用稿声明 人教 英语 第24期 - xuexibao.com · 学习报 五年级英语 责编 段佳宾...

学习报 五年级英语 稿 《学习报》是一份多 学科、多层次、多角度面 向全国大中小学生及教 育工作者的教辅类报 纸。本报的办报方针是 “紧扣课标及教材,针对 年级特点和学科特色同 步辅导”。本报旨在拓宽 学生阅读视野,激发学 习兴趣,培养高尚的人 格和高雅的情趣,提升 综合能力。本报诚征各 学科各类教育、教辅稿 件,撰稿、荐稿者请注意 以下事项: 1援 稿件一经采用,即 视为同意将网络传播权 及电子发行的权利授予 本报。本报一次性支付 的稿酬已包含上述授权 的使用费。 2援 推荐或稿件中选 用他人文章时,请务必 注明原稿件作者姓名和 选文出处,否则不予刊 登。若原出版者注明“未 经许可,不得转载”,请 勿推荐,来稿一律不收。 推荐类稿件一经采用, 本报将依据《中华人民 共和国著作权法》之规 定给原作者和推荐者奉 寄稿酬和样报。 3援 由于部分作者通 讯地址不详,见报后请 与我报及时联系,以便 奉寄稿酬和样报。 电话: 0351-3239626 (总编办)或请与各编辑 部联系咨询 五年级 英语 人教 山西出版传媒集团主管 山西三晋报刊传媒集团主办 学习报社编辑出版 总编辑 苗俊青 国内统一刊号 悦晕员源 原 园苑园愿 / 邮发代号 21-433 2019 - 2020 学年 主编、终审 宋晓峰 责编 段佳宾 美编 广告经营许可证号 员源园园园园源园园园园源源 笠本报向全国各省(市)级教研员赠报,欢迎来电咨询随时征订热线 0351-3239622 邮局订户服务热线 0351-3239623 印刷 河南东方传媒印务有限公司 印刷厂地址 郑州市二七区马寨工业园科技路 11 本报四开四版 每学期 2园 学期定价 36.00 河北 王沛玲 (本套试题听力材料及参考答案见下期 4 版) 答案角 出版日期 2020 2 26 总第1456 24 五年级人教英语 第 24 期 句型解码 词汇聚焦 (上接第 3 ) go on a picnic 去野餐 【精讲】 同义短语: have a picnic go swimming 去游泳 【精讲】 swim 是动词,意为“游泳”, swimming 是它的现在分词形 式,同样的构词法还有很多,如: go fishing 去钓鱼; go boating 去划船。 pick apples 摘苹果 【精讲】 pick 意为“采摘”。 拓展: pick oranges 采摘橘子 谱系记忆: make a snowman 堆雪人 【精讲】 巧记: snow()+ man()= snowman(雪人) 口诀: 把雪 (snow) 堆成人 (man) 的形状就是雪人(snowman)联想: snowball 雪球 例句: I often go on a picnic with my friends. 经常和我的朋 友们去野餐。 例句: I can go swimming with my friends in summer. 夏天我可以和朋友 一起去游泳。 例句: I can pick apples in autumn. 我可以在秋天去摘 苹果。 1. pick ______ 2. go on a ______ 3. go ______ 4. make a ______ 【学以致用】看图补全单词。 【直击课文】 What lovely colours! 多么漂亮的颜色! 【句型解析】 这是一个感叹句,用来表示说话人的喜悦、惊讶等 情感。 【句型结构】 What+形容词+复数名词! What+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词! 1 2 【生活实例】 Cindy 夸好朋友 Jenny 很有礼貌: What a polite girl! Thank you! 【直击课文】 Why? 为什么? Because I like summer vacation. 因为我喜 欢暑假。 【句型解析】 because 意为“因为”,用来回答 why 提出的问题。 【知识拓展】because because of 表达的意思相同,但用法 上有些区别:作为连词, because 的后面通常跟一个句子,而 because of 后常接代词、名词或动词鄄ing 形式。如: I like summer best because of the summer vacation. 我最喜 欢夏天因为有暑假。 【学以致用】在横线上填上所缺的单词。 1. _______ a big playground! 2. _______ do you like spring best? Because it蒺s warm and windy. I can fly a kite. 例句: I like winter because I can make a snowman. 我喜欢冬天因为我 可以堆雪人。 clock 钟表 black 黑色 duck 鸭子 ck pick 采摘 上期《 Unit 2 My favourite season 检测题(一)》 听力材料及参考答案 听力材料 玉援 1. It蒺s warm in spring. 2. There are four seasons in a year. 3. Which season do you like best? 4. The music is about four seasons. 5. I like summer best. 域援 1. The trees are green and the flowers are beautiful in spring. 2. Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. 3. I don蒺t like summer. It蒺s too hot. 4. I can make a snowman in winter. 芋援 1. I like spring. It蒺s warm and nice. 2. Summer is hot and the days are long. 3. What蒺s the weather like in autumn? 4. I can make a snowman. 5. I like summer best. 郁援 1. Which season do you like best, Sarah? 2. Winter. I like snow. 3. What about you? 4. Spring. It蒺s pretty. 5. Yes. It蒺s very beautiful. 参考答案 听力部分 玉. 1-5 ACBAB 域. 3142 芋. 1-5 FTTFF 郁. 51342 笔试部分 玉. 1-5 BABCB 域. 1. autumn 2. spring 3. winter 4. summer 5. seasons 芋. 1-5 BCACA 郁. 1-5 EACBD 吁. 1. season 2. Spring 3. winter 4. Autumn 5. summer 遇. 1-5 FFTTT ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. 喻. 判断下列句子与图片是(T)(F)相符。(5 ) ( )1. Merry Christmas! ( )2. It蒺s sunny and hot today. ( )3. It蒺s windy and cold today. ( )4. We often pick apples in autumn. ( )5. We often go on a picnic in spring. 峪. 情景选择。(5 ) A. Because I can plant trees. B. I like winter best. C. What about you, Lisa? D. No, I don蒺t. E. Which season do you like best, John? Lisa: 1. _________________ John: 2. _________________ Do you like winter, Mary? Mary: 3. _________________ It蒺s too cold. 4. _________________ Lisa: I like spring best. John: Why do you like spring? Lisa: 5. _________________ 御. 选词填空,补全短文。(10 ) Summer, green, best, winter, windy, Spring, snowy, blue, sunny, swim The best time to go to Beijing is autumn. It蒺s 1. _______ and cool. You can go to the Great Wall. When is the 2. ______ time to go to Harbin? Of course 3. _______. It蒺s 4. _______ and cold. 5. _______ is the best season to go to Sanya. It蒺s 6. _______ and hot. You can 7. _______ in the sea. What about Hangzhou? 8. _______ is the best time to go there. The sky is 9. _______. The leaves are 10. _______. You can fly kites, too. 愈. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。(10 ) Bob is a boy. He is twelve. He lives in Nanjing with his grandparents. He likes the teachers and classmates there, and he likes the weather there, too. It蒺s warm and sunny in spring there. He goes swimming in the river and goes fishing with his cousins in summer. In autumn, sometimes he goes on a picnic with his friends. His favourite season is winter because he can make a snowman with his friends. It蒺s great fun. ( )1. Bob is ________. A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 ( )2. Bob lives with ________. A. his parents B. his grandparents C. his aunt ( )3. Bob likes ________ best. A. autumn B. spring C. winter ( )4. Sometimes, Bob goes on a picnic with ________ in autumn. A. his parents B. his cousins C. his friends ( )5. Bob goes swimming in the river and goes fishing with ________ in summer. A. his cousins B. his parents C. his friends 语法点拨 1. 询问事物或名称用 whatWhat is his name? 他的名字是什么? His name is Yao Ming. 他的名字是姚明。 2. 询问时间用 whenWhen do you get up? 你什么时候起床? I often get up at 7 o蒺clock. 我经常在七点起床。 3. 询问地点用 whereWhere are you from? 你来自哪里? I蒺m from China. 我来自中国。 4. 询问哪一个或哪些用 whichWhich book do you like best? 你最喜欢哪本书? I like this English book best. 我最喜欢这本英语书。 5. 询问原因用 whyWhy do you like summer? 你为什么喜欢夏天? Because I like summer vacation. 因为我喜欢暑假。 河北 王沛玲 (本版参考答案见下期 23 版中缝) A. It蒺s sunny today. B. It蒺s rainy today. C. It蒺s windy today. A. I like spring best. B. I like summer best. C. I like winter best. A. I want to go on a picnic. B. I want to play football. C. I want to paint a picture. A. I can play in the snow. B. I can pick apples. C. I can sleep all day.

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Page 1: 用稿声明 人教 英语 第24期 - xuexibao.com · 学习报 五年级英语 责编 段佳宾 美编 马 麟 责编 段佳宾 美编 马 麟 笠各科主编电话(区号0351)语文3239630

学 习 报

五 年 级 英 语

















1援 稿件一经采用,即






2援 推荐或稿件中选












3援 由于部分作者通








英 语人 教

山西出版传媒集团主管 山西三晋报刊传媒集团主办 学习报社编辑出版 总编辑 苗俊青 国内统一刊号 悦晕员源 原园苑园愿/(云) 邮发代号 21-433

2019 - 2020 学年

主编、终审 宋晓峰

责编 段佳宾 美编 马 麟

笠广告经营许可证号 员源园园园园源园园园园源源 笠本报向全国各省(市)级教研员赠报,欢迎来电咨询 随时征订热线 0351-3239622 邮局订户服务热线 0351-3239623印刷 河南东方传媒印务有限公司 印刷厂地址 郑州市二七区马寨工业园科技路 11号 本报四开四版 每学期 2园 期 学期定价 36.00 元

翌河北 王沛玲 (本套试题听力材料及参考答案见下期 4版)答案角

出版日期 2020年 2 月 26日 总第1456 期



第 24期


(上接第 3版)

go on a picnic 去野餐


同义短语:have a picnic

go swimming 去游泳【精讲】

swim 是动词,意为“游泳”,

swimming 是它的现在分词形


go fishing 去钓鱼;go boating去划船。

pick apples 摘苹果【精讲】pick 意为“采摘”。拓展:pick oranges采摘橘子谱系记忆:

make a snowman 堆雪人【精讲】

巧记:snow(雪)+ man(人)=




联想:snowball 雪球

例句:I often go

on a picnic with

my friends. 我



例 句 :I can go


friends insummer.



例 句 :I can pick

apples in autumn.



1. pick ______ 2. go on a ______ 3. go ______ 4. make a ______


誗【直击课文】What lovely colours! 多么漂亮的颜色!








【生活实例】Cindy夸好朋友 Jenny 很有礼貌:

What a polite girl!Thank you!

誗【直击课文】—Why? 为什么?

—Because I like summer vacation. 因为我喜


【句型解析】because 意为“因为”,用来回答 why提出的问题。

【知识拓展】because与 because of 表达的意思相同,但用法

上有些区别:作为连词,because的后面通常跟一个句子,而 because

of 后常接代词、名词或动词鄄ing形式。如:

I like summer best because of the summer vacation. 我最喜



1. _______ a big playground!

2. —_______ do you like spring best?

—Because it蒺s warm and windy. I can fly a kite.

例句:I like winter

because I can

make a snowman.












上期《Unit 2 My favourite season检测题(一)》



玉援 1. It蒺s warm in spring.

2. There are four seasons in a year.

3. Which season do you like best?

4. The music is about four seasons.

5. I like summer best.

域援 1. The trees are green and the flowers are

beautiful in spring.

2. Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.

3. I don蒺t like summer. It蒺s too hot.

4. I can make a snowman in winter.

芋援 1. I like spring. It蒺s warm and nice.

2. Summer is hot and the days are long.

3. What蒺s the weather like in autumn?

4. I can make a snowman.

5. I like summer best.

郁援 1. Which season do you like best, Sarah?

2. Winter. I like snow.

3. What about you?

4. Spring. It蒺s pretty.

5. Yes. It蒺s very beautiful.


玉. 1-5 ACBAB 域. 3142

芋. 1-5 FTTFF 郁. 51342笔试部分

玉. 1-5 BABCB

域. 1. autumn 2. spring 3. winter

4. summer 5. seasons

芋. 1-5 BCACA 郁. 1-5 EACBD

吁. 1. season 2. Spring 3. winter

4. Autumn 5. summer

遇. 1-5 FFTTT

( )2.

( )3.

( )4.

( )5.

喻. 判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(5分)

( )1. Merry Christmas!

( )2. It蒺s sunny and hot today.

( )3. It蒺s windy and cold today.

( )4. We often pick apples in autumn.

( )5. We often go on a picnic in spring.

峪. 情景选择。(5分)

A. Because I can plant trees.

B. I like winter best.

C. What about you, Lisa?

D. No, I don蒺t.

E. Which season do you like best, John?

Lisa: 1. _________________

John: 2. _________________ Do you like winter, Mary?

Mary: 3. _________________ It蒺s too cold. 4. _________________

Lisa: I like spring best.

John: Why do you like spring?

Lisa: 5. _________________

御. 选词填空,补全短文。(10分)

Summer, green, best, winter, windy, Spring,

snowy, blue, sunny, swim

The best time to go to Beijing is

autumn. It蒺s 1. _______ and cool. You

can go to the Great Wall. When is the

2. ______ time to go to Harbin? Of

course 3. _______. It蒺s 4. _______ and

cold. 5. _______ is the best season to go to Sanya. It蒺s 6. _______

and hot. You can 7. _______ in the sea. What about Hangzhou?

8. _______ is the best time to go there. The sky is 9. _______.

The leaves are 10. _______. You can fly kites, too.

愈. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。(10分)

Bob is a boy. He is twelve. He lives in Nanjing with his


He likes the teachers and classmates there, and he likes the

weather there, too. It蒺s warm and sunny in spring there. He goes

swimming in the river and goes fishing with his cousins in summer.

In autumn, sometimes he goes on a picnic with his friends. His

favourite season is winter because he can make a snowman with

his friends. It蒺s great fun.

( )1. Bob is ________.

A. 11 B. 12 C. 13

( )2. Bob lives with ________.

A. his parents B. his grandparents C. his aunt

( )3. Bob likes ________ best.

A. autumn B. spring C. winter

( )4. Sometimes, Bob goes on a picnic with ________ in autumn.

A. his parents B. his cousins C. his friends

( )5. Bob goes swimming in the river and goes fishing with

________ in summer.

A. his cousins B. his parents C. his friends


1. 询问事物或名称用 what。

—What is his name? 他的名字是什么?

—His name is Yao Ming. 他的名字是姚明。

2. 询问时间用 when。

—When do you get up? 你什么时候起床?

—I often get up at 7 o蒺clock. 我经常在七点起床。

3. 询问地点用 where。

—Where are you from? 你来自哪里?

—I蒺m from China. 我来自中国。

4. 询问哪一个或哪些用 which。

—Which book do you like best? 你最喜欢哪本书?

—I like this English book best. 我最喜欢这本英语书。

5. 询问原因用 why。

—Why do you like summer? 你为什么喜欢夏天?

—Because I like summer vacation. 因为我喜欢暑假。

翌河北 王沛玲

(本版参考答案见下期 2、3版中缝)

A. It蒺s sunny today.

B. It蒺s rainy today.

C. It蒺s windy today.

A. I like spring best.

B. I like summer best.

C. I like winter best.

A. I want to go on a picnic.

B. I want to play football.

C. I want to paint a picture.

A. I can play in the snow.

B. I can pick apples.

C. I can sleep all day.

Page 2: 用稿声明 人教 英语 第24期 - xuexibao.com · 学习报 五年级英语 责编 段佳宾 美编 马 麟 责编 段佳宾 美编 马 麟 笠各科主编电话(区号0351)语文3239630

学 习 报

五 年 级 英 语责编 段佳宾

美编 马 麟

责编 段佳宾

美编 马 麟

报社地址 太原市三墙路坝陵北街盛世华庭 粤1座 21层 邮编 0300园怨 投稿邮箱 [email protected] 电话 0351-3239662 编辑质量监督电话 0351-3239625笠各科主编电话(区号 0351) 语文 3239630 数学 3239641 英语 3239662 物理、化学、生物、科学 3239637 道德与法治、历史 3239656 小学 3239660 高中3239655

23期 2版


1. spring A

2. autumn D

3. summer B

4. winter C


1. library umbrella

breakfast brown

2. grapes grass

great group

23期 4版


基础篇 1-5 CBCAB

提升篇 1-3 CBB

Full marks: 100 Class: _________ Name: _________ Marks: _________

翌河北 王沛玲 (本版听力材料及参考答案见下期 4版)





(检测范围:Unit 2 Part B&C)


第 24期


第 24期


Full marks: 100 Class: _________ Name: _________ Marks: _________


(下转第 4版)

期数 编辑内容

21 Unit 1(I)

22Unit 1(II)&

Unit 1复习

23 Unit 2(I)

24Unit 2(II)&

Unit 2复习

25 Unit 3(I)

26Unit 3(II)&

Unit 3复习

27 期中检测

28 Unit 4(I)

29Unit 4(II)&

Unit 4复习

30 Unit 5(I)

31Unit 5(II)&

Unit 5复习

32 Unit 6(I)

33Unit 6(II)&

Unit 6复习

34 期末检测

35-40 期末复习

Unit 2 My favourite season检测题(二)


(共 40分)

玉援 听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(10分)

( )1. A. B.

( )2. A. B.

( )3. A. B.

( )4. A. B.

( )5. A. B.

域援 听录音,选出正确的应答语。(10分)

( )1. A. I like spring best. B. I like the trees.

( )2. A. It蒺s cold and snowy. B. It蒺s warm and windy.

( )3. A. Because I can pick apples.

B. Because I like summer vacation.

( )4. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it doesn蒺t.

( )5. A. Four. B. Seven.

芋援 听录音,给下列句子排序。(10分)

1. There are beautiful flowers everywhere.

2. I like summer, because I can eat ice cream.

3. I can play in the snow in winter.

4. Can you swim in summer?

5. The leaves fall in autumn.


郁援 听录音,给下列句子排序。(10分)

( )I like autumn best.

( )Because I can pick apples.

( )Which season do you like best?

( )That蒺s great! I often go on a picnic.

( )Why?

(共 60分)

玉. 判断下列各组单词是(T)否(F)属于同类。(5分)

( )1. A. play B. eat C. say

( )2. A. apples B. on C. snowman

( )3. A. make B. pick C. go

( )4. A. which B. best C. with

( )5. A. pick B. snow C. picnic

域. 看图片,写短语,补全句子。(10分)

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. I often ________________________ in summer.

2. We like to ________________________ in winter.

3. I usually ________________________ in autumn.

4. We often ________________________ in spring.

芋. 选择正确的答案。(10分)

( )1. I like summer, ________ I can蒺t swim.

A. and B. but C. so

( )2. There ________ lots of snow.

A. am B. is C. are

( )3. The weather is ________ in summer.

A. cold B. warm C. hot

( )4. What do you usually do ________ Children蒺s Day?

A. on B. in C. with

( )5. Christmas is in _________ in Australia.

A. spring B. winter C. summer

郁. 判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)

1 2 3 4 5

( )1. We like sunny days.

( )2. The flowers are beautiful.

( )3. I can蒺t swim.

( )4. We like to play in the snow.

( )5. I can eat ice cream in summer.

吁. 选词填空,补全对话。(10分)

because, four, weather, white, vacation

Mike: There are 1. ________ seasons in a year. Which season

do you like best?

Amy: I like spring best 2. ________ there are beautiful flowers


Sarah: I like summer best. Because I like summer 3. ________.

Oliver: I like autumn. Because the 4. ________ is good.

John: I like winter ! There is a lot of snow. It蒺s 5. ________


遇. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(15分)

My name is Doris. I蒺m a student. I like autumn best. Because

the weather is windy and cool. I like walking in the wind. I have a

good friend. Her name is Betty. She likes winter best. Because she

likes playing in the snow. So we always walk in autumn and play in

the snow in winter together.

( )1. Doris likes autumn best.

( )2. The weather is windy and cold in autumn.

( )3. Doris likes running in autumn.

( )4. Betty likes summer best.

( )5. Betty likes playing in the snow.

(共 40分)

玉援 听录音,圈出你听到的内容。(10分)

1. Which (second/season) do you like best?

2. Spring is good, but I like (summer/autumn) best.

3. I often pick (apples/leaves) with my sister in fall.

4. There are so many (pink/purple) flowers here.

5. The weather is (cold/cool) in winter.

域援 听录音,给下列图片排序。(10分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

芋援 听录音,选出正确的应答语。(10分)

( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I like.

( )2. A. My mother likes autumn best.

B. I like spring best.

( )3. A. Because I can plant trees.

B. Because I can play in the snow.

( )4. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I can蒺t swim.

( )5. A. It蒺s cool. B. It蒺s cold.

郁援 听录音,在相应的表格内打“姨”。(10分)






(共 60 分)

玉. 判断下列各组单词中划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。(5分)

( )1. A. bright B. brother

( )2. A. green B. ground

( )3. A. bread B. great

( )4. A. brown B. grade

( )5. A. clock B. clever

域. 给画线部分单词选择正确的图片。(5分)

( )1. I like spring best.

( )2. There are four seasons in a year.

( )3. Do you like summer?

( )4. We want to make a snowman.

( )5. I like to play with snow.



芋. 按要求写单词。(5分)

tree can autumn

1. 复数形式 2. 否定形式 3. 同义词

leaf hot

4. 复数形式 5. 反义词

郁. 选词填空。(5分)

in, on, at, with, for

1. Let蒺s go _________ a picnic.

2. I often play football _________ my friends.

3. Amy is looking _________ her ruler.

4. We often plant trees _________ spring.

5. They蒺re looking _________ the beautiful pictures of winter.

吁. 选择合适的答案。(5分)

( )1. —________ do you like best?


A. Which season B. Where season C. When season

( )2. I like ________ best. I often plant flowers.

A. spring B. summer C. autumn

( )3. I like winter ________ I can play with snow.

A. because of B. because C. because in

( )4. The leaves fall and fall in ________.

A. summer B. autumn C. winter

( )5. —________ do you like summer?

—Because I can go swimming.

A. When B. What C. Why

遇. 给下列图片选择正确的句子。(5分)

( )1.

A. It蒺s sunny and hot today.

B. It蒺s cold and snowy today.

C. It蒺s windy and warm today.