part 1 要點整理 1 · 另外有一些字中的w...

Post on 30-Jan-2020






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Part 1 要點整理.......................... 1-1Unit 1 單字與詞性 ...........................1-3Unit 2 名詞 .....................................1-35Unit 3 代名詞 .................................1-55Unit 4 關係詞 .................................1-73Unit 5 形容詞 .................................1-93Unit 6 比較級和最高級 ...............1-111Unit 7 副詞 ...................................1-125Unit 8 連接詞 ...............................1-135Unit 9 冠詞 ...................................1-155Unit 10 疑問句與附加問句 .........1-165Unit 11 介系詞 .............................1-173Unit 12 八大詞類與五大基本句型

     .........................................1-189Unit 13 時態 .................................1-213Unit 14 動名詞 .............................1-229Unit 15 不定詞 .............................1-243Unit 16 語態(被動) .................1-259Unit 17 分詞 .................................1-275Unit 18 助動詞 .............................1-289Unit 19 否定與倒裝 ................. 1-309Unit 20 語氣 .................................1-323Unit 21 易混淆動詞 ................. 1-333Unit 22 主詞與動詞一致 .............1-355

Part 2 生活口語關鍵句 ............... 2-1

Part 3 公職歷屆用語片語 ........... 3-1

Part 4 最新試題.......................... 4-1

1-3Unit 1 單字與詞性

Unit 1 單字與詞性



[e]:break, gain, sale, weight, obey[æ]:half, apple, cat[ε]:bread, care, bed, friend, guess, say, bury, said[i]:leave, bee, field, fever, receive, people, police[ ]:business, orange, money, zero, movie, sit[u]:food, blue, flew, shoe, group, lose, fruit, fluent[ʊ]:book, put, tour, wolf[o]:toe, coat, both, low, soul[ɔ]:caught, tall, law, broad, cough, soft[ɑ]:knowledge, solve, calm[ʌ]:but, blood, touch, come[ə]:enough, history[ɚ]:teacher, doctor, sugar[ɝ]:learn, bird, prefer, worship, hurt[ɑ ]:die, write, buy, height, guide, shy[ɑʊ]:ground, now[ɔ ]:boy, soy, coy[ɪr]:year, beer, here[εr]:chair, their[ɔr]:storm, dorm, from[or]:door, resource, port, four[ur]:your, poor, sure[ju]:beauty, huge, few[jʊ]:argue, pure

1-4 英 文


[b]:rob, cab, pub[d]:do, sudden, played[f]:find, laugh, suffer, telephone[g]:good, ghost[h]:who, high[j]:kick, cloth, soccer, stomach[l]:long, real, call

 [l.]:little, Bible[m]:many, blame, summer

[n]:name, inn, month, connect

 [n.]:button, cotton[p]:pen, public

[r]:red, pair[s]:say, press, society[t]:tow, jumped[v]:five, drive[w]:well, persuade[j]:yes, yearke[z]:zoo, result, puzzle, anxiety[ŋ]:single, uncle[ʃ]:ship, sure, pressure, nation, ocean[tʃ]:church, culture[ʒ]:pleasure, massage[dʒ]:judge, bridge, change, soldier[θ]:thin, thank[ð]:this, father[hw]:why, what[tr]:tree, street[dr]:dress, drive

1-5Unit 1 單字與詞性

[ks]:exercise, experience[gz]:exist, exhaust[kʃ]:luxury, anxious


e 不發音之情況:

:take, make, like s 不發音之情況:

:island, aisle c 不發音之情況:

:muscle l 不發音之情況:

:talk, walk, could, would h 不發音之情況:

:honest, hour k 不發音之情況:

:know, knife u 不發音之情況:

:build, guess t 不發音之情況:

:Christmas, often, listen, fasten字尾 mn 之 n 不發音:

:autumn, column gh 不發音之情況:

:bought, thought, eight, right, taught, high wr~中之 w 不發音之情況。另外有一些字中的 w 亦不發音:

:wrong, write, wrap, answer, sword, knowledge~mb 中字母 b 不發音。~bt 中之 b 不發音:

:comb, tomb, lamb, climb, bomb, doubt, debt四、另外

[t],[d],[ d]之發音:

1-6 英 文

:picked[t],saved[d],handed[ d],wanted[ d][ z]之發音:

:churches, changes, washes, sizes, glasses



~tion ~sion ~ment ~ness

~ance ~ence ~ity;~ty ~th

~al ~age ~cy 等…

1-1. fluent (Adj.) ---------------------------- fluency (N.)流暢。

A. Shane speaks fluent English.(宣的英文很流利。)

B. Fluency in English is required for this job in Taiwan and America.(在美國以及台灣找這份工作時,能說一口流利的英文是必要的


1-2. vacant (Adj.) ---------------------------- vacancy (N.)空缺;空位。

A. The room remains vacant.(這房間仍然空著。)

B. IBM company has a vacancy for a computer programmer.(IBM 公司有一個電腦程式設計師缺額。)

1-3. efficient (Adj.) ------------------------- efficiency (N.)效率。

A. He is an efficient salesman.(他是一位有效率的業務員。)

B. These machines have increased our work efficiency.(這些機器提高我們的工作效率。)

1-4. urgent (Adj.) ---------------------------- urgency (N.)緊急;緊急事件。

1-7Unit 1 單字與詞性

A. This is an urgent question.(這是一個緊急的問題。)

B. It’s an urgency.(它是個緊急事件。)

2-1. differ (V.) ------------------------------- difference (N.)不同;差異。

A. We differ from each other.(我們非常不同。)

B. The differences between the couple are their dispositions.(這對夫妻的差異處在他們的性格。)

2-2. obey (V.) -------------------------------- obedience (N.)服從。

A. You must obey your master.(你必須服從你的主人。)

B. It is imperative that soldiers act in obedience to orders.(士兵必須遵守命令行動。)

2-3. depend (V.) ----------------------------- dependence (N.)依賴。

A. Happiness depends on giving.(快樂取決於付出。)

B. I want to reduce my dependence on him.(我要減少對他的依賴。)

2-4. exist (V.) -------------------------------- existence (N.)存在;生存。

A. God exists in our hearts.(上帝存在我們心中。)

B. He doesn’t believe in the existence of gods and ghosts.(他不相信鬼神存在。)

2-5. occur (V.) ------------------------------- occurrence (N.)發生。

A. Earthquakes occur frequently in Taiwan.(台灣常有地震。)

B. The occurrence of storms delayed our flight.(暴風雨的來臨延緩了我們的班機。)

3-1. punish (V.) ------------------------------ punishment (N.)處罰;刑罰。

1-8 英 文

A. Drunk driving should be severely punished.(酒駕應受嚴厲處罰。)

B. The punishment for you is death.(對你處以死刑。)

3-2. move (V.) ------------------------------- movement (N.)行動。

A. Something moves.(有東西在動。)

B. The snake lay there without movement.(蛇靜靜地躺在那裡。)

3-3. entertain (V.) --------------------------- entertainment (N.)娛樂。

A. We were all entertained by Mr. Pig’s jokes.(我們大家對豬哥亮的笑話都很感趣味。)

B. No smoking in all places of public entertainment.(一切公共娛樂場所是禁煙。)

3-4. improve (V.) --------------------------- improvement (N.)改進;改良。

A. We want to improve students’ reading abilities.(我們要提高學生的閱讀能力。)

B. I cannot see any improvement in your study.(我看不出你在學習方面有什麼改進。)

3-5. employ (V.) ----------------------------- employment (N.)僱用;工作。

A. The pachinko center will employ 50 men.(這間柏青哥中心需要僱用五十人。)

B. Amber is looking for employment.(安柏正在找工作。)

3-6. accomplish (V.) -------------------- accomplishment (N.)完成;成就。

A. Betty has accomplished her goals.(貝蒂已完成她的目標。)

B. Publishing that book was quite an accomplishment.(發行那本書是一項相當了不起的成就。)

4-1. anxious (Adj.) -------------------------- anxiety (N.)憂心。

1-9Unit 1 單字與詞性

A. The employees are anxious about their jobs.(上班族對他們的工作感到憂心。)

B. Alan was filled with anxiety about his girl friend.(艾倫為女友憂心忡忡。)

4-2. honest (Adj.) --------------------------- honesty (N.)誠實。

A. Being honest is important.(誠實很重要。)

B. Alan has never doubted his girl friend’s honesty.(艾倫從沒懷疑過他女友的誠實。)

4-3. major (Adj.) ---------------------------- majority (N.)大多數。

A. The major part of the people are VIP members.(大部分的人都是 VIP 會員。)

B. The majority were on Betty’s side.(大多數人都站在貝蒂這一邊。)

4-4. curious (Adj.) -------------------------- curiosity (N.)好奇(心)。

A. Amber is curious about her sister’s new camera.(安柏對他妹的新相機感到好奇。)

B. Alan burned with curiosity over what Betty said.(艾倫急切地想知道貝蒂說什麼。)

4-5. pure (Adj.) ------------------------------ purity (N.)純潔(淨)。

A. The water from the mountain is pure and healthy.(山泉水既純淨又健康。)

B. The purity of love is unconditioned.(純潔的愛是不求回報。)

4-6. electric (Adj.) --------------------------- electricity (N.)電。

A. My friend is teasing my new hair style just looks like an electricshock.(我朋友笑說我的新髮型就像被電擊到一樣。)

B. You can feel the electricity in the crowd to Betty.(你可以感受到群眾對貝蒂的熱情。)

1-10 英 文

4-7. safe (Adj.) ------------------------------- safety (N.)安全。

A. Keep the jewelry in a safe place.(把珠寶放在安全的地方。)

B. We can see that safety in aviation is improving.(我們可以看到航空的安全日益進步中。)

4-8. national (Adj.) -------------------------- nationality (N.)國家的;國籍。

A. National safety is a very important issue.(國家安全是一個很重要的議題。)

B. Sally’s nationality is Taiwanese.(莎莉的國籍是台灣。)

4-9. equal (Adj.) ----------------------------- equality (N.)平等。

A. It’s true that all races are equal.(所有種族都是平等是真的。)

B. Gender equality is getting more attention in our society.(性別平等在現今社會中越來越受到重視。)

5-1. perform (V.) ---------------------------- performance (N.)執行;表演。

A. BBC symphony will perform in the Kaohsiung Cultural Centertonight.(BBC 交響樂團今晚將會在高雄文化中心演出。)

B. The performance begins at 9 o’clock.(表演在 9 點開始。)

5-2. insure (V.) ------------------------------ insurance (N.)保險。

A. Don’t forget to insure your car when you buy it.(買車的時候別忘了要加保險。)

B. Life insurance is getting more and more important.(壽險愈來愈重要。)

5-3. assist (V.) ------------------------------- assistance (N.)幫助;援助。

A. Mrs. Chen assisted some students to study over forty years.(陳女士幫助學生去讀書已超過 40 年。)

B. Your technical assistance in the project is greatly appreciated.

1-11Unit 1 單字與詞性


5-4. endure (V.) ------------------------------ endurance (N.)忍耐(力)。

A. Sa can’t endure him.(沙不能忍受他了。)

B. Marathon race tests a person’s endurance.(馬拉松賽跑考驗人的耐力。)

5-5. resist (V.) ------------------------------- resistance (N.)抵抗(力)。

A. Betty can’t resist his pursuit.(貝蒂無法抵抗他的追求。)

B. My resistance is low so I’m afraid I catch a cold.(我抵抗力不好,所以我怕我感冒了。)

6-1. suggest (V.) ----------------------------- suggestion (N.)建議。

A. The teacher suggested that the student make his own decision.(老師建議他的學生為自己做一個決定。)

B. I broke up with him at his suggestion.(我聽他的建議跟他分手了。)

6-2. operate (V.) ----------------------------- operation (N.)操作;手術。

A. The main engineer operates the machine and explains the functions.(主任工程師操作那台機器並且解說功能。)

B. My mother underwent a major operation last week.(我媽媽上週動了一個大手術。)

6-3. connect (V.) ---------------------------- connection (N.)連接。

A. Internet connects the whole world without distance.(網路連接世界是無遠弗屆的。)

B. The connection of our telephone took us one hour.(我們用了一個小時才接通了電話。)

6-4. explain (V.) ----------------------------- explanation (N.)解釋;說明。

A. Could you explain what this means?(你能說明這是什麼意思嗎?)

B. It needs no explanation.

1-12 英 文


6-5. translate (V.) ---------------------------- translation (N.)翻譯。

A. Please translate what the international guest said to our audience.(請為我們的觀眾翻譯國際來賓剛才所說的話。)

B. I read the secret in Chinese translation.(我讀過《祕密》的中文版。)

7-1. happy (Adj.) ---------------------------- happiness (N.)快樂;幸福。

A. They seem very happy.(他們似乎很快樂。)

B. Money does not always bring happiness.(金錢並不會總是帶來快樂。)

7-2. kind (Adj.) ------------------------------ kindness (N.)仁慈。

A. My father is very kind.(我的父親很和藹可親。)

B. She did it all out of kindness.(她這樣做完全是出於仁慈之心。)

8-1. carry (V.) -------------------------------- carriage (N.)運輸(費)。

A. THSR carries hundreds of thousands of passengers a day.(台灣高鐵每天運載數十萬乘客。)

B. The driver does not charge much for carriage.(司機只收一點運費。)

8-2. post (V.) --------------------------------- postage (N.)郵寄;郵費。

A. Do you mind posting a package for me?(你能幫我寄個包裹嗎?)

B. The postage for airmail is 17 dollars.(一封航空信的郵資是美金 17 塊。)

8-3. marry (V.) ------------------------------- marriage (N.)結婚。

A. Betty is going to marry Ann.(貝蒂將與安結婚。)

B. People have just heard of his marriage to an heiress.

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