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  • 8/2/2019 BBS-7-MEC MG


    MBA - Managerial Economics



    Faculty of Business


    MBA (Level 7)

  • 8/2/2019 BBS-7-MEC MG


    BBS-7-MEC 2

    Table of Contents

    1. Module Details.............................................................................................................................. .... 3

    2. Short Description ...................................................................................................................... ........ 4

    3. Aims of the Module ................................................................................................................ ........... 4

    4. Learning Outcomes.................................................................................................................. .......... 5

    4.1 Knowledge and Understanding............................................................................................................ 5

    4.2 Intellectual Skills .......................................................................................................................... ...... 5

    4.3 Practical Skills ................................................................................................................................ .... 6

    4.4 Transferable Skills ...................................................................................................................... ........ 6

    5. Assessment of the Module ................................................................................................................. 7

    6. Feedback ........................................................................................................ ................................ 10

    7. Introduction to Studying the Module ................................................................................................ 11

    7.1 Overview of the Main Content .......................................................................................................... 11

    7.2 Overview of Types of Classes ............................................................................................................. 11

    7.3 Importance of Student SelfManaged Learning Time ........................................................................... 12

    7.4 Employability................................................................................................................................ ... 13

    8. The Programme of Teaching, Learning and Assessment ...................................................................... 14

    9. Student Evaluation .................................................................................................................. ........ 21

    10. Learning Resources.................................................................................................................. ........ 21

    10.1 Core Materials .............................................................................................................................. .. 21

    10.2 Optional Materials.................................................................................................................... ....... 21

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    BBS-7-MEC 3


    Module Title: Managerial Economics

    Module Level: 7 (MBA)

    Module Reference Number: BBS7MEC

    Credit Value: 20 CATS POINTS

    Student Study Hours: 200Contact Hours: 60

    Blackboard Contact Hours: 20

    Private Study Hours: 120

    Prerequisite Learning (If applicable): None

    Corequisite Modules (If applicable): None

    Course(s): Executive MBA & MBA

    Year and Semester 1 (Semester 1)

    Module Coordinator: Ceyhun Elci

    MC Contact Details Room:



    LR 317 (London Road)

    [email protected]

    020 7815 7071

    Teaching Team & Contact Details:Room:



    Contact Details:




    Brain ArdyLR137 (London Road)

    [email protected]

    020 7815 8129

    Michael Wood

    LR 51 (London Road)

    [email protected]

    020 7815 7780

    Subject Area: Business

    Summary of Assessment Method: 1. Discussion Question Responses

    2. Project Proposal and Outline Report

    3. Unit Final Project Report

    (See page 79)

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    BBS-7-MEC 4


    This module is designed to provide students with an understanding of how economics can

    inform managerial decisions and provide a range of tools for optimising the profitability of the

    firm. Students will be introduced to many realworld case studies illustrating the concepts

    studied in a practical context.

    The unit will show how economic theory can reinforce decisionmaking in the development and

    implementation of business strategy for greater competitiveness in the global economy. The

    participants are introduced to the main themes of managerial economics and go on to study

    some key management tools in detail. These include optimisation, demand analysis, production

    and cost analysis, risk analysis, game theory, and pricing strategy. Consideration is given to the

    importance of market structure and the role of government in the economy and in enterprises.


    The specific aims of this unit in Managerial Economics are to ensure that students can:

    Understand the contribution economic theory can make to the analysis of issues in business


    Appreciate the value of economic tools in shaping business decisions and strategy for the

    achievement of greater competitiveness;

    Gain experience in the use of economics for business and management research, both

    academic and practical.

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    BBS-7-MEC 5


    4.1 Knowledge and Understanding

    On completing the unit it is expected that students should be able to:

    Demonstrate understanding of economic theory and its relevance to businessmanagement;

    Apply economic tools to the analysis of complex business issues;

    Critically evaluate the methodologies used in particular economic analyses;

    Critically appraise managerial behaviour and firm behaviour in economic reasoning;

    Demonstrate a critical understanding of market and government interaction;

    Critically apply economic principles to management activities and mechanisms;

    Demonstrate an indepth knowledge and comprehension of different methods of

    economic evaluation;

    Demonstrate a detailed understanding and evaluation of costs, revenues, and economic

    financial performance of organisations;

    4.2 Intellectual Skills

    On completing the unit it is expected that students should be able to:

    Evaluate and interpret economic tools, decisionmaking views and information from a

    variety of sources;

    Demonstrate information gathering, interpretation, and analytical/problem solving skills

    with economics for management tasks;

    Demonstrate capabilities in economic analysis to form managerial decisions with

    strategic economic views;

    Demonstrate an ability to apply the methods of economic analysis to the reallife

    management decision making;

    Critically evaluate alternative performance and success methods with new economic

    tools for management;

    Effectively communicate the outcomes of quantitative and quantitative decisionmaking


    Demonstrate the development of critical understanding and analytical judgment of

    economic issues.

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    BBS-7-MEC 6

    4.3 Practical Skills

    On completing the unit it is expected that students should be able to:

    Develop group and team working skills through case studies and indepth topic

    discussions within seminars and workshops;

    Develop the ability to engage in selfmanaged learning, including reading and study

    skills in preparation for class discussions, coursework and examination assessment,

    while considering management tools;

    Demonstrate an ability to understand and critically evaluate alternative viewpoints and

    theories, weigh evidence and draw conclusions for the better;

    Prepare and write a management report with economic theorems for management;

    Develop information technology skills through the use of electronic databases and

    software used in the corporate field. Interact with the World Wide Web for gathering

    corporate information and publisher based learner support materials.

    4.4 Transferable Skills

    On completing the unit it is expected that students should be able to:

    Communication skills through engaging in discussions and debate in the context

    seminars (managerial teams)

    Engage in interactive, problemsolving with other members of the unit throughdiscussion and debate about managerial decisions;

    Problemsolving skills developed through individual work and interactive seminar


    Critical analysis and evaluation skills though negotiations and debates;

    Written presentation skills for professional report writing;

    Time management and planning skills in organising time and the working to assignment


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    BBS-7-MEC 7


    The unit will be assessed through 3 assignments that will make up the units 100% coursework


    Unit assessment is made up of 3 main elements:

    Assignment 1 Discussion Question Answers & Participation (30% weighting)

    Students will have regular online Blackboard interaction with other students from the

    unit and the unit team in order to help consolidate the students understanding of

    theoretical concepts and to develop skills through discussion exercises. The content of

    the online blackboard contact sessions will relate to the materials covered in the

    lectures and reading material and will focus on Discussion Questions set by the unit

    coordinator prior to weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.

    For assignment 1 Students are required to submit a total of 5blackboard discussions

    submissions in response to Discussion Questions that will be set by the unit coordinator

    for blackboard submission. Student must submit their initial response to the Discussion

    Question for week 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 by the Sunday prior to the week. A typical answer

    should have about 500 words, but it is the quality of the answer that matters, not the

    number of words.

    The submissions will then be followed by participation in the discussions with followon

    postings to your peers answers, making 35 significant discussion question followup

    postings in addition to your initial response for each Discussion Question. The questions

    will be developed through the blackboard discussion board and in seminars following

    the Sunday submission in weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.

    Assignment 2 Unit Project Proposal & Outline Report (20% weighting)

    Assignment 2 is to prepare a project proposal of the Final Project Report, for

    Assignment 3. The unit requires students to complete a course project that reveals

    mastery in application of the macroeconomic and microeconomic concepts emphasised

    in the course. This involves reporting on a specific organisation within an industry and

    optimal strategies involving pricing and resource utilisation that affect the value of the

    chosen firm or industry (see Assignment 3; below).

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    BBS-7-MEC 8

    Assignment 2 is a proposal and outline of the work intended to be undertaken in the

    final project report. The project proposal should include the nature of the students

    final project, including the sources of information that is planned to use, and the most

    important concepts and techniques to be applied in a managerial economics report.

    Tasks are:

    1. To assess the macroeconomic conditions and the opportunities and threats

    suggested by these conditions for the chosen firm;

    2. To analyse the microeconomic market structure and demand, cost, and

    production conditions observed;

    3. To evaluate the organisation itself for practises of risk management as well as

    capital structure and budgeting;

    4. To develop a reasoned and evidencebased managerial strategy based on these

    macroeconomic, microeconomic, and organisationalspecific conditions in each

    area of production, pricing, and resource utilisation.

    The proposal and outline should have a 1,250word count and is to be submitted in

    week 10, both to the faculty office and the unit blackboard turnitin system. You will

    receive feedback on the proposal from the unit teaching team in Week 11, which will

    give you time to make adjustments for the final project.

    Assignment 3 Unit Final Project Report (50% weighting)

    The final assignment is an Individual Final Project Report for the unit. The Individual

    Final Project Report is to allow students to demonstrate their attainment of the

    learning outcomes of the unit, through the application of the concepts and techniques


    The purpose of the Final Project is to apply the concepts and techniques of the unit to

    the analysis of realworld situations or problems. Students are expected to use diverse

    sources of information and to carry out an original analysis rather than summarise or

    rehash existing work. Students are encouraged to use situations and data from their

    own experience where possible.

    The Final Project Report should be a formal report that provides both specific strategies

    and tactics involving pricing, production, and resource utilisation in order to enhance

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    BBS-7-MEC 9

    the value of the chosen firm. These strategies and tactics are to be supported with

    macroeconomic and microeconomic theory.

    The Final Project Report should follow the given outline:

    1. Brief company background and history;2. Description of firm's organisation and management model;

    3. Competitor and market analysis;

    4. Product and services pricing strategies;

    5. Degree of regulation or deregulation;

    6. Risk management;

    7. Capital structure and budgeting;

    8. Conclusion,

    The Final Project should also include a section on how and where you obtained the

    information sources as well as the methodology used to perform any analysis

    The final report should have a 2,500word count and is to be submitted in week 13,

    both to the faculty office and the unit blackboard turnitin system.


    Discussion Question Responses: Deadline the Sunday (midnight) prior to the

    start of weeks, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Followed by 3

    5 followup responses.

    Project Proposal and Outline: Day of lecture in Week 10

    Final Project Report: Day of lecture in Week 13

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    Feedback will normally be given to students 15 working days after the submission of an


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    BBS-7-MEC 11


    7.1 Overview of the Main Content

    The main indicative content of the unit are:

    To build on students experience to date of managerial services and foster your own

    understanding of the issues that inextricably link management and economics. The aim is to

    familiarise students with the main principles of managerial economics, focussing on the

    economic evaluation of differing and new managerial technologies. The module will introduce

    students to the conduct and critical appraisal of managerial economic evaluations. At the end of

    the module, students should be able to recognise and understand key economic terms and

    have the skills to engage in discussions with colleagues about the advantages and challenges of

    using economics to make informed managerial decision making and prioritysetting of tasks.

    On completion of this unit you should be able to:

    Critically appraise managerial behaviour in terms of economic tools with further analysis

    of the firm behaviour in managerial decision making aspects;

    Demonstrate a critical understanding of economics if firm activities;

    Critically apply economic principles to managerial activities and mechanisms;

    Demonstrate an indepth knowledge and comprehension of different methods of

    economic evaluation;

    Demonstrate a detailed understanding and evaluation of costs, revenues, and economic

    financial performance of organisations;

    Demonstrate a critical understanding of the rational behind organisation management

    in an economics perspective.

    7.2 Overview of Types of Classes

    Learning will be via a twohour lecture each week to introduce participants to the theories and

    concepts underpinning the unit. Each weeks theme will be made up of several topics, which

    will enable you to achieve the learning objectives for the week and one or more of the learning

    outcomes of the module. These topics will be addressed in the Lecture Notes and readings for

    the week.

    This will be supplemented with a twohour seminar each week to provide extensive discussion

    experience with the practical/applied aspects of the unit. The seminars will develop on

    managerial economics themes through a combination of selfstudy and the use of open learning

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    BBS-7-MEC 12

    materials that will be provided via the blackboard. The seminars will require students to

    undertake substantial interactions with other students and the teaching team, in order to

    consolidate theoretical concepts and develop skills through discussion and exercises. The

    content of these seminars will relate to the materials covered for each week and will include

    Discussion Questions set by the teaching team.

    The unit will use lectures and open learning materials to introduce the full range of topics that

    need to be covered, although some additional detail will arise through discussion and

    collaboration between students and the teaching teams professional experience in managerial

    economics, and through students own exploration of recommended further reading. One of the

    strengths of the seminarlearning program is the high level of student interaction, where

    students are encouraged to share their own experiences in the classroom for the benefit of the


    Each part of the module has detailed learning objectives, indicating the topics and level of

    competence that students should achieve on completion of that part.

    7.3 Importance of Student SelfManaged Learning Time

    Students will be studying this unit through a combination of selfstudy and classroom

    interactions. Selfstudy materials are vital for achieving weekly learning outcomes and introduce

    the full range of topics that need to be covered with prior selfstudy while after class selfstudy

    links the material to own experiences.

    Hence, all students are expected to undertake substantial selfmanaged learning time. The self

    study part of the unit includes:

    Overviewing the written and presented lecture notes covering managerial economics

    topics within each of the unit;

    Becoming aware of links to slides and other media offering additional insights to

    managerial economics;

    Analysing the recommended reading relating to the topics within the weekly theme.

    It is important that all students understand that the lectures provide only an outline of the topic

    under consideration. It is, therefore, essential that all students supplement lectures with

    reading from both the lecture notes and the core reading. It is also important to keep abreast of

    the topics being covered in the lectures, as many lectures build on material covered in previous

    lectures. This means doing some reading every week, while engaging in discussions that will

    develop fundamental economic management views that may not be obvious from just following

    the lectures and the reading material.

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    BBS-7-MEC 13

    7.4 Employability

    The unit aims to meet the expectations of industrial executive management employers. The unit

    and course will develop techniques for students to be able to demonstrate an awareness of

    economic theory and techniques that describe the role and function of top executive managers.

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    BBS-7-MEC 14



    Week 1: Introduction to economics for management


    Economic models and assumptions

    Pages 49 in Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the field of managerial

    economics. The content examines the field of economic theory and decision

    sciences and how these areas are incorporated into the decisionmaking process

    for managerial economics.

    Theory of the firm

    Pages 1015 in Chapter 1 analyses the existence of the firm itself and the firms

    primary functions. The theory of the firm is explained while constraints and

    limitations are also introduced in order to evaluate the theorys usefulness.

    The nature and function of profits

    Pages 1623 in Chapter 1 illustrates the difference between business and

    economic profits while also presenting several theories of profits. The reading also

    examines the function of profits in a freeenterprise economy.

    The global context of managerial economics

    Pages 2328 in Chapter 1 discusses the growing implications for firms as they

    operate and compete within an international framework. The author does write

    from the viewpoint of an American firm, but the issues presented can be broadly


    Demand, supply, and equilibrium

    Pages 3236 in the Appendix to Chapter 1 a review of the basic economic concepts

    of demand, supply, and equilibrium are provided. The appendix illustrates the

    demand and supply curves while also discussing how shifts in such curves can

    occur and the subsequent impact on equilibrium.

    Selfstudy for Week 1:

    Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

    Week 2: Management tools for optimisation and introduction to demand


    Economic relationships

    Pages 4147 in Chapter 2 analyses the economic relationships between total,

    average, and marginal costs and revenues. The author explains each of the

    concepts and also provides graphical representations.

    Optimisation analysis

    Pages 4752 in Chapter 2 analyses the marginal concept of costs and revenues, as

    firms seek to optimise their performance. The author describes how firms should

    produce to the point where marginal revenue equals marginal costs, which is

    known as optimisation analysis.

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    BBS-7-MEC 15

    Benchmarking, reengineering, and the learning organisation

    Pages 5259 in Chapter 2 discusses the popular tools of benchmarking, total quality

    management, and reengineering as they apply to improving a firms performance.

    The reading demonstrates a stark contrast between the three tools and analyses

    the potential within each. The author also introduces the concept of the learning

    organisation and describes the five basic components that serve as its foundation.

    Other management tools for optimisation

    Pages 6063 in Chapter 2 provides a general overview of several different

    management tools that may be implemented for increasing efficiency and

    competitiveness of the firm. While many of these tools are new, it is believed that

    they will gain in popularity as firms seek novel and better ways to improve in the


    New Management Tools and Functional Specialisation

    Pages 6467 in Chapter 2 provides a general overview of several new management

    tools that are becoming more used for decisionmaking.

    Selfstudy for Week 2:

    Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

    Discussion Questions:

    Submit DQ1 by Sunday prior to week 2 (see weekly reading handbook)

    Week 3: Demand Theory and Analysis


    Demand theory

    Pages 8898 in Chapter 3 analyses consumer demand and the factors affecting it.

    The author examines the forces that determine the demand for a firms particular


    Elasticity of demand

    Pages 99116 in Chapter 3 analyses the responsiveness in the quantity demanded

    of a commodity with regards to change in forces such as price, consumer income,

    and crossprice (or related commodity prices).

    Demand estimation

    Pages 138146 in Chapter 4 discusses the marketing research approaches for the purpose of estimating demand for a firms commodity. The reading examines the

    general difficulties in deriving a demand curve.

    Selfstudy for Week 3:

    Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

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    BBS-7-MEC 16

    Week 4: Introduction to Regression Analysis and Demand Forecasting


    Basics of regression analysis

    Pages 147150 in Chapter 4 provides a basic introduction to regression analysis and

    how the regression equation is constructed.

    Using regression analysis to estimate demand

    Pages 167171 in Chapter 4 entail how a firm conducts regression analysis for the

    purpose of estimating a demand curve. The author discusses the steps involved in

    determining the appropriate regression model for demand estimation.

    Demand forecasting

    Pages 186214 in Chapter 5 provides a synopsis of the various quantitative and

    qualitative methods that firms utilise to develop accurate economic forecasts. The

    ability to forecast demand and sales are essential for organisations in the planning

    of resources and production.

    Selfstudy for Week 4: Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

    Discussion Questions:

    Submit DQ2 by Sunday prior to week 4

    Week 5: Production and Innovation


    Production theory

    Pages 232236 in Chapter 6 analyses the basic production function that thefirm must address with regards to the levels of labour and capital.

    Production estimation

    Pages 236258 in Chapter 6 outlines and discusses the approach toestimating production for a firm with one or two variable inputs. The readingalso explores the Law of Diminishing Returns and its relation to production.


    Pages 262269 in Chapter 6 discuss the meaning and importance of the

    innovation process with regards to the production of the firm. Product and process innovation are explained, and the Open Innovation Model isexamined for future significance.

    Selfstudy for Week 5:

    Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

    Week 6: Cost Analysis and Estimation

    Cost theory

    Pages 280308 in Chapter 7 examines the nature of costs of production the

    differences between accounting and economic costs.

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    BBS-7-MEC 17

    Short/Longrun and Economies of Scale

    Pages 290-308 in Chapter 7 examines Total, average, and marginal costcurves are explained for both the short-run and the long-run. Examiningcosting in view of economies of scale. The Chapter also looks at theLearning curve and the minimising of costs through international


    Cost estimation

    Pages 309315 in Chapter 7 provides a look at the methods for estimating

    costs for a firm and explore plant size, economies of scale, economies ofscope, and the learning curve. Consideration is also given to supply chainmanagement and break-even analysis.

    Selfstudy for Week 6:

    Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

    Discussion Questions:

    Submit DQ3 by Sunday prior to week 6

    Week 7: Market structure


    Perfect competition

    Pages 340345 in Chapter 8 introduce the perfect competition market structure.

    You will also examine how to determine price and output for the firm.


    Pages 346360 in Chapter 8 outlines and discusses the monopoly structure.You will explore the sources for monopoly power and analyse the effects of

    product variation and operational expenses.

    Monopolistic competition

    Pages 346360 in Chapter 8 outlines and discusses the monopolisticcompetition structure. Here you will analyse the effects of product variationand operational expenses under monopolistic competition.

    Oligopoly and market concentration

    Pages 370374 in Chapter 9 presents the various forms of the oligopoly and the

    sources that lead to such a market structure. You will also be introduced to methods

    for computing the market concentration of an industry to determine the degree to

    which it is dominated by a few large firms.

    Profitability and efficiency

    Pages 383393 in Chapter 9 examine the implications of profitability and efficiency

    on the oligopolistic firm. Porters strategic framework should help you to better

    understand the strategic challenges that firms face as they attempt to maximise


    Firm architecture

    Pages 394402 in Chapter 9 provides a look at the alternatives for organising,

    operating, and responding to change. The ideal firm and its general characteristics

    are examined along with the rise of the creative and virtual corporations.

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    Selfstudy for Week 7:

    Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

    Week 8: Strategic decisions and Dominant Equilibriums


    Game theory and strategic behaviour

    Pages 416429 in Chapter 10 examine game theory and its application to

    explaining and predicting the strategic behaviour of firms.

    Strategic behaviour and international competitiveness

    Pages 429432 in Chapter 10 incorporate the implications of action by international

    firms in making strategic decisions as well as the possibility of government


    Dominant Strategy and Nash Equilibrium

    Pages 416429 in Chapter 10 analyses the Nash equilibrium and the prisoners

    dilemma as enhancements to game theory.

    Price and Nonprice Competition

    Pages 416429 in Chapter 10 examines the prisoners dilemma and considers the

    decision element of competition, through both pricing and nonpricing competition,

    in differing management decision markets.

    Selfstudy for Week 8:

    Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

    Discussion Questions:

    Submit DQ4 by Sunday prior to week 8

    Week 9: Pricing


    Pricing strategy

    Pages 441448 in Chapter 11 examine the issues of multiple products produced bya firm in determining price levels. You will explore the interrelationships of demand

    and production for such products as well as fixed and variable joint production.

    Price discrimination

    Pages 449457 in Chapter 11 discusses the concept of price discrimination and how

    the ability to discriminate affects pricing strategy. International price

    discrimination, or dumping, is also considered along with the possible trade

    restrictions that governments may impose.

    Transfer Pricing

    Pages 465-476 in Chapter 11 discusses the concept of transfer pricing as

    alternative methods of pricing strategy.

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    Pricing practices

    Pages 465476 in Chapter 11 provides a look at the alternatives for pricing, such as

    bundling, and skimming.

    Selfstudy for Week 9:

    Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

    Week 10: Regulation of the Economy


    The role of government

    Pages 494509 in Chapter 12 examine the role of government through the

    economic theory of regulation and the public interest theory of regulation. You will

    explore various ways that governments have regulated competition and their

    effects on business decisions and consumers.

    Enforcement of competition/antitrust laws

    Pages 510517 and 518 in Chapter 12 outlines and discusses the major antitrust

    laws that have been developed and how the legal system has interpreted these

    laws based on organisational structure or business conduct.


    Pages 517 and 519520 in Chapter 12 briefly examines the negative effects that

    government regulation has created and the growing call for governments to loosen

    the restrictions on business practices. The reading also introduces the benefits of


    Regulation of international competition

    Pages 519523 in Chapter 12 examine the reasons that governments enact trade

    restrictions on international organisations. These restrictions protect domestic firms

    from exporters that can charge lower prices; however, these restrictions are

    generally not beneficial to consumers.

    Taxation and its effects

    Pages 523525 in Chapter 12 provide a brief look at the reasons that governments

    impose corporate taxes on certain industries or products. You will find that taxes

    can greatly influence the amount of investment in a country as well as the ability to

    generate revenue.

    Selfstudy for Week 10:

    Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

    Discussion Questions:

    Submit DQ5 by Sunday prior to week 10

    Project Proposal & Outline:

    Submit your Project Proposal

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    Week 11: Risk Analysis


    Measuring risk

    Pages 533543 in Chapter 13 examine the methods for measuring risk and the

    concepts that are essential for conducting risk analysis.

    Dealing with risk

    Pages 544556 in Chapter 13 discuss the importance of the managers attitude

    towards risk with regards to decision making. You will also examine how to adjust

    the valuation model for risk related to investment analysis and how decision trees

    and simulation are being used to assist with complex decisions subject to risk.


    Pages 556569 in Chapter 13 examine how decisions are made under

    conditions of uncertainty. This rather subjective process can be aided with

    the use of some objective decision rules: the maximin criterion and the

    minimax regret criterion.

    Selfstudy for Week 11:

    Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

    Week 12: Investment Decisions and Capital Budgeting

    Capital budgeting

    Pages 580592 in Chapter 14 provide an overview of the capital budgeting process

    and the various steps that are involved.

    Capital Rationing and the Profitability Index

    Pages 580592 in Chapter 14 examine the important concepts of cash flows, net

    present value, and internal rate of return in evaluating investment projects.

    The cost of capital

    Pages 592601 in Chapter 14 explore the two general funding sources available to

    firms and how to calculate the cost of each. As these funding sources are vital for

    undertaking capital projects, firms must use the cost of capital to discount cash

    flows and also as a benchmark against the internal rate of return for a project.

    Reviewing Investment Projects After Implementation

    Selfstudy for Week 12:

    Read and/or review the lecture notes for each topic

    Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic

    Week 13: Final Project Report

    Final Project:

    Submit your Final Project Report

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    Other Materials

    London South Bank Universitys Intranet and computer based resources, CLSD LSBU


    The Economist magazines, journals & relevant articles in boardsheet newspapers.

    Managerial Economics Blackboard Site.