together for a gathering I had with some families. So put on those thinking caps and see how you do! (Don’t peek; don’t check the Internet; answers are toward the back of this bulletin.) 1. What sport did Pope Francis play as a teenager?

2. What color shoes does he wear? 3. Before entering the seminary, what did Francis dream of becoming? 4. How many siblings does he have? 5. How old is Pope Francis? When is his birthday? 6. He reportedly lost one of these when he was a teenager. What is it? 7. What is Pope Francis’ favorite dance? 8. What is his original first name? 9. What is Francis’ religious Order? How many other Popes have come from that Order? 10. What 3 modern-day languages is Pope Francis said to speak fluently? 11. Pope Francis’ father emigrated from Italy to Argentina. What was his occupation? 12. Use this as the bonus/tie breaker: What number Pope is he in the history of the Church?

God Bless America and Pope Francis! Fr. Joe

2-180 St. Thomas of Villanova

Mon., Sept. 28th Weekday; Saint Wenceslaus; Saint Lawrence Ruiz & Companions 12:05PM-RMCH Vincent Cerasuolo - Paul & Michelle Mulholland Tues., Sept. 29th Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael 12:05PM-RMCH Dr. Charles Mauriello - Mauriello Family Wed., Sept. 30th Saint Jerome 12:05PM-RMCH Thurs., Oct. 1st Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus 12:05PM-RMCH Fri., Oct. 2nd The Holy Guardian Angels 12:05PM-RMCH Ann Marie Rodolico - Hennessy and Rocolico Families Sat., Oct. 3rd Weekday 9:00AM-RMCH Petrizzo, Lotito and Reagan Families 5:00PM-RMCH John Kaytrosh - Sudall Family Sun., Oct. 4th Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary

Time 7:30AM-VNCH For the Parishioners of St. Thomas 9:00AM-RMCH Bill Bascome - Family 10:30AM-VNCH Mary Toscani - Paul & Michelle Mulholland

Stewardship Thought for the Week

“Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward.” Mark 9:41 Does your life reflect the lift of Jesus? Remember, we were made in his image. We tend to forget this. When others see you, do they see the face of Jesus? When you look at others, do you see the face of Jesus in them?

“Masses in Interpreted American Sign Language”

We have an American Sign Language Interpreter at the 9:00am Mass in the Rosemont Chapel on the Second and Fourth Sunday of each month. The interpreter will be here

on October 11 and 25, 2015.

Schedule of Events for the week of: September 27, 2015 Recitation of the Rosary after the daily Liturgy. Monday, September 28, 2015 PARISH OFFICES CLOSED STV PRESCHOOL WILL BE OPEN Golden Living Ministry 10:15AM Food Addicts in Recovery - Café 7:00PM Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Bible Study - PC2 10:00AM Brown Bag Lunch in Aud 12:45PM Bible Study - PC2 7:00PM Mom’s Group Kick-Off Social - PC1 7:00PM Genasis Bells - Aud 7:00PM Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Food Addicts in Recovery - Café 9:30AM Exercise - Aud 10:00AM Honickman Ministry 10:10AM Boost Your Brain Seminar - Aud 12:45PM Religious Education 4:45PM Thursday, October 1, 2015 Walking with Purpose Leaders Meeting—Aud 7:00PM IHN Board Meeting - PC1 7:30PM Friday, October 2, 2015—FIRST FRIDAY Reconciliation, Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction after 12:05 Mass Saturday, October 3, 2015 Sunday, October 4, 2015 Religious Education Classes 10:10AM Rosemont Village Eucharistic Prayer Service 10:30AM Blessing of the Animals IHN MOVES IN





Daily Mass is at 12:05 PM





Friday, October 2, 2015

The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for one hour following the 12:05 Mass in the Rosemont Chapel of St. Thomas of Villanova. The solemn exposition of the Holy Eucharist offers the opportunity to the people of God for prayerful reflection on our call to a deeper devotion to the Holy Eucharist and a more faithful living of the Christian Life. We will have Reconciliation after

the 12:05 Mass. Please join us.

3-180 St. Thomas of Villanova

We wish a warm welcome to the newest members of our parish: Kelly Barnes & Family of Bryn Mawr David & Lynda Buzzard & Family of Ardmore Kenneth & Kathleen Detreux & Family of Villanova Ryan Newman of Villanova Resting in Peace: Mr. Charles Pennington Remember those in need of our prayers, especially: Julia Barlow, Katherine Breck, Mary Ann Dadourian, Bob Ellison, Patricia Ann Harley, Joan Hunter, Bridget Kelly, Madeleine O’Callaghan, Jerry O’Connor, and Annie Sears.

Please pray for our soldiers assigned in Afghanistan and in other parts of the world. Please also pray

for the soldiers who are returning from their assignments,

especially the wounded soldiers.

CHRISTIAN SERVICE PRAYERLINE The parish prayerline is waiting for your prayer request. This week call Mary Ann Barrow at 610-525-4164 or email to activate the parish prayerline. Two parish teams are available for your special intentions. PROJECT HOPE This is a transportation ministry for our Parish. If you need a ride to your medical appointments or to food shop this week, please call Mary Ann Deviney at 610-331-2959. Please give at least 3 days notice. DINNERS TO THE DOORSTEP This ministry is for parish families who are in crisis or for parish couples welcoming a new baby. Homemade dinners are delivered. Two parish coordinators keep a list of volunteers who are called as needed. If you are in need of this delicious community support, please call Sarah Breck at 610-975-0444. ST. FRANCIS INN We are forming a parish work group to serve the midday meal at the St. Francis Inn in Kensington on Sunday, October 18th. The Inn tries to meet the immediate daily needs of the poor and homeless people they serve with food, clothing and hospitality. This ministry is open to anyone 16 years or older. For more information and to sign up, contact our parish coordinator, Sheila Holst at 610-659-5828 or


In honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, we’re happy to announce that, once again this year, we will be celebrating the blessing of animals on Sunday, October 4th at 1:30pm and on Monday, October 5th at 9:00am, with our Pre-School children. Both times will be in the courtyard between the Rosemont Chapel and the Parish Offices. You are invited to join in either blessing, as we give thanks to God for the love and companionship of our pets. All creatures great and small are welcome, but please remember that dogs should be on leashes; cats and other pets should be in suitable containers. After the communal blessing, the friars will administer individual blessings for those who would like – for themselves and their animals. Wonderful are all God’s works!

NEW ALTAR SERVERS We invite young people in grades 6 and over, to consider the ministry of Altar Server. This ministry assists the people of St. Thomas of Villanova as we gather to celebrate Liturgy. Training sessions are scheduled at the Rosemont Chapel on Tuesday, October 20th from 4:30-5:30pm and Thursday, October 22nd from 4:30-5:30pm. You may attend either session. Please contact Alice Obarski in the Parish Office, 610-525-4801, ext. 203, or email, if you plan to attend or if you have any questions. We are grateful to those who already serve in this ministry and invite more of our youth to consider this opportunity to share your time and talent with the community of St. Thomas of Villanova. Thank you!

4-180 St. Thomas of Villanova


St. Thomas of Villanova Parish’s Handbell Choir is looking for new ringers. You do not need to be a member of St. Thomas of Villanova Parish. However, some ability to read music is required. The handbell choir will begin in September and continues thru May. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm until 8:30pm. The choir plays during one of the weekend liturgies per month, Christmas and Easter. If interested in joining the handbell choir, please contact Joyce Klinck, Handbell Director, at 610-405-9444

Saint Thomas of Villanova Parish offers year round opportunities for people seeking more information about the Catholic Faith, the Sacraments and living the Christian Life. These opportunities are for adults who would like to inquire about following Jesus and becoming a member of the Catholic Church, or, if you are already a baptized Christian, would like to become a Catholic, or, if you are already a baptized Catholic, would like to receive Confirmation and Holy Communion. There are many people like yourself inquiring and we are ready to answer your questions. Members of our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) team will be hosting several “open house” informational sessions at the Parish Center in Rosemont on:

Sunday, October 4: 12:00-1:00pm Wednesday, October 7: 7:00-8:00pm

Please contact Deacon Don DiCarlo ( or the Parish Office for more information.





Father Michael F. Di Gregorio, O.S.A., Prior Provincial of the Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova, whose friars administer our parish, will be preaching at each of our Masses on the weekend of Saturday, October 10, and Sunday, October 11 which is when we will be celebrating the Solemnity of our patron, Saint Thomas of Villanova. Following our Masses, there will be time to join in fellowship with wine and cheese after the 5:00pm Vigil Mass and coffee and donuts after all of the Sunday morning Liturgies. Please plan on honoring our patron and coming out to greet Fr. Michael.



On Saturday, October 17th during the 5:00pm liturgy in the Rosemont Chapel we will have an Anointing of the Sick. The ANOINTING OF THE SICK “is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as any one of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for that person to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived” (Constitution on the Liturgy, #73). This is an important sacramental celebration for the whole parish community. It is our opportunity to actively support the members of this parish family who are in need of the Church’s Ministry. If you know anyone who might benefit from this sacrament, please bring him/her. Any questions, call Anne Murphy at 610-525-4801 or email or Mary Kate McCauley at

5-180 St. Thomas of Villanova


Yoga & 5k Run

Sunday, October 4, 2015 Clem Macrone Park in Rosemont

On-Site Registration: 7:00am

Yoga: 8:00am 5k Start: 9:00am Register at :

Please join us on Sunday, October 4 at 8 AM at Clem Macrone Park for this year’s Dan’s Down Dog and Dash. We’ve changed locations but the spirit of the day remains exactly the same and we are beyond excited to celebrate this year’s honoree, Godfrey Nazareth. Despite being diagnosed with a rare form of ALS, he constantly brightens up any room with his amazing smile. Godfrey was an incredible source of peace and inspiration for Dan as they bonded over challenging illnesses and their love for aviation. We are honored to dedicate this year’s event to Godfrey, his wife Sweta and their daughter Anya.

Come out to show your support for Godfrey and his family, to celebrate community and to have FUN!

St. Thomas of Villanova Preschool Students with Pope Francis.

6-180 St. Thomas of Villanova

You are invited

to a Brown Bag Lunch on Tuesday, September 29th

at 12:45pm in the Rosemont Auditorium

Topic: El Camino De Santiago Presenter: Mr. Paul Tierney, Parishioner For over a thousand years, pilgrims have journeyed on foot to the Cathedral at Santiago de Compostela to visit the relics of St. James the Apostle. Paul and Joanne Tierney travelled along 500 miles of the route (mostly by bus) and will share some of the history and sights of the journey.

Bring your lunch! Drinks and dessert will be provided.

Please join us!!


Interfaith Hospitality Network is a local non-profit that brings interfaith communities on the Main Line together to provide shelter to homeless families in local churches for a week at a time. Our parish will host several single Moms and children for the week of October 4th. We need help setting up the Parish Center from 4:00pm to 5:00pm on Sunday, October 4th. If you can help, please contact Anne Murphy at the Parish Center We also need new overnight hosts (training with an experienced parish host) any night the week of October 4th. Can you help? Please contact Elaine Sharer at or 610-558-1023.

BIBLE STUDY Please join us in exploring the Scriptures. The Scriptures are a magnificent picture of a loving

God who wants the very best for us …

Please join us for our Weekly Bible Studies on Tuesday Mornings — 10:00am Tuesday Evenings — 7:00pm

The Bible Studies are held in the Rosemont

Parish Center. Everyone is welcome. Please join us.

You are invited to a

Brown Bag Lunch on Tuesday, October 13th

at 12:45pm in the Rosemont Auditorium

Topic: Emerging Infections

* All you need to know about current Global Infectious Disease Challenges

Presenter: Dr. Bob Leggiadro Parishioner Bob is a member of St. Thomas of Villanova Pastoral Council and a Lector who has a background in pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases. He is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biology at Villanova and Adjunct Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Hofstra North Shore—LIJ School of Medicine.

Bring your lunch! Drinks and dessert will be provided.

Please join us!!

7-180 St. Thomas of Villanova

READINGS FOR THE WEEK: Monday: Zec 8:18; Lk 9:46-50 Tuesday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Jn 1:47-51 Wednesday: Neh 2:1-8; Lk 9:57-62 Thursday: Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Lk 10:1-12 Friday: Bar 1:15-22; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Saturday: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Lk 10:17-24 Sunday: Gn 2:18-24; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12

You are invited to

become a Volunteer Tutor of English (ESL)

Information Session Date: Tuesday, September 29th Time: 10:00am Place: St. Thomas Parish Center—1st Floor Speaker: Irma Pomales Connors, Program Director ( What is required of a tutor? A three half-day training course (9:00am to Noon) and a weekly tutoring session with a student. Come and attend this information session to see if this ministry is for you. Please RSVP for this Information session by calling Anne Murphy at the Parish Center 610-525-4801 or email

Honor Pope Francis Make a donation to the


The Francis Fund is a special fund in honor of Pope Pope Francis’ 2015 visit to Philadelphia. The Fund will be used to meet concrete needs of people in the Philadelphia region and Camden who are struggling with hunger, homelessness, and poverty, in the spirit of Pope Francis’ own special compassion and concern for our poor sisters and brothers. Project HOME, in collaboration with the World Meeting of Families Hunger and Homelessness Committee, will grant all monies raised for the Francis Fund to other organizations, for the purpose of alleviating hunger, poverty and homelessness in Philadelphia and Camden. You can donate by going to http:/ or send your check to

The Francis Fund 1515 Fairmount Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130



The St. Thomas of Villanova Mom's Group would like to invite you to attend the following events in

September: Tuesday, 9/29/15 Mom's Group Kick-off Meeting 7:30Pm in the Parish Center Mondays, beginning 9/21/15 — Bring your own lunch, playdate at Clem Macrone Park, 12-1:30PM For more information find us on Facebook, St.. Thomas Moms Groups or contact us at :

Thank you! Thank you! * for the backpacks and incredible school supplies you donated for the students at St. Francis Cabrini Regional School in West Philadelphia. The new Principal, Stephanie Finnin, is so grateful for your tangible support. * To the parishioners who prepared food for dinners which were served at the Life Center in 69th Street as part of the Feed the Hungry Ministry. Over 150 plates of meatloaf, potatoes, salad, and desserts were served to hungry people of all ages.

8-180 St. Thomas of Villanova


God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior,

you have made us your sons and daughters

in the family of the Church.

May your grace and love help our families

in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel.

May the example of the Holy Family

with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most

troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer

and to always seek your truth and live in your love.

Though Christ our Lord, Amen.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!

Fr. Joe’s “Pope Francis Trivia Quiz” Answers:

1. Basketball. (Though soccer remains his favorite sport to this day.)

2. Black. (His predecessors wore red; he chose to stick with his regular black shoes.)

3. A chemist. (Pope Francis earned a Master’s in Chemistry.)

4. Francis was one of five children; thus, 4 siblings.

5. 78; he will turn 79 on December 17th.

6. A lung.

7. The tango, of course!

8. Jorge.

9. The Society of Jesus or Jesuits. He is the first Pope to come from that Order.

10. Spanish, Italian, and German.

11. A railway worker.


Vatican Splendors make exclusive East Coast stop

in Philadelphia at the Franklin Institute

September 19, 2015 to February 15, 2016

The Franklin Institute, the most visited museum in Pennsylvania, has announced plans to host the exclusive East Coast destination of Vatican Splendors, beginning September 19th. The exhibition explores the historical and cultural impact of the Vatican over the span of 2,000 years through significantly relevant objects straight from the Vatican in Rome, Italy. Every object in the exhibition tells its own story, together forming a great historical mosaic of the Vatican — and many of the artifacts have never before been on public view at the Vatican in Rome. Highlights of the nearly 10,000 square foot exhibition include artwork by Michelangelo, including signed documents and a rarely seen bas relief sculpture, and tools used in work on the Sistine Chapel and the Basilica of Saint Peter’s; works by masters including Bernini and Guercino, artwork dating back to the first century, venerated remains (bone fragments) of Saints Peter and Paul, relics discovered at the tombs of Saints Peter and Paul, and historical objects from the modern and ancient basilicas of Saint Peter’s in Rome.

9-180 St. Thomas of Villanova

What is Walking with Purpose?

It's a chance to meet other Catholic women and know you're not alone in trying to live an authentically Catholic life. On October 8th, St. Thomas of Villanova Parish will join dozens of parishes across the country offering the women’s Bible study Walking With Purpose founded by Lisa Brenninkmeyer, a Catholic mother of seven. As Lisa has stated in interviews, Walking With Purpose began as a small group Bible study for women in response to their desire to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ from a Catholic perspective. This is the eighth year that our parish has joyfully offered this study to the women of St. Thomas, their friends and family and any woman who is interested in knowing Jesus. The weekly lessons are designed to meet every woman where she is in her faith journey. Many of us do not know the Bible at all and WWP is helping us fill that gap. This year we are offering two studies: Opening Your Heart: The Starting Point: designed for women who are new to Walking with Purpose, as well as those with more experience in Bible Study and Keeping in Balance — focusing on creating balance within. Both courses will be offered at two times: Thursday Mornings from 9:15am-11:15am with free childcare and Thursday Evenings from 7:00pm-9:00pm. For more information, please email our chapter coordinator To view sample lessons visit


LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL Open House: Sunday, October 4th; 11:00am-2:00pm Scholarship and Entrance Exam: Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 8:30am. Admissions Office: 215-402-4800 or MERION MERCY ACADEMY Open House: Sunday, October 4th; 1:00pm-4:00pm Scholarship and Entrance Exam: Saturday, October 24, 2015 from 9:00am-12:30pm. Application/Test Registration should be completed by October 21st and can be completed online at VILLA MARIA ACADEMY Open House: Sunday, October 18th; 11:00am-2:00pm Scholarship and Entrance Exams: Saturday, November 7 or 14, 2015 from 9:00am-12:30pm Call Admissions Office at 610-644-2551 or register Online at

Join the Conversation!


On Care for our Common Home

In his most recent encyclical, Pope Francis seeks to “enter into dialogue with all people about our common home” to consider: What Does God’s World Need? St. Thomas of Villanova Parish will hold a series of three Thursday evening discussions on this encyclical. Dates: October 15, 22 and 29. Participants may come to one, two or all three evenings. Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm Place: Rosemont Parish Center This is open to all post-Confirmation parishioners, non-parishioners, and those of any or no faith tradition. Bring a friend! Parishioner, Anne Minicozzi, MFA, MA, who graduated from the MA Theology Program at Villanova University in 2011 will facilitate the dialogue/discussion.

Please RSVP to Mia Holman at


The Virtue-Driven Life: Experience a prayerful, reflective exploration of some virtues that enrich our lives and relationships in these challenging times. Presentation by Sister Catherine Kaporch, IHM, at the IHM Retreat Center on 401 Bryn Mawr Avenue, in Bryn Mawr.

October 6 - 9:30am-2:30pm Light breakfast, dinner and Mass included.

Stipend: $40

To register, please call 610-581-0120 or Email

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