yggd trebannws prospectws 2011

CYNNWYS / CONTENTS Tudalen / Page Trefniadaeth Ysgol / School Organisation …………………………………………… 2 - 4 Amcanion ein hysgol / School Aims ……………………………………………….... 4, 5 Gofal Bugeiliol / Pastoral Care ………………………………………………………. 6, 7 Disgyblaeth yr ysgol / School Discipline ……………………………………………. 6, 7 Oriau ysgol / School hours …………………………………………………………… 8, 9 Absenoldebau / Absences ……………………………………………………………. 8, 9 Gwisg Ysgol / School Uniform ……………………………………………………… 10, 11 Polisi Derbyniadau / Admissions Policy …………………………………………….. 10, 11 Y Cwricwlwm Cyffredinol / The General Curriculum ……………………………… 12, 13 Trefniadau ar gyfer Addysg Grefyddol / Arrangements for Religious Education …… 14, 15 Addysg Ryw / Sex Education / Diogelwch / Safety……………………………….. 14, 15 Gwaith Cartref / Homework …………………………………………………………. 16, 17 Darpariaeth Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig/ Special Educational Needs provision ... 16 - 24 Defnydd o’r iaith Gymraeg / Use of the Welsh Language …………………………... 24, 25 Cyfleoedd Cyfartal / Equal Opportunities …………………………………………… 24, 25 Cysylltiadau â’r rhieni / Parental links ………………………………………………. 26, 27 Cytundeb Cartref Ysgol / Home School Agreement.................................................... 26, 27 Adrodd i rieni / Reporting to parents ………………………………………………… 26, 27 Gweithgareddau Allgyrsiol / Extra Curricular Activities ……………………………. 28, 29 Nodau Chwaraeon / Sporting Aims ………………………………………………….. 28, 29 Codi tâl am weithgareddau’r ysgol / Charging Policy ……………………………….. 30, 31 Gwybodaeth Presenoldeb / Attendance Information ………………………………… 30, 31 Gwybodaeth ychwanegol i rieni / Additional information for parents ………………. 30, 31 Cinio Ysgol / School Meals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 33 Trefniadau ar gyfer gwneud cüyn / Complaints procedure …………………………... 34, 35 Atodiadau / Appendices Staffio / Staffing Llywodraethwyr / Governors Tymhorau a’r Gwyliau Ysgol / School Terms and Holiday Dates Presenoldebau / Attendance Canlyniadau Asesu Cenedlaethol Cymru CA1 / CA2 / National Assessment Results for KS1 /KS2 Canlyniadau Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol Cymharol Cymru Gyfan / All Wales Comparative National Curriculum Assessment Results

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Prospectws yr Ysgol 2011


Page 1: YGGD Trebannws Prospectws 2011


Tudalen / Page Trefniadaeth Ysgol / School Organisation …………………………………………… 2 - 4 Amcanion ein hysgol / School Aims ……………………………………………….... 4, 5 Gofal Bugeiliol / Pastoral Care ………………………………………………………. 6, 7 Disgyblaeth yr ysgol / School Discipline ……………………………………………. 6, 7 Oriau ysgol / School hours …………………………………………………………… 8, 9 Absenoldebau / Absences ……………………………………………………………. 8, 9 Gwisg Ysgol / School Uniform ……………………………………………………… 10, 11 Polisi Derbyniadau / Admissions Policy …………………………………………….. 10, 11 Y Cwricwlwm Cyffredinol / The General Curriculum ……………………………… 12, 13 Trefniadau ar gyfer Addysg Grefyddol / Arrangements for Religious Education … … 14, 15 Addysg Ryw / Sex Education / Diogelwch / Safety……………………………….. 14, 15 Gwaith Cartref / Homework …………………………………………………………. 16, 17 Darpariaeth Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig/ Special Educational Needs provision ... 16 - 24 Defnydd o’r iaith Gymraeg / Use of the Welsh Language …………………………... 24, 25 Cyfleoedd Cyfartal / Equal Opportunities …………………………………………… 24, 25 Cysylltiadau â’r rhieni / Parental links ………………………………………………. 26, 27 Cytundeb Cartref Ysgol / Home School Agreement.................................................... 26, 27 Adrodd i rieni / Reporting to parents ………………………………………………… 26, 27 Gweithgareddau Allgyrsiol / Extra Curricular Activities ……………………………. 28, 29 Nodau Chwaraeon / Sporting Aims ………………………………………………….. 28, 29 Codi tâl am weithgareddau’r ysgol / Charging Policy ……………………………….. 30, 31 Gwybodaeth Presenoldeb / Attendance Information ………………………………… 30, 31 Gwybodaeth ychwanegol i rieni / Additional information for parents ………………. 30, 31 Cinio Ysgol / School Meals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 33 Trefniadau ar gyfer gwneud cüyn / Complaints procedure …………………………... 34, 35 Atodiadau / Appendices Staffio / Staffing Llywodraethwyr / Governors Tymhorau a’r Gwyliau Ysgol / School Terms and Holiday Dates Presenoldebau / Attendance Canlyniadau Asesu Cenedlaethol Cymru CA1 / CA2 / National Assessment Results for KS1 /KS2 Canlyniadau Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol Cymharol Cymru Gyfan / All Wales Comparative National Curriculum Assessment Results

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 2

Trefniadaeth Ysgol

Lleolir yr ysgol ym mhen uchaf pentref Trebannws, rhwng pentrefi Clydach a Phontardawe yng

nghanol Cwm Tawe, a saith milltir i'r gogledd ddwyrain o ddinas Abertawe. Mae dalgylch yr ysgol

yn cynnwys pentref Trebannws, a derbyniwn geisiadau ar gyfer lleoliadau trwy ddewis o Glydach a

Phontardawe. Mae natur ieithyddol y pentref wedi newid yn sylweddol yn ystod y degawdau

diwethaf, a daw'r mwyafrif llethol o'n plant o gartrefi di-Gymraeg.

Ers 1989, pennwyd yr ysgol yn Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol. Dysgir plant y Brif Ffrwd

yn gyfangwbl trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar ac yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 1

tan 7 oed, ac yn ddwyieithog yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2. Dysgir Mathemateg a Gwyddoniaeth yn

bennaf trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg yn adran yr Iau.

Cynigia'r ysgol gwricwlwm eang a chytbwys sy'n darparu'r cyfle i blant i feistroli sgiliau sylfaenol

llythrennedd, rhifedd a T.G.Ch.. Gosodir pwyslais mawr ar ddarparu profiadau uniongyrchol, tra'n

manteisio ar bob cyfle i wneud defnydd pwrpasol o'n hamgylchedd lleol.

Mae'r ysgol yn addysgu plant 3-11 oed mewn pump dosbarth Prif Ffrwd yn cynnwys Meithrin, a

hefyd dwy Uned Dysgu Arbenigol. Uchafswm nifer y plant yn yr Unedau yma yw 18, a dysgir y

disgyblion trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg.

Lleolir yr ysgol mewn dau adeilad ar wahân, a gysylltir gan rhodfa gysgodol. Yn ogystal ag wyth

ystafell ddosbarth mae'r ysgol hefyd yn cynnwys neuadd/ardal ginio, ystafell athrawon, ystafell

adnoddau/reprograffeg, llyfrgell, swyddfa a phedwar bloc tŷ bach. Amgylchynir yr adeiladau gan

iard fawr sydd yn cynnwys maes antur.

Ymdrechwn i greu awyrgylch hapus a gofalgar sy'n caniatau'r ysgol a'r gymuned a wasanaethir

ganddi i gydweithio'n agos. Mae gan yr ysgol Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon gweithgar, sy'n

cynnig cymorth ariannol ac ymarferol drwy'r flwyddyn.

Mae ethos Cymreig cryf yn ymestyn i bob agwedd o fywyd ein hysgol. Mae gweithgareddau

allgyrsiol fel clybiau ar ôl oriau ysgol, gweithgareddau'r Urdd ac amrywiaeth o chwaraeon ar gael

i'n plant ni. Mae aelodau o'r staff wedi mabwysiadu gweledigaeth glir ac uchelgeisiol ar gyfer ein

hysgol, ac fe gefnogir yr athroniaeth yma gan Gorff Llywodraethu cefnogol ac ymrwymedig.

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 3

School Organisation

The school is situated at the top end of the village of Trebannws, in between the larger villages of

Clydach and Pontardawe at the heart of the Swansea Valley, and seven miles north east of the city

of Swansea. The school's catchment area encompasses the village of Trebannws itself and

applications for preferred placements are received from Clydach and Pontardawe. The linguistic

nature of the village has seen considerable change during the past decades, and virtually all the

children come from non-Welsh speaking homes.

Since 1989 the school has been designated as a Traditional Welsh Primary. Mainstream children

are taught entirely through the medium of Welsh in the Early Years and at Key Stage 1(Foundation

Phase) up to 7 years old, and bilingually at Key Stage 2. Mathematics and Science are taught

predominantly through the medium of English in the Junior department.

The school offers a broad and balanced curriculum, which provides the opportunity for pupils to

master the basic skills of literacy, numeracy and ICT capability. Considerable emphasis is placed

upon the provision of direct, first hand experiences, whilst utilising our immediate environment at

every opportunity.

The school accommodates children aged 3-11 in five Mainstream classes including Nursery, and

also two Specialist Teaching Facility Units. The maximum number of children allocated to these

units is 18, and pupils are taught through the medium of English.

The school is housed in two separate buildings, connected by a sheltered walkway. As well as eight

classrooms the school is also made up of a hall/dining area, a staff room, library, headteacher’s

office, main office/ reprographics and resources, and four toilet blocks. The buildings are

surrounded by a large yard/play area which has an adventure assault course.

We aim to create a happy and caring atmosphere which allows the school and the community it

serves to work closely and co-operatively. The school has an active Parents Teachers Association,

who offer practical and financial support throughout the year.

A strong Welsh ethos permeates all aspects of school life. Extra curricular activities such as after

school clubs, Urdd activities and participation in sport are readily available to our pupils.

Members of staff share a clear and ambitious vision for this school, which is underpinned by a

supportive and committed Governing Body.

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 4

Darperir addysg uwchradd i'n hymadawyr ym Mlwyddyn 6 (Prif Ffrwd) yn Ysgol Gyfun

Ystalyfera neu Ysgol Gyfun Bryntawe (cyfrwng Cymraeg yn bennaf) ac Ysgol Gyfun Cwmtawe

(cyfrwng Saesneg).

Mae’r mwyafrif o ddisgyblion yr Uned Dysgu Arbenigol yn trosglwyddo i Ysgol Hendre, Bryncoch

neu i Ysgol Gyfun Sandfields, Port Talbot.

Ein Datganiad o Genhadaeth

“Gweithio gyda’n gilydd, i annog pob plentyn i wneud eu gorau glas er mwyn

gwireddu eu llawn potensial a’u galluogi i ddatblygu’n aelodau parchus a dylanwadol o’u cymunedau, fel y gallant gwrdd â phob her ar hyd taith bywyd

gyda hyder a phwrpasrwydd.”

Amcanion ein hysgol

Mae'r ysgol yn anelu at ddarparu amrediad eang o brofiadau addysgiadol cyfoethog a fydd yn

paratoi eich plant ar gyfer y dyfodol. Golyga hyn ein bod yn rhoi ystyriaeth flaenllaw i ddatblygiad

cymdeithasol, moesol, diwylliannol, ysbrydol a chorfforol pob plentyn, yn ogystal wrth gwrs a'u

hanghenion deallusol. Ein prif ystyriaeth yw sicrhau fod pob plentyn yn cwrdd â'u llawn potensial.

Ceisiwn sicrhau fod pob plentyn yn gwbl ddwyieithog; ac anelwn at feithrin ymwybyddiaeth o

Gymreictod, a chariad at wlad ac iaith.

Manteisiwn ar ddiddordebau'r plant, a cheisiwn ennyn ynddynt awydd i ddysgu ymddygiad iawn

tuag at waith a buchedd, ac i synhwyro gwerthoedd a'u gwnânt yn annibynnol fel dysgwyr.

Ceisiwn gynnig awyrgylch cartrefol sy'n ymestyniad o'r aelwyd.

Cydnabyddwn fod plant yn fodau unigol ac unigryw, ac yn sgîl hyn rhaid parchu eu daliadau, ac

ystyried eu barn a'u teimladau unigol.

Anelwn at ddatblygu rhinweddau personol fel dyfalbarhad, diwydrwydd, hunan fynegiant,

gwasanaeth, teyrngarwch, gonestrwydd a hunan hyder ac i annog hunan barch a pharch at eraill.

Anogwn bob plentyn i chwarae rôl flaenllaw a gweithredol ym mywyd yr ysgol.

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 5

Secondary education is provided for our Year 6 (Mainstream) leavers at Ysgol Gyfun Ystalyfera

and Ysgol Gyfun Bryntawe (predominantly Welsh) or Cwmtawe Comprehensive School (English


The vast majority of our Specialist Teaching Facility transfer to Ysgol Hendre, Bryncoch or

Sandfields Comprehensive School, Port Talbot.

Our Mission Statement:

“Working together, to encourage every child to do their very best so as to achieve their full potential, enabling them to become valued and influential members of their communities and able to meet the many challenges of life purposefully and


Our school's aims

The school aims to provide a wide range of rich educational experiences which will fully prepare

your children for the future. This entails giving prominent consideration to the social, moral,

cultural, spiritual and physical development of each child, as well as their intellectual needs. Our

over-riding consideration is to ensure that every child realises his or her full potential.

We aim to ensure that every child becomes fully bilingual; and we are keen to foster within each

child an awareness of their Welsh identity, and a love of their country and its language.

We seek to utilise and build upon children's individual interests; and endeavour to instil upon them

the need to develop a healthy attitude towards work and behaviour, and a clear sense of values,

which will make them independent learners.

We aim to create a caring atmosphere, which is an extension of the home.

We recognise that children are individual and unique members of the school community, and

therefore can expect their opinions, principles and feelings to be respected.

We seek to develop personal qualities such as perseverance, diligence, self expression, service,

loyalty, honesty and self confidence and to encourage self respect as well as respect for others.

We strongly encourage every child to play an active and prominent role in school life.

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 6

Gofal bugeiliol

Mae gofal bugeiliol y plant yn fater i bob athro ac athrawes, er bod y cyfrifoldeb yn y pen draw yn

nwylo'r pennaeth. Ceisiwn greu amgylchedd diogel tu fewn a thu allan i'r ysgol, ac rydym wastod

yn ystyriol o faterion iechyd a diogelwch. Rydym yn mabwysiadu agwedd dosturiol a gofalus tuag

at anghenion pob plentyn o fewn awyrgylch cynnes a chartrefol. Os ydy plentyn yn dost, neu'n cael

damwain, fe fydd yr ysgol yn cysylltu â'r rhieni neu'r gwarcheidwaid a gwneir trefniadau priodol.

Mae gwasanaethau meddygol a deintyddol y sir yn ymweld â'r ysgol yn gyson. Mae'r ddarpariaeth

a gynigir gan y Gwasanaeth Seicolegol i Ysgolion a'r Gwasanaeth Lles i Ysgolion ar gael i ni os oes

eu hangen.

Gwneir trefniadau arolygiaeth addas a digonol yn ystod egwyl y bore, egwyl y prynhawn ac amser


Disgyblaeth yr ysgol

Gosodir pwyslais mawr ar sicrhau safonau o ymddygiad da, ystyriaeth at eraill a pharch tuag at

eiddo. Mae'r ysgol yn disgwyl ac yn gwerthfawrogi cefnogaeth y rhieni yn hyn o beth, gan obeithio

y bydd rhieni yn helpu eu plant i werthfawrogi'r angen i ddatblygu hunan ddisgyblaeth er mwyn

sicrhau trefn a diogelwch i holl aelodau cymuned yr ysgol. Yn ein hysgol mae yna bwyslais clir ar

GANMOL a GWOBRWYO, yn hytrach na thynnu sylw at ymddygiad gwael. Os oes plentyn wedi

camymddwyn, y llwybr gorau fydd siarad â'r plentyn er mwyn ei helpu i ddeall y rheswm dros

anfodlonrwydd yr aelod o'r staff (dysgu a chynorthwyol). Yn aml iawn ni fydd angen cosb, ond os

ydy'r plentyn yn haeddu cosb fe ddylai'r gosb adlewyrchu difrifwch y weithred.

Gweinyddir cosb drwy atal breintiau, a gall y breintiau yma amrywio yn ôl diddordebau'r plentyn.

Er mwyn cydnabod ymddygiad da mae sustem gwobrwyo yn bodoli yn ein hysgol sy'n pwysleisio


Mae'n bwysig iawn fod y plant yn cyrraedd i'r ysgol yn brydlon yn y bore, er mwyn osgoi amharu

ar blant eraill ac ar athrawon, yn ogystal ag aflonyddu ar ddilyniant dysgu eu hunain.

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 7

Pastoral Care

The pastoral care of the pupils is the concern of all class teachers, with the Headteacher having

overall responsibility. We aim to create a safe environment in and around the school, and are

always mindful of health and safety issues. We adopt a caring, compassionate attitude towards the

general well-being of each pupil. In the event of a child being taken ill, or sustaining an accident,

that child's parents or guardians will be informed immediately and appropriate arrangements made.

Medical and dental services attend school on a regular basis. The Educational Welfare Service and

the School Psychological Service are available to us, if and when necessary.

Adequate supervisory arrangements are made during break and dinner times.

School Discipline

A particular emphasis is placed on standards of good behaviour, consideration for others and

respect for property. Parental support and co-operation is expected and appreciated, and it is hoped

that parents will help their child to appreciate the need to develop self-discipline in order to ensure

order and safety for all members of the school community.

At our school there is a clear emphasis on PRAISE and REWARD, rather than drawing others'

attention to unacceptable behaviour

If a child has mis-behaved, then that child needs to be informed of the reasons behind the member

of staff's (teaching and non-teaching) discontent with him/her. In most cases the child's mis-

behaviour will not warrant punishment, but if punitive action is justified then the punishment must

reflect the seriousness of the deed. Punishment is usually administered through loss of privilege,

and this can vary according to the child's interests.

In order to recognise and acknowledge good behaviour there is an existing rewards system at our

school which places a great emphasis on PRAISE and REWARDS. It is very important that

children arrive at school in good time in the mornings; a pupil arriving late may seriously disrupt

not only his or her continuity of learning but also that of others, not to mention that child's teacher.

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 8

Oriau ysgol Blynyddoedd Cynnar / Cyfnod Allweddol 1: Meithrin 8.50 y.b. - 11.30 y.b. Cyfnod Allweddol 1 / U.D.A.: 8.50 y.b. - 11.45 y.b. sesiwn bore

11.45 y.b. - 1.00 y.p. cinio

1.00 y.p. - 3.20 y.p. sesiwn prynhawn

Cyfnod Allweddol 2 / U.D.A.: 8.50 y.b. - 12.00 c.d. sesiwn bore

12.00 c.d. - 1.00 y.p. cinio

1.00 y.p . - 3.20 y.p. sesiwn prynhawn

Mae'r Blynyddoedd Cynnar / Cyfnod Allweddol 1 a'r ddwy Uned U.D.A. yn cael deng munud

ychwanegol o egwyl yn y prynhawn.

Yn ystod wythnos arferol, mae cyfanswm yr oriau dysgu i blant Cyfnod Allweddol 1 yn fwy na 22

awr 5 munud heb fod yn llai na 23½ awr i blant Cyfnod Allweddol 2. Dydy'r amseroedd hyn ddim

yn cynnwys amseroedd cofrestru, gwasanaethau boreol, amser cinio na'r ddwy egwyl ddyddiol.


Yn unol â chanllawiau diweddaraf y Swyddfa Gymreig, rhaid i bob absenoldeb tymor byr a hir, am

ba bynnag reswm, gael ei esbonio gan nodyn ysgrifenedig neu alwad ffôn neu ar lafar oddi wrth

riant neu warcheidwad. Nid ydy esboniad plentyn yn ddigonol. Os na wneir hyn, fe fydd y plentyn

yn derbyn marc ar y gofrestr sy'n dangos absenoldeb heb ganiatâd.

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 9

School hours Early Years / Key Stage 1 Infants: Nursery 8.50 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. Key Stage 1 / L.D.A.:

8.50 a.m. - 11.45 a.m. morning session

11.45 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. lunch

1.00 p.m. - 3.20 p.m. afternoon session

Key Stage 2 / L.D.A.

8.50 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. morning session

12.00 p.m. - 1.00 p.m. lunch

1.00 p.m. - 3.20 p.m. afternoon session

Early Years, Key Stage 1 and both S.T.F. Units have an additional 10 minute afternoon break.

During a normal school week, the total teaching time for children at Key Stage 1 exceeds 22 hours

5 minutes; and is not less than 23½ hours for children at Key Stage 2. This excludes registration

periods, assemblies and the two daily breaks.


In accordance with the latest guidelines received from the Welsh Office, all short and long term

absences, for whatever reason, must be explained either in writing, or by telephone, or orally by a

parent or guardian. A child's own explanation is not acceptable. If this request is not adhered to,

the child will receive an unauthorised absence.

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 10

Gwisg ysgol

Disgwylir i bob plentyn wisgo gwisg swyddogol yr ysgol, sef:

Bechgyn: trowsus du neu lwyd / trowsus loncian nefi

crys T melyn yr ysgol

crys chwys glas nefi yr ysgol.

siaced wlân glas nefi yr ysgol

het glas nefi yr ysgol

Merched: sgert neu 'pinafore dress' las / trowsus loncian nefi

crys T melyn yr ysgol

crys chwys glas nefi yr ysgol

siaced wlân glas nefi yr ysgol

het glas nefi yr ysgol

ffrog gingham las, glas nefi neu felyn a gwyn

(Tymor yr Haf).

Dylai enw'r plentyn gael ei osod ar bob dilledyn.

Gellir archebu a phrynu crysau chwys, crysau T, siacedi gwlân, capiau a bagiau ysgol o swyddfa'r


Polisi Derbyniadau

Gall plentyn gael lle rhan-amser mewn dosbarth meithrin o ddechrau'r tymor sy'n dilyn ei drydydd pen-blwydd. Dylai rhieni gysylltu â phennaeth eu dewis o ysgol feithrin am Ffurflen Gais Derbyniadau, a dylai'r rhieni ei chwblhau a'i dychwelyd at y Swyddog Derbyn, Adran Cefnogi Disgyblion a Rhieni, Canolfan Ddinesig Port Talbot, Port Talbot SA13 1PJ. Gall plentyn gael ei dderbyn i ddosbarth meithrin cyn dechrau'r tymor sy'n dilyn ei drydydd pen-blwydd dim ond drwy ymgynghori â'r swyddog derbyn.

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 11

School Uniform

Every child is actively encouraged to wear school uniform, which is:

Boys: black or grey trousers / navy jogging bottoms.

yellow school T shirt.

navy blue school sweat shirt.

navy blue school fleece jacket.

navy blue school baseball cap.

Girls: navy blue skirt or pinafore dress / navy jogging bottoms.

yellow school T shirt.

navy blue school sweatshirt.

navy blue school fleece jacket.

navy blue school baseball cap.

royal blue, navy blue or yellow and white gingham dress

(Summer term).

Articles of clothing should be marked or labelled with the child’s name.

Sweatshirts, T shirts, fleece jackets, caps and school bags may be purchased from the school office.

Admissions Policy

Children can access a part-time nursery place from the start of the term following their third birthday. Parents should approach the head teacher of their preferred nursery school for an Admissions Application Form which the parent should complete and return to the Admissions Officer, Pupil Parent and Support Section, Port Talbot Civic Centre, Port Talbot SA13 1PJ . Admission to a nursery prior to the start of the term following the child’s third birthday can only be agreed in consultation with the admissions officer.

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 12

Y Cwricwlwm Cyffredinol

Mae'r cwricwlwm a gynigir i'r plant yn ein gofal yn eang a chytbwys ei natur, ac yn seiliedig ar

brofiadau uniongyrchol. Cydnabyddwn fod rhaid sianelu prif bwyslais y cwricwlwm tuag at Fedrau

Allweddol Llythrennedd, Rhifedd, Technoleg Gwybodaeth a Chyfathrebu a hyfedredd dwyieithog y

plant. Bydd y plant yn dysgu drwy thema a bydd lle teg i bob pwnc o fewn y cwricwlwm.

Meysydd Dysgu

Mae saith Maes Dysgu wedi cael eu pennu i ddisgrifio cwricwlwm priodol ar gyfer plant 3 i 7 oed

sy’n cefnogi datblygiad plant a’u sgiliau. Mae’n rhaid i’r Meysydd Dysgu hyn gyd-fynd a

chydweithio â’i gilydd i ddarparu dull trawsgwricwlaidd o greu cwricwlwm perthnasol ac

ymarferol. Ni ddylid eu trin ar wahân. Rhoddir pwyslais ar ddatblygu sgiliau plant ar draws y

Meysydd Dysgu er mwyn sicrhau bod plant ifanc yn dysgu mewn modd addas ac integredig.

Y saith Maes Dysgu yw:

Datblygiad Personol a Chymdeithasol, Lles ac Amrywiaeth Ddiwylliannol;

Sgiliau Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu; Datblygiad Mathemategol;

Datblygu’r Gymraeg; Gwybodaeth a Dealltwriaeth o’r Byd;

Datblygiad Corfforol; Datblygiad Creadigol.

Mae Datblygiad Personol a Chymdeithasol, Lles ac Amrywiaeth Ddiwylliannol wrth wraidd y

Cyfnod Sylfaen, a dylid datblygu’r Maes Dysgu hwn ar draws y cwricwlwm.

Mae trefniadaeth dosbarth yr athrawon unigol yn hyblyg, sy'n galluogi'r plant yn eu gofal i weithio

fel unigolion, mewn grwpiau, neu fel rhan o ddosbarth cyfan. Gall gyfraniad y plant fod yn

weithredol neu'n dderbyniol; gall eu gwaith fod o natur ymarferol, yn dysgu trwy brofiad, neu'n

ddamcaniaethol, wedi ei leoli tu fewn neu du fas i'r ystafell ddosbarth.

Mae trefniadaeth y cwricwlwm, yn ogystal â'i gynnwys a'r strategaethau dysgu a fabwysiedir gan

athrawon unigol, yn unol â gofynion y Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol diweddaraf, Cyfnod Sylfaen,

Datganiad Polisi'r Sir ar faterion y cwricwlwm a strategaethau lleol a chenedlaethol eraill.

Defnyddiwn deg agwedd ar ddysgu yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2 (7 – 11 oed) fel fframwaith ar gyfer

ein cynllunio, sef

Astudiaethau Ieithyddol; Astudiaethau Mathemategol;

Astudiaethau Gwyddonol; Astudiaethau Technegol;

Astudiaethau Creadigol ac Esthetig; Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol;

Astudiaethau Amgylcheddol; Astudiaethau Crefyddol a Moesol;

Addysg Gorfforol; Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol.

Yn ogystal, mae glendid ac addysg iechyd yn agweddau pwysig o'n cwricwlwm.

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The General Curriculum

The curriculum offered to the children in our care is both broad and balanced in nature, and is based

on direct experiences. We acknowledge that the main emphasis of the curriculum must be

channelled towards children's acquisition of the Key Skills of Literacy, Numeracy, Information and

Communication Technology and bilingualism. The children will learn through themes and there

will be a fair amount of time given to each subject in the curriculum.

Areas of Learning:

Seven Areas of Learning have been identified to describe an appropriate curriculum for 3 – 7 year

olds that supports the development of children and their skills. They must complement each other

and work together to provide a cross-curricular approach to form a practical relevant curriculum.

They should not be approached in isolation. Emphasis is placed on developing children’s skills

across the Areas of Learning, to provide a suitable and integrated approach for young children’s


The seven Areas of Learning are:

Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity;

Language, Literacy and Communication Skills; Mathematical Development;

Welsh Language Development; Knowledge and Understanding of the World;

Physical Development; Creative Development;

Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity is at the heart of the Foundation Phase and should be developed across the curriculum.

Teachers employ a flexible approach to classroom organisation where children may work

individually, in groups, or as a whole class. The children's contribution may be active or receptive;

their work may be practical, experiential or theoretical, located in or out of the classroom.

The organisation of the curriculum, together with its content and the teaching strategies employed

by individual teachers, is consistent with the most recent National Curriculum, Foundation Phase,

this county's own policy statement for the curriculum and other local and national initiatives.

Our curriculum for Key Stage 2 (7 – 11 years) comprises of ten aspects of learning:-

Linguistic Studies; Mathematical Studies;

Scientific Studies; Technological Studies;

Creative and Aesthetic Studies; Social Studies;

Environmental Studies; Religious and Moral Studies;

Physical Education; Personal and Social Education;

Hygiene and health education are also important aspects of the curriculum.

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Trefniadau ar gyfer Addysg Grefyddol

Mae Addysg Grefyddol yn elfen orfodol o'r cwricwlwm, ac fe ddysgir y pwnc yn ôl Maes Llafur

Cytunedig yr Awdurdod Lleol. Fe fydd yn cynnwys astudiaeth o Gristnogaeth, sef y grefydd sydd

wedi dylanwadu fwyaf ar ein diwylliant ni, ac yn sail i sefydliadau cymdeithasol, arferion moesol a

phatrymau ymddygiad. Yn ogystal, fe fydd y plant yn astudio rhai o brif grefyddau eraill ein byd.

Mae ein gwasanaethau dyddiol yn cynnig cyfle i bawb i gydaddoli a chyd-fyfyrio. Mae gan rieni'r

hawl i hepgor eu plant o'r ddarpariaeth hon; a gwneir darpariaeth arall ar gyfer y disgyblion a dynnir

yn ôl.

Addysg Ryw

Teimlwn fod Addysg Ryw yn rhan hanfodol o'r cwricwlwm; ac yn unol â Deddf Addysg 1993 a

Chylchlythyr y Swyddfa Gymreig 45/94, fe fydd yn rhan o astudiaethau'r plant.

Mae Addysg Ryw wedi'i integreiddio i raglen draws gwricwlaidd gyda dilyniant o'r cyfnod Cynradd

ymlaen er mwyn cydnabod y broses raddol o aeddfedrwydd rhywiol. Gofalwn ein bod yn cyfateb

pob agwedd o addysg ryw gydag aeddfedrwydd y plant.

Ni ddysgir addysg ryw mewn gwersi ar wahân, na chwaith gan bobl sy'n ddieithr i'r plant. Os

gwahoddir ymwelwyr allanol i annerch y plant, fe'u gwneir yn ymwybodol o bolisi'r ysgol ac mae

trefniadau'n bodoli ar gyfer presenoldeb neu ymyrraeth staff yr ysgol os oes angen.

Mae gan rieni (neu warcheidwaid) i blant yn ein hysgol yr hawl i atal eu plant rhag derbyn rhan

neu'r cyfan o'r addysg ryw a gynigir, ac eithrio'r agweddau hynny sy'n rhan o'r Cwricwlwm


Trefniadau Diogelwch Rydym yn dilyn canllawiau polisi Iechyd a Diogelwch y Sir. Mae gennym bwyllgor iechyd a diogelwch prysur ac effeithiol. Maent yn cwrdd yn dymhorol ac yn archwilio’r ysgol er mwyn sicrhau bod popeth yn iawn. Maent yn ysgrifennu adroddiad ac os bydd angen gwneud unrhyw beth byddant yn cynnwys rhestr o argymhellion.

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Arrangements for Religious Education

Religious Education is a compulsory element within the curriculum, and is taught in accordance

with the Authority's Agreed Syllabus. It will include the study of Christianity, the religion which

has most influenced our own culture, giving rise to social institutions, moral codes and patterns of

behaviour. The children will also study other leading world religions.

Our daily assemblies provide opportunities for collective worship and meditation. Parents have the

right to withdraw pupils from Religious Education lessons and assemblies; and alternative provision

will be made for pupils who are withdrawn.

Sex Education

We consider Sex Education to be an integral part of the curriculum; and in accordance with the

Education Act 1993 and the Welsh Office circular 45/94, the subject will be included in the

children's studies.

Sex education is integrated into a cross curricular programme with continuity from the Primary

phase onward in order to recognise the gradual process of sexual maturation. Care is taken to match

any sex education with the maturity of pupils.

Sex education is not taught in isolated lessons, or by people who are unknown to pupils. If outside

visitors are involved, they are made fully aware of the school's policy and arrangements exist for the

presence or intervention of a member of staff as appropriate.

Parents (or persons with parental responsibility) of pupils at our school will have the right to

withdraw their children from all or part of the sex education offered, except that which forms part of

the National Curriculum.

Safety arrangements We follow the County’s Health and Safety policy guidelines. There is a busy and very effective health and safety committee. They meet termly and inspect the school to ensure that there are no problems. They prepare a report which will include a list of recommendations if anything needs to be done.

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Gwaith Cartref

Ystyrir gwaith cartref yn rhan o'r cwricwlwm. Yn gyffredinol, fe fydd gwaith cartref yn

ymestyniad o weithgareddau'r dosbarth - yn atgyfnerthu ac ymestyn agweddau o waith a

ddaethpwyd ar eu traws yn ystod oriau'r ysgol. Mae gwaith cartref ystyrlon yn cymell plant i

weithio'n annibynnol.

Gall tasgau gwaith cartref fod yn amrywiol eu natur: dysgu ar gof, darllen, ysgrifennu, mathemateg,

gwaith ymchwil, ac ati.

Gofynnir i rieni i helpu eu plant drwy roi'r cyfle a'r anogaeth iddynt i astudio gartref.

Calonogir plant i fynd â'u llyfrau darllen adref ar bob cyfle, fel bod rhieni/gwarchodwyr yn gallu

rhannu a chefnogi darllen eu plant.

Darpariaeth Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig

Mae'r ysgol yn cydnabod fod angen cymorth ychwanegol ar rai plant er mwyn iddynt elwa'n llawn

o'r cwricwlwm a gynigir gennym. Fe fydd pob plentyn sydd ag anghenion addysgol arbennig yn

derbyn sylw cyson mewn grwpiau bychain, yn cefnogi eu gwaith dyddiol tu fewn i ystafelloedd

dosbarth arferol y plant, yn ogystal â’u heithrio ar gyfer sesiynau dysgu yn ymwneud yn benodol

â’u Cynlluniau Addysgol Unigol. Mae polisi ysgrifenedig yr ysgol yn cydymffurfio â'r ‘Côd

Ymarfer', a gall rhieni archwilio neu sicrhau copi ohono trwy gysylltu â'r Pennaeth.

Adnabyddir plant ag A.A.A. trwy:

* arsylwadau, asesiadau a nodiadau'r athrawon dosbarth; a chymharu

cyrhaeddiad a chynnydd plant â'i gilydd

* profion darllen safonol

* canlyniadau asesu statudol

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Homework is regarded as part of the curriculum. In general, it will be an extension of lesson

activities - reinforcing, extending and consolidating aspects of work encountered during the school

day. Meaningful homework motivates pupils to work independently.

Homework tasks can take a variety of forms: learning by memory, reading, writing, mathematics,

research gathering etc.

Parents are asked to assist by giving their children the opportunity and encouragement to study at


Children with reading books will be encouraged to take them home regularly in order that

parents/carers share and support the child's reading

Special Educational Needs provision

The school recognises that some children in mainstream classes may require special help at some

time in order to benefit fully from the curriculum the school offers. Every child who has Additional

Learning Needs (ALN) will receive regular support within a small group situation, supporting their

daily work within the children’s own classrooms, as well as being withdrawn for teaching sessions

which focus specifically on their Individual Education Plans. Our school's written policy conforms

to the Special Educational Needs (SEN) 'Code of Practice', and is available to parents for inspection

on request to the Headteacher.

Mainstream children with A.L.N. are identified by means of:-

* observations, assessments and class teachers' notes; and by comparing

children's achievements and progress

* standardised reading tests

* statutory assessment results

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Cynhelir trafodaethau anffurfiol a ffurfiol â rhieni i drin anghenion plant; ac fe roddir y

plentyn/plant ar y gofrestr A.A.A.

Ymateb Graddoledig yn y Cyfnod Cynradd:

Gweithredu gan yr Ysgol:

Pan fydd athro dosbarth yn canfod bod gan blentyn AAA, neu y gall fod ganddo AAA, mae’r athro

dosbarth yn paratoi ymyriadau sy’n ychwanegol at y rhai a ddarperir fel rhan o gwricwlwm

gwahaniaethol arferol yr ysgol neu’n wahanol iddynt.

• Mae’r athro dosbarth yn parhau’n gyfrifol am weithio gyda’r plentyn o ddydd i

ddydd ac am gynllunio a chyflwyno rhaglen unigol

• Caiff Cynllun Addysgol Unigol (CAU) ei baratoi

• Gallai’r Cydlynydd AAA ynghyd â phersonau sy’n gyfrifol am gynorthwyo plant ag

AAA yn y Brif Ffrwd, gymryd rhan arweiniol yn y gwaith o -

� Cynllunio ymyriadau ar gyfer y plentyn wedi trafod gyda


� Monitro ac adolygu’r camau a gymerir.

Gweithredu gan yr Ysgol a Mwy:

• Mae’r Cydlynydd AAA, staff cynorthwyol a’r athrawes, mewn ymgynghoriad â’r

rhieni, yn gofyn am gymorth gwasanaethau allanol;

• Mae’r athro dosbarth â staff cynorthwyol sy’n gyfrifol am gefnogi plant ag AAA yn

y Brif Ffrwd a’r Cydlynydd AAA yn cael cyngor neu gefnogaeth gan arbenigwyr


• Caiff strategaethau eu paratoi sy’n ychwanegol at y rhai a ddarperir ar gyfer y

plentyn trwy Gweithredu gan yr Ysgol neu’n wahanol iddynt;

• Caiff CAU ei baratoi;

• Dylai’r Cydlynydd AAA, a’r athrawes yn gymryd rhan arweiniol:

� Mewn unrhyw asesiad pellach o’r plentyn

� Wrth gynllunio ymyriadau ar gyfer y plentyn wedi trafod gyda


� Wrth fonitro ac adolygu’r camau a gymerir.

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We conduct formal and informal discussions with parents regarding their children's needs; then the

child is placed on our . register.

The Graduated Approach in the Primary Phase:

School Action:

When a class teacher identifies that a pupil has, or may have, A.L.N. – the class teacher devises

.interventions additional to, or different from, those provided as part of the school’s usual

differentiated curriculum:

• The class teacher remains responsible for working with the child on a daily basis and for

planning and delivering an individualised programme.

• An Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be devised

• SENCO along with persons responsible for supporting supporting children with ALN in

the mainstream could take the lead in –

� Planning future intervention for the child in discussion with colleagues;

� Monitoring and reviewing the action.

School Action Plus:

• SENCO, support staff and the class teacher, in consultation with parents, ask for help

from external services;

• Class teacher, support staff responsible for supporting children with ALN in the

mainstream and SENCO are provided with advice or support from outside specialists;

• Additional or different strategies to those of School Action are put in place;

• An IEP will be devised;

• SENCO and the class teacher should take the lead in:

� Any further assessment of the child

� Planning future interventions for the child in discussions with colleagues

� Monitoring and reviewing the action taken.

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Ar y pegwn arall, fe ddarperir gwaith ymestynnol i blant galluog er mwyn cyfoethogi eu profiadau


Mae gan yr ysgol Unedau Dysgu Arbenigol i ddeunaw o blant yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar a

Chyfnodau Allweddol 1 a 2. Rhennir y plant i ddau ddosbarth, yn ôl eu gallu a’u hoedran. Mae

gan bob plentyn ddatganiad A.A.A. ar gyfer anawsterau dysgu cymedrol.

Staffio A.A.A.:

Ar hyn o bryd mae dwy athrawes a dwy cynorthwywraig yn gweithio o fewn yr Unedau Dysgu

Arbenigol. Mae hefyd Cydlynydd A.A.A. a cynorthwywraig ym mhob dosbarth sy’n cefnogi’r

dysgu o fewn y Brif Ffrwd.

Mae gan yr ysgol gytundeb lefel gwasanaeth gyda'r Awdurdod Addysg i ddarparu gwasanaethau

cymorth ynghylch A.A.A. Defnyddir y gwasanaethau cymorth i gynghori athrawon ar

strategaethau dysgu gyda phlant penodol, ac i gydweithio gyda'r athrawon dosbarth i ddatblygu

Cynlluniau Addysg Unigol. Defnyddir y Gwasanaeth Seicoleg Addysg i ddarparu cyngor anffurfiol

neu i asesu'n ffurfiol. Yn ogystal, gall yr Awdurdod Addysg ddarparu aelodau o'i staff yn unol â

datganiadau plant unigol. Gwnawn ddefnydd o ffisiotherapyddion, therapyddion lleferydd,

therapyddion galwedigaethol ac asiantaethau eraill i gefnogi rhaglenni addysgiadol ein plant.

Cynhelir cyfarfodydd dwywaith y flwyddyn gyda rhieni i drafod cynnydd eu plentyn, a tair gwaith

i’r disgyblion sydd ar y gofrestr A.A.A.

Trefniadau derbyniadau:

Cynigir lleoliad i blant yn yr Unedau Dysgu Arbenigol gan Banel Derbyniadau Awdurdod Addysg

Castell-nedd Port Talbot. Mae'r ysgol yn gwasanaethu dalgylch Cwm Tawe yn bennaf, er mae

modd lleoli plant o ardaloedd eraill yn yr ysgol, lle mae Trebannws yn cynnig y lleoliad agosaf sydd

ar gael.

Yr adeilad, a mynediad iddo:

Saif yr ysgol ar leoliad gweddol wastad, gyda rampiau a mynedfeydd lefel i'r dosbarthiadau a'r

cyfleusterau. Mae toiled i'r anabl, ac mae cyfleusterau ar gyfer cael cawod sy'n addas ar gyfer

defnyddwyr cadair olwyn wedi ei leoli yn adran y Babanod.

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At the other end of the spectrum, the ablest pupils are challenged by providing extension work to

enrich their curriculum.

This school has a Learning Support Centre for up to eighteen children at Early Years and Key

Stages 1 and 2. These children are divided into two classes. Pupils in these classes all have

moderate learning difficulties and have a ‘Statement of Special Educational Needs’. The children

are grouped according to age and ability.

SEN and ALN Staffing:

Currently we have two teachers and two Learning Support Assistants working within the Learnintg

Support Centre and Teaching Assistants within every class supporting mainstream.

The school has a service level agreement with the County Education Department to provide support

services for S.E.N. These services are used to provide advice for teachers on teaching strategies for

specific children, and to assist classroom teachers in producing Individual Education Plans. The

Educational Psychology Service provides informal advice and/or conducts formal assessments. In

addition, staff may be provided by the Authority in accordance with a pupil's statement.

Physiotherapists, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapists and other agencies may be involved in

the child's educational programme.

Meetings are held twice a year with parents in order to discuss their child’s progress, and three

times a year for those pupils on the SEN register.

Admission Arrangements:

Children are allocated a place in the Learning Support Centre by the Local Authority Admissions

Panel. The school serves mainly the catchment area of the Swansea Valley, though children from

other areas may be placed in the school, where Trebannws provides the nearest available location.

Access and Accommodation:

The school is set on a mainly level site with ramps/level access to all facilities. The units have a

disabled toilet, and the Infant department has shower facilities suitable for wheelchair users.

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Polisi A.A.Ll. Castell-nedd Port Talbot yw hyrwyddo cynhwysiad ar gyfer holl ddisgyblion yr

Unedau Dysgu Arbenigol. Mae'r sefyllfa ieithyddol sy'n bodoli o fewn Ysgol Trebannws yn

unigryw, gyda'i statws Traddodiadol Gymraeg, ac eto mae'r Unedau Dysgu Arbenigol yn Saesneg

eu cyfrwng. O ganlyniad, mae cyfleoedd ar gyfer integreiddio trawsgwricwlaidd ystyrlon o blant

yr Unedau Dysgu Arbenigol â'u cyfoedion yn y Brif Ffrwd yn fwy anodd ei chyflawni; fodd bynnag

gwneir pob ymdrech i gynnwys disgyblia yr U.D.A. mewn gweithgareddau priodol e.e.

Cerddoriaeth, Addysg Gorfforol, Mathemateg, Saesneg a Gweithgareddau’r Cyfnod Sylfaen. Mae

natur ddwyieithog y dysgu a'r dysgu yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2 yn darparu gwell cyfleoedd ar

gyfer integreiddio gweithredol, ac rydym wedi cymryd camau calonogol iawn yn sgîl mentrau


Y Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol:

Mae pob gorchymyn pwnc yn cynnwys trefniadau arbennig a ddylai sicrhau fod gan ddisgyblion ag

A.A.A. fynedfa i'r rhaglenni astudio. Gweithia disgyblion yn ôl lefelau sy'n addas i'w gallu, ac nid

i'w hoed. Mae disgyblion y Brif Ffrwd sydd ag A.A.A. yn gweithio o fewn y Cwricwlwm

Cenedlaethol ochr yn ochr â'u cyfoedion. Mae'n bwysig y gosodir targedau dysgu sy'n briodol i'w

hanghenion, a bod y targedau yma'n cael eu monitro a'u hasesu'n gyson. I'r perwyl hwn, dylid

darparu tasgau gwahaniaethol yn ôl yr angen, gyda'r athro/athrawes ddosbarth a'r athrawes SENCO

am lunio Cynllun Addysgol Unigol. Gall yr athro yn y Brif Ffrwd gyfeirio at, a gofyn cyngor gan,

ei gydweithwyr arbenigol wrth baratoi gwaith gwahaniaethol.

Fe fydd cynnydd plant yn cael ei fonitro gan y staff dysgu, trwy ei gofnodi ar y Cynlluniau

Addysgol Unigol. Darperir tystiolaeth bellach ynglŷn â chynnydd plentyn trwy anodi gwaith mewn

llyfrau neu daflenni gwaith. Lle mae gan blentyn Ddatganiad o Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig,

cynhelir adolygiad blynyddol yn yr ysgol. Gwahoddir rhieni'r plentyn, yr athro dosbarth, y

pennaeth, y seicolegydd addysg, swyddog meddygol yr ysgolion ac asiantaethau eraill fel y

gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, i'r cyfarfod. Fe fydd athrawon yr Unedau Dysgu Arbenigol yn

cyflwyno adroddiad manwl ynglŷn â chynnydd y plentyn. Yn ogystal, fe fydd eraill sy'n bresennol

yn yr adolygiad yn cynnig mewnbwn ynglŷn ag unrhyw ymyriad cefnogol neu therapiwtig a

rhoddwyd yn ystod y flwyddyn e.e. Therapydd Lleferydd, Therapydd Galwedigaethol. Gall yr

adolygiad wneud awgrymiadau ar gyfer newid cynnwys y Datganiad, a chynnig argymhellion

pellach ynghylch addysg bresennol y plentyn, ac ar gyfer y dyfodol.

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Integration: It is the policy of Neath Port Talbot L.E.A. to facilitate inclusion for all pupils within theirLearning

Support Centres. The linguistic situation which exists within Y.G.G.D. Trebannws is unique, in so

much as the school has a Traditional Welsh status, and yet the LSC. Units are essentially English

medium. Consequently, opportunities for the meaningful cross-curricular integration of SEN.

children with their mainstream peers is more difficult to achieve; however every effort is made to

include pupils in the LSC.in appropriate activities e.g. Music, P.E., Mathematics, English and

Foundation Phase activities. The bilingual nature of teaching and learning at Key Stage 2 provides

greater opportunities for active integration, and we have been particularly pleased with recent

initiatives in this field.

The National Curriculum:

Each subject order contains special arrangements which should be made to ensure that pupils with

Special Educational Needs have access to programmes of study. Pupils work at levels appropriate

to their ability, and not their age. Pupils identified as having Additional Learning Needs in the

mainstream work alongside their peers and have full access to the National Curriculum. It is

important that these pupils are set learning targets appropriate to their needs and that the targets are

monitored and assessed regularly. In order to achieve this aim, pupils will be provided with tasks

differentiated according to need, and the class teacher with the support of the SENCO will be

responsible for developing Individual Education Plans. The mainstream teacher may refer to

specialist colleagues in the preparation of differentiated work.

Pupil progress will be continually monitored and recorded by teaching staff. This will be achieved

by means of recording progress on the Individual Education Plan. Further evidence of pupil

progress will be provided through careful annotation of work in books or on worksheets. Where a

child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs an annual review will be held at the school.

The child's parents, class teacher, headteacher, the educational psychologist, the school medical

officer and any other agencies, e.g. social services, will be invited to attend. The Learning Support

Centre’s teachers will report on the child's progress. Other members of the review will also report

on any supportive or therapeutic intervention they may have delivered e.g. Speech Therapist,

Occupational Therapist. The child's statement may be amended. The members of the review may

make further recommendations with regard to the child's current and future education.

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Er mwyn sicrhau fod y Corff Llywodraethu yn cael ei hysbysu'n gyson o ddatblygiadau ym maes

Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig, mae Ysgol Trebannws wedi enwebu Llywodraethwr sydd â

chyfrifoldebau penodol dros A.A.A.

Er mwyn arfarnu polisi A.A.A. ein hysgol, cynhelir adolygiadau tymhorol a blynyddol, yn ogystal â

monitro mewnol gan y Pennaeth a'r Llywodraethwr A.A.A. Mae'n bolisi gan Ysgol Trebannws i

ddarparu amgylchedd diogel a gofalgar ar gyfer y disgyblion hyn, a'u galluogi i arddangos cynnydd

addysgiadol a chymdeithasol.

Defnydd o'r iaith Gymraeg

Cymraeg yw iaith swyddogol yr ysgol. Mae addysg plant y Blynyddoedd Cynnar a Chyfnod

Allweddol 1 drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Mae'r dysgu yn gwbl ddwyieithog yn yr adran Iau.

Saesneg yw cyfrwng y dysgu yn yr Unedau Dysgu Arbenigol.

Cyfleoedd Cyfartal

Ein nod yn Ysgol Trebannws yw cynnig cyfleoedd cyfartal i bob disgybl ta beth yw eu rhyw, hil,

crefydd a'u hamgylchiadau neu gefndir cymdeithasol. Credwn yn gryf fod pob plentyn o werth

hafal a chyfartal ta beth yw eu datblygiad a'u cyrhaeddiad dysgu.

Fe fydd ein cymuned ysgol yn hyrwyddo amgylchedd fydd yn adlewyrchu'r parch a ddangosir tuag

at bob unigolyn sy'n myned i'n hysgol. Trwy ein cwricwlwm, agored a chudd, ceisiwn ddatblygu

oddefgarwch a pharchusrwydd tuag at bobl a diwylliannau eraill gan sicrhau cymuned a seilir ar

ymddiriedaeth a chydweithrediad. Credwn fod ymwybyddiaeth o gyfleoedd cyfartal yn arwain at

arfer addysgiadol dda, ac yn sail ar gyfer datblygu medrau a thalentau pob unigolyn.

Teimlwn ei bod hi'n hanfodol fod pob disgybl yn cael eu trin yn gyfartal a'u galluogi, trwy

gyfleoedd cyfartal, i ddatblygu i'w llawn potensial. Ein nod yw cyflwyno'r sgiliau, gwybodaeth,

cysyniadau ac agweddau i'n plant sy'n angenrheidiol ar gyfer gwaith a bywyd. Cyfleoedd cyfartal

yw'r sail ar gyfer datblygu sgiliau a thalentau pob unigolyn. Sylweddolwn y bydd cyfleoedd

cyfartal yn broses parhaus o her, a gobeithiwn trwy ddylanwad y cartref a'r gymuned y bydd plant a

rhieni yn cyfrannu at weithredu'r polisi.

Mae'n fwriad gennym i adolygu ein polisi yn gyson, yn unol â datblygiadau newydd.

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In order that the Governing Body is regularly informed of developments in the area of Special

Educational Needs, Y.G.G.D. Trebannws has appointed a Governor who has specific responsibility

for Special Education.

Termly reviews, annual reviews and internal monitoring by Headteacher and Special Needs

Governor are undertaken. It is the policy of Trebannws School to provide a safe and caring

environment for these pupils in order for progress to occur both educationally and socially.

Use of the Welsh language

Welsh is the official language of the school. The education in the Early Years and Infant

department is through the medium of Welsh. The medium of instruction is wholly bilingual in the

Junior department. English is the medium of instruction within the Learning Support Centre.

Equal Opportunities

It is our aim at Y.G.G.D. Trebannws to offer equal opportunities to every pupil, irrespective of sex,

race, religion or social circumstances. We firmly believe that all learners are of equal value

whatever their stage of development and capacity for learning.

Our school community will promote an atmosphere which will reflect the respect shown to all

persons entering the school. Through our curriculum, both hidden and overt, we aim to develop a

tolerance and mutual respect for other people and cultures thus ensuring a community based on trust

and co-operation. We believe that an awareness of equal opportunities leads to good educational

practice and is the basis for the development of the skills and talents of each individual.

We feel that it is essential that all pupils be treated equally, and through equal opportunities be

allowed to develop their full potential. We aim to equip our pupils with skills, knowledge, concepts

and attitudes which are necessary for future work and life. Equal Opportunities is the basis for

development of skills and talents of each individual. We realise that equal opportunities will be a

continuing process of challenge and we hope that through the influence of home and the community

that pupils and parents will contribute to the implementation of the policy.

We aim to regularly review our policy in order to keep it up to date with current thinking.

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Cysylltiadau â'r rhieni

Mae'r ysgol yn ystyried fod creu a chynnal perthynas weithiol agos gyda rhieni yn eithriadol

bwysig. I'r diben hwn, croesewir rhieni i'r ysgol ar unrhyw adeg er mwyn trafod unrhyw broblemau

sy'n codi ynghylch addysg neu hapusrwydd eu plant. Efallai bydd eisiau trefnu apwyntiad o flaen

llaw. Croesewir pob rhiant i ymuno â'n Cymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon llwyddiannus.

Cytundeb Cartref-Ysgol Rhoddir cytundeb blynyddol i’r rhieni ei lofnodi gyda'u plentyn ar ddechrau pob blwyddyn addysgiadol yn flynyddol. Cedwir copi yn yr ysgol a rhoddir copi i'r rhieni. Gofynnir i chi lofnodi’r polisi ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn ysgol. Bydd y

pennaeth yn egluro'r cytundeb yn y cyfarfod croeso i rieni newydd.

Adrodd i rieni

Fe fydd pob plentyn yn yr ysgol (Meithrin hyd Flwyddyn 6 yn nosbarthiadau'r Brif Ffrwd ac

ymadawyr Blwyddyn 6 yn yr Uned Dysgu Arbenigol) yn derbyn adroddiad ysgrifenedig blynyddol

yn ystod ail hanner tymor yr Haf. Fe fydd yr adroddiad yn cynnig crynodeb ar gyfer rhieni o

gynnydd a chyraeddiadau eu plentyn ym mhob agwedd o fywyd yr ysgol ar hyd y flwyddyn

academaidd. Fe fydd yr adroddiad yn galluogi rhieni i weld yn glir pa gynnydd a wnaed gan eu

plentyn/plant a pha dargedau a bennir ar eu cyfer er mwyn hyrwyddo ac ysgogi'r cynnydd yma yn y


Cynhelir Noson Rieni yn yr ysgol o fewn pythefnos o ddosbarthu'r adroddiadau, er mwyn rhoi cyfle

gwerthfawr i rieni i drafod cynnwys yr adroddiad ysgrifenedig gyda'r athro/athrawes.

Fe gynhelir Noson Rieni ychwanegol yn yr ysgol ar ddechrau ail hanner Tymor yr Hydref.

Cyfarfod neu sgwrs digon anffurfiol fydd hwn: cyfle i rieni ddod i wybod sut mae eu plant yn

ymdopi ag athro/athrawes newydd, disgwyliadau newydd, drefn newydd, a thema’r tymor.

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Parental links

The school regards the development of a close working relationship with parents as being

particularly important. To this end, parents are most welcome at any time to come and discuss any

problems that arise in relation to their child's education or happiness. It may be necessary to

arrange an appointment in advance. All parents are invited to join our successful Parents Teachers


Home School Agreement Parents are given an annual agreement to sign with their child at the beginning of each school year. A copy is kept in the school and a copy is given to the parents. You will be asked to sign the policy at the beginning of the school year. The head teacher will explain the agreement in the welcome meeting for new parents.

Reporting to parents

Every child in the school (Nursery to Year 6 in Mainstream classes and Year 6 leavers in

theLearning Support Centre), will receive an annual written report during the second half of the

Summer term. This report will provide parents with a summary of their child's progress and

achievements in every aspect of school life during that academic year. The report will enable

parents to trace their child's progress, and will provide achievable and realistic targets for the child

to maintain or improve current standards of work.

A Parents' Open Evening is held at the school within a fortnight of parents receiving their child's

annual report, so as to provide parents with a valuable opportunity for discussing the content of the

written report with the teacher.

An additional Parents’ Evening will be held at the beginning of the second half of the Autumn

Term. This will be a rather more informal meeting: an opportunity for parents to find out how their

child is settling and coping with a new teacher, new expectations, a new routine, and the terms


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Gweithgareddau Allgyrsiol

Gosodwn gryn dipyn o bwyslais ar weithgareddau diwylliannol, adloniant a chwaraeon:

* gwersi offerynnau pres a recorder

* Clybiau wythnosol (ar ôl ysgol)

* timau rygbi, pêl rwyd, pêl droed, athletau a chriced

* cyrsiau preswyl am wythnos mewn canolfannau astudiaethau agored

* cystadlu Eisteddfodol - canu (unigol a grŵp),

adrodd (unigol a grŵp), cân actol, celf a chrefft a grŵp offerynnol, Dawnsio Gwerin

* gwasanaethau a chyngherddau cyhoeddus

* ymweliadau addysgol cyson gan y chwe dosbarth

* ymweliadau â theatrau a sinemâu

Nodau Chwaraeon

Yn gyffredinol, prif nodau dysgu Addysg Gorfforol yw annog a helpu pob plentyn i fyw bywyd

iachus a bywiog, ac i hyrwyddo datblygiad priodweddau dymunol megis ymdrech, chwarae teg,

cyd-chwarae, dyfalbarhad, gorchest a hunan hyder.

Ceisia'r staff gyflawni'r nodau yma trwy gynnig amrediad eang o weithgareddau i blant o bob

oedran, tu fewn a thu allan i'r cwricwlwm ffurfiol, gan eu herio i ddatblygu a gwella'u

perfformiadau unigol. Mae'r gweithgareddau yma'n cynnwys Gymnasteg, Dawns, Nofio, Athletau,

Gweithgareddau Awyr Agored ac Antur, a Gêmau. Gwnawn ddefnydd o'r cyfleusterau chwaraeon

lleol canlynol:-

Parc Trebannws, Canolfan Hamdden Pontardawe, a Phwll Nofio Pontardawe.

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Extra Curricular Activities

A great deal of importance is attached to the involvement of pupils in activities of a cultural,

recreational and sporting nature, including:-

* brass and recorder tuition

* weekly clubs (after school)

* various sporting teams - rugby, netball, football, athletics and cricket

* week-long residential courses at outdoor activities centres

* Eisteddfod participation - individual and group singing,

individual and choral recitation, action song, instrumental group and art and crafts,

Welsh Folk Dancing

* public concerts and services

* regular educational visits

* theatre and cinema visits

Sporting Aims

Broadly speaking, the aims of the teaching of Physical Education are to encourage and help all our

children to lead healthy and active lifestyles and to promote the development of the desirable

personal attributes and qualities of endeavour, fair play, teamwork, perseverance, sense of

achievement and self esteem.

Our staff set out to fulfil these aims by offering pupils of all ages a wide range of activities, both in

the timetabled curriculum and outside normal lessons, in which they are faced with different kinds

of challenges and are encouraged to improve upon their own individual performances. These

include Gymnastics, Dance, Swimming, Athletics, Outdoor and Adventurous activities, and Games.

The school utilises the following local sporting amenities:- Trebannws Park, Pontardawe Leisure

Centre, Pontardawe Swimming Pool.

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Codi tâl am weithgareddau'r ysgol

Yn unol â Rhan 10 o Ddeddf Addysg 1988, penderfynodd y Bwrdd Llywodraethol ar bolisi sy'n

gwahodd rhieni i wneud cyfraniadau ariannol gwirfoddol er mwyn talu am weithgaredd sy'n rhan o

astudiaethau'r plentyn. Does dim gorfodaeth ar rieni i gyfrannu, ac ni ellir eithrio plentyn o unrhyw

weithgaredd ar sail hyn.

Gwybodaeth Presenoldeb

Cofnodir pob absenoldeb i blentyn naill ai gyda chaniatâd neu heb ganiatâd. Caniateir

absenoldebau os y'i gosodir o fewn un o'r categorïau canlynol:

1. Mae'r plentyn yn dost.

2. Mae ef/hi yn rhan o gadwraeth o natur grefyddol a gynhelir gan y corff crefyddol y

perthyn ei rieni/rhieni iddo.

3. Mae'r plentyn yn rhan o berfformiad cyhoeddus cydnabyddedig.

4. Ar gyfer gwyliau blynyddol rhieni yn ystod y tymor ysgol: sef cyfanswm o ddeg diwrnod

ysgol yn unig, a dim ond amgylchiadau arbennig iawn gall ganiatáu i'r ysgol gynnig

cyfnod pellach o absenoldeb â chaniatâd.

5. Marwolaeth aelod agos o deulu'r plentyn.

6. Apwyntiad meddygol neu ddeintyddol.

7. Gweithgaredd cydnabyddedig oddi ar safle'r ysgol.

8. Bod yn bresennol mewn Uned Cyfeirio Disgyblion.

9. Bod yn bresennol yn y Ganolfan Gymraeg i Hwyr-ddyfodiaid yn Ystalyfera.

Mae pob un o'r uchod yn rhesymau dilys ar gyfer esbonio absenoldeb plentyn o'r ysgol, ond

er mwyn sicrhau absenoldeb â chaniatâd rhaid rhoi gwybod i'r ysgol trwy fodd nodyn gan riant,

galwad ffôn, neu neges lafar i'r athro/athrawes/pennaeth. Os na dderbynnir nodyn, galwad ffôn, na

chyfathrebiad llafar fe gofnodir yn absenoldeb heb ganiatâd; neu os fydd plentyn yn absennol am

reswm na dderbynnir gan yr ysgol, fe'i cofnodir yn absenoldeb heb ganiatâd.

Gwybodaeth ychwanegol i rieni

Os mynna rhieni gael copi o ddogfennau megis

* polisïau’r cwricwlwm yn ein hysgol;

* cynlluniau gwaith y cwricwlwm yn ein hysgol;

* polisïau ysgol gyfan fel Disgyblaeth; Cyfleoedd Cyfartal; Iechyd a Diogelwch;

* polisi Addysg Ryw yr ysgol;

neu os ydy rhieni yn dymuno ystyried gwneud cŵyn neu achwyniad yn erbyn cynnwys neu

drefniadaeth y cwricwlwm, cysylltwch â'r pennaeth.

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Charging Policy

In accordance with Section 10 of the Education Act 1988, the Governing Body has decided upon a

policy whereby parents are invited to make a voluntary financial contribution for an activity which

is a part of a pupil's studies. There is no obligation to contribute, and no child can be omitted from

the activity.

Attendance information

Every absence recorded for a child will be marked as authorised or unauthorised. An absence is

only authorised if it falls within one of the following categories:

1. The child is ill.

2. He/she is involved in observance of a religious nature conducted by the religious

body to which his/her parents belong.

3. The child is to take part in an approved public performance.

4. For the annual holiday of parents during term time. This is a total of ten school days

only, and may exceed this period only in the most exceptional circumstances.

5. The death of a close member of the child's family.

6. Medical or dental appointment.

7. An approved off-site activity.

8. Attendance at a Pupil Referral Unit.

9. Attendance at Ystalyfera Welsh Language Centre.

All these are justifiable reasons for a child's absence from school, but they are only authorised if the

school is informed by means of a parents' note, phone call, or verbally informing the

teacher/headteacher. If no note, phone call, or verbal communication is received by the school, the

absence is marked as unauthorised; or if a child is absent for a reason not accepted by the school, it

will be treated as unauthorised.

Additional information for parents

Parents who wish to obtain access to school documents such as:-

* curriculum policies;

* curricular schemes of work;

* whole school policies, such as Discipline; Equal Opportunities;

Health and Safety;

* our policy statement on 'Sex Education';

or wish to know the arrangements made by the Local Education Authority for considering

complaints about the content or organisation of a school's curriculum, please contact the


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Cinio ysgol a Byrbryd Bore Mae Ysgol Trebannws yn ysgol iach. Rydym wedi derbyn 2 wobr. Coginir y bwyd cinio yn ffres yng nghegin yr ysgol gan Mrs Julie Brown, ein cogyddes. Darperir ciniawau yn ôl polisi deietegol Gwasanaeth Arlwyo Castell-Nedd Port Talbot. Derbynnir arian ar ddydd Mawrth, mewn amlen gydag enw'r plentyn, ei (d)dosbarth a'r swm arni. Os ydych yn derbyn nawdd ariannol neu’n ddi-waith efallai y byddwch yn gymwys i gael cinio ysgol rhad. Holwch yn swyddfa'r ysgol. Mae dewis dyddiol o ginio cynnes a bwyd llysieuol. Pris cyfredol cinio ysgol yw £1.90 y dydd sef £9.50 yr wythnos. Telir yn wythnosol ond cewch dalu â siec am hanner tymor os yw hynny’n fwy cyfleus. Dylid gwneud sieciau’n daladwy i ‘Neath Port Talbot CBC.’ Wrth gwrs, gall y plant ddod â brechdanau i’r ysgol, does dim rhaid prynu cinio ysgol. Mae’r clwb brecwast yn rhad ac am ddim i bob plentyn sy’n dymuno cael brecwast. Darperir llaeth yn y dosbarth i'r Cyfnod Sylfaen (sy’n cynnwys CA1) i bob plentyn yn rhad ac am ddim. Darperir ffrwythau bob dydd drwy siop yr ysgol. Pris y ffrwythau yw £1.00 yr wythnos. Mae dŵr yfed ar gael i’r holl blant yn yr ysgol trwy gydol y dydd. Gofynwn yn garedig i’r rhieni sy’n ddanfon cinio o adref (bocsys bwyd) i ddilyn canllaw yr ysgol a sicrhau fod y bwyd sydd yn y bocs yn fwyd iach – sy’n ran o deiet cytbwys y plentyn.

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School Meals and Morning Snacks Ysgol Trebannws is a healthy eating school. We have received 2 awards Lunchtime food is prepared from fresh in the school kitchen by Mrs Julie Brown, our cook. Meals are provided according to the dietary policy produced by Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and Neath Port Talbot’s Catering Service. Money is collected on Tuesday, in an envelope with the child’s name, class and amount noted. If you receive financial support or are unemployed you could be eligible for free school meals. Please enquire in the school office. There is a daily choice of warm meals and vegetarian food. School meals currently cost £1.90 per day £9.50 per week. Payment is made weekly but you can pay by cheque for half a term if this is more convenient. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Neath Port Talbot CBC’. Of course, the children can bring their own sandwiches to school; you do not have to have school dinners. Breakfast club is free and is available to all children in the school every weekday. Free milk is provided in the class for the Foundation Phase (which includes KS1). Fruit is also provided daily in the school shop. The cost of fruit is £1.00 per week. Drinking water is available to all the children. We kindly ask parents who send lunches from home (in a lunch box) to follow the school’s policy and ensure that the food provided in the boxes are healthy and are part of the child’s balanced diet.

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Trefniadau ar gyfer gwneud cŵyn

Mae'r mwyafrif o gŵynion yn ganlyniad i gamddealltwriaeth neu gyfathrebiad gwael. Os ydym yn

benderfynol o ddatrys anhawster a fydd o foddhad i'r naill ochr a'r llall, credwn fod angen

dealltwriaeth lawn o'r trefniadau ar gyfer gwneud cŵyn yn ogystal ag agwedd gadarnhaol tuag at

wella'r sefyllfa.

Dylai rhiant sy'n dymuno cwyno am drefniadaeth neu gynnwys y cwricwlwm ddilyn y drefn


(a) Cysylltu â'r pennaeth. Gwneir ymchwiliad i'r achos ac fe ymatebir i'r rhiant yn

uniongyrchol. (Dylai mân-gŵynion gael eu trafod â'r athro/athrawes unigol. Pe na bai'r

rhiant yn fodlon â'r ymateb, yna dylid cysylltu â'r pennaeth.)

(b) Pe na bai'r rhiant yn fodlon â'r ymateb, dylid ysgrifennu at Gadeirydd y Corff

Llywodraethu. Gwneir ymchwiliad gan y Llywodraethwyr ac fe ymatebir ganddynt.

(c) Pe na bai'r rhiant yn fodlon â'r ymateb, dylid ysgrifennu at y Cyfarwyddwr Addysg, Yr

Adran Addysg, Y Ganolfan Ddinesig, Port Talbot. SA13 1PJ. Ymchwilir i'r gŵyn, a

hysbysebir y rhieni o ddyfarniad y Cyfarwyddwr.

Estynnwn groeso cynnes a diffuant i chi a'ch plentyn i'r gymuned sy'n bodoli o fewn Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws

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Complaints procedures

Most complaints are the result of mis-understandings or poor communication. We believe that if

the procedures for communicating complaints are well understood and treated in a spirit of

attempting to improve the situation the complaint will be resolved to the satisfaction of all


Any parent wishing to lodge a complaint about the organisation and/or content of the curriculum is

asked to follow the following procedure:-

(a) Notify the headteacher of the complaint; it will then be investigated, and a response

made. (Minor complaints should be dealt with by the class teacher. If parents are not

satisfied with the outcome, they should then contact the headteacher.)

(b) If not satisfied with the headteacher's response, then notify, in writing, the Chairperson of

the Governing Body. The Governors will investigate the complaint and respond to it.

(c) If not satisfied with that response, then notify, in writing, the Director of Education,

Education Department, Civic Centre, Port Talbot. SA13 1PJ. Again the complaint

will be investigated and you will be notified of the Director's conclusions.

We extend a warm welcome to you and your child to the community that exists within Trebannws Traditional Welsh Primary School.

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Nifer ar y Gofrestr a Staffio:

Meithrin 16 Mrs H. W. Gibson Athrawes Ddosbarth

Mrs P. Hughes Cynorthwyydd Addysgu

Mrs J. Williams Cynorthwyydd Addysgu

Derbyn/Blwyddyn 1 26 Mrs S. E. Bevan Athrawes Ddosbarth

Mrs A. Davies Cynorthwyydd Addysgu

Blwyddyn 1/2 26 Miss S. Jones Athrawes Ddosbarth

Miss Ff Harries Cynorthwyydd Addysgu

Blwyddyn 3/4 26 Mrs R. Desouza Dirprwy/Athrawes Ddosbarth

Mrs R Baynes Cynorthwyydd Addysgu

Blwyddyn 5/6 21 Mr R. Williams Athro Ddosbarth

Dosbarth Mrs Thomas 8 Mrs K E Thomas Athrawes Ddosbarth

Mrs A L Morgan Cynorthwyydd Addysgu

Dosbarth Mrs Jones 8 Mrs V Jones Athrawes Ddosbarth/ C.A.A.Y.

Miss T Burt Cynorthwyydd Addysgu

Mrs R. Brayley C.D.L.U.

Cyfanswm: 131

Pennaeth Mrs M. Powles

Ysgrifenyddes Mrs M. Richards.

Clwb Brecwast Mrs J. Brown

Mrs J. Lewis

Mrs R. Baynes

Staff Cegin Mrs J. Brown.

Mrs J. Lewis.

Staff amser cinio Mrs S. Balfe.

Mrs W. Hodge.

Glanhawyr Mrs S. Balfe.

Mrs S. Ellis

Gofalwr Mr M. Ellis

Staff Peripatetig Mr W. Pedrick (Pres)

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Number on roll and Staffing:

Nursery 16 Mrs H. W. Gibson Class Teacher

Mrs P. Hughes Teaching Assistant

Mrs J. Williams Teaching Assistant

Receiption Year 1 26 Mrs S. E. Bevan Class Teacher

Mrs A. Davies Teaching Assistant

Year 1/2 26 Miss S. Jones Class Teacher

Miss Ff Harries Teaching Assistant

Year 3/4 26 Mrs R. Desouza Deputy/Class Teacher

Mrs R Baynes Teaching Assistant

Year 5/6 21 Mr R. Williams Class Teacher

Mrs Thomas’ Class 8 Mrs K E Thomas Class Teacher

Mrs A L Morgan Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jones’ Class 8 Mrs V Jones Class Teacher/A.L.N.Co.

Miss T Burt Teaching Assistant

Mrs R. Brayley H.L.T.A.

Total: 131

Headteacher Mrs M. Powles

Secretary Mrs M. Richards.

Breakfast Club Mrs J. Brown

Mrs J. Lewis

Mrs R. Baynes

Kitchen Staff Mrs J. Brown.

Mrs J. Lewis.

Lunchtime Staff Mrs S. Balfe.

Mrs W. Hodge.

Cleaners Mrs S. Balfe.

Mrs S. Ellis

Caretaker Mr M. Ellis

Peripatetic Staff Mr W. Pedrick (Brass)

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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 38

LLYWODRAETHWYR / GOVERNORS: ENW / CATEGORI / DYDDIAD ETHOL NAME: CATEGORY: TERM OF OFFICE: Cadeirydd / Chair: Mr D. B. Thomas J. D. Edwards L.E.A. 01/12/2006 – 30/11/2010 Counc. M. Thomas Community 27/09/2010 – 26/09/2014 Counc. A. Davies L.E.A. 26/10/2009 – 25/10/2013 Mrs. A. Davies Parents Rep. 07/07/2008 – 06/07/2012 Mr G. Davies Parents Rep. 18/09/2007 – 17/09/2011 Ms. Rh. Davies Parents Rep. 07/07/2008 - 06/07/2012 Mrs E. Ranft Community 16/11/2009 – 15/11/2013 Mr R. Williams Teachers Rep. 01/09/2009 – 31/08/2013 Mrs J. A. Thomas Community 16/11/2009 – 15/11/2013 Mr. D. B. Thomas Community 27/09/2010 – 26/09/2014 Mr. Carwyn Young Parents Rep. 05/10/2007 – 04/10/2011 Mrs. R. Baynes Staff Rep. 22/06/2010 – 25/06/2014 Mrs. M. Powles Headteacher Mrs. M. Richards Secretary

Page 39: YGGD Trebannws Prospectws 2011

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Draddodiadol Trebannws 39

School Terms and Holiday Dates

2011/2012 Academic Year 2011/2012 Academic Year

Mid Term Holiday Term Term Begins

Begins Ends

Term Ends Days

Autumn 2011 Friday 2nd September

Monday 24th October

Friday 28th October

Friday 23rd December

75 35+40

Spring 2012 Monday 9th January

Monday 13th February

Friday 17th February

Friday 30th March

55 25+30

Summer 2012 Monday 16th April

Monday 4th June

Friday 8th June

Friday 20th July

64 34+30

Total: 194

Schools will be closed to pupils for INSET/Staff Preparation for 7 days between Friday, 2nd September 2011 and Friday, 20th July 2012.

The INSET/Staff Preparation days are to be determined by the schools.

Bank Holidays

Jubilee Bank Holiday 23rd December 2011 (in lieu of 5th June 2012)

New Year, 2nd January 2012

Good Friday, 6th April 2012

Easter Monday, 9th April 2012

May Day, 7th May 2012

Spring Bank Holiday, 4th June 2012

Summer Bank Holiday 27th August 2012