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  • 7/22/2019 Mediastinum FKUnLam


    Radiology Examination ofRadiology Examination ofMediastinumMediastinum

    Arlavinda A. LubisArlavinda A. Lubis

    Radiology Department,Ulin Hospital /Radiology Department,Ulin Hospital /Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangurat UniversityFaculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangurat University

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    TheThe mediastinummediastinum isisthe region in thethe region in the

    chest between thechest between thepleural cavities thatpleural cavities thatcontain thecontain the heartheartand other thoracicand other thoracicviscera except theviscera except thelungslungs

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    Mediastinal anatomyMediastinal anatomy


    LateralLateral - parietal pleura- parietal pleura

    AnteriorAnterior - sternum- sternum PosteriorPosterior - vertebral column and- vertebral column andparavertebral guttersparavertebral gutters

    SuperiorSuperior - thoracic inlet - thoracic inlet

    nferiornferior - diaphragm- diaphragm

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    !elson!elson"Radiologists""Radiologists" Anterior mediastinal#Anterior mediastinal# is bounded anteriorlyis bounded anteriorly

    by the sternum and posteriorly by a line drawnby the sternum and posteriorly by a line drawn

    from the anterior aspect of the trachea andfrom the anterior aspect of the trachea andalong the posterior heartalong the posterior heart borderborder

    MiddleMiddle mediastinal compartment liesmediastinal compartment lies

    between the anterior and posteriorbetween the anterior and posterior


    PosteriorPosterior mediastinal, anterior border ismediastinal, anterior border isdefined by a line that is 1 cm posteriordefined by a line that is 1 cm posterior

    to the anterior edge of the vertebralto the anterior edge of the vertebral


    Mediastinal compartmentMediastinal compartment

    by Felsonby Felson

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    (Meschan, 1981;

    resited by Lange & Walsh, 2007)

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    Diseases of theDiseases of the





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    PneumomediastinumPneumomediastinum ir in the mediastinum is a common complication ofir in the mediastinum is a common complication of

    mechanical ventilation is also commonly encounteredmechanical ventilation is also commonly encounteredin some conditionsin some conditions

    Pain is the most common symptomPain is the most common symptom !esults from stretching of the mediastinal tissues!esults from stretching of the mediastinal tissues

    "ubsternal and aggravated by breathing and changing"ubsternal and aggravated by breathing and changing

    positionposition Dyspnea, dysphagia, subcutaneous crepitationDyspnea, dysphagia, subcutaneous crepitation

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    MediastinitisMediastinitis cute inflammation of the mediastinumcute inflammation of the mediastinum

    "ubsternal chest pain, chills, high fever, prostration"ubsternal chest pain, chills, high fever, prostration #hronic mediastinitis#hronic mediastinitis

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    #linical Presentation#linical Presentation

    symptomatic masssymptomatic mass

    Incidental discovery $ most commonIncidental discovery $ most common

    %&' of all mediastinal mass are asymptomatic%&' of all mediastinal mass are asymptomatic (&' of such mass are benign(&' of such mass are benign

    More than half are malignant if with symptomsMore than half are malignant if with symptoms

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    #linical Presentation#linical Presentation

    )ffects on #ompression or invasion of ad*acent tissues)ffects on #ompression or invasion of ad*acent tissues

    #hest pain#hest pain, from traction on mediastinal mass, tissue, from traction on mediastinal mass, tissueinvasion, or bone erosion is commoninvasion, or bone erosion is common

    #ough#ough, because of e+trinsic compression of the trachea, because of e+trinsic compression of the tracheaor bronchi, or erosion into the airway it selfor bronchi, or erosion into the airway it self

    emoptysis, hoarseness or stridoremoptysis, hoarseness or stridor

    Pleural effusion, invasion or irritation of pleural spacePleural effusion, invasion or irritation of pleural space

    Dysphagia, invasion or direct invasion of the esophagusDysphagia, invasion or direct invasion of the esophagus

    Pericarditis or pericardial tamponadePericarditis or pericardial tamponade

    !ight ventricular outflow obstruction and cor pulmonale!ight ventricular outflow obstruction and cor pulmonale

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    #linical Presentation#linical Presentation

    "uperior vena cava"uperior vena cava -ulnerable to e+trinsic compression and obstruction because it-ulnerable to e+trinsic compression and obstruction because it

    is thin walled and its intravascular pressure is low, andis thin walled and its intravascular pressure is low, andrelatively confined by lymph nodes and other rigid structuresrelatively confined by lymph nodes and other rigid structures

    "uperior vena cava syndrome"uperior vena cava syndrome !esults from the increase venous pressure in the upper!esults from the increase venous pressure in the upper

    thora+ , head and nec.thora+ , head and nec. characteri/ed by dilation of the collateral veins in the uppercharacteri/ed by dilation of the collateral veins in the upper

    portion of the head and thora+ and edema and phlethora of theportion of the head and thora+ and edema and phlethora of theface, nec. and upper torso, suffusion and edema of theface, nec. and upper torso, suffusion and edema of thecon*unctiva and cerebral symptoms such as headache,con*unctiva and cerebral symptoms such as headache,

    disturbance of consciousness and visual distortiondisturbance of consciousness and visual distortion 0ronchogenic carcinoma and lymphoma are the most0ronchogenic carcinoma and lymphoma are the most

    common etiologiescommon etiologies

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    #linical Presentation#linical Presentation

    oarseness, invading or compressing theoarseness, invading or compressing thenervesnerves

    orners syndrome, involvement of theorners syndrome, involvement of thesympathetic ganglia dropping eyelid, decreasedsympathetic ganglia dropping eyelid, decreasedpupil si/e,decreased sweating on the ipsilateralpupil si/e,decreased sweating on the ipsilateralface2face2

    Dyspnea, from phrenic nerve involvementDyspnea, from phrenic nerve involvementcausing diaphragmatic paralysiscausing diaphragmatic paralysis

    Tachycardia, secondary to vagus nerveTachycardia, secondary to vagus nerve


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    #linical Presentation#linical Presentation

    "ystemic symptoms and syndromes"ystemic symptoms and syndromes

    Fever, anore+ia, weight loss and other non specificFever, anore+ia, weight loss and other non specific

    symptoms of malignancy and granulomatoussymptoms of malignancy and granulomatousinflammationinflammation

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    Techni3ues for visuali/ing theTechni3ues for visuali/ing the

    mediastinum and its contentmediastinum and its content

    !adiographic techni3ue!adiographic techni3ue

    #hest +4ray5 "tandard postero antero and lateral#hest +4ray5 "tandard postero antero and lateral

    viewsviews Most mediastinal tumors are discoveredMost mediastinal tumors are discovered

    Fluoroscopy and tomographyFluoroscopy and tomography

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    #omputed tomography#omputed tomography

    #an identify normal anatomic variations and fluid#an identify normal anatomic variations and fluidfilled cystfilled cyst

    "ite of the origin of the mass can be better identified"ite of the origin of the mass can be better identified

    1&&' specificity for the #T appearance of teratomas,1&&' specificity for the #T appearance of teratomas,thymolipoma, omental fat herniationthymolipoma, omental fat herniation

    6verall accuracy for predicting mediastinal mass is6verall accuracy for predicting mediastinal mass isonly 7('only 7('

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    #omputed tomography#omputed tomography


    ori/ontal oriented structures and boundaries areori/ontal oriented structures and boundaries are

    difficult to evaluatedifficult to evaluate

    bnormalities in the aortopulmonary window area andbnormalities in the aortopulmonary window area and

    the subcarinal areathe subcarinal area

    #T has become the initial imaging procedure of#T has become the initial imaging procedure of

    choice for evaluation of mediastinum in patients withchoice for evaluation of mediastinum in patients withprimary mediastinal mass or with lung cancerprimary mediastinal mass or with lung cancer

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    Magnetic !esonanceMagnetic !esonance


    ssesses tissue by measuring thessesses tissue by measuring theradiofre3uency induced nuclear resonanceradiofre3uency induced nuclear resonanceinstead of measuring the attenuation ofinstead of measuring the attenuation of

    transmitted ioni/ing radiationtransmitted ioni/ing radiation#oronal and sagittal planes are better viewed,#oronal and sagittal planes are better viewed,

    vertical structures and boundaries are bettervertical structures and boundaries are betterevaluatedevaluated

    "uperior sulcus tumors, lesions invading the"uperior sulcus tumors, lesions invading themedistinum, chest wall and diaphragmmedistinum, chest wall and diaphragm

    nd possible invasion of the brachial ple+us,nd possible invasion of the brachial ple+us,and for evaluating vertebral invasionand for evaluating vertebral invasion

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    Magnetic !esonanceMagnetic !esonance



    Distinguish poorly between hilar mass and ad*acentDistinguish poorly between hilar mass and ad*acent

    collapsed or consolidated lungcollapsed or consolidated lung

    #annot distinguish between a benign and a malignant#annot distinguish between a benign and a malignant

    causes for lymph node enlargementcauses for lymph node enlargement

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    For cystic nature of mediatinal massFor cystic nature of mediatinal mass

    9seful in guiding endoscopic biopsy techni3ue9seful in guiding endoscopic biopsy techni3ue

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    !adionuclide imaging!adionuclide imaging

    !ely on the locali/ation of mar.ers based on!ely on the locali/ation of mar.ers based on

    specific metabolic or immunologic properties of thespecific metabolic or immunologic properties of the

    target tissuetarget tissue

    Potential ability to diagnose and stage a malignancyPotential ability to diagnose and stage a malignancy

    and identify distant metastasisand identify distant metastasis

    Planar imaging with gallium :; and thallium4

  • 7/22/2019 Mediastinum FKUnLam


    P6"IT!6N )MI""I6NP6"IT!6N )MI""I6N

    T6M6=!P>T6M6=!P> The single most notable addition to the stagingThe single most notable addition to the staging

    armamentarium for the evaluation of lung cancerarmamentarium for the evaluation of lung cancer

    Based on theBased on the biologic activity of neoplastic cellsbiologic activity of neoplastic cells

    PET is a metabolic imaging technique based on the function ofPET is a metabolic imaging technique based on the function of

    a tissue rather than its anatomya tissue rather than its anatomy Lung cancer cells demonstrate increased cellular uptake ofLung cancer cells demonstrate increased cellular uptake of

    glucose and a higher rate of glycolysis when compared toglucose and a higher rate of glycolysis when compared tonormal cellsnormal cells

    The radiolabeled glucose analogue [18F fluoro!"!deoxy!d!The radiolabeled glucose analogue [18F fluoro!"!deoxy!d!glucose undergoes the same cellular uptake as glucose# butglucose undergoes the same cellular uptake as glucose# butafter phosphorylation is not further metaboli$ed and becomesafter phosphorylation is not further metaboli$ed and becomestrapped in cellstrapped in cells

    %ccumulation of the isotope can then be identified using a &'T%ccumulation of the isotope can then be identified using a &'Tcameracamera

    Specific criteria for an abnormal PET scan are either a standard

    uptake value ofgreater than 2.5 or uptakein the lesion that is greaterthan the background activity of the mediastinum

    It has proved useful in differentiating neoplasticfrom normal tissues

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    P6"IT!6N )MI""I6NP6"IT!6N )MI""I6N


    The techni3ue is not infallible because certainThe techni3ue is not infallible because certainnon4neoplastic processes, includingnon4neoplastic processes, including

    granulomatous and other inflammatorygranulomatous and other inflammatory

    diseases as well as infectionsdiseases as well as infections,,may alsomay alsodemonstrate positive P)T imagingdemonstrate positive P)T imaging

    Size limitationsSize limitationsare also an issue, with the lowerare also an issue, with the lowerlimit of resolution of the study beinglimit of resolution of the study being

    appro+imatelyappro+imately 7 to 8 mm7 to 8 mmdepending on thedepending on theintensity of upta.e of the isotope in abnormalintensity of upta.e of the isotope in abnormalcellscells

    6ne should not rely on a negative P)T finding6ne should not rely on a negative P)T findingfor lesions less than 1 cm on #T scanfor lesions less than 1 cm on #T scan

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    Dealing with mediastinal massDealing with mediastinal mass

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    #onventional radiographic signs#onventional radiographic signs

    The ?silhouette sign@The ?silhouette sign@

    The hilar overlay signThe hilar overlay sign

    The hilar convergence signThe hilar convergence sign

    The cervicothoracic signThe cervicothoracic sign

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    Foto thora.s normalFoto thora.s normal

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    The ?silhouette sign@The ?silhouette sign@

    Ahen a mass abuts a normalAhen a mass abuts a normal

    mediastinal structure ofmediastinal structure of

    similar radiodensity, thesimilar radiodensity, the

    margins of the < structuresmargins of the < structureswill be obliteratedwill be obliterated

    This apparent loss of theThis apparent loss of the

    margin of the normal structuremargin of the normal structure

    can be used to locali/e acan be used to locali/e amediastinal mass to the samemediastinal mass to the same

    compartment as the normalcompartment as the normal


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    The hilar overlay signThe hilar overlay sign

    especially useful inespecially useful indistinguishing an anteriordistinguishing an anteriormediastinal mass from amediastinal mass from a

    prominent cardiacprominent cardiacsilhouettesilhouette

    If the bifurcation of theIf the bifurcation of themain pulmonary artery ismain pulmonary artery is

    B1 cm medial to the lateralB1 cm medial to the lateralborder of the cardiacborder of the cardiacsilhouette, it is stronglysilhouette, it is stronglysuggestive of asuggestive of amediastinal massmediastinal mass

    Imaging of the mediastinum in oncology

    Michele Lesslie, DO; Marvin H. Chasen, MD, MSEE; Reginald F. Munden, MD,


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    The hilar convergence signThe hilar convergence sign

    is used to distinguish between a prominent hilumis used to distinguish between a prominent hilum

    and an enlarged pulmonary arteryand an enlarged pulmonary artery

    If the pulmonary arteries converge into the lateralIf the pulmonary arteries converge into the lateralborder of a hilar mass, the mass represents anborder of a hilar mass, the mass represents an

    enlarged pulmonary arteryenlarged pulmonary artery

    hilar mass may have the appearance of an hilar mass may have the appearance of an

    enlarged pulmonary artery, but the vessels will notenlarged pulmonary artery, but the vessels will not

    arise from the marginC instead they will seem to passarise from the marginC instead they will seem to pass

    through the margins as they converge on the truethrough the margins as they converge on the true


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    an enlarged

    pulmonary arery

    Hillar mass

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    The cervicothoracic signThe cervicothoracic sign

    is used to determine the location of a mediastinal lesionis used to determine the location of a mediastinal lesionin the upper chestin the upper chest

    The uppermost border of the anterior mediastinum endsThe uppermost border of the anterior mediastinum endsat the level of the claviclesat the level of the clavicles

    the medial and posterior mediastinum e+tends above thethe medial and posterior mediastinum e+tends above theclavicles mediastinal mass that pro*ects superior to theclavicles mediastinal mass that pro*ects superior to thelevel of the clavicles must therefore be located eitherlevel of the clavicles must therefore be located either

    within the middle or posterior mediastinumwithin the middle or posterior mediastinum

    the more cephalad the mass e+tends, the more posteriorthe more cephalad the mass e+tends, the more posteriorthe locationthe location

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    The anterior mediastinum contains the following structures(thymus# lymph nodes# ascending aorta# pulmonary artery#phrenic nerves and thyroid)

    The four T*s make up the mnemonic for anterior mediastinalmasses((

    1) Thymus

    ") Teratoma +germ cell,

    -) Thyroid

    .) Terrible Lymphoma

  • 7/22/2019 Mediastinum FKUnLam


    Sanjeev Bhalla, Marieke Hazewinkel and Roin Smithuis

    /ardiothoracic 0maging ection of the 2allinckrodt 0nstitute of 3adiology# t) Louis# 4% and the

    3adiology department the 2edical /entre %lkmaar and the 3i5nland 6ospital# Leiderdorp# the


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    8esions typically in the8esions typically in the

    nterior Mediastinumnterior Mediastinum

    Thymic neoplasmThymic neoplasm Thymoma is the most common neoplasm occuring inThymoma is the most common neoplasm occuring in

    the anterior mediastinumthe anterior mediastinum !ecogni/ed more often recently because of increase!ecogni/ed more often recently because of increase

    aggresiveness in evaluating patients with myastheniaaggresiveness in evaluating patients with myasthenia


    #omposed of lymphocytes and epithelial cells#omposed of lymphocytes and epithelial cells

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    Pea. incidence is 7&4:& yEoPea. incidence is 7&4:& yEo

    )3ual gender predilection)3ual gender predilection

    !are in children!are in children

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    Myasthenia gravis is the most common syndromeMyasthenia gravis is the most common syndrome

    6ccurs in 1&4%&' of patients6ccurs in 1&4%&' of patients

    ow thymoma produced myasthenia is un.nown butow thymoma produced myasthenia is un.nown but

    autoantibodies to the post synaptic acetylcholineautoantibodies to the post synaptic acetylcholine

    receptor appears to e+plain the dysfunction of thereceptor appears to e+plain the dysfunction of the

    neuromuscular *unctionneuromuscular *unction

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    Found near the *unction of the heart and greatFound near the *unction of the heart and great


    !ound or oval, smooth or lobulated as compared!ound or oval, smooth or lobulated as comparedwith thymic hyperplasia which is symmetricalwith thymic hyperplasia which is symmetrical

    9sually distorts the gland normal shaped9sually distorts the gland normal shaped

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    Thymomas are neoplastic but most are benignThymomas are neoplastic but most are benign

    Invasive tumors have a poorer prognosisInvasive tumors have a poorer prognosis

    % year% year G %&4;;' survival rateG %&4;;' survival rate

    1& year G &4%%' survival rate1& year G &4%%' survival rate

    !ecurrence after resection occurs in 1E of!ecurrence after resection occurs in 1E of

    patientspatientsPresence of thymoma4associated systemicPresence of thymoma4associated systemic

    syndrome is a poor prognostic signsyndrome is a poor prognostic sign

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    May respond to hormonal therapyMay respond to hormonal therapy

    Manage by resection via median sternotomyManage by resection via median sternotomy

    approach or -T"approach or -T"

    d*unctive treatment with post operatived*unctive treatment with post operative


    ddition of perioperative radiotherapy is providedddition of perioperative radiotherapy is provided

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  • 7/22/2019 Mediastinum FKUnLam


    6ther thymic mass6ther thymic mass

    Thymic hyperplasia, thymic cyst and lipothymomaThymic hyperplasia, thymic cyst and lipothymoma

    Thymic carcinoma is a malignant process thatThymic carcinoma is a malignant process that

    invades locally and fre3uently metastasi/edinvades locally and fre3uently metastasi/ed

    Prognosis is poorPrognosis is poor

    !esection followed by ad*uvant chemoradiotherapy!esection followed by ad*uvant chemoradiotherapy

    is advocatedis advocated

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    =erm cell tumors=erm cell tumors

    1&41< ' of primary mediastinal tumors are derived1&41< ' of primary mediastinal tumors are derivedfrom germinal tissues both in adults and in childrenfrom germinal tissues both in adults and in children

    Teratoma and teratocarcinomaTeratoma and teratocarcinoma


    )mbryonal cell carcinoma)mbryonal cell carcinoma


    They are believed to arise from remnant multipotentThey are believed to arise from remnant multipotentgerm cells that have migrated abnormally duringgerm cells that have migrated abnormally duringembryonic developmentembryonic development

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    Most common germ cell tumorsMost common germ cell tumors

    Made up of tissues foreign to the area in which theyMade up of tissues foreign to the area in which they


    )ctodermal derivatives predominate)ctodermal derivatives predominate

    Ahen only the epidermis and its derivatives areAhen only the epidermis and its derivatives are

    present, the term dermoid cystpresent, the term dermoid cyst

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    >oung adults>oung adults

    0ut reported in all age groups0ut reported in all age groups

    Men and women affected e3uallyMen and women affected e3ually

    (&' are benign(&' are benign

    1E are asymptomatic1E are asymptomatic

    Pain, cough, dyspneaPain, cough, dyspnea

    emoptysis if tumor erodes into a bronchusemoptysis if tumor erodes into a bronchus

    )+pectoration of differentiated tissue such as hair Htrichoptysis or)+pectoration of differentiated tissue such as hair Htrichoptysis orsebaceous materials can occursebaceous materials can occur

    #an rupture in the pleural space and can cause !D" or enter#an rupture in the pleural space and can cause !D" or enter

    the pericardium causing Pericardial Tamponadethe pericardium causing Pericardial Tamponade

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    6n #J!, Teratomas are smooth, rounded and6n #J!, Teratomas are smooth, rounded andwell circumscribed if they are cystic andwell circumscribed if they are cystic andmore lobulated and asymmetric if they aremore lobulated and asymmetric if they are

    solidsolid"oft tissue, fat and calcification Hoccasionally"oft tissue, fat and calcification Hoccasionally

    fully formed teeth and bone can be seen onfully formed teeth and bone can be seen on#T images#T images

    ll teratomas should be resected as to thell teratomas should be resected as to theuncertainty whether it is benign anduncertainty whether it is benign andpossibility of further enlargement andpossibility of further enlargement andimpingement on ad*acent structuresimpingement on ad*acent structures

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    =erm cell tumor=erm cell tumor

    Smooh, !ell"de#ined anerior mediasinal umor !ih

    heerogeneous aenuaion associaed !ih calci#ic

    inraumoral nodules suggess a mediasinal eraodermoid

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    $enign eraoma. % &'"year"old man developed mild ches

    discom#or. (Atlas of diagnostic oncology, Arthur T.


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    "eminoma Hdysgerminoma"eminoma Hdysgerminoma

    6ccurs almost e+clusively in men6ccurs almost e+clusively in men

    9sually in the 9sually in the rdrddecade of lifedecade of life

    #hest pain, dyspnea, cough, hoarseness and#hest pain, dyspnea, cough, hoarseness anddysphagiadysphagia

    "-# syndrome can occur"-# syndrome can occur

    They are aggressive malignant tumors that e+tendThey are aggressive malignant tumors that e+tendlocally and metastasi/ed distantly, usually to thelocally and metastasi/ed distantly, usually to thes.eletal boness.eletal bones

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    They may secrete #=, but not FPThey may secrete #=, but not FP

    Poor prognosisPoor prognosis ge B% yEoge B% yEo

    "-# syndrome"-# syndrome "upraclavicular, clavicular or hilar adenopathy"upraclavicular, clavicular or hilar adenopathy Presentation with feverPresentation with fever

    )+tremely radiosensitive and may respond)+tremely radiosensitive and may responddramatically with chemotherapy even in cases ofdramatically with chemotherapy even in cases ofdisseminationdissemination

    #isplatin based regimen is used#isplatin based regimen is used

    8ong term survival is (&'8ong term survival is (&'

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    #ommon cause in both adults and children#ommon cause in both adults and children


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    Incidental discovery of a mass on #J! is a commonIncidental discovery of a mass on #J! is a commonpresentation of lymphomapresentation of lymphoma

    "ystemic and locali/ed symptoms"ystemic and locali/ed symptoms

    Tracheal compromise and "-# are commonTracheal compromise and "-# are common

    Pericardial and pleural involvementPericardial and pleural involvement

    !esection is not a necessary part of therapy, but!esection is not a necessary part of therapy, butanterior thoracotomy or mediastinoscopy is re3uiredanterior thoracotomy or mediastinoscopy is re3uiredto confirm the diagnosis if adenopathyis not evidentto confirm the diagnosis if adenopathyis not evidentoutside the mediatinumoutside the mediatinum

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    Obliterated retrosternal clear space

    On the PA film there is a lobulated widening of

    the superior mediastinum.On the lateral chest film the retrosternal clearspace is obliterated.

    This happened to be a patient with lymphoma.

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    Thyroid lesionsThyroid lesions

    )ctopic thyrod gland accounts for 1&' of)ctopic thyrod gland accounts for 1&' ofmediastinal massmediastinal mass

    #ervical goiter e+tends susternally into the anterior#ervical goiter e+tends susternally into the anteriormediastinummediastinum

    Primary intrathoracic goiter, originating from thePrimary intrathoracic goiter, originating from theheterotropic thyroid tissue is rareheterotropic thyroid tissue is rare

    Most are in the anterior mediastinum but can occurMost are in the anterior mediastinum but can occurin the middle and posterior mediastinumin the middle and posterior mediastinum

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    Thyroid lesionsThyroid lesions

    #ommon in women#ommon in women

    Middle or older ageMiddle or older age


    oarseness #ough, swelling of the faceoarseness #ough, swelling of the face

    !ecogni/ed by radioactive iodine screning!ecogni/ed by radioactive iodine screning !esected by transcervical approach wihout the use!esected by transcervical approach wihout the use

    of sternotomy approachof sternotomy approach

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    Parathyroid lesionsParathyroid lesions

    Mediastinal parathyroid tissue accounts for as manyMediastinal parathyroid tissue accounts for as manyas 1&' of cases of hyperparathyroidismas 1&' of cases of hyperparathyroidism

    Mediastinum is the most common site for ectopicMediastinum is the most common site for ectopicparathyroid adenomas in surgically resistantparathyroid adenomas in surgically resistanthyperparathyroidismhyperparathyroidism

    Technetium scanning are accurate in diagnosingTechnetium scanning are accurate in diagnosing

    parathyroid tissueparathyroid tissue

    #ured by complete resection#ured by complete resection

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    Mesenchymal tumorsMesenchymal tumors

    Iipomas, fibroma, mesothelioma,Iipomas, fibroma, mesothelioma,lymphangiomas,lymphangiomas,

    They arise from connective tissue, fat, smoothThey arise from connective tissue, fat, smoothmuscle, striated muscle, blood vessels ormuscle, striated muscle, blood vessels orlymphatic channels and can occur in a anylymphatic channels and can occur in a anyregion of the mediastinumregion of the mediastinum

    istologically they differ from their counterpartistologically they differ from their counterpart

    Presence of symptoms means that the lesion isPresence of symptoms means that the lesion ismalignantmalignant

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    Is the most common mesenchymal tumorIs the most common mesenchymal tumor

    Most often anteriorMost often anterior

    )ncapsulted or unencapsulated)ncapsulted or unencapsulated

    "mooth, rounded with sharply defined margins"mooth, rounded with sharply defined margins

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    More common than lipomaMore common than lipoma

    =enerali/ed overabundance of histologically=enerali/ed overabundance of histologically

    normal unencapsulated fatnormal unencapsulated fat The presence of some fat in the mediastinum isThe presence of some fat in the mediastinum is

    normal, usually in and around the thymusnormal, usually in and around the thymus

    ccumulation of e+cess fat is associated withccumulation of e+cess fat is associated withgenerali/ed obesity or #ushingLs syndrome orgenerali/ed obesity or #ushingLs syndrome orwith the use of e+ogenous steroids or drugswith the use of e+ogenous steroids or drugs

    Middle Mediastinum

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    Middle Mediastinum

    The middle mediastinum contains the following

    structures( lymph nodes# trachea# esophagus# a$ygos

    vein# vena cavae# posterior heart and the aortic arch)

    The ma5ority of middle mediastinal masses will consist of

    foregut duplication cysts +eg oesophageal duplication or

    bronchogenic cysts, or lymphadenopathy)

    %ortic arch anomalies can also present as middle

    mediastinal masses)

    8 i t i ll i th8esions typically in the

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    8esions typically in the8esions typically in the

    Middle MediastinumMiddle Mediastinum

    )nlargement of the lymph node)nlargement of the lymph node

    Mediatinal lymph node enlargement is most oftenMediatinal lymph node enlargement is most often

    due to three categories of disease processdue to three categories of disease process 8ymphomas8ymphomas

    Metatastic cancerMetatastic cancer

    =ranulomatous inflammation=ranulomatous inflammation

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  • 7/22/2019 Mediastinum FKUnLam


    On he le# a paien !ih a small cell lung


    On he *% #ilm here is a lo+ulaed pararacheal

    sripe on he righ.

    On he laeral radiograph here is a densiy overlying

    he ascending aora and #illing he rerosernal


    hese #indings indicae a mass in he anerior as!ell

    as in he middle mediasinum.

    C scanning con#irm o# lymphoma.

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    Developmental cystDevelopmental cyst

    #omprise 1&4

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    Developmental #ystsDevelopmental #ysts

    Pericardial cystPericardial cyst ccounts for 1E of cystic masses in adultsccounts for 1E of cystic masses in adults

    8ess common in children8ess common in children

    They typically lie against the pericardium, diaphragmThey typically lie against the pericardium, diaphragmor anterior chest wall on the right cardiophrenic angleor anterior chest wall on the right cardiophrenic angle

    It can enlarge to cause right ventricular outflow tractIt can enlarge to cause right ventricular outflow tractobstruction, or rupture and hemorrhage to causeobstruction, or rupture and hemorrhage to causepericardial tamponade or sudden cardiac deathpericardial tamponade or sudden cardiac death

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    Developmental #ystsDevelopmental #ysts

    0ronchogenic cyst0ronchogenic cyst Found near the large airways, often posterior toFound near the large airways, often posterior to

    the carina, may attach to the esophagus or eventhe carina, may attach to the esophagus or even

    inside the pericardiuminside the pericardium #yst wall often contains cartilages and respiratory#yst wall often contains cartilages and respiratory

    epithelumepithelumMost are discovered incidentally andMost are discovered incidentally and


    They can communicate with the tracheobronchialThey can communicate with the tracheobronchialtree and can become infected and cause airwaytree and can become infected and cause airwayobstruction, pulmonary artery compression andobstruction, pulmonary artery compression andhemodynamic collapse or rupture with disastroushemodynamic collapse or rupture with disastrousconse3uencesconse3uences

  • 7/22/2019 Mediastinum FKUnLam


    Developmental #ystsDevelopmental #ysts

    )nteric or entergenous cyst)nteric or entergenous cyst

    "imilar in location and appearance with bronchogenic"imilar in location and appearance with bronchogenic

    cyst, but have digestive tract epithelumcyst, but have digestive tract epithelum

    9ncommon in adults9ncommon in adults

    #ommonly seen in infants and children#ommonly seen in infants and children

    ssociated with spinal e+tension and malformation ofssociated with spinal e+tension and malformation of

    the vertebral column called neurenteric cystthe vertebral column called neurenteric cyst

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    Diaphragmatic herniaDiaphragmatic hernia

    The protrusion of omental fat or other abdominalThe protrusion of omental fat or other abdominal

    contents through the diaphragm may occur viacontents through the diaphragm may occur via

    several potential routes and medatinal mass lesionseveral potential routes and medatinal mass lesion

    in any compartment may occurin any compartment may occur

    hernia thorough the foramen of Morgagni hernia thorough the foramen of Morgagni

    produces a cardiphrenic angle mass, usually on theproduces a cardiphrenic angle mass, usually on the

    right sideright side

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    0ochdale.Ks hernia, in the posterior mediastinum,0ochdale.Ks hernia, in the posterior mediastinum,

    generally appears on the left side, presumablygenerally appears on the left side, presumably

    because the liver prevents formation on the rightbecause the liver prevents formation on the right

    They are usually incidental finding but can causeThey are usually incidental finding but can cause

    complication in some casescomplication in some cases

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    Posterior MediastinumPosterior Mediastinum

    The posterior mediastinum contains the following

    structures( sympathetic ganglia# nerve roots# lymph

    nodes# parasympathetic chain# thoracic duct# descending

    thoracic aorta# small vessels and the vertebrae)

    2ost masses in the posterior mediastinum are

    neurogenic in nature)

    These can arise from the sympathetic ganglia +eg

    neuroblastoma, or from the nerve roots +eg schwannoma

    or neurofibroma,)

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    Cervicothoracic sign

  • 7/22/2019 Mediastinum FKUnLam


    On he le# he MR o# he same paien.

    - urned ou o +e a sch!annoma.

  • 7/22/2019 Mediastinum FKUnLam


    =anglioneuroma During evaluation for unrelated problem, chest radiography in a=anglioneuroma During evaluation for unrelated problem, chest radiography in a

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