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7/30/2019 7.11 3-3-6,11-12,28-29.PDF http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/711-3-3-611-1228-29pdf 1/37 Piston with Rod and Stuffing Box Piston and piston od Plate 0201 The piston onsists l twomainparts: . PistonCrown o PistonSkirt The pistonrownstightenedo the upper end of thepiston od by means f screws. The screws re ockedwith ocking ire. The piston kirt s tightenedo the piston crown by means of {langed crews, which are ocked ith ocking ire The pistcncrown is providedwith chro- mium-plated rooves or fourpiston ings, the hvo uppermostaving ncreasedeight. All he piston ingshaveoblique uts: - piston ing Nos.1 and 3, have ig t-hand u s, and - piston ing Nos.2 and 4. have eft-handuts. At the top, he piston rown has a groove for he itting f liftingools. The piston od has a through-goirg ore or the cooling ilpipe,which s s e c u re do he piston od op by means f flanged crews. Cooling il s supplied hrough telescopic -;^^ ^^^nd^ti^n an.Fa CrOSShead and passedhroughbore.n he pston od oot and, hrough he cooling il pipe n the pistonod, o he piston rown. The oil s passed n through number J boresnthe hrust art of theplston rown ^-n .^ .A^ ^-^^^ ^.^,,-A .r,. .^^t,n^ nit ^i^o dr ru r u r rY 5pduu cUuurLU rrrv L \ r u | | r 1 9 uI PrPc in he piston od. Frorn he bore n he piston od oot, he oil ic ro.r lh'^r ^h tha ^/^cchor.l r^ a .lic.hrr^o cn^, t rnd r^ , el^tt-d ^in. :-^:!- ra^ -^ J|Jvu! L' |/'|-J rr'>luv lrLv tirl gine f ame as weil as through a control 902,0 49 device or checking he flow and tempera- ture. The piston od foot ests on a facecufout in the crosshead in and is guided by a nino in tho nrncchoerl In order o match he different ngine ay- outs, he engine can be equippedwith a shimbetween he piston od and hecross- ne a o . The od s fastened o thecrosshead in by means of four screws hat are screwed through he piston od foot nto he cross- head. The screws re ocked ith ocking ire. Piston rod stuffing box The bore or he prston od n the bottom f the scavenge ir box s fittedwith a piston rod stufling ox,which s designedo pre- vent the lubricating il in the crankcase frombeingdrawn up into he scavenge ir space. The stuffing oxalsopreventscavenge ir (in the scavenge ir space) rom leaking into hecrankcase. The stuffing ox is mounted n a flange which s bolted o thebottomof the sca- venge ir sp ace. The stuffing ox is removed ogether with the piston od during istonnspection, ut can a l s ob e d i s m a n t l e do r n s p e c t i o nn the crankcasehile he pistonemains ount- ed n he engine. The stutfing ox housing onsists f two parts,which are bolted ogether. The housingsprovidedith ivemachined ring rooves: - The uppermostroovesprovided ith a threepart scraper ing with oblique edges, hichserves o prevent ludge from he scavenge ox rom eing raw- ing down o theother ings.

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Pistonwi th Rod and Stu f f ingBox

Pistonand piston od

Plate 0201

Thepiston onsists l two mainparts:

. PistonCrown

o PistonSkirt

Thep is ton rowns t igh tenedo theupperendof thepiston odby means f screws.Thescrews re ockedwith ocking ire.

The piston kirt s t ightenedo the pistoncrownby meansof { langed crews,whichare ocked ith ocking ire

The pistcncrown is providedwith chro-mium-platedroovesor fourpiston ings,thehvouppermostaving ncreasedeight.

All hepiston ingshaveoblique uts:

- piston ingNos.1 and3,have ig t-hand u s,


- piston ingNos.2 and4.have eft-handuts.

At the top, he piston rownhas a groovefor he it t ing f l i f t ingools.

Thep is tonodhasa th rough-go i rgore orthecoo l ing i lp ipe ,wh ich s securedo he

piston od op by means f f langed crews.

Coo l ing i l s supp l iedhrough te lescop ic- ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n d ^ t i ^ n a n . F a C r O S S h e a d a n d

passedhrough bore .n hep s ton od oot

and, h rough he coo l ing i l p ipe n thep is tonod, o hep is ton rown.

Theo i l s passed n th rough number Jboresn the h rus t a r to f thep ls ton rown^ - n . ^ . A ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ , , - A . r , . . ^ ^ t , n ^ n i t ^ i ^ od r r u r u r r Y 5 p d u u c Uu u r L U r r r v L \ r u | | r 1 9 u I P r P c

i n hep is tonod.

Frornhebore n hep is ton od oo t , heo i li c r o . r l h ' ^ r ^ h t h a ^ / ^ c c h o r . l r ^ a . l i c . h r r ^ o

c n ^ , t r n d r ^ , e l ^ t t - d ^ i n . : - ^ : ! - r a ^ - ^J | J v u ! L ' | / ' | - J

r r ' > l u v l r L v t i r l

g ine f ame as we i l as th rougha con t ro l

902,0 49

device or checking he flow and tempera-tu re .

Thepiston od foot estson a facecufoutin the crosshead in and is guidedby an i n o i n t h o n r n c c h o e r l

In order o match he different ngine ay-outs, he enginecan be equippedwith ashimbetweenhepiston odand hecross-neao.

The od s fastenedo thecrossheadinby

means of four screws hat are screwedthroughhe piston od foot nto he cross-head.Thescrews re ocked i th ocking ire.

P is ton rod s tu f f ing box

Thebore or heprstonod n the bottom fthe scavenge ir box s fittedwith a pistonrodstufl ing ox,which s designedo pre-vent the lubricating i l in the crankcasefrombeingdrawnup into he scavenge irspace.

Thestuff ing oxalsopreventscavenge ir(in the scavenge ir space) rom leakinginto he crankcase.

The stuff ing ox is mounted n a flangewhich s bolted o the bottomof the sca-venge irspace.

The stuff ing ox is removed ogetherwiththepiston odduring iston nspection,utcanalsobe dismantledor nspectionn thecrankcaseh i le hep is ton emains ount -ed n heeng ine .

The stutf ing ox housing onsists f twoparts,whicharebolted ogether.

Thehous ings prov ided i th ivemach inedr ing rooves :

- Theuppermostrooves prov ided i thath ree par t sc raper ing w i th ob l iqueedges , h ichserves o prevent ludgef rom hescavengeox rom e ing raw-ingdown o theo ther ings .

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The two next ringg ooves re provided

wi thsea l ingings , o prevent cavenge

air from passing ownwards long hep is tonod.

The two lowermost ing groovesarefittedwithscraperingswhich crapehelubricatingi loff hepiston od.From he owermostroad roove,heoi lis returned o the crankcase,hrough

boresn hes tu f f ingoxhous ing .

Through ores n the hous ing nda p ipe ,

tne narrow craper ng groovecommunl-cateswitha controlunnel n theoutside ftneengrne .

This unnelprovides meansof checkingthat hesealingingsand scraper ingsarefunctioningorrectly:

- Blow-by f air ndicatesefectiveealingrings,whileexcessiveilpointso defec-tivescraper ings.

Eachof the two sealing ing grooves refitted with two lour-partsegment rlngsguided y hvocylindricalins.

Thepartsareheld n place ound hepiston

rod by meansof a sealing ing,a holderring and two helicalsprings,which areguided y flapson theoutside l theholdernng.

Eachof thescraperings s in th ree ar ts .

whichareheld n place ound hepiston odby means f spec ia l o lders , ne set fortwo scraper ings, ndoneset orsixscra-per r ings ,and he l ica l p r ingswh ichare

beddedn mach inedrooves n heouts ideof heho ldes.

The co r rec t os i t ion ingf the scraper ings

is ensured y cy l indr i ca lins n eachho lder .

Gaps a t rhe erd o r t l - e r rngsegments n-

s r_ , re"a r tne' t ' r gs

w . l , bear aga ins t hep is ton ode ' /en n worncond i t ion .

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Pis ton and Pis ton Rod Pla te90201-105

0 6 0

o 8 4



0 2 3

0 3 5

a 4 7

1 1 8

1 3 1


1 5 5

1 6 1

o J5

. i l -

1 i 9

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Pla te 90201-15 Pis tonand P is ton F lod

I t e mN o .


Standard o.

0 1 1023035


084096t u o

1 1 8

1 3 11 €1 5 5t o /


ScrewScrewLocking irePiston kirtP is toning ,No.P is toning ,No.Piston ing,No.P is toning ,No.P stonPipe orcoo l ing

Piston odSealingingSealingingScrewScrew

E N 6 1 A W1 O 5 O



EN17Q8250EN17Q6280E N 6 1 A NO 7 O

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P i s t o nR o d S t u f i n g B o x Pla te90205-79

r J J

l .

c l 4

o 8 6


1 C B

1 2 ^

1 5 7

1 6 9





r 'I


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Pla te90205-79Pis ton Rod Stu l l ing 8ox

ItemN o .


Standard o.

0 1 302sU ) U

4740 8 60 9 81 0 8121I ' J J

1 5 /l o Y

l a z

1 9 42041 t o


253277285290, t t z


O-r ingNutScrewTopscraper ingSpr ingCover ealingingSpr ing inPack ealing ingSea l inging , omple teSea l inging

SpringHo lderScraperingPinScrapering, ompleteHo lderP l nHo lderScrapering, ompleteStuffngboxhousingStu f ngboxhous ing,ompl .Fitted olt

FlangeGuide in

EN 7M6250E N 8 9 D ,1 5E N 6 1 W1 2 7 5

E N 1 Q 3 1 2

E N 6 6 8 1 0 4 0


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Cyl inder inerand Cyl inder ubr ica t ion

Cyl inder rame

P a te94301

Thecy l inderec t ion f theeng ine ons is ts

o f a cast y l inderrame, h ich s t igh tened

together i th heeng inerameboxnd he

bedpate by meansof through'goingtay

bo l ts .

Twoboresor each y l inder .neat he op

and one half-way own nside he cylinder

f rame, nc losehecy l inderiners .

The owerpartof the cylinderrame orms

thescavenge lrspace.

Bores n the bot tom f the cy l inderrame

enclosehepiston odstuff ing oxes.

On the exhaust ide of the cylinderrame

thereare openings hichconnecthe sca-

vengeairspaces roundhe cylinderiners

wi th he ong i tud ina lcavenge t r rece iver

o f heeng ine .

Furthermore,hereare nletpipes or cool-

ingand ubr ica t ingi l .

Thecylinderrame sprovided ithcleaning

and nspec t ionovers iv ing ccesso the

scavcnge irspace.

On the frontside of the cylinderrame,a

camshaft ousings formed, hich upports

thecamshaft. overs re nstalledor easy

accessor nspectionndadjustmentf the

Studs or fasteninghe cylrn0er overs re

mountedn hecy l inderrame

Cy l inder iner


Abovehecy l inderrame,hecy i inderineris sur roundedy wocoo l ingacke ts .

V i ton ubber ings t he opandbot tom f

the coo l ing acke ts nsure 00 i rng a ter

s e a n g .

9 0 3 . 0 1 - 5 0

The cy l inderiner s c lamped etweenhetop of the cylinderrameand the cylinder

coverand is guidedby the bore half-waydown nside he frame,so that t can ex-pand reely ownwards henheated uring

the unn ing t heeng ine .

Sea l ing ga ins teakage f scavengei r s

obtainedby means of two Viton rubber

rings ocated n machined rooves n the

gu ide f hecy l inderiner .

A bore s ocated etweenhesealinglngs'

enablinghe effectivenessf the sealingobe checked.

Thepartof the cylinderinerwhich s loca-

ted n the scavenge ir spaceof the cylin-

der rame s provided itha number f sca-

venge irports,which reuncoveredy he

prstonwhen his s in its bottomposit ion.

The scavenge ir ports are boredat an

obliqueangle o the axis of the cylinder

l iner o as o give hescavenge jra rotary

movementn hecy l inder .

In he cy l inderiner here rea number f

boresurithnon-returnalves or supplyof

lubricatingil o thecylinder.heboresare

arranged n two levelsdue to the long


On theworking u face of thecylinder'he

boresare connectedo lubricatingrooves

lo ensure n evendistributionf the oil .

Cy l inder ubr ica to rs


The eng ine s equ ipped i th one or two

cy l inderubr ica to rs ,epend ingn henum'

bero i engnecy l inders .

The ubricatorsredriven ygearwheelsn

theaftmost ndof the camshaft.

The ubncators aybe speed-dependenwhere he cy l inder i l dosage o l lowshe

eng ine peed.

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Regardingthe cylinder lubricatorsproper,relerences made o the special nstruction


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Cyl inderFrame

F T R C N S ID f


P l a t e9 0 3 0 1 E 8 8

2 5 5

2 5 /

2 t 9

2 6 1

A - A

o t 5

4 2 1

0 3 9

o 4 0

0 5 2


c J 6

o 8 B

" 1 1

1 2 3

B - B C - C l , ) - t )

2r i )

3 0 2

, 1 1 4

3 2 6

2 1 8



3 a l

t )42

,tcl l

r .

A f-r

/1 |

i? -At i SrDf


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Plate90301-E88yl inderFrame

I t em

N o .Par tDescr ip t ion


Standard o.

0 1 5 C o v e rAzi I O-r ing039 Screw

A52 I Nut064 P pebend

076 | C lean ingover , omPle te088 | Sea l ing ing

1 1 1 I S t u d123 I Nut

135 | Cy l inderrame147 I Stud1 6 0 | N u t172 | Pro tec t iveap'1B4 | Stud for cyl inder over

1 9 6 | N u t206 | Fitted olt218 J Screw231 | D is tanceipeL=10243 | Screw255 I Cover2 6 / | b c r e w

279 | Cover280 | Guidepin

292 | S tud302 | D s tance iece3 1 4 | N u t326 | Screw351 | P otectiveube363 | Sea l ing ing375 | Bushing387 | S tu f f i ng ox hous ing

399 | StuO

410 | S tud422 | D is tanceiece =50

446 | D stance iece

500 | Lock ing la te

E N 6 1 V 1 2 3 5E N s 1 N 1 2 2 5E N g 1 1 2E N 3 3 C 1 3

EN17M6320E N 5 1 K 13 5E N 9 1 1 6

E N 5 1 1 6 3 0

E N 9 1 R 2 4

E N 6 1 T 2 4 1 2 0EN 5OALO03BE N 6 1 W1 2 7 5

E N 6 1 V 1 2 2 5

E N 2 8 1 0 6 0E N 5 1 N 2 0 8 s

E N 9 1 R 2 OEN6'1T24140


EN51M2490EN150A10038E N 6 1 W1 2 9 0

180,212400 8

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P l a t e9 0 3 0 2 -E 9 8C y l i n d e r i n e ra n d C o o l i n g a c k e t

l t em

N o .PartDescription


Standardo .

E 0 1422n.) A

0460 5 8071095

E 1 0 51 1 7I 1 J

I J U154t o o

1781 9 1201l t J



GasketCoo l ing a ter onnec l ionScrewO-r ingCoo l ing a ter onnec t ionScrewCoo l ing a ter o nec t ionGasketCoolingacket


O-ringCoolingacketColl ing ater on ectionScrewGasketClampScrewNo - re tu rna lve , omple teThrust ieceSpr ingBa l lValvehousing

Cy l inderiner

E N 1 4 A E 1 5

E N 6 1 W1 2 6 0EN 7M330

E N 6 1 W1 2 8 0


E N 6 1 V 1 2 2 2

EN61W 1040

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Mount ing f Lubr icators Plate 90305-66


C 1 t -


. - :a i1

1 1 , -

---- -'-./'-



, " - /

9 0 6 0 5

-'''' ,-n--,-t'

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Plate 0305-66Mount ing f Lubr icators

ItemN o .


Standard o.

0170290300420540660780 9 11 0 1137

1 4 91 5 0t o z


GuardLubricatorKeyCouplingScrewBracketDistance ieceNut .


SpringwasherScrewScrewFitted olt

EN49 832

E N 6 1 W 1 2 1 5 0

E N 9 1 R 1 2E N Q 1 0 3 6

E N 3 11 OE N 6 1 V 1 0 1 6E N 6 1 W 1 2 1 2 0

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FuelOi l System

F u e lP u m p


Eachenginecylinders equippedwith lsown fuel pump,which s mounted n thecamshaft ousing ver he camshaftectioncorrespondingo thecylinder oncerned.

The squarebaseof the fuelpumphousingis providedwith a groove o receiveanyleaking i l , which s subsequentlyrainedoff hrough drainpipe.

ln thebase,a bore s providedor a toolhedrackwhichcontrolshe quantity f fueloi ldelivered y thepump.

At the op, he pumphousings closed y alop coverwhich s attached y meansofnutsandstuds ilted n thepumphousing.

The pump barrel s attached o the topcover y means f six screws. n heupper

side, he topcover sprovided itha com-

bined uction/puctu e valve.

A number f semi -c i rcu la rh imsare in-

serted etweenhe opcover nd hepump

housrng .

By removing r inserting uch shims, hepump barrel can be sl ightly oweredorraised n relationo theplunger, nd n thisway the init ialmoment f fuel oi l inlectioninto the enginecylinder an be adjusted,

and hemax imumressurehus hanged.

The removalof one set (2/2) shimswil l

inc reasehe max imumressurey approx .2.5bar

Thepumpbarre l ndp lunger usta lwaysgo together ndcannot e replacedndivi-dua l l y .

The pumpbarre l s prov ided i th wo o i l

cu t 'o f fho leswh ichare covered nd un-r n o r o n | , r r i r r n t h o l r e v o l n t t n o n l ' , n ^ o r

r i i vY ' v

i i Y v i

, v h rn he bar re l .

- - s : r - c t i on , n con junc t ion i th he urn ing: ' : -a p i tnqe r e f fec tod y the regu la t ing

90901 70

gear,serves o regulatehe amountof oi linjectednto he engine yl inder.

The ower artof thebarrel s guidedn theboreo f the pumphous ing . ne O-r ing sfitted n grooves n theoutside f the barrelto sealbetween umpbarrel ndhousing.

A bore n the pumphousing etween hesealingingswil ldrainoff any eakage il .

Thepumpplungers provided itha guide

blockdesignedo travel n the mil led ey-

way n theregulatinguide.

At the bottomt hasa footwhich eslson asteeldisc n the bayonetointat the rol lerguideneck.A clearance f approx. .1mmbetween he plunger oot and the rollerguidepermitsurning f lhe plungern theroller uide.

The regulatinguide s able o turn n lhebottom f thepumphousing.

On the oulside he regulatinguidehas atoothed im o meshwith he above-men-tjonedoothedackat he baseof thepumpnousng.

The oothedimand oothedackaremark-ed with inesenablinghe parts o be posi-

t ioned orrectly f lerdisassembly.

The oothedack s inked ogether ith heregulating ear of the engine hrougha

spring-loadedonneclion. hus, in theevent f a sticking umpplunger,he regu-lal ing ear or heremaininguelpumpswil lnotbe blocked.

in the top coverof the purnp, puncturevalve s f tted.

The punc ture a lveconsrs ts f a p is ton

wh ichcommunica tesi th the con t ro l i rsys tem f heeng ine .

In theevent f ac tua t ionf the shut -downsystem, ndwhenS'|OP s activated,om-pressed i r is supp l iedo the top of thep is ton , aus jnghe p is tonwi th p in to bepressed ownward nd

'punc tu re"the o i l

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309.02 0

f l ow o the fue lva lve .As longas the punctu reva l ve s ac l i va ted ,he ue lo i l s re tu rned through p ipe o thepumphous i r rg ,ndno in jec t ionakesp lace .

Two screw plugs are f i t ted in the pumphous ingoppos i te he cu t -o f fho leso f thebarrel . The oii jets which are ejectedthrough he cut-offholes at the end of thedel ivery slroke wi l i h it the screw plugs,wh i chcan be rep laced hen hey are e rooeo.

A shockabsorber P la te 0915) s ins ta l l edin the ma jn ue l p ipe o take up the p res -su repu lsa lons .

The fuel oi l is suppl ied hrough he pipeonthe ron to f thepumphous ing l a pressureof about B bar from the electr ical ly r ivenc i r cu la t i ng ump. The pressure s keptcons tan t y a by-pass a ive p la te90915) .The o i l c i r cu la tesound he pump bar re l ,u rh ich ;s huskepteven ly ea ted .

On the rears de of the hous ing res t r i c t i onp lug s f i l t ed , romwherea su i tab le mounto f fue lo i l s l edaway.

Th is c i r cu ia t i on f warm o i i th rough hepump ensu res ha t the pump can be pre-healed pr ior to start jngand be kept warmdunng s top of the eng ine_ he o i l passesf rom he in le tp i pe , n para l ie l ,h rough hegap between umphous ing ndbar re l , ndthrough

the suction valve and the cut-of lho les o the res l r i c t i on l ug and the ou t l e tp tpe .

Dur ing he suc t i on t roke , he spr ing loadedsuc t i on a lveopensand hede l i very ham-be r s { i l l edw i tho i l .As soonas the p iungerhas covered the cut-off holes during i tsupwardmovement n the pump bar re l , hein j ec t i on commences th rough . l he

fue lva lves . he in jec t i on i l l as tun t i l he cu t -o f f ho lesare uncovered y the ob i ique

u t -o f f edges of the p lunger , o l low ingwh ichthe o i l s io rced hrough wo mi i led roovesa l the s ide o f the p lunger nd ou l th roughthe cu t o f f hoes o l the bar re ldur ing heres to f thede l i very l roke .

A numberc l j temsregard ing ng lneper ,fo rmance nd ue lpump

ad jus tment ave obe no ted :

1 ) The load ba lance between on theindividual yl inders houldbe adjustedal normal service oad. Adjustment sdone by chang inghe pump ndex.Atpart load, some varial ions n the loadbalancemay be expecled.

Regarding the basis for adjustment ofthe load balance,see Volume , Chap-ter 706, 'Evaluation of Records', ttem1.1, Mean


2 ) The fue l pump indexwi l l normal l y ereduced when changing over fromdiesel oi l operation o heavy luel oi lope ra t i onor the same engrnepower .This s due to di fferencesn the speci l icgravi ty,calor i f lcvalue, etc. The pmaxshou ldbe checkedwhen chang ing oanother unke r s changes n combus_

tjoncondit ions an alwaysbe expected.

Fue l Pump Actua t ingGear


The uelpumpactuatingearsare itted nthecamshaf trame f heeng ine .

The uelpump s actuated y a camon the

camshaft.The movement s transmiedthroughhe ro l le r u ide o the p lungernthe barre l f lhe pumphous jng h ich_throughhe hrgh-pressureipes is con-nectedwith he fuelvalves n the cylindercover .

The oller uide s orced ownwardsy heac t ion f a he l ica l p r ingrxed etweenhecapon the oller urde nd hebaseplate tthe pumphousing,o that he roller f lhe

roller u de ollourshecamon thecamshaft.

Thep lungeres ts n a lh rus t iece n theneck f he o l le r u rde nd s ockedo thero l le r u ldeby a bayone lock.The ro l le rgu ide tse l i s p reventedrom urn ing ym e a n s fa k e .

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' c , .e r gu de fo r each fue l pump^ : : ' oc ra ies a sh i f t i ng o l le r , onnectedo

i - : ' r a ' g L i o eb y m e a n so f a n a n g u l a r: s f ,aceab le ink .

i ^e pumphous ing s a t tachedo the cam-

, -a i : rous i rg by fou rs tuds .The thread n

:, ' , ,c i these is long enough 10 permit he

; ' aoua i eas ing o f the ro l le rgu ide spr ing, . vhend i sman t l i nghe components .

Each ue lpumpcan be put ou t o f ac l ion y

means f a manua l i f t i ngoo l ,wh ich an i f t

i he ro l le r u ide o l le r reeo f the fue lcam.See Volume l, Procedure909-5.

Revers ingMechanism

Revers ings ach ievedyshi f t inghe ol leri n the fue lpump dr i vemechan i sm t each

cy nde r . The l ink connect ing he ro l le r

gu ideand o l le r s prov ided i tha reve rs ing

arm, and a pivot s mountedat the top end

of thereversing rm. The pivot ravels n a

reversing guide connected to an ai

cy l i nde r . he ink s se l f - lock in gn e i therhe

AHEADor ASTERN os i t i on i thou t hea id

of external orces.Eachcyl inder s reversed

ind iv iCua l l y ,nd the reve rs ingmechan ism

is ac t i va ted y compressed i r .

Fue lO i l H igh -P ressu rei p e s


Al l h igh-pressureipes n the sys tem reprovidedwith f exible, teelwire-armu edhoses r a pro tec l iveu te r ;pe . hespacebelween he pipeand the protective osecomrrun ica tes .h rough r i l led assagesnthe langes , i tha d ra inbore n thepumpI O p C O V e r .

F u e l O i l L e a k a g eA l a r m ( O p t i o n )

Each fue l pump is . v i a d ra in p ipes ,con-nec led o a commondra in ank ,wh ich n -corpora tes leve l w i t ch . he dra in ank sa so equ ipped lh an ove r f w p pe , lh ich^ :s a smal ld ran bore be low,whereby i l


f rom mal l eakagesanbe dra inedo theoutlet, i t hout ctuatinghe evel witch.

ln theevent f pipe ractures r major eak-ages in the system, he aforementionedborewi l lno tbe la rge nougho a l low heincreased i l quantityo pass,and the oillevel n he drain ankwil l iseunti l t reach-es the evel f theoverflow ipe.

The risingorl level wil l cause he levelswitch o actuate n alarm.

Fuel Va lve


The uelvalve onsisls f a valvehead041and a valvehousing 24.Fittedwithin hevalvehousings a non-returnalve 65anda spindle uide090witha pressure pring089, nda nozz le 00 .

When he uelvalve s f i tted n the cylindercover, hevalvepartsare ightenedogeth-er by the pressurerom he securing ulsbeing ransmittedhrough alvehead,non-return alve,spindle uide,and nozzle othevalve ousing, hich s pressednto hetaperedbore in the cylinder over.Thescrewskeep the valve head and valvehous ingogether u r ing ismant l ingl thefue l a lve .


Thenon-re lu rna lve 0910/065ompr isesva lve ous ingA) , l ide B) , l ide p r ingC). n . l t h r , , c t n i a n o / D \

l n the c losedpos i t ion . l ide spr ing C)pressesl ide B)aga ins the apered a lveseat nva lve ous ing ,anda by-passorein he openab lesi l o c i rcu la te .hes l idewi l l open when the pressure xceedsapprox . 0 bar ;a t the same ime, he by -

pass ore s c los d.

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90904 70

The sp ind le gu ide 90910/090compr i sessp ind le u ide E)andsp ind le F) .Thep res -

sure spr ing90910/089s compressed etween he non returnvalve and the spjndlegu ide , nd cont ro lshe open ing ressure fthe ue lva lve . heopen ing ressu res p re -de termined y the d imens ions f the pa r ts .Optional ly, n extradisc can be inserted ora i se he open ing ressu re y 15 bar .

The non - re tu rna lveand sp ind le u idearecompleteuni tswithin hemselves nd musl

nol be separated.

The unctioningf the uelvalve s as fol lows:

Position I:

Thee lec t r i ca lue lo i lc i r cu la t i ngump i rcu -l a tespreheated i l th rough he fue l pumpand fuei valve. n the fuel valve he oi l pas-ses through he central bore of t he valvehead to the bore through sl ide B, leavingthrough he circulal ion ore n the top oi the

s l ide .

From he circulat ion ore he oi l f lows o theouter compartment f the non,return alve,and to the compartmentsurrounding hepressure pr ing 0910/089romwhere , iaa bore, l f lows through he valve housingand ou t h roughan ou l le tp ipe on the s ideof the valve head.

Thence he o i l i s passed hrough he in te -r ior of


body to an outlel pipe onthe s i deo f the va l vehead.

The space round he taperedvalveseal ofs l i deB i s a l so i l l edwi lho i l ,bu t hec i r cu la t -ing pump pressure s loo low to l i f t thes l ide , s the o rceo f the s l i despr ing n thesp ind le u idecannot e overcome.

Position Il:

When he pressure t the beg inn ing f thefue l pump 'sde l i very t rokehas bu i l tup toapprox . 0 bar , he res is tan l ressure resented y the s l i de p r i ngs exceeoeo, nothes l ide s pressed p agarns the breas l ft h e h r u s t i e c eD , . e . h ed i s l : r l c e D 1 " np la te90911

This upwardmovement loses he by-passbo re , nd heo i l nowpasses hes l i deva l veseat and f lowsonward o the compartmentaroundva l ve sp ind leF ' s seat in sp ind legu ideE.

Position III

When pressurehas reached he predeter-mjnedopeningvalue or the f uel valve, heforceof the thrustspring s overcome.Thespindle wi l l be l i f ted - distance "D2" onplate 90911- and oi l in jected hrough he

nozzle nto he enginecyl inder.

On completion t the del iverystroke, i rstthe valve spindie and then the sl ide arepressedagainst he respecl ive eals. njec-l ronnowceases,and oi l starts o recirculatethrough he valve (Position l)).

l f , for some reason, the valve spindleshouldbe st icking n the spindleguide, hesl idewi l l , n j ls closedposi t ion, revent he

c i r cu la t i ngump rom press ing i l t h roughlhe nozzle,and thus obviate he r isk of theeng ine y l inder e ing i l l edwj tho i l .

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S 3 5 M C

Fu e lPump

a l 7


0 3 0


0 9 1

1 0 1


' , A a


1 9 8

2 0 8

2 3 3

I 9€i


3 1 { ,

32f l

35. i

37- l

3 8 9

B 1 t '

c r JI

2 4 5 tJ b 3


8 1 8

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Pla te 90901-12

3 1 6





5 3b


5 E 1

6 7 6

5 8 8

1 1 1

8 3 1


3 8 9

3 7 1

4 0 0



4 1 24 2 4

4 3 6

8 0 6 8 3 1 f - - -88lr 6.3

4 6 1


8 4 3

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? a : e 3 I 3 : 1 - j J F u e l P u m P

- , t l o s c n t r o nMANIB&W


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: 3 :

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: J '

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i . f i

: ) - I1

: : .

( : i

: - J

2 a -

: J J

. . .: : : 1

aa.1a - a: a :

s : -

P ugscrewGu id e i nP u gscrew

ScrewS h im sP r m ^ h ^ | | e i n .

Fe t r ingP lug c rewGasketScrewO-r ingg 2 a k r r n r i n d

TopcoverGu ide inO-r ingPump arre lBackup ingO-r ingP lu n g e rQ : c t r i . t i ^ n ^ 1 , , ^

G r i r l o h r r c h i n n

C o ^ , , l . r i ^ ^ ^ , ' . { o

D scP u gscrewScrewFlangScrewToothedack

Po in te rO-r ingO-r ingAi rp is tonO-r ingBe l lowsThrus t ieceScrewP u gVa lve ous ingSpr ing

C ' rn gC c n n e c t i o nO - r igV l ! e h o u s in g

E N 9 1 1 2

E N 1 P 6 1 6


E N 4 7 R 1 O


E N 1 P 1 0 2 8E N1 7 Q 6 B O


E N 6 tU 8 1 6

E N 6 1 W1 2 8 0

E N 6 1 V 6 2 0

E N 7 Q 3 3 0


E N 7 0 3 2 3

E N 1 7 O 3 3 s

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P l a t e

(con t . )

9 0 9 0 1 -14 F u e l P u m P

I temN o .

Par tDescr ip t ionMANB&W

Standard o .

7357477597 6 0772806

8 1 8

B 3 1843855

Conicalring 2/2ConeSpringValvehousingSp in lePumpbarreland oPcover,comple lePump ar re l i thp lu ger ,

completeP.uncturealve,completeSuc t io va lve , omPle te

Combinedunc ture ndsuctio valve,comPlete

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P l a t e9 0 9 0 2 -8 1u e lP u m p G e a

5 3 8

5 5 1

56 3


?-.!,)6 i t9

21 i - l4 1 0

' ' r "

0 1 2


0 3 6

3 42 8 8

3 6 C2 6 4

a - l2l c.

5 6 3. J 3 -



J J '

i 9

1 2 0

r 32



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1."I ..[ "

S 35MC

L r j ) t )

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P l a t e 9 0 9 0 2 - 8 1 F u e lP u m pG e a r


Standard o. ar tDescr ip t ion

EN17 i l /3155

E N 1 P 6 2 4

E N 6 1 U 6 1 0EN17 [ / ' 13190E N 4 7 U 1 O

E N 6 3 P 8 1 6

E N 6 1 T 1 2 8 0

E N 9 1 R 2 4

E N1P 1 0 2 0


EN 8 9 6 , 1EN17Q375

E N 7 0 3 8 0E N 6 1 V 6 1 2

E N 9 1 S 2 4

E N 6 1 T 2 0 1 1 0

E N 6 1 V 1 2 2 0

26427628B3 1 1323335347360372.t at.+


4 1 8A6 C: ,

4674794804925425265383it I


5 7 55 8 75 9 95 0 9

Sea l ingingSp ingPump aseBush ingor o l legu ide ,comple teBush ingGuide inGu ide lockScrewSea l ingingPlug crew

StopscrewRevers ingechan ism,comple teGuideor evers ingShaftGu ide p ind leGu ide p ind leScrewStudN u tt r r a l n r r m n r ^ l l o r l r | | ; . l o

comple te

Th rus t ieceRol le r u deL ink o r revers ingGu idep inBasep la teShaf p inBear ing ush ingR o l l e rScrewScrewAi rcy i inderLock ing ia te

F lange o r a i r cy l inderFue lo i lsea i ing , omp le teStuSe l f l ock ing utSea l ing ingSea l ing ushSea l ing ingScrewStudN u tB u s h i n gP i n

Screwca pF l a n g eScrew

: 3 n 1 .

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F u e lP u m p G e a r P l a t e9 0 9 0 2 -8

S 3 5 M C

4 1 2


o 3 6

2 3 96 C 9


l^I ,::

347I 3 6 0

-+ 2645 5 1

2 1 55 6 3

3 3 5

2 8 8

3 1 r

32 3

3 3 5

3 4 1

3 6 C

3 1 2

3 8 4

3 9 5


5 3 8

5 5 r

5 6 3

5 7 5

2 5 2

0 4 8

0 7 3



1 0 7

1 1 9

1 2 0

i 3 2



1 8 1

r 9 J

20f ,

2 1 5

. 1 O 6

. r l i a_l.i..

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Fu e l P u m PG e a r

- . . - : < . r \o t l o

E N 6 1 v 6 1 G


Standard o

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Pla te90902-B

( c o n t . )

F u e l P u m p G e a r

I t e m

N o .Part Descript ion

MANB&WStandard o .

6 1 06226346466 5 8b / |

b d J

CoverScrewLockwasherSea l ingangeScraperingScraperingFIang

E N 6 1 V 6 1 6EN29Q6

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F u e lV a l v e Pla te90910-75

0 8 9

2 0 f



0 1 € ,

c 4 i

@- o.-

c 6 5

". ', ,

./ 1 t t''


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Pla te90910-75Fue lVa lve

I temN o .

Par tDescr ip t ionMANB&W

Standard o.

0 1 60280410530650890901 0 01 1 2124

t J o148t o l



o-r ins I EN17O320 |Screw I EN61T835 IValvehead | |o - r i n g | E N 1 7 O 3 3 0 |Non-returnalve

I ISpring I iSp ind leu ide nd p ind le I INozzle | |G u i b e i n lE N 1 P 6 2 0 |Ho lder i I

o-rins Ie uros+o IGuideinIEN1P46

Ipring | |Add i t iona lisc , 15bar

)| |t l) Optional xtras | |

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F u e lV . l v e


P l a t e 0 9 1 1 - 1 2

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High-pressure ipes Pla te90913-71

4 1 2

a: :1

c l 5

0 b 1

C l r


a : a

i 9 r


0 3 5

ar l j -

" : i

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Pla te90913-71High-pressureipes


N o .PartDescription


Standard o.

a i 2

036C 1 B0 6 10 7 3085c97i t 7


1 3 2

H i g - p r e s s ue P r P e , o m P l .

U n o nn r p p l eT h r u s t u s h r n g

U n l o n u tH r g h - p r e s s u r er P eF e x r b l e o s e , o m P i e

O r i n gu n o nn l p pO r i n qH gh pre su rePrPecon . lD

H i g h - p r e s s r r ei r c

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FuelOi l System Plate 909.14-36


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Pla te90914-36Fue l O i l Svs tem

I tem

N o .Par tDescr ip t ion



0 1 80 3 10430550670790800921021 1 4t z o

1 3 81 5 1

PipeP p ePipeValveNon-returnalveBallvalvePipePipePipdPipePipePipeBallvalve

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F u e lO i l S y s t e m D e tal s P l a t e9 0 9 1 5 -1 4



1 5



1 8 2

2 5 3

2 6 5

2 7 7

2 8 t

i 9 42At2 1 h

2 2 8

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Pla te 0914 -36 ue lo i l s vs te m

i t em

N o .PartDescription


Standard o.

0 1 80 3 1U+J

055u o /079080as21021 1 4

t z o

t , t o

t 3 l

PipePipeP peValveNon-returnalveBallvalvePipePipePip6PipePipePipeBallvalve

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Pla te90915-14Fuel Oi l Sys tem- Deta i ls


Standard o. artDescriPtion




By-pass alve, omPlete

PistonSpringL inerValvehousingSea l ingingCuppoint crewSealingingUn ion ut

NutSp ind leShock bsorber,omPlele

ScrewGasketWear ingSea l ingingLockwasnerNutStud, hortStud, ongHous ing

Pis tonSpr ing , x te rna lSpr ing ,n te rna lGasketSpr ing u ide


0 1 3025037049050a62074086098

1 0 81 3 31 4 51571 6 91701821 9 4204z t o