
Post on 05-Apr-2018






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    THOUGH OLD, I'M 'YOUNG __ ~ - __ ~ _ - . : ~ J . . . . ~ , , - ";. OR_I. preaching, and inter . overcome '. the tricky

    "Let there be light, pretation of the true lies and temptationsand there was light." meaning of the Bible of the flesh and lusts;

    My degrees in both and endeavoured to the power of healingMissionary and Edu- hear the voice of the and the successfulcational activities Father speaking to effects of blessingfrom 1920 - 1979 me. These blessings others, the removal offrom Pastor to revealed the true anger and badArchbishop did not light. What is this temper.give me any light. light? Where is the My Holy Father hasMy sister (wife) and became new by creatures born to, andfor the Spirit bybaptism of the HolySpirit by immersion inthe Calabar River in1980. The light trulyemerged followingthe prayers and imposition of the IronHands of the HolyFather. In an instance,wonderrul changes in .---!-y life were realized: Most Rev. Col. E. S. YekoroghaPower of Prayer, of Senior Archbishop andvision, of prophecy, World Ambassador, B. C.Sof discerning, ofhealing and of source and who is the placed me upon andynamism, gifts from giver? The light is the unbroken rock. He ISmy Holy Father Spiritual Power. It is the Rock and the solidOlumba Olumba Obu, from the Heavenly one. The life I live isSole Spiritual Leader. Father; and the giver is rested through simpleLikened to my Holy the Holy Father faith in OlumbaFather'who placed me through Jesus Christ Olumba Obu and Iin the Ministry of the the Lord. believe I shall beBrotherhood of the Despite my age, I unshrinkable. All myCross and Star with appear fresh and prophecies and revethe next ranking post younger. The Holy lations are real ,andof World Ambassador. Father.'s blessings on unopposed. The FatI have had the me are innumerable: her in me did all. Ipower of effective , ong life; Spirit to have no power. I am

    the Father's specialweapons and tools. Ipta,? f'tfr' an iffifTStfml,lost and betrayed.There has been nooccasion that I havefailed in my prayers tobring the lost and thebetrayed to this lightof the world. I givehonour, glory, praisesand adoration to myHoly Father for thesedivine gestures. Myflesh is fully spirited.I am not sick,neither weak. I visitother churches andtell them that they allare Brotherhood,created in love andrighteousness by theone Holy Father and.in most cases set upcommittees and haveBible classes thatthese churches seefor themselves theirdoctrinal errors.Finally, it is myworld-wide prayer toall Bethels in theworld and otherreligions that are notyet in the NewJerusalem that thepattern towards thegoal of eternal heritage and blessings beaehieved through ourHoly Father in whosehands rests theexcellent judgement.Thank You Father.

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