aap-06 nato glossary of terms and definitions (french and english 2013) uploaded by richard j....

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  • 7/22/2019 AAP-06 NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (French and English 2013) uploaded by Richard J. Campbell


    AAP-06Edition 2013






  • 7/22/2019 AAP-06 NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (French and English 2013) uploaded by Richard J. Campbell


  • 7/22/2019 AAP-06 NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (French and English 2013) uploaded by Richard J. Campbell








    1. AAP-06(2013) is promulgated by theNATO Standardization Agency and iseffective NATO-wide upon receipt.

    2. All terminological entries arefollowed by a date, (day, month, year),indicating when they became NATOAgreed and inserted in AAP-06 as termsor changed if they had already beenincluded in AAP-06.

    1. L'AAP-06(2013) est promulgue parl'Agence OTAN de normalisation et entreen vigueur dans l'ensemble de l'OTANds rception.

    2. Tous les articles terminologiquessont suivis d'une date (jour, mois, anne),indiquant quand ils ont obtenu le statutAgr OTAN et t incorpors dansl'AAP-06 en tant que termes ou modifiss'ils figuraient dj dans cette publication.

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    03 April 20131 AAP-06(2013)- NATO GLOSSARYOF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS(ENGLISH AND FRENCH) is a NATOAllied publication. The agreement ofnations to use this publication is recordedin STANAG 3680.

    2 AAP-06(2013) is effective uponreceipt. It supersedes AAP-06(2012)(2),which shall be destroyed in accordancewith local procedures for destruction ofdocuments.3 It is permissible to copy or makeextracts from this publication. However,the NSA, as the custodian of AAP-06,shall be notified in writing of any suchreproduction by outside bodies orindividuals. Under no circumstances shallany of the contents of this publication bereproduced with alterations without thewritten consent of the NSA.





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    No. Reference and date of changeRfrence et date de mise jour

    Date EnteredDate d'excution


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    Part 2 / 2e Partie

    air defence control centre take out guided in the definition where it says guided

    missiles, see decision taken in TTF 2008-0031.cease engagement take out guided in the definition where it says guided missiles, seedecision taken in TTF 2008-0031.combat available aircraft change all, in term and definitions, to: combat-availableaircraftcombat ready change all, in term and definitions, to: combat-readycombat ready aircraft change all, in term and definitions, to :combat-ready aircraftcontainer anchorage terminal -French preferred term is terminal de mouillage pour porte-conteneurs.critical altitude take out guided in the definition where it says guided missile, seedecision taken in TTF 2008-0031.

    decoy deleted admitted term: dummy (TTF 1997-0002).dead space2 take out guided in the definition where it says guided missile system, seedecision taken in TTF 2008-0031.ground-controlled interception take out guided in the definition where it says guidedmissiles, see decision taken in TTF 2008-0031.operational planning change current entry as follow:

    operational planning1Preferred term: operations planningoperational planning2Preferred term: operational-level planning

    Part 3 / 3e Partie

    terminal de mouillage pour porte-conteneurs : add the admitted term mouillage abritpour transbordement(tolr)

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    Cover Page I Page de couverture

    NATO Letter of Promulgation(English-French)

    II Lettre de promulgation OTAN(anglais-franais)

    Record of Changes III Rpertoire des mises jour

    Detailed list of changes IV Liste dtaille des modifications

    Table of contents VI Table des matires

    Preface VII Prface

    Part I

    Organization and Procedures



    Organisation et procdures

    Chapter 1

    Development and maintenance ofAAP-06, NATO Glossary of Termsand Definitions (English and French)


    Chapitre 1

    laboration et mise jour de l'AAP-06, Glossaire OTAN de termes etdfinitions (anglais et franais)

    Chapter 2

    User Guide


    Chapitre 2

    Guide d'utilisation

    Lexicon 1-E-31-F-3


    Part 2

    English terms and definitions in

    English alphabetical order

    2-1 2ePartie

    Termes et dfinitions en anglais

    dans l'ord re alphabtique anglaisPart 3

    French terms and definitions inFrench alphabetical order

    3-1 3ePartie

    Termes et dfinitions en franaisdans l'ordre alphabtique franais

    Part 4

    List of abbreviations

    4-1 4ePartie

    Liste d'abrviations

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    1. This glossary is compiled by thedirection of the Military Committee and withthe approval of the NATO Council.

    Its purpose is to standardize (i) generalterminology with a specific military meaning;(ii) specialist terminology that needs to bewidely understood throughout NATO, aswell as (iii) terms that are not adequatelydefined in the NATO TerminologyProgramme (NTP)'s reference dictionaries1,thus promoting mutual understanding andstrengthening the Alliance's defencecapabilities.

    The definitions contained herein do notestablish or modify NATO policy anddoctrine, but help to express them moreclearly.

    1. Le prsent glossaire est tablisuivant les directives du Comit militaire etavec l'approbation du Conseil de

    l'Atlantique Nord.

    Il a pour but de normaliser (i) laterminologie d'ordre gnral revtant unsens militaire spcifique, (ii) la terminologiespcialise devant tre aisment comprisedans tout l'OTAN et (iii) les termes qui nesont pas dfinis de manire adquate dansles dictionnaires de rfrence1 duProgramme de terminologie de l'OTAN(NTP) ; il vise ainsi favoriser lacomprhension mutuelle tout en renforantles capacits de dfense de l'Alliance.

    Les dfinitions qui figurent dans le prsentglossaire n'tablissent ni ne modifient lespolitiques et doctrines de l'OTAN, maiselles permettent de les exprimer plusclairement.

    2. The glossary is available in electronicform in the two official languages of NATO,English and French. These versions are

    updated and made available annuallythrough the Internet (http://www.nato.int/nsa/nsdd/ListPromulg.html) and the intranet(MINERVA and CRONOS): NATO HQSitesNSA Terminology MilitaryCommittee Terminology ConferenceDocuments MCTC Documents AAP-06.

    2. Le glossaire est disponible en versionlectronique dans les deux languesofficielles de l'OTAN, l'anglais et le franais.

    Ces versions sont mises jour et publieschaque anne sur Internet(http://www.nato.int/nsa/nsdd/ListPromulg.html) et sur Intranet (MINERVA etCRONOS) : NATO HQ SitesNSAStandardization Terminology MilitaryCommittee Terminology ConferenceDocuments MCTC Documents AAP-06.

    3. In accordance with STANAG 3680and C-M (2005)0023, Directive on the

    NATO Terminology Programme, the termsand definitions contained herein have beenapproved by all NATO nations.

    3. Conformment au STANAG 3680 etau C-M(2005)0023, intitul Directive sur le

    Programme OTAN de terminologie, lestermes et dfinitions figurant dans laprsente publication ont t approuvs partous les pays de l'OTAN.

    1 The reference dictionaries for the NTP are the Concise Oxford English Dictionary and le Petit Robert. /

    Les dictionnaires de rfrence pour le NTP sont le Concise Oxford English Dictionary et le Petit Robert.

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    4. The glossary is divided into four mainparts:

    Part 1.Organization and Procedures.

    Part 2.NATO Agreed terms and definitions

    of military significance in English. Thecorresponding French preferred terms areshown immediately following the Englishentry term e.g., nominal weapon / arme depuissance nominale.

    Part 3.NATO Agreed terms and definitionsof military significance in French. Thecorresponding English preferred terms areshown immediately following the Frenchentry term e.g.

    arme de puissancenominale / nominal weapon

    Part 4. List of Abbreviations

    4. Le glossaire est divis en quatregrandes parties :

    1rePartie. Organisation et procdures

    2e Partie. Termes et dfinitions

    d'importance militaire agrs OTAN enanglais. Les termes franais privilgiscorrespondants sont indiqusimmdiatement aprs le terme anglais, parexemple nominal weapon / arme depuissance nominale.

    3e Partie. Termes et dfinitionsd'importance militaire agrs OTAN enfranais. Les termes anglais privilgiscorrespondants sont indiqusimmdiatement aprs le terme franais,par exemple arme de puissancenominale / nominal weapon .

    4ePartie. Liste d'abrviations

    5. After the introduction of abbreviationsin AAP-06(2008) to comply with the layoutfor NATO glossaries prescribed by C-M(2007)0023, Guidance for theDevelopment and Publication of NATO

    Terminology, the NATO Terminology Office(NTO), which is responsible for issuingAAP-06, decided to change theabbreviations list to a unilingual format (withsome exceptions) in the 2009 edition ofAAP-06. Upon reflection, the NTOconsidered that the bilingual presentationprescribed by the Guidance led to confusionin a number of cases. As a result, thesecond edition of the Guidance will beadapted accordingly.

    After having looked up the termcorresponding to an abbreviation, users ofthis NATO glossary may look up furtherinformation, including the translation of theterm in the other language, in the full entrieslisted in Parts 2 and 3.

    Proposals for new terms and definitions orchanges to or deletion of existing terms anddefinitions are to be made in accordancewith C-M(2005)0023, Directive on the NATO

    5. la suite de l'introductiond'abrviations dans l'AAP-06(2008) poursatisfaire la prsentation desglossaires OTAN prescrite par leC-M(2007)0023, Guide pour l'laboration

    et la publication de la terminologie del'OTAN,Service de terminologie de l'OTAN(NTO), qui est responsable de la diffusionde l'AAP-06, a dcid de modifier la listed'abrviations, dsormais unilingue (quelques exceptions prs) dansl'dition 2009 de l'AAP-06. Rflexion faite,NTO a estim que la prsentation bilingueprescrite par le Guide prtait confusiondans un certain nombre de cas. Ladeuxime dition du Guide sera adapte

    en consquence.

    Aprs avoir recherch le termecorrespondant une abrviation, lesutilisateurs du prsent glossaire OTANpourront consulter les articles completsfigurant dans les 2eet 3eparties pourobtenir de plus amples informations,notamment, pour connatre la traduction duterme dans l'autre langue.

    Les propositions visant insrer denouveaux termes et dfinitions ou modifier ou supprimer des termes etdfinitions existants doivent tre formules

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    Terminology Programme andC-M(2007)0023, Guidance for theDevelopment and Publication of NATO

    Terminology and using a terminologytracking form, which can be downloadedfrom the NSA's protected Internet site.

    conformment la Directive sur leProgramme OTAN de terminologie(C-M(2005)0023) et au Guide pourl'laboration et la publication de la

    terminologie de l'OTAN (C-M(2007)0023),au moyen de la fiche de suivi

    terminologique qui peut tre tlcharge partir du site Internet protg de l'AON.

    7. All suggestions and inquiriesconcerning this glossary should be directedto the:

    NATO Terminology Coordinator

    NATO Terminology OfficeNATO Standardization Agency (NSA)

    NATO HeadquartersB - 1110 BrusselsBelgium

    Tel : +32 2 707-5530 or +32 2 707-5560Fax: +32 2 707-5718Email: [email protected]

    7. Toutes les suggestions et demandesde renseignements concernant le prsentglossaire devront tre adresses au :

    Coordonnateur de la terminologie OTAN

    Service de terminologie de l'OTANAgence OTAN de normalisation (AON)

    Sige de l'OTANB - 1110 BruxellesBelgique

    Tl. : +32 2 707-5530 ou +32 2 707-5560Fax : +32 2 707-5718Courriel : [email protected]

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  • 7/22/2019 AAP-06 NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (French and English 2013) uploaded by Richard J. Campbell




    PART 1


    Chapter 1


    1. AAP-06 is developed and maintained by the Military Committee TerminologyConference (MCTC) as part of the NATO Terminology Programme (NTP), which findsits origins in the NATO Military Terminology Standardization Programme by the NATOStanding Group in February 1954 which:

    a. assigned responsibility for the coordination of NATO military terminology to the MilitaryAgency for Standardization (MAS) (predecessor of the NATO Standardization Agency

    (NSA));b. outlined the initial steps for processing terminology;

    c. provided general terms of reference (TOR).

    The TOR have been periodically changed and updated to provide for the participation of allNATO nations. In 1970 the Air Board, MAS, promulgated NATO Standardization Agreement(STANAG) 3680 - NATO Glossary of Military Terms and Definitions (English and French)(AAP-06) to assist Service Boards, working groups and panels of experts in consideringterminology within their purview.

    The object of STANAG 3680 as stated in its 5th Edition (Amendment 1) "is to registernational acceptance of Allied Administrative Publication No 6 (AAP-06)". The details of theagreement state that "participating nations agree to use AAP-06 and any subsequentchanges published periodically as the primary glossary for NATO terms of militarysignificance and their definitions". In 2009 the NATO Terminology Management System(NTMS) was officially launched on the NSA's protected Internet site, thus taking over thepre-eminence of AAP-06 in military terminology. The NTMS includes AAP-06 and another 20glossaries and, under the NTP, is thereference for NATO terminology.

    However, for the time being, whilst the NTMS will reflect the terminology from AAP-06,electronic and paper copies of this glossary will continue to be issued each year.

    Entries for inclusion in AAP-06 shall not be classified, given that AAP-06 is made available tothe public through the Internet.

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    Chapter 2


    Structure of the glossary. This glossary is presented with an entry for each term, in theEnglish alphabetical order in Part 2, and in the French alphabetical order in Part 3.

    Abbreviations and their full forms are listed in Part 4.

    Uninotional entry. Each concept (also known as the notion) is listed in a separate entrygiving its designation(s), definition and any metadata and which is therefore said to beuninotional.

    Organization of an entry. Each entry in Part 2 contains first the preferred term in Englishfollowed by a slash and the equivalent term in French on the same line, followed on thelines below by any synonyms and abbreviations, the definition, notes, examples, cross-references to related terms and figures, the source and the date on which the entry becameNATO Agreed, i.e.:

    preferred termadmitted synonymdeprecated synonymobsolete synonymabbreviationDefinitionNotesExamplesRelated terms


    Grammatical form.Grammatical information, i.e. word class, gender and/or number, maybe given where there is a risk of misunderstanding.

    Synonymy.Non-preferred terms are also listed as separate entries in alphabetical order,giving only a cross-reference to the preferred term.

    Polysemy.When a term has more than one meaning, each meaning is given in a separateentry.

    Abbreviat ion entry.An entry in Part 4 contains only the abbreviation and its full form.

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    NATO Agreed Terminology terminologie agre OTANThe terminology that has been approved in both

    official languages of NATO by the consensus ofthe NATO member nations, through the NATOTerminology Programme.

    Terminologie qui a t approuve dans les deux

    langues officielles de l'OTAN par consensus despays membres de l'Organisation dans le cadre duProgramme de terminologie de l'OTAN.

    [CS] [CS]NATO Agreed Agr OTAN

    silence procedure procdure d'accord taciteA procedure by which concurrence is achievedunless an objection is received by a given date.

    Procdure par laquelle un accord tacite est acquis siaucune objection n'est reue d'ici une datedtermine.

    Note: Within NATO, only the member nations maybreak silence.

    Note : au sein de l'OTAN, seuls les paysmembres peuvent rompre la procdure d'accordtacite.

    [AAP-42] [AAP-42]NATO Agreed Agr OTAN

    terminology proposal proposition de terminologieA formal request to change the body of NATOAgreed terminology by adding, modifying ordeleting a terminological entry.

    Demande officielle destine changer le corpusde la terminologie agre OTAN par l'ajout, lamodification ou la suppression d'un articleterminologique.

    [AAP-42] [AAP-42]NATO Agreed Agr OTAN

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    Chapitre 1


    1. La Confrence de terminologie du Comit militaire (MCTC) labore et assure la mise jour de l'AAP-06 dans le cadre du Programme de terminologie de l'OTAN (NTP), soit, l'origine, le Programme de normalisation de la terminologie militaire de l'OTAN tabli par leGroupe permanent de l'OTAN en fvrier 1954, qui :

    a. attribuait la responsabilit de la coordination de la terminologie militaire de l'OTANau Bureau militaire de standardisation (BMS) (le prdcesseur de l'AgenceOTAN de normalisation (AON)) ;

    b. prcisait les tapes prliminaires du traitement de la terminologie ;

    c. dfinissait un mandat gnral.

    Ce mandat a t priodiquement modifi et mis jour pour permettre la participation de tous lespays de l'OTAN. En 1970, le Bureau Air du BMS a promulgu l'Accord de normalisation OTAN(STANAG) 3680 - Glossaire OTAN de termes et dfinitions usage militaire (anglais et franais)(AAP-06), afin d'aider les Bureaux d'arme, groupes de travail et commissions d'experts tenircompte de la terminologie dans leurs domaines de comptence.

    Tel qu'indiqu dans sa 5edition (Amendement 1), le STANAG 3680 a pour but d'enregistrer

    l'acceptation, par les pays, de l'AAP-06. Les modalits de l'accord stipulent que les paysparticipants sont convenus d'utiliser l'AAP-06, y compris ses corrections ultrieures, commeprincipal glossaire OTAN de termes d'importance militaire et leurs dfinitions . Depuis sonlancement officiel sur le site Internet protg de l'AON en 2009, le Systme de gestion de laterminologie de l'OTAN (NTMS) prime sur l'AAP-06 en matire de terminologie militaire. LeNTMS contient l'AAP-06 ainsi que 20 autres glossaires et constitue, en vertu du NTP, larfrence pour la terminologie de l'OTAN.

    Cependant, bien que le NTMS rende compte de la terminologie figurant dans l'AAP-06, desversions lectroniques et des copies papier de ce glossaire continueront, pour le moment, d'trediffuses chaque anne.

    Les articles dont l'inclusion dans l'AAP-06 est envisage ne feront l'objet d'aucune classification,l'AAP-06 tant accessible au public sur Internet.

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    Chapitre 2


    Structure du glossaire. Chacun des termes figurant dans ce glossaire est class pararticle, dans l'ordre alphabtique anglais dans la 2e Partie, et dans l'ordre alphabtique

    franais dans la 3e

    Partie. La 4e

    Partie regroupe les abrviations et leurs formes compltes.

    Art ic le un inot ionnel. Pour chaque concept (aussi appel notion), il existe un article distinctcontenant sa ou ses dsignations, sa dfinition et toutes les mtadonnes ventuelles, etqui est ainsi dit uninotionnel .

    Organisation d'un article. Chaque article de la 2ePartie contient d'abord le terme privilgien anglais, suivi par une barre oblique, ainsi que le terme quivalent en franais sur lamme ligne, et, sur les lignes suivantes, les ventuels synonymes et abrviations, ladfinition, les notes, les exemples, les renvois aux termes connexes et aux figures, la sourceet la date d'agrment OTAN, savoir :

    terme privilgisynonyme tolrsynonyme dconseillsynonyme dsuetabrviationDfinitionNotesExemplesTermes connexes


    Forme grammaticale. Des informations grammaticales, savoir la partie du discours, legenre ou le nombre, peuvent tre ajoutes lorsqu'il y a un risque de confusion.

    Synonymie. Les termes non privilgis font galement l'objet d'articles distincts, classsdans l'ordre alphabtique, avec un simple renvoi au terme privilgi.

    Polysmie.Lorsqu'un mme terme peut prendre plusieurs sens, ces derniers sont dfinisdans des articles distincts.

    Art ic le d'une abrviat ion. Les articles figurant dans la 4e

    Partie contiennent seulementl'abrviation et sa forme complte.

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    procdure d'accord tacite silence procedureProcdure par laquelle un accord est acquis siaucune objection n'est reue d'ici une datedtermine.

    A procedure by which concurrence is achievedunless an objection is received by a given date.

    Note : au sein de l'OTAN, seuls les pays membrespeuvent rompre la procdure d'accord tacite.

    Note: Within NATO, only the member nationsmay break silence.

    [AAP-42] [AAP-42]Agr OTAN NATO Agreed

    proposition de terminologie terminology proposalDemande officielle destine changer le corpus dela terminologie agre OTAN par l'ajout, lamodification ou la suppression d'un articleterminologique.

    A formal request to change the body of NATOAgreed terminology by adding, modifying ordeleting a terminological entry.

    [AAP-42] [AAP-42]Agr OTAN NATO Agreed

    terminologie agre OTAN NATO Agreed Terminology

    Terminologie qui a t approuve dans les deuxlangues officielles de l'OTAN par consensus des paysmembres de l'Organisation dans le cadre duProgramme OTAN de terminologie.

    The terminology that has been approved in bothofficial languages of NATO by the consensus ofthe NATO member nations, through the NATOTerminology Programme.

    [CS] [CS]Agr OTAN NATO Agreed

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    PART 2


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    abac scale / abaque deconversionA nomogram for obtaining theconversion angle to apply whenplotting great circle bearings on

    a Mercator projection.01 Jul 1973

    abeam / par le tr aversBearing approximately 090 or270 degrees relative; at rightangles to the longitudinal axis ofa vehicle.18 Aug 1998

    abeam replenishment /ravitaillement coupleThe transfer at sea of personneland/or supplies by rigs betweentwo or more ships proceedingside by side.01 Jul 1980

    abort1/ avorter1To terminate a mission for anyreason other than enemyaction. It may occur at any pointafter the beginning of themission and prior to itscompletion.01 May 1973

    abort2/ avorter2To discontinue aircraft take-off

    or missile launch.01 May 1973

    abrasion / rayureIn photography, a scratch ormark produced mechanically onan emulsion surface or filmbase.01 Jan 1973

    absolute filter / filtre absoluA filter capable of cutting off100 % by weight of solidparticles greater than a stated

    micron size.01 Jan 1980

    absolute height / hauteurabsolueThe height of an aircraft directlyabove the surface or terrainover which it is flying.Related terms: altitude; altitudedatum; barometric altitude;calibrated altitude; criticalaltitude; cruising altitude;cruising level; datum level; dropaltitude; height1; high altitude;minimum safe altitude;pressure-altitude; transitionaltitude; transition level.13 Jul 1994

    absorbed dose / doseabsorbeThe amount of energy impartedby nuclear (or ionizing) radiation

    to unit mass of absorbingmaterial. The unit is the rad.01 Feb 1973

    acceleration error / erreurd'acclrationAn error caused by thedeflection of the verticalreference due to any change inacceleration of the aircraft.01 Feb 1973

    acceptable product / produitde substitutionOne which may be used inplace of another for extendedperiods without technicaladvice.Related terms: emergencysubstitute; standardizedproduct.01 Feb 1973

    acceptance trial / essai derecetteA trial carried out by nominatedrepresentatives of the eventualmilitary users of the weapon orequipment to determine if the

    specified performance andcharacteristics have been met.Related terms: consumerlogistics; production logistics.04 Nov 2005

    access procedure / procdured'accsRelated term: explosiveordnance disposal procedures.09 Jan 1996

    accompaniment /accompagnement

    In naval cooperation andguidance for shipping, thecoordinated passage through aspecific area of increased riskby one or more merchant shipsin company with military assets.Accompaniment takes placeunder a voluntary arrangementand does not imply directprotection by military assets.Related terms: merchant ship;merchant shipping; navalcooperation and guidance forshipping.

    02 Mar 2007accuracy of fir e / justesse detir

    The precision of fire expressedby the closeness of a groupingof shots at and around thecentre of the target.01 Oct 1984

    acknowledgement / aperuA message from the addresseeinforming the originator that hiscommunication has beenreceived and is understood.01 Jan 1974

    acknowledgement signal /signal d'accus de rceptionA signal sent to indicate that amessage has been receivedproperly.09 May 2000

    aclinic linePreferred term: magneticequator.

    acoustic circuit / mise de feuacoustiqueA circuit which responds to theacoustic field of a target.Related term: mine .02 May 1995

    acoustic intelligence /renseignement acoustiqueACINT

    Intelligence derived from thecollection and processing ofacoustic phenomena.01 Nov 1986

    acoustic mine / mineacoustiqueA mine with an acoustic circuitwhich responds to the acousticfield of a ship or sweep.Related term: mine1.01 Aug 1976

    acoustic minehunting /

    chasse aux mines acoustiqueThe use of a sonar to detectmines or mine-like objectswhich may be on or protrudingfrom the sea bed, or buried.01 Nov 1975

    acoustic warfare / guerreacoustiqueIn an underwater environment,the use of acoustic energy toprovoke, exploit, restrict orprevent hostile use of theacoustic spectrum and theimplementation of any measurestaken to restrict its use to friendlyforces.Related terms: acoustic warfare

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    counter-countermeasures;acoustic warfarecountermeasures; acousticwarfare support measures.13 Dec 1999

    acoustic warfare counter-countermeasures / contre-contre-mesures de guerreacoustiqueIn an underwater environment,those actions taken to ensureeffective friendly use of theacoustic spectrum by counteringhostile acoustic warfaremeasures. Acoustic warfarecounter-countermeasures involveantiacoustic warfare supportmeasures and antiacousticwarfare countermeasures, andmay not involve underwater

    acoustic emissions.Related terms: acoustic warfare;acoustic warfarecountermeasures; acousticwarfare support measures.13 Dec 1999

    acoustic warfarecountermeasures / contre-mesures de guerre acoustiqueIn an underwater environment,actions taken to prevent orreduce the use of the acousticspectrum by hostile forces.

    Acoustic warfarecountermeasures involveintentional underwater acousticemissions for deception andjamming.Related terms: acoustic warfare;acoustic warfare counter-countermeasures; acousticwarfare support measures.13 Dec 1999

    acoustic warfare supportmeasures / mesures desoutien de la guerre

    acoustiqueAWSMIn an underwater environment,actions taken to search for,intercept and identify radiatedacoustic energy for the purposeof exploiting such radiation.Note: The use of thesemeasures involves nointentional underwater acousticemission and is generally notdetectable by hostile forces.Related terms: acoustic warfare;acoustic warfare counter-countermeasures; acoustic

    warfare countermeasures.22 Jan 2010

    action information centrePreferred term: combatinformation centre.

    activate / activerIn military administration, tomake active by official order apreviously established military

    organization so that it canfunction in its assignedcapacity.13 Dec 1999

    activation detector / dtecteurde neutrons par activationA device used to determineneutron flux or density by virtueof the radioactivity induced in itas a result of neutron capture.01 Feb 1973

    active / actif(ve)

    In surveillance, an adjectiveapplied to actions orequipments which emit energycapable of being detected.01 Nov 1975

    active air defence / dfensearienne activeActive measures taken againstattacking enemy forces todestroy or nullify any form of airor missile threat or to reducethe effectiveness of any suchattack.Related terms: air defence; airsuperiority; air supremacy;counter-air operation; defensivecounter-air operation; offensivecounter-air operation; passiveair defence.20 Jun 2006

    active defence / dfense activeActive measures taken againstenemy forces to prevent, nullifyor reduce the effectiveness ofany form of enemy attack.Related term: passive defence.25 Jan 2005

    active electronic protectivemeasures / mesures deprotection lectroniqueactivesDetectable measures, such asaltering transmitter parameters asnecessary, to ensure effectivefriendly use of theelectromagnetic spectrum.Related terms: electronicprotective measures; passiveelectronic protective measures.20 Nov 1996

    active homing guidance /guidage actifA system of homing guidance

    wherein both the source forilluminating the target, and thereceiver for detecting theenergy reflected from the targetas the result of illuminating thetarget, are carried within themissile.Related term: homing guidance.

    01 Feb 1973

    active material / matirefissileMaterial, such as plutonium andcertain isotopes of uranium,which is capable of supporting afission chain reaction.01 Feb 1973

    active mine / mine dispositifactifA mine actuated by thereflection from a target of a

    signal emitted by the mine.Related term: passive mine1,2.01 Nov 1994

    active public informationpolicy / attitude active enmatire d'informationpubliqueA policy which dictates thatattempts will be made tostimulate media/public interestabout an issue or activity for thepurpose of informing the public.Interest may be stimulated bypress advisories, newsreleases, personal contacts,press conferences or otherforms of public presentation.Related term: passive publicinformation policy.01 Nov 1990

    actuate / dclencherTo operate a firing mechanismby an influence or a series ofinfluences in such a way that allthe requirements of themechanism for firing or forregistering a target count are

    met.Related term:dormant state.09 Jan 1996

    actuator / servocommandeA mechanism that furnishes theforce required to displace acontrol surface or other controlelement.01 Jan 1980

    acute radiation dose / dosed'irradiation aiguTotal ionising radiation dose

    received at one time and over aperiod so short that biologicalrecovery cannot occur.Related term: chronic radiation

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    dose.01 Mar 1979

    add / plus loinIn artillery and naval firesupport, a correction used by anobserver/spotter to indicate thatan increase in range along a

    spotting line is desired.01 Sep 1974

    additional m ilitarylayer / couche militaireadditionnelleAMLA unified range of digitalgeospatial data productsdesigned to satisfy the totality ofNATO non-navigationalmaritime defence requirements.01 Oct 2003

    ad hoc movement /mouvement improvisA movement which may occurat any time, for which necessaryor appropriate planning data isnot yet available. Thismovement will be partially orfully planned as soon as therequired information has beenprovided.Related terms: fully plannedmovement; partially plannedmovement.01 Nov 1990

    adjust fire1/ prt rglerIn artillery and naval firesupport, a method of controltransmitted in the call for fire bythe observer or spotter toindicate that he will control theadjustment.01 Sep 1974

    adjust fire2/ rglageIn artillery and naval firesupport, an order or request toinitiate an adjustment of fire.01 Sep 1974

    adjustment of fire / rglageobserv de tirProcess used in artillery andnaval fire to obtain correctbearing, range and height ofburst (if time fuzes are used)when engaging a target byobserved fire.Related term: spot1.01 Feb 1973

    administration /administration

    The provision andimplementation of regulationsand procedures related to themanagement of an organization

    in support of theaccomplishment of its mission.[Approving authority(ies): CS]10 Mar 2004

    administrative chain ofcommand / voieadministrative

    The normal chain of commandfor administration.Related terms: chain ofcommand; operational chain ofcommand.01 Jun 1984

    administrative control /contrle administratifADCONDirection or exercise ofauthority over subordinate orother organizations in respect toadministrative matters such as

    personnel management, supply,services, and other matters notincluded in the operationalmissions of the subordinate orother organizations.Related terms: command1;control2; full command;operational command;operational control.01 Apr 1971

    administrative escort /escorteur administratifA warship or merchant ship

    under naval control, carrying aconvoy commodore and hisstaff, serving as a platform forsimultaneous communicationwith an operational controlauthority and a coastal convoy.01 Oct 1978

    administrative loading /chargement administratifcommercial loadingA loading system which givesprimary consideration toachieving maximum utilizationof troops and cargo spacewithout regard to tacticalconsiderations. Equipment andsupplies must be unloaded andsorted before they can be used.01 Feb 1973

    administrative movement /mouvement administratifA movement in which troopsand vehicles are arranged toexpedite their movement andconserve time and energy whenno enemy interference, exceptby air, is anticipated.

    01 Feb 1973

    administrative order / ordreadministratif

    An order covering traffic,supplies, maintenance,evacuation, personnel and otheradministrative details.13 Dec 1999

    administrative plan / planadministratif et logistique

    A plan, normally relating to andcomplementing the operationplan or order, which providesinformation and instructionscovering the logistic andadministrative support of theoperation.01 Sep 1981

    advanced aerodrome /arodrome avancAn aerodrome, usually havingminimum facilities, in or near anobjective area.

    Related term: aerodrome.20 Nov 1996

    advanced base / baseavanceA base located in or near atheatre of operations whoseprimary mission is to supportmilitary operations.01 Mar 1981

    advanced fleet anchorage /mouillage avanc de flotteA secure anchorage for a largenumber of naval vessels,mobile support units andauxiliaries located in or near atheatre of operations.Related term: emergencyanchorage01 Feb 1973

    advanced guard / avant-gardeThe leading element of anadvancing force. The primarymission is to ensure theuninterrupted advance of themain body. It has the followingfunctions:

    a. to find and exploit gaps in theenemy's defensive system;b. to prevent the main body ofthe advancing force runningblindly into enemy opposition;c. to clear away minoropposition or, if majoropposition is met, to cover thedeployment of the main body.Related term: mainguard.01 Feb 1973

    advance force / force d'avant-garde

    A temporary organization withinthe amphibious task force whichprecedes the main body to theobjective area. Its function is to

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    participate in preparing theobjective for the main assaultby conducting such operationsas reconnaissance, seizure ofsupporting positions,minesweeping, preliminarybombardment, underwaterdemolitions, and air support.

    01 Jun 1981

    advance to contact / marche l'ennemiAn offensive operation designedto gain or re-establish contactwith the enemy.Related term: approach march.01 Oct 1978

    adversary / adversaireA party acknowledged aspotentially hostile to a friendlyparty and against which the use

    of force may be envisaged.14 Oct 2002

    advisory area / rgion service consultatifA designated area within a flightinformation region where airtraffic advisory service isavailable.01 Feb 1973

    advisory control / contrleconsultatifA mode of control under whichthe aircraft commander selectshis own speed, altitude andheading, and has freedom ofaction to accomplish theassigned task. The aircraftcontrol unit will inform theaircraft of the current tacticalpicture and provide adequatewarnings of hazards affectingaircraft safety.01 Nov 1975

    aerial picketPreferred term: air picket.

    aerial reconnaissancePreferred term: airreconnaissance.

    aerodrome / arodromeairfield ADAn area prepared for theaccommodation (including anybuildings, installations andequipment), landing and take-off of aircraft.Related terms: advancedaerodrome; aerodrome traffic1,2;

    air strip; air traffic; alternateaerodrome; diversion4;diversion aerodrome; helipad;landing area2; landing site1;

    main aerodrome; redeploymentaerodrome; touchdown zone1,2.01 Feb 1973

    aerodrome damage repair /rparation des dgts subispar un arodromeADRThe range of activities requiredto restore the operationalcapability of an aerodrome afternon-nuclear attack, including:a. reconnaissance to assessthe damage and essentialrecuperative work;b. explosive ordnance disposal;c. restoration of minimumoperating surfaces, includingaircraft manoeuvring areas andaccess tracks;d. restoration of services andfacilities essential for the

    conduct of air operations.03 Aug 1998

    aerodrome t raffic1/circulation d'arodrome1All traffic on the manoeuvringarea of an aerodrome.Related terms: aerodrome; airtraffic.01 Oct 2001

    aerodrome t raffic2 / circulationd'arodrome2All aircraft flying in the vicinity of

    an aerodrome.Related terms: aerodrome; airtraffic.01 Oct 2001

    aerodynamic missi le / missilearodynamiqueA missile which usesaerodynamic forces to maintainits flight path.Related terms: ballistic missile;missile.01 Nov 1994

    aeromedical evacuation /vacuation sanitaire arienneAEROMEDEVACThe movement of patients toand between medical treatmentfacilities by air transportation.02 Mar 2009

    aeromedical evacuationcontrol centre / centre decontrle des vacuationssanitaires ariennesAECCThe control facility establishedby the commander of an airtransport division, air force, orair command. It operates inconjunction with the command

    movement control centre andcoordinates overall medicalrequirements with airliftcapability. It also assignsmedical missions to theappropriate aeromedicalevacuation elements in thesystem and monitors patient

    movement activities.01 Feb 1973

    aeromedical evacuationcoordinating officer / officierrgulateur des vacuationssanitaires ariennesAECOAn officer of an originating, in-transit, or destination medicalfacility/ establishment whocoordinates aeromedicalevacuation activities of thefacility/establishment.

    10 Jun 2003

    aeromedical evacuationoperations officer / officierresponsable des oprationsd'vacuations sanitairesariennesAn officer of the airlift force orcommand who is responsiblefor activities relating to planningand directing aeromedicalevacuation operations,maintaining liaison with medicalairlift activities concerned,

    operating an aeromedicalevacuation control centre, andotherwise coordinating aircraftand patient movements.01 Feb 1973

    aeromedical evacuationsystem / chane d'vacuationssanitaires ariennesAESA system which provides:a. control of patient movementby air transport;b. specialized medicalattendants and equipment for

    in-flight medical care;c. facilities on, or in the vicinityof, air strips and airbases, forthe limited medical care ofintransit patients entering, enroute via, or leaving the system;d. communication withdestination and en routemedical facilities concerningpatient airlift movements.01 Feb 1973

    aeronautical chart / cartearonautique

    A chart specifically designed tomeet air navigationrequirements.Related terms: aeronautical

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    plotting chart; aeronauticaltopographic chart; chart; map;special aeronautical chart.01 Nov 1991

    aeronautical informationoverprint / surimpressiond'informations aronautiquesAdditional information which isprinted or stamped on a map orchart for the specific purpose ofair navigation.01 Feb 1973

    aeronautical plotting chart /carte de trac de routearonautiqueA chart designed for thegraphical processes ofnavigation.Related terms: aeronauticalchart; aeronautical topographic

    chart; chart; map; specialaeronautical chart.01 Oct 1984

    aeronautical topographicchart / carte topographiquearonautiqueA representation of features ofthe surface of the earth,designed primarily as an aid tovisual or radar navigation,which shows selected terrain,cultural or hydrographicfeatures and supplementary

    aeronautical information.Related terms: aeronauticalchart; aeronautical plotting chart;chart; map; special aeronauticalchart.01 Feb 1973

    aeropause / aropauseRegion in which functionaleffects of the atmosphere onman and aircraft cease to exist.01 Feb 1973

    afloat support / soutien

    logistique la merA form of logistic supportoutside the confines of aharbour in which fuel,ammunition and supplies areprovided for operating forceseither underway or at anchor.01 Dec 1974

    afterburning1 /postcombustion1The characteristic of somerocket motors to burn irregularlyfor some time after the mainburning and thrust has ceased.

    01 Feb 1973


    postcombustion2The process of fuel injectionand combustion in the exhaustjet of a turbojet engine (aft or tothe rear of the turbine).01 Feb 1973

    after-flight inspection /

    vrification aprs le volpost- flight inspectionGeneral examination after flightfor obvious defects, correctionof defects reported by aircraftcrews, replenishment ofconsumable or expendablestores, and securing aircraft.01 Feb 1973

    agency / organisme derenseignement collection agencyIn intelligence usage, an

    organization or individualengaged in collecting and/orprocessing information.Related terms: agent;intelligence cycle; source.01 Sep 1981

    agent / agentIn intelligence usage, one whois recruited, trained, controlledand employed to obtain andreport information.Related terms: agency; source.01 Sep 1981

    age of moon / ge de la luneThe elapsed time, usuallyexpressed in days, since thelast new moon.01 Feb 1973

    agonic line / ligne agonaleA line drawn on a map or chartjoining points of zero magneticdeclination for a specified yeardate.01 Feb 1974

    agreed point / repre convenu

    A predetermined point on theground, identifiable from the air,and used when aircraft assist infire adjustment.01 Feb 1973

    airborne1 /aroport1Adjective used to describe troopsspecially trained to carry outoperations, either by paradrop orair landing, following an airmovement.Related terms: airborne force;airborne operation; air-portable;

    air-transportable; operation;paradrop.01 Oct 2001

    airborne2 /aroport2Adjective used to describemateriel specially designed forairborne troops.01 Oct 2001

    airborne3 /aroport3Adjective used to describe

    aeronautical equipment used toaccomplish a particular mission.01 Oct 2001

    airborne4 /de bordAdjective used to describe itemsforming an integral part of anaircraft.01 Oct 2001

    airborne /en volAdjective used to describe thestate of an aircraft from theinstant it becomes entirely

    sustained by air until it ceases tobe so sustained.01 Oct 2001

    airborne alert / alerte en volA state of aircraft readinesswherein combat-equippedaircraft are airborne and readyfor immediate action.Related terms: alert1; fightercover.01 Sep 2003

    airborne command post / postede commandement volantACPA suitably equipped aircraft usedby the commander for theconduct of his operations.01 Oct 2003

    airborne early warning andcontrol / alerte lointaine etcontrle arien par moyensaroportsAir surveillance and controlprovided by airborne earlywarning aircraft which areequipped with search and

    height-finding radar andcommunication equipment forcontrolling weapon systems.Related term: air picket.01 Feb 1973

    airborne force / forcearoporteA force composed primarily ofground and air units organized,equipped and trained forairborne operations.Related terms: airborne ;force(s).

    01 Feb 1973

    airborne force liaison officer /officier de liaison des forces

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    aroportesAn officer who is therepresentative of the airborneunits and who works with the airforce on aerodromes beingused for airborne operations.01 Feb 1973

    airborne interceptionequipment / centraled'interceptionA fire control system, includingradar equipment, installed ininterceptor aircraft used toeffect air interception.01 Aug 1973

    airborne operation / oprationaroporteAn operation involving themovement of combat forcesand their logistic support into an

    objective area by air.Related terms: airborne ; airtransportable unit.01 Feb 1973

    airborne radio relay / relaisradio en volA technique employing aircraftfitted with radio relay stationsfor the purpose of increasingthe range, flexibility or physicalsecurity of communicationsystems.01 Feb 1973

    airburst / explosion arienneAn explosion of a bomb orprojectile above the surface asdistinguished from an explosionon contact with the surface orafter penetration.Related term: type of burst.01 Feb 1973

    air cargo / cargaison arienneStores, equipment or vehicles,which do not form part of theaircraft, and are either part or allof its payload.

    Related term: cargo.01 Mar 1981

    air cartographic camera /chambrearophotogrammtriquemapping cameraA camera having the accuracyand other characteristicsessential for air survey orcartographic photography.01 May 1973

    air cartographic photography

    / photographie ariennecartographiqueair survey photographyThe taking and processing of air

    photographs for mapping andcharting purposes.01 Feb 1973

    air control / contrle arienRelated terms: air controller; airtraffic control centre; airway;area control centre; control and

    reporting centre; control area;control zone; controlledairspace; interceptor controller;tactical air control centre;tactical air controller; terminalcontrol area.01 Feb 1973

    air controller / contrleurarienAn individual especially trainedfor and assigned the duty of thecontrol (by use of radio, radar,or other means) of such aircraft

    as may be allotted to him foroperation within his area.Related terms: air control;tactical air controller.01 Feb 1973

    air corridor / corr idor arienA restricted air route of travelspecified for use by friendlyaircraft and established for thepurpose of preventing friendlyaircraft from being fired on byfriendly forces.01 Feb 1973

    aircraft / aronefA/CAC(admitted)Any machine that can derivesupport in the atmosphere fromthe reactions of the air otherthan the reactions of the airagainst the earth's surface.[derived from: ICAO]26 Aug 2009

    aircraft arresting barrier /barrire d'arrt d'aronefemergency barrierA device, not dependent on anaircraft arresting hook, used tostop an aircraft by absorbing itsforward momentum in anemergency landing or abortedtake-off.Related term: aircraft arrestingsystem.01 Nov 1994

    aircraft arresting cable / cbled'arrt d'aronefaircraft arresting wireThat portion of an aircraft

    arresting system which spansthe runway surface or flightdeck landing area and isengaged by the aircraft

    arresting hook.Related term: aircraft arrestingsystem.13 Jul 1994

    aircraft arresting gear /dispositif d'arrt d'aronefA device used to engage hookequipped aircraft to absorb theforward momentum of a routineor emergency landing, oraborted take-off.Related term: aircraft arrestingsystem.01 Jan 1983

    aircraft arresting hook /crosse d'arrt d'aroneftail hookA device fitted to an aircraft toengage arresting gear.Related term: aircraft arresting

    system.01 Jul 1994

    aircraft arresting system /systme d'arrt d'aronefA series of devices used to stopan aircraft by absorbing itsmomentum in a routine oremergency landing or abortedtake-off.Related terms: aircraft arrestingbarrier; aircraft arresting cable;aircraft arresting gear; aircraftarresting hook.

    01 Nov 1994

    aircraft arresting wirePreferred term: aircraft arrestingcable.

    aircraft arrestment / arrt d'unaronefControlled stopping of anaircraft by external means.01 Aug 1974

    aircraft captainPreferred term: aircraft


    aircraft climb corridor /couloir de monte pouraronefsControlled airspace of definedvertical and horizontaldimensions extending from acontrolled area that may includean aerodrome, in which anaircraft executes all or part of aclimb under positive control.04 Oct 2000

    aircraft commander /commandant d'aronefaircraft captainThe aircrew member

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    designated by a competentauthority as being in commandof an aircraft and responsiblefor its safe operation.Note: The aircraft commandermay also be the missioncommander.Related term: mission

    commander.01 Oct 2001

    aircraft control unit / unit decontrle tactique airACUA unit with facilities andpersonnel, including controllers,for conducting aircraft controland which exercises tacticalcontrol of aircraft or a unit(s).01 Nov 1975

    aircraft cross-servicing /

    services mutuels pouraronefsACSServices performed on anaircraft by an organization otherthan that to which the aircraft isassigned, according to anestablished operational aircraftcross-servicing requirement,and for which there may be acharge. Aircraft cross-servicinghas been divided into twocategories:a. Stage A cross-servicing - Theservicing of an aircraft on anaerodrome/ship, which enablesthe aircraft to be flown toanother aerodrome/ship.b. Stage B cross-servicing - Theservicing of an aircraft on anaerodrome/ship, which enablesthe aircraft to be flown on anoperational mission.Related terms: aircraftservicing, aircraft transientservicing; operational aircraftcross-servicing requirement.01 Nov 1994

    aircraft dispersal area / airede dispersionAn area on a military installationdesigned primarily for thedispersal of parked aircraft,whereby such aircraft will beless vulnerable in the event ofenemy air raid.01 Feb 1973

    aircraft flat pallet / paletted'aronefA stressed pallet capable ofsupporting and restraining a

    specifically rated load. It isspecifically designed for tie-down in an aircraft.Related term: palletized unit

    load.01 Feb 1973

    aircraft ground supportequipment / matriel deservitude au solEquipment needed to carry outservicing and maintenance of an

    aircraft and its associatedmission systems.25 Sep 1998

    aircraft guidePreferred term: aircraftmarshaller.

    aircraft handover / prise encompte successive d'unaronefThe process of transferringcontrol of aircraft from onecontrolling authority to another.

    01 Feb 1973

    aircraft inspection /vrification d'aronefsThe process of systematicallyexamining, checking and testingaircraft structural members,components and systems, todetect actual or potentialunserviceable conditions.01 Feb 1973

    aircraft loading table / tableaude fr actionnement

    A data sheet used by the forceunit commander containinginformation as to the load thatactually goes into each aircraft.01 Feb 1973

    aircraft marshaller / signaleuraircraft guideA person trained to direct byvisual or other means themovement of aircraft on theground into and out of landing,parking or hovering points.01 Feb 1973

    aircraft marshalling area / airede manoeuvre des aronefsAn area in which aircraft mayform up before take-off orassemble after landing.Related term: manoeuvringarea.01 Feb 1973

    aircraft mission equipment /quipement particulier d'unaronefaircraft role equipmentEquipment that must be fitted toan aircraft to enable it to fulfil aparticular mission or task.01 Feb 1973

    aircraft modification /modification d'un aronefA change in the physicalcharacteristics of aircraft,accomplished either by achange in productionspecifications or by alteration of

    items already produced.01 Feb 1973

    aircraft picketing / saisied'aronefaircraft tie-downSecuring aircraft when parkedin the open to restrainmovement due to the weatheror condition of the parking area.01 Dec 1974

    aircraft replenishing /ravitaillement d'un aronef

    The refilling of aircraft withconsumables such as fuel, oil,and compressed gasses topredetermined levels,pressures, quantities orweights. Rearming is excluded.01 Feb 1973

    aircraft role equipmentPreferred term: aircraft missionequipment.

    aircraft scrambling / ordre dedcollage immdiat

    Directing the immediate take-offof aircraft from a ground alertcondition of readiness.01 Feb 1973

    aircraft servicing / entretiencourant pour aronefsActivities and proceduresrelated to inspection,replenishment of expendablesand consumables, cleaning,lubrication, marshalling, parkingand securing of aircraft.Related terms: aircraft cross-servicing; aircraft servicing

    connector; aircraft transientservicing; cross-servicing;servicing.02 Mar 2007

    aircraft servicing connector /raccord de servitude pouraronefsA device fitted to aircraft and/orground equipment whichenables replenishing and/orservicing to be carried out.Related terms: aircraft cross-servicing; aircraft servicing;

    aircraft transient servicing;cross-servicing; servicing.01 Dec 1979

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    aircraft store / chargeemporte par aronefAny device intended for internalor external carriage andmounted on aircraft suspensionand release equipment, whetheror not the item is intended to be

    separated in flight from theaircraft. Aircraft stores areclassified in two categories asfollows:a. Expendable store - Anaircraft store normallyseparated from the aircraft inflight such as a missile, rocket,bomb, nuclear weapon, mine,torpedo, pyrotechnic device,sonobuoy, signal underwatersound device, or other similaritems.b. Non-expendable store - An

    aircraft store which is notnormally separated from theaircraft in flight such as a tank(fuel and spray), line-sourcedisseminator, pod (refuelling,thrust augmentation, gun,electronic-countermeasures,data link, etc.), multiple rack,target, cargo drop container,drone or other similar items.Related terms: cluster bombunit; load.01 Sep 1981

    aircraft tie-downPreferred term: aircraftpicketing.

    aircraft transient servicing /assistance aux aronefs depassageServices performed on anaircraft by an organization otherthan that to which the aircraft isassigned and for which theremay be a financial charge. Thisactivity is separate from theestablished aircraft cross-servicing programme and

    requires that the transientaircrew supervise the correctapplication of ground crewprocedures.Related terms: aircraft cross-servicing; aircraft servicing01 Jul 1994

    aircraft vectoring / guidagedes appareils partransmission de capThe directional control of in-flight aircraft throughtransmission of azimuth

    headings.01 Feb 1973

    air cushion vehicle /

    aroglisseurACVA vehicle capable of beingoperated so that its weight,including its payload, is whollyor significantly supported on acushion of air generatedcontinuously at higher than

    ambient pressure.Related term: ground-effectmachine.09 Jan 1996

    air data computerPreferrred term: central air datacomputer.01 Mar 1981

    air defence / dfense arienneADAll measures designed to nullifyor reduce the effectiveness of

    hostile air action.Related terms: active airdefence; passive air defence.01 Mar 1985

    air defence action area / zoned'action de dfense arienneAn area and the airspace aboveit within which friendly aircraft orsurface-to-air weapons arenormally given precedence inoperations except underspecified conditions.Related term: air defence

    operations area.01 Jul 1993

    air defence area / zone dedfense arienneADAA specifically defined airspacefor which air defence must beplanned and provided.Related term: combat air patrol.01 Jul 1993

    air defence command /commandement de la dfense

    arienneADCThe authority and responsibilityfor the air defence of adesignated area.01 Nov 1975

    air defence commander /commandant de la dfensearienneA duly appointed commanderresponsible for the air defenceof a designated area.22 Jan 2010

    air defence control centre /centre de contrle de dfensearienne

    ADCCThe principal information,communication and operationscentre from which all aircraft, anti-aircraft operations, air defenceartillery, missiles and air warningfunctions of a specific area of airdefence responsibility are

    supervised and coordinated.Related term: combatinformation centre.09 Jul 1997

    air defence early warningPreferred term: early warning.

    air defence groundenvironment / infrastructurelectronique de dfensearienneADGEThe network of ground radar

    sites and command and controlcentres within a specific theatreof operations which are used forthe tactical control of airdefence operations.22 Jan 2010

    air defence identification zone/ zone d'identification dedfense arienneADIZAirspace of defined dimensionswithin which the readyidentification, location, and

    control of aircraft is required.Related term: air defenceoperations area.01 Feb 1973

    air defence operations area /zone d'oprations de dfensearienneA geographical area withinwhich procedures areestablished to minimizeinterference between airdefence operations and othertypes of operations. It mayinclude one or more of thefollowing:a. air defence action area;b. air defence area;c. air defence identificationzone;d. firepower umbrella.Related terms: air defenceaction area; air defenceidentification zone; fire-powerumbrella.04 Oct 2000

    air defence region / rgion dedfense arienne

    ADRA geographical subdivision ofan air defence area.01 Dec 1974

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    air defence sector / secteurde dfense arienneA geographical subdivision ofan air defence region.01 Feb 1973

    air defence ship / btiment de

    dfense arienneThe ship detailed to assumeresponsibility for air defence.01 Feb 1973

    air draught / tirant d'airThe vertical distance between thewaterline and the highest point ofa ship's structure.Related terms: draught;overhead clearance.04 Oct 2000

    airdrop / largage1

    Delivery of personnel or cargofrom aircraft in flight.Related terms: airdrop platform;air movement; free drop; hillshading; low-velocity drop;platform drop.01 Feb 1973

    airdrop platform / plate-formede largageA base on which vehicles,cargo or equipment are loadedfor airdrop or low altitudeextraction.

    Related terms: airdrop; platformdrop.01 Feb 1973

    air evacuation / vacuationpar airEvacuation by aircraft ofpersonnel and cargo.01 Feb 1973

    airfieldPreferred term: aerodrome.

    air freighting / arotransport

    de matrielThe non-tactical movement ofcargo by air.01 Feb 1973

    air-ground operations system/ systme d'oprations air-solAn Army and/or Air Forcesystem providing the groundcommander with the means forreceiving, processing andforwarding the requests ofsubordinate groundcommanders for air supportmissions and for the rapid

    dissemination of informationand intelligence.01 Feb 1973

    airhead1 / tte de pontarienne1A designated area in a hostileor threatened territory which,when seized and held, ensuresthe continuous air landing oftroops and matriel andprovides the manoeuvre space

    necessary for projectedoperations. Normally it is thearea seized in the assaultphase of an airborne operation.Related terms: beachhead;bridgehead.01 Feb 1973

    airhead2 / tte de pontarienne2A designated location in an areaof operations used as a basefor supply and evacuation byair.

    Related terms: beachhead;bridgehead.01 Feb 1973

    air interception / interceptionarienneAI1

    An operation by which aircrafteffect visual or electroniccontact with other aircraft.Related terms: broadcast-controlled air interception;close- controlled airinterception; controlled

    interception.01 Dec 1974

    air interdiction / interdictionarienneAI

    Air operations conducted todivert, disrupt, delay, degradeor destroy an enemy's militarypotential before it can bebrought to bear effectively andat such distance that detailedintegration of each air missionwith the fire and manoeuvre offriendly forces is not required.

    04 Feb 2011

    air landed / pos1Moved by air and disembarked,or unloaded, after the aircrafthas landed or while a helicopteris hovering.Related terms: air movement;landing area1,201 Dec 1974

    air liaison officer / officier deliaison AirA tactical air force or naval

    aviation officer attached to aground or naval unit orformation as the advisor ontactical air operation matters.

    Related term: ground liaisonofficer.01 Nov 1975

    airlift capability / capacitd'emport instantanThe total capacity expressed interms of number of passengers

    and/or weight/cubicdisplacement of cargo that canbe carried at any one time to agiven destination by theavailable air transport service.Related terms: airliftrequirement; allowable load;load; loading.01 Feb 1973

    airlift requirement / capacitd'enlvement demandThe total number of passengersand/or weight/cubic

    displacement of cargo requiredto be carried by air for a specifictask.Related terms: airlift capability;load; loading.01 Feb 1973

    air logistic support operation /opration arienne de soutienlogistiqueAn air operation, excluding anairborne operation, conductedwithin a theatre of operations todistribute and/or recover

    personnel, equipment andsupplies.04 Oct 2000

    airmissPreferred term: near miss.

    air missionPreferred term: mission .

    airmobile forces / forcearomobileThe ground combat, supportingand air vehicle units required toconduct an airmobile operation.01 Mar 1979

    airmobile operation /opration aromobileAn operation in which combatforces and their equipmentmanoeuvre about the battlefieldby aircraft to engage in groundcombat.Related term: helicopterborneoperation.01 Nov 1992

    airmobility / aromobilit

    A capability of airmobile forceswhich permits them to move byair while retaining the ability toengage in ground combat.

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    01 Dec 1977

    air movement / mouvementpar voie arienneAir transport of units, personnel,supplies, equipment andmatriel.Related terms: air landed;

    airdrop; air trooping; free drop;high-velocity drop; low-velocitydrop; release.01 Nov 1994

    air movement officer /rgulateurAn officer trained for duties inair movement/traffic sections.01 Feb 1973

    air movement table / tableaud'enlvementA table prepared by a ground

    force commander incoordination with an air forcecommander. This form, issuedas an annex to the operationorder:a. indicates the allocation ofaircraft space to elements ofthe ground units to be airlifted;b. designates the number andtype of aircraft in each serial;c. specifies the departure area,time of loading and take-off.01 Feb 1973

    air movement traffic section /section trafic desmouvements ariensA section located on thoseaerodromes which servetransport aircraft. It isresponsible for the loading andunloading of aircraft, and for thehandling of passengers, mailand materiel.01 Feb 1973

    air observer / observateurarienAn individual whose primary

    mission is to observe or takephotographs from an aircraft inorder to adjust artillery fire orobtain military information.01 Feb 1973

    air photographicreconnaissance /reconnaissance ariennephotographiqueThe obtaining of information byair photography, divided intothree types:a. strategic photographic

    reconnaissance;b. tactical photographicreconnaissance;c. survey / cartographic

    photography - air photographytaken for survey/ cartographicalpurposes and tosurvey/cartographic standardsof accuracy. It may be strategicor tactical.01 Feb 1973

    air picket / avion piquet-radaraerial picketAn airborne early warningaircraft positioned primarily todetect, report and trackapproaching enemy aircraft ormissiles and to controlintercepts.Related term: airborne earlywarning and control.01 Aug 1976

    air plot1/ graphique denavigation arienne par

    rapport l'air1

    A continuous plot used in airnavigation of a graphicrepresentation of true headingssteered and air distances flown.01 Feb 1973

    air plot2 / graphique denavigation arienne parrapport l'air2A continuous plot of the positionof an airborne objectrepresented graphically to showtrue headings steered and air

    distances.01 Feb 1973

    air plot3/ plot airWithin ships, a display whichshows the positions andmovements of an airborneobject relative to the plottingship.01 Feb 1973

    air-portable / aroportableAn adjective used to describemateriel or equipment which,loaded either internally or

    externally, can be transportedby air with no more than minordismantling and reassemblingby the user unit.Note: The type of aircraft mustbe specified to indicate thedegree of air portability.Related terms: airborne ; air-transportable.01 Oct 2001

    air position / position airno-wind positionThe calculated position of an

    aircraft assuming no windeffect.01 Feb 1973

    air priorities commi ttee /comit de priorits ariennesA committee set up todetermine the priorities ofpassengers and cargo.Related term: air transportallocations board.01 Feb 1973

    air reconnaissance /reconnaissance arienneaerial reconnaissanceARThe collection of information ofintelligence interest either byvisual observation from the airor through the use of airbornesensors.Related term: reconnaissance.01 Mar 1981

    air route / route arienne

    ARThe navigable airspacebetween two points, identified tothe extent necessary for theapplication of flight rules.01 Feb 1973

    airspace control / contrle del'espace arienACASCThe implementation andcoordination of the proceduresgoverning airspace planning

    and organization in order tominimize risk and allow for theefficient and flexible use ofairspace.Related term:airspace controlauthority.22 Jun 2004

    airspace control area / zonede contrle de l'espace arienAirspace which is laterallydefined by the boundaries of thearea of operations. Theairspace control area may besubdivided into airspace controlsub-areas.01 Mar 1981

    airspace control authority /autorit de contrle de l'espacearienACAThe commander designated toassume overall responsibility forthe operation of the airspacecontrol system in his or herassigned area.Related term: airspace control.22 Jun 2004

    airspace control boundary /limite de contrle de l'espace

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    arienThe lateral limits of an airspacecontrol area, airspace controlsub-area, high-density airspacecontrol zone or airspacerestricted area.01 Mar 1981

    airspace control system /systme de contrle del'espace arienACSAn arrangement of thoseorganizations, personnel,policies, procedures andfacilities required to performairspace control functions.01 Sep 1981

    airspace restrictions /restrictions de l'espace arienSpecial restrictive measures

    applied to segments of airspaceof defined dimensions.01 Jul 1980

    airspace warning areaPreferred term: danger area.

    air staging unit / serviced'escale arienneA unit situated at an aerodromeand concerned with reception,handling, servicing andpreparation for departure ofaircraft and control of personnel

    and cargo.01 Dec 1993

    air station / point de prise devueexposure stationIn photogrammetry, the point inspace occupied by the cameralens at the moment ofexposure.01 Sep 1974

    air strip / bande d'atterrissageAn unimproved surface whichhas been adapted for take-off orlanding of aircraft, usuallyhaving minimum facilities.Related term: aerodrome.01 Feb 1973

    air superiority / suprioritarienneASThat degree of dominance inthe air battle of one force overanother which permits theconduct of operations by theformer and its related land, seaand air forces at a given time

    and place without prohibitiveinterference by the opposingforce.01 Feb 1973

    air supply / ravitaillement parairThe delivery of cargo by airdropor air landing.01 Feb 1973

    air support / appui arien

    All forms of support given by airforces on land or sea.Related terms: close airsupport; immediate air support;indirect air support; on-callmission; preplanned air support;tactical air support.01 Feb 1973

    air support operations centre/ centre d'oprations d'appuiarienASOCAn agency of a tactical air

    control system collocated with acorps headquarters or anappropriate land forceheadquarters, whichcoordinates and directs closeair support and other tactical airsupport.Related term: tactical air controlcentre.01 Jan 1983

    air supremacy / matrise del'airThat degree of air superiority

    wherein the opposing air forceis incapable of effectiveinterference.01 Feb 1973

    air sur face zone / zone air-surfaceA restricted area established forthe purpose of preventingfriendly surface vessels andaircraft from being fired upon byfriendly forces and for permittingantisubmarine operations,unrestricted by the operation offriendly submarines.Related term: restricted area2.25 Sep 1998

    air surveillance / surveillancearienneThe systematic observation ofair space by electronic, visual orother means, primarily for thepurpose of identifying anddetermining the movements ofaircraft and missiles, friendlyand enemy, in the air spaceunder observation.Related term: surveillance.

    01 Feb 1973

    air surveillance officer /officier de surveillance

    arienneAn individual responsible forcoordinating and maintaining anaccurate, current picture of theair situation within an assignedairspace area.01 Jan 1983

    air survey photographyPreferred term: air cartographicphotography.

    air terminal / arogareAn installation on an aerodromewith facilities for loading andunloading aircraft andprocessing traffic (passengers,baggage, cargo and mail).01 Jul 1987

    air-to-air missile / missile air-air

    AAMAn air-launched missile for useagainst air targets.Related term: missile.22 Jan 2010

    air-to-ground missile / miss ileair-solAGMAn air-to-surface missile usedagainst ground targets.Related terms: air-to-surfacemissile; missile.04 Feb 2011

    air-to-surface missile / missil eair-surfaceASMAn air-launched missile for useagainst surface targets.Related term: air-to-groundmissile; missile.04 Feb 2011

    air traffic / circulation arienneAll aircraft in flight or operating onthe manoeuvring area of anaerodrome.

    [ICAO]Related terms: aerodrome;aerodrome traffic1,2.01 Oct 2001

    air traffic control centre /centre du contrle de lacirculation arienneATCCA unit combining the functionsof an area control centre and aflight information centre.Related terms: air control; areacontrol centre; flight informationcentre; flight information region.13 Dec 1999

    air traffic control c learance /

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    autorisation du contrle de lacirculation arienneAuthorization by an air trafficcontrol authority for an aircraftto proceed under specifiedconditions.01 Feb 1973

    air traffic control service /service du contrle de lacirculation arienneA service provided for thepurpose of:a. preventing collisions:(1) between aircraft; and(2) on the manoeuvring areabetween aircraft andobstructions; andb. expediting and maintainingan orderly flow of air traffic.01 Nov 1980

    air-transportable /arotransportableAn adjective used to describemateriel or equipment which canbe transported by air, but whichrequires dismantling andreassembling beyond thecapabilities of the user unit.Related terms: airborne ; air-portable.01 Oct 2001

    air transportable unit / unitarotransportable

    A unit, other than airborne,whose equipment is adapted forair movement.Related terms: airborne ;airborne operation.01 Feb 1973

    air transport allocations board/ bureau d'allocations detransports ariensThe joint agency responsiblewithin the theatre for theestablishment of airlift prioritiesand for space allocation ofavailable aircraft capabilitiesallotted to the theatre.Related term: air prioritiescommittee.01 Feb 1973

    air transported force / forcetransporte par airA force which is moved by air.Related term: force(s).01 Feb 1973

    air transport liaison officer /officier de liaison de transportpar air

    An officer attached for airtransport liaison duties to aheadquarters or unit.

    01 Feb 1973

    air transport liaison section /section de liaison detransport arienA sub-unit of the movementcontrol organization deployed toaerodromes and responsible for

    the control of service movementat the aerodrome in connectionwith air movement operationsand exercises.01 Feb 1973

    air transport operations /oprations de transportarienRelated terms: strategic airtransport operations; tactical airtransport operations.01 Feb 1973

    air trooping / arotransport depersonnelThe non-tactical air movementof personnel.Related term: air movement.01 Feb 1973

    airway / voie arienneA control area or portion thereofestablished in the form of acorridor marked with radionavigational aids.Related terms: air control;control area; control zone;

    terminal control area.01 Feb 1973

    alert1/ alerte1Readiness for action, defenceor protection.01 Feb 1973

    alert2/ alerte2A warning signal of a real orthreatened danger, such as anair attack.01 Feb 1973


    / alerte3

    The period of time during whichtroops stand by in response toan alarm.01 Feb 1973

    alert4/ alerterTo forewarn; to prepare foraction.01 Feb 1973

    alerting service / serviced'alerteA service provided to notifyappropriate organizationsregarding aircraft in need ofsearch and rescue aid, andassist such organizations as

    required.01 Feb 1973

    alighting area / aired'amerrissageA specified surface, reservedfor vehicles that depend uponwater surfaces for their landing.

    01 Feb 1973

    alignment1/ alignement1The bearing of two or moreconspicuous objects (such aslights, beacons, etc.) as seenby an observer.01 Feb 1973

    alignment2/ alignement2Representation of a road,railway, etc., on a map or chartin relation to surroundingtopographic detail.

    01 Feb 1973

    All iance airspace / espacearien de l'AllianceNATO airspaceand anyairspace area where NATO mayconduct operations, as agreedby the Council.04 May 2012

    All ied commanderPreferred term: NATOcommander.

    Allied jo int operation /opration interarmesinterallieAn operation carried out by forcesof two or more NATO nations, inwhich elements of more than oneservice participate.Related term: joint.16 Jul 1999

    All ied press informationcentre / centre interallid'information de la presseAPICA facility established by thepublic information staff of anAllied military headquarters toprovide the media with timelyand accurate information onAllied issues, events andoperations occurring within thecommand and to provide othersupport, advice and assistance.Related term: press informationcentre.01 Nov 1991

    allocation1/ allocationIn nuclear warfare planning, the

    specific numbers and types ofnuclear weapons allocated to acommander for a stated timeperiod as a planning factor only.

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    16 Jul 1999

    allocation2/ attribution desressourcesThe translation of theapportionment into total numbersof sorties by aircraft type availablefor each operation or mission.Related terms: apportionment;mission2; sortie.16 Jul 1999

    allotment / dtachement pouremploiThe temporary change ofassignment of tactical air forcesbetween subordinatecommands. The authority toallot is vested in thecommander having operationalcommand.01 Jun 1981

    allowable load / charge offerteThe total load that an aircraftcan transport over a givendistance taking into accountweight and volume.Related terms: airlift capability;embarkation; loading.01 Jun 1984

    all-source intelligence /renseignement de toutessourcesIntelligence produced using all

    available sources and agencies.Related term: intelligence.01 Dec 1990

    all weather air defence fighter/ chasseur de dfensearienne tout tempsA fighter aircraft with equipmentand weapons which enable it toengage airborne targets in allweather conditions, day andnight.Related term: fighter.17 Oct 1984

    alternate aerodrome /arodrome de dgagementAn aerodrome specified in theflight plan to which a flight mayproceed when it becomesinadvisable to land at theaerodrome of intended landing.An alternate aerodrome may bethe aerodrome of departure.[ICAO Lexicon, Doc 9294/5 VolII: 1985]Related terms: aerodrome;diversion4; main aerodrome.01 Jul 1993

    alternate escort operatingbase / base de remplacementpour escorteurs

    A base providing the facilitiesand activities required for thesupport of escort units for shortperiods.01 Feb 1973

    alternate water terminal /terminus maritime auxiliaire

    A water terminal with facilitiesfor berthing from two to fiveships simultaneously atwharves and/or workinganchorages, located withinsheltered coastal waters,adjacent to reliable highwayand/or rail transportation nets. Itcovers a relatively small areaand is located away frompopulation centres. The scopeof operation is such that it is notdesignated a probable nucleartarget.

    Related term: water terminal.01 Feb 1973

    altimeter / altimtreAn instrument which measuresvertical distance with respect toa reference level.01 Nov 1992

    altitude / altitudeAlt .The vertical distance of a level,a point or an object consideredas a point, measured frommean sea level.Related terms: absolute height;altitude datum; barometricaltitude; calibrated altitude;critical altitude; cruising altitude;cruising level; datum level; dropaltitude; drop height; elevation;height1; high altitude; minimumsafe altitude; pressure-altitude;transition altitude; transitionlevel.01 Feb 1973

    altitude acclimatization /accoutumance l'altitude

    A slow physiological adaptationfrom prolonged exposure tosignificantly reducedatmospheric pressure.01 Feb 1973

    altitude chamberPreferred term: hypobaricchamber.

    altitude datum / rfrenced'altitudeThe arbitrary level from whichvertical displacement is

    measured. The datum for heightmeasurement is the terraindirectly below the aircraft orsome specified datum; for

    pressure altitude, the level atwhich the atmospheric pressureis 29.92 inches of mercury(1013.2 m.bs); and for truealtitude, mean sea level.Related terms: absolute height;altitude; barometric altitude;calibrated altitude; critical

    altitude; cruising altitude;cruising level; datum level; dropaltitude; drop height; elevation;height1; high altitude; minimumsafe altitude; pressure-altitude;transition altitude; transitionlevel.01 Feb 1973

    altitude delay / retard desuppression d'cho procheSynchronization delayintroduced between the time oftransmission of the radar pulse

    and the start of the trace on theindicator, for the purpose ofeliminating the altitude hole onthe plan position indicator-typedisplay.01 Feb 1973

    altitude hole / cne mortaltidude slot (admitted)The blank area at the origin of aradial display, on a radar tubepresentation, the centre of theperiphery of which representsthe point on the ground

    immediately below the aircraft.In side-looking airborne radar,this is known as the altitudeslot.01 Dec 1974

    altidude slotPreferred term: altitude hole

    altitude tintPreferred term: hypsometrictinting.

    ammunition and toxic material

    open space / parc en plein airpour munitions et matirestoxiquesAn area especially prepared forstorage of explosiveammunition and toxic material.For reporting purposes, it doesnot include the surroundingarea restricted for storagebecause of safety distancefactors. It includes barricadesand improvised coverings.01 Feb 1973

    ammunition lot / lot de

    munitionsA quantity of homogeneousammunition, identified by a

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    unique lot number, which ismanufactured, assembled orrenovated by one producerunder uniform conditions andwhich is expected to function ina uniform manner.Related term: munition.01 Feb 1988

    amphibious assault / assautamphibieThe principal type of amphibiousoperation which involvesestablishing a force on a hostileor potentially hostile shore.Related terms: assault2;amphibious operation.01 Oct 2001

    amphibious assault areaPreferred term: landing area1.

    amphibious chart / carte pouroprations amphibiesA special naval chart designedto meet special requirementsfor landing operations andpassive coastal defence, at ascale of 1:25,000 or larger, andshowing foreshore and coastalinformation in greater detailthan a combat chart.Related terms: combat chart;chart.13 Dec 1999

    amphibious command ship /navire de commandementamphibieA naval ship from which acommander exercises control inamphibious operations.01 Feb 1973

    amphibious control group /groupe de contrle amphibiePersonnel, ships and craftdesignated to control thewaterborne ship-to-shoremovement in an amphibiousoperation.

    01 Feb 1973

    amphibious demonstration /dmonstration amphibieA type of amphibious operationconducted for the purpose ofdeceiving the enemy by a showof force with the expectation ofdeluding the enemy into acourse of action unfavourable tohim.Related terms:amphibiousoperation; demonstration.01 Jul 1983

    amphibious force1/ forceamphibie1A naval force and landing force,

    together with supporting forcesthat are trained, organized andequipped for amphibiousoperations.Related terms: amphibious taskforce; landing area1; task force3.01 Feb 1973

    amphibious force2/ forceamphibie2In naval usage, theadministrative title of theamphibious type command of afleet.Related term: landing force.01 Feb 1973

    amphibious group /groupement amphibieA command within theamphibious force, consisting ofthe commander and his staff,

    designed to exerciseoperational command ofassigned units in executing allphases of division-sizeamphibious operation.13 Dec 1999

    amphibious lift / capacit detransport amphibieThe total capacity of assaultshipping utilized in anamphibious operation,expressed in terms ofpersonnel, vehicles, andmeasurement or weight tons ofsupplies.01 Feb 1973

    amphibious objective area /zone des objectifs d'uneopration amphibieAOAA geographical area, delineatedin the initiating directive, forpurposes of command andcontrol within which is locatedthe objective(s) to be securedby the amphibious task force.This area must be of sufficient

    size to ensure accomplishmentof the amphibious task force'smission and must providesufficient area for conductingnecessary sea, air and landoperations.01 Jul 1983

    amphibious operation /opration amphibieA military operation launchedfrom the sea by a naval andlanding force embarked in shipsor craft, with the principal

    purpose of projecting thelanding force ashore tacticallyinto an environment rangingfrom permissive to hostile.