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* AJUDANTE DE POLITICOS EM VIDAS PASSADAS Voce possui capacidade de organizacao e de lideranca naturaisem todo assunto que tenha relacao com o fazer as coisas melhorespara os outros, tais como trazer a reconstrucao a vidas dealguem. Voce pode exceder-se em assistencia social, atividade detreinamento ou de aprendizado que de as pessoas que estrejamperdidas em novo inicio ou alento. Sendo dotado de grande forcainterior, o que pode ajuda-lo a dar coragem e ajuda aos fracos,os outros irao busca-lo naturalmente. Voce pode sair-se muito bemcomo lider de trabalho social em entidades do genero CruzVermelha ou Defesa Civil. voce tambem pode fazer coisas boascomo, por exemplo, supervisor de alguma escola de orientacaoespiritual. Seu desenvolvimento de vidas passadas estarelacionado, a grupos religiosos tais como as primeiras igrejascristas Voce esta inclinado a chegar em posicoes influentes, oque pode ser bem utilizado especialmente com o seu potencial deinfluenciar fisica e mentalmente os outros. Suas aspiracoes aessas condicoes deverao se dar atraves de suas habilidades einteresses intelectuais. Suas experiencias em Jupiter e emMercurio tambem fazem de voce um lider natural em assuntossociais, politicos, financeiros e intelectuais das pessoas comquem voce entra em contato mais direto. Voce pode lidar muito bemcom as financas das pessoas com quem se associar e com a analisemental de situacoes financeiras. As associacoes de vidasanteriores incluem os poderosos e os justos, especialmente osjupiterianos influentes da epoca, e os de capacidade decomunicacao e de intelecto mercurianos. Voce possui forteidentificacao com os principios e crencas de grupo, organizacoese massas de pessoas. E provavel que tenha tido uma vida anteriorcomo mestre que estabeleceu principios de educacao, que afetaramvarias vidas. Essa vida anterior fortaleceu suas habilidadesmentais e intuicao, mas ha a necessidade de evitar tornar-semuito auto -suficiente em termos intelectuais. Voce pode naogostar de criticas, por exemplo, e nem de criticar. Lembre-se quea critica construtiva-dada ou recebida- pode ser muito benefica.Voce tem habilidade critica natural para as artes, e podedesenvolver facilmente um belo estilo literario. Sua experienciajupiteriana aliada a Mercurio e favoravel em qualquer tarefajunto a massas ou grupos de pessoas, ao inves de individuos. Aobuscar essas atividades, voce pode estar abrindo as portas paragrandes desenvolvimentos mentais, financeiros e espirituais. Vocepode ser considerado materialista, ate de coracao duro, teimoso ecom poca atencao ao afeto-pelo-afeto. Voce tambem e ambicioso,buscando o poder, e pode obter ganhos materiais ou posicoes deimportancia. No entanto, voce pode ter uma vida muito solitaria enao desenvolver um reconhecimento pela bondade e amabilidade nosseus relacionamentos com os outros. @ * - ASTROLOGO, VIDENTE E SACERDOTE - PRSIA E EGITO Sua participacao em discussoes ou rixas pode ser negativa,devido a raiva sentida. Por vezes, voce ate gosta de discutir.Voce e bastante auto-determinado, mas com elevadas habilidadesmentais. Apesar de tudo, os outros podem esperar coisas razoaveisde voce. As criticas fortes ou a pressao que alguem exerce paraque voce faca algo sao coisas que voce nao tolera. Voce e naoapenas excepcionalmente inteligente, como tambem sequioso pelopoder. E possivel que voce assuma ares de superioridadeintelectual, gracas as habilidades nesse campo. Isto o leva aquerer posicoes de fama e poder. Devemos nos lembrar que o poderque temos em maos, quando nao consideramos a Fonte de todo poder,e pior do que um revolver com uma crianca. Uma vida passada comoastrologo-vidente ou um poderoso sacerdote da antiguidade, talvezno Egito ou na Persia, pode conter a raiz carmica de suatendencia a sobrepujar e manipular os outros com o seuconhecimento. Ha muito tempo atras, voce pode ter usado suaposicao visando lucros pessoais, e porisso hoje pode havertendencia para auto-glorificacao. O abuso atual de poderesmentais - especialmente da consciencia superior - esta tambemenraizado em tal vida egoista. Desde entao, suas provaveisjornadas ate as dimensoes da consciencia de Mercurio e de Martetrouxeram a tona seus rompantes de poder intelectual de hoje emdia. Um modo de manter esses impulsos sob controle e manter-seligado a um ideal, desde que nao esteja baseado em coisasmateriais ou exclusivamente intelectuais. Ao inves, escolha umideal que se fundamente na aplicacao de seus proprios dotesmentais e na dos outros. Voce e excepcionalmente bem equilibradoem termos mentais e fisicos. Ha a tendencia a dar e exigir muitosdetalhes no trabalho, quer de voce, quer dos outros. Voce busca aminucia, como tambem uma orientacao pratica, em suas energiasmentais. Tem a inclinacao para o estudo de assuntos historicos.Possui mente aberta - ao menos aparentemente - em qualquerassunto, apesar de tomar as decisoes finais por sua conta. Omaior desafio aos seus potencias e o fato de voce ser um tantoesnobe em termos mentais. Noutras palavras, voce e determinado emseus propositos, talvez ate ao ponto de gratificar desejospessoais inexplicaveis para os demais. Voce e um dos que podeusar a frase "Nao pensa em coisas elevadas, mas lida com oshomens modestos". Numa vida passada no antigo Egito da corte dosFaraos ou na Persia, voce teve uma posicao elevada. Antes disso,voce pode ter sido um professor na India, onde seus poderesmentais extraordinarios e sua destreza atual tiveram suasorigens. @ *Your Mercury is conjoined with Neptune. At the time of your birth, Mercury was conjoined -- inthe same section of the zodiac or lined up -- with Neptune. Thisconjunction or lineup indicates that, returning to earth from anexperience in the mystical consciousness of Neptune, enroute youchose to make an extended soul visitation in the Mercurydimension, realm of the mind and mental forces. The combinationof your experiences in these planetary heavens between death andrebirth brings you both challenges and resources this lifetime. On the resourceful side, Neptune is the dream dimensionwhich enhances your intuition and urges toward spirituality andmysticism. As Mercury is the mental realm of thought andcommunication, the merging of your experiences in these tworealms of awareness gives you a very intuitive mode of thinkingand communicating. You are naturally able to communicate -- withyour inner self and with others -- in terms of dream symbols, forinstance, and are far more receptive than average tocommunications and contacts involving the spiritual world. From Neptune, itself a higher octave of ever-creativeVenus, you have natural abilities in music, drama and poetry,especially as applied to mystical, mysterious and romanticthemes. You could also do well in writing and lecturing aboutdreams, mysticism, prayer and spiritual healing. On the more challenging side, Neptune is the realm ofillusion, and combined with logical, rational Mercury, in yourvery sensitive thought processes and reactions you are likely toexperience difficulties in separating what is truly logical andrational from phantasy and illusion. In other words, at times youtend to live in a visionary dream world in which your mentalprocesses appear to be blurred or weakened by a diffusion ofenergy. This in turn calls for a greater need to exercise yourwill toward stronger mental concentration. Recommended aremeditation accompanied by yoga breathing and posture, guidedimagery and visualization exercises which help in focusing yourmind sharply. As you are extremely impressionable and sensitive,alcohol and drugs in any form should be avoided. For the samereason very special care should be taken in opening your psychicsenses. Your impressionablity and intuitive sensitivity at suchtimes could so overpower your rational mental forces that youmight be liable to obsession or possession. Warnings are alsoneeded in the area of deception, as this planetary aspect betweenNeptune and Mercury can bring difficulties in being deceived byothers, as well as deceeiving yourself. Absolute honesty withyourself and others at all times, together with a closemonitoring of your actions in light of your personal spiritualideals, would be invaluable. [2112-1] @ * - PESSOA MUITO CRDULA E ENGANADA, IDADE MDIA Voce tem uma notavel profundidade mental, mas podera ter deencarar a experiencia desafiadora - devida a sua morada emSaturno - de passar por mudancas continuas na vida. Num dia, tudoparece indicar sucesso em relacao a certo relacionamento ouempreendimento, e no outo, ele parece se dissolver. Isso podeestar enraizado carmicamente no fato de voce ter depositado suafe ou confianca em pessoas que nao corresponderam e o abalaram.Sendo enganado por aqueles que amava em toda a Idade Mdia e comisso perder a confiana e crena nas pessoas. Com a aplicacao desua vontade, voce pode transformar esse problema numaoportunidade muito benefica, nao so para o desenvolvimento de suaalma, como tambem para seu sucesso material. Como voce temambicao, suas tendencias para o trabalho pesado e suapersistencia podem garantir isso @ * - OCULTISTA E BRUXA DO PASSADO Voce pode ser bastante influente (para o bem) com sua mentebrilhante e com seu poder psiquico. Mercurio rege a mente, eUrano - como oitava superior de Mercurio - sintoniza a mente emniveis clarividentes mais elevados. Voce pode ser bastante rapidona percepcao e na intuicao de padroes, do ponto de vistaintelectual, sejam eles matematicos, linguisticos, mecanicos oumais simbolicos, como os da astrologia e da religiao. De suaexperiencia uraniana e de uma encarnacao passada cheia deeventos, voce traz a excentridade (quase sempres em extremos),independente - ao ponto de ser auto-suficiente demais, as vezes-e progressista, mas antes de tudo psquico. Todas essascaracteristicas derivam de suas verdadeiras eficiencias, maspodem ser usadas para o bem ou para o mal: como a maioria dosatlantes, voce e ou muito bom ou, as vezes, terrivel! Quanto maisvoce fizer acompanhar suas experiencias psiquicas com estudosmentais - psicologia, parapsicologia, astrologia, religiao efilosofia - mais voce se afinara. Lembre-se que suas faculdadespsi devem ser desenvolvidas para o auxilio, conhecimento ecompreensao dos outros. Se for para seu auto-engrandecimento,tais poderes psiquicos e mentais serao um obstaculo para voce epara os outros. Neste ultimo caso, a clarividencia e aclariaudiencia poderiam se tornar experiencias a se temer, nao ase desejar Devido a intensidade extraordinaria deste aspecto, hauma tendencia a tensao, como se voce afinasse um violino compressao excessiva. Um problema esta no lidar com as pessoas, asvezes, pois elas podem se tornar tao intoleraveis que voce soconsegue pensar em se afastar. Este desafio e contraditorio comsua tendencia natural a trbalhar COM os outros. No entante, aoaplicar sua mente na moderacao, humilde e equilibrio, voce tera ahabilidade necessaria para extrair recursos de vidas passadas eusa-los junto com seus poderes psiquicos, em beneficio de muitos.Voce pode conseguir isso atraves de sua capacidade com escritor,professor e palestrista. @ * - VENDEDOR E MASCATE - VIDAS LIBERTINAS Voce tem elevadas habilidades intelectuais, aliadas a um forteamor pelo lar e um belo temperamento artistico. Sua mente ecautelosa, resoluta e tenaz, sendo reservada e auto-controladaquanto ao sentimento pelos outros. Voce se interessa pelaspessoas, sendo boa companhia e uma influencia saudavel paramuitos grupos. Alias, quando voce participa de um grupo, trazmais beneficios aos outros do que eles a voce. Voce poderia serum excelente escritor criativo ou desenhista, interessando-se portodas as formas de artes, especialmente musica, cores e formas.Suas habilidades artisticas e intelectuais pode ser consideradascomo sendo acima da media. Por isso, seu potencial -especialmente no campo literario - e excepcional. As aplicacoescomerciais de suas habilidades mentais, como por exemplo na lei ena propaganda, devem ser exploradas. A influencia do amor, em seusentido mais nobre e elevado, e muito forte em voce. Se alguns ocriticam por acharem que o que eles acham que o amor carnal oinfluencia demais - com o "amor a primeira vista", por exemplo -voce nao condena ninguem. Embora voce e outros vejam o ladoseguro de tais expressoes fisicas, suas expressoes de amorestarao principalmente no seu modo amavel de falar, em suagenerosidade e franquesa de espirito, em seus modos amenos. Vocepode ate se apaixonar por uma bela noite, maravilhando-se com aLua, com os planetas e estrelas. A beleza da vida - as nuvens,raios, trovoes e outras manifestacoes sao para voce, mesmo que osastros nao os consigam perceber - constitui-se em uma influenciarecompensada e estabilizadora. A atracao que voce sente e exercesobre o belo sexo oposto ira influencia-lo bastante. Se outrosindicadores de vidas passadas apontarem para desafios nesta areade sua vida pessoal, eles provavelmente estarao ligados asinfluencias da paixao, quer ao nivel mental, quer fisico. Istosignifica que seu desejo, sentimentos e sensacoes (elementos dapaixao) podem as vezes estar hiperativos, ate impulsivos. Existeainda o perigo de ciumes ou de confianca injustificada emrelacionamentos amorosos. Isso pode se dever a uma certa aversaoa vinculos intimos, devidos a existencias passadas, que requeremauto-cura hoje. Alem disso, pode as vezes ser dificil para voceouvir ou se expressar por meio de palavras ou modos consideradosgrosseiros ou rudes. Podem, tendo elevado poder de concentracao echarme, voce pode controlar e disfarcar seus sentimentos, quandofor necessario. @ *Your Mercury harmoniously aspects Jupiter. This fortunate birth pattern gives you abilities infields of expression, especially writing, where many may beaffected by what you do, yet without a great deal of effort onyour part. You have unique mental abilities which are virtuallyuncanny: after starting a project and leaving it aside for awhile, from unseen sources, almost, it works itself out. Theresourcefulness of this pattern lies especially in its merging ofthe best of your afterlife experiences in the spheres of Mercuryand Jupiter. This lends to you -- interest-free, or withrelatively little effort -- marked abilities in writing. You alsohave the natural talent to make new associations and friendshipsthat are both unusual and widely varying in social position. While you may occasionally belittle your abilities younonetheless have considerable capacities for creative expressionin music. You have good judgment and policies toward bothindividuals and groups as well as a commendable quality of beingable to control your temper. Past life experiences are likely in teaching, writingand even establishing schools of the arts and religion. Theseedcational institutions could range from early America to ancientGreece, Persia and Egypt. As a result of these experiences in the earth and in theplanetary heavens between lives, you have outstandingintellectual qualities which attract to you individuals withquite exceptional abilities. Some of these souls are likely to bebrilliant or even geniuses. Other people will be not only giftedbut from all walks of life. Your broad resources includeattracting the materially rich and the poor, banker and beggar,politician and tramp, prominent churchpeople as well as atheistsand agnostics. This all combines to make life for you bothworthwhile and interesting. Jupiter exerts a confidence-building role in your lifefrom your experience in that realm of the faithful. While attimes there may be disappointments, fears and troubles of variouskinds, your faith and confidence brings hope -- not only toothers but to yourself as well -- in the sustaining grace of yourhigh ideals. A past life origin of this faith and grace waslikely to have been experienced during the time of Jesus.[2903-1, 3657-1, 1638-1, 2172-1, 1096-1, 1315-2, 403-1] @ *Your Mercury harmoniously aspects Mars. Between death and rebirth you have experiencedconstructive planetary-loka sojourns in Mercury and Mars that maybe a helpful influence in your present life. This makes for aninquiring mind, one delving into the thoughts and feelings ofothers and their experiences, especially as to their mentalreactions. Your mental inquisitiveness manifests on many levelsof action. For instance, you can draw conclusions from theexperiences of others as well as how they compare with your ownexperience. From your Mars afterlife experience there is abenevolent influence in your life so that often in the disputesof others, in the wrath and anger they express toward each other,there may come from your own mental attitude peacemakingexperiences even in the material business world of competitionthat are beneficent. Knowing how hard it is to be a peacemaker atall, much less where money and cutthroat competition areconcerned, perhaps you can more fully appreciate your talents inthis area. Therefore as a peacemaker under the most trying ofconditions and beyond being merely inquisitive, you are a soulwho is adept at -- as colloquilally expressed -- "getting insidepeople's heads". You have experienced the planetary consciousnesses inwhich you may manifest -- in your dealings, analyzing and studiesof individuals and groups -- the highest purposes in theexperiences of others. You are, then, one with a high ennobling,uplifted and stimulating intellectual energy. In addition, youare one given to be openly active in helping others to helpthemselves. Teaching and career counseling, as well as writingand computer science, are recommended as potentially rewardingpursuits. [2910-1] @ * - MISTICO E MUSICISTA Pode haver uma sincronizacao intima de tendencias mentaisinatas, trazidas de suas experiencias no pos-vida dos ambientesplanetarios de Netuno e Mercurio, com reacoes emocionais de vidaspassadas como mistico e musico. O resultado e tao afortunadoquanto intenso: voce e tao especialmente dotado nessas direcoes,que pode mostrar potenciais genuinos para a criatividade einspiracao. Voce e bem dotado nas habilidades necessarias para apoesia, musica inspiradora e devocional, por um lado, e para amanifestacao psiquica, espiritual, atraves de seus sonhos evisoes, por outro. Mesmo que um treinamento diminua tais donsnaturais, sua sintonia com a musica e cores e tao grande que, coma pratica, voce pode atingir o nivel de hipersensibilidade dasforcas misticas e intimas. A agua, signo material do espirito, eo elemento de Netuno. Voce deveria viver perto da agua, quer sejaum rio, um lago ou um oceano. Isso aumentara a influencia dasatividades misticas e da canalizacao espiritual atraves de sonhose meditacoes, que sao suas habilidades naturais. Voce tambem temimpulsos em relacao a coisas misteriosas, como colecionar itensdiferentes, esquisitos, que para voce tem poderes de protecao oude amuletos de boa sorte. Essas coisas nao devem ser consideradascomo "tabus". No entanto, espiritualize-as, ao inves de quereresperar resultados materiais ou financeiros delas. Voce gosta demisterio, mas tende a idealizar as pessoas e as situacoes. Suaexperiencia de adoracao de herois pode ser fora do comum, e seusgostos e desgostos marcantes podem ter afinidade com personagensdo cinema e da literatura. Tais potenciais fazem ainda maisimportante que voce sempre mantenha propositos espirituais diantede voce. Isso inclui nao apenas ser honesto para que os outrosfalem bem de voce, mas ser LIMPO em seus pensamentos e acoes. Talpureza de propositos nao deve tampouco ser almejada visandorecompensas no ceu ou na Terra. Ela deve, sim, criar o equilibriomente-espirito harmonioso para enfrentar o ambiente mundanodesafiador deste plano material. @ *Your Mercury harmoniously aspects Saturn. Considerable mental resources are indicated from yourrepeated past life endeavors involving communication andeducation. As to your abilities, then, as seen from the patternof your past lives, you could be an instructor through the meansor channels of a speaker or writer, or one who in some waysupports and encourages those who are seeking to know theircloser walk with the Creative Forces, or God. Over several lifetimes you have reached a mature levelintellectually. That is, you are in a position to make forcreative, renewing additions to old principles constructively andin definite, positive directions. You have the ability to give agood deal of impetus to building on what has been the failure ofanother, whether physically, financially or mentally.Intellectually very competent and efficient, you also have greatself-control and reserve. However, you are likely to be most reserved in the areaof making contacts with groups. You may continually plan outthings in your mind, using a great deal of mental energy andability, as to what would be best, but slow in carrying theseplans to fruition until contacts or associations have been madethrough some definite channel from some outside source. In other words, although you have above average capacityto organize and plan things out, mentally you may at times be abit too cautious in following through on your decisions untilsome specific confirmation or proof offers itself. This comesfrom your ability to reason from any viewpoint, yet for somethingto be valuable to you, it must be rational and reasonable as wellas practical. You are therefore one with high mental ability who usesdiscretion in many ways; these are influences from the freeapplication of your will together with your previous lives and ofyour afterlife soul journey in the Mercurian realm of awareness.You also have the capacity for what others would describe as"sharp trading." While you are subtle in different ways, you arealso one who speaks what is on your mind at once. In real estate sales and investments you will probablyfind much self-satisfaction, as well as financial rewards.However, it does not matter much in what you sell or invest,along as the commodity or investment is one in which you havefaith. [3129-1, 274-1, 1001-7, 3929-1] @ *Your Mercury is harmoniously patterned with Uranus. Your sojourn in Mercury gives you a very high mentalcapacity -- near that of genius -- with reference to absorbing,remembering and communicating details, especially in writing andtalking with others. Your Uranian experience together with aparallel lifetime in Atlantis makes you a highly sensitive soul.This is expressed in your psychic abilities as well as youroriginality and inventiveness. Ideas are rampant in your mind, making you a continoustheorist and ideologist. This is especially true in esoteric,astrological and psychic matters in their deeper and broadersense, rather than on the more superficial level of psiphenomena. Yet you receive the greater proportion of your mentalurges and inventiveness from your own clairvoyance. Together withthe extremes which are likely to be to you the everyday norm,these psychic impressions may be confusing. Hence the need forcentering on the promises of the Master -- Himself the ultimateUranian in Whom all extremes meet -- especially as He gave inJohn 14-17. In writing and counseling -- complemented by lecturing-- you may accomplish the most in the present experience. Yourappreciation of wisdom and the mental abilities of others,together with your desire to give expression to these make you anatural teacher. Other more Atlantean areas may also be suitableoutlets for your rather remarkable intellectual abilities. On onehand you would probably find rewarding the study and applicationof harmonic, vibratory -- including electrical, gravitational,radiational -- and cyclical conditions to generational-growthcycles in nature, especially plants. On the other hand you havepotentials for pioneering in the study and research of planetaryand other cycles in relation to economics. [2658-1, 2498-1,2598-2] @ *Your Mercury is in an inharmonious pattern with Mars. This pattern provides you with frequent opportunities togain or to lose in this experience, according to the activity ofyour will. Take heed to meet the necessary challenge! To the good, you have a marked mental aptitude -- ratherthan high mental abilities as such -- making you a very closeobserver of detail. Often the details so observed are of thingsor experiences that are of little value to others. This can be apositive quality if properly channeled. To the detriment, you may be high-tempered at times,knowing what you want and why you want it without askingquestions. Too much independence in your action and thought canbe dangerous, leading to a prevailing mental attitude that "Iknow a better way to do it." Your actions will probably be inthat direction quite often. You also have the potential to control and direct manypeople. The anger displayed through your temper often originatesfrom a supersensitivity to your need for power or direct controlover others, especially in personal relationships where at timesyou lack affection. The combination of sentiment and angerresults in conflicting emotions. Remember that one who is neverangry is worth little, but one who is angry but does not controlit is worth even less! Your tendencies toward possessiveness and self-centeredness need to be redirected. One way to rechannel theseenergies is through your potential for writing, as well as inseveral scientific or mechanical endeavors; you are able to workwith mechanical things better than most. Your ability to observedetails to an unusual extent can be a valuable asset in writing.with your apparent interest in and appreciation of art, you mightwrite in that area, whether based on psychological fact orhistorical fiction. If you are hesitant about your ability towrite, know that the way to write is to WRITE! It can be achannel for bringing blessings to others as well as giving yougreater comprehension of the purpose of mankind. You are likely to respond favorably to the coral redgemstone. Wearing red coral next to your skin may have beneficialvibratory effects in calming your Martian energies andtemperament. [369-3] @ *Your Mercury is in an inharmonious pattern with Neptune. Just before your birth, your experience in the spiritualrealm of Neptune was challenged through your choice to make asoul flight stopover in the Mercury dimension. This last minutemental wandering from the dimension of spirituality may be yourdoing and undoing in the present. For, you have built aboutyourself through your past lives and your sojourns in theheavenly spheres great thoughts, visions and ideals. However, due to circumstances probably connected withyour relatives and your choice of associates, you havecontinually found yourself just beyond carrying out these highimaginative forces and ideals. This challenge to your self-confidence can be met directly through self-controlled action onyour part. By applying sheer will power and adhering closely tothe ideals you envision, you will be able to channel these higherspiritual elements as few may. One beneficial process in this application of your willis your learning the value of spirituality (how not to take itfor granted, for instance). Another result is likely to be therestoring of faith in yourself and your fellow man. You mind is influenced by many varying intuitions whichaffect your ability to concentrate and focus your attention.Therefore, your development or retardment this lifetime willdepend to a large degree on the application of your willregarding ideals. For instance, your sensitivity to environmentalconditions is very great. Surrounding influences which youintuitively absorb will always have a lot to do with the thoughttrends you take and the way you apply your abilities. In other words, you are almost mystically hypersensitiveto your surroundings. You pick up negative thoughts of others andoutside situations and are influenced by them. Thus it isnecessary that you set high ideals of discernment, discriminationand honesty. Otherwise, your dreaming could become little morethan scheming and your receptivity may become deceptive. Thereason this is emphasized is because you are very easilyinfluenced by others. There is also the likelihood of an impractical,visionary and --literally -- "spaced-out" quality to yourthinking. Often as not your ideas will be very imaginative andinvolve such notions for instance as travel over wide expanses ofspace or water, rather unusual music from the sounds of natureand the mystical beliefs of many different cultures. The lattergives you considerable spiritual insight and tolerance for allreligions. You are easily able to keep secrets, even to the pointof having a "poker face" while doing so. Care must be taken,however, that your secret-keeping quality does not becomesecretiveness and cunning to the advantage of others. A gemstone which would have a helpful, elementalinfluence on you if carried or worn is the white crystal. Such acrystal would be more than just a good luck charm: its vibrationsare needed as a positive influence and should be kept close tothe body. [1738-1, 2285-1, 2533-1, 2498-1] @ *Your Mercury is in an inharmonious aspect with Saturn. You have high mental desires yet are influenced at timesby things that would be quite objectionable to others. Feelingthat another try would be better you often wish for a change.This comes from your Saturn experience, where you learned on thedeepest level to blot out the old and replace it with newbeginnings. However, you may put too much trust in things thattake wings and fly away. And you are especially likely to face discouragementswith your relatives and social relationships as well.Particularly in such situations your mental attitude may be tooeasily depressed or undermined by just one unkind word. Trusting,however, in things which are eternal, you can instead beconstructive in response to life's challenges by giving good evenfor evil. Dealing with people in the world of commerce would bewell for you, especially in sales. In fact, you have exceptionalmental abilities in the handling of business. You are able tomake many sales, being a REAL salesperson. Your adverse Mercury -- from Saturn's experience -- isinterpreted with minimum emphasis on your shortcomings andmaximum stress placed on your virtues. You are sensitive to afault, at times even suspicious and mistrustful of others. So,you may often jump to conclusions before your reasoning force hashad the opportunity to put things in perspective for you. Yet youcan be loved into seeing alternative actions to follow, butseldom will this change your opinion unless you have been able toreason everything out. Therefore you are likely through yourstrong mental reasoning forces to reach your own conclusions foryourself in virtually all areas of your life. However, your limits in lovingness and understanding maycontinue until you allow -- through applying your will -- foryour Saturn upswing side of redeeming renewal to work throughfaith. Your experience of Saturn brings changes of every naturewhich must be met through will's application, for it is throughthe application of will that we each develop or retard. Thereforeyou will be able to overcome a great deal of depressingconditions this lifetime by the choices you make. Choices areespecially necessary in setting an ideal, whether it be as tocitizenship, parenthood, neighborliness or your spiritual life assuch (like your manner of church service). You are one that has probably found the vicissitudes oflife especially challenging in your personal relationships,whether marital or friendships. While many of your saddestexperiences may have come through the breaking up ofrelationships, many of the happiest and peaceful ones have comethrough these relationships. Perhaps as a result of such disappointments, yourintuitive forces at times bring you periods of moodiness. Theseare likely to be times of self-condemnation and belittling yourabilities. Facing these personal challenges, you can either makeconsiderable spiritual advance, or fall into a "don't care"attitude. Do avoid developing this attitude in any area of yourlife, for you -- like all of us -- has a niche, a special placethat none other may fill. When you seek to meditate, say in your viewing ofnature, there is a tendency for you to become nervous from beingin one place too long. Wearing the blue lapis stone --particularly the lapis linguis or azurite -- will not only be anaid in calming you during your meditation periods. Lapis willalso be a helpful influence for you in developing a FORGETFULNESSto life's hardships, especially the hard things said or done byothers. [1565-1, 963-1, 674-3, 1745-1, 369-3, 1858-1, 1918-1,2421-2, 608-7] @ *Your Mercury is in an inharmonious pattern with Uranus. This interpretation of your challenging experience inthe Uranus and Mercury dimensions between earth lives is givenwith an eye to maximizing your strengths and minimixing thefaults. Having a prophetic, psychic channeling capacity, you areone who speaks what is on your mind at once. Yet if what you saycauses offense to be taken and it is necessary to apologize, youwill not hesitate to do so. Then, almost as quickly, you arelikely to fly off the handle again very easily. Your at times erratic mental impatience and irritabilitycan be overcome through will's application, especially in thechoices you make in your relationships with others. It isabsolutely essential, then, that special care be taken inchoosing the right associates and partners, particularly yourspouse. So, to make the gains in this world that are your due, itis necessary that you control yourself through applying your willconsciously in this direction. Peculiar to this birth pattern, your eccentricmental-communication challenges are more internal, being theresult of your own confusion than because of what others haveplaced in your path. However, your inspirationally sharp mindallows you to adapt yourself to most any situation. And with yourabilities in writing and reporting of history-making events, youwould do quite well in journalism, especially in coverage ofinternational affairs and diplomacy. Hence your greater vocationlies in the area of communications processes dealing with thingsof historic import and of a diplomatic nature. However, without the manifestation of your will power,you are prone to be in disputes. In these primarily intellectualdisagreements you will be able to prevail in most instances. Thisis due to your exceptional mental abilities. Your psychic powersare present as talents foro analyzing the minds of others. Yet,with sudden changes often coming into your experience, yourwillful mental activities as well as use of your psi facultieshave the distinct tendency to be overtaxing. In your bewilderment at times concerning this challenge,it is well that you apply your will to look not for differencesbut rather for where there can be agreement. For as you magnifydifferences of opinion as well as differences in what you chooseto do versus what others prefer, you are building barriers whichcan be quite difficult to overcome. All such barriers becomekarmic obstacles which must eventually be met. It is best in thelong run -- and usually in the short term as well -- rather thanwillfully engaged, that such impatience with others' opinions bewillingly avoided to begin with. Having very decided likes and dislikes, then, you aretherefore one who often finds yourself confused. Being somewhatimpulsive, when overtaxed and confused you may suddenly decidethat something must be done NOW, even if it is the wrong thing.There is really nothing wrong in this as long as you maintain abalance and learn patience. One way to do this is through meditation and prayer. Youmight try an affirmation like, "When my mind seems to race aheadof itself, I will discipline my thought processes and expressmyself calmly and clearly. Rather than jumping the gun on anyissue, I will assess information with utmost care before formingan opinion or taking action." [234-1, 195-14, 3062-2] @ *Your Mercury is opposite Jupiter. High and ennobling conditions are your criteria in everything you do. The rule of Jupiter over finances and fortunestogether with Mercury gives you considerable capacity to counselothers in the use of their financial resources and investments.This same aspect gives you abilities for careful study ofinvestments followed by prudent action. Incidentally, Mercurygives you an exceptional mentality, especially in literature anddealing with numbers, as in computer data. . However, your veryintelligent Mercury influence may put others off guard. This islikely to make them feel that your good Jupiterian behavior isdesigned to hook them into doing something for you (like buyingfrom you or financially investing in your business). Due toJupiter's overall positive effect, which is generally trueregardless of whether its aspects are fortunate or difficult: youconsider others as well as yourself. This is a result ofJupiter's high ennobling influence that effects you in thepresent life. A past life which could be carrying your Mercury-Jupiteropposition's challenges into your current experience is one whenyou may have been among those who persecuted practicers ofwitchcraft, say, in New England. Your present love of religiousprinciple, as a result of such a likely previous incarnation,leaves you with little patience with people who profess one thingwhile living another. One effect of this is overcompensation bybeing too stubborn with your own convictions. Karmically and astrologically, then, despite yoursincerity, your intentions maybe consistently mistrusted byothers while your beiefs may be a bit overbearing. This may haveoriginated with persecution of others for their beliefs. It thenre-presented itself at the time you chose to be born with anopposition between Jupiter and Mercury. The opposition betweenthem reflects your sojourns in these planetary realms betweendeath in that past lifetime and rebirth in the present. Your identity with and urges toward a universalconsciousness in all pursuits -- from your experience in the highJupiter realm between lives -- is limited through the manner inwhich you apply it in your communications with others. You havehigh mental abilities which are well-balanced as far as yourjudgments are concerned. You would make an excellent teacher orinstructor. However, there is the likelihood of needing to reviewregularly the purposes of your balanced judgments andintellectual ability. You might ask yourself if your knowledgeand experience in such matters is to give yourself power or toglorify God and honor your higher ideals. In other words, in your relationships with others, takecare that your mental prowess be used wisely. If you takeadvantage of other people because of their lack of understandingand rationalize it as just 'good business', you will be cheatingyourself, not others. Because of living in the very materialworld, you have a special responsibility which comes with suchhigh intellectual powers always to remember that anyone whoattempts to cheat God indeed only cheats themselves. Instead, useyour potentials for humanitarian teaching and crisis counseling-- which were probably developed during a lifetime in the HolyLand -- to help others who find sorrow in their lives. [943-2,2796-1, 2783-1] @ *Your Mercury is harmoniously patterned with Venus. You have a special love of nature and all things naturaland beautiful. You appreciate harmonies especially, and haveconsiderable ability in depicting natural rhythyms and patternsthrough music and art. You would best direct these abilities intoeducational channels in conjunction with public speaking andlecturing. The emphasis in such presentations would be mosthelpful if artwork and music -- from film and video for instance-- were used to illustrate that which you are teaching ratherthan through lecturing without such audio and visual aids.[288-1, 3646-1, 2798-1] @ *Your Mercury is in a square pattern with Jupiter. Your experience in Jupiter gives you a bigness orbroadness of experience and an easy going manner. Through will'sapplication, once generosity toward yourself is developed, thenextended to others, you will be able to be helpful, mindful,considerate, understanding, and an aid to many. Thesehumanitarian potentials are available to be tapped once you knowwithin yourself that there is and can be an ideal that is also areasonable thing. One tendency to be careful of in this directionis an inability to be realistic about ideals, for instance youmight watch agreeing to take on projects which you may not be ina position to follow through on later. You have innate high and noble purposes, yet are attimes misunderstood. However, with application of will you maymanifest love in many ways, for instance, through aiding othersto find social and legal justice and in writing. You could alsobecome a successful financial counselor or find success in salesmanagement. Another way to direct your high mental abilitiestoward moral applications of your experience is through writingdevotional stories, poetry and even music that glorifies theinner life of worship and spiritual ideals. Of course, occasionally it is fine, even invigorating,to argue about God and metaphysical or spiritual subjects, yetthe home is not the place for it. The home, though, is the bestplace to try out spirituality: whatever you may not be able toapply yourself surely should not be preached to others.In fact,you would probably make a very good minister. You may rise veryhigh in your abilities in whatever activity you finally choose. This inharmonious pattern makes for a tendency toward astubbornness of judgment and impulsive decisionmaking. Yet youhave the mental abilities to reason from any viewpoint. Anycondition you face must have a reasonableness to you for it to beof worth or of use to you or -- for that matter -- to anyoneelse. This may often be your rationale for putting things off. Inother words, things out of reason are for you things out ofseason. While not mercenary you are not wholly an idealisteither. Instead, you are rather well balanced between the two. In using your mental abilities there are inclinationstoward theological argumentation rather than sharing ideals ofspirituality. This is not to say that you are notspiritual-minded, but your spiritual attitudes as outwardlyexpressed are somewhat intellectual and often primarily for show.You may feel that there has to be a point made in discussionsabout religion and thus the theological or intellectual-Mercurianinfluence itself is primary at such times, rather than thespirituality that you might practice. In your meditation periods, you might use an affirmationor prayer worded something like, "While I am attracted to manydifferent bits of miscellaneous information because they appearto be interesting, I will begin to see more and more that noteverything which I want to occupy my mind with has practicalvalue. I will develop the ability to concentrate only uponrelevant, useful facts and will be protected from spending a lotof time and energy with non-essentials by barking up the wrongtree or totally overlooking the obvious. I will find myselfmoving on to more important matters quickly, so that I willaccomplish something truly worthy of my attention." [3155-1,1001-7, 3674-1, 960-4, 114-1, 1738-1] @ ***END***