2013 年德化县中考 英语科质量分析(摘登)

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2013 年德化县中考 英语科质量分析(摘登). 教师进修学校教研室 辜春生. 遣词造句答题精彩展示. 97 题 ▲ There are three/some pigs sitting near the house/ near their home. ▲There are three/some pigs near the house/ near my home. ▲ Three/some pigs are near the house/ near my home. ▲ These pigs live near the house. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: 2013 年德化县中考 英语科质量分析(摘登)

2013 年德化县中考


教师进修学校教研室 辜春生

Page 2: 2013 年德化县中考 英语科质量分析(摘登)

遣词造句答题精彩展示97 题▲There are three/some pigs sitting near the house/ near their home.

▲There are three/some pigs near the house/ near my home.

▲ Three/some pigs are near the house/ near my home.

▲ These pigs live near the house.

▲ These pigs have a house near here.

▲ Three pigs have a new house near here.

▲ The pigs’ house is near mine.

▲ There is a house near the pigs.

98 题▲ She often looks after/ takes (good) care of/ feeds / cares for / goes to see her grandfathe

r in her spare time.

▲ She often looked after / took (good) care of / fed / cared for / went to see her grandfather.

▲ The girl often helps her grandfather take medicine / to eat food / to drink something.

▲ I often go to the hospital to see / look after my grandfather.

▲ I often look after my grandfather when my parents weren’t at home.

▲ I often fed my grandfather when he was ill.

▲ My grandfather often eats it up.

▲ Her grandfather is / was often ill in bed / hospital.

▲ Her grandfather often falls ill / has a cold.

▲ She often uses a spoon to feed her sick grandfather.

▲ She often cooks soup for her grandfather.▲ How often do you go to see your grandfather?

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99 题▲ It’s necessary for us / students to do morning

exercises / do sports / do exercise every day.

▲ Doing morning exercises / Doing sports /

Doing exercise (every day) is necessary for us / students.

▲ It’s necessary for us to do morning exercises / do sports/ do exercise every day.

▲ We are doing necessary exercise now.

▲ It’s necessary to do exercise if it’s fine.

100 题▲The school bus has carried too many students / children / people.

▲ Many countries carried out “the School Bus” policy. (可惜提示词)▲ The school bus used to carry too many students / children / people.

▲ Too many students are carried by the school bus.

▲ There is a school bus carrying too many kids / students on the road.

▲ It’s dangerous that the school bus carries too many students.

▲ The school bus is so small that it can’t carry too many students.

▲ I saw a school bus carrying too many kids at this time yesterday.

▲ The school bus which carries too many students is dangerous.

▲ The school bus carries too many students, doesn’t it?

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100 题

▲ It’s dangerous for the school bus to carry too many students / children / people.

▲ I think carrying too many students / children / people is dangerous for the school bus.

▲ The school bus is carrying / carries too many students/ children / people.

▲ Don’t carry too many (students/ children / people) on the school bus.

▲ The school bus mustn’t / shouldn’t / can’t carry too many (students / children ).

The school bus carries too many (students / children / people) so that it can’t move.

▲ We should / must / ought to stop / keep / prevent the school bus(es) from carrying too many (stu

dents / children / people).

▲ The school bus is / buses are not allowed to carry too many (students / children).

▲ The school bus(es) mustn’t / shouldn’t / can’t be allowed to carry too many (students / children /


▲ The school bus(es) should give up carrying too many (students / children).

▲ The school buses often carry too many (students / children / people).

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101 题

▲ I got up early but I got to school late.

▲ He got up later than before.

▲ Why do / did you get up so late?

▲ Getting up late is the reason why I’m late for class / school.

▲ I got up too late to go/ get to school on time./ I got up too late to have the math class.

▲ I got up late so I couldn’t go / get to school on time.

▲ You shouldn’t get up late. / Don’t get up late again / next time.

▲ Tom got up late and his teacher was / is angry with him/ shouting at him.

▲ I often get up late and my teacher is angry with me.

▲ The teacher asks / asked me to get up early, not to go to school late.

▲ He got up late so he didn’t arrive at the school on time.

▲ A student stood at the door because he got up late (and was late for class).

▲ Did / Do you get up late (again)?

▲ Sorry, I got up (so) late.

▲ Michael usually gets up late, so he is often late for school / class.

▲ Michael got up late and he was late for school / class.

▲ Michael was late for school / class because he got up late / couldn’t get up on / in time.

▲ You should get up early so that you won’t be late for class.

▲ You should get up early or you will be late for class.

▲ Sorry, I got up late. / I’m sorry that I got up late / for getting up late / to get up late.

▲ I’m sorry for being late because I got up late.

▲ Michael got up late, so he was late for school / class.

▲ If you get up late you will be late for school / class.

▲ Michael got up so late that he was late for school / class.

▲ The teacher asks / asked him if he got up late (again).

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Learn From Each Other Learning from each other is a good habit. My

best friend and I often learn from each. I often help her with her English. And she helps me solve math problems. We all find great pleasure in learning from each other.

As the saying goes, giving is receiving. When we help someone solve some problems, we can learn at the same time. The more we learn from each other, the better our life will be. My friends and I will keep learning from each other. I am sure we will make great progress in the future.

(words: 96)


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Learn From Each Other

It’s very good for us to learn from each other. It can help

people make progress.

As we know, nobody is perfect. Everyone must do

something badly. So it’s important to learn from each other.

Friends like mirrors. From our friends, we can find our

disadvantages. Three years ago, I was weak in math. One of

my friends always won the first place, because he did well in

math. I tried to find the reason, and learned something from

him. At last, I find I wasn’t as careful as him. In fact, I can

do better.

So you should learn from him or her, then everyone will

be better and better.

(words: 111)


的问题是考生将“ Learn From Each Other” 理解为“ Learn From Others”, 即向单方学习,并没有突出互相学习的“双向性”。


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Learn From Each Other

As we know, learn from each other is a good habit.

Then, how to learn from each other? I’ll tell something

about that for you.

First, you should be friendly with that you want to

learn from, and make friends with him or her. Second, you

should ask him or her for help if you are in trouble. Third,

if you don’t agree with him or her, you can discuss with

him or her together, or ask teachers for help. Finally, if he

or she is in trouble too, you should try your best to help

him or her.

In short, learn from each other is good for us. It will

help us study better.

(words: 115)


的理解出现差错,本篇作文更适合“ How to learn from each other” 。


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1 、点评:本文结构严谨,选词考究。互相学习的过程描写非常细腻、到位。

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2 、点评:尺有所长,寸有所短。作为一位初中生,能够欣赏同龄人,并能悟出“取长补短,方为学习之道”这般道理,实属难得。

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3 、点评:言简意赅,字迹清楚;直截了当,紧扣主题!

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4 、点评:互相学习,不但可以促进彼此学业进步,还可结交成挚友。

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5 、点评:人无完人,所以我们更应该“取人之长来补己之短”,以便共同进步,持续发展。

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6 、点评:谚语“人非生而知之,乃学而知之”用来开题,恰到好处!

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7 、点评:句式丰富、综合语言运用能力较强。文章中“互相学习”双向性的比例要是能均衡些,效果会更好!

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Learn From Each Other

Learning from each other is a good way to make great progress. I often l

earn from my best friend. She is good at English. Last week, I did badly in

the English exam. I was very sad. She encouraged me and helped me with

my English. With her help, I made rapid progress. If she has some difficult

ies in working out the physics problems, I will help her. When we learn fro

m each other, I feel very happy. (words: 78)

分析 “ ”:此篇作文能紧扣主题,突出主旨,但是互相学习 双向性 比“ ”例失衡。最后,考生对 互相学习 的体会略显单薄。

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下面节选部分考生作文,给出相应档次的理由第五档( 14- 15分) 理 由

Learning from each other is a good habit. My best friend and I often learn from each. I often help her with her English. And she helps me solve math problems. We all find great pleasure in learning from each other.

As the saying goes, giving is receiving. When we help someone solve some problems, we can learn at the same time. The more we learn from each other, the better our life will be. My friends and I will keep learning from each other. I am sure we will make great progress in the future.

(words: 96)


“贴切, 帮助他人解决难题的同时,也是自己学

”习、认知的过程 。这种积极的情感态度有利于促进学生主动学习和持续发展。

点评:学生通过互相探究问题、解决问题,逐步掌握有效的学习策略。看似平淡无奇的学习经历,却使人心情愉悦而又使学习效率提高,这就是作者乐于学习的真正原由。本文条理清楚、笔法自然、句式连贯顺畅。其中,“ find great pleasure in doing sth.” 、“ when” “引导的状语从句及 the +比较级 , the + ”比较级 的娴熟运用,均可见作者语言功底扎实。

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第四档( 11- 13分) 理 由Learn From Each Other

Learning from each other is a good way to make great progress. ① I often learn from my best friend. She is good at English. Last week, I did badly in the English exam. I was very sad. She encouraged me and helped me with my English. With her help, I made rapid progress. ②If she has some difficulties in working out the physics problems, I will help her. When we learn from each other, I feel very happy.

(words: 78)


“我才会经常向她学习。故改为 I often learn from my best friend because she is good at English.”另外,此处可

“ ”以为后面 互相学习 埋下伏笔,突“ ”出 双向性 。2、既是描写经历,

“那么使用 if”引导的条件状语从句,显然是不合适的。3、结尾虽能扣题,但略显单薄。

修改后的文章: Learning from each other is a good way to make great progress. I do well in physics and my best friend, Susan, is good at English. We often learn from each other.

Last term, I did badly in an English exam. I was very sad. Susan encouraged me and helped me with my English. With her help, I made rapid progress. When Susan had some difficulties in working out physics problems, I always tried my best to teach her until she knows how to deal with them.

In short, learning from each other is not only a good method for study, but also brings us happiness.

(words: 106)

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第三档( 8- 10分) 理 由Learn From Each Other

It’s good to learn from each other. It enables us to make progress together. Like me, I have a good friend, Bill. He used to be poor in English, so he asked me for help. I was a little selfish but I didn’t refuse. With my help, he made great progress.

“You don’t need me now, Bill.” I said sadly.

“Why do you think so? You helped me so carefully that I learned much from you.” He asked in surprise and looked at me sincerely.

I was just moved and tears dropped on the desk. I said, “At the same time, I learn how to treat others sincerely.”

We smiled at each other because we both got a good lesson. (words: 120)

纵观全文,作者未能紧扣“ ”主题,更像是在讨论 友谊

的话题。“ ”虽然自己有 自私 的小毛病


“ ”己,这显然是 自信心不足“的表现,与后面所说的 学

”会真诚待人 毫无关系。其实作者最大的问题是心理

“ ”上的 自卑感 ,如果在结尾能说明自己后来越发地自信,那么整篇文章的构造还是成功的。建议写作前,先拟提纲,以确保文章不会偏离主题。