Page 1: 几张最重要的意大利葡萄酒面孔 A Couple of most influential wine faces from Italy

100 Italian Wine Faces

100张意大利葡萄酒面孔从零开始认识意大利葡萄酒第一辑,不可不知的意大利葡萄酒大拿First episode of Knowing Italian Wine from Scratch, Italian Wine celebrities you have to know.

Page 2: 几张最重要的意大利葡萄酒面孔 A Couple of most influential wine faces from Italy

From Association to politics

1.. 本土的国际化/Localized Internationalization-Riccardo Cotarella

#100Italianwinefaces#, on top of the list is Riccardo Cotarella, presidente of "L’Union Internationale des Oenologues" and scientific committee of Milan Expo Wine pavilion, a well know wine consultant. Media states that "trovandosi spesso nel luogo giusto al momento giusto"—always find himself in the right place at the right timing.

#100张意大利葡萄酒面孔#:位列榜首的是Riccardo Cotarella,"国际酿酒师协会”的现任主席,米兰世博会意大利葡萄酒馆的科学委员会主席,一位知名的酿酒师顾问。媒体说他“trovandosi spesso nel luogo giusto al momento giusto”-总是“在合适的时间出现在对的地点”。如此符合2.. 年轻的政客搭配热辣红酒/Young politician matches perfect with sexy Wine

#100Italianwinefaces# day 2, Italy is a country where politics is closely related to every industries, Wine is no exception. Since the young and skinny gentleman, Maurizio Martina, took over the role of  Minister of Agricultural, he has "acquisito competenze,conoscenze e visioni." acquired competence, knowledges and visions. Negotiating with EU to protect the denomination as well as the natural native grape resources, he also teams up with world's largest e-commerce player, in an effort to expand oversea Italian wine market. He might not be handsome but surely stylish is.#100张意大利葡萄酒面孔#:第二位,Maurizio Martina(左一),意大利农业部长。意大利是一个政治与所有行业都紧密联系的国家,葡萄酒当然也不例外。从这个瘦削年轻的政治家接过农业部长的权力棒开始,他已经成功的获得了“能力,认可和远见”。与欧盟议会协议保护地区产地命名和自然原生葡萄资源,他也与全球最大的电商玩家结盟。也许是传统意义的帅,不过倒是时尚感十足的在助力着意大利葡萄酒的海外市场扩张。

Page 3: 几张最重要的意大利葡萄酒面孔 A Couple of most influential wine faces from Italy

3.. 老姜的味道总是这么地道/Taste of vintage fine wine never fails you

#100Italianwinefaces# day 3, happily celebrating the weekend, my dear Indian colleague made us milk tea. It’s very tasty but not comparable with the sexy English accent of Pietro Antironi, god-father of modern Italian wine industry and heir of one of the oldest winemaking families. He is considered the flagship of fine Italian wines not only because he led the largest family wine business (though the girls start to take over) but also because the wild reach of products bore the name of “Antironi”. The recent investments are featured by bubbly and rose wines, supplementary to Antironi’s portfolio. Also a firm step to catch up with the market trends. Teamed up with COFCO in China, Antironi shall expect another round of brand awareness improvement.#100张意大利葡萄酒面孔#:第三位,喜迎周末,亲爱的印度同事给我们做了美味的奶茶,味道虽好,但总是比不上“Pietro Antironi”,意大利现代葡萄酒业教父兼最古老酿酒家族的继承者,那性感的英文口音。他常常被视为意大利葡萄酒的旗帜,不单单因为自己管理着意大利最大的家族酒庄(现在也逐渐由女儿们接棒),也因为所酿造葡萄酒的全球触角。最近,几笔在起泡和桃红葡萄酒方向的投资,也彰显着趁势而为的坚定作风。与中粮的结盟后,Antironi品牌认知的再起风云,似乎也是可期的。4.. 我是一个“富N代”/I am “rich” n-generation

#100Italianwinefaces# day 4, Saturday morning after a pleasant jogging and knowledgeable discussion about caste system in India, I introduce you another Italian Wine legend “Angelo Gaja”. Definitely these two mentioned above don’t share a thing in common, but perhaps I could use the same adjective “rich” to describe both. Caste system is “rich” in sense of history, tradition and evolvement while Angelo Gaja is “rich” in sense of experience, adventurous and innovative spirits. Notice that he also spent some days studying wine in Montpellier, south of France, I feel more familiar with him even though we’ve not met in person yet. His early days in family winery Gaja were all about viticulture and enology, higher plant density, planting Cabernet Sauvignon in the fields of Barbaresco, introducing small French oak barrel to wine ageing, releasing single vineyard Barbaresco, etc. He’s like a geek scientist, so obsessed with experimenting and exploring. Later years were featured by cooperation

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with renowned winemaker Guido Rivella while he himself shifted the focus to the marketing, sales and vineyard acquisition. Some 30 years of dedication to one thing will likely make you a legend in this business, imaging where 30 years of innovation will lead you. If you’ve tasted the Gaja wine, you probably are rich. To get richer, you got to meet with Angelo yourself.#100张意大利葡萄酒面孔#:第四位,周六的早上,在完成一次愉悦的晨跑和受益匪浅的“印度种姓制度”讨论后,我为大家介绍意大利葡萄酒的另一位传奇“Angelo Gaja”。虽然Gaja和种姓制度两者间没有丝毫关系,但是也许可以用一个形容词“富有”来形容两者。种姓制度的“富有”在于其历史、传统和发展,Gaja的“富有”在于其经验、冒险和创新的精神。注意到 Angelo Gaja也曾在南法的城市蒙彼利埃学习葡萄酒酿造,虽然还没机会相见,但是内心也平添亲切。Angelo早年在家族酒庄内的轨迹与葡萄栽培和酿造紧密相连:高密度栽培,在Barbaresco的土地上种植赤霞珠,引入法国小橡木桶来陈酿,发布单一葡园 Barbaresco 等等。他像是一个科学即可,痴迷于各种实验和探索。后来的日子,Angelo 选择了入世,与知名酿酒师Guido Rivella合作,将自己的精力重心转移到市场推广,销售和葡萄园的并购上。如果你已经享受过Gaja的葡萄酒,那么你也许已经富有了。但是,要变得更加富足,你得与Angelo见见罗。5.. 学长,你好/Hello Alumnus!

#100Italianwinefaces# 5. Paolo De Castro, he is the chair of the parliament's Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. Graduated from University of Bologna with full mark (Yeah, where I am studying for now), served the Romano Prodi and Massimo D’Alema governments as Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Policies, he becomes the naturally the best representative of Italian Agriculture Industry in European Parliament. His recent achievement was to convince Joost Korte to propose the withdraw of a delegated act on wine to Commissioner of EU Agriculture & Rural Development. This way, Italian wine maintains its varietal diversity and traditional nomenclature. #I never say politic is simple# Guess it’s always good to have him seating around the table to guard the interests and tradition of Italy.

#100张意大利葡萄酒面孔# 5. Paolo De Castro是欧盟议会农业农村发展委员会的主席。当然,值得一提的是,他也是博洛尼亚大学的满分学霸毕业生(目前,我也在此学习)。在Romano Prodi和Massimo D’Alemal 两届政府中担任过农业部长,想来,没有谁比他更胜任欧盟议会内意大利农产业带代言人角色。学长最近的工作是说服 Joost Korte(欧盟里一位农业大拿)想欧盟农业和农村发展的总干事建议撤销了一个代表议案。通过此,意大利葡萄酒核心的品种多样性和传统命名方法得以延续。#我从来也没说过政治简单#猜想,有他坐在欧盟的圆桌旁来保卫意大利葡萄酒产业的利益,还是可信赖的。

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6.. 和朱丽叶的恋爱/Fall in love with Giulietta

#100Italianwinefaces# 6. Giovanni Mantovani-Verona has mountains in its back and a river running through the historical center, it is place that gathers fortune and popularity. However, as the host city of world’s famous Opera Shows, a tourism destination flooded by visitors, Verona is better known as the holy place for the love romance between Giulietta and Romeo. Surprisingly, it’s only 10 minutes’ walking distance from Casa di Giulietta to Casa di Romeo, Shakespeare had to be very innovative to make this story so touching. Place this as background, we introduce you to today’s Italian wine face, the CEO of Veronafiere, Giovanni Mantovani. He certainly didn’t fall in love with wine at the first sight, neither can be considered as a wine expert. An ordinary drinker can influence the wine business so much, the only lead is that he manages the world’s biggest wine show, Vinitaly, as well as the wine pavilion Vino-A Taste of Italy in Milan Expo 2015. Vinitaly Tour, Wine2wine, 5Star wines, all these efforts to expand Italian wine’s reach to the rest of world, is led by. Life is so beautiful; you don’t have to love it in order to make it great. #100张意大利葡萄酒面孔# 6. Giovanni Mantovani,维罗纳靠山面水,是符合聚财聚气格局的风水宝地。不过,作为一个夏季有歌剧表演,一年游人如织的旅游城市,维罗纳更为人熟知的是那朱丽叶与罗密欧的爱情故事。一个小城里的朱丽叶家和罗密欧家步行只有 10 分钟的路程,难得莎翁把这个 爱情故事描绘得这么美丽。这背景之下,我们介绍今天的意大利葡萄酒面孔,Giovanni Mantovani, 维罗纳会展中心的首席执行官。他和葡萄酒是没有第一眼眼缘的,根据我的认知,也不能把它归为葡萄酒发烧友。一个普通饮客能如此影响意大利葡萄酒大概是因为,在维罗纳,在展会中心,每年有全球规模最大的葡萄酒展会 Vinitaly,而 15年在米兰世博会期间主办“意韵”Vino-A taste of Italy, 葡萄酒主题馆更是把维罗纳展会中心在葡萄酒界的地位推向了国际。这就是生活的美妙之处,你并不需要热爱它,也能自然的把它带到世界各地。Vinitaly 全球巡展,意大利最专业的葡萄酒商务论坛 Wine2wine 加上 5Starwine葡萄酒大赛,维罗纳会展中心要让 Vinitaly 走出去的决心显而易见,步子可以再坚定一些!

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