香港基督教協進會性別公義事工hong kong christian council gender justice ministry

香港基督教協進會性別公義事工 Hong Kong Christian Council Gender Justice Ministry

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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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香港基督教協進會性別公義事工 Hong Kong Christian Council Gender Justice Ministry

Page 2: 香港基督教協進會性別公義事工Hong Kong Christian Council Gender Justice Ministry








According to the Bible, humankind (both male and female) was created by God in God’s own image (Genesis 1:27) and we are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:27-29). Gender justice ministry not only aims to fight for women’s rights but to help men and women to break out of restrictive gender roles. Brothers and sisters in faith should join hands to eliminate gender barriers and raise the awareness of gender equality and mutual respect in churches so as to witness to the love and justice of God.

Page 3: 香港基督教協進會性別公義事工Hong Kong Christian Council Gender Justice Ministry

緣起 Background






Hong Kong Christian Council (HKCC) organized the Mission Consultation of the Hong Kong Churches 2009. The Sisters’ Forum was held in advance for female Christians to share their own experience and views, in order to encourage discussion about gender-related issues. Based on the opinions collected at the forum, we issued the Women’s Platform for Action, which recommended possible actions for HKCC as well as churches across Hong Kong. In 2010, HKCC’s Justice and Social Concern Committee recruited both male and female church personnel and theological educators to establish the Gender Justice Group. The group aims to carry out the plans formulated according to the Women’s Platform for Action.

《三八行動綱領》 Women’s Platform for Action

1. 建立「尊重」和「共融參與」的信仰群體,活出上主多元、平等、公義的新世界;2. 促進性別平等, 讓教牧和與平信徒突破性別定型和傳統的性別分工, 按恩賜、興趣 熱誠及群體需要,服侍教會,貢獻社會,榮耀上主;3. 將「性別公義」成為教會牧養及推展事工的參照原則;4. 以「婦女充權」的向度進行女性信徒之牧養, 協助她們確認其主體經驗和個人價值。1. To establish Christian communities based on mutual respect and communion, creating a new world with God through diversity, equality and justice;2. To foster gender equality at church by assigning duties based on one’s talents and in order to serve the church, contribute to the society and glorify God; 3. To promote gender justice as a guideline for churches to shepherd people and implement related projects;4. To equip female Christians with the concept of women’s empowerment, in order to affirm their personal experiences and self-worth.

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推廣防治性騷擾政策 Policy against Sexual Harassment








In March 2013, the Executive Committee of HKCC established the Policy against Sexual Harassment, which was implemented in October. HKCC was determined to eliminate any incidents of sexual harassment against its employees or members. To enhance Christian communities’ understanding of how to eliminate and prevent sexual harassment, HKCC published “Silence Amplifies Violence” (《禁聲的暴力》), a pamphlet that explains what sexual harassment is and addresses common misunderstandings. It gives suggestions on pastoral care and emphasizes the importance of eliminating sexual harassment in churches. Leaflets about the policy were also distributed to the participants of HKCC’s activities. In addition, HKCC provided churches from different sectors with training sessions on “How to eliminate and prevent sexual harassment? Let’s create a church with gender respect”, explaining the definition and legal consequences of sexual harassment as well as the importance of the policy, and giving advice on pastoral care. Moreover, in order to evaluate the seriousness of sexual harassment in Hong Kong Christian churches, HKCC conducted The Survey on Sexual Harassment and Gender Awareness at Church in late 2014. All churches in Hong Kong were invited to participate to ensure more accurate results and reliable reference.

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性別教育在教會 Gender Education at Church





Gender Justice Group has been invited by various churches, seminaries and social welfare organizations to teach exegetical bible study and offer worship services about feminist theology. Forums on gender justice have been held regularly to promote gender-related issues. These include: “Pastoral Reflection on Women, Body and Death “(2011), “Deep Sharing of a Full-time Dad “(2012) and “Occupy Central: Civic Engagement, Spiritual Life and Gender Perspective” Seminar (2013).

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The Group has also filmed documentaries and video clips to raise the gender consciousness of church communities and the public. All the videos are provided with English subtitles on our YouTube channel. They include:

《傘不走的女聲》(2014年‧10月)--「女人出嚟示威就預咗被人非禮?」「暴力清場,女人走先嘅頂住?」從暴力、性/別、政治到信仰,十位女撐傘者將心路歷程娓娓道來。民主路上,既是平等相待、竭力奮進,又何需用性別來設限?Do You Hear the Women Sing? (October, 2014) – “Female protesters should be prepared for sexual harassment? Ladies should leave first and let men stay behind when the occupied areas are under brutal attacks? Ten female umbrella protesters share their experience in terms of violence, sex and gender, politics and religious belief. As long as we treat each other fairly and spare no effort to fight for democracy, does gender still matter?”

《禁聲的暴力》(2015年‧1月)--教內性暴力見證人分享惶恐與失望;在教會中發生性騷擾後應如何處理?作為群體中的一員可如何與受傷者及性騷擾者同行?Silence Amplifies Violence ( January, 2015) – Witnesses to sexual violence in church share their anguish and disappointment. How should we handle such problems? How could we help the victims as well as the offenders to deal with it and recover?

《性/別:教會不能逃避的議題》(2015年‧1月)--五位受訪者點出教會中的性/別身影,打破教會禁忌,建立圓桌教會,讓不同性別的肢體同坐,共嚐主的筵席。Gender Differences – An Unavoidable Issue at Church ( January, 2015) – Five interviewees discuss how gender differences do exist in church. They broke the taboo and founded a roundtable church, allowing Christians of different genders to enjoy the Lord’s feast together.

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Hong Kong Christian Council Gender Justice Ministry

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九龍尖沙咀加連威老道33號基督教協進大樓9樓 9/F, Christian Ecumenical Building, 33 Granville Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong| 電話 TEL | (852)2368-7123

| 傳真 FAX | (852)2724-2131

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