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  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Kinematics of Vorticity

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Vorticity = V

    2 circumferentially averagedangular velocity of the fluid particles

    Sum of rotation rates of perpendicular fluid lines

    Non-zero vorticity doesnt implyspin

    . =0. Incompressible? Direction of ?



  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf



    Macroscopic rotation of the fluidaround loop C

    Non-zero circulation doesnt implyspin

    Connected to vorticity flux throughStokes theorem

    Stokes for a closed surface?



    d sV.U


    cC S

    d dS == sVn ..Open Surface S

    with Perimeter Cn dS

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Kinematic Concepts - VorticityBoundary layer growing on flat plate

    Cylinder projectingfrom plate

    Vortex Line: A line everywhere tangent to the vorticity vector, so ds =0.Vortex lines may not cross. Rarely are they streamlines. Thread together axesof spin of fluid particles. Given by d s =0. Could be a fluid line?

    Vortex sheet: Surface formed by all the vortex lines passing through the samecurve in space. No vorticity flux through a vortex sheet, i.e. .n dS =0

    Vortex tube: Vortex sheet rolled so as to form a tube.


  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Vortex Tube

    Section 1

    Section 2ndS

    Vorticity as though it were the velocity field of an incompressible fluid The flux of vorticity thru an surface is equal to the circulation around the edge of that surface

    0. =

    cC S

    d dS == sVn ..

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Implications(Helmholtz Vortex Theorems, Part 1)

    The strength of a vortex tube (defined as thecirculation around it) is constant along the tube.

    The tube, and the vortex lines from which it is

    composed, can therefore never end. They mustextend to infinity or form loops. The average vorticity magnitude inside a vortex

    tube is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the tube

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    But, does the vortex tube travel along with thefluid, or does it have a life of its own?

    Fluidloop attime t


    fluid loopat timet+dt

    V dt

    (V +dV )dt

    If it moves with the fluid, then thecirculation around the fluid loopshown should stay the same.

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    Fluidloop attime t


    fluid loopat timet+dt

    V dt

    (V +dV )dt

    [ ]k jif V ).().().(1 z y x p Dt D



    d Dt D

    Dt D


    .So the rate of change of around the fluid loop is

    Now, the N.S. equation tell us that

    Body forceper unit mass

    Pressure force

    per unit mass

    Viscous force per

    unit mass, say f v

    ++=C C C

    d d p

    d Dt D

    sf ssf v ...

    So, in general

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Body Force Torque

    k f g= = S C dS d nf sf ..Stokes Theorem

    For gravity 0= f

    So, body force torque is zero for gravity and for any irrotationalbody force field

    Therefore, body force torque is zero for most practicalsituations

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Pressure Force Torque



    == S C dS pd p ns If density is constantSo, pressure force torque is zero. Also true as long as = (p).

    Pressure torques generated by

    Curved shocks

    Free surface / stratification

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Viscous Force Torque Viscous force torques are non-zero where

    viscous forces are present ( e.g. Boundary layer,wakes)

    Can be really small, even in viscous regions at

    high Reynolds numbers since viscous force issmall in that case

    The viscous force torques can then often be

    ignored over short time periods or distances

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    ImplicationsIn the absence of body-force torques, pressure torques and

    viscous torques the circulation around a fluid loop stays constant.

    Kelvins Circulation Theorem a vortex tube travels with the fluid material (as though it

    were part of it), or a vortex line will remain coincident with the same fluid line the vorticity convects with the fluid material, and doesnt diffuse fluid with vorticity will always have it fluid that has no vorticity will never get it

    ++=C C C

    d d p

    d Dt D

    sf ssf v ...

    Body forcetorque

    Pressure forcetorque

    Viscous force


    Helmholtz VortexTheorems, Part 2

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Vorticity Transport Equation The kinematic condition for convection of

    vortex lines with fluid lines is found as follows

    ( ) 0=ds Dt



    = . Dt


    After a lot of math we get....

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Example: Irrotational Flow?


    Consider a vehicle moving at constant speed in homogeneous medium (i.e. nofree surfaces) under the action of gravity, moving into a stationary fluid.

    Apparentuniform flow(V = const.)

    Far ahead of the sub we have

    that (since V = const.)0= V

    and the flow here is

    irrotational.Now, the flow generates nobody force or pressuretorques and, except in thevehicle boundary layer andwake.


  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Example: The Starting VortexConsider a stationary arifoil in a stationary medium.


    V = 0

    V = const.

    Fluid loop C

    Now suppose the airfoil starts moving to left. (Using the fact that that a liftingairfoil in motion has a circulation about it).

    == C C 0.dsV

    C = 0 by Kelvins Theorem

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Starting Vortex

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Example: Flow over a depression in a river bed

    A river flows over a depression locally doubling thedepth. The river contains turbulence that is tooweak to change the overall flow pattern. Anturbulent eddy convects from upstream over the

    depression. Estimate its strength in the depressionif the eddy is initially (a) vertical, and (b) horizontal.


    Solution: Need to assume that the viscous torques are not significant for the eddyso that the fluid tube it occupies remains coincident with the same fluid tube.

    (a) The vertical fluid tube occupied by the eddy will double in length in thedepression and so (by continuity) it will halve its cross sectional area. ByHelmholtz theorems, halving the cross sectional area of a vortex tube willdouble the vorticity. Hence .

    (b) Assuming the depression and flow is 2D, the flow speed will halve as it goesover the depression. The horizontal fluid tube containing the eddy will thushalve its length and (by continuity) double its cross-sectional area. By Helmhotztheorems the vorticity will ...

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Example: Evolution of turbulence in a shear flow

    Turbulence is convected and distorted in a shear flow, as shown. Consider an eddy that at time t=0is vertically aligned and has a vorticity o. Estimatethe vorticity magnitude and angle of an eddy, as

    functions of time.

    Solution: Need to assume that the viscous torques are not significant for the eddyso that the fluid tube it occupies remains coincident with the same fluid tube.

    Also need too assume that the eddy is to weak to influence the flow that isconvecting it.

    U=ky, k=const


    y l


    Time 0 Time t

    Consider a segment of the eddy of length l. In time t the top of the eddywill convect further than the bottom byan amount equal to the difference inthe velocity ( kl) times the time.The angle of the fluid tube containing the eddy will thus be

    The fluid tube also grows longer by the factorThe cross sectional area of the tube thus reduces by this factor, andtherefore the vorticity increases by this factor, i.e.

  • 7/27/2019 08_Class_KinematicsVorticity.pdf


    Example: Flow around a corner in a channel

    Air flows through a duct with a 6 o corner. An initiallyvertical eddy is introduced into the otherwiseuniform flow upstream and convects around thecorner. Estimate its orientation downstream.

    Solution: Need to assume that the viscous torques are not significant for the eddyso that the fluid tube it occupies remains coincident with the same fluid tube,and so that no vorticity is generated in the turn. Also need to assume that the

    eddy is too weak to influence the flow that is convecting it.

    Consider two initially perpendicular fluid lines, one in the streamwise direction andone vertical, coincident with the eddy. Since there is no vorticity componentperpendicular to the page, and no torques to generate any, the sum of the

    rotation rates of these two fluid lines must remain zero.

    The streamwise fluid line will follow thestreamline and thus rotate counterclockwiseby 6 o. The vertical fluid line and thus the

    eddy must therefore rotate clockwise by 6 o, as shown.



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