ssm presentattion

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Post on 27-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 SSM Presentattion


    Gud Afternoon all, Our topic is Sustainability but for manager ,

    The topic is related to the discussion about sustainability in the The Wall Street

    Journal ECO:nomist Conference here a di!erse group of Global CEOs , TO"

    Entrepreneur , En!ironmental E#perts , "olicy ma$ers and managers attend the

    conference and debate o!er energy policy , sustainability and Climate %

    &ere there is a discussion beteen to important persons one is Albert Al Gore

    ho is former !ice president of 'nited states and an en!ironmentalist and

    another person is (r Jorn )omborg ho is the head of Copenhagen Consensus

    Centre and also an S$eptical En!ironmentalist % &e is famous internationally for

    his boo$ * The S$eptical En!ironmentalist *%

    +n the Conference as a spea$er (r Al Gore raised his maor concerns about

    reducing carbon emission and need to ta$e action to curb global greenhouse gas

    emission and to meet the challenges of global arming %&e is concerned about

    melting of polar ice cap that may result into rise of sea le!el%

    -eing the E# .ice president of America , he addressed the audience as/America

    is at a political tipping point on climate change and e!en if Washington has failed

    to address the energy challenges in the last 01 years * "O)+T+CA) W+)) +S A

    2E3EWA-)E 2ESO'2CE *

    So (r Algore ants companies should spend large amount of money for reducing

    carbon emission in short term but he recei!ed couple of challenges from

    attendees here one of the attendee as (r )ombort ho argues that it4s not a

    !ery good idea to spend large amount of money rather he thin$s the orld

    ould be better o5 spending more money on health and education issues that

    curbing carbon emission % &is issue is related ith economic and political

    approaches being ta$en or not ta$en to meet the challenges of climate change %According to (r )omborg *global arming is by no means our main

    en!ironmental threat * % so in this forum lots of un certanities and confusion

    arised about hich 3itin ill be tal$ing further %