sap 運籌管理模組 實作一 物料主檔資料

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SAP 運籌管理模組 實作一 物料主檔資料. SAP Logon. SAP Easy Access. Maintaining own user data (SU01). SAP R/3 最底層功能展開實例. SAP menu → Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → SU01 Users. Copy a User. 選取功能 Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → Users 另一種方式:直接在命令列輸入 SU01 指令 複製使用者 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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SAP 運籌管理模組 實作一物料主檔資料

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SAP Logon

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SAP Easy Access

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Maintaining own user data (SU01)


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SAP R/3 最底層功能展開實例

• SAP menu → Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → SU01 Users

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Copy a User• 選取功能

– Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → Users– 另一種方式:直接在命令列輸入 SU01 指令

• 複製使用者– 在 user 部分,填入欲被複製 user 之 ID ( 例如 PU971_x

x)– 點選 copy 圖示– 輸入要複製至哪位新的 user (To 欄位 ) ( 例如 PU971_xx

a) ,按下方 copy → 輸入啟始 password ( 例如 123456)– 可觀察相關參數 ( 例如 Profiles 標籤 )– 按上方 save 按鈕

• 練習:請建立組員之帳號 ( 例如 PU971_xxa …)

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Change/ Display/Delete a User

• 輸入 SU01 指令• 輸入 user 之 ID

– 點選 change 圖示:修改 user 相關資料

– 點選 display 圖示:顯示 user 相關資料

– 點選 delete 圖示:刪除該 user

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Organizational Levels

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Organizational Levels in Inventory Management


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IDES Overview


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IDES: Purchasing


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Master Data in the Procurement Process


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Material Master Data


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Data Screens in Material Master Maintenance


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Material Master: Organizational Levels


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Maintain Material Master Record: Screen Sequence


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Material Type


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Industry Sector


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物料 ( 完成品 ) 主檔 - 實作練習• Path:Logistics Materials Management Mat

erial Master Material Create (Special) Finished Product (T-code: MMF1)

• 選 11views– (1)Basic Data 1; (2) Sales: Sales Org. Data1; (3) Sale

s: Sales Org. Data 2; (4) Sales: General/Plant Data; (5) MRP1; (6) MRP 2; (7) MRP3; (8) Work Scheduling; (9) General Plant Data/ Storage 1; (10) General Plant Data/ Storage 2; (11) Accounting 1

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View 欄位 輸入資料Gen. Material PU-FG-S97xx

Industrial sector Mechanical Engineering

Plant 1000

Storage Location 0001

Sales Org. 1000

Distribution Chann. 10

Language DE

Material description PU FG

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View 欄位 輸入資料Basic Data 1

Base unit of measure PC

Material group 001

Gross weight 85

Net weight 80

Sales: sales org. 1

Division 00

Delivery plant 1000

Tax classification 1


Trans. Grp 0001

Loading Grp 0003

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View 欄位 輸入資料MRP1 MRP type PD

MRP Controller 001

Lot Size EX

MRP2 Procure. type E

Prod. stor. locat. 0001

Storage loc.for EP 0001

SchedMargin key 000

In-house production 3

GR processing time 1

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View 欄位 輸入資料MRP3 Strategy group 40

Acc. 1 Valuation class 7920

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複製完成品物料主檔• 複製 PU-FG-S97xx 到 PU-FG-S97xxCP

• Path:Logistics Materials Management Material Master Material Create (Special) Finished Product (T-code: MMF1)

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新增物料 ( 原物料 ) 主檔• Path:Logistics Materials Management

Material Master Material Create (Special) Raw Material (T-code: MMR1)

• 選 9Views

(1) Basic data 1; (2) Purchasing; (3) MRP 1; (4) MRP 2; (5) MRP 3; (6) MRP 4 (7) General Plant Data/Storage 1; (8) General Plant Data/Storage 2; (9) Accounting 1.

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View 欄位 輸入資料Gen. Material PU-RM-S97xx

Industrial sector Mechanical Engineering

Plant 1000

Storage Location 0001

Basic Data 1

Material description PU Raw Material xx

Base unit of measure PC

Material group 001

Gross weight 20

Weight unit KG

Net weight 15

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View 欄位 輸入資料Purchasing

Purchasing group 001

Purchasing value key 1

MRP 1 MRP type PD

MRP controller 001

MRP group 0000

Lot size EX

MRP 2 Stor. loc. for EP 0001

Issue stor. location 0001

Plnd delivery time 2

GR processing time 1

SchedMargin key 000

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View 欄位 輸入資料MRP 3 Strategy group 10

Availability check 01

MRP 4 Individual/coll. 2

Plant data/stor.1 Storage condition 02

Plant data/stor.2 Profit Center 9999

Accounting 1 Price Control V

Valuation class 3000

Mov. Avg. price 22

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複製原物料主檔• 複製 PU-RM-S97xx 到 PU-RM-S97xxCP( 多 warehouse

mgmt 1 及 warehouse mgmt 2 views)

View 欄位 輸入資料Gen. Material PU-RM-S97xxCP

Plant 1000

Stor. location 0088

Whse number 001

Stor. type 001

MRP2 Storage loc. For EP 0088

Issue stor. location 0088

W/h mgmt. 1

Stock removal HRL

Stock placement HRL

Storage section 001

W/H mgmt. 2

Storage bin 02-07-09

Acc. 1 Mov. Avg. price 45

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新增物料 ( 包裝材料 ) 主檔• 選 6views

– (1)Basic Data 1; (2) Sales: Sales Org. Data1; (3) Sales: General/Plant Data; (4) General Plant Data/ Storage 1; (5) General Plant Data/ Storage 2; (6) Accounting 1

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View 欄位 輸入資料Gen. Material PU-PK-S97xx

Industrial sector Mechanical Engineering

Plant 1000

Storage Location 0001

Sales org. 1000

Distr. Channel 10

Basic Data 1

Material description PU Packing Material xx

Base unit of measure PC

Material group 008

Division 00

Gross weight 2

Weight unit KG

Net weight 1.5