macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) huifang...

Macrolides( Macrolides( 大大大大大 大大大大大 ), Linco ), Linco mycin( mycin( 大大大大大 大大大大大 ), and Vancom ), and Vancom ycin( ycin( 大大大大 大大大大 ) ) Huifang Tang [email protected]

Post on 19-Dec-2015




4 download


Page 1: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Macrolides(Macrolides( 大环内酯类大环内酯类 ), Linco), Lincomycin(mycin( 林可霉素类林可霉素类 ), and Vanco), and Vanco

mycin(mycin( 万古霉素万古霉素 ))

Huifang Tang [email protected]

Page 2: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

History of MacrolidesMacrolides

1952 Erythromycin(红霉素 )1970s Acetylspiramycin(乙酰螺旋霉素 ) Medecamycin(麦迪霉素 ) josamycin(交沙霉素 )1980s Clarithromycin (克拉霉素 ) Roxithromycin(罗红霉素 ) Azithromycin(阿奇霉素 )


Page 3: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

(( 红霉素红霉素))

(( 克拉霉素克拉霉素))

(( 阿奇霉素阿奇霉素))


Page 4: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

• 14 碳环大环内酯类:– 红霉素 (erythromycin) – 克拉霉素 (clarithromyc

in)– 罗红霉素 (roxithromy


• 15 碳环大环内酯类:

– 阿奇霉素 (azithromycin)

• 16 碳环大环内酯类:– 吉他霉素 (kitasamycin)

– 交沙霉素 (josamycin)– 乙酰螺旋霉素 (acety

lspiramycin)– 麦迪霉素 (medecamyci


Page 5: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Erythromycin ( 红霉素 )• Antimicrobial activity

– Gram-positive organisms: pneumococci (肺炎双球菌 ) , streptococci (链球菌) , staphylococci (葡萄球菌) , diphtheriae (白喉) etc

– Gram-negative organisms:legionella (军团菌) ,bacillus pertussis( 百日咳 ), brucella( 布氏 ) ,

meningococci (脑膜炎球菌) , diplococcus gonorrhoeae (淋病双球菌) etc

– Others: mycoplasma( 支原体 ), chlamydia trachomatis( 沙眼衣原体 ), rickettsia( 立克次体 ), spirochete ( 螺旋体 ), anaerobes( 厌氧菌 ) etc.


Page 6: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Mechanism of action

• Target 50s ribosomal RNA• Mechanism inhibition of translocation of



Page 7: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang


C: ChloramphenicChloramphenicol ol

M: MacrolidesMacrolides

T: Tertracyclines

Page 8: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Pharmokinetics • Not stable at acid pH• Metabolized in liver• Excreted in bile

Drugs:– erythromycin stearate(硬脂酸红霉素)– erythromycin ethylsuccinate (琥乙红霉素,利君沙)– erythromycin estolate (无味红霉素)


Page 9: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Clinical uses

• As penicillin substitute in penicillin-allergic or resistant patients with infections caused by staphylococci, streptococci and pneumococci

• Pertussis( 百日咳 ) , diphtheriae( 白喉 )• Legionella ( 军团菌 )and mycoplasma pneumo

nia( 肺炎支原体 )• H.p infection


Page 10: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Mechanism of resistance

Modification of the ribosomal binding site

Production of esterase that hydrolize macrolides

Active efflux system


Page 11: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Adverse reactions

• Gastrointestinal effects• Liver toxicity• Superinfection( 二重感染 )


Page 12: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Second generation

• Advantage :

– Broader spectrum, higher activity– Orally effective– High blood concentration– Longer t 1/2– Less toxicity– Mainly used in respitory tract infection


Page 13: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Azithromycin ( 阿齐霉素)

• Has the strongest activity against mycoplasma pneumoniae (肺炎支原体)

• More effective on Gram-negative bacteria

• Well tolerated• T1/2 :35~48h once daily• Mainly used in respitory tract infection


Page 14: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Clarithromycin (甲红霉素 ,克拉霉素)

• Has the strongest activity on Gram-positive bacteria, legionella pneumophila, chlamydia pneumoniae and H.p

• Good pharmacokinetic property• Low toxicity


Page 15: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Third generation • Ketolides( 酮基大环内酯类 )• Ketolides are semisynthetic 14-membered-ring macro

lides, differing from erythromycin by substitution of a 3-keto group for the neutral sugar L-cladinose.

• Telithromycin ( 泰利霉素 ) – It is active in vitro against Streptococcus pyogenes, S pneum

oniae, S aureus, H influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, mycoplasmas, Legionella, Chlamydia, H pylori, N gonorrhoeae, B fragilis, T gondii, and nontuberculosis mycobacteria.

– Many macrolide-resistant strains are susceptible to ketolides because the structural modification of these compounds renders them poor substrates for efflux pump-mediated resistance and they bind to ribosomes of some bacterial species with higher affinity than macrolides.


Page 16: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Part 2 Lincomycin ( 林可霉素 )and Clindamycin (克林霉素)

Lincomycin & Clindamycin

① Chloramphenicol Chloramphenicol

② ClindamycinClindamycin MacrolidMacrolideses

③ Tertracyclines

Mechanism Binding to 50s ribosome subunit and inhibiting protein synthesis

Page 17: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

• Antimicrobial activity– Gram-positive organisms– Bacteroide fragilis and other anaerobes

• Pharmacokinetics– Absorbed well– Penetrate well into most tissues including bone

Page 18: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

• Clinical uses – Severe anaerobic infection – Acute or chronical suppurative osteomylitis (化脓性骨

髓炎) , arthritis caused by susceptive organisms especially Staphylococci aureus (金黄色葡萄球菌)

• Adverse reactions– Gastrointestinal effects: severe diarrhea and pseudom

embranous enterocolitis caused by Clostridium difficile(难辨梭状芽孢杆菌) :• vancomycin & metronidazole

– Impaired liver function , neutropenia

Lincomycin & Clindamycin

Page 19: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Part 3 ----------last choice

Vancomycin (万古霉素 )& Teicoplanin (替考拉宁)


Page 20: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Vancomycin (万古霉素 )

• Mechanism of action– Inhibit cell wall synthesis

• Antimicrobial spectrum:– Narrow spectrum, active only against gram-

positive bacteria paticularly staphylococci• Pharmacokinetics

– Poorly absorbed from intestinal tract, iv– Excreted from glomerular filtration 90%


Page 21: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Vancomycin(万古霉素 )

• Clinical uses – Infection caused by MRSA, MRSE and p

enicillin-resistant pneumococcus– Treatment of antibiotic-associated ent

erocolitis caused by clostridium difficile po

• Adverse reaction– Ototoxicity & nephrotoxicity– Red-man syndrome


Page 22: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Teicoplanin(替考拉宁 )

• Similar to vancomycin in mechanism and antimicrobial spectrum

• Can be given im as well as iv• Less adverse reactions


Page 23: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Part 4Oxazolidinones(恶唑烷酮类 )--- Linezolid ( 利奈唑胺 )

• Linezolid is a member of the oxazolidinones, a new class of synthetic antimicrobials.

• Antimicrobial spectrum:– It is active against gram-positive organisms including staphylococci, stre

ptococci, enterococci, gram-positive anaerobic cocci, and gram-positive rods such as corynebacteria and Listeria monocytogenes.

– It is primarily a bacteriostatic agent except for streptococci for which it is bactericidal.

– There is modest in vitro activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.• Mechanism of action

– Linezolid inhibits protein synthesis by preventing formation of the ribosome complex that initiates protein synthesis. Its unique binding site, located on 23S ribosomal RNA of the 50S subunit, results in no cross-resistance with other drug classes.

• Mechanism of Resistance– Resistance is caused by mutation of the linezolid binding site on 23S ribo

somal RNA.

Page 24: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

• Adverse reaction– The principal toxicity of linezolid is hematologic—reversible and gen

erally mild.– Thrombocytopenia(血小板减少症 ) is the most common manifestati

on (seen in approximately 3% of treatment courses), particularly when the drug is administered for longer than 2 weeks.

– Neutropenia may also occur, most commonly in patients with a predisposition to or underlying bone marrow suppression.

• Pharmacokinetics– Linezolid is 100% bioavailable after oral administration and has a ha

lf-life of 4–6 hours. It is metabolized by oxidative metabolism, yielding two inactive metabolites.

– It is neither an inducer nor an inhibitor of cytochrome P450 enzymes. Peak serum concentrations average 18 g/mL following a 600 mg oral dose. The recommended dose for most indications is 600 mg twice daily, either orally or intraveneously.

• Clinical uses – It is approved for vancomycin-resistant E faecium infections; nosoco

mial pneumonia; community-acquired pneumonia; and skin infections, complicated or uncomplicated. It should be reserved for treatment of infections caused by multiply drug-resistant gram-positive bacteria.

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Part5 Streptogramins ( 链阳性菌素 )• Streptogramins are effective in the treatment of

Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) and Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE), two of the most rapidly-growing strains of multidrug-resistant bacteria.

• Members include:– Quinupristin/dalfopristin (喹奴普丁-达福普丁 )– Pristinamycin – Virginiamycin – NXL 103, a new oral streptogramin currently in phase II trials

(As of 2008[update]). It will be used to treat respiratory tract infections.

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Part6 lipopeptide antibiotic• Daptomycin(达托霉素 ) • Mechanism of action

– disruption of the bacterial membrane through the formation of transmembrane channels, resulting in a loss of membrane potential leading to inhibition of protein, DNA and RNA synthesis, which results in bacterial cell death.

Page 27: Macrolides( 大环内酯类 ), Lincomycin( 林可霉素类 ), and Vancomycin( 万古霉素 ) Huifang Tang

Antimicrobial spectrum:• Daptomycin is unable to permeate the outer

membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, thus its spectrum is limited to Gram-positive organisms only.

• Daptomycin has activity against Staphylococci (including MRSA, VISA, and VRSA), Enterococci (both E. faecalis and E.faecium, including VRE), and Streptococci (including DRSP), as well as most other aerobic and anaerobic Gram-positive bacteria.

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