
Post on 02-May-2017






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Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

SUBIECTUL I Fill in the blanks with one suitable word: (20 puncte)

An Amazing Character

Have you read The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass? If not, you …1…….. get a copy and ……2…… it as soon as ……..3……. It's an amazing novel with an amazing main …4… This character, Oskar, has the…5…to destroy things at a distance, …6… by screaming. With his piercing …7… he can even scatter the super-tough …8… in jewellers' windows, and this leads to quite a…9… of thefts. The novel is …10… of memorable episodes and has been made into a very successful film. …11… out for it in your local cinema! But … 12…. all, borrow or buy a copy of the novel itself. It's available in paperback so …13… shouldn't …14… it too expensive. Once you've read it the sound of that …15… echo round your head for the …16… of your life.It may seem strange, but a well-written novel has …17… more effect on you than a film. Perhaps it's …18…. you have to use your imagination when you're reading. Whereas a film-maker …19… the imagining for you. Compare The Tin Drum as book and film and you'll see what I …20…

SUBIECTUL II Translate into English: (30 puncte)

1. Dacă ar auzi ce s-a întâmplat ar suferi foarte mult.2. Se spune că ar fi plecat de acasă de mai bine de o lună.3. Cine ar fi crezut că el este de vină?4. Cartea pe care o citesc este din ce în ce mai interesantă.5. Mi-a spus că va veni de îndată ce va termina de lucrat la cartea lui.6. Aş prefera să te duci chiar tu.7. Ar fi trebuit să te interesezi înainte de a face aceste afirmaţii.8. Cum spuneai că s-a purtat cu tine?9. Ne-au spus că vor ajunge acolo după ce vor aştepta trenul următor.10. S-ar putea să nu mai vină astăzi.

SUBIECTUL III Describe your best friend. (about 300 words). (40 puncte)


Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

SUBIECTUL IFill in the blanks with one suitable word: (20puncte)

A Flight to Remember

I always remember the toy …1…that gave us so …2… pleasure during a sunny summer holiday on the coast of North Wales. We stood in a field …3… the top of the cliffs, and time and …4… again we threw the little plane …5… towards them, into the warm sea …6… It …7… took a similar flight path above our heads and landing in the grass …8… usGradually we became more daring. Each flight …9… nearer the edge of the cliffs, and the wind always …10… our little plane back. Finally, standing right at the edge, I …11… to throw it seawards with all the power. It …12… out that I'd made the mistake of defying fate as this time the plane failed to return. It …13… down towards the waves then rose over, …14… seagulls flew close to examine it. It …15… out to sea.And that's the last I saw of it. It …16… into the distance, with only the inquisitive …17… to tell me that it was …18… in the air.I suppose it soon came down and got torn apart by the sea. Even so, our main …19… as we turned home was joy at having …20… such a glorious final flight.

SUBIECTUL IITranslate the following sentences into English: (30 puncte)

1. Dacă ar veni acum s-ar bucura să vadă că toată lumea ştie ce are de făcut.2. Se spune că veţi pleca într-o călătorie pe mare pe vasul "Aurora".3. Cine ar fi putut crede aşa ceva?4. Este din ce în ce mai frig în zonele acestea.5. Mi-a spus că va citi cartea de îndată ce o va găsi.6. E timpul să te hotărăşti.7. Cum spuneai că îl cheamă pe prietenul tău?8 Ar fi trebuit să citeşti mai mult dacă doreai să iei o notă mai bună.9 Ne-a povestit cum va pleca la munte şi pe cine va lua cu el.10 S-ar putea să ai destul noroc să o găseşti acolo.

SUBIECTUL IIIDescribe a place you would like to live in. (about 300 words). (40puncte)

MARKING SCHEME(1 - 2 hours)

I. GAP-FILLING……………………………………………………….20p- each correct solution……………………………………………….1px20gapsII. TRANSLATION……….…………………………...………………..30p- each correct sentence (10 sentences )……………………………….………3p

- correct structures, connectors and syntax …………….…… 2pof which

- appropiate vocabulary ………………………………………1p

III. ESSAY WRITING…………………………………………………….40p- completion of task ..………………………………………………………. 15p (narration/description/argumentation)- length constraint……………………………………………………………..3p- coherent and logical stream of ideas……………………………………….. 3p- balanced structuring of the commentary…………………………………… 3p

(introduction, development, conclusion) - correct use of structures, vocabulary and connectors………………………. 5p- accurate spelling and punctuation…………………….…………………….. 5p- appropriate style……………………………………….……………………. 3p- strong effect on the reader…………………………….……….……………. 3p

(persuasive argumentation, attractive presentation, interesting approach to topic)

10 points granted GENERAL SCORE 90+10 = 100 points

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