
Вп деветптп издание на електрпнскипт Инфпрматпр на Еврппскипт инфпрмативен и инпвативен центар вп Македпнија, ги имате стандардните пдделпци каде се претставени најнпвите бараоа и ппнуди за бизнис и технплпшка спрабптка вп рамки на Еврппската мрежа на претпријатија (EEN). Вп пвпј брпј ве инфпрмираме за ппдпрганизираоетп вп рамките на мрежата вп т.н. Сектпрски групи, Инфпрмации пд Enterprise E ur ope N et w ork Октпмври 2011 БИЗНИС НАСТАНИ АКТУЕЛНОСТИ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ И ИНОВАЦИИ САЕМИ, НАСТАНИ и КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ НОВИ ПОВИЦИ ФП7 БИЗНИС СОРАБОТКА АКТУЕЛНОСТИ

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Вп деветптп издание на електрпнскипт Инфпрматпр на Еврппскипт

инфпрмативен и инпвативен центар вп Македпнија, ги имате стандардните

пдделпци каде се претставени најнпвите бараоа и ппнуди за бизнис и

технплпшка спрабптка вп рамки на Еврппската мрежа на претпријатија

(EEN). Вп пвпј брпј ве инфпрмираме за ппдпрганизираоетп вп рамките на

мрежата вп т.н. Сектпрски групи,

Инфпрмации пд E n te r p r i s e E u r o p e N e t w o r k

Октпмври 2011








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Сектпрски групи на Мрежата на еврппските претпријатија ЕЕН-приближуваое дп МСП

The EU economy is powered by 23-million small- and medium-sized companies, which provide two out of three private-sector jobs. By helping these firms become more innovative, globally competitive and versatile, the Enterprise Europe Network is also creating the conditions for more jobs and growth in the years ahead

he Enterprise Europe Network boosts busi-

ness in Europe and feeds into the goals of

the EU’s ambitious 10-year economic strat-

egy, Europe 2020. The strategy is designed to

strengthen the EU’s economy as a whole and

to promote economic growth in three prior-

ity areas: smart growth (based on knowledge

and innovation); sustainable and competitive

growth (combining resource efficiency with

competitiveness); and inclusive growth (deliv-

ering social cohesion).

”Europe 2020 is about what we need to do

today and tomorrow to get the EU econo-

my back on track,” European Commission

President José Manuel Barroso said when

unveiling the strategy in March 2010, calling

on Europe to tackle its ”growth deficit” in

the wake of the global economic crisis.

”We need to build a new economic model

based on knowledge, a low-carbon economy

and high employment levels,” he added. ”This

battle requires mobilisation of all actors.”

The call to action was heard loud and clear

by the Enterprise Europe Network, whose

3,000 experts in 49 countries work on a daily

basis to help SMEs make the most of business

opportunities in the single market and be-

yond. With more than 590 Network branches

worldwide – including in every EU Member

State – a partner is always available to help

an entrepreneur excel.


Beck & Partner KG, is a small Vienna-based consulting firm that helps renewable

energy and drinking-water innovators turn their ideas into commercial successes.

A recent tip from its local Network branch, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency,

led to a partnership with Xewer, a small Italian company that pioneered a way to

store low-cost electrical energy from renewable sources.

”Whenever we come across something of interest to any of our clients, we inform

them immediately,” says Thomas Röbelreiter, a Network technology transfer expert

in the Agency.

Röbelreiter recently told Beck & Co. about ProGeo, Xewer’s system for converting

hydrogen power into methane electricity – which can then be stored for later use

when needed. Although the concept already exists, Xewer has pioneered a way to

do it at a lower cost. ”This innovation has huge potential,” says Dr. Guenther Beck,

who has already conducted market research and given technical advice to Xewer.

Xewer CEO Gastone Sauro, Beck’s new Italian partner, added: ”We have a lot of great

ideas, and now we have an expert to help manage them. We are grateful to the

Network for this unique opportunity.”


Бизнис ппнуди пд 65.000 кпмпании пд Еврппа


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Технплпгии и инпвации

Успешни приказни

Ozara is a Slovenian SME specialised in the training and employment of individuals

with disabilities.

n its search for EU funding the company turned to the Enterprise Europe Network in

Ljubljana, based in the Chamber of Craft and Small Business Of Slovenia. After identifying

the EU’s Leonardo da Vinci programme as the one for Ozara, Network expert Larisa Vodeb

helped the company identify potential partners and put together a winning proposal.

The proposal was successful, and Ozara is now leading an international pilot project

funded under the EU’s Leonardo da Vinci programme to train handicapped people in the

ceramics industry.

Through a project known as ACtrain, Ozara and its new European partners will develop

more than 40 computer-based lessons for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind

or partially sighted. The project is based on the idea that being handicapped should not

prevent anyone from being able to work.

Eventually, the training programme should be available to disabled persons worldwide

via any computer.

”It is truly inspiring to see what disabled people can achieve if they receive just a tiny bit

of understanding and support,” says Vodeb.

innovation potential using IMP3rove, a

European Commission-funded online tool.

More and more Network partners also work

with business clusters, roughly defined as

concentrations of relevant players in a given

sector including private firms, research insti-

tutes and public bodies. Italian and Spanish

Network partners recently held the first-ever

brokerage event for their respective environ-

ment and energy clusters, and hope to bring

more clusters together in the future – includ-

ing from other industry sectors.

The Network also sees public procurement

as a prime market opportunity for creative

concepts, products and services, the speci-

ality of innovative SMEs. Practically speak-

ing, Network partners hold events to bring

together buyers and sellers, and introduce

companies to authorities who are actively

seeking innovative products. The Network

has also studied specific ways to finance

innovation, such as public procurement.

Increasingly, the Net work can therefore

act as an information source for public buyers

as a promoter of innovative solutions, for

example by providing guidance on how in-

novative products or services are compliant

European norms.

Working for the greater good

Inclusive economic growth is another corner-

stone of Europe 2020, which seeks to help at

least 20 million people out of poverty – mainly

by improving education and training. Within

the Network, there are several initiatives with

a social dimension – which also have long-

term economic benefits for all.

One example is an academic summer camp

for disadvantaged teenagers supported by

the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for

Munich and Upper Bavaria (IHK). For three-

and-a-half weeks, pupils with learning dis-

abilities are given extra lessons in a welcom-

ing and dynamic environment to boost their

chances of finishing school and getting a job

or an apprenticeship.

Besides standard lessons in mathematics,

reading and computer science, the youngsters

take part in a range of creative activities, from

drawing to putting on a musical stage play.

”Today’s training failures become tomorrow’s

skills gap,” says Friedhelm Forge, a Munich-

based Network partner at IHK. ”Therefore it

is our goal to narrow this gap and mobilise

all education potential. There is no reason

why any capable young person should be

shut out of the job market, and no reason

why the Network should not help make

a difference.”


Мржата сппи 20.000 кпмапнии на 600 кпмпаниски мисии


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Германски технологии

имплементирани во

Португалија With a turnover of €965 billion in 2008 and more than four million people

working in the sector, the EU food and drink industry is ripe for partnership

inding the right partner is crucial for

Europe’s highly fragmented agrofood

sector. It’s a tough industry consisting mainly

of small- and medium-sized enterprises

catering for sophisticated consumers who

constantly demand new products.

When Cristina Cabeza, an agrofood advisor

within Ceseand, the Spanish Network umbrella

organisation for the Andalusia region, saw

details of the food and drink fair SIAL in Paris,

she thought that her contacts would find it

worth attending.

” There are around 200 innovative companies

in the food sector in my region, but I knew it

wouldn’t be so easy to convince them to go.

The big issue is the travel costs,” she said.

Sixteen local firms nevertheless signed up.

Cabeza knew that one in particular, Hacienda

Meca, was looking for importers in France.

”I looked at the catalogue of profiles and

I saw the French company Clavero,” she said.

In conjunction with the Network partner

in Brittany, the Chambre Régionale de

Commerce et d’Industrie de Bretagne, Cabeza

helped Hacienda Meca and local firm Clavero

Tierra de Espana meet at the fair’s brokerage

event, which took place over three days.

The result was an exclusive deal for Clavero

to distribute Hacienda Meca’s olive oils

for the French hotel and high-end restaurant


Agrofood producers have roots in their

home regions but need to find distributors

across the European Union. As many do not

have the manpower to search on their own,


the Enterprise Europe Network is a valuable

tool for bringing the two sides together.

The Network is a perfect fit for the agrofood

sector as it was designed with smaller

companies in mind. As well as find trading

partners, the Network’s hundreds of members

can advice on issues as diverse as finance,

technology and European Union law.

” The most useful thing we can do is help

companies make direct contact,” says Julio

Carreras, the chairman of the Network ’s

agrofood sector group – a body which helps

small and medium enterprises innovate

through cooperation. Entering your profile into

the Network’s powerful partner search engine

can bring profitable results. The Network also

keeps the market informed about initiatives

launched by the European Commission and the

EU in general, such as the Seventh Framework

Programme for Research and Development

(FP7), says Carreras.

In addition to direct contacts, Network-

sponsored brokerage events frequently take

place on the sidelines of established

trade fairs. Thirteen brokerage events

involving at least two Network partner

organisations were organised in this

sector in 2010. The

principal advantage of this kind of event is

that it allows companies looking for partners

to hold several meetings at the same venue

with a scheduled agenda.

I talian Network par tner organisation

Promofirenze, based in Tuscany, also helped

one of its clients, local firm Mastrantoni, to

find a foreign distributor using the business

cooperation database. Romanian company

Izoconstruct, contacted via Romanian

Network partner Camera de Comert, Industrie

si Agricultura Galati, asked Mastrantoni to

send over a shipment of Tuscan olive oil and

wine soon after the two companies were put

in touch, with the objective of distributing

the produce throughout Romania. ” The

partnership database is a very useful tool for

assisting small and medium enterprises in

finding new partners,” said Carlo Mastrantoni

of the Italian firm. Promofirenze also gave him

valuable information on labelling and food

safety requirements in Romania.

”Italian agrofood products receive a high

level of interest in Poland and Russia, and

in general in the countries of eastern Europe,”

said Promofirenze consultant Margherita


Скпрп пплпвина пд клиентите на Еен.мк мрежата имаат ппзитивни извештаи


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Трансфер на технплпгии

Интелегентни енергии

Danish company Apro is a world leader in building and maintaining wind farms. Working with the Enterprise Europe Network, the company has branched out in the rapidly expanding UK market, creating 30 new jobs.

enmark has long been harnessing

wind energy, building up expertise on

land and at sea. But the country’s offshore

market is modest. That ’s why Mor ten

Basse Jensen, Apro’s development manager,

got in touch with the Enterprise Europe

Network. His local branch is based in Herning’s

Business Development Centre Herning &


In 2010, Thomas Andersen of the Business

Development Centre and the UK’s Yorkshire

and Humber region co - organised a

conference in Herning, Jutland, on offshore

wind development in the UK . Apro

and another 40 Danish companies attended

the seminar.

At the Herning event Jensen got a first

insight into opportunities in the British wind

energy sector and met Yorkshire and Humber

Network branch Targeting Innovation. But

the company wanted to dig deeper. Tim

Barraclough of Targeting Innovation organised

a visit to the Yorkshire and Humber

region for Apro and arranged meetings

with local companies, among them the

international UK-based offshore servicing

expert Cosalt.

”It was refreshing to see how keen everyone

was to pool efforts and knowledge,” said


Apro set up Cosalt Wind Energy Ltd, a joint

venture with Cosalt, which had been looking

to expand into the wind energy market.

”Europe is a fast-moving market,” says Jensen,

”and you can miss out on an order if you’re not

on the spot. The Enterprise Europe Network

was a great help.”

The new company provides offshore

installation, offshore ser vice, safety and

inspection services. Cosalt Wind Energy has

hired 30 new employees, 10 in the UK and

20 in Denmark. The company expects to hire

even more people over the next two years.

” Working with my new Danish colleagues

has been a very enjoyable experience,” says

Winston Phillips, the joint venture’s managing

director and long-time Cosalt director. ”We

are all committed to developing a substantial

European business.”

A first major contract involves supplying

engineers to Siemens offshore wind operations

around the UK coast. Apro is now working

with Enterprise Europe Network branches

in Germany and the Netherlands to carry

out similar operations with their developing

offshore markets.

Прпмпција на Вашите инпвации

Greek embroidery software company has landed a distribution deal in Turkey, thanks to the Network’s local expertise

hessalonik i firm Compucon makes

software that designs textile patterns

that can be read by almost all known pattern

machines. Already exporting into several

markets, business development director

Thomas Vassaras was looking for the right

Turkish distributor.

He turned to the Network office in Thessaloniki,

which is hosted by the Federation of Industries

of Northern Greece. He explains: ”Despite the

technology now available, it is not that easy

to find the right partner on your own, via the

internet, for example. Someone needs to get

information from both sides and decide if the

partners are suitable.”

Network information officer Monika Nagy got

in touch with her Turkish colleague, Serdal

Temel, Network project manager in Izmir’s Ege

University Science and Technology Centre. He

helped put Vassaras in contact with Turkish

company Yorka Software.

The result was a distribution agreement which

Vassaras hopes will eventually cover not only

Turkey but also partners further to the east.

”The Network is a reliable system. Using it means

the approach from one company to another is

not spontaneous,” explains Nagy.

Ппвеќе пд 3.000 експерти вп 49 земји п без бе д ува а т ппм п ш на к пм пани ите


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Кпнзпрциумски активнпсти

ЕУ им ппмага на фирмите да

ги кпристат ЦИП фпндпвите The Network helped a German green engineering company make the all-important first steps abroad

olfgang Perbix heads a consortium

of engineers that specialises in

rehabilitating contaminated buildings,

brownfields and landfills, as well as improving

the energy efficiency of buildings. When he

was looking to expand outside his German

base, the Enterprise Europe Network in Hessen

was on hand to help.

This is one of the key roles of the Enterprise

Europe Network: helping companies to reach

new markets, identify technology partners

and access EU funding.

Perbix set his sights on eastern Europe: a ripe

market for environmental consultancy work.

” We drafted the profile of the type of

company he was looking for,” said Margarete

Kessler, a consultant with the Development

Agency for the State of Hessen, the local

Network contact. ”He wanted companies

that could help bring in new projects that

required special qualifications, experience

in environmental protection and language

proficiency. There were a lot of expressions

of interest, particularly from Portugal, Poland

and Croatia.”

Network partner organisations working from

close to 600 locations across Europe and

beyond share company profiles and help find

good matches. Kessler received 50 responses

from her colleagues in 10 countries.

Kessler first brought Perbix to Porto in Portugal,

where three meetings were organised in

coordination with the local Network office,

the Instituto de Apoio às PME e à Inovação.

Contacts were also followed up in Croatia and

Poland. Three partnership agreements came

about as a result, as well as the first planned

project: an assessment of environmental

pollution at sites in Croatia.

”The Network is the best way to find contacts in

Europe. These contacts are essential for market

entry in foreign countries,” says Perbix.

Леснп е да биде зеленп

The Eco-Innovation Initiative has proven a big hit among its main target audience: small- and medium-

sized enterprises. Many innovative ideas have already become reality: have you heard about the nappy

recycling plant? An Eco-Innovation Initiative project has shown that nappies do not always have to be

incinerated or placed in landfill. Other projects have included the re-use of tannery waste as fertiliser and

the promotion of bamboo filters for grey water in the food industry.

Around 70% of all project applications come from SMEs, which also receive approximately 70% of available

funding. ”We have reached the SMEs, and we encourage all companies of this type to come forward

if they have a good green idea they want to bring to market,” says Beatriz Yordi, Head of the Eco-

Innovation Unit at the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation.

The initiative is designed to sit between the research and development phase and

the market itself. Fund managers aim to boost Europe’s environmental and competitive standing by supporting green technologies,

management methods, products and services. ”We’re looking for projects that can be replicated,” says Yordi. While there are plenty of good

ideas kicking around in Europe, companies sometimes need a helping hand bringing them to the implementation phase, she says.

Between 2008 and 2013, nearly €200 million will be available to fund projects that promote eco-innovation in Europe. The current

annual call has a budget of around €36 million. ”Our application procedures are simple,” says Yordi. Community funding covers half of

the eligible costs.

Priority areas include recycling materials, buildings and construction, the food and drink sector, water, and green purchasing. ”It is truly

inspiring to see what disabled people can achieve if they receive just a tiny bit of understanding and support,” says Vodeb.


Окплу 600 впсппставени кпнаткти вп мрежата


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FP7 истаржуваоа, развпј

Бизниспт бара развпјни прпекти

The Network helped an Italian firm land EU funding for groundbreaking research designed to replicate the light from the sun indoors

reating artificial light that replicates

sunlight seems like science fiction.

But that is just what the Enterprise Europe

Network and the EU’s Seventh Framework

Programme for Research and Development

(FP7) is helping to achieve.

Network member APRE, the Rome-based

Agency for the Promotion of European

research, helped link an Italian client with

a Europe-wide network of companies and

researchers in order to exploit the latest

advances in nanotechnology.

The goal is to incorporate nano-composite

materials into lighting, creating all the colour

varieties of direct sunlight, including the

diffused ’blue tinge’.

Italian company Light in Light needed extra

funding to push the boundaries of existing

research. APRE consultant Christin Pfeiffer and

her colleagues helped the firm assemble the

right group of partners, both private sector

companies and researchers, and advised them

on the best ways to access EU funds.

The potential applications for artificial daylight

are enormous. ”There are tests that show that

in schools where there is real natural light

the efficiency of the students is better than

in schools using artificial light,” says Professor

Paolo Di Trapani of the University of Insubria

in Italy, one of the project partners. ” There are

also expanding needs in the entertainment

industry such as cinemas, and shopping

centres that are located underground for

energy saving reasons. The quality of light

is an increasingly important issue. We are

working on making light healthy.”

Putting together a successful FP7 proposal is not

straightforward. In addition to the requirement

that there be at least three partners from

at least three EU Member States and two

research performers, applicants have to show

a willingness to create a network and share

knowledge. ”If they don’t want to share then

they’re not right for the proposal,” says Pfeiffer.

The Network also advises companies on

how to prepare their applications. ”Preparing

the ’impact’ chapter where the expected

results from the research project need to

be described in detail is not easy,” explains

Pfeiffer. Encouraging cooperation between

academia and industry – two very different

worlds – is another challenge the Network

is experienced at tackling. The result for

Light in Light was a resounding success:

the consortium was awarded FP7 funding of

€1.2 million.

The Network has helped more than 1 500

companies find research partners for FP7

applications. ”We are helping to create trans-

national teams and increasing the participation

of small and medium enterprises in the

programme,” says Anastasia Constantinou,

coordinator of the Network’s working group

on collaboration with FP7 National Contact

Points. ”Even if they are not successful with

the funding that’s still a good result. They are

working as a team.”

Ппвеќе пд 13.000 технплпгии се нудаат и бараат вп мрежата


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Прпфил на изгрејспнцетп_НР Кина

Какп да ги сруште


Тhe Enterprise Europe Network in China is an invaluable resource for European SMEs seeking a foothold in the world’s second-largest economy.

hile China offers huge opportunities for

high-growth companies in all sectors,

many entrepreneurs have no idea how to

break into the market without any language

skills or local contacts.

Fortunately, the Enterprise Europe Network is

there to lend a helping hand, represented by

10 branches in southeast and central China.

Additional organisations are expected to join

in coming months from the north eastern and

western regions.

”We can help European firms find the right

business partners in China,” says Lisa Zhang,

a Network expert with the Network’s Southeast

China branch in Fujian province. As for the five southeastern coastal provinces,

Zhang says they all boast thriving economies,

well-developed transpor t infrastructure,

a solid scientific research foundation, and

a ”superb investment climate”.

The Network uses several tools to match

European and Chinese firms, including speed-

networking events at major international trade

fairs like last year’s ’b2fair’gathering in Shanghai.

The event was organised with the support of the

Enterprise Europe Network in Luxembourg.

Cooperating closely with their European

counterparts, Network partner organisations in

China also organise company missions to Europe.

Working closely with colleagues in Germany, they

are planning company missions this year to the

Anuga food and beverage fair in Cologne, and

the Intersolar Europe expo in Munich.

More information


Прпфил на ФИНСКА Ппбеда сп тимскипт пристап

In Finland, the Enterprise Europe Network has branches in six cities. They cooperate closely with other business support groups to help entrepreneurs nationwide reach their full potential.

Finland is very long from north to south, so

we have to channel our resources to serve

the whole country,” says Hanna Heikkinen,

the Network’s country coordinator based in

Helsinki at the federal Ministry for Employment

and the Economy.

In practice, that means close ties among

eight partner organisations – who regularly

signpost clients to each other and organise

staff development days. The Network also

holds training sessions with other national

networks on EU programmes relevant to SMEs,

such as the Seventh Framework Programme

for Research and Development (FP7).

Network partner organisations also work hand-

in-hand with local and regional chambers of

commerce and other business organisations

such as ELY-Centres and Science Parks. The

Network in Finland is closely attached to

Enterprise Finland, a common brand for all

Finnish public enterprise services.

Although Finland is known for its manufacturing

and electronics industries, SMEs are active in

all sectors. Many rely on the Network to find

business partners abroad. This is true even

in unexpected markets like Israel, where

the Network organised a mission for Finnish


”Although neighbouring countries like

Germany, Sweden and Russia are the most

important,” says Heikkinen, ”Finnish compa-

nies are open to cooperation possibilities


More information


Мрежата ги надмина еврппските граници дпјде дп Кина и УСА


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Бизнис спрабптка

Македпнија на Рускиот пазар

Annual Best Practice Awards celebrate Network partner organisations’ achievements in improving service to European businesses

ince it was launched in 2008, the Enterprise

Europe Network has evolved into a

community of talented business advisors who

help foster jobs and growth across Europe.

Made up of more than 590 partner organisa-

tions in 49 countries, the Network combines

the special skills, strengths and experience of

thousands of professionals – all providing a

quality service to European entrepreneurs.

As part of that service, members are

constantly innovating, devel-

oping new tools and meth-

ods to attract new clients and

improve results. Known as good

practices, they include ever y-

thing from the creative promo-

tion of events to the develop-

ment of sophisticated new IT

systems. The Executive Agency for

Competitiveness and Innovation

(EACI) manages the operational

side of the Network and collects

good practices all year round, dis-

tributing validated profiles to all

partners so that they can adopt the

ones they find most useful.

In addition, the Network honours

the most successful of these with Best Practice

Awards. Winners are selected following a vote

by all partners and announced at a much-

anticipated ceremony, usually on the last day

of the Network’s Annual Conference.

Much more than just an honour for the

actual trophy winners, the Awards are rea-

son for the entire Network to celebrate. That

is because all partners can take on board

those tools and methods with a proven track


record. Each best practice can be shared

with all other colleagues as part of the

drive to continually improve the quality of

service. Every time a player scores a goal, it

boosts the performance of the entire team.

Every partner with a good practice to share can

submit it to the EACI, which selects 12 finalists

in four different categories that are put up for

a vote. Now in their third year, the Awards have become highly competitive and prestigious,

inspiring partners to constantly come up with

new ideas. Each practice submitted is evaluat-

ed by the EACI, which posts all validated entries

on the Network’s intranet for all to see.

And the winners are…

Last year’s Best Practice Awards, announced

at Antwerp’s elegant Elisabeth Hall, proved

to be especially inspiring. Top honours for

transnational collaboration between Network

partners went to ’Viking Days,’ a unique cor-

porate matchmaking event for Network ad-

visers dreamed up by Syntens Innovation

Network in the Netherlands and Denmark’s

Agro Business Park. Short, targeted business

meetings were combined with ice-breaking

introductions, informal dinners and other so-

cial gatherings.

The media relations and campaigns Award

went to a five-day road show in the

German state of Hesse that demon-

strated the value of taking the Network

directly to the people. Organised by

the region’s Network partner, the tour

informed 160 businesses in remote

areas about EU, national and regional

support programmes as well as coopera-

tion possibilities.

Ensuring that clients never knock on

the ’wrong door ’ when they seek help is

another award category. Honours went

to a powerful web search tool developed

by a partner in northeastern Italy. It

connects directly with the Network ’s

entire database of company profiles and

requests to the competent partner in the

company’s geographical area.

Last but not least, the 2010 awards

recognised Enterprise Europe Flanders’

for helping increase SMEs’ participation in

European public consultations online and

on business panels.

As partners continue to develop winning tools

and methods all year long, the annual com-

petition for Best Practice Awards will only get

tougher – resulting in a better performance

by the Network overall.

Четирите партнери вп Македпнија за Вас


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Објавени ппвици ЦИП, ФП7

Финансираое на инпвациите

U in 2007. It runs through 2013 with a total budget of €3.621 billion.

ore than 100,000 European SMEs

have benefited from the financial

instruments of the CIP, set up by the European

Commission to foster the competitiveness of

enterprises, especially SMEs; to promote all

forms of innovation including eco-innovation;

and to accelerate the development of a

sustainable, competitive, innovative and

inclusive economy. Although the current

framework still applies, the Commission is

already deciding on future priorities and

designing the instruments that will be used

after 2013, following a public consultation

with stakeholders.

The CIP is divided into three operational

programmes, each of which has a specific

objective. The Entrepreneurship and

Innovation Programme (EIP), with a budget

of €2.166 billion, seeks to remove market

barriers preventing innovative businesses

from expanding and thriving across

Europe by supporting business

cooperation and transnational technology


One of the ways it does this is by providing

SMEs better access to finance for investments

Commissioner Oettinger at a flagship event during EU Sustainable Energy Week


in technological development, eco-innovation,

technology transfer and other areas through

venture capital investment and loan guarantee

instruments. The financial instruments,

managed by the European Investment

Fund in cooperation with financial

institutions in EU Member States, target

companies in different stages of their


Among the most important instruments of

the CIP is the Enterprise Europe Network,

which is funded by the EIP. It is managed by

the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and

Innovation (EACI), which also administers the

CIP’s Intelligent Energy Europe Programme

(described below). These close links enable

Network par tner organisations to keep

entrepreneurs abreast of new calls for

proposals under each programme soon after

they are published.

But the Network’s role goes well beyond

flagging interesting funding opportunities.

It works hard to match SMEs with potential

business partners, provides individual business

and innovation support and advises them on

how to put together a winning proposal to

secure EU funding.

The CIP also encourages a better uptake of

information and communication technologies

(IC T ) and the increased use of renewable

energy and energy efficiency.

The I nformation Communic ations

Technologies Policy Support Programme

(ICT PSP), whose budget is €728 million, aims

to promote a wider uptake and best use of

ICT by citizens, governments and businesses,

especially SMEs. In the long term, this will

boost growth and jobs in Europe.

Pilot projects and networking actions funded

by ICT PSP are selected through open calls for

proposals launched each year. Pilot projects

test the innovative use of ICT in several areas

including health, ageing and social inclusion,

government and governance and energy

efficiency, environment and smart mobility.

The final element of the CIP, the Intelligent

Energy – Europe Programme, with a

budget of €727 million, is a non-technological

programme focused on creating a more

favourable business environment for increasing

energy efficiency and renewables.

Rather than fund ideas for new innovations,

the IEE programme covers ideas that are

already viable. Examples of projects it funds

include training on new construction

techniques that can cut energy costs by 50%

compared with traditional buildings, or help

for Europe’s cities to become cleaner and

more energy-efficient.

More information

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Настани, кпнференции

All year round, Enterprise Europe Network partner organisations host, co-organise or participate in a wide range of corporate matchmaking events to promote their activities and bring together SMEs with potential partners. Following are some highlights from this year’s busy agenda.

A complete online diary is available at


OCTOBER 2011 03-07/10/2011





European SME Week will feature local, national and regional events all over Europe devoted to

SMEs and promoting entrepreneurship. As in the past many Network partner organisations will organise

events of their own, which can take the form of informational competitions, company open days, online

activities and workshops.

CeBIT Bilisim Eurasia, Brokerage Event, Istanbul, Turkey

ANUGA Matchmaking Cologne, Germany

BioBusinessMatching at the BIOTECHNICA, Hannover, Germany

EUROTOOL Brokerage Event 2011, Krakow, Poland

NOVEMBER 2011 03/11/2011





AquaMatch 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sustainable construction matchmaking fair at the BATIMAT expo, Paris, France

Environmental technology solutions brokerage event at WATEC expo, Tel Aviv, Israel

Healthcare Brokerage Event MEDICA 2011, Düsseldorf, Germany

TECH INDUSTRY 2011, Riga, Latvia



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Вашата мрежа вп Вашата земја

EU countries:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,

Cyprus, Czech Republic,

Denmark, Estonia, Finland,

France, Germany, Greece,

Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,

Lithuania, Luxembourg,

Malta, The Netherlands,

Poland, Portugal, Romania,

Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,

Sweden, United Kingdom.

Non-EU countries: Armenia,

Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Chile, China, Croatia, Egypt,

Japan, Iceland, Israel,

Republic of Macedonia,

Mexico, Montenegro, Norway,

Russia, Serbia, South-Korea,

Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia,

Turkey, Ukraine, USA.

Contact the Network: network Follow EEN_Sofce Jovanovska (@SofceJovanovska). on Twitter Тел: +389 (0)2 3293 204 Факс:+389 (0)2 3293 202 [email protected]

