old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski disk3/rome ny... · -"i\ - "•— 'r...

. -"I— \ - "• ' r •'*. 'I- •'•"' ' \ I I m • • ii"-. m &- M u Hi I ? » " •' ,!'. I ' WitMti'fiMl. r«r^C'W'!'* <'?»•>-> :Sf>p'^ I ' 1 i T -« - of the Jo*rlci Commerce. liUet* a n d u<* m i i l a k e . an iniertst i»Mb£ \Naiio; -^._., Jwjwirii fotmatiob ytfu &a*e noan|rerf» I beg leavje to offer ithe f l 'Mo{ mg cariosities for the accptioce of |»e laH of op Irish BulL ; A ijomrifiaryi wiifaj ! a man io; it. fialif a doitn feaiber* from k gin co tail. - .«• 1 [ (kiknM Conn, and : J] 1 ' | . &..S. BROVflf, Ag-etivV Atfcjti Office nyerLangf-rd. 1 llsydeo's Store, 4»- recily cpposiie ihe Americanjllutel. Borne, >, Y. Ayonlry of Uiei PRldTECTSON; INSURANCE 60> OF HlJlJRTFO&lV C « p „ At tjieOflBc^ nfilfallman &. Johnsoi), in the !Ar- cad«[ji(up stain,} Rom«j, N . V . j L. BOAR DM ANI, Ag*l. 1y32 wV« s. ISK.OWW; At|TiORNEY AND COUNSELLOR^ Office over Lan^ford <$& Hnydon's Store, Domi- nick-strect, [r^irfctlyj opposite the American '4. A pound of ouiter from the cream o 3«»keJand a cbeese from the milk of L a**n kindness, Tfiio' aojarch! of mind, arranged foil a foil orchestra,'with Trumpet obligatory j •• -i | ;. ' ; | : f r Wistles fro r n the> last brush HJiih the Mexicans, and a Unit* of Geo. Agigu- deadlier on them. I Ailme from the anchor of H»pe. A pouiie of smoke tbai,Mr. PoJk's mes- . «gejeoded in.'- j tfonte ten-penny! nails, made from; a fragrant jof the Iron Duke. Ij A fiogejr-post from the road to ntia.| ! l. ' THe cap-of a. climax. '> |! Musket and powder-horn of a shooting r'»tar.i.;- |-, .j .•:[, ; ; . \ j, .., ; ; '% pool made on the last of the Moai- "cahsj,wt?h one of the spurs of the Bociy moaotain* op the heel. Tie afieiioon ofi the D«y ol Algiers. -•. >AHbinge Jfront the gates of detHh. apd 'IKaneLf the sauflf that the chfld waslojt finite op to. ;'!. : I '-*.-iiitlKa-; BT TBB CARD.—A gieen j0]^|Ora4»ocoutst>.determined eospend *• \jfcW vr*-tk* in* Nev<r Yotk, for the p4r- "pOse of seeina Jli the sights; and in or aer tt> strike JJIS.acquaintances at hoine with a proper idea cjt th»* greatness oi lijis visit, jhe took up lodgings at the- Astibr House;, i. j ; | '• I When he was ushered in t<i dinner, ihe first d*y, he Was surprised at the jBrimfcjer of people who s«t down; as w«fll as the vastness of the dining room, lite t^a* ie^tialiiy surprised to see-, that each man had a printed account of his dinner before him, and that each one, as be thought, at!» accordingto direct:o»s. Me roa-< Quite hunary—-and well ^e mi»htbe tSaet wailing thr^e hours over his usuial time---so hje atacke^l the hvad oif hw ball with jvigorj and ate! down as far as be coa'/dj but'he soon pa*ne to a ?tand- Jtist thea jibe gc^iitleman pn his right reques- ted tiie wait, T tf> brfnjg him some o> t>tei jHe, which our friend heard, ao(j ihstaat- ijr referred ;to the li-j to see wh*-re jit wis. T **Vii|hat V ekcjlatmed he, with astonis|b* tnent to.his neigh^r— a are you all me tpay down (hex*% Why I horse oidy got <b rodst beef, mid I feci already 4* in I I^dtel, Ri-me, N , Y . ?v8tf offid j- WMJIs. PiARKHIJRST, ATTORNEY, CPUNSELlLoR ANp SOLI|C1TOR. ' removed |to Afm8tron^ , ^ Brick Builditag I acrow the canal, f 5 III* Wj H. POLLA|RD, Ftti^ioBablrjjiiilr.Drcissins &! Sharing shop. James t*., oppCFsit* Stonwix Hall, 9tf i , OflSce TALLMAN. ATfrloRNfey AND COUNSELLOR A t J L a x v ^ a n d S o f t c f l r o r i a n d | ouutcHor in i Chancery, j IBlair & Harmon F>^VsiCIAjNS AND SURGEONS. ml t h e A 1 cide; whera ihej' will punctually J atteuq tlo all Calls in the line of Jlo^iW STBYKER^ C AklvERT C o * bTOCK, B l i | » I F I E U > J . JJEACH H --s. f AJFBL^OW FEELIKG MAKES TJS W<Ja« Kijti?.'*-r-s<» thought We yester^ly, .<>» beholding a fellow Hhree sheets [in \ljbe Witid" 'iytrifg cosily beside; a gr^^er ' in ^he gutter, in a stire-t in jhe . iovteij j^iri xk the chy\ Eve|r and ancln the hbgj would send] forth its dolorous nQtesiwh|jch| ^Wbbld be responded to by its feilqW cr|n : i I ; 'najniojvina loud s"ore,*and ti^re ih»y j Jay as if engaged ip earnest conversation. '1?husj tha loagVr solHoquised ;[ 4 *1 \\|as j -ijpro (jhic) for a sreiat man, (hie) but pjo- I p^e doj not (bic)know \i Ugh! u^h ! ugn .' j * i! Who dar-s di-pute he .j^figrdent ^hjc) of the| Sen (hie) ati. Ugh ! egh-'ll ugh ! **Bown, dow», : .^h'«t) prfsumptiT>us| r< oel (h'p),f and tis»ng ill hi-* mnjestly, pe •*f*««ced bwfodt on thej neck of hisjawjo- ] iih coin pinion, and exclaim d : ' l \ trejid | t (Hiic) Ion ha'u'y 'J(*\\c) Spain ;** which ipe 'Ifftg t»t ieHshing, bjy a sudden start 'pj{ac<*4 ! <he r w - ' g ' g e n i u s ">>pon hi< ba j ^h«>, asi he!fell, ekclajiraed : *•**.«» i f "t'lte dighty ;(hic'rfi»!en (Kic)." s j The last numbef of the Yan^e Di j dJecJntaina the fallow ine - :,... ; A NOTE ACCEPTED: i % X Mr. Jenkins requesls the plpasure I 6;Capu|Brown*ii cv>mpany ait a small party I ©% F»id*y ev«-nine;!nexjt. . ; !•• ' = /. J- ''l^ljSnrJggins; Placej—Monda^. Captain Brown pfff seut&hi-cptnplim^ipts id regrets thai , thirtejen itainpd by habeas <or- ar^i an fie Cap'ajn .^rowb's "ico.mpauy -Will h-i^e uiucli pleasure I in w^m^f^!^W^Tf Wf —i met* ^ettrra' >w4.aV[. SoLDiEBs, ^floi^SAND CHILDREN iuMt'iir PatiuMh k, ar/eata of Peii«i»»n^, uuuituta ol Jmlf payi arirars ot'miJiuiry in* vii^ nil H\* La wa, Forma anil Reguia- BOO Otfi^-Us tiit refore: now'prepared to fmiuipity>>«l)i8 )wntli>k and'expend, iard, (wli«n ut.wi xeptnil) all applkanta »oMo! ' baa ectad, or auspended for fur- a penMOEfer^ Hying o r d< ad. la br tvaa apposed tied u>a| < riser pensjoii tha t waa nwarded. re a Eeft lurtofiaiy 0tficer or Soldier la nov"f living aince<Bt i of-March; lfc53l- -or wbere,Jittving serv- the Mrar < m.tiw continent establfahnjent, tie has 3d MarlMfttS. ! '".. , 'i?[% : , •'•"->' w married previ< mio the expiration of lerra of service is no\v alive, or has died = 36. iw married previ DUS tn 1st January,t794 (under ceftain c; rcumstauce*} died since w has bwrri man ed more than once, and |haa died a wi'lov* since 23d August IK42. s, described nndr r the 5tl» and 6lh classes ed five or six yea rs' pay. dexription for arrwkrs qf pension, due their profession. ~lf*rRYKEt!.jCOMSTOCK & BEAGH. ATTORNEY®, sloLlCITORS, AND CCjUN$ELLOR8l Oflace] on the earner, opposite American ! Hotel, [over M»di©;8t DJ)i>'i Hardiware atore. T .1 |X iiivjAtgaiing 1 Ftuiinty J>auda i—y liOUSF Hid - wuhoit for 1. tberp 2. to be a 3. or has wt dUI died, si 4. Wijierea Wi her hustiand'sli |sinc«r4tli of July ^. Wnere a w is now alive, orb 7th JuljJ, 183d. ; 6. W jere a isnow * widow 7- W lere wid have a I ready ret 8. CiniujHoftrv Uie hein «>f dtxeaxod pensionera. TElRJIS varied '& ecording to j the Mature and exteiitof tlie services ren<leri-d and iheaniountof the claim recovered. Alt tirade who suppose iney have claims,wilUon sending a state- ment offacu to the subscriber, be ir|<<>rmed without charge jjwh«thetj or not tlieir clnimiiaie well founded. | Those who hatri! made Hfifnru and failed to obtain pen tfons, aaVd'.z ot deeimir if they iruut their case to his Ztuadvs he has within the-il is 1 year obtained [Pensions in many casea where they had been given upas entirely hop«les8.after re- peaujd, an*ucci«|iil eifortfl. He noi onlj^devot*«s hjs whole time and attention o the busine<« personally, but bap the aa- pistancel of an OReij , who ht««i been 'engaged in liie pusiness for l$or twenty yjeirs; and wfcoi visits WashingtonI several tkuefl a Jyear, wittl ill the principal offices of Records, of ihe nerviiealof levoljtionary soldiers, viz: ^Boston, uoncord, Montpeiaer, Harifo d, Newpoif, Troiton.iHarrfrburgh, Phil^ - adelphiij,New York and A'bahy.wnere be! baaaccHMUi ihe old rollwiovl »"eorti! and having ar.e«s» «<i numerous private rolls, is, in nimier?) is instances) enabled to iefltatilUW ciairns. jivhere akcnbt willi less fnctliiieu fur] investigating thjeu), fail \pf obrainTng whatji 1 justly due.] *\ He wiibes to b{ listinctly ui^derstbod that he investigates all claims at his rftrn rf>ik, without <tny c<mipen«aiu>n what ever, vvtere onsu<keeaful, and that r o claim will be| consid ered hopeless, wli :re a pension if Ju itly due, Unexc^ptionab' 'p-eferencefc e*ven f rerjuested Letters ot inqn| •i'or npplicali«'n<', will meet with prompt auenuorjj, if addredied to theRibscribfr, (postpaid)at RluSK,tVavn«Cn. S.\ JMne,l8<6. (ij>3tf ^VILLISC WADE. F^«yw?5jwKJ.w i f&mmti |p,^^,,| ? ^.,-,^^«^,^^^..:^,^ ; y«^|- ••:/-!'••' ,:f i \T~^?pY~*Fiy>"Vy- <fyf-:y'vw»wf- l ':t\^f*\ •>rrs\ j mdace oilie,r t the public it>iH ihprefj . ...„,. tt^HSr<^'^'|^-4metfR4U 1 \ dcnitinri for tliialrot^ Acoustic Oil, is a,jpernia'n^|tt H»j[d Jaetinjfr^are in rrin«t./;cas>s of JJrcaffnieBs^ mijiy [articlea of no value to bfe P'Mtnfd "P*" 1 the true and.genuine l^w*??* ^4 '* be nccefsarj' f'»r! pcirsow who do \ not *r\*f} t'ii Hjc^rleceivedtd !«^partjicuihr,aiid'iriqiii|re (QT 1 •'Hajpcif* iEtnerialvOUrHJrice^ijnc dollar."]— __Jte noot^^r^and bcajr, in mind 1 hat the ot.'ly jTWinine Elorjp^sir's Oil has thJ wrjttejt sjffriattire of 'tiHQS:, E^-iflKB oh thp.Wra||pc^. # 0 *ot bo induced & purchase ip.'article oi tdniilar.nainq,apd pay $ 1,^50 of- $2,00 fur it, thinkingi«njare {r«tli«|>{r tlie gentiThe Jlooper'e Ethero*! Oil, Ask for Hooper**, not Cooper's Ethereal pili j fy Leonard^ Eodley & Hill, Agents, Hotne; and by Drug- 8 n 1 %inly I? or safe bl Bissell and W. j. Hliocock^ giatd generally. "TtWli needs Ao Boajsling." T Notice of application for the disci tf rge of an insolvent from ) hi* debts, punutaoj a the provisions, >f the third article of the fiwt tit ept'the fifLi chapter of the «; x>nd par c of tit a He vised gtatuirs. ' i I Fred,e> ck n o l HI t n. an insolmat d *tor. Notice Ar*t pub- lished pi:fober. l^C. <?redi»of» to appwir befi>re^on- p. SmHdon Hoot; Fir|i Judge of the C01 m of Common Pfea« of theCoumy ofOnrfda Coiinselbiriat Law, fee, nt his <*mee, m theciiy of Uifajia, on the p|neie«iuh day tit- Otjc^tub-r next, ai eleven o*c 1 ck in the foren< on of that day] Dated U i i c a . O d i o b e r l , LJIK. M^TTteovi 1 DOOUTYLE, 10wl3 Atty'».Uuca,>'.Y. CENTRAL HOTEL, fos; lU I ft7 sincsef SlrecL Clira, ONIEID.f f-Co,, N. Y. 45tf ' 8EfH B.lROBERTS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW; &,|LAND AGENT. on Doiuimck otrlct, dtreoijj* opposite ,the I Bank ol Uora A . , O^ce I Wlf 1011T & CO. J WAWlUFACTlJltEliH OF k TBA'rs A: CAPS, ALSO DZ'^CPt in MUJF.FS. B9^8, ^UFFALp ROBESi I t c . |fcc. &c. Jdsjaeej #/., nearly opposite Stunioix Halli ui>yi 1:. KrciEti PAIDIFOB ALL KINDS OF FURSXO II o r CAlLVlN B. GAY, Attorucy all>;i\v; and Solic fh Chail«€*ry. ; Office in the e.orijiT', of BJrick Buifri'ings directly op- posite the Ainefican liolcl. 1 - 1 - , , , , rHYSIGI^If AND SURGEON, Hoane and Office on 0 >tn>nick ' street, first door east of Putnam's; iiotei. Particular ailcnlion paid Uv chnmic 'difficctHies t and diseases of the EyeandThro(itj; \ : 1 n22 Directly over the n24v& Aj. |G. iBEEBEi BOOKBINDER, THII^D STOjR^. AJRCADK BUILDING/ Magnetic Telegraph Offi< H ASTlNG'$tj;OMlJGUNDSYR©P6FNAPHi THA, a new and'eejuain cure for Long affection, ai \ 'JUULEY AC WILL'S. [ 'W'.'Mri Jenkins, an priva! QH will he j de «p» writs, «bd' Cwo skk list; the r^st !.|: An st>rorean s of wfeitidg on iMrs.i Jejnkias . on Friday e je ' To-day..; t OI>D Mi3TAjK»-|-An apothecary's _^^traS;laielv>4-nllto lieav^j ajt onje hoi^sc SaSbvx of pills, and at anther six li^e fowl-'. -Jtffvaftiped on the; vrriy. be left m pt'ls wtberejtbe f«iwls ;sbjonl<J have gt^nu <i\d tbe, towfc »»t ; the j t> H place. The folic* wibo feceiveij the fowls were astonished ait: rcijding- |he[r<ccr»mp|anin* ditection|s ; swaHaw one] everr two hour< " ' * •• -r hf" '^Hillo ! Jim^wh^i^r t h w p<j»or t!og ? H "Break ihe heait of a Vm vclry sorrv, Sai|n,b^t yn» S' e i'rii-.cit e \ou d »ing w| h i$ yefU are 1 enoujjh to 'hortblock.: T -,W#1 £,.- 4* It tiii^hia tail off, for since ^he * BrUrsh Squjire Cribb says tbj »t T « i r T i* pa^seiJ 4e most aU 1 cwr-taii irajmeiiately, or else we - stall -IBII be 'ririajed/l aad the) Squlie *- knows* atil abmittbf-jw fbinigs." ( i t.: ^,,y j j 2 p-p 1_-| I f *'^"<«Ao"'lri*h'roan'*as asked to., con tribute 1 ^ to 5 t|>ejbenetil of exiled] Po.es ; bis Irej^y 1 ^^d^i^^Belbe H II o'Howth, I'll IniLii ^ mfm ' it* _ !•, . - l!-. » I •' *1" If ' 1 * 1 ; «no« of-thtE» a cmr! I urver; wsu* | so> lain' kilt i» me lite a* I was at ihej %&* M%« Sixth ^ r a r | o: New« York] . -i v- ^ Uiie leniarksible j rehcS of arjii- Q-JUV; |**^&to /: of v *j|^it o* sfe<-Me» ^ f e f 6| ; ?AtIitm to e W m e l ' t h e lbrfaSdden toon'o^niijer «-pon«« re is a P AIN EXTRACTOR—GE^UIKE, 124 cents permox t ni I J- PUDLEV ;&, HILL'S N AILS, Glass, allvvays offt (jiaixl 49 1 1 Rome, N. Y ti^ls for •11 nnoo] Oath 1 be made gotlitit i|n ful <.HOE" at Chi'i^nan Wo|^ Wool, [Wool! HESl|B2»C!URER$|hav- injT aRMirjitcd th» insrl'rea in i nr$«s,iim{or tJ>e firm of Roe I ij'son >kit <&• Co., Iiave rented U»e coin, FACTPORI'MG ESTABLISH i.fchjn, N- ^ ork, fr>r a to^in of v reidy to p ceive wool 4iV17FA<PTI7KE >r//S 4> CASSIMERES. I Blue', »tlso [Broad White F.'a,n. and narrow HIS is an did abd tru^ saying.4- What would be the tse of calling public at. tention to any thirty, whether in thcjmedicine liiio or 01 berwjive, unless it had flood the list of troth? T H E C O M P O U N D E X T R A C T O F HORE. HOUNI) CANDY, IN7J5NTEIJ BY JOHN P E A S E Be S O N S , b e a r s lie e^pertence of SEV^N .YEARS' use and praise, from all sections o( the (Jn. nion, because it has effected just sucn cUrce as its mventorsi said it would. Therefo^o "the truth nf>eds no poa^ling." .When the ^alcjjlam^nled ek. Prcvidept Ja'cks«»h, ex-Prci identi T^lcr, jGovcrnor Bouck, Mayor Morris, an i other eneo ( of Uidjir characttr and standing prtisc it, it s almost un- less for th > proprietors lAapL'ak of its[tnoritR. S 1 -II "they feel in duly bound to the afflielcd and (htir friends, lo proiuulgiite its virtues.as fjir as |»ossJbrjri, in order that tho thousaudu tiowi lin dipease m i y ben*6torc<| to icaltr^. j Pulmonary complaints, hoarsentJFs, whoopirg cough, irritation of the throat, croup,j as)hma, pit !- pita lion of the hearty Lver conip?«inli'difficulty 4 exj)cci0r ilion, ni^htsweuls^and all diseases icaidii g to const runt ion, at once yi ;ld tdils unrivalied vir. tucs, an,l Jje sick arq curet! T"ifl inialuable Caudy is compounded from -5 of the m^isi. safe and saitiu y ingredients, a n d Uy its combination if one oi t^ese aniclra [should be used sc pa lately and afford 10 relief, n the C°uji- pound Exlpicl of Horehound ti<ey ar|- so ajualg mated that leasunt tli in one cohipound, and siillj it is so any child vdi eat ii. S 'Id *h< .legale and retail k% 45 DIVISION S 10 Asior Huuse, 178 Grand 4 re ?'t» l3p F-oliun *>i Brooklyn, <|nd 2 3 2 Broadst ,[NfWHtk Flannels bleached and ma^ufacniftjd.so tbut thejf will nol shrink in waMiiue' T h e M I L L %k* undergone a thorY>o^h repair alid with the aiadiiiun of new i.nd irn'pruved ma. cjnnery uf the Iticsl ijlylo, will be able to Compete with anj e»taWi-pmeht in :he :>tate, F. rmrrs. lyirr^haiits uud others, wishing to have w o o l m a n u f a c t u r e d fi>>r l i i e i r o\i'ti us/*, »r the mar kct. may rest is-iurrd lhal no paiusjwiil be spared lo give entire ratinf iction, , Cloth<|, intdlnd<'d for market, will be put op in good cotidiiion|fiT Uan^portai on, in boxes or oth- erwise Ij TERMS. , • ^ Parfcnpnt m|dfe ea«y for manu r acturing lo's of ljbs». end npn trds; for fniall lots detieiry of the clolh*. E^chanpcs will as pot>n|as cloths catj be 'got ready after rjcratiiMi IFSON will bo iermanently located Jind' will traniact 'the business or Jrtn'O) his long experience in the riif. s of the tnai>ufa miring business^ to. rrleral knoivled ra of '.he wants of fatter oiirSelv-s'that satiyfaetion Mi the eoncjern, feicntjbrpuch gcher] with a the pnblilo. w will be given iio ill those vyho lisbmen', , The, ma^ket\priee paid in\Ck*nfor Wool. kliOFSON. Uie benefit oj th ; i' 1 . ,.. _^.___2ltilJt!2L-££iJ%Vt-.: fij>t'. t>> fe^la Tvr' tPry ' V^-> : »1' •/•* I" '"• i? » <E»HP.O t, Otitrardf ^^^^Y^l^^ I critig und^r p whole i^ experienccjd ^1 and Di H SL bUNfc. 45 Div S'ld by Urssell &. L»»<mard Ru«ne, aee:M« I01 J. PE.ASE •ion 6L, N . jlfork, and,by agujnia in ajji Uie emu towns. N- GaiMis, MatciBHus, agf«i|l for th" N.J. klli'v &. I. ' Ptn«««. T H 4 JL asriii ci. Rdi , PL H. \7Af Cbittenango, f*i J •RINJ erg^ Kufcisping Opened a new 'I York,n|hefeth o y te New tn any extent patronize our cstab- ChlUenango, RANKIN,fro k| N. Y., ANDERVdOIT.N. Y. city. Sept. 1846J, I :. v7nl8 3m Gardea Seeds, T?RESHi ANi) PTJRE, BY THE POUND X and-oaall p-pt^a, at iw48 DUDLEY & UtLL'3. ; P i l c l i & O a k m i l clie-np Un cash, at ' ! iMUpGE DOTY ^c t; o- T ETTER PA^EH t NOTEJ PAPER antj -Li Envelope**of «iperil)/ qualitlex, cnn^tnntly on hand at ] i GUOSVENOR icfut. ^i_l J . S &. l^t fECKHAM, L" M<JIZ2 j>^5a, 9 f^k o "»£."«• PARLORCOOKI^G SJIOVES-N'^5, $1 L GOTHIC AIR tJGHT D R. CHAlffNCEY'S C^ebmt- d Ai* Tight Co.»ktoJ Stoye, oven l 2 weisjhiru? 4U0 lbsj' |Price, larin Rule, C sold' tit iiricei n nished by utjia Foundry? can be to any extent! tor any Kind r.i j «>D or f aticy i 5 |>e Jnk, Papier. t!asJ», Galleys, Bhis» Rule. MrelGol 1 Gn$81jy mjijo article' ueceaiarj for a PnntiglOffice onjfl haind mafjernils. JTheiiype, irhich are cut in i oi tat ion ofthe lish letftefs. are ca»t in new moulds, from ah entire- ly new set olmai rixes, with deep counteri.. ure w a i n anttr<i t o . b e io»ur|ia*ied by anv. at d will be 'sold'at pricep to ^oll the timesf All the tjpe fur- ** hand ea-t " nu EfltS.—TVPJt)'Ffc»u»Dair A*H> Fsio Warenoi se. 'J he »ub#cribe Type h'ou ldry in ihe city e y a r e re* d y i«» s u p p l y orders for any kind f«f Job or Fancy T 5 )»e »sm^ Sticks, Chases, and every Also KO- The type* from any Hatched at this establishment Printing; Pjfesijes famished. ^Iso Steam Engines of the oiDst ajjpprjoved parte^rns" i CKCROFT 4 O VRREND, bd .'tin street. AMERICAN Ibjby 19 inche«j BUCK'S PAf i]NT, No. 2i.| hot.BO large as above, I T ' I ^-°.C do. do^ A g-roat reductior^ from p) No. 2, ! j $ltil rices chafgjed.'by pcdhirsi Siand A great variety of from CHURCH, SCHOOL STOVES No. 10, 31 inches long, j\cighing 330 *) lb* !do No. 9, 27 do lbs. No 8, 23 do lbs. ' A variety of thcii We arepledfrtti jto se Pedlers-^-in confifuiaiionj thc„above pncc« January, l84^J Patent P ido ! N->-;4, 'r No-3, o $7 PARLfiRf^pVES— 26 Inches jlong, ^10; rl.v 22 do ! [do^ $$i 4 Column ! Parlor Stoves - ; j S5 tlo §7.5Ui [HOUSE!AND STORE do do 4c. pr. lb. PLAITE STOVES from $2,50 to 5. Premium and FoitfJBoilcr Stoves, all sizes. &FT N o t i c e ^CQ I ! I 1 25 per. cent, less than ol winch jwc refer you to 31n Galvanic Jiiugs. ROI?ESs|ok Hi C. CK|]icHTON ofi fers to the affljeted in all nertjous eotnplamts, such as Rhenmatiwn, Stljjness of the joints, Neoi ralgia. Tic.iDvleiieiiiax, P«li«y, Healilache, and oth \ er nervo«J8 disorder?, »>f powever longstanding—1 certa ; n remedy in tl w wonderful rjiisieoverv. • CAUTION.—j Tie genuine GajVanic Rmgs re quire no fluid\o .promote their acl|i|ou., Tho only genuine article c m be procured Itn this towu or county of l i U D L E Y |i& HILL, «3fc j] l>ury aathijjee.ed Aecnts. J&lfcii&lL-fr'... •- "' '• "-•-•» -"•» - *- ••;-..- , Orealt File iu Rome. In consequent , j pi tlje m'-erit j^iro.lhe subscri] ber, has ren^>ved " eytajblislimen^to wxiih side oi" t i i i ...,._ .„.._„_ «~ Rome, ••ppootto AtfM^iroi^'s blocks ulu-io he will keep on h at, d an Oroar p *** r Leather »tn«l F i n d in(£tf, ail of wbtch ho +u* ««il « i ail Ltery SIONII *<j so.] varce from coat. •(; .-.; i ' is. Jd|.bl'LViuNS l R. 'UK. j^Mi. o, 1^4»* I ; STOhTB VAlRNSSH. R F'IPL'ATE'O trials h; ve hfeh made to l>ejijcctjan article to varni'h"Stu.ves and Pipcp, biit wtt'hoiit»iicjt».*s8 until the presept article was discovered, vhich lias succccdLd beyond the expec- tations of ITT ! proprietor. It only needs one trial lo tatisly the •" lost' incredulous. It needs but one or tvv'o c o a t s a ) c a r t o keep youi Slo.vjesand Pipes a jet black-^'here the heat is not too intense one coal it«sofBc icnt. ( It must lie^applied with a «lean paint brush, as any other vi rnish. Warn) tl c bottle, and if tco thick add a, little Spirits Turf >ntinc. It is atao ono of the best ar. Ltides that c in be used for iroi railings, especially !j;ifc.5po6ed to the weather, and f jr machinery,of any \lroo works, which need to be tept from rust, &,c. None ger uinc unless the written signature of the Wholesale ^genl, THOS, F\ P I K E , is found on the wrapper ]{LT Phcti 25 cents per botlU. For sale by Bis- sell & lj,eo|ard, Dudley & Hi I, and VV. J . ' B a n . cock, Ak c M ts i Rome, and by Druggists generally; lv36 ROMSE Uuabrcl|^a & ParasoB plaisuffaclot y U m B i t Ml.. L A S and Parasol for sale by V<CH7PO1 *lard,' Janpe* sneet, opposite the 8tan*«ix Hall N B. tJnibjrellas and Puras^te covered 1 an|d repared on the shortest 1 Dp; ticeaad most reasonable tetxns BHYSIf IANS PBESCBIIPTIONSAND FAM- X ily rwipe^,carefully put up at DUA>LEV &. HILL'S, Z>mgj?isip and A pothecaiies. I ,'Trus^eii. A GRE1T VARIETY OF TjRUSSES, JLX and Abdominal Supporters, a' 10 Banuihg's Lace, at DUPLEY i t H I L L ' S , Z>ruggfete. A S P l L E l V D I D assortment! rietyi and style, very cheap 9tf ofpresi Goods, every va- piV\D$E. DOTYA Co]n. T HE jCopartnership ]ic?rteofore exist- i»ig;between S.- Wi j(fb Jge & Simon MaU tuWii, uhdejlr the firm 01 f*lu<lge & Mal'eson, has been tiisiso£^ed by mutual coiiM-nt. -I Ihe rN|tea and accounts, of the;.late firm of M'tdge |&|VIatteson, may be oUnd at the Store of Motive <&. miicor,'and all pcrsoiis ntdebted t»»the said lino, Mrc r e q u e s t e d td> CIHII and settle without ,dfelay» S 'a.'»a.jjiafecOunt8 and rjou-s remaining unpaid. 'tiifuhe t ~wdiih« h'anjded over for collec^j' •iCWti ^-^*C'J.'.ii_Vl.* n-qtitring that mc«|ie:nr. Sh" il'hat , llid signature of the Proprietor,:G. R. PijEtpc?, Hajrtfoid, Cl-J 1 is on each boti. ' AOKNTS—iBiSFelJ &. % Hill, Rome, ! IS. Carter, K*rnorr, D . P APER HA ! NGI3>fiiS O F N p w AND ' bcautut'ol Spring Sly l«js and Patlepis, now re ceiving at G PENS, OLD PENS, SILVER PEINCHLS, AND beautiful PenUnive*,; ndrnany oiaur btauli» ful and u s v. ful a r t i c l e s u> g r e it varieiv.fct GRUSV|;NOR'S. OTICE is hArdbv- ndebu-d lo the eslaU »1 v e t i t o n of Fletchctl persons Arnlitiig! Uie, o( Vcmnjlt, County of Oneida, S'ite of New York,to call Sind settle the s.aniclwithout delay: a^i, all persons haying claims agaiinit the abcyp named estute, arc hereby trequeftcd to present ihrm wiih all con^venient di^'paich ; ai all cvenlsl within t\x months from jthn date of ihin noticv CHARLES F. BUTTER, Exrcutbr, CARCVLINE A. JAR VUTAGE. Ex'tr'x. Verona, N« v. 14, 1846. ! v'pn'24 f ^HERMAN^ OLOSAONIAMM A&- K > ^ip^Wm, - ^ f f i W g N ^ . ^ Wmt for SJieroian's Olosaonian or All-Heading BaitamJfjnd It lias g veil such entire snti>-facnon to those who ti ive emed It and bweenie acquainted with Its yirtue*. thaUt BOW wands pre. e,niiient as a remedy la disenses of tlis Lungs, and the tes- timiiay wi»iebjia*been given-bydjfferemvartopt wbnjiave b jeu cured by it, ts altogether voliiatafy>on their j tart. T h e y hivejziycuk la ihe Jiop<;4hat ail who may find ibeuwelves lr| n^*d of tn'm reihedy, ma'v apply for It without dwfay v ^ '_ Read the following letter teceivedTroni ih u Kev. Wr". ^lurnenll Pimtor of St. Jude»i Episcopal,Free : <'Lurch. Mr. S. hhsnotoufy used fhteuiedfeinehlnweirbutha 1 Witnessed !t» epctsin seVeral very tr>4ng cftsesof diaease.' Tlie letter vill show lii» (aiinion of its virtues: '• •-> , I'SAHSIH—Believing Ittlrbe bat an j8Ct lof crrnmon hu* niaojiy to those eutiering under theyarrluus Jii*a«es of l o u g h s , Oolds, Hr«T*eness,CJorrmiraptiflsT AirtiiuJa, &c', to pojnl them to a safe, f\yvedy aiiid radic J rctrif dy; fake plea- s are, in bearing tny testimony to' your Ir.valuabk njedtpioe, called Olosaonian or J)U-Healing Balsam. Of its efficacy 1 can speak fun from my own eitpeiience. {Being subject r, ora exposure quire or less to the victssitudtsofour cjiuiate - -Jto frequent attack* of influenza', hoarsenexs. 4 c . I have aiwayn found \iv> afford almost instantaneonS, nod always by perseverance in lis uws, effectual relief. IT > t particular fierifi of mine, *nffetlngs«v«^e|y poder Aalh uti, and who hud oespaircitnf nbtninihgrelief front apy Iniiaan BOUICC, upon my recommendation was induced to give lie Olosao- nianja triaj. nn<ji he pronounced the fiffrtcl produced upon him a perlcctrljarni. atfirdlng Dim iuitiiedia;e and a moot ir credible relief! In another testapce recojnineiiJled ii 10 a female friend, f^ir ndvanced in consumption. A 'ter the u^e 0 ' irip first boulc her c iUgh was eninely remove J nnd her a ijKjt te and strength restored to such ad«-giee as to nxtoniab n I \yho saw,her. With a loDg'clieridiied and firmly eaiab liiihed prejudlce|ngninstthe thousand and one FJpeeincs put frrtli in these Says, as sovereign panaceas of a if diseases, I aiisiiieyou thatjrotliingshonof my fi'm coriviclions of the claiitisofy<iiir medicinefto an origin so respectable, i and to tie elects of it u.« herein certified, ^>oth by tny own experi ence anri observation.' 1 could not have been induced tints it c* me forward as a witness in its-behalf, j halve the hon OJ to be sir, Aespecuully vours, ' " Jt C. SHIMEALL. HAVE TCt7|AJ«-0t'«« w hicp is troublijsome and hss do' yielded to any of th" rem- edies] which yoitimve p<*d % IJ* itiattended wit!: pain in the siile.;lshorine»*«jf bnall .'Hirl niflu sweats. Di you raise Hood when yoi> couch nnd fifed ; } < y.r strengti jrmdua-ly f: Hire ? V011 will find ihese>^nip:'-rjs ifv">!C tir«[«,T|y at- iti.dejd t'i will ijpiiiiinati io coritiiim^iniri r.u.d tenth. Are von troubled wir,b that disueflpu'itrrlatiipiainr, Astlima. which deprwes;you ofyour rest at night and render* ihfe buithen- bOinel > j • ; 1' HF,RE IS TH^JftEBI'KbW. Fejnernber the^inme and plnfe jrhwei is t<]> 1* obtained aid a<> no'he put off With any other. It ttan pfo'lucedacure in A* clepp^rate cji«*s as yours may iappear fo .bjf, nnd di>ubt- lesf yi-jtl pu* to flipht in la sp«-»-rfy manner tn|i« di«renting s>m| Horns which'fill your mmdd with gloomy irp^ebodingei of the future. , ', j B«i ttnr deceiveil • Tlie only dlacje irt the city <if ti, York, \ypepf* Sh* ninn> p'oh^onian Halsnmtis'solti, ispt 106 Nas» T HE. Snbacibera!feavmfe. col the SrORAGfe FbRVtARl^NG| MISSION busJDesi.attbe ' OW WA^EHMjlJSE, NEW on the west side of the bridge, tadjoln^ig Arm strong's Br.ck Block, on the lanal in Rhlpe, would take this djiportulity to say to the pnbl cfthat hav. lug been aetiivelyf<m^»Bed n» the jFort ralraiflg -bu- siness f<-rthe laa't t n years, and wjith tteir present ariangement S,thej i iducements th4y t p f, w pre- pared to offer o toe public are not ko be carpassed by any in (hetjdacn. ! | We would; respectfully invite alhthose who wi«h to ktudy economy to call and s e e ji*or t|ieirnselvei. liberal advaneei made on all property left io store destined for ruber roaikets ; ||/ fJC?-Flhur,|Coars<. Pineiind Grnfend P4> r J* Salt, Water Lime add Ground Plaster} con'sipmly on band., j; ;i W.A. JACUBS^J^ Co T. A . J A C O B S , ) 1 . E. >/CK/NSt)N, V I ! i TB RAYMOtfh v- n Home, inarch IS eilo street oued<>pIj nb'»^*e_Ar.n ^tr^et.^ I Fjir tale by Agents Romcj uni BI6ti£LLi& LEONARD, only .; v7uifeji.6 la fo ed to. ail 1 >ii.iiijt rngUi CONSTITUflON iiiust astlistrtp^e ^o throw .pit*di*M«e w icin threai rned with jFeVcr*-PlemW, B I o n * complaintij, Jaundice, £tj*..;atid the S E C I KTI<»JES Musir BK cortrri tcd in Costivcneiss, Eleart bi rn, loss of ajipctite, laHj gour, &«., by sopie appropria^eremeoyj. Th'-re n o t h i n g s o g p o d jfi>r t h i s pu r pose. accoldoig to the rxpenerce and Irstinoojiy >f P h y p i c i a | s and pro- fessional men durmg sijt veirs trial, nsjyr. .PHKLPS * TOMATO pjUisi. They^re I.NVALI'ABLH in pn venl. inj/ and ciinitg bilious" diwuscs.j pysp^j^ia, Lun F«-ver, Coi(K C'^ivr-nffs. ChoMe, j Hcad.tci» Rhetunaiifm. Grave', Janndice, &e ; restoring th diM'afx'd glands to a healthy setrelK)'>;' renovalm Uie system; n-sttirmg thn upprtito aind ; strc and are wondejfnl in their effect* in keening evstem hpaltliy i» ihose of «ei!ci>lary liabits, conl siituti inajlly <^«siiye, and tl 1 '»se who iniduige. thed appetites tooimuch, or; HTC fu'jrct tn (titECMATtsi uud HEA3AC|IS. They pic nniw put nu in hoxe.- for ^5 and Sfleentp, and tr osd-who ale affl'Clcc would do weirto embrace a rvmedr prepared by 2 A regular Physician, and pronounced hy ' he faculty. J to be not only efficacious, but safe. (Full c<rec tjons for their application accompmy ei«ch box.—1 There ard agjrits in almost every count -v town irl the S'ale; uiiidthe pills are for sale byi'aUU^e rc ; speclablc diugg-ists in the country, anC in the lar grr towns of E"n»pe. ' - , The late Ear) of.Stanliopr, of S.ien O'jks,' (Ei»g.) then Pwrden! pf »ho Rojal B •finic S >cie.| ty. hawgyen his testimony ol |brir ftfi<:ncy as a! cathartic and substitute lor t aliimi-1 in |all di^eaBes| Barclajr'tf 4 p i e r l e a n Ba rirtHIS l»iBDlipINE h|as now it JL| lore the public for u'boul three yc «am. een be- fs, anrJ'al iliough wi hujpc not cxpendeid thbusanos o f d<> rs n pnffingj it, rather trusting to its own menu r u rchutalitjft, (which it ha* most ful <) ilk- cimroii d SPEEUY CURE, for Jail diseal LLlJJUiS, that has ever yet been'offtn t claim for ijc any foreign} ordgin, nor fUPtain. «c now feel warranted jin reconinietidiog it e c< mm wiiv «" 'be most] SAKE, QLRTAlN Pinmbe Nafioeial I>£tgu0^ria» OalI<:ry assd Pboiograbbcrs Furnish inj? Dcpols ; A WARDED THE GOL0 AM) SIL- J%-ver MedKN, Four F'rt-l Prernlidni8.|| l n^ Twlo Hiijjtest Honors, at the Ifational, the |jV|a«sachu setis^ the New York, and jtne Perinbjlifafiiia Exhi bttions^jresppctiv'e y, for the most 8plcndad;CoIor' Da^oerrtiotype. and bcbt Apparatus [ever ex niblyd. ; ,.'j PoVtraits taken; n exqpisite style, without re garden weather.j Insfructidns giren in the irt. ; I I A large av*orti^j^»t of Apparatus and Stock a! wavs on hancl. at thje Irjwest cash price*.! New Vork, 25l| Hrnad«|ay , Philadelphia. 136 Chestnut'St ; 'irjsjnnl 75 €ouri t .arid .^Mann^er S(N ; Ball imp re, 203 Bfihiniorc Sjtj W|aji1iinpton, Pennsylvania A r^iJucj Petersburg. Va|j l!ji1ech^n_. ic^' Mall; CihcinnJ Main.Sl ; Ji^i'ato^a Vieille Rned;a rttofpltj; 7v5uly np| in the mantle o f writ i q n i i y . It ik what its nanii; iinplieH,.an American article, ccnji|iotinded e,( Roo'rs and PI-ANTS, the nicdicinal [i[Ual;t of whieii a^e know, 11 tn every one, and ale tlie p.'o- duc! oils of our own soil. All that %\|i: d o c l u n n , is, tl at w : e iiaVf" seh cled fiom thcfe |ji oeloel <j':f- aod made a cranbinat'on, which is,<«ir h e }>i;r;Mis- cs w .• recommend i', sfpunioa 10any bi for«-juvt-n- lei 1 md we now assert, what Wi'fiiUv n/heve, thai Ct)^ SUMPTION CAN B E ( X 7 REq. in a mn joritt of cuws, hv the tinnlv, uie ol tljia Balaam. un|j iii] ordinary C'Uiirhs. withojut a sinplqj exception. of Ih'* . We do > w c wrap and Georj/e direct a low rent for] 4 yi Houses a»<t JLois for S^I«*» Who knows biji' J A4E.NTS— Biisst'il & L'"ojmrc|-, Jlmnt, Verrion, D. C. B ivlis, Oriako'/ty,, (irtfwj H" 'itirsfotcn, E P. B'own. tiattipton, Vernrta, and bySHvents ii tno«tjofiJu; coil . .1. URIMCS JYhtrciHus, Agept!foir ihd m OKTGA(.'E SALE.— D^i mg beenj made in the payment < a c< rtuin mort jage, dultd the ktreulh day o f D i C e m b e r , ^n l l t y r»r ol om Lmd. one thousand ei^iJl hundit-d am (iirtyoao|, executed by Edwin C.| Brow 11 and nuip Ontrula aod Slajte o( N e w York! to I>A; <if ;hi» I n w n coid#d on 1 in I) v. I ic-ih said mpri^ti/ie S Carter, ol<i &. C " . , B. J-^lni, uiy towns. State'. vr 31 Great c;irie^t; ken ult haV' to have theiir work; doiic siiit«ble trimminqsl pui'np at vtry.l Rome, ^laircii St -*- i'puiity and Statle afoFt'Salid, and 'e l#d iii t h«* CieikV office of ihe eoun .h]e l l i h dak- o f A j . n l , 1 8 4 2 . a t - 8 i o \ >ol»k N o -iojof niorlg.i^ts. p^jne* ' ic!h said mix »id Tipple! t aiibd^yojf cl< id iippJe, m oi Oneida, »ek, A ftl , and 3t6.' nifn and the-jmhhc-tljia.1 lie ti»kc IIori=efl ^nto h! J and ptiihling hands of .the en1rti.«tcd"t.» w as dulv a-higied by ibesajd !>a]» id Tipple] tin Georjjt- T Peckham. o|n or ^bout tht 3)fb djy r^f January, 1S44. and was afterwards, on o»j ,ib"tit the'fhh day of A pi i I,'1844. a l i g n e d by tin siid GeorgeiT- Peckhani to Philandrj-'s. Uodge of Verona, aforjesatd, npnn wh'Ch saidj ^mortgage ih« re i» clainied'to bi? due «-n the day pu jlfjcation n( ih!* n - Mce, the t«um of in! lw:l»e dr»lUt» and thirty fnu.- ictnts, (y^l'- 34) ' h e mm leaped premises art resci tiled in Mid nurtea^e as follows, 10 w i t ; "All Hal ccnaili pic ce<»r parcel ol land lying and beinp in the town 1ni.«tcd"t.» 11s c a r e . J :, H" will ^tro operate on Foundf.red 'Jfqr**'* 1 hv pT tjie first i«* hundred wh:c!> all I,a^n< n< 5^ <lcr;or lamer m o v e d in a f< ff<: cif I he feel w liniuuirs'. »f pa tiriei Verona, county of (lueida alorrayid. and btin^ 1 01 lot No. one hundred ai>d eighty, lof the late sa I aril and lind'ey Bay is. a Reservation and bounded as folfop'a. tn wit; aijtning at a *<ake at (lie ndrthea&lerfljf corner of d jiiece ol lan<l.and running thence Is^uth fo^jy IS46- 1 lyn42i BEENjCtJRED BY BRANT*« |f ULMOfiARY BALSAiM, |j GRBAT AMERicm rvsttltij^ ftom tfte Purifying medici Qoygto.Ahkt/ma and Co- sumption, 'Warr^.nt^ assertion |jat it is tlie mtst infallible reihoi tlie j world lor any form or stage of Consurrtpt the i|teor*r \rn\ most Mpel est cases. I j J^Iany f 'tysicians say lhat the hfw»an I y'hen once ulcerated, never can be healed cured j hd/HI experiience and the testimony ny persoriji tofthe highest standing and cha fdr Jyeracif 7 can bcfeliedon. Brant*a Indian monary Bllsam hasj curcjd piony d+cidfof}t ulceratedt nd diseased lungs—huch easesa» called CoMuniptipri by the moK sljiltfulT ] cians, somj of the most titrpngly marked and caiicd case| of ulcerstcd [fling*—«uch frithu niany pew ns die iitconeequcnce of, etery Ida ! The infdjjiblc and! most Wiinderful ' w otf HH|r\LjN'G| AND. qtjaliiies <if|^liis bestfof al rathe virtues which vo ottifr Covghi remedy •eWes.. J tj|a Iso possesses la If the necessary q> a) afrcft. «*ff n Phy, isiassalii PURIFYING reim'dies give* to it wcersin WM ii, iF'.n'rrb and H Walnfet|aind' 176 St P rings. Broads av^jParjfi. 127 LTrerpool,32 ^JhurcbSt- Rome is to be the jCapltal 0 f ll.e Empire Ifta'cl T HE SUBSJCf|!BEB OFFERS H^S twe Dv^'ii ; iij; HoiiM-a tor s.ile. silu<k.lcd in the most d«sml Ie patl ol ihe viijage, the ea^t part <>f Liberty sfret , noor Ihr s-nc off Old Fori' Sfanwx Also or>c sjua 11, fa »owC n e a r DO l e a ^ e k>'t, irsj will do wvjll lo p^/rlvuse, E. W. WIGHT. Rome, JnrielStlH, 1$4GL f 2f the corner oil L'b«r'v anvpers<m wishing lu AM| PARIS FASrHIONS, F.DJBYK. W A L K E R . JVlEH-'; Jirr.eb alr»«-l, on*- idi'OJ »bj<ive ' Jn'sllM-iiei whcie tnayibe iojunc NEW-YORK USTR?:CE^ chant T«»»l- \iufigv Ac. Matti % thein<fol fifijri«»i^Mle Titrnntiofrf, Sec Ail woik:et:!i(,i>tejd \u> linn v. <jj| . b e dtrje in the i m«*t fa?Jiioo*bU-. ajid workniaiiLkeirtaannjpr, on r'ea sol.able ti imt" C o n i n g , fi^rj t h o s i f l ' w h o w i s h or atj pome,and ow pjtjtCs. 6^43tf tn l»V W OIHCltl 816 ^ctr^eoiB, be+s to infoirp IA-I1| be- readv tfj p -stables on rdju'^ona ictfr the expenses o bi'paid on def person oil p> reims the or S'-ft*news' :i*li will be: ARG nceivii viee of Wr L'tcrinary L•^l^ib!l^^iCd h i M l ^ - ' f in^Jriskany ;'.l(Cir v (is a n d -i nald4 f^'*! 1 , or ! :cj t r i m ^ ; iciojmir into th | verm harseldr horses r MM irpjfra'ijti I OUT- t'.ctnrc|ien*lj- re 9»f, larpe lauo.-.OiiS. n\-jSr„tr>< »4. &c . 10 w liieh Ue\ 1; te&noi: r.t einrlj^M •> Ai&o catx^EiiiLs u fill jiiMMions fo Me«liein»^, |a>.- Itrush- Jirite the at- r the cheapest peices. ery on .-wind an balf de^rt-«-s, «n.t fifty ljnl*is, thence soiitrj lorty twojaed ihree-foutihs degrj«i>^east fitly i I T ^ E ^ J L o i S g ,I«^ deerj « di l i n k s , l l x n c c ' s o u t h I v v t n i y e i v h l »j>d a hail noull tiginy ojnr- d e c r e e s , e a s i rij;hi|>- | s i x links Ui oce south twenty nine degrees, ea>Mixty thi«e ink*!, therce mirth forty four anii a ^a|i.degree*, ; GUMSVENOWk.Co.*s 'EiNQI haill to li A GOOD FAR(V1 of town of Verona, -abou Fur MI for| Sale. 40 acTck in„. ihe about h;«jlf a'|milc| from Ihe Gla^g Works, on the E'ie cma, 1 !, nhw ocdtipied bv John Hyland, near the Catholic. ChurclJ, is ofiVicd lor saloon Reasonable terms being well improved, witlv.a good frame ilou*e oh it. 4(1 ajtires more adjr»ininjr the above m the carj, will behold with the above if Ranted. Applv to th|x suftst nber al Rome, or John Hylund on 1 le premises. 4 I ,1 SEfTHj B. ROBERTS. Rome, Nov. I846, six and a~ links next nd a nail ojitljnrty seven links, thence oprth fof'y degrees, west three chains and •axtd o w u e d b y W i l l i a m H Munger.|ru|tiiung nine feet \re>ierly from the norilnfeiierly corner ol the id Monger** tavern house ioith«- jtlaey oi b<-j»in miIK,containing thirty rod* of land lo.jbe, ithe same le: » or ruore. wjiih the privilege oi pt*i|( n g al all tiraei to and fiOm the higlftvay t.o the lanyaid on a 1 tain piece of I.md deeded hy Peici Tipple and bit his w ife.tii Rufuti Pcckham—reftrence thcic- jio to be had- j jPherfclore nrjiice ia g i v e n that pnanant to a wer of sale ci plained in and r* Coid* d iwi'h said th e public house now kept by S HURlFPS S A tiK.—B^ virtue of an fexecut ; on is- sued out of the Coort of Con inion Plena o the County of Ootida bnd ti tate of New Vor c, Uijine direct^ d and deliv- ered, against UJ6 goods and chat sis, lands and jenetiienis of William Highla id and Patrick E nnis. I have seized and ia ken all the riah., title aid inhere« Which thej had on the twenty first da> of Apr)!, one thousand eight hkindred and forty three, or any time thereafter, ott in and to nil ihax cer- tain piece or pa eel of J masiiut te in the town of Verona, in the county oflOneidaand Stntit of New Yorjc, and being part of lot Nu.2D in the first Pagim pt|rchnse,so palled.boun- ded nnd difcribi!«i asfnliows, to wit*:! beginning at the cen tre ot the Erie canal, and on tht moist southerly bound of the lot, thence running atopg sa d so'uiherly Ixjund^, west erly eleven chains and ivveniy nine links to tlie southerly corner of the lo:, tht nee along tie wl«l« rly boijnils thereof, north nineteen tiegries.easi.foun fenahains andjeightj links, to Henry Poppl.-um's land on the same lot, tpence along said Popplelon'i lund.miuth eeventvione rlegij^eti. east six eJinin6 ai.d eighty four links to u e conire of the said Erie caual, and tJien along the .same to Ujfe place, cif beginni g, containing fifteen and sixty fqu onfi hundred ha acres of land, which 1 shall exp|»seforsaeaBjihe law;directs, on the twenty nhiUi day of DecemW,«ighieen hundred land forty- six, at ilw inn of Joseph Y. Welle, in ithe town ( f. Vern .n.at 10 o'clock A Kl„ of that da y. P 4LW|ER V. KI ILI^GG. By A. 1. ISAJK^FORP, ^ uty . |n22tds i| : Sheriff. F ANCyjARTICLEjS, in greak variety and profusion, now on hand apd selling off cheap for Cath S ILVER PEiNCILS, %jery chfeap and many va ( rieties;ai,<?rot»epw , s A- ** ' S. 28, 1846. &&(>$ MATTESOI4 MVlHiE. iil8u W A L L E T S AND FOpKET BOOKS " f , Ihe largest assortmept in town, ajl Grosv*n of s A} Co.'e. x* : Cir**BRS. S 1 ^nJJ'nn^ f6t siipl Bitch js Ifalent ^ « W l ^ ^ S t r a w i i n | ^ a i k Cutleni. ?En. quire at M. l^htw^rWartr wid JFfeed-Store Rome,Decll6, 1845. A ^lf II s. east one chain and thirty six llnkjs ce S.V Uli mortkage and the Statute in i-iich cajc ]nj'ade and prjnv'ldi d, t he abn* c described morignaed |*.reiiiih^s w i " ' at rens< n. in t he village ol Vei in»n , in t he t»4Jd county (if ()i) i-ida, on W1« dn.ehdav , tlie 13' Ii da 1 ; o^lt J . i i m a i y nejlf, at 2 o'clock P M. Ver'mon , I Ctok.Cr|20t 1^1346. PUILANDERS, DODGH, Assiijiec! C. !i»t-Boua»iAtl"y. olsaid ^iHitgago^ 0J20td» e sold at public aucti'tn. to ilie hi^hejit bidder, h>| H- Sie- , 'fOk THE PiLGRik'd FAITH J Revived.f'by Toaa^y,'who in c<:ofined in BujltJiriofO Jail fcJr.Slavo stealing:, j Fo sale bv 11 GHQ^VgNORil&Co ' SO^)i P o u n d s Wo<7 ANTE0, in exchange for Gbods or NEW style of Good si fdr \ Ladief tdrcssejur MCDGE, DOTY |& Co. ther.ce o F . ; York i FFI- V inrojrj Capital S2U I ( Fitopos Houses, man*{facicrtcs\ 11 . .fl„u at his I : w-Office Rome Jtfly 17, It F l o u r i n g : ffli ''pSflK Rome •^the' village M QIO. Mills' b<!loi?cing totnc «-t-*e ••« «i- Lynch, in j in complete M^SUI aiiWitlirnislied with :i riejn,'Jcastj|rr|n VVao-r just apppivi^l patent &C- : <K<! fuipi-p.ii with A scend Silks of Cheap Cash $ . b"v45:ilyj» -t- e/rerv van |f •; ' A choice scleck^on olJT.EAS from to T5 cents. I : U , The above.anijrieau'«| be t=o!d at 'C ; j .If aud Susiirauec Co.: 41 FtLTOSfST . BHI B OfiK- r»rrt'ed br 1 he jStalis <>f New O.Cw, uitbalar^e surplus. JII|« for I»-»Jir; l ngj| ,bui/dinf:a jn&rhinpry goods, fo* faciliia^p; exp<ctorut|oti, soothing- 1 and iit^-pain, slid subdoingr !e«jiigh, lhat other] n|cdiciiir8||havr.i Thus' then, by its cotjn healu/g tiitves f|its!abK)|b^ : nt, its*power of\eq zipg the ciiculaiipit^nd secretions,irts qoaiit clearising atd purifying tfec blood, of supd couph'and'jpsit^g pain,) i|l ht'alsand ctires t the lungf, t|S certaiiily aa it never has j heal and cure u|cers jor Scrofula in the legs rir or a n y o t h e r f>B|rt o f [the b o d y . E t acs i s I n d i a n Purifying-Ext ifiia ptrparallion o f ill is great- India a remedy^ w s-Ftmilar in ptrdicaI virtue ^o \he Pulu-ontjify p»rn. in all i s pv-rifym*? prope: ties^ but iti d from the Bt levin in piOt jKrfeci-sing eipccjp :'nd nervm< ; qnaJilie^, which t re Iinly csscn n<[dVsfsary it . C o u g h remedies; and "it ;S ^TKO.NCER ;|nd more\active pv'''ifier of ihe whlicli i; will critainjy purify, WHI orrt a of a doubt, |n ev<-ry and a*/ca»cs where ajtwr i.-»tkiHde. jV e warrant and gtar^vtee that a tie of iliis'"'preparaliqti" p<*s«*-ses;/btrr,ti'm| afffiatizc i nd purifying vir ties than a like p|: if^ny prepi iul'on ol S-ir^aparilla eVcr affered pobhe. A id thus, by its purif ring virfuesj T CURES SCR()FULA! 1 wtiitout fail in any ihslancc; nnd al»o many ehjr<*nic diseases whiph arc caused bydrranj in jllic s<crqliuns and impurity of the blood EkysipeoA Srald Ifrad, Chmncand!////!« toi-y R/)+$m>ir;t-mjU.'rr}dtr.t r , St*e MoU/A Throat. NtirsirigllMfcr Moufh { U'rers, Pilrs, Rh mm, BtuJs, LIT^CornptijiAt. Mrrrvriavtan> Sfaji fi.sra^rs. AnPiAit-L OTittfi cases—ol tenioT'" cengp fkrrnjd iia.ii,' arms oofl< orjFecondafy'ijisEAPa; of the bhSiod nl*n, by eqa.-ihziog ljhje c-irciiUtion and h\\g jyrorrduo he a tyerific In curing all debkiil wpkoc-ss i|rid other ! der>ngr£}cms :*ncj'^n^4Z ftpwhs •'Thi" griat Indian remedy\ in co'i^'ponnded pJ^papd (Xrtusivcly fn.m v\get hie SuVpto :A',d tls wonderful (ff^yv |n [liaitil* ;mc as a p-orjfi«|rof ihe Mood jw the |t-sii pjactieal Indian iicper|encei No rtkury ijas bJTti done to any of the/namyj w h o ' b a v c ^ s e ^ cijitiFltlu'.ip iallv or bihptwisr IE AD. THE EVlJDE^cte ^ :crr give a few ofthe riany n^mrsfof kpown ;inc rr>p<claji!c pcrWins who have iaod ir|*-d',ei:ir, ; nd wno have vdjlu Uaiil> 4 giver cert eatcsand slattjiicnts of m^ior atn curi ?. j f o i p[»tt.'cu!.irs of every 'case i cic na.mejd. aid lapndnjtii cures, tcadthr pamphlets.] Evrry A /<ips thnn ¥ Get orie, anti vin will bcfriihv'iucV lijntna:i U)P ifnony c^n c«tiv»iue you,tjhal thc> ! ist nil a trbe slatnruint of ttirtk ! • j j; pcrs»j.ns ( who j 'em them&lvcsrvrcd>by the t-sc of |t'tis rpr., of the several dis<a*es rrienti >ord Ornti al i/ohn Du/i'nin-g. who wa< for r t*r- pit h BaU ffers rajUrg bipod rM M emc^ y*: •? : : amaza* COW! Wot |c)eor Ihoi H •Ihcfr vsnjl . Kj a 3o V0 i w,i:!i their ^n.fn<-8.' VVc iht retiMe refejr jo niaf.y yr-ajsr Sheriff of Ihle Cqunlli n-d««fCortsurij'itt'on. ' =7 rn coft: f«jr; JB$ll.--.ton! Spa^JN. ISfjra'ojrM. rtiiinr «« \.<onMimpuun. i ; Mr. Gittlan Dicker}, f«lmt•r:an|d , ^hoJiniercH Bllia, GvtW|^e«io., MJ V.; InfflanihatJon ol] LJMMSS; * h | e b terp'iioafed io' CndFoniptiTinl t Mr. J-ToiT'isend^crx-hm, Ovul, ^ertecJ >;.' V., Itm pteni Coti.stioipttun;' j j Miss Po; fcr, piani, forte icaehrr, 2J3 Herber JS- V'.. C<>t!»t>nipl!<in of several yea i Mr. R §hopma„, merchant, M'fdlbbury lifiijr d-ffi<ul<lv i.t Breathirig', "< j Mr. Jo' k R S/rjith, merchant, Lee, Ms!, CI )5ct?« 3J ;:ine j ne^ticn - 1 A j Mr. R. N.StitripJson, jobbing rncrc[hant;£2 lam sl., -N Y., Scrofula in' the j\ T « c k Mr. J. Ofarg i merchant, Medina t. Y., Sali Rli.orr. CaLt. zra Kuopp. 37 M'Ohw ei •ipeias in r lbw, Bafl^toi |0 ytars.jin the JVer 1C«TS fronj nitpchandise ihattttf i. prrsonul cdtdlc mMpioe and viciniiy, liolnt Mi*s <|r i o a m a x e tppl ica- "ppome the ^oieri^ap liotdl. 1 itfcir ' i'i h.er'l'<"• najin 14 by r ire, w tit receiveproiiip' atti-pi*rm lion to ,theun(|lerMj;rj«d. G- S It KJt) \V ST. Y.. SCE|IIU.'OUS L'h>ipel«s injbolh k!tt'"' s to ihr ane'e;- A/t.*. Hivh Bar Rheom, •> And weBfurtlier r.|fi T) i () t^c |r Con d pf« C c,tii (fil'.owmy rj^pect»!):<? petsops who ar r ktto.wi led ihatjihey hsiv!cWen tl.ejhappl se of this iiicdicW it. its c-ffeAtihs'C Spa Jand e Oilcans Rn 46. 11 to Btcist in RtjiTiik Oncifla 1 CountV.U ttoltjs<itl>at it »-«n wiih'epiki' gf|j.d50hus!t- otfcineM to ienl for < ne or choreiyepis, at u I I Whce' of the m| ni-vv f t o n c * an<l els p»-r hour, i^ i jre:i«>nalilf rent! Apply to tile BJubscribir at Rome OnHifri fioun*v N. Y. ^.'rrii It. ROBERTS Rome, Oneid^ County, November, IP45 I | | Sjilks,! Silks, Silk,. fd aisorinvent of hew siyles of all cjrnlilies and prices r at| VAIL'S 'orc^ 1^4 Genesee SU, Cjicqj. ' ( + 1p<»v«r a n d Ag^ic •"POSITiVJBLi-i'lfj' CUR^D BY TrTE TTST* OF THE j, \o be had.a; DL'IJLEY L HTLL'S, Dropgists, Arcade >uild:i:g. -»- India Cbolagogu qHERIFF'^ ^ALE.—By viittijJof an L>' execution jissued "Ut o)* th< SlJjprvmo (Conitof the S l a t e o f N e w . Y o r k , lo mT directed JagtimJt the goo is and chattels, lands jiind tene- hunw of William JJ Nichols, I h a v j s ^ z e d anJ lal.en all the rigil title and'interest «hit:li he had pn th^ sevecth jlay of May, 16^41, ne. Ijllowing escribed premises, or wh.ch he may IIJIYO since ctpiiied of. in njid to all that certain |>iej;i> or par- e of land situate in the Village of Nortjh Bay, in the town of Venna, in the county oil Oneida, ani State of Nc^v.York, and bouhdet as follows : Etst by the public road, north by ii lot of land owned by John Carter, west by fond Jvned by Henri- L Myers" south by villagcjlot iiimberone. Said at d has on hi a dwelling house ar d st|>re elm- tainiob one quarter of an acre of land, being the same] premises kionveyed to Peter Clodgher by Henry t\ Myers; and yvife: also all tht to'ibjr piece or naj-eel of land in the town of Vier na aforesaid ,1 rfc • P ' 9 45cr - ,l »' 8 PaientJrJeinr part .of lot Nf S7, being ir| the Centre of the hrghwar lhat runs ihroiigh tl^e earn part of said lot froiri ihe lake shdre to plynu ^bbots, at a slake c >rn |C rj;d, and pit^co ' » ! M.-dirim eS. 7iJ jsold' Reed Kuller, running west If. ii»d« »long wild.Reed'r. Imp >> a slake, thence south 9 rods to. a siake, thence cast 6 rods to a siaKe in the centre of Isa^d highway, tliedee ipldng- jhe'e »nt«ipjof 6aid highway 9 rods to the place qfj beginning, con~ lairiing about on':sh»I( of an acre of iinajjT;hi8.1ot hapoh it an aehcrjy, & c . WhtcpHhillwtjio^ for sale as the law directs, on the iJ5th dt. j e f Decem- beii846,at the* N«ftional Hotel^jn theciiy of UticaL txi\2 o'clock M. of that dajt/.' j P . V . K E L L O G G , S i r riff. pyJ."S. RAv-,[Depnly. , 2?n(da ;j f^_ [h(i ; eyesgljfeicii," at Giosvenpr' TOYS ND CIlILliRfeN'si'iAYf^lNGS, in great rarity at GROS]V"E)N*6R'S. tilfa P LZASmG'k useful arid entei IKDS, JUMES OF VAiRIOUS; useful and enteflaii in*. at j GROSVENOR&iCo.'i »--'.Vojipake «y belonging. 4 the merit ol any d^bts.ai'id the|dclivciy s23m3 iii t|>. Lyi iavShj:jlicfn put md hiive solts i.f the ii>n o t h e r n Hf> are met \\ <• rc(f r a I Mr. -& t. sons of loeh cohiphjinls a n d i ^isjif Litmed inj^ontieeiiun r«'n, Iherl^pre, for tn! with thjr-ir ridges rh proof, to Van Vfrhtcn, merehai.f, Calekf for cotis of Chsjp,c arngbfand Conimmjf boat jlr. J. ^ t Uon, d,clggi 6 t, Bridg J inn., f..r;S( o n s o m p t i M n . , b Y | Rrv. R.lpunni f/ A Jp^j.frt, J , he pJrtfcJ dh.nch at Adums-' B ^ n , Mon'rAe co.' N Y J simptton. Ilevct Son- inu] Scroftla. • !j . tHnah Fol^rerj'* Olosaonin» f [ | WITH EVERY, VARIETy OF H .'DUDLEV &. TENT dintoh Female Sdminiiry, AT'CI.JIN'TOy, JG^EIDA COpNTyJ N. Y T ffE yee r is livided intoj threie icrms of fourteen weel;s each, comrhencitsg ton the 2d\Vcdnes:da^ of September, the Js|t.,\Vcdncfiduy of January, andjLhe 4lll Wednesday of April/ Ciinl'on. $e)|teinbJ!.-26, 1845. , 1 17lf Doct. R for Ni rsmgl ! Doct. Sa\ Ifick? sts f , sj-pelas ol i\ I Doct. 2 cj|jreof Chi Sfcinfu.'a ir ,J)Ir. M Scrofulous 1 Mr. S. Y ,a{rgruv sinan, S<»ie f Henry St., Brooklyn- f trt S rtfov Skiver, corner of Cranb* irooklynij*, Y, for Sct'o^lOnd! } c )^ ^dtMScrofulous Erysipelas »r. /fanfeirttggtst, Atihqrnj^.^, aitc Cougtond Eruptions and a case "•c t.errilp , . j •' //£w// i|| n,, 'rchant, E^tdwn,, rupnoos|if long stand.og^nl ijs S/nX-^jer<?hant, 22 J„Hh ef edeiupti^, on his child, which ibrttted fc ; ^|apa'illa"(%h!dnotcure. n : urge Fi Fralcis diuggist, MlddlcMtrri ofiJieEycs.- ' j I', j P - 1 TRACT ^OCJETY PUBLICAYIOK and J Doct. G ( C'lon., Erysipelas lMr. U / n | Z?. Harris. Sheriff of SkritoWi •he his.tjfllft; c u r t d of Consumption! 11 i*T r uiL r - ^W^<\u}c'ch, in t, .Bailsionlafclt for HoopinggCongfi and^ConsumpifonJ ][/?" V Mr. W.mopman, merchant, Middlehnry f<k the curci|>f his son of bleeding at! fhe I \^|nch term|iuted in Consumption—Cure off sumptjon mknoihcr man, arid alsoa ladv iH uihvm the b^t physicians had given vn J \ M 0LK. | Messrs. He well an known at R ^pd Liver up as iNtcou Christopher, W . W. ff^^ i Wtn, McLavghlin, g e n t e o ^ p , t e s t e r c i t y , N . Y . , f o r C&JSUtJp plaint, s , f ' /• ' MlJliCl^, D O l l dcjCQ. A n F - ^ redeiving n onusualiy I n l a n d weill selected Btock a+Gotkls. coi.jimsing an astortnient unieqti«!ed in wZt l h n ^°T y - IT' ^«^-«S>eu,, aHiey are JET: e irnpUno.-^ ri W e could! thus go on and refer to hundreds other pei>pn i; a? respectable as Ihe above na from whom ^uhavo received eertificat„ ^..^. „ micnis; but ijf (heisc be not sufficient to prove w|c have sairire^pectinff the healing and Vttritv w viHues of ih $ Great Indian ifiwnf^E^ ahds of our references would be equallv a a i^l cc$sful. equally Mjuhduc,. QCHOOLI TIdKETS, PijimenU and *J Teaehers'Tokens—16necessary as rejuiardsiofmerit/or those scholnrj" wlio exCe . Enough'to KHpaly inaay schools may be fouud atj G^OSVb-JVOH &. Co.'e B V Older of Willikm H] Shaimway, a Supreme Cbtirt Commissionjer, inland for tbc Co.uory otf Jefferson, I . > : rrtiee is hereby given thai an attachment has issued against the je»rate orLinus 'Sftereus', late" of the town of Camden,jjin ihe county lof Oneida, and State of New^f°rkj|n.abVcon4iiig debtor, on due f proof made to jtne «afrf Commissioner, pursuant to the directions of tHiePiW>tfe «;onceV|niing '^attach meat's againstla&hConjdtbg, concealed, or nos»resi d e n t d e b t o r s . p a n d t Mat l h « w m e will' WJ soJd lor fhe paycaent of his diibts, unless he,i>ttesaid Linus Stevens, appear and]discharge sueh attaehn.ent, according to-law,' within |tlii i ee , m i ' fifBt puWicatio|n of lljisrHotjice. and ithirt three'months frhm the [ -^ J * ^hat the pay ajid d e j j l o r ^ o HMW, r ro r his of any i i r o i i e > i » J>w , h I « L f/U. ofany proper- UH*.andrhcfJin>f.r«i any Hroiie^jby JwnL for any<pa*p^^ Wltafe^r, 4 fprb^o?tlbYlai|an5 are void.. Dat ed No rember 2d l»fi * ••'- JOHN CLARCE, Attaching Creditor in person- SBNTSrOR OKEIDA COUNTyj Rome-~tets»ell &, Leonard., WatervMle—Cahdee &.0«bom ClintouL-Elrdmii 4&. Ktpney. Vernon-X\-S<* ni neij. Carter. JRemseni^Bi C jR«*y. i < do.- K EAU ' ,-W-j^ tbe La< tfkr w o r k , «Xwj E. Warner 6t> Co. EM fresh a Iftvat jjh ihe Stone S'l'Sre at FOB FULjWTTLJB.WOKES is.-^Lnatt uctious^in ^ e t t W , . forla-rU, he fi^nd a f ,] *'' 1 GROSV^NOE^CcW. Frnfi: Frma Sv Raising Cttrons. Cnrr^r^ts , •• I KpWi SUPPLY\fW»»^i»dih«4© Twist, blain mud shaded, put trtififd?I* E*pre«to* alsp Purses^ Parse and Ba? Trim J r i *£• O. D. GROSVEiNOR * c3 hit in^d aft i •Cttf" poi. tth« o i *ff '! ' of, P»V -! the f ' CO.. -«„ 1 r -- Yt;, roa- JrVil. CO., Kjkly ho t Salt J'' tfio || IU If mg cjures ases i K h'ob, ti pert •op. • ,) j ' j i f i and Eryi fo o sort r»W \ iff CO '••i - I ri - • ?, i i i ^t. f! >«* 1 • o "H D *e tiotr 9 o cd lata' al ^r 1 1 i ' : 'M j tous. i 1 1 f ' 1 i 'J * '1. 3 ' i 'MMf 1 i'j i »! Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski Disk3/Rome NY... · -"I\ - "•— 'r •'* . 'I- •'•"' ' \ I I m • • ii"-. m &-M u Hi I ••?»" •' • • ,!'. I ' WitMti'fiMl

. -"I— \ - "• ' r •'*. ' I - •'•"' ' \


m • •

i i" - .







• • ? » " • ' • • , ! ' .

I '


r«r^C'W'! ' * <'?»•>-> :S f>p '^

I ' 1

i T -« -of the Jo*rlci Commerce.

liUet* a n d u<* m i i l a k e . an iniertst i»Mb£ \Naiio;

- ._., Jwjwirii fotmatiob ytfu &a*e noan|rerf» I beg leavje to offer ithe fl'Mo{ mg cariosities for the accptioce of |»e

laH of op Irish BulL ; A ijomrifiaryi wiifaj! a man io; it. fialif a doitn feaiber* from k gin co

tail. - .«•

1 [ (kiknM Conn, and :

J] 1 ' | . & . .S . BROVflf, Ag-etivV Atfcjti Office nyerLangf-rd. 1 llsydeo's Store, 4»-

recily cpposiie ihe Americanjllutel. B o r n e , > , Y .

Ayonlry of Uiei PRldTECTSON; INSURANCE 60>

OF HlJlJRTFO&lV C « p „ At tjieOflBc^ nfilfallman &. Johnsoi), in the !Ar-cad«[ji(up stain,} Rom«j, N . V . j

L . BOAR DM ANI, Ag*l. 1y32


Off ice o v e r L a n ^ f o r d <$& H n y d o n ' s S t o r e , D o m i -n i c k - s t r e c t , [r^irfctlyj oppos i t e t h e A m e r i c a n


A pound of ouiter from the cream o 3«»keJand a cbeese from the milk of L

a**n kindness, Tfiio' aojarch! of mind, arranged foil a

foil orchestra,'with Trumpet obligatory j •• -i | ;. ' ; | :

f r Wistles frorn the> last brush HJiih the Mexicans, and a Unit* of Geo. Agigu-

deadlier on them. I Ailme from the anchor of H»pe. A pouiie of smoke tbai,Mr. PoJk's mes-

. «gejeoded in.'- j tfonte ten-penny! nails, made from; a

fragrant jof the Iron Duke. Ij A fiogejr-post from the road to ntia.|!l.

' THe cap-of a. climax. '> |! Musket and powder-horn of a shooting

r'»tar.i.;- |-, .j .•:[, ; ; . \ j , ..,;;'% pool made on the last of the Moai-"cahsj,wt?h one of the spurs of the Bociy moaotain* op the heel.

T i e afieiioon ofi the D«y ol Algiers. -•. >AHbinge Jfront the gates of detHh. apd 'IKaneLf the sauflf that the chfld waslojt finite op to. ;'!. : I

'-*.-iiitlKa-; BT TBB CARD.—A gieen j0]^|Ora4»ocoutst>.determined eospend *•\jfcW vr*-tk* in* Nev<r Yotk, for the p4r-"pOse of seeina Jli the sights; and in or aer tt> strike JJIS.acquaintances at hoine with a proper idea cjt th»* greatness oi lijis visit, jhe took up lodgings at the- Astibr House;, i . j ; | • '• I When he was ushered in t<i dinner, ihe first d*y, he Was surprised at the jBrimfcjer of people who s«t down; as w«fll a s the vastness of the dining room, lite t^a* ie^tialiiy surprised to see-, that each man had a printed account of his dinner before him, and that each one, as be thought, at!» accordingto direct:o»s. Me roa-< Quite hunary—-and well ^e mi»htbe tSaet wailing thr^e hours over his usuial time---so hje atacke^l the hvad oif hw ball with jvigorj and ate! down as far as be coa'/dj but'he soon pa*ne to a ?tand- Jtist thea jibe gc^iitleman pn his right reques­ted tiie wait, T tf> brfnjg him some o> t>tei jHe, which our friend heard, ao(j ihstaat-ijr referred ;to the li-j to see wh*-re jit wis. T **Vii|hat V ekcjlatmed he, with astonis|b* tnent to.his neigh^r— aare you all me tpay down (hex*% Why I horse oidy got <b rodst beef, mid I feci already 4* in I

I^dtel, Ri-me, N , Y . ?v8tf



SOLI|C1TOR. ' removed |to Afm8tron^ ,^ Brick Builditag

I ac row the cana l , f 5 III*

Wj H. POLLA|RD, Ftti ioBablrjjiiilr.Drcissins &! Sharing shop.

James t*., oppCFsit* Stonwix Hall, 9tf

i ,



A t J L a x v ^ a n d S o f t c f l r o r i a n d | o u u t c H o r i n i C h a n c e r y , j

IBlair & Harmon F>^VsiCIAjNS AND SURGEONS.

ml t h e A 1 c i d e ; w h e r a i h e j ' w i l l p u n c t u a l l y J a t t e u q tlo a l l Calls in t h e l i n e o f

Jlo^iW S T B Y K E R ^

C AklvERT C o * bTOCK,

B l i | » IFIEU> J . JJEACH

H --s.

f AJFBL^OW FEELIKG MAKES TJS W<Ja« Kijti?.'*-r-s<» thought We yester^ly,

.<>» beholding a fellow Hhree sheets [in \ljbe Witid" 'iytrifg cosily beside; a g r ^ ^ e r ' in ^he gutter, in a stire-t in jhe . iovteij j^iri xk the chy\ Eve|r and ancln the hbgj would send] forth its dolorous nQtesiwh|jch|

^Wbbld be responded to by its feilqW cr|n:i I ; 'najniojvina loud s"ore,*and ti^re ih»y j Jay as if engaged ip earnest conversation.

'1?husj tha loagVr solHoquised ;[ 4*1 \\|as j -ijpro (jhic) for a sreiat man, (hie) but pjo-I p^e doj not (bic)know \i Ugh! u^h ! ugn .' j *i!Who dar-s di-pute he .j^figrdent ^hjc)

of the| Sen (hie) a t i . Ugh ! egh-'ll ugh ! **Bown, dow»,:.^h'«t) prfsumptiT>us| r< oel (h'p),f and tis»ng ill hi-* mnjestly, pe

•*f*««ced bwfodt on thej neck of hisjawjo-] iih coin pinion, and exclaim d : 'l\ trejid | t (Hiic) Ion ha'u'y 'J(*\\c) Spain ;** which ipe

'Ifftg t» t ieHshing, bjy a sudden start 'pj{ac<*4 !<he rw- 'g 'genius ">>pon hi< ba

j ^h«>, asi he!fell, ekclajiraed : *•**.«» i f "t'lte dighty ;(hic'rfi»!en (Kic)."

sj The last numbef of the Y a n ^ e Di j dJecJntaina the fallow ine • - : , . . . ; A NOTE ACCEPTED: i

% X Mr. Jenkins requesls the plpasure I 6;Capu|Brown*ii cv>mpany ait a small party I ©% F»id*y ev«-nine;!nexjt. .; !•• ' = /. J- ' ' l ^ l jSn r Jgg ins ; Placej—Monda^.

Captain Brown pfff seut&hi-cptnplim^ipts id regrets thai , thirtejen itainpd by habeas <or-

ar^i an fie Cap'ajn .^rowb's

"ico.mpauy -Will h-i^e uiucli pleasure I in

w^m^f^!^W^Tf W f

— i

met* ^ettrra' >w4.aV[. SoLDiEBs,


iuMt'iir PatiuMh k, ar/eata of Peii«i»»n^, uuuituta ol Jmlf payi arirars ot'miJiuiry

in* vi i^ nil H\* La wa, Forma anil Reguia-BOO Otf i^-Us tiit refore: now'prepared to fmiuipity>>«l)i8 )wntli>k and'expend , iard, (wli«n ut.wi xeptnil) all applkanta »oMo! '

baa ectad, or auspended for fur-

a penMOEfer Hying or d< ad. la br tvaa a p p o s e d tied u>a| < riser pensjoii tha t waa nwarded. re a Eeft lurtofiaiy 0tficer or Soldier la nov"f living

aince<Bt i of-March; lfc53l- -or wbere,Jittving serv-the Mrar < m.tiw cont inent establfahnjent, tie has 3d Mar lMft tS . ! '".. , 'i?[%:, • ' • " - > '

w married previ< mio the expiration o f lerra of service is no\v alive, or has died = 36. iw married previ DUS tn 1st January,t794 (under ceftain c; rcumstauce*} died since

w has bwrri m a n ed more than once, and |haa died a wi'lov* since 23d August IK42. s, described nndr r the 5tl» and 6lh classes ed five or six yea rs' pay.

dexription for arrwkrs qf pension, due

their profession.


CCjUN$ELLOR8l Oflace] on the earner, opposite American ! Hotel,

[over M»di©;8t DJ)i>'i Hardiware atore.

T .1

| X iiivjAtgaiing1

Ftuiinty J>auda i—y liOUSF Hid

- wuhoit for

1. tberp

2 . to be a

3. or has wt dUI died, si

4. Wijierea Wi her hustiand'sli

|sinc«r4tli of July ^. Wnere a w

is now alive, orb 7th JuljJ, 183d.

; 6. W jere a i snow * widow

7- W lere wid have a I ready ret

8. CiniujHoftrv Uie hein «>f dtxeaxod pensionera.

TElRJIS varied '& ecording to j the Mature and exteiitof tlie services ren<leri-d and iheaniountof the claim recovered. Alt tirade who suppose iney have claims,wilUon sending a state­ment o f f a c u to the subscriber, be ir|<<>rmed without charge jjwh«thetj or not tlieir clnimiiaie we l l founded. | Those who hatri! made Hfifnru and failed to obtain pen tfons, aaVd'.z ot deeimir if they iruut their case to his Ztuadvs he has within the-il is1 year obtained [Pensions in many casea where they had been given u p a s entirely hop«les8.after re-peaujd, an*ucci«| i i l eifortfl. He noi onlj^devot*«s hjs whole time and attention o the busine<« personally, but bap the aa-pistancel of an OReij , who ht««i been 'engaged in liie pusiness for l$or twenty yjeirs; and wfcoi visits WashingtonI several tkuefl a Jyear, wittl ill the principal offices of Records, of ihe nerviiealof levoljtionary soldiers, v iz : ^Boston, uoncord, Montpeiaer, Harifo d, Newpoif, Troiton.iHarrfrburgh, Phil^-

adelphiij,New York and A'bahy.wnere be! baaaccHMUi ihe old rollwiovl »"eorti! —and having ar.e«s» «<i numerous private rolls, is, in nimier?) is instances) enabled to iefltatilUW ciairns. jivhere akcnbt willi less fnctliiieu fur] investigating thjeu), fail \pf obrainTng whatji 1 justly due.] *\ He wiibes to b{ listinctly ui^derstbod that he investigates all claims at his rftrn rf>ik, without <tny c<mipen«aiu>n what ever, vvtere onsu<keeaful, and that r o claim will be| consid ered hopeless, wli :re a pension if Ju itly due,

Unexc^ptionab' 'p-eferencefc e*ven f rerjuested Letters ot inqn| •i'or npplicali«'n<', will meet with prompt

auenuorjj, if addredied to theRibscribfr, (postpaid)at RluSK,tVavn«Cn. S . \

JMne,l8<6. (ij>3tf ^ V I L L I S C W A D E .

F^«yw?5jwKJ.wis» f&mmti | p , ^ ^ , , | ? ^ . , - , ^ ^ « ^ , ^ ^ ^ . . : ^ , ^ ; y « ^ | - ••:/-!'••' ,:fi \T~^?pY~*Fiy>"Vy- <fyf-:y'vw»wf-l':t\^f*\

•>rrs\ j

mdace oilie,rt

the public it>iH ihprefj

. ...„,. tt^HSr<^'^'|^-4metfR4U 1 \

dcnitinri for tliialrot^ Acoustic Oil, is a,jpernia'n^|tt H»j[d Jaetinjfr^are in rrin«t./;cas>s of JJrcaffnieBs mijiy

[articlea of no value to bfe P'Mtnfd "P*"1

the true and.genuine l^w*??* ^ 4 '* be nccefsarj' f'»r! pcirsow who do

\ not *r\*f} t'ii Hjc^rleceivedtd !«^partjicuihr,aiid'iriqiii|re (QT1 •'Hajpcif* iEtnerialvOUrHJrice^ijnc dollar."]— __Jte noot^^r^and bcajr, in mind 1 hat the ot.'ly jTWinine Elorjp sir's Oil has thJ wrjttejt sjffriattire of 'tiHQS:, E^-iflKB oh thp.Wra||pc^. # 0 *ot bo induced & purchase ip.'article oi tdniilar.nainq,apd pay $ 1, 50 of- $2,00 fur it, thinkingi«njare {r«tli«|>{r tlie gentiThe Jlooper'e Ethero*! Oil, Ask for Hooper**, not Cooper's Ethereal pili j

fy Leonard^ Eodley & Hill, Agents , Hotne; and by Drug-

8 n 1 %inly

I? or safe b l Bissell and W. j . Hliocock^ giatd generally.

" T t W l i needs Ao Boajsl ing."


Notice of application for the disci tf rge o f an insolvent from ) hi* debts, punutaoj a the provisions, >f the third article of the

fiwt tit ept'the fifLi chapter of the «; x>nd par c of tit a He vised gtatuirs. ' i I Fred,e> ck no l HI t n. an insolmat d *tor . Notice Ar*t pub­lished pi:fober. l ^ C . <?redi»of» to appwir befi>re^on- p . SmHdon Hoot; Fir|i Judge of the C01 m of Common Pfea« of theCoumy ofOnrfda Coiinselbiriat Law, fee, nt his <*mee, m theci iy of Uifajia, on the p|neie«iuh day tit- Otjc^tub-r next, ai eleven o*c 1 ck in the foren< on of that day] Dated Uiica.Odioberl , LJIK. M^TTteovi 1 D O O U T Y L E ,

10wl3 Atty'».Uuca,>' .Y.

C E N T R A L HOTEL, fos; lU I ft7 sincsef SlrecL Clira,

ONIEID.f f-Co,, N. Y. 45tf


A T L A W ; &,|LAND A G E N T . o n D o i u i m c k o t r l c t , dtreoijj* oppos i t e , t h e

I B a n k o l Uora A . ,

O ^ c e

I W l f 1011T & CO. J WAWlUFACTlJ l tEl iH OFkTBA'rs A: C A P S ,


MUJF.FS. B 9 ^ 8 , ^UFFALp ROBESi I t c . |fcc. &c.

Jdsjaeej #/., nearly opposite Stunioix Halli ui>yi 1:.


II o r CAlLVlN B. GAY,

A t t o r u c y a l l> ; i \v ; a n d S o l i c fh Chail«€*ry. ;

Office in the e.orijiT', of BJrick Buifri'ings directly op­posite the Ainefican l io lc l . 1

- 1 — - , , — • , ,

rHYSIGI^If AND SURGEON, Hoane and Office on 0 >tn>nick ' street, first door

east of Putnam's; iiotei. Particular ailcnlion paid Uv chnmic 'difficctHiestand diseases of the EyeandThro(it j ; \ : 1 n22

Directly over the n24v&

Aj. |G. iBEEBEi B O O K B I N D E R ,

THII^D STOjR^. AJRCADK B U I L D I N G / Magnetic Telegraph Offi<

HASTlNG'$tj;OMlJGUNDSYR©P6FNAPHi T H A , a n e w and'eejuain cure for L o n g affection, ai \


'W'.'Mri Jenkins, an priva! QH will he j de «p» writs, «bd' Cwo s k k l ist ; the r^st

!.|: An

st>rorean s of

wfeitidg on iMrs.i Jejnkias . on Friday e je

' To-day..; t OI>D • Mi3TAjK»-|-An apothecary's

_^^traS;laielv>4-nllto lieav j ajt onje hoi^sc SaSbvx of pills, and at a n t h e r six li^e fowl-'. -Jtffvaftiped on the; vrriy. be left m pt'ls

wtberejtbe f«iwls ;sbjonl<J have gt^nu <i\d tbe, towfc »»t; the j t> H place. The folic* wibo feceiveij the fowls were astonished ait: rcijding- |he[r<ccr»mp|anin* ditection|s ; swaHaw one] everr two hour<

• " ' * •• -r hf" ' ^ H i l l o ! J im^wh^i^r

thw p<j»or t!og ? H "Break ihe heait of a Vm vclry sorrv, Sai|n,b^t yn» S' e i'rii-.cit

e \ou d »ing w| h i$ yefU are1 enoujjh to

'hor tblock. :T - ,W#1

£ , . -

4* It

tiii^hia tail off, for since ^he * BrUrsh

Squjire Cribb says tbj »t T« i rT i* pa^seiJ 4 e

most aU1 cwr-taii irajmeiiately, o r else we - s t a l l -IBII be 'ririajed/l aad the) Squlie *- knows* atil abmittbf-jw fbinigs." ( i t.: ^,,y j j 2 p - p 1_-| I f *'^"<«Ao"'lri*h'roan'*as asked to., con tribute1

^ to5t|>ejbenetil of exiled] Po.es ; bis Irej^y1

^ ^ d ^ i ^ ^ B e l b e H II o'Howth, I'll IniLii ^mfm' it* _ !•, . - l!-. » I •' *1" If ' 1 * 1 ;

«no« of-thtE» a cmr! I urver; wsu* | so> l a in ' kilt i» me lite a* I was at ihej

%&* M%« Sixth ^ r a r | o: New« York]

. -i v- ^ Uiie leniarksible j rehcS of arjii-• Q-JUV; |**^&to / :ofv *j|^it o* sfe<-Me»

^ f e f 6|;?AtIitm to eWmel ' the lbrfaSdden

toon'o^niijer «-pon««

re is a

PAIN EXTRACTOR—GE^UIKE, 124 cents permoxt ni I J-


NA I L S , G l a s s , allvvays offt (jiaixl 49

1 1

R o m e , N . Y

ti^ls for


nnoo] Oath 1 be m a d e g o t l i t i t i|n ful

< . H O E " a t C h i ' i ^ n a n

W o | ^ W o o l , [ W o o l !

HESl|B2»C!URER$|hav-injT aRMirjitcd th» insrl'rea in

inr$«s,iim{or tJ>e firm of Roe I ij'son

>kit <&• Co., I iave rented U»e c o i n ,

FACTPORI'MG E S T A B L I S H i.fchjn, N- ^ ork, fr>r a to^in of v r e idy to p ceive wool 4iV17FA<PTI7KE >r//S 4> CASSIMERES. I Blue', »tlso [Broad W h i t e F.'a,n.

a n d narrow

HIS is an did abd tru^ saying.4-W h a t w o u l d be t h e t s e o f c a l l i n g publ ic a t .

t en t ion t o a n y thirty, w h e t h e r in t h c j m e d i c i n e liiio or 01 berwjive, un le s s it had f l o o d the l i s t o f troth?

T H E C O M P O U N D E X T R A C T O F H O R E . H O U N I ) C A N D Y , I N 7 J 5 N T E I J B Y J O H N P E A S E Be S O N S , bears lie e^per tence o f S E V ^ N .YEARS' use a n d praise, from all s e c t i o n s o ( the (Jn . n i o n , b e c a u s e it h a s e f fected j u s t s u c n cUrce a s its m v e n t o r s i said it w o u l d . Therefo^o " t h e truth nf>eds no p o a ^ l i n g . " . W h e n the ^alcjjlam^nled e k . Prcv idept Ja'cks«»h, e x - P r c i identi T ^ l c r , jGovcrnor B o u c k , M a y o r Morr i s , an i o t h e r eneo ( of Uidjir c h a r a c t t r a n d s t a n d i n g p r t i s c it, it s a l m o s t u n ­less for th > proprietors lAapL'ak o f its[tnoritR. S 1 -II

"they feel in d u l y bound to the af f l ie lcd a n d (h t i r fr iends , l o proiuulg i i te its v i r t u e s . a s fjir a s |»ossJbrjri, in order t h a t tho thousaudu tiowi lin d ipease m i y ben*6torc<| to icaltr^. j

P u l m o n a r y c o m p l a i n t s , hoarsentJFs, w h o o p i r g c o u g h , irritation o f t h e throat , croup, j a s ) h m a , pit !-p i t a l i on o f the hearty L v e r conip?«inl i 'di f f iculty 4 exj )cc i0r i l i o n , n i ^ h t s w e u l s ^ a n d all d i s e a s e s icaidii g to c o n s t runt ion, a t o n c e yi ;ld t d i l s unr iva l i ed vir . t u c s , an, l Jje s i c k arq c u r e t !

T"ifl i n i a l u a b l e C a u d y is c o m p o u n d e d from - 5 o f t h e m^isi. sa fe a n d s a i t i u y i n g r e d i e n t s , a n d Uy its c o m b i n a t i o n if o n e o i t^ese a n i c l r a [ should be used sc pa l a t e l y a n d afford 1 0 relief, n the C°uji-pound Exlpicl of Horehound ti<ey ar|- so ajualg mated that

leasunt tli in one cohipound, and siillj it is so any child vdi eat ii.

S 'Id *h< .legale and retail k% 45 D I V I S I O N S 10 Asior Huuse, 178 Grand 4 re?'t» l3p F-oliun *>i Brooklyn, <|nd 232 Broads t ,[NfWHtk

F l a n n e l s b l e a c h e d a n d ma^ufacn i f t jd . so tbut thejf w i l l n o l shr ink in

waMiiue' T h e M I L L %k* u n d e r g o n e a thorY>o^h repair

alid w i t h the aiadiiiun o f n e w i .nd irn'pruved m a . c j n n e r y uf the I t i c s l ijlylo, wil l be a b l e to Compete w i t h a n j e » t a W i - p m e h t in :he :>tate ,

F. rmrrs . lyirr^haiits uud o t h e r s , w i s h i n g to h a v e w o o l m a n u f a c t u r e d fi>>r li ieir o\i'ti us/*, »r the m a r k c t . m a y rest is- iurrd l h a l n o p a i u s j w i i l be spared lo g i v e ent ire ratinf i c t i o n , ,

Cloth<|, intdlnd<'d for m a r k e t , wi l l be put o p in g o o d cot id i i ion | f iT Uan^porta i o n , in b o x e s or oth­erwise

I j TERMS. , • ^ Parfcnpnt m|dfe ea«y for manu ractur ing lo's of

ljbs». end npn t rds ; for fniall lots d e t i e i r y o f the c l o l h * . E ^ c h a n p c s wi l l

as pot>n|as cloths catj be 'got ready after rjcratiiMi

IFSON will bo iermanent ly located J i n d ' wil l t raniact ' the bus ines s or Jrtn'O) h i s l o n g e x p e r i e n c e in the riif.

s o f the tnai>ufa m i r i n g bus iness^ t o . rrleral kno iv led ra o f '.he w a n t s o f f a t t e r o i i r S e l v - s ' t h a t sa t iy fae t ion

Mi the eoncjern , f e i cn t jbrpuch g c h e r ] wi th a the pnblilo. w will be g i v e n iio i l l those vyho l i s b m e n ' ,

, The, ma^ket\priee paid in\Ck*nfor Wool.


Uie benefit oj th

; i' 1 . ,.. _^.___2ltilJt!2L-££iJ%Vt-.: fij>t'. t>> • fe^la Tvr' tPry ' V -> :»1' •/•* I" '"•

i? » <E»HP.O t , O t i t r a r d f

^ ^ ^ ^ Y ^ l ^ ^ I

critig und^r

p whole i experienccjd ^1

a n d D i H SL bUNfc. 45 Div

S ' l d by Urssell &. L»»<mard

Ru«ne, aee:M« I01 J . P E . A S E

•ion 6 L , N . jlfork, a n d , b y agujnia in ajji Uie e m u

t o w n s . N - G a i M i s , MatciBHus, agf«i|l for th"

N . J . klli'v &. I.

' Ptn«««.

TH4 J L asriii

ci. Rdi

, PL H. \7Af C b i t t e n a n g o , f*i

J •RINJ erg^ K u f c i s p i n g Opened a n e w 'I Y o r k , n | h e f e t h

o y te

N e w tn a n y e x t e n t

p a t r o n i z e our c s t a b -

C h l U e n a n g o , R A N K I N , f r o k | N . Y., A N D E R V d O I T . N . Y. city.

Sept. 1846J, I :. v7nl8 3m

G a r d e a Seeds, T?RESHi ANi) PTJRE, BY THE POUND X and-oaall p-pt^a, at i w 4 8 DUDLEY & U t L L ' 3 . ;

P i l c l i & O a k m i l clie-np Un cash, at ' !

iMUpGE DOTY c t ;o-

T ETTER PA^EH t NOTEJ PAPER antj -L i Envelope**of «iperil)/ qualitlex, cnn^tnntly on hand at

] i GUOSVENOR icfut.


J . S • &. l t • f E C K H A M , L" M<JIZ2 j> 5a, 9 f^k o "»£."«•

PARLORCOOKI^G S J I O V E S - N ' ^ 5 , $1 L


DR. CHAlffNCEY'S C^ebmt- d Ai* Tight Co.»ktoJ Stoye, oven l2

weisjhiru? 4U0 lbs j ' |Price ,

larin R u l e , C

sold' tit i i r i c e i n n i s h e d b y utjia Foundry? can be

to a n y ex ten t ! tor a n y Kind r.i j «>D or f a t icy i 5 |>e J n k , Papier. t ! a s J » , G a l l e y s , B h i s » R u l e . M r e l G o l

1 Gn$81jy

mjijo art ic le ' u e c e a i a r j for a P n n t i g l O f f i c e onjfl haind mafjernils.

J T h e i i y p e , i r h i c h a r e c u t in i o i tat ion o f t h e lish letftefs. are ca»t in n e w m o u l d s , f rom ah e n t i r e ­ly n e w se t o l m a i r i x e s , w i t h d e e p c o u n t e r i . . ure wain anttr<i t o . b e i o » u r | i a * i e d b y a n v . at d w i l l be 'sold'at p r i c e p to ^oll t h e t i m e s f A l l t h e t j p e fur-

** hand e a - t " nu

EfltS.—TVPJt)'Ffc»u»Dair A*H> F s i o W a r e n o i s e . 'J he » u b # c r i b e

T y p e h'ou l d r y in i h e c i t y e y a r e re* d y i«» s u p p l y o r d e r s

for a n y k i n d f«f J o b or F a n c y T 5 )»e

»sm^ S t i c k s , C h a s e s , a n d e v e r y A l s o K O -

T h e t y p e * from a n y Hatched at t h i s e s t a b l i s h m e n t

Printing; Pjfesijes f a m i s h e d . ^Iso S t e a m E n g i n e s o f t h e oiDst ajjpprjoved parte^rns"

i C K C R O F T 4 O V R R E N D , bd .'tin s t reet .


Ibjby 19 inche«j

B U C K ' S P A f i ] N T , N o . 2 i . | hot .BO large as

a b o v e , I T ' I ^ - ° . C do. do^

A g-roat reductior^ from p)

N o . 2 , ! j $ l t i l r ices chafgjed.'by pcdhirsi

Siand A great variety of from


No. 10, 31 inches long, j\cighing 330 *) lb*

!do No. 9, 27 do lbs.

No 8, 23 do lbs. '

A variety of thcii

We arepledfrtti jto se Pedlers-^-in conf i fuia i ionj thc„above p n c c «

J a n u a r y , l 8 4 ^ J

P a t e n t



! N->-;4, 'r No-3, o $ 7

PARLfiRf^pVES— 26 Inches jlong, ^10;

rl.v 22 do ! [do^ $$i 4 Column ! Parlor Stoves

- ; j S5 tlo §7.5Ui [HOUSE!AND STORE



4c. pr. lb.

PLAITE S T O V E S from $2,50 to 5.

Premium and FoitfJBoilcr Stoves, all sizes. &FT N o t i c e ^CQ I ! I

1 25 per. cent , less than ol winch jwc refer you to


G a l v a n i c J i i u g s .

ROI?ESs|ok Hi C. CK|]icHTON ofi fers to t h e affljeted in all nertjous e o t n p l a m t s ,

s u c h a s R h e n m a t i w n , S t l j j n e s s o f the j o i n t s , N e o i r a l g i a . Tic.iDvleiieiiiax, P«li«y, Hea l i lache , a n d o th

\ er nervo«J8 d isorder? , »>f p o w e v e r l o n g s t a n d i n g — 1 c e r t a ; n r e m e d y in t l w w o n d e r f u l rjiisieoverv. •

C A U T I O N . — j T i e g e n u i n e G a j V a n i c R m g s re quire n o fluid\o .promote their acl|i |ou., T h o o n l y g e n u i n e art ic le c m be p r o c u r e d Itn this t o w u or c o u n t y o f l i U D L E Y |i& H I L L ,

«3fc j ] l>ury aathijjee.ed A e c n t s .

J&lfcii&lL-fr'... • - " ' ' • " - • - • » - " • » - * - • • ; - . . -

, Orea l t F i l e i u R o m e . I n c o n s e q u e n t , j pi tlje m'-erit j^iro. lhe subscri]

ber, h a s ren^>ved " e y t a j b l i s l i m e n ^ t o

w x i i h s ide oi" t i i i . . . , . _ . „ . . _ „ _ «~ R o m e , ••ppootto At fM^iro i^ ' s b locks u l u - i o he wi l l k e e p o n h a t , d an Oroar p ***r L e a t h e r »tn«l F i n d in(£tf, a i l o f w b t c h h o +u* ««i l « i ail Ltery SIONII *<j

so.] va r ce from coat. •(; .-.; i ' is. Jd | .b l 'LViuNS l R. ' U K . j^Mi. o , 1^4»*


; STOhTB VAlRNSSH. R F'IPL'ATE'O trials h; ve hfeh made to

l>ejijcctjan ar t i c l e to varni 'h"Stu.ves and Pipcp, biit wtt'hoiit»iicjt».*s8 unti l the presept ar t i c l e w a s d i s c o v e r e d , v h i c h l ias succccdLd b e y o n d the e x p e c ­ta t ions o f ITT ! proprietor. It on ly n e e d s o n e trial l o ta t i s l y the •" lost' i n c r e d u l o u s . I t n e e d s but o n e or tvv'o c o a t s a ) c a r to k e e p youi Slo.vjesand P i p e s a j e t b l a c k - ^ ' h e r e t h e h e a t is n o t too i n t e n s e o n e c o a l it«sofBc icnt . (

I t m u s t lie^applied w i t h a « l e a n p a i n t brush , a s a n y o ther vi rnish .

W a r n ) tl c bo t t l e , a n d if t c o th i ck a d d a, l i tt le Spirits T u r f >ntinc. I t is atao o n o o f the best ar.

L t i d e s that c in be u s e d for i r o i ra i l ings , e s p e c i a l l y !j;ifc.5po6ed to the w e a t h e r , a n d f jr m a c h i n e r y , o f a n y \ l r o o w o r k s , w h i c h n e e d to be t e p t f rom rust , & , c .

N o n e ger uinc u n l e s s the w r i t t e n s i g n a t u r e of the W h o l e s a l e ^ g e n l , T H O S , F\ P I K E , is found o n the wrapper

]{LT P h c t i 2 5 c e n t s per b o t l U . F o r s a l e b y B i s -sell & l j , e o | a r d , D u d l e y & H i I, a n d VV. J . ' B a n . c o c k , A k c M t s i R o m e , a n d b y D r u g g i s t s g e n e r a l l y ;


ROMSE Uuabrcl |^a & P a r a s o B p la i su f fac lo t y

Um B i t Ml. . L A S and Parasol for sale by V<CH7PO1 *lard,' Janpe* sneet , opposite the 8tan*«ix Hall

N B. tJnibjrellas and Puras^te covered1 an|d repared on the shortest

1 Dp; t iceaad most reasonable tetxns

BHYSI f IANS PBESCBIIPTIONSAND FAM-X ily rwipe^,carefully put up at DUA>LEV &. HILL'S,

Z>mgj?isip and A pothecaiies.


J L X and Abdominal Supporters, a' 10 Banuihg's Lace, at D U P L E Y i t HILL'S, Z>ruggfete.

A S P l L E l V D I D assortment! rietyi and style, very cheap


ofpresi Goods, every va-

piV\D$E. D O T Y A Co]n.

THE jCopartnership ]ic?rteofore exist-i » i g ; b e t w e e n S.- Wi j (fb Jge & S i m o n M a U

tuWii , uhdejlr t h e firm 01 f*lu<lge & M a l ' e s o n , h a s been tiisiso£^ed b y m u t u a l coi iM-nt. -I

I h e r N | t e a a n d a c c o u n t s , o f t h e ; . l a t e firm o f M ' t d g e | & | V I a t t e s o n , m a y be oUnd a t t h e S t o r e o f Motive <&. miicor,'and al l pcrso i i s ntdebted t»» the sa id l i n o , Mrc reques ted td> CIHII a n d se t t l e w i t h o u t

,dfelay»S'a.'»a.jjiafecOunt8 a n d rjou-s r e m a i n i n g u n p a i d . ' t i i fuhe t~wdiih« h'anjded o v e r for c o l l e c ^ j '

• iCWti ^-^*C'J.'.ii_Vl.*

n-qtitring that mc« | ie :nr . S h " il'hat , l l id s i g n a t u r e o f t h e Propr ie tor , :G. R . P i j E t p c ? , Hajrtfoid, C l - J 1 is on e a c h boti. '

AOKNTS—iBiSFelJ &. L»%

Hill, Rome, ! IS. Carter , K*rnorr, D .

PA P E R HA!NGI3>fiiS O F N p w AND ' bcautut 'o l S p r i n g S l y l«js and P a t l e p i s , n o w re

c e i v i n g at

G PENS, OLD PENS, SILVER PEINCHLS, AND beaut i fu l P e n U n i v e * , ; n d r n a n y o i a u r b t a u l i »

ful and us v. ful a r t i c l e s u> g r e it v a r i e i v . f c t GRUSV|;NOR'S.

OTICE is hArdbv-ndebu-d lo the e s l a U

»1 veti to n of Fletchctl

p e r s o n s Arnl i t i ig !

Uie , o ( Vcmnjlt, C o u n t y o f O n e i d a , S ' i t e o f N e w Y o r k , t o cal l Sind set t le the s .aniclwithout de lay: a ^ i , all persons h a y i n g c l a i m s agaiinit the a b c y p n a m e d e s t u t e , arc h e r e b y trequeftcd to presen t i h r m w i i h al l con^venient di^'paich ; ai all c v e n l s l w i t h i n t\x m o n t h s from jthn d a t e o f ihin n o t i c v


Verona, N« v. 14, 1846. ! v'pn'24 f

^HERMAN^ O L O S A O N I A M M A & -K > ^ i p ^ W m , - ^ f f i W g N ^ . ^ Wmt for SJieroian's Olosaonian or All-Heading BaitamJfjnd It lias g veil such entire snti>-facnon to those who ti ive emed It and bweenie acquainted with Its yirtue*. thaUt BOW wands pre. e,niiient as a remedy la disenses of tlis Lungs, and the tes-timiiay wi»iebjia*been given-bydjfferemvartopt wbnjiave b jeu cured by it, ts altogether voliiatafy>on their j tart. They h ivejz iycuk la ihe Jiop<;4hat ail who may find ibeuwelves lr| n^*d of tn'm reihedy, ma'v apply for It without dwfay v^

'_ Read the following letter teceivedTroni ih u Kev. Wr". ^lurnenll Pimtor of St. Jude»i Episcopal, Free:<'Lurch. Mr. S. hhsnotoufy used fhteuiedfeinehlnweirbutha 1 Witnessed !t» e p c t s i n seVeral very tr>4ng cftsesof diaease.' Tlie letter v i l l show lii» (aiinion of its virtues: '• •->

, I 'SAHSIH—Bel iev ing Ittlrbe bat an j8Ct lof crrnmon hu* niaojiy to those eutiering under theyarrluus Jii*a«es of l o u g h s , Oolds, Hr«T*eness,CJorrmiraptiflsT AirtiiuJa, &c', to pojnl them to a safe, f\yvedy aiiid radic J rctrif dy; fake plea-s are, in bearing tny testimony to' your Ir.valuabk njedtpioe, called Olosaonian or J)U-Healing Balsam. Of its efficacy 1 can speak f u n from my own eitpeiience. {Being subject r ,ora exposure quire or less to the victssitudtsofour cjiuiate - -Jto frequent attack* of influenza', hoarsenexs. 4 c . I have aiwayn found \iv> afford almost instantaneonS, nod always by perseverance in lis uws, effectual relief. IT > t particular fierifi of mine, *nffetlngs«v«^e|y poder Aalh uti, and who hud oespaircitnf nbtninihgrelief front apy Iniiaan BOUICC, upon my recommendation was induced to give lie Olosao-nianja triaj. nn<ji he pronounced the fiffrtcl produced upon him a perlcctrljarni. atfirdlng Dim iuitiiedia;e and a moot ir credible relief! In another testapce recojnineiiJled ii 10 a female friend, f ir ndvanced in consumption. A 'ter the u^e 0 ' irip first boulc her c iUgh was eninely remove J nnd her a ijKjt te and strength restored to such ad«-giee as to nxtoniab n I \yho saw,her. With a loDg'clieridiied and firmly eaiab liiihed prejudlce|ngninstthe thousand and one FJpeeincs put frrtli in these Says, as sovereign panaceas of a if diseases, I aiisiiieyou thatjrotl i ingshonof my fi'm coriviclions of the claiitisofy<iiir medicinefto an origin so respectable, iand to t i e e lects of it u.« herein certified, >oth by tny own experi ence anri observation.' 1 could not have been induced tints it c* me forward as a witness in its-behalf, j halve the hon OJ to be sir, Aespecuully vours,

' " Jt C. SHIMEALL. H A V E T C t 7 | A J « - 0 t ' « «

w hicp is troublijsome and hss do' yielded to any of th" rem­edies] which yoit imve p<*d % IJ* itiattended wit!: pain in the siile.;lshorine»*«jf bnal l .'Hirl niflu sweats. Di you raise Hood when yoi> couch nnd fifed;} < y.r strengti jrmdua-ly f: Hire ? V011 will find ihese>^nip:'-rjs ifv">!C tir«[«,T|y at-iti.dejd t'i will ijpiiiiinati io coritiiim^iniri r.u.d tenth. Are von troubled wir,b that disueflpu'itrrlatiipiainr, Astlima. which deprwes;you ofyour rest at night and render* ihfe buithen-bOinel > j • ; 1'

H F , R E I S T H ^ J f t E B I ' K b W . Fejnernber the^inme and plnfe j r h w e i is t<]> 1* obtained

a i d a<> no'he put off With any other. It ttan pfo'lucedacure in A* clepp^rate cji«*s as yours may iappear fo .bjf, nnd di>ubt-lesf yi-jtl pu* to flipht in la sp«-»-rfy manner tn|i« di«renting s>m| Horns which'fill your mmdd with gloomy irp^ebodingei of the future. , ',

j B«i ttnr deceiveil • Tlie only dlacje irt the city <if ti, York, \ypepf* Sh* ninn> p'oh^onian Halsnmtis'solti, ispt 106 Nas»

THE. Snbacibera!feavmfe. col the SrORAGfe FbRVtARl^NG|

M I S S I O N b u s J D e s i . a t t b e '

OW WA^EHMjlJSE, NEW on t h e w e s t s i d e o f t h e b r i d g e , t a d j o l n ^ i g Arm s t r o n g ' s B r . c k B l o c k , o n t h e l a n a l in R h l p e , w o u l d t a k e t h i s d j i p o r t u l i t y to s a y to t h e pnbl c f t h a t h a v . l u g b e e n aet i ive lyf<m^»Bed n» t h e j F o r t ralraiflg -bu­s i n e s s f<-rthe laa't t n y e a r s , and wjith t t e i r p r e s e n t a r i a n g e m e n t S,thej i i d u c e m e n t s t h 4 y a» t p f , w pre­p a r e d to offer o t o e p u b l i c a r e n o t k o b e c a r p a s s e d b y a n y i n ( h e t j d a c n . ! |

W e w o u l d ; r e s p e c t f u l l y i n v i t e a l h t h o s e w h o w i « h to k t u d y e c o n o m y to cal l and s e e ji*or t | i e i rnse lve i .

l i b e r a l a d v a n e e i m a d e o n a l l p r o p e r t y l e f t i o s t o r e d e s t i n e d for ruber roaikets ; | | /

fJC?-Flhur,|Coars<. P i n e i i n d Grnfend P4>rJ* S a l t , W a t e r L i m e a d d G r o u n d Plaster} c o n ' s i p m l y on b a n d . , j; ;i W.A. J A C U B S ^ J ^ Co

T. A . J A C O B S , ) 1 . E . > / C K / N S t ) N , V I ! i


v - n

H o m e , i n a r c h IS

eilo street oued<>pIj nb'»^*e_Ar.n ^tr^et.^ I Fjir tale by

Agents Romcj uni BI6ti£LLi& LEONARD, only

.; v7uifeji.6

la fo ed to. ail

1 > i i . i i i j t


CONSTITUflON iiiust astlistrtp^e ^o throw .pit*di*M«e w icin t h r e a i

r n e d w i t h j F e V c r * - P l e m W , B I o n * compla int i j , J a u n d i c e , £tj*..;atid the S E C I KTI<»JES Musir BK c o r t r r i t cd in Cost ivcneiss , Eleart bi rn, loss of a j ipct i te , laHj g o u r , & « . , by s o p i e appropr ia^eremeoyj . Th' -re n o t h i n g s o g p o d jfi>r th i s pu r pose . a c c o l d o i g to the r x p e n e r c e a n d Irstinoojiy >f P h y p i c i a | s a n d pro­fess ional m e n d u r m g sijt v e i r s tr ial , n s j y r . .PHKLPS * T O M A T O p j U i s i . T h e y ^ r e I .NVALI'ABLH in p n v e n l . inj/ and c i i n i t g bilious" d i w u s c s . j p y s p ^ j ^ i a , L u n F«-ver, C o i ( K C ' ^ i v r - n f f s . ChoMe, j H c a d . t c i » R h e t u n a i i f m . G r a v e ' , J a n n d i c e , & e ; res tor ing th diM'afx'd g l a n d s to a hea l thy setrelK)'>;' r e n o v a l m Uie s y s t e m ; n-sttirmg thn upprt i to aind ; strc a n d are w o n d e j f n l in t h e i r e f fect* in k e e n i n g e v s t e m hpal t l iy i » i h o s e o f «ei!ci>lary l iabi t s , c o n l s i i tut i inajlly <^«siiye, a n d tl1'»se w h o iniduige. t h e d appet i t e s t o o i m u c h , or; HTC f u ' j r c t tn (titECMATtsi uud H E A 3 A C | I S . T h e y p i c nniw put nu in hoxe.-for ^ 5 a n d S f l e e n t p , and tr o s d - w h o a l e affl'Clcc w o u l d do w e i r t o e m b r a c e a r v m e d r prepared by 2

A r e g u l a r P h y s i c i a n , and p r o n o u n c e d hy ' he f a c u l t y . J t o be not o n l y e f f i c a c i o u s , but s a f e . (Fu l l c<rec

tjons for their appl icat ion a c c o m p m y ei«ch box.—1 T h e r e ard ag jr i t s in a l m o s t e v e r y c o u n t -v t o w n irl t h e S ' a l e ; u i i id the pil ls are for sa le b y i ' a U U ^ e rc ;

s p e c l a b l c diugg-ists in the c o u n t r y , anC in t h e lar g r r t o w n s o f E"n»pe . ' - ,

T h e l a t e Ear) o f . S t a n l i o p r , o f S . i e n O'jks , ' ( E i » g . ) t h e n P w r d e n ! pf »ho R o j a l B • f in ic S >cie.| t y . h a w g y e n h i s t e s t i m o n y o l | b r i r ftfi<:ncy a s a! c a t h a r t i c a n d subs t i tu te lor t aliimi-1 in |all di^eaBes|

Barcla j r ' t f 4 p i e r l e a n B a rirtHIS l»iBDlipINE h|as now it J L | lore the public for u'boul three yc

« a m . een be-

f s , anrJ'al

i l i o u g h wi hujpc n o t cxpendeid t h b u s a n o s o f d<> rs n pnffingj it , rather trus t ing to i ts o w n m e n u

r u rchutalitjft, ( w h i c h it ha* mos t ful

<) ilk- c i m r o i i d S P E E U Y C U R E , for Jail d i s e a l

LLlJJUiS, that h a s e v e r y e t b e e n ' o f f t n t c l a i m for ijc a n y foreign} ordgin, nor

fUPtain. « c now feel warranted jin reconinietidiog it e c< mm wiiv «" 'be most] SAKE, Q L R T A l N

P i n m b e Naf ioe i a l I > £ t g u 0 ^ r i a » OalI<:ry assd P b o i o g r a b b c r s F u r n i s h inj? D c p o l s ;

A WARDED THE G O L 0 A M ) SIL-J%-ver MedKN, F o u r F'rt-l Prern l idn i8 . | | l n^ T w l o Hii j j test H o n o r s , at t h e I f a t i o n a l , the |jV|a«sachu se t i s^ t h e N e w Y o r k , and jtne Perinbjlifafiiia E x h i bt t ions^jresppct iv 'e y , for t h e m o s t 8plcndad;CoIor'

D a ^ o e r r t i o t y p e . a n d bcbt A p p a r a t u s [ ever e x niblyd. ; ,.'j

PoVtrai ts taken; n e x q p i s i t e s t y l e , w i t h o u t r e g a r d e n w e a t h e r . j

I n s f r u c t i d n s g i r e n in t h e irt. ; I I • A l a r g e av*orti^j^»t o f A p p a r a t u s a n d S t o c k a! w a v s on hancl. at thje Irjwest c a s h p r i c e * . !

N e w V o r k , 2 5 l | H r n a d « | a y , P h i l a d e l p h i a . 136 C h e s t n u t ' S t ; 'irjsjnnl 75 € o u r i t . a r i d . ^ M a n n ^ e r S ( N ; Ball i m p re , 203 Bfihiniorc S j t j W|aji1iinpton, P e n n s y l v a n i a A r^iJucj P e t e r s b u r g . V a | j l!ji1ech^n_. i c ^ ' Mal l ; C i h c i n n J M a i n . S l ; Ji^i'ato^a V i e i l l e Rned;a r t to fp l t j ;

7 v 5 u l y

np| in the m a n t l e of writ i q n i i y . I t ik w h a t its nanii; iinplieH,.an American ar t i c l e , ccnji | iotinded e,( Roo'rs a n d P I - A N T S , t h e n i c d i c i n a l [i[Ual;t v» o f whie i i a^e know, 11 tn e v e r y o n e , a n d a l e t l ie p.'o-d u c ! o i l s of our o w n so i l . A l l t h a t %\|i: d o c l u n n , is , tl at w:e iiaVf" seh c l e d f iom t h c f e |ji oe loe l <j':f-a o d m a d e a c r a n b i n a t ' o n , w h i c h is,<«ir he }>i;r;Mis-c s w .• r e c o m m e n d i ' , s f p u n i o a 1 0 a n y bi for«-juvt-n-lei 1 m d w e n o w asser t , w h a t Wi'fi iUv n / h e v e , tha i C t ) ^ S U M P T I O N C A N B E ( X 7 R E q . in a m n jori t t o f c u w s , hv t h e t i n n l v , u i e o l tljia B a l a a m . un| j iii] o r d i n a r y C'Uiirhs. withojut a sinplqj e x c e p t i o n .

f» of Ih'* . W e do > w c w r a p and Georj /e direct

a l o w rent for] 4 yi

H o u s e s a»<t JLois f o r S^I«*» Who knows biji'


A 4 E . N T S — Biisst'il & L'"ojmrc|-, Jlmnt, Verrion, D . C . B i v l i s , Oriako'/ty,, (irtfwj H" 'itirsfotcn, E P . B ' o w n . tiattipton, Vernrta, and b y S H v e n t s i i tno«tjofiJu; coil

. .1. U R I M C S JYhtrciHus, Agept! fo ir i h d

mOKTGA(.'E SALE.—D^i m g beenj m a d e in t h e p a y m e n t < a c< rtuin

mort jage , d u l t d t h e k t r e u l h d a y of D i C e m b e r , ^n l l t y r»r ol o m L m d . o n e t h o u s a n d ei^iJl hundit-d a m ( i i r t y o a o | , e x e c u t e d by E d w i n C . | B r o w 11 and

nuip Ontrula aod Slajte o( N e w Y o r k ! to I>A; <if ;hi» I n w n c o i d # d on 1 in I) v. I ic-ih said mpri^ti / ie

S Carter , ol<i &. C " . ,

B . J -^ ln i , u i y t o w n s . S ta te ' .

vr 3 1

Great c;irie^t; k e n

ul t haV'

to h a v e theiir work; doiic s i i i t«b le t r imminqs l p u i ' n p a t v t r y . l

R o m e , ^laircii S t


i 'pu i i ty and Statle afoFt'Salid, a n d ' e l#d iii t h«* C i e i k V off ice of i h e e o u n

.h]e l l i h dak- of A j . n l , 1842. a t - 8 i o \ >ol»k N o -iojof n i o r l g . i ^ t s . p^jne* ' ic!h said m i x »id T i p p l e ! t

a i i b d ^ y o j f


id i i p p J e ,

m oi O n e i d a ,

»ek, A ftl , and 3t6.'

nifn and

the-jmhhc-tljia.1 lie ti»kc IIori=efl ^nto h!


a n d pti ihl ing h a n d s o f .the en1rti.«tcd"t.»

w as d u l v a - h i g i e d by i b e s a j d !>a]» id T i p p l e ] tin Georjjt- T P e c k h a m . o|n o r ^bout tht 3 ) f b d j y r f J a n u a r y , 1S44. and w a s a f t e r w a r d s , on o»j ,ib"tit the ' fhh day of A pi i I , '1844. a l i g n e d b y t in s i i d G e o r g e i T - P e c k h a n i to Ph i landrj - ' s . U o d g e o f V e r o n a , aforjesatd, npnn wh'Ch saidj ^mortgage ih« re i» c l a i n i e d ' t o bi? d u e «-n t h e day pu jlfjcation n( ih !* n - M c e , t h e t«um of in! l w : l » e dr»lUt» and t h i r t y fnu.- i c t n t s , ( y ^ l ' - 3 4 )

' h e m m l e a p e d p r e m i s e s a r t r e s c i tiled in M i d n u r t e a ^ e as f o l l o w s , 10 w i t ; " A l l Hal c c n a i l i pic ce<»r parce l ol land l y i n g and b e i n p in t h e t o w n

1ni.«tcd"t.» 11s c a r e . J :, H " wi l l ^tro o p e r a t e on Foundf.red 'Jfqr**'*1 hv

pT tjie first i«* h u n d r e d

wh:c!> al l I,a^n< n< 5^ <lcr;or l a m e r m o v e d in a f<

ff<: cif I he feel

w liniuuirs'.

»f pa tiriei

V e r o n a , c o u n t y o f ( l u e i d a a l o r r a y i d . and b t i n ^ 1 01 lot N o . o n e h u n d r e d ai>d e i g h t y , lof t h e late


I aril a n d lind'ey

B a y i s .

a R e s e r v a t i o n and b o u n d e d as folfop'a. tn w i t ; a i j tn ing at a *<ake at ( l ie ndrthea&lerfljf c o r n e r of d j i i ece ol lan<l.and running t h e n c e Is^uth fo^jy

IS46- 1 lyn42i



rvsttltij^ ftom tfte Purifying medici

Qoygto.Ahkt/ma and Co- sumption, 'Warr^.nt^ assertion | j a t it is tlie mtst infallible reihoi tlie j world lor any form or stage of Consurrtpt the i|teor*r \rn\ most Mpel est cases. I

j J^Iany f 'tysicians say lhat the hfw»an I y'hen once ulcerated, never can be healed cured j hd/HI experiience and the test imony ny persoriji tofthe highest s t and ing and cha fdr Jyeracif 7 can bc fe l i edon . Brant*a Indian monary Bllsam hasj curcjd piony d+cidfof}t ulceratedt nd diseased lungs—huch easesa» called CoMuniptipri by the moK sljiltfulT ] cians, somj of the most titrpngly marked and caiicd case | of ulcerstcd [fling*—«uch frithu niany p e w ns die iitconeequcnce of, e te ry Ida

! T h e infdjjiblc and! most Wiinderful '

w otf

HH|r \LjN'G| AND. q t j a l i i i e s <if |^li is b e s t f o f a l

rathe virtues which vo ottifr Covghi remedy •eWes.. J tj|a Iso possesses la If the necessary q> a )


«*f f n Phy,


PURIFYING reim'dies give* to it

wcersin WM

i i , iF'.n'rrb andHWalnfet |aind' 176 St P r i n g s . B r o a d s av^jParjf i . 127

L T r e r p o o l , 3 2 ^ J h u r c b S t -

Rome is to be t h e jCapltal 0 f

l l . e E m p i r e If ta'c l

T HE SUBSJCf|!BEB OFFERS H^S t w e Dv^'i i ; i i j ; HoiiM-a tor s . i l e . silu<k.lcd in t h e

m o s t d « s m l Ie patl ol ihe v i i j a g e , t h e ea^t part <>f

L iber ty sfret , noor Ihr s-nc off Old Fori' Sfanwx

A l s o or>c sjua 11, fa »owC near DO lea^e k>'t, i r s j wil l d o wvjll l o p^/r lvuse ,

E . W. W I G H T . R o m e , Jnr ie lS t lH, 1$4GL f 2 f

the c o r n e r oil L 'b«r 'v anvpers<m w i s h i n g



Jirr.eb alr»«-l, on*- idi'OJ »bj<ive ' Jn'sllM-iiei w h c i e t n a y i b e iojunc

NEW-YORK U S T R ? : C E ^

c h a n t T«»»l-\iufigv Ac. Matti % thein<fol fifijri«»i^Mle Titrnntiofrf , Sec

A i l woik:et:!i(,i>tejd \u> l inn v. <jj| .be dtrje in the i m«*t fa?Jiioo*bU-. aj id workniaiiLkeirtaannjpr, on r'ea s o l . a b l e ti imt"

C o n i n g , fi rj thosifl 'who w i s h or atj p o m e , a n d o w pjtjtCs.

6 ^ 4 3 t f

tn l»V W OIHCltl



b e + s to infoirp IA-I1| be- r e a d v tfj

p -stables on rdju' ona ictfr the expenses o b i ' p a i d o n def

person oil p> reims t h e

or S'-ft*news' :i*li wi l l be:

A R G nceivi i viee of

W r

L'tcrinary L• l ib!l iCd hiMl^-'f in^Jriskany

;'.l(Cirv(is a n d -i nald4 f^'*!1, or !

:cj t r i m ^ ; ic iojmir i n t o th | verm

h a r s e l d r h o r s e s r MM

irpjfra'i jt i I O U T -t'.ctnrc|ien*lj- re



lauo.- .OiiS. n\-jSr„tr>< »4. &c . 10 w liieh Ue\ 1; te&noi: r.t einrlj^M •>

Ai&o catx^EiiiLs u

fill jiiMMions fo Me«liein»^,

|a>.- Itrush-Jirite the at-

r the cheapest peices.


on .-wind an balf de^rt-«-s, « n . t fifty ljnl*is, t h e n c e soiitrj l or ty t w o j a e d i h r e e - f o u t i h s degrj«i>^east fitly i I T ^ E ^ J L o i S g , I « ^

d e e r j « di l i n k s , l l x n c c ' s o u t h I v v t n i y e i v h l »j>d a hai l

n o u l l t i g i n y ojnr- d e c r e e s , eas i rij;hi|>- | s i x l i n k s Ui o c e s o u t h t w e n t y n i n e d e g r e e s , e a > M i x t y t h i « e ink*!, t h e r c e mirth for ty four anii a ^ a | i . d e g r e e * , ;

G U M S V E N O W k . C o . * s


haill t o


A GOOD FAR(V1 of t o w n of V e r o n a , -abou

F u r MI for| S a l e . 40 acTck in„. ihe

about h;«jlf a'|milc| from Ihe Gla^g Works, on the E ' ie cma,1!, nhw ocdtipied bv John Hyland, near the Catholic. ChurclJ, is ofiVicd lor saloon Reasonable terms being well improved, witlv.a good frame ilou*e oh it. 4(1 ajtires more adjr»ininjr t he above m the carj, will behold with the above if Ran ted . Applv to th|x suftst nber al Rome, or John Hylund on 1 le premises.

4 I ,1 SEfTHj B. R O B E R T S . Rome, Nov. I846 ,

six and a~ l i n k s next

nd a nail o j i t l j n r t y s e v e n l i n k s , t h e n c e oprth f o f ' y

d e g r e e s , w e s t t h r e e c h a i n s and •axtd o w u e d by W i l l i a m H Munger. |ru | t i iung n ine

feet \ r e> ier ly from the n o r i l n f e i i e r l y c o r n e r ol t h e id Monger** t a v e r n h o u s e ioith«- jt laey oi b<-j»in

m i I K , c o n t a i n i n g t h i r t y rod* of land lo.jbe, ithe s a m e le: » o r ruore. wjiih t h e p r i v i l e g e oi p t * i | ( n g a l al l tiraei to and fiOm t h e hig l f tvay t.o t h e l a n y a i d on a

1 tain p i e c e of I.md d e e d e d h y P e i c i T i p p l e and bit his w ife.tii Rufuti P c c k h a m — r e f t r e n c e t h c i c -

jio to be had- • j

jPherfclore nrji ice ia g i v e n that p n a n a n t to a w e r of sa le ci p la ined in and r* Coid* d i w i ' h sa id

th e pub l i c h o u s e n o w k e p t by

SH U R l F P S S A t i K . — B ^ virtue of an fexecut;on is­sued out of the Coort of Con inion Plena o the County

of Ootida bnd ti tate of N e w Vor c, Uijine direct^ d and deliv­ered, against UJ6 goods and chat sis, lands and jenetiienis of William Highla id and Patrick E nnis. I have seized and ia ken all the riah., title a i d inhere« Which thej had on the twenty first da> of Apr)!, one thousand eight hkindred and forty three, or any time thereafter, ott in and to nil ihax cer­tain piece or pa eel of J masi iut te in the town of Verona, in the county oflOneidaand Stntit of New Yorjc, and being part of lot Nu.2D in the first Pagim pt|rchnse,so palled.boun­ded nnd difcribi!«i asfnliows, to wit*:! beginning at the cen tre ot the Erie canal, and on tht moist southerly bound of the lot, thence running atopg sa d so'uiherly Ixjund^, west erly eleven chains and ivveniy nine links to tlie southerly corner of the lo:, tht nee along t i e wl«l« rly boijnils thereof, north nineteen tiegries.easi.foun fenahains andjeightj links, to Henry Poppl.-um's land on the same lot, tpence along said Popplelon'i lund.miuth eeventvione rlegij^eti. east six eJinin6 ai.d eighty four links to u e conire of the said Erie caual, and tJien along the .same to Ujfe place, cif beginni g, containing fifteen and sixty fqu • onfi hundred ha acres of land, which 1 shall exp|»seforsaeaBjihe law;directs, on the twenty nhiUi day of DecemW,«ighieen hundred land forty-six, at ilw inn of Joseph Y. Welle, in ithe town ( f. Vern .n.at 10 o'clock A Kl„ of that da y. P 4LW|ER V. KI ILI^GG.

By A . 1. ISAJK^FORP, ^ u t y . |n22tds i| : Sheriff.

FANCyjARTICLEjS, in greak variety and profusion, now on hand apd selling off

cheap for Cath

S ILVER PEiNCILS, %jery chfeap and many va(rieties;ai,<?rot»epw,s A- ** '


28, 1846. &&(>$ MATTESOI4


i i l 8 u

W A L L E T S AND FOpKET BOOKS " f , Ihe largest assortmept in town, ajl Grosv*n

of s A} Co.'e.


Cir**BRS. S1 ^nJJ 'nn^ f6t siipl Bitch js Ifalent

^ « W l ^ ^ S t r a w i i n | ^ a i k Cutleni. ?En. quire at M. l^htw^rWartr wid JF feed- Store

Rome,Decll6, 1845.


^ l f


s. east o n e c h a i n and th i r ty s i x llnkjs

c e

S.V Uli

m o r t k a g e and the S t a t u t e in i-iich c a j c ]nj'ade and prjnv'ldi d, t he abn* c d e s c r i b e d m o r i g n a e d |*.reiiiih^s w i " ' at rens< n. in t he v i l l age ol V e i in»n , in t he t»4Jd c o u n t y (if ()i) i-ida, on W1« dn.ehdav , t l ie 13' Ii da1; o lt J. i imai y nejlf , at 2 o ' c l o c k P M. Ver'mon , I Ctok.Cr|20t 1^1346.

P U I L A N D E R S , D O D G H , A s s i i j i e c ! C . ! i » t - B o u a » i A t l " y . o l s a i d ^ i H i t g a g o ^


e so ld at publ i c auct i ' tn . to i l ie hi^hejit b idder , h > | H- S i e -

, ' f O k T H E PiLGRik'd F A I T H J

Revived.f'by Toaa^y,'who in c<:ofined in BujltJiriofO Jail fcJr.Slavo stealing:, j Fo sale bv

11 GHQ^VgNORil&Co

' SO^)i P o u n d s W o < 7 A N T E 0 , in exchange for Gbods or

NEW style of Good si fdr \ Ladief tdrcssejur MCDGE, DOTY |& Co.

ther .ce oF.; Y o r k


FFI-V inrojr j C a p i t a l S2U

• I ( F i t o p o s

Houses, man*{facicrtcs\ 11 . . f l „ u

at h i s I : w-Of f i ce R o m e Jtf ly 17, I t

F l o u r i n g : ffli ' ' p S f l K Rome

•^the' village M

Q I O .

Mills' b<!loi?cing t o t n c «-t-*e ••« «i- Lynch, in

j in complete M^SUI aiiWitlirnislied with :i riejn,'Jcastj|rr|n VVao-r just apppivi^l patent &C-:<K<! fuipi-p.ii with

A scend S i l k s o f

C h e a p C a s h $ . b"v45:ilyj»

- t -

e/rerv v a n |f •; '

A cho ice scleck^on o lJT.EAS from to T5 cents . I : U ,

T h e a b o v e . a n i j r i e a u ' « | be t=o!d at


; j .If

a u d S u s i i r a u e c C o . : 41 FtLTOSfST . B H I

B OfiK-

r»rrt'ed br 1 he jStalis <>f N e w O.Cw, u i t b a l a r ^ e s u r p l u s .

JII |« f o r I » - » J i r ; l n g j |

,bui/dinf:a jn&rhinpry goods,

fo* f a c i l i i a ^ p ; exp<ctorut |ot i , soothing-1 a n d i i t^-pain , s l i d subdoingr !e«jiigh, l h a t other] n | c d i c i i i r 8 | | h a v r . i T h u s ' t h e n , by its cotjn healu/g tiitves f|its!abK)|b^ :nt, i t s*power of\eq z i p g the c i i c u l a i i p i t ^ n d secre t ions , i r t s qoaiit c l ear i s ing a t d pur i fy ing tfec b l o o d , o f s u p d couph 'and ' jps i t^g pa in , ) i|l h t ' a l s a n d ct ires t the lungf , t|S certaiiily aa i t never has j h e a l a n d c u r e u | cer s jor S c r o f u l a in t h e l e g s rir or a n y o t h e r f>B|rt o f [the b o d y .

Et acs i s I n d i a n Pur i fy ing -Ex t ifiia ptrparallion o f ill is great- India a remedy^ w s-Ftmilar in p trd icaI v ir tue ^o \he Pulu-ontjify

p»rn. in al l i s pv-rifym*? prope: ties^ but iti d from the Bt levin in piOt jKrfeci-sing e i p c c j p :'nd nervm< ; qnaJilie^, w h i c h t re I i n l y c s s c n n<[dVsfsary it . C o u g h r e m e d i e s ; a n d "it ;S ^ T K O . N C E R ; |nd more\active pv'''ifier o f i h e whlicli i; wi l l critainjy purify, W H I orrt a o f a d o u b t , |n ev<-ry and a * / c a » c s w h e r e a j t w r i.-»tkiHde. jV e warrant a n d gtar^vtee t h a t a t ie o f iliis'"'preparaliqti" p<*s«*-ses;/btrr,ti'm| afffiatizc i nd purifying vir ties t h a n a l ike p|: i f ^ n y prepi iu l 'on ol S-ir^aparilla eVcr affered

p o b h e . A id t h u s , b y its purif r i n g v i r fues j

T CURES SCR()FULA! 1 wt i i tou t f a i l in a n y i h s l a n c c ; nnd a l»o m a n y ehjr<*nic d i s e a s e s w h i p h arc c a u s e d b y d r r a n j in jllic s<crql iuns a n d impuri ty o f the blood EkysipeoA Srald Ifrad, Chmncand!////!« toi-y R/)+$m>ir;t-mjU.'rr}dtr.tr, St*e MoU/A Throat. NtirsirigllMfcr Moufh{ U'rers, Pilrs, Rh mm, BtuJs, LIT^CornptijiAt. Mrrrvriavtan> Sfaji fi.sra^rs. AnPiAit-L OTittfi c a s e s — o l

tenioT'" cengp fkrrnjd

i i a . i i , '


oofl< orjFecondafy ' i j i sEAPa; of the bhSiod nl*n, by eqa.-ihziog ljhje c-irciiUtion a n d h\\g jyrorrduo he a tyerific In c u r i n g al l debkiil wpkoc-ss i|rid other ! der>ngr£}cms :*ncj'^n^4Z ftpwhs

•'Thi" griat Indian remedy\ in co'i^'ponnded p J ^ p a p d (Xrtusivcly fn .m v\get hie SuVpto :A',d tls w o n d e r f u l ( f f ^ y v |n [liaitil* ;mc as a p-orjfi«|rof ihe Mood jw t h e |t-sii p jac t i ea l Ind ian i i cper |ence i No rtkury ijas bJTti d o n e to a n y o f t h e / n a m y j w h o ' b a v c ^ s e ^ cijitiFltlu'.ip iallv or bihptwisr

IE AD. THE EVlJDE^cte ^ :crr g i v e a few o f t h e r i a n y n ^ m r s f o f

k p o w n ;inc rr>p<claji!c pcrWins w h o h a v e iaod ir|*-d',ei:ir, ; nd w n o h a v e vdjlu Uaiil>4 g i v e r cert e a t c s a n d s l a t t j i i c n t s of m^ior atn curi ?. j f o i p[»tt.'cu!.irs of e v e r y ' c a s e i c i c na.mejd. a i d lapndnjtii cures, t c a d t h r pamphlets.] Evrry A /<ips thnn¥ G e t orie, anti v i n wil l bcfriihv'iucV lijntna:i U)P i fnony c^n c « t i v » i u e you, t jhal thc>

! ist nil a trbe slatnruint of ttirtk ! •• j j;

pcrs»j.ns( w h o j 'em them&lvcsrvrcd>by the t-sc o f |t'tis rpr.,

of the s e v e r a l dis<a*es rrienti >ord

Ornti al i/ohn Du/i'nin-g. w h o wa< for

rt*r-pit h BaU ffers


bipod rM


emc^ y * : •? ::



Wot |c)eor


H •Ihcfr


. Kj a 3o V0

i w,i:!i their ^n.fn<-8.' VVc iht retiMe refejr jo

niaf .y yr-ajsr Sher i f f of Ihle C q u n l l i n-d««fCortsurij'itt'on. ' =7

rn coft: f«jr;

JB$ll.--.ton! Spa^JN.

ISfjra'ojrM. rtiiinr «« \ .<onMimpuun. i

; Mr. Gittlan Dicker}, f«lmt•r:an|d , ^hoJiniercH Bl l ia , G v t W | ^ e « i o . , MJ V . ; Inf f lanihatJon ol] LJMMSS; * h | e b terp'iioafed io' CndFoniptiTinl

t Mr. J-ToiT'isend^crx-hm, O v u l , ^ e r t e c J >;.' V., Itm pteni Coti.stioipttun;' j

j Miss Po; fcr, piani, forte i c a e h r r , 2J3 H e r b e r JS- V'.. C<>t!»t>nipl!<in o f s evera l yea

i Mr. R §hopma„, m e r c h a n t , M ' f d l b b u r y lifiijr d-ffi<ul<lv i.t Breathirig', "<

j Mr. Jo' k R S/rjith, merchant, Lee, Ms!, CI

)5ct?« 3J ;:ine j

ne^ticn - 1 A

j Mr. R. N.StitripJson, j o b b i n g rncrc[hant;£2 lam s l . , -N Y . , S c r o f u l a in' the j\T« c k

Mr. J. Ofargi m e r c h a n t , M e d i n a t . Y . , S a l i R l i . o r r .

CaLt. zra Kuopp. 37 M ' O h w ei

• ipeias in

rlbw, Bafl^toi |0 y t a r s . j i n t h e JVer

1C«TS fronj

nitpchandise ihattttf i . prrsonul cdtdlc m M p i o e and v i c i n i i y , liolnt Mi*s <|r i o a m a x e

t p p l ica-

" p p o m e t h e ^ o i e r i ^ a p l i o t d l . 1 itfcir '

i'i h.er'l'<"• najin 14 by r i r e , w tit r e c e i v e p r o i i i p ' atti-pi*rm l i on to ,theun(|lerMj;rj«d. G- S It KJt) \V

ST. Y . . SCE|IIU.'OUS L ' h > i p e l « s i n j b o l h k!tt'"' s to ihr ane'e;-

A/t.*. Hivh Bar R h e o m , •>

A n d weBfurtl ier r. |fiT ) i ( ) t^c | r C o n d p f« C c , t i i

(fil'.owmy rj^pect»!):<? p e t s o p s w h o a r r ktto.wi

l ed i h a t j i h e y hs iv!cWen t l . e j h a p p l

se of this i i i c d i c W it. its c-ffeAtihs'C

S p a Jand e




11 t o Btcist i n

RtjiTiik Oncifla1 CountV.U

ttoltjs<itl>at it »-«n wiih'epiki' gf|j.d50hus!t-otfcineM to ienl for < ne or choreiyepis, at u


I Whce' of the m| ni-vv ftonc* an<l els p»-r hour, i

i jre:i«>nalilf rent! Apply to tile BJubscribir at Rome OnHifri fioun*v N . Y.

^.'rrii It. ROBERTS Rome, Oneid^ County, November, IP45 I | |

Sjilks,! S i l k s , S i l k , . fd aisorinvent of hew siyles of

all cjrnlilies and p r i c e s r a t | V A I L ' S 'orc^ 1^4 Genesee SU, Cjicqj. '


• + 1p<»v«r a n d Ag^ic

•"POSITiVJBLi-i'lfj' CUR D BY TrTE TTST* OF THE j, \o be had.a; DL'IJLEY L HTLL'S ,

Dropgis t s , Arcade >uild:i:g.

-»- India C b o l a g o g u

q H E R I F F ' ^ ^ALE.—By viittijJof an L>' execution jissued "Ut o)* th< SlJjprvmo ( C o n i t o f the S l a t e o f N e w . Y o r k , l o mT d i r e c t e d JagtimJt t h e g o o i s a n d c h a t t e l s , l a n d s jiind tene-hunw o f W i l l i a m JJ N i c h o l s , I h a v j s ^ z e d a n J l a l . e n al l t h e r i g i l title a n d ' i n t e r e s t «hit: l i h e h a d pn th^ s e v e c t h jlay o f M a y , 16^41, n e . I j l l o w i n g

escr ibed p r e m i s e s , or w h . c h h e m a y IIJIYO s i n c e c tp i i i ed of. in njid to all t h a t certa in |>iej;i> or par-e o f l and s i tuate in the Vil lage o f Nortjh B a y , in

t h e t o w n o f V e n n a , in the c o u n t y oil O n e i d a , a n i S t a t e o f N c ^ v . Y o r k , a n d b o u h d e t as f o l l o w s : E t s t by the publ ic road, north by ii lot o f land o w n e d by J o h n C a r t e r , wes t by fond J v n e d by Henri - L Myers" south b y v i l lagcj lot i i i m b e r o n e . S a i d at d h a s on hi a d w e l l i n g h o u s e ar d st|>re e lm-ta in iob o n e quarter o f a n a c r e of l a n d , b e i n g the s a m e ] p r e m i s e s k ionveyed to P e t e r C l o d g h e r by H e n r y t \ Myers ; a n d yv i fe : a l s o all tht to ' ibjr p i e c e or naj-eel of l a n d in t h e t o w n o f Vier na aforesaid

, 1 rfc • P ' 9 4 5 c r - , l » ' 8 Pa ientJrJe inr part .of lot N f S 7 , be ing i r | t h e Centre o f t h e h r g h w a r lhat r u n s ihroi igh tl^e earn part o f sa id lot froiri ihe l a k e shdre to p l y n u ^ b b o t s , at a s l a k e c >rn|Crj;d, a n d pit^co

' » ! M.-dirim eS. 7iJ

j so ld ' R e e d Kuller, r u n n i n g w e s t If. ii»d« » l o n g wi ld .Reed'r . Imp >> a s l a k e , t h e n c e s o u t h 9 rods to. a s i a k e , t h e n c e cas t 6 rods t o a s iaKe in t h e c e n t r e o f Isa^d h i g h w a y , t l i e d e e ipldng- j h e ' e »nt«ipjof 6aid h i g h w a y 9 r o d s t o t h e p l a c e qfj b e g i n n i n g , c o n ~ la ir i ing a b o u t on' : sh»I( o f a n a c r e o f i inajjT;hi8.1ot h a p o h it an aehcrjy, & c . W h t c p H h i l l w t j i o ^ for s a l e a s the l a w d irec t s , o n the iJ5th dt. j e f D e c e m -b e i i 8 4 6 , a t the* N«ftional H o t e l ^ j n t h e c i i y o f UticaL txi\2 o ' c l o c k M . o f t h a t dajt/.' j

P . V . K E L L O G G , S i r riff. p y J . " S . RAv- , [Depn ly . , 2 ? n ( d a

; j f^_ [h(i; eyesgljfeicii," at Giosvenpr'

TOYS ND CIlILliRfeN'si'iAYf^lNGS, in great r a r i t y at GROS]V"E)N*6R'S.


P LZASmG'k use fu l arid en te i

I K D S , JUMES OF VAiRIOUS; use fu l and e n t e f l a i i i n * . at j

G R O S V E N O R & i C o . ' i

»- - ' .Voj ipake «y belonging. 4 t h e merit ol any d^bts.ai'id t h e | d c l i v c i y


iii t|>. Lyi iavShj:jlicfn put

m d hi ive s o l t s i.f the ii>n other n Hf> are met \\ <• rc(f r a

I Mr. -& t.

sons o f l o e h c o h i p h j i n l s a n d i ^isjif Litmed inj^ont iee i iun r«'n, Iherl^pre, for tn!

with thjr-ir r idges rh proof, to

Van Vfrhtcn, m e r e h a i . f , C a l e k f for c o t i s o f C h s j p , c a r n g b f a n d C o n i m m j f

boat j l r . J. ^tUon, d , c l g g i 6 t , B r i d g J i n n . , f..r;S( o n s o m p t i M n . , bY

| Rrv. R.lpunnif/A Jp^j.frt, J , h e p J r t f c J

d h . n c h at Adums-' B ^ n , Mon'rAe c o . ' N Y J s i m p t t o n . I l evct Son- inu] S c r o f t l a . • !j .


Fol^rerj'* O l o s a o n i n » f [ | W I T H EVERY, VARIETy OF H


dintoh Female Sdminiiry, AT'CI.JIN'TOy, JG^EIDA C O p N T y J N. Y

T f fE yee r is livided intoj threie i c rms of fourteen w e e l ; s e a c h , c o m r h e n c i t s g ton the

2 d \ V c d n e s : d a ^ o f S e p t e m b e r , t h e Js|t.,\Vcdncfiduy o f J a n u a r y , andjLhe 4lll W e d n e s d a y of A p r i l /

Ci inl 'on. $e) | te inbJ! . -26, 1 8 4 5 . , 1 1 7 l f

Doct. R for Ni rsmgl ! Doct. Sa\

I f i ck? s t s f ,

sj-pelas ol i\

I Doct. 2 cj|jreof Chi Sfcinfu.'a ir

,J)Ir. M Scrofu lous

1 Mr. S. Y ,a{rgruv

sinan, S<»ie

f H e n r y St . , B r o o k l y n - f

trt S rtfov Skiver, corner of Cranb* irooklynij*, Y , for Sct 'o^lOnd! } c)^ ^dtMScrofulous Erysipelas

»r. /fanfeirttggtst, A t ihq rn j^ . ^ , aitc Cougtond Eruptions and a case "•c t . e r r i lp , . j •'

/ / £ w / / i | | n , , ' r c h a n t , E^tdwn, , rupnoos|if long s tand .og^nl ijs

S/nX-^jer<?hant, 22 J„Hh ef ede iup t i ^ , on his child, which

ibrttted fc;^|apa'illa"(%h!dnotcure. n :

urge Fi Fralcis diuggist, MlddlcMtrri o f i J i e E y c s . - ' j I', j P - 1


Doct. G(

C ' l o n . , E r y s i p e l a s

lMr. U / n | Z?. Harris. S h e r i f f o f S k r i t o W i

•he J » his.tjfllft; c u r t d o f C o n s u m p t i o n ! 11 i*T

r u i L r - ^ W ^ < \ u } c ' c h , i n t , . B a i l s i o n l a f c l t for H o o p i n g g C o n g f i and^Consumpi fonJ ] [ /?" V

Mr. W.mopman, m e r c h a n t , M i d d l e h n r y f<k the curci |>f h i s son o f b l e e d i n g at ! f h e I \ ^ | n c h t e r m | i u t e d in Consumption—Cure off sumptjon m k n o i h c r m a n , arid a l s o a l a d v iH uihvm the b ^ t p h y s i c i a n s h a d g i v e n vn J \ M 0LK.

| Messrs. He well a n k n o w n at R ^pd L i v e r

up as iNtcou

Christopher, W . W. ff^^ i

Wtn, McLavghlin, g e n t e o ^ p ,

t e s t e r c i t y , N . Y . , for C&JSUtJp plaint , s , f

' /• ' M l J l i C l ^ , D O l l d c j C Q .

A n F - ^ redeiving n onusualiy I n l a n d weill selected

Btock a+Gotkls. coi.jimsing an astortnient unieqti«!ed in

w Z t l h n ^ ° T y - I T ' ^ « ^ - « S > e u , , a H i e y are


e irnpUno.-^ ri

W e could! thus go on and refer to hundreds other pei>pn i; a? respectable a s Ihe above na from whom ^uhavo received eer t i f ica t„ ^..^. „ micnis; but ijf (heisc be not sufficient to prove w|c have sairire^pectinff the healing and Vttritv


viHues of ih $ Great Indian i f i w n f ^ E ^

a h d s o f our r e f e r e n c e s w o u l d b e e q u a l l v a a i^l cc$sful .

equally Mjuhduc,.

QCHOOLI TIdKETS, PijimenU and *J Teaehers'Tokens—16necessary as rejuiardsiofmerit/or those scholnrj" wlio exCe . Enough'to KHpaly inaay schools may be fouud atj G^OSVb-JVOH &. Co.'e

BV Older of Willikm H] Shaimway, a S u p r e m e Cbtirt Commiss ionjer , i n l a n d for

t b c Co.uory otf J e f f e r s o n , I . > :rrtiee i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a i an a t t a c h m e n t has

i s s u e d a g a i n s t the je»rate o r L i n u s 'Sftereus', late" o f t h e t o w n o f Camden,jjin i h e c o u n t y lof O n e i d a , and S t a t e o f N e w ^ f ° r k j | n . a b V c o n 4 i i i g d e b t o r , on d u e f p r o o f m a d e to jtne «afrf C o m m i s s i o n e r , pursuant to the d i r e c t i o n s of tHiePiW>tfe «;onceV|niing '^at tach meat's againstla&hConjdtbg, c o n c e a l e d , o r n o s » r e s i d e n t d e b t o r s . p and t Mat l h « w m e w i l l ' WJ soJd lor f h e paycaent of his di ibts , u n l e s s h e , i > t t e s a i d L i n u s S t e v e n s , a p p e a r a n d ] d i s c h a r g e s u e h a t t a e h n . e n t , a c c o r d i n g t o - l a w , ' w i t h i n | t l i i i ee , m i ' fifBt puWicat io |n of lljisrHotjice. a n d

ithirt t h r e e ' m o n t h s frhm t h e [ - ^ J * ^hat the pay

ajid de j j lo r^o HMW, j » r r o r his of a n y i i ro i i e> i» J>w , h I « L f/U.

ofany proper-

UH*.andrhcfJin>f.r«i any Hroiie^jby JwnL for any<pa*p^^ Wltafe^r, 4 fprb^o?t lbYlai |an5 are void.. Dat ed No rember 2d l»f i * ••'-

JOHN CLARCE, Attaching Creditor in person-


Rome-~tets»ell &, Leonard . , WatervMle—Cahdee &.0«bom ClintouL-Elrdmii 4&. Ktpney. Vernon-X\-S<* ni neij. Car ter . JRemseni^Bi C jR«*y. i <


K E A U ' ,-W-j tbe La< tfkr work, «Xwj

E . Warner 6t> C o .

EM f r e s h a Iftvat jjh

i h e S t o n e S'l'Sre


FOB FULjWTTLJB.WOKES is.-^Lnatt uctious^in ^ e t t W , . forla-rU, he fi^nd a f ,] * ' '


Frnfi: Frma Sv Raising Cttrons. Cnrr^r^ts

, • • I

KpWi SUPPLY\fW»»^i»dih«4© Twist, blain mud shaded, put trtififd?I*

E*pre«to* alsp Purses^ Parse and Ba? Trim J r i *£• O. D. GROSVEiNOR * c 3



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