tones review / 四声复习


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Tones Review / 四声复习. As you know and we have discussed many times, accurate tones are extremely important in Chinese. The ability to pronounce tones correctly, and to distinguish them when you hear them, makes the difference between okay Chinese and good Chinese. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Tones Review / As you know and we have discussed many times, accurate tones are extremely important in Chinese. The ability to pronounce tones correctly, and to distinguish them when you hear them, makes the difference between okay Chinese and good Chinese.Work through this presentation to review and tune up your tones.1Tones Review /

45Tones Review /

39Tones Review / By making it this far, youve demonstrated that you have a firm grasp on tones.

To review the combinationsTo redo the combinations exercises80Tones Review / One way of thinking about the sounds of the four tones is by using the English exclamation man:First tone, a high and even tone:Oh, mn, why did you do that?!?!Second tone, a rising tone, as in a question:What did you see, mn?Third tone, a flat, dipping tone:Come on, mn, you can do it!Fourth tone, a falling exclamation:Mn, is that hot! 5Tones Review / Lets remind ourselves of what each of the tones sounds like:

gogao11st tone

mngmang22nd tone

hohao33rd tone

lilei44th tone

6Tones Review /

If we want to represent the 4 tones visually,they might look something like this:

7Tones Review / Lets see if we can hear the differences between the 4 tones.1st tone 2nd tone

3rd tone 4th tone

8Tones Review / Think about the shape or direction of the tone, and then think about the four pictures.

9Tones Review /

10Tones Review / Lets try another one: 1st tone 2nd tone

3rd tone 4th tone

11Tones Review /

Think about the shape or direction of the tone, and then think about the four pictures.12Tones Review / Lets try another one:1st tone 2nd tone

3rd tone 4th tone

14Tones Review /

Think about the shape or direction of the tone, and then think about the four pictures.15Tones Review / Lets try one more:1st tone 2nd tone

3rd tone 4th tone

17Tones Review /

Think about the shape or direction of the tone, and then think about the four pictures.18Tones Review / Before we look at tone combinations, lets review tone changes. We have learned that certain tone combinations result in a change in the way they are pronounced.How are two third tones in a row pronounced? Click on the correct answer.Q1: n ho1) n ho2) n ho3) n ho4) n ho

20Tones Review / Sometimes we have a string of tones together.How are three third tones in a row pronounced? Click on the correct answer.Q2: w hn ho1) w hn ho2) w hn ho3) w hn ho4) w hn ho

23Tones Review / Rules:When two third tones occur together, the first changes to second tone. When three third tones occur together, we have two pairs of two third tones. We can resolve both if the second one changes to second tone.26Tones Review / We have learned that b changes tone when followed by characters with a certain tone. How does b change when followed by another 4th tone?

Click on the correct answer.Q1: b sh1) b sh2) b sh3) b sh4) b sh27Tones Review / Think about what would make the combination more natural.

28Tones Review / Rule:When b is followed by another fourth tone, it changes to a second tone.

Otherwise it does not change.33Tones Review / We have learned that y changes depending on the tone of the character that follows it.How does y change when followed by another 1st tone?

Click on the correct answer.Q2: y zhng1) y zhng2) y zhng

3) y zhng4) y zhng

34Tones Review / This one you just have to remember.

35Tones Review / How does y change when followed by a 2nd tone?

Click on the correct answer.Q2: y mo

1) y mo2) y mo

3) y mo4) y mo

37Tones Review / How does y change when followed by a 3rd tone?

Click on the correct answer.Q2: y q

1) y q2) y q

3) y q4) y q

40Tones Review /

41Tones Review / How does y change when followed by a 4th tone?

Click on the correct answer.Q4: y kui

1) y kui2) y kui

3) y kui4) y kui

43Tones Review / This change is similar to that with .

44Tones Review / Rules:When y is followed by a fourth tone, it changes to second tone.When y is followed by a first, second, or third tone, it changes to fourth tone.When y is used in counting, or when it occurs at the end of the word, it remains first tone.46Tones Review / Lets review what the various combinations sound like. Click on the combinations below that you are unsure about, or review them all. When you are ready to test yourself, click on the forward arrow.1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5

2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5

3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5

4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5

Important note: After viewing a video, close the video window to returnhere, but note that you may have to go find the Powerpoint icon to openthe presentation again.47Tones Review / Now that you can distinguish between the4 tones, and weve reviewed the tone changes and listened to combinations, lets see whether we can distinguish tone combinations, which is how we normally encounter tones.

Remember that there are 20 combinationsof two tones: four possibilities for the first,and five for the second (including the neutral tone).

On each screen, click on the icon to hear as many times as you need to, then choose the correct combination.48Tones Review / 2 2 3 3

3 2 2 3

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50Tones Review / 4 1 1 1

4 4 1 4

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52Tones Review / 3 1 3 5

2 1 2 5

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54Tones Review / 1 5 4 5

1 3 4 3

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56Tones Review / 1 4 4 4

1 5 4 5

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58Tones Review / 1 3 1 1

4 2 1 2

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60Tones Review / 3 2 3 5

3 1 3 4

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62Tones Review / 1 1 3 4

3 1 2 4

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64Tones Review / 1 5 1 4

1 3 1 2

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66Tones Review / 4 3 4 1

4 5 1 5

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68Tones Review / 3 1 3 4

2 1 2 4

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70Tones Review / 2 2 3 3

1 1 4 4

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72Tones Review / 2 2 3 3

3 2 2 3

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74Tones Review / 1 3 1 2

4 3 4 2

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76Tones Review / 2 2 3 3

3 2 2 3

77Tones Review /

78Single Tone Review

Dual Tone Combination Review

Tones Review / If you want to review more, try the following websites:81