skptwrs wnx h0iam>wrsing^;mntsb -plllk muring sunday … · 2014. 3. 21. · of tit eee d cross...

I ^-. .-• ..-T'-^^^^^^' VOL. WOMEN ADDRESS -PllLK MURING ^SKPTwrs wnx GIVE ^! f1 nil h VWAtt IH ADVANrg <»f BDUCATIONAL PROGRAM : D S y c n B l W > v * * • • • • iw*» "•*»•»" S«iidar Sehael to Tak* IM^^ Red Cnw^wi Home P«»OMt>m.[ hi Sp^dri^^^^ tlen yfetk-fUvnMtHUa^St: OuiittwS Bdqation «Ur wiU !>• eel ^ : m if ••• '•' " V •-'. ^ (MiM UUUn V. GillMrt, 8«9Ntery) The rapiUr venthiy mMttni; •< tiM Woman'* Aiudliur WM c»U«d to or- der at thre« tfOoA last Friday •v«n- ing br the preaidnt.. Mrs; J. F. Do- gari. Aftar the alnging of Amorica, prayer waa offered Ifjr B*^. A., Stuart Gibson. In order of businees the roll wiw called by th*!«acretary. Dw* amoont- ing to 76 centa were coUeeted from three new membera. Ji» tlie treaa- ar«rjM»,|ri>sent no recvilar iliiaa were colH^p Six new members wwe adde^^the roll—Mnj J- L. Baabons. Urs.^im T. DemMgHN- H. L. Roid- Hy, Mrs. Aul»||n*ai». Mrs. Q. U- Davis and Mr*^^. Stnart Oibson. AfUr tbv^reading of the minotes of tbeOast l^iMtins by the Mcretary.the re^&r bvsineas was pintpnned for a •while, there being aartpa rare treat ahead in that UnS^^uiet Snape, whg b^a charge of t^ie Brince William -ooorse te nwaing; Miss Oldfield, head of tite Eed Cross division departmen* of pablie health noraijici IDsa I*MU* F. Oxley, prospertiM^KDiity narie fw Prince WUUam. ««<( Uias Mutba D. - Ptowiddie, -distriet—denuaatzatten. agent, w«ce present. After a few words from Mrs. Snape Pirated by tke Baptist Sundi^ School Sunday ereniag at. eigt* o'doek 1>y this pree<tatafi«B of an «x«rcise en- titled "Tbe Cawrdt Tliat Went to Cel- lege." Chara«t«r parts in this «Mr- eise will be taken as follows: Yonng man who is to report on meettnc of Southern Baptist conven- tion, Mr. PoweU M. Meti; siiperinten- dent who waflta to hfcve a bett« •ehool, Mr. L. Ledman; lady school teacher who "knows the value <^ a Chrtotlan allege. Miss Mildred L. Harrefl; Miss Smith who says what she thinks, Miss JIusan Hutchison; Deacon Positive who nsnally has his way, Mr..t. J. Broaddua; Biary Jones, earnest yonng woman with missionary ineUnations, Miss Marian Clark; Prof. Howell, Baptist educator and wise flead«r, Mr. Wj^rtir Stotke; John, the deacon's son, Mr. John Broaddua; Eleanor, his sister. Miss Georgia Har- rell; Sam, a hard-working, anlWtiona boy, Mr. Ralph Larson; Edith and Carrie, giri chums. Misses Susan Ish HarrisMLSBd Bwlah Whitmar. Another feature of the prpipcBm wffl be the reading of ih» loU c< Juaor of ^tiMM n m b v s olttM tdiotA who have attm^od or wiU attend « Baptia£ BchepL A eoUeetlen wiU be taken fn th*! in tercet of Christian edncatioa. Sunday Scllools to Meet COUNTY OBGANlZATldN WILL HOLB ANNUAL SB88M»r AT NOUBSVILLB (^ SDNDAY^ SSCRETARY BiOGd TO MAK^ ADDRESS , SUie SeenUry Thooiat C Diggs, of Richmond, will'addresB the «nnu«l Prince William County Sunday School Coaveniion. which will be in 9U-d«y aeMion Sup- _day itt N<^eBviUe, beginning at 10:30 a. m. Each Sun- day School in the county i* urged to aend a delegate and «verybody is invited tobe lurasent. The morning session w^ last from 10:30 to 12:30 and the afternoon meetiniK will be in sMsioJf from 1:30 to 8:30. Those who attend are expected to bring a basket hmch and spend th« d*y.. H0iaM>wRsiNG^;mntsB BEGINS A6AIN-JUUP Bade NiDM Wm Return to to Apply for AdMittaae* i&Gmm. '8ETTY M WASHIN6T0N ItliflB luad Miaa (hdey. Miss Qldfi«ftd made a t htflpf"1 «»«d {ntjlT»««i«ff txXV At ^fcis time she usbUned tbe work of .the Bed Crow —I in avd told how to 8* tHraatsaitjimc oat the prognua Jar tbe county nursa, advising that the nurse, make a asrvey as she goes into tbe different eommmities. She also said that ihe Biir«e-<M«ld^arry out tin weric according to &dt Cross reg- ulations. Miaa OldfleU lU^ suggest- ed that the office for the mtf$b» near, the rest room. She showed it»%lA^ ' of the county nurse Ttnd the county heme demonstration agent having of- ___. . J or J - - - - iSa- ...jBw llldfield abo < VJnchestw. S i s w i i thatpm Soy - aud QUL CkwMi awde iW-^ar work in South- em Baptirts are planning to raise f r o u txe^WiPOO to $20,000,000^ tbe milt fi»e years ->e wbemt^m tfc^^ ciMMmiaatiea^ •ehM>te, aM'^ *•»» amoant Virilnia Baptirfs kre ezi^eet' ed to ralee at least H,800M- ^Hiere HUdegarde Portner d*^ Bride fit Lieatonaat , Darhv^ of Kdunend. •rhe apartment of Representative and Mrs. Henry' D. Fl^od in Washing- ton was converted into a vwitabl^ June gardMI Satuiilay aflaruwa tot WHEAT CROP IS DISAPPQINTING Some Farmers bi Prince WilUam . Howeror, Are Satisfied and Pkased With Yield.' ar« tan sdbo^s in Virj^id* ymiix %|^ lirteentnd. - AGENTS ^ n C B Wea Lffliaa GQberi Will RateiTe ^^Hsitora-EMty Monday. to the eenatjr- t&i the marriage of Mrs.'Fk>od's ristec^ Miss Bildegarde Portner, and Lieut. Palmer Derby, U. S ^ . , of NorfoBs. 'An-«verwbefaiiing majority ^-the- farmers in Prince William county are disappointed in the yield and <inality of their wheat crop this year,'! said kr. K. G. VJMMUK. county agentt in xe- sponse to a qosiation from a represen- tative of Tht, Jmumal. "A few are he wta get The claas^ in HOSM Hygiene, given by- the Prince William BCed Croaa un- dei Uie d4ieetkm*<if HrsfJanet Samp- ken Snape, will begin again «t Tham^ day, July 17. A fee of | 2 will be eb^ged for ~«d9iission to the claas, this money' to be used by the Bed Cross toward the expense involved. A room in the M. I. C. Boildiifg iato be equipped liy the first class, twenty- five membeers rf which have reeentiy received certiScates for octapleting.the coarse. Those who have not quite completed the first course will be per- mitted to take the required number of lessons to mdie them eligibie'for the examination witiiout payment of an additional fee, and it is hoped that those who have not completed the couiM will take i^dvantage of this op- portunity. * ' ', The nursing classes to epew July 17 wUi be held as before every Thursday morning and afternoon. - It is expect- ed that a class of Girl ScouU will re- ceive instruction in the morning and a claaa of women in the afternoon. Applications for admittance or for any information pertaining to the class •bonld be addreased to tbe secreta^ t H l f f l l SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT MwSe aad EzpreMlw Stadcato Prtiait Aaaaal Proff 4i Comm^B BIUL Mias lalli^n V. Gilbert, County Home Demonstration Agent MialMn III Jig Till III ff " 1 J^~thfr<>>aaty Hom«'Sen^Bstrati<m Agent will'kwep ottce fa tbi Msiia-n| Hj^_8iftw>l BuMtog. ft^^^nrgat that all wbo vish ts obtain fin #asiBr l^aa to do s a t on The walls of «»• drawing room wker# ^ ^ ^ ^ thfaty boshela onJiis best the c«r«mony was performed by Bevy g^». U. G. B. tteroe, were sprayed with, u^--^ panguavinoa.aad'white ribhona at.^ taefaed to tiny iriiite posts wmtkm^ti^ aisle tiirougfa which the bridid IMity to the.faapiovised al>an»her» the bridegMam and Us beat w ^ Capt. Nelaen Bage, U ,. them. A bowvT-. formed of Aastf dsisiif intermingled 'with Aoatraliati ferns yfUM plMSd about the wfatta tin prie dieu on which the bridal While the bearded varietiee have much shorter heada this year than the smooth sorta, tijey are bettte filled withj^nnq^ grate^jsceording to Mr. Koiaw. flw grain in the wnooth va. ing activities, Mra. J. L. Bushong, •»- Va. The ftftii aaaaal cenuneneeaMnt «< the Temple School of Music began Mmtday evening in Conner's Hall witb a recital by tbe pupils of tbe elemen- tary^ departmeal The programs eaek eventeg during tha wie^ have besa well atUnded by fatttiliek and. frian* of tfcs participanU, who have be<« generous with applanae and sibar forms of appreciation. The stage is decorsjted with cot flowers and potted plants against an outdoor baekgromd o€ summer mear dow, trees and 8hrirf>bery, nhkk. makes a pretty setting for the sixty young students who appear singly aad in groups. Two pianoa are. given tlw place of honor in the foreground on the right. The final program tonight, which ia the commencement preyar, includes r^edinga and muaiSal nnmbers and tha commencement addreM aad iHreaenta- tion of certificates ot promotioa bj Eev. A. Stuart Gibeon. Bev. DeP«r- est Wade will offer tiie ioveeaBon and the benediction wih be pconooaeed by Rev. WUUam Stavfoa. The prognHB Monday evening In- cluded a nuaical. reading by MiaaeT Margaret CODiwin and Boae Bkse, a SPECIAL MEgl'lNG- OF 1 duet by Misaes HatcMsoh UA BMHt- COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD son and piano solos by the foUowinc . students: KaUierino King, Mary By- r^>»..«lt««> App«iiit*d in S«ttle.l.nd. Anna Fatelr. Emma ffllen Lad School Aeeonnts With the " "" "*'"- "-* Ceonty TVeawwflfr' **° ""* ' " • ^ rietiea is small aad dinadcen, part of S. A-rJlMki^ Q^ ],ead havinai-aethittg^ Jn i t a t nIL Btorma stood^np renarkably well. thaae days. _ „, Owing to diafMtttuitlb-.Sutders, Mr.'Ga^m expUaaatf tM plan for the agricnltatal direefeor, wiM be in em^ying the nuraC after wWch *tBiSeg8Bnfg fSTsSrweffii a»I the farm notion was OMU^ tlist the eommittae d^onatrator, Mr. B. G. %.«Aua, wiU on nurBii« aelMties retfare and diseasa plana to 'be8ni"tiie" work leave the wwk Jtdy l.'it wffl be very Itnmng » ,„^^ ~- , uncwTMuu ••.o^~ IS^^g any done. While the commit^* was.oat thejtroands on e O e r dayS^ the secretary read *h* n^Blm of tiie ~ county advisory eoii|(D, itfter which Miss I^widdie, distfHt home ^lemon- stratioK agent, made a very hdpfnl talk diihnii« tdaatthe advisory eenn^ eoold itt to bel^ mate'tha alao Uwwed how ifaehomedemuuali• tioB agent, with the eo-«3>eratiMi at this eeuneili eould do better wm^k. it* ilMiday ofjiaeh «M0( dnitar *• OK^ vi July. CHILDREN^ DAY PROGRAM , , 'While we are not prepared to as- piadc raauMr'roses produced % di«^ fkflare of yield and qsality in the ing affectfe The fMiitlas-were-i«nl»d gr»^" Mr. Kpiner concluded, **!»« are 1th omk roaes andMos4ajl>M<tfBnHi. * y i i ^ bb«te4t^en tiw Seemiai^ A strfaig onSfaestra ^iv«d fheiwed- M^vemUe supply e^heai and mete- ding marches and ^'l'*'*''''^^!^^^ fare daring the last two montliS." coition which.: fudloaad. - .Tl||iJWi*j ^^H»^nat ^ wefi nndv^ «ay^ at this who waa eaeected and la^^.'gr^ in ^|,^^ yj^ iwether ftw Uin moat part marriage by Bepreswitative Flood, ^^ ^^^^ decidedly •ore a gown of swft whiiiiysatiu> made ^y"^^M the^searrity oflniMr with a Wgb waist line and^panmw drmperiaa est tiie skirt, while tbe bodice was fi>rmr^ "* Ai^h— l i w and tnlle. A meeting of the Prince William county school board was" held at the Mabel Payne, Boae. Silling BSt- iUffe, Lacy Atiiey, Charles Wriwter Hopkins, Cora Louise Merdwnt, As. liie Laurie Merchant, Lima tMd, Ma- yion Broaddua. Mildred Mills; Vfr- courthouse yesterday for the purposeirnia Oreen. Hssri 'SsBiwnrSi Ij**- of appointing a committee to M*tle^ ^rey and Botit Hatduson. Iil«^ P**» ih» aocoouts of the schpff) board with ^MS Batcllffe sang a aolo, fAa|ISg'Bac- . im cwtntr txmaatmr, tii»^4i^^ There is a fine ei»p of straw, whidi on ^mlttee being apitotnt^: Mr.^ class aanjr "The Sprfaig Heart" ^ ^^ account of light heads and abeence nL f^iirVrf F McDonsld. Mr. Bobsrt Ar|—The piana recital of Miss J ^ f t f a ^H^kt is a Hntduson and Mr. George M. 'ryUHr.' Nelson Spelden. pupil of Miss FrtUMT The president and secretary were an- Elivibetb SpiaB^and Miaa H d o i N a i ^ tfaoi^Mifto Sign Slid fbnnaif tils c e o ^ ^ ^ CannMt, p ^ of ICss MiHgas* pleted report to the Virginia D^art-'Temple Hopkins. to<ric ^aee Toaadsy m«it of Public Imtroction. 1 evoiing. The yonng pianiatir were a*-^ Membws of th« county scbMl board aiated by Mias Mary Christine Mesec, who attended the masting *we: Mr.^nitdcr, a p n ^ of Mrs. QmiKm Nonna Charles R. McD«Bald, of €atharpin,- Bosser. suBwiii>tni1»nt of schools and Jow^J. Tbapi^Hls of tlia yiiaaJuid.tAptes;:; dent of the board; Mr. Corbin OlMaip- sion^d«artmaita tbelB^Srt in Wed- aoB. of Woodbridw. viee-nresidfint; nM''«r •wninff's iiu^ram The w^ awieoa handicap. Much of the wheat ^fcii^ is lepertgd to in Loudoun Her v ^ of ttxqniaMe roee pomt lace, ^^^ damaged in the recent rZi...^ i... 1 — ! « , . . «».K«r of ^„„Jt^^ oait it ia fea^d 1*|« «a3r a little more than a quarter of a aomai ^wfai<^ Jms b e e n w«arn 1^>» nwnber of the bridea in-tiie P«»taer,&mily. waa becominglr SR*atged with a eevonet ot orange bloasoma, and it alao formed her train. She carried a ritewsot bo«- qoet of orehida, stepjianotia ud swan- The children's day leudered at the I^^esbyt^r^a1l program was •ebMWb Mrs. ^ies rsperted that tbe Mat gg^^jg^ morning at tbe time of the room committoe was pianning^: to.j Qg^^ chorch service. The church bold a festival en the Upocomb lot: ,,„ attractively decorated for the •e-j" r" Z^^^^i^ -«, .domed witii ti« reason' for bpidtog tiiis ^val 1 ^ ^ p«ttea plants- The addreaa ^ ™ ^ * ^ ' e ^ l Z ^ r f £ and urged that e««ybody pnaent be , ^ ^ade by tiM pistoc^Jtey. DeFor- '"^^v ^ ^ __,„.. -:r.=--x- ^.,_ _ A **- ^t y ^ , MHJ the superintendent. Mr. *»«' P™" J. H. Dodge, offSned th* invocatiaS, «* W*« crop will be harvested in some loealT- tica. A great deal of wheat has been tend iafssted with smut, aad in.^Bsny «tbercaaai the heads rotted before ^.tnrity. C<«dtti«ais are retorted to Mr. D. J. Arriagton, of Manassas, pnssion department ««a i«preaent«rf •aeretaiy, and the following distriet ],y J U M Elisabeth B^*, iriw gaw tniatees, Mr. J. T. Ftery, BrentsviDe «Sweet Day of Beat;" Mi«i MargaMt JistrirtV Mr Thirmss 7 w«<.tf—WUM, f,q|HTf^n. irhit g ' ~ *~» «iM«rt v » i d C(d(« diiftietj Dr. D. C. Cline, Dum- jng,, "Maybe" aad "The Land o* frier diattfct; Mr. W. L. Saadera^saA >«iry Triear !«» Muriel Korvell Mr. S. W. Hmit, jr., Gaineaville dis- Laridn, wtas gave "Peaches," a_ti«rffl- trict, and Measrs. C. E. Naah and S. jng.stoiy of a race, aad Miss Bos* C.~ H«rley. Msnassus district. , sjce, who gave "Daddy Long I^gs," with daiacter parts. ^5 ' ? 'r' summarising. York, sister of tiia Mde, waa tbe ma ^T?«»- of^ iufnnr. and her gown vsBey section, althongh SMne fUSTbas F y N D B N E E D E D F<^ Jean Webattt'a famooa story of that WOliiN^ REST ROOM W ,,,„,,^^^^ ^_^ Lucille model <rf fihny laoe nnd Inaer tion cctabined with oibroidery. a l ^ of Una lowing at tha girtie. Hear delected. a committee of easto belp spaead the, tite hoHtet •tiM ^ aad «rgei %hatd mikkLi The committee retanisd and Mr. M'-r^««»«M reported that the nurse would be ready for work by Septwn- ber. At this time the pce^deatef the auxiliary made a strong appeal fsv the work to b e ^ the first day of Ji^. hi bar talk ahe showed ^^Jt was unwise to pat off aad made a strong appeal for the healtii of tbe babi^ of tbe couM^. It waa f* or- dered that the aarae b<gia ^oly 1 if peesible. Tbe bovbeiarhta.sfl' ness was pea^ened and LEWIO CRAVES- Oidy the quests, preaeat at the cere- mony attended the .• reception wWeh fritowed, wben^tte rett, Joebphiae Cse^ Hasd Saimders, Cbristiae Meaiae, Milled Creel aad Beolab BakMt-and Batpb Sharz^t, Attert C^eeJ,- Wanyn BoaeabervtTi Dennk Baker aad Balidi Slanders. —The offering for artsaiwia waa re- ceived by Miss Mary Katr^Ia, Mlsa Annie Crei, WUbor Buasahwgw nnd James Witdar, TWOrCENT POOTAfiE RACS^ WiU R e t i w U»- Miss and MI Marian Graves, of Norfolk. Mars Lewis, formariy of Ma- were qnietiy sMtrried Sator- day St the bosM ef tlM bride ia Nor- folk. Following tbs oeraaMoy, the yean? couple left on ¥ aesihemlrip, •fter which tiMT wfiJ nbBB ta^ Vlr- ginis Beacb^tar the summer. Mr. LewisX a brother «f Miaa Jalia Lewk, of Manassas He is sssistaat cashier of the Virgbda N Mr C. Shirley Kathpnne Smith rorcfi to M Leachman and Miss of Alexandria. mo- Sunday to spend the I'U^tMe* old postage rMaa go back iato three-cent ratr f^ ftoom were aaalsssii ni netiTiag Mrs. Flood, ^rtio w e w a o3~enKffi eoI<»ed lace moonted yvtker f ^ ^ ^ t t n i i t s S m a l l A m o m t t and tnre,'» Misses Waters """^^ hr CoaUWttCC' two pianoa, aad piaao soloa were rea- ^ dered Iv the following stadenta: The festival given. Saturday eve». Missee Aidatti Evans, Edytiie toej- i^g hy tiw> waman's AttxiHary com- ory, Mary Lee Arrington. Anna Wsfr mittee *»r ttie benefit of tiM woman^ Wattfs. Margaret Ownwell. (^^<* Manassas netted about HarreU, Looiaa Ayr». Jeeale Playn^ the «>ni- rj»i«n T.«rkip, EMaabeth Burr aad WELCXmE CELEmiATION FrrderiAiiiw^^gliiii to^!* SojA^ Ml Foortk aOilf. " ' rest room The. counties of SpoUylvania, Caro- i^^j^^jg^jjjAin^ng r . Hne, Staffert asd King -Gpertt VH ^Ha^ jn cfca^ #fHeaiaalJa^ttlAt:Xiamett Brown. "••« .'^ tiiTaty of Fiederiefcstaatg wffl b M a Jaig * at » ' that tbe fint elasa adUl| «B Jaly 1. tiie lettecB sad the eacda beb« two-cent rate for -poetal nullified and tbe foroMT rate e« two cents for lettws aad one ceat »»r pea- tal cards becoming effective. Postmasters have - to redeeos three cent^ gUmped ••^J]^ opee aad two-eea* poetal carSTTST redemption canBot be made in caah bat most be effective tkrougb oOar stamped - anvriovee or postal cards. Afris*]«|iHi awstb»iaa*ept<sr August 1. .. pink satfa wHh a. hat trbaawd-with pbdc roaee Licnt. and Jooraey. tbe Utter weailii'l a smart tan travsfiag eoa- taae <rf trfcototte with a brewm sttaw hat. Thif war makr tbdr^fatwe hone at Winehaater. Tbe bfMe is a , X-j'~ g piW^ 8m-f» Wr '^^^-' ^bV> lebert PMtoor. of MaaOaaa. Liaat Derby zoeaatly retaraed from afi^ten _ service m France. mtM^tamktam» in Waahiag- tea isr^t^Maaitf iwfcdei^'^^'ttr; and Mrs. Oecar C. Pertaar aad Mr. Paid V. Psrtaer, of Manassas; Mr. asd^lfn. Angustanc HUBMS. of New Yeck; Mia. Biebard K.-lyrd, of Bidi- tooad; Mr. and l b s . Harry Flosd Byrd. Capt aad Mrs. Tbeaaw BoOiag Bytd. Lieut, aad Mrs. Metaoa Page nd Mr. aad Mn. WilUaBi A.- all of Wtot heater, aad^ Baxto. of Upper MadOoa. r .,,1^1 ~ „.____ ., - -.. Mr. John H. Nelson was in toyn UM aay at the home of Mr. Leachmab's 1 Tuesday to atUnd the piano recital of fatner, Mr. C. C. Leachman. j hU niece, Miss Virginia Speidan. The degree of doctor of seieaee was conferred 1900 Hoa. G«>rfe W Koiner, commissioner of agricultare fer Virginia, at the MOat'exernses * University of Pennsylvania tbe indebtedness on tbe ftalaBee lor -tw Mr. James E. N •ad visiter in town. was a The program bielndes a Ing parade, sea o< aB braaehea,. wUdi will end at tSTSfii^ nd apeciiaiy ereiJted eoart of honor, where tbe by a United^ S t s t n Tbe Bae ef BMBdi wffl be beaatifnUy daeerated. Other attraetioas are two baaebalT games, flw warka, liiBiiifiwT-*-. open air street daadpg, a carnival, airplane'«gbta, open air tn^faig and otiier free attractioBS. Hinfc win be fumisbed by three braaa ~ ' ~ ' Jaij* O W t HiW ' ^ " ' ^_^ ,riM aarved-aa a private fai tiM front Uae tianibes at the age of_Mx&r and «be eiaima to be tiM glint pri- vate in tbe American anay, wfll be praseat Mid wfll vealt. Free dtwi— wfll be served to all aarviee SMB. both wMU aad eolered. city » plHHdag ts saftMtoia ef tiMiacgeat Cfowda ia-ita Ua. tory. *• CBILD BUBNED TO DBATB The scvaa-year-oid ebfld of Mr. aad Mrs. E. R. Shoemaker, living near Bristow, died early this mwining from bums leeeived yesterday. I t »s said that the accident waa caused by mak- ing a fire with keroaeoe. Funeral ser- vices •<min be beM teiMrrow aAiuosa at *^ o'clock at Vallay View cbaRh. %he i«<»gram Tfaoiaday evening alaa was givei^ j«riul to tbe _ fhia rep»t.ifaaJiiada.^ . ptessioa departwaja. ««• . of tiM cmnmittoc at tbe reat 1 bars were given by MMOSS I*nlerl^ ways iMi, Sara Donohda, Catbenne Web^, and EUaabetb Pope. Tw^ve giria ia coatiuas awMt'a JapaiMse song. Tte uuinaeiiin iliiiaiHii"* ~f~—.A. ed by Miss Mirgaret Taakpte Hopkias. Miss Catbviae LarUa, Miaa EUsa. betii CevbigtOB aad Waa Saaaa lA- Harriaon. Maa Margaret Temple H^^kiaa, di- reetor. tea aitnouneed that the eeboet thM year will eonduct a aommer sea- sioa, continuing through tbe summer months until the opening of the fall term. Mies Fraaeee Glicabeth Spica. •ffi ba »» charge wWk Miss Hopldas is taking a six weeksHSkarse faip^Hc seboolasaaie aad pbiyground «eri( at tbe Harriaedbwrg aersMl. and .«eaBS f^ the fntorc were ndered. Appeals "will Be m a * housefcedpers' dubs lltlattgbo^ (^uutj aad to tiM OMrchaata of town. ArrangtaienU were aiade ta a'balletiB board bi tiM reat room fer •Srantad," "far sale" aad otbar notieea. ITliM Mjnsatod ttat eardi bearbtg tbe warda, -WaaMa% Beat Mate Btoeet," be peatad ia fai tiM ttrwB. Tbe-mtjaeei couuaittoe ia ,F.M. Mn. •.DrWiBBier. Ma.-*. »• Goaaer aad Mr*. J. A. HiB. . —Mrs. W. Fewril Mwebant eater- tidea tMas of bridge Wednes- day at bar home oa Battle stnrt in beaor of Mis. Balpli H(dt. of Gfaattaaeega, Tsna. Tbe otb» goeats Mrs. Fraaeis Norvell Lazkia, Mrs. Margaret Uwis, Mrsr*. U Har- MB, Mrs. T. E. Didlaka, Mia. Heiward W. Jamieon, Mrs. L. Fiaak Pattie. Mrs. C. R. C. Joimsen, Mrs. StiM»t B. Bevans, Mra. Sasanne Sbermaa aad Mrs. J. P. Lyon- ^Miss Emma 0—Jsi" Mr. and Mrs. Harpw oeenpiea the Ro- rabaugh prn>esty on Grant avenue •vas iwralyaad lata yeatariay The daybght saving taw ^ i c h waa in operatioa kat anmnier as an «xper- imcnt and wbicb wae put into opera- tion again thto laaiiiiiii by a law aun- r ta make it a recular year tice has been repeale<i The praetlee will t^rr.- expiration of the p r^ ed limit of summer hers oifbotb Senate catif\K the ^Rfwal ^ witblMarcfa 10, I S l ^ sai<- : larfrely by the wi» . • I laborintr men »^o «d working ho'ir^ Jur •ad attinmer seajwn. bv -. •'. r.he -< ,at- f ne

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  • I

    ^ - . • .-• . . - T ' - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '

    V O L .


    ^SKPTwrs w n x GIVE ^ !

    f 1 nil h V W A t t IH A D V A N r g

    v * * • • • • iw*» "•*»•»" ^»

    S«iidar Sehael to Tak* IM^̂ Red Cnw^wi Home P«»OMt>m.[ hi S p ^ d r i ^ ^ ^ ^

    tlen yfetk-fUvnMtHUa^St: OuiittwS Bdqation «Ur wiU !>• eel

    • ^ :



    ••• '•' " V •-'. ^

    (MiM UUUn V. GillMrt, 8«9Ntery) The rapiUr venth iy mMttni; •< tiM

    Woman'* A iud l iur W M c»U«d to or-der at thre« tfOoA last Friday •v«n-ing br the preaidnt.. Mrs; J. F. Do-gari. Aftar the alnging of Amorica, prayer waa offered Ifjr B*^. A., Stuart Gibson.

    In order of businees the roll wiw called by th*!«acretary. D w * amoont-ing to 76 centa were coUeeted from three new membera. Ji» tlie treaa-ar«rjM»,|ri>sent no recvilar iliiaa were c o l H ^ p Six new members w w e a d d e ^ ^ t h e rol l—Mnj J- L. Baabons. U r s . ^ i m T. DemMgHN- H. L. R o i d -Hy, Mrs. Aul»||n*ai». Mrs. Q. U-Davis and Mr*^^. Stnart Oibson.

    AfUr tbv^reading of the minotes of tbeOast l^iMtins by the Mcretary.the r e ^ & r bvsineas was pintpnned for a •while, there being aartpa rare treat ahead in that UnS^^uiet Snape, whg b^a charge of t^ie Brince William -ooorse te nwaing; Miss Oldfield, head of tite Eed Cross division departmen* of pablie health noraijici IDsa I*MU* F. Oxley, prospertiM^KDiity narie f w Prince WUUam. ««eratiMi a t this eeuneili eould do better wm^k.

    it* ilMiday ofjiaeh «M0( dnitar * • OK^ vi July.


    , , 'While we are not prepared to as-

    piadc raauMr'roses produced % d i « ^ fkflare of yield and qsality in the ing affectfe The fMiitlas-were-i«nl»d gr»^" Mr. Kpiner concluded, **!»« are

    1th omk roaes andMos4ajl>M made • ^ y " ^ ^ M the^searrity oflniMr with a Wgb waist line and^panmw drmperiaa est tiie skirt, while tbe bodice was fi>rmr^ "* Ai^h— l i w and tnlle.

    A meeting of the Prince William county school board was" held at the

    Mabel Payne, Boae. Silling BSt-iUffe, Lacy Atiiey, Charles Wriwter Hopkins, Cora Louise Merdwnt, A s . liie Laurie Merchant, Lima t M d , Ma-yion Broaddua. Mildred Mills; Vfr-

    courthouse yesterday for the purpose irn ia Oreen. Hssri 'SsBiwnrSi I j * * -of appointing a committee to M*tle^ ^rey and Botit Hatduson. I i l « ^ P**» ih» aocoouts of the schpff) board with ^ M S Batcllffe sang a aolo, fAa|ISg'Bac-

    . im cwtntr txmaatmr, tii»^4i^^ There is a fine ei»p of straw, whidi on ^ m l t t e e being apitotnt^: Mr.^ class aanjr "The Sprfaig Heart" ^ ^̂ account of light heads and abeence nL f^iirVrf F McDonsld. Mr. Bobsrt Ar|—The piana recital of Miss J ^ f t f a

    ^H^kt is a

    Hntduson and Mr. George M. 'ryUHr.' Nelson Spelden. pupil of Miss FrtUMT The president and secretary were an- Elivibetb SpiaB^and Miaa H d o i N a i ^ tfaoi^Mifto Sign Slid fbnnai f ti ls c e o ^ ^ ^ CannMt, p ^ of ICss MiHgas* pleted report to the Virginia D^art - 'Temple Hopkins. totni1»nt of schools and Jow^J. Tbapi^Hls of tlia yiiaaJuid.tAptes;:; dent of the board; Mr. Corbin OlMaip- sion^d«artmaita tbelB^Srt in Wed-aoB. of Woodbridw. viee-nresidfint; nM''«r •wninff's i iu^ram The w ^

    awieoa handicap. Much of the wheat

    ^ f c i i ^ is lepertgd to

    in Loudoun

    Her v ^ of ttxqniaMe roee pomt lace, ^^^ damaged in the recent rZi...^ i . . . 1 — ! « , . . « » . K « r of ^„„Jt^^ oait it ia f e a ^ d 1*|« «a3r a

    little more than a quarter of a aomai ^wfai» nwnber of the bridea in-tiie P«»taer,&mily. waa becominglr SR*atged with a eevonet ot orange bloasoma, and it alao formed her train. She carried a ritewsot bo«-qoet of orehida, stepjianotia u d swan-

    The children's day leudered at the I^^esbyt^r^a1l

    program was •ebMWb

    Mrs. ^ i e s rsperted that tbe Mat gg^^jg^ morning a t tbe time of the room committoe was pianning^: to.j Qg^^ chorch service. The church bold a festival en the Upocomb lot: , , „ attractively decorated for the • e - j " r " Z^^^^i^ - « , .domed witii

    ti« reason' for bpidtog tiiis ^ v a l 1 „ ^ ^ p«ttea plants- The addreaa ^ ™ ^ * ^ ' e ^ l Z ^ r f £ and urged that e««ybody pnaent be , ^ ^ade by tiM pistoc^Jtey. DeFor- ' " ^ ^ v ^ ^

    _ _ , „ . . - :r .=--x- ^ . ,_ _ A **- ^ t y ^ , MHJ the superintendent. Mr. *»«' P™" J. H. Dodge, offSned t h * invocatiaS,

    «* W*«

    crop will be harvested in some loealT-tica. A great deal of wheat has been tend iafssted with smut, aad in.^Bsny «tbercaaai the heads rotted before ^. tnri ty . C « i r y T r i e a r ! « » Muriel Korvell Mr. S. W. Hmit, jr., Gaineaville dis- Laridn, wtas gave "Peaches," a_ti«rffl-trict, and Measrs. C. E. Naah and S. jng .s to iy of a race, aad Miss Bos* C.~ H«rley. Msnassus district. , sjce, who gave "Daddy Long I^gs ,"

    with d a i a c t e r parts.

    ^ 5 ' ? 'r'


    York, sister of tiia M d e , waa tbe ma T̂?«»- of̂ iufnnr. and her gown

    vsBey section, althongh SMne fUSTbas

    F y N D B N E E D E D F < ^ Jean Webattt'a famooa story of that

    WOliiN^ REST ROOM W , , , „ , , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^

    Lucille model rfe W Koiner, commissioner of agricultare fer Virginia, at the MOat'exernses * University of Pennsylvania

    tbe indebtedness on tbe

    ftalaBee lor -tw

    Mr. James E. N •ad visiter in town.

    was a

    The program bielndes a Ing parade, • sea o< aB

    braaehea,. w U d i will end at t S T S f i i ^ nd apeciiaiy ereiJted eoart of

    honor, where tbe by a United^ S t s t n

    Tbe Bae ef BMBdi wffl be beaatifnUy daeerated. Other attraetioas are two baaebalT games, flw warka, liiBiiifiwT-*-. open air street daadpg, a carnival, airplane'«gbta, open air tn^faig and otiier free attractioBS. Hinfc win be fumisbed by three braaa ~ ' ~ ' Jaij* O W t HiW '^ " ' ^_^ ,riM aarved-aa a private fai tiM front Uae tianibes at the age of_Mx&r and « b e eiaima to be tiM g l i n t pri-vate in tbe American anay, wfll be praseat Mid wfll vea l t . Free dtwi— wfll be served to all aarviee S M B . both wMU aad eolered.

    city » plHHdag t s saftMtoia ef tiMiacgeat Cfowda ia- i ta U a .

    tory. *•

    CBILD BUBNED TO DBATB The scvaa-year-oid ebfld of Mr. aad

    Mrs. E. R. Shoemaker, living near Bristow, died early this mwining from bums leeeived yesterday. I t »s said that the accident waa caused by mak-ing a fire with keroaeoe. Funeral ser-vices •

  • .^.^^JAkhiMMiaitit'' liil'ttJcb̂ - ;̂ i!»j& FKIUAY. M NF 1919

    ^.00 2M .4.00 i.oo 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00

    5.50 2.00

    W. Hedrick, same. Wallace Wood, judge rf( H. A. Boley, judge, H. M. House, judge. Greenwich

    room r^nt ^...'........ P. M. Boley, clerk election.. W. M. Dulin, same...' .:: Lewis Liming, judge.—.....,.-....... Wm. Crow, room rwit, judge}

    returning pqlls :..„......-.... B. F". Liming, clerk..— J. R. Ficlc, judge.. . . . .-- . . . , .... 2.00 J. W. Hemdon, same...—..J..;....—. 2.00 R F. Stark, same... .. 2.00 J. F. Mclnteer, clerk.... ^'2J00 A E. Mclnteer, cleric, etc...—......~ 3.60 R. R. Smith, sam«...„ 3.60 .1. P. Smith, judge...: . - 2 . 0 0 R B. Gosaom, judge, eU _.. 4.80 0. E. Kibler, clerk...;........—,....... 2-00 tj. A. Gossom, clerk.......—... 2^10 R. B. Payne, judge;...-.,..,.......,.....,, 2,00 W. S. Smith, returning polls and

    clerk ...., • 4.00 Mrs. -Ashrel Posey, room rent— 1.50 R. W. Comwell, clerk: „... 2.00 S. T. Hall, judge....: :....; 2.00 F C. Rorabaugh, judge and re-

    turning polls.- '. vr.T=r..— S.Ofr W E. Trusler, judge 2.00 P A. Lipscomb, clerk- ™. 2.00 R. M. Waters, same..=..=:.....:i..i.::..i- 2.«e--R. S. Smith, guard..: 2,00 Stonewall Council, O.- F. A.,

    riioni rent 1.50 K S. Brockett, judge _ 2.00 ;i F S'ack, same 2.00 W A. Eavis, same : 2.00 i; FI Woodyard, clerk......._ 2.00

    C r r n w e l l , g a m g 9 fW I.-: H. F. Slack, roma-. H ^'prndon, jwdgHt.. :. C.' Colvin, jr., same.. .̂ ._;; W. .\rpold, same J. Bowman, cleric-...>.......Trr:.-.. L. Reading, clerk and retom-nir polls :. .„,._w-. I Shaffer, room rent..:.

    B Pattie. judge J t")^l5 .7 X. Pattie» judge-


    2,00 2.00 2.00

    4i>0 1,60

    4 J O O |

    Ellison, same.....~ B. Harpine, same...... J. McMichael, same..


    B Hooe, judge and retnnung polls ~ ; J P itz.water, cleric —.... B Manuel, same..... R. free, sr., room rent..x. ...

    erett Harris, judge........ E. Garber. name


    r>(>novan, judge alid retntving rts 3.60

    ~2JSS M Calvert, clerk..:;.vL. _ P. .^pitzer. same —. H Keys, room re s t 1.50 .f Keys, judge...— E Merchant, sankc .». F Bailey, judge fmi return^ ne polls .A Speak, clerk

    a riine. same ..'..̂ . T Tubbs, room rent „. .M. Wheeler, jtadgc and roMB

    mt m A BUf HOUR 10 SPtttr V Ctmit t» mr sum mad iumr


    ^MAMOND AMBEROLA County Boaxd H«g HMy

    P r i n f l p a l i y - l ^ v i y t ^ til Pay .


    A meting of . the Prince ^William county board of aupeiviaors waa h^ld at the county coorthoaae Tuesday, with the followiag miimfcM't i s att—d^ anee:

    J. L. Oawaon, chairman, Occoqu^ district; J. J. Conner, U a n a s s ^ dt*-' tru't; J. T. Syncox, Dnmfriea diatrict. McDuff Green, BrmttovilU C. Hutchison, GciiiMville dUtriet, and T M. Russell, Colas distriei.

    The summary of proceedings fol-lows: " _

    Treasurer authorized to pay T. ll . Russell, paymaster, $8.76 frmm'joint slate and county fund for nuuntnunes (if roads and bridges.

    Permission given K. C. Jones and others to lay water main in Quantieo frcini Potomac avenue along Broad VI ay to Fourth avenue and along h uurth avenue to the Potomac river; laying of watermain not to interrupt traffic unnecessarily.

    Sum of $250 appropriated for im-provement of Telegraph road to Cher-ry Hill, Cherry 'HiU citisens having raised $250 t« be paid to county treas-urer. —

    Clerk of board ordered to stamp on all warrants from^county or district funds: "Not transferable until payee's ta.\es are paid." •

    J. J. Conner appointed committee to. report on cost of highway bridg* over Bull Run at Woqij]«rd!s..fotd..K^imr der w}iat erected. ' .: '

    Clerk direected to p'nichase 16 tons W A. Egg and 5 tons'Of Nutt coal for c0urlTi6use and jail. "î̂

    The following accounts were.exam>^ ined and ordered-paid: • '

    Cointty Fund. J. B. Harpine, canvassing vote.. Vi.w L. F . K e y s , same.....' 2.00 0. W. Hedrick,

    »tr23-26 ,1919 ;BEG.M N O W TO M A K ^ Y O U R PREPARALTOWS



    ^^^m^i^iiuinB^^iuiiMiniinnniusSi >»»»»»»»»»»j

    T>^ Road CaUed "StraigEt* 43ead> to the Rcmclrf We have been icfiinr yon w c ^ by.week about ear'

    BsnitaiT metbods aad dyuixJo iamresB igon yenr Mlirib that the anaitary way is tiie betto' way ijiii u e pregies are way: "" î «0», t"'"**^»wg « °*w


    we are aurely eyohriaK oar beli^ in these metho^s^ Coaster means that your nwat^he aMat yen eat—is*̂ always in a dean, cool place, wha« ~no hands can tondt it or tlie pesky fly sinum ovtf it; and yoa can see what yo« are b i Q ^ , or make a selection before baying.

    Listen]. ITS ALL BEFORE YOU1 -^^^Serioiwiy, don*t yon fed that you owe-it to-_ to boy dttn, w^ldaMne oMats?. Conejn and laek ai this bfauitifal disiday rf meats, anyway.

    Saunders' Meat Market > ^^~"~^iTOE SANITARY FAY "


    Mea^iuid Groceries oaW PEAS now en •ery best dean* new stock.̂ gee aampla

    SEEP CORN—Odifart "BKMJbiQg Wldte—If days t i in JlMmVmm^, better ^sfiisd to

    ttylt. - : • : " - - -





    J . t . BURKE & CO.,

    mm, uNES', anLuors un O F A L L K I N D S

    Clemied f Nocked ati Skmr Bib a &tddhr

    American Hat G>. BACHKACH a SOU

    73S12lh'SL,N.f., D.C.


    —diowiag the exdosiTe and distiaetiye features worn by tbe pvtloUar dreawrs. Baying feetwear by ma^ is iiiade easy and satisfactoiy;.

    mm IMl f. Street, Comer TenU^

    Washfaurton, D. C

    J. N . GIBBS. Viee-PreiddcHt^ SAMt E. LINDSBT, Sw'^-Treaa.

    AGENTS: N . C DAVIS, U c t M . VirgMfc K. J. AUSTIN, M a n a a a ^ Va. 8. A^GWFFIN. Celaqw, Ya.

    Can tm aajr of the aboye l er faswaace.


    Wxia and Aniauds Mannted hi a Most N«tarsl Manna

    Sldns Cuaed gnd Made lnt» < • Bcootifal Rags.

    Ftrst ClaiB Wwk Goaranteed

    U U Fiftcaiih Stxact, N. W., WasUngton, D. C.

    nMMw, io«6i. ' '' 3S



    HARRISON;S wHmr $3.00i»r1mdiei


    RECMAflfirn AND ^ . AEPAIRED




  • •PP"


    -^j ji^jauiiji:^ rm. , i ' f . l i \ | | If iMiijjit..iu. •.-•»•'JJB agewi" i ^ ^ JUtM3K:aLXASAV»tilttt..

    WHmmmx^m *wi wmm^Mmm m}m. m

    JMStTflM* . j i ' . . < • .

    ErtaUtakwl Ibjr, U08 .

    T h e Manassas Jouroal i M n a t PiiMliMif C«s b t .

    a R. LBWJS, BwiBMs M M M C K .

    Far auu StmaU. ^EBTiny^

    mittac, r B p t w n l h i t aomeof the best and iBO^ iiillmnti«l dtiscna M thm city i>f AllwinWa, amA tikm caaatim ct

    M i m i M i . i «1W!IP'W», FrirfM . ind PrinptJHJa, wttfa U M nqowfe to kitwm*

    BwfcicrifM—. $1 tlM j « u i s A4

    ; ^ Frkiny. Jii«e 27,

    PLKNTT OF MONET IN SIGHT AHhoocii jmnpOBecinmt^wM mad*

    « t tha time of th* K^etmrr C O M tbat the •dtainiatration contcmpUtM ae tether appeak to the people fwr nioMy, Secr^fwry GlaM of tiie trea* 0 7 baa found it neoeaaarjr -to repeat t l ^ asaonuiee twiee wHlun the last •week. StatemaBt a f t v atatwaeot haa fat^ made, ai^araotly from raapmiai-ble qoartera, tncKcatia^ that- tha l^waaury most-fli

    Mr. Glasi, better than onjone dae, ia able to apeak with anthority aad Ua atatement ahooM be aceeptad aa

    .the final word 09 the aabject. From preaeat indieafiona the COB^

    srreas -now in aeaaion wid autiioriie appropriatioiia amountiqgr to 13,000,-000,000 or $4,000,000,000, bat it moat be remembered that practicanjr all w ^ t i t e t i o n ia still in effect and that more tisan 13,000/100,000 a year now oomea into the Traasnry from the daily wmiiiiga of^the people^ ~ ^- -^—

    Tbe fact that the billioaa repreae&t-«d by the Victory Loan were a^eat be-f e n actual aobacriptiona ware receiv-ed ia i^et to be taken into aecooa£ in thia reapect. The money ait the time i t waa needed waa raiaed by Treaanry Oirtiflcatea of indtbtadneaa carried bjr Htk bianka of the country, and titcse cartjlieatea are to be redeemed by tbe "^^tory Loan,

    MR. KOINER LEAVES It.ia witJi real r«sret that .The Joar-

    nail anmnincea the early departure of ' Mr; B. 6*. Koiner, eovnty agrat. Mr. .Saioer g o n back to hia former home lir Anpiata. eoauty with ibit good wiahea ef a boat of tritmdn throashoat ?riact» Wflliam who dppnoMlbt the

    - i it^nc—' In tiieae daya ef rapid devalopment,

    particularly a k » g agiieoItHr^ tinea BO far aa Prince WiUiam ia concerned, « f Prinoe " William County:

    I respecfe(i(Uy. snnpwwce that I am a. candidate for nomination to tha offiea of County Treasurer, sabjeet to the August primary election. If nomi-nated and eleated I shaU do my beat to werrt yon sAdMitly.-


    Tojheyoters^of Coles District; I hereby announce i n y a e O T a 8 7 e o ^

    didate for the oflSce of Scqwrviaor of Colea District, in the coming Primary decti

  • m mmm* ^«^'^lf»,!4«53SSD"*^ J-SgE^T

    W I D MAHilOBAfl J O y i W A L , MANAfifct f , V t t f i l ^ *

    D D i m ? l A T A I TUriiTC* --wntt^if- ^ I'̂ Tĝ ^ . ^-r I H U l V r l A g i r f i L l^ffifTViJ r u b b i ^ ^ «h«fc«^r; ».î iŝ i.î iy, >̂î PaH nrcmm hmd-quarters, M. I. C. Building. A full attendance of tiie membership "is urged. ^ ;

    —Herrell H. Pnllen, of Roland Park,, Md, whowas employed in Alexandria being made to get all schools argan- ^ ' i ' t n f ^ - - - e c ^ i z T ^ i - ^

    ized and ready to make report a t the ^ ^ ^ ^ ' " * Shipbuilding Corpora-district cH. vrmnfA: of du^jAailiT ths dofwidiiiil fiii lilfilif

    MAan three years, and for genoral re-lief. . . : .

    And an af5davit having been made and filed according^to law, that the de-fcuUant lu the abme eutitiled iiauae is

    B E C A U S E T ^ is a strong careful, safe and succewful institu-

    tion.̂ ; Itna a growinfir, active, up-to-date bank in every IB»T,ir.ntar: "̂- ,._•,... • •; '.——'.——:—•• -S-L

    Washington. He was taken' to the hospital on Sunday by his father, iriw brought him home the-day floOowlng the operation, - -

    —Mr. and Mrs. T. I.~Sushong are moving from the Filler {ffoperty oa East street to their new home on Main street, formerly known as the Trimmer house, wUeh they Itave mff̂ -«d te anothcf site — tlw Uili aud î ê modeled. Mr. and Mcs. -nosiaa F. King will move into fKs piwpeilj va-cated by the Bushongs. __! \._^

    Mr. R. G. Koincr, connty ageat, who resigned his position here, ex-pet? ts to leave by automobile Sunday for his home at Staunton.—He will ha

    d^partttre.* Mr. Gushing enteredmpon his duties on .Monday and ia iwifing his home with his motiMr and siater, Mrs. & C. Ridukids and Mr^ t M.

    L Jkauyxtt. -_

    accompanied home by his sen, Mr. Ralph Koiner, who is to arrive in Ma-nassas tomorrow. Mr. Koiner baa i»» signed to become a candidate for treasurer of Augusta CouDty.

    —The Southern lailway has remov-ed the 9.1 .she1t«T the church, Main street and Battle stceet-crossings, and has replaced Ihw ailh attracttw^ and substantially built houses M concrete. The little eoa> Crete bmldings were shipped to Ma-nassas and leweil- iate piaee t y - a derridc

    —A party was given recently at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lam, of Wellington, in honor of their son, Private John Jason Lam, who has re-turned from Prmnee. ^mon^ the uuests wew Mf. A. W. Smith. Mr. aad Mrs. A. M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Muddimsn, Misses AHee Harley, Amanda Ribenoor. Mszie Vetter, Î es-sie Sehaeffar, Jennie and OHie Wittig .wb« BTaa-" Al9D Patiie N e w s and t N e w F l a r s Comedy, 'Oapro^-

    AH f o r « c > l l e . Matinee S P. M.

    a non-resident o£-^he Stttt^ of Vir--ginta:—And an applieatiea for this Order of Pnblicatioo setting forth that tbe last known, place of abode of the said defendant was 1910 Springwood Aventte,- Asbury Park, New Jersey,

    in wiitiag and duly-by the Clerk of this CooH.

    • It is therefore ordered that the said dsl^dtot M aiipeaf hew wliMtt teen' days aftef due pvblieatiMt Jiereaf

    B E ^ A U S E Yoar acerant w i l l ^ appreciated by tius bank and

    your intereat will always be cooaidered.̂ '

    — - ' ' • -BBCiHJ-S-E^ - - ''' •_ ' Ow Aaids v e guarded by a BttototThntylar-iMionf

    aafe'and with fufllniiuimce. •A

    Ina luletesta in this suit. It ia further ocdered that a tepy of

    ^liia order be published onee a w e ^ twg~soecaisni "wedcr -in ttaf Ma-

    Jonmnt, a newpapCT printad and published in the eoonty of Prince Wmism, Virginia; that a copy of the

    be sent by registered mail, by

    B E C A U S E JE

    ISe Ckiit & this Coprt, addreatAff^fof the said Joseph S. Long, at 1910 l^riag^ood Avenue, Asbury Park, 2s9w Jeraiyf ^kat a copy be poeted as the front door e4 the courtiMose of tUs Ceonty on or before the 7th day of July, 1919, that being the sisxt

    GEO. G. TTLES, Claclc. A.̂ Copy—Teste:

    GEO. G. TTLBR, Clerk. Chaa. T. J«aae. p. q, 5-4

    UV .'SMWIMI' - K r -Br-

    Th* Journal—$! The Journal—:»!

    , Gea. E. Wara^d. Cashfar.

    First National Bank ALgtANPRIA, VA.

    IIBUUNATBD UBTOSITORT *̂ Tnf nnc . —'-—^-- •-•'-

    H e Peoples National Bank

    I i.-_


    VICTROLAS !!!l*i^..?- '*^*«*«^«'fcy»«*»tfc«w_«tallCaW. aetHaehlaesareTietrolas. UXm^fik«my^ Give « e yoor

    IM-Roeatda. I have g»ie la au>a all Uw tfaae. A little rriea. GIVE ME A CALL.

    WaUk RepairiBg a d RUmg M Glasses

    H. D. WENRICH ^

    J E \ \ T : L R Y STORE MANASSAS, V. \ .

    nd wnr1h il unrf Worth it Thf .i(jurnal—$1—an

  • — M i l I umAY^JUME 27, 1918 THE MAMAm AS mfTBTUl» MAMASSAg, YIBC^



    I1l7DC*A1tfAT MViyiMlllllll Ifr. wTc. Aylor ap«^ 7«M«M«7 la^SnUN6B CAS* PBNDINC FOR

    M«iiii' riir in nil«* Ited here tfais week.

    Mrs. EMa is ^enAac •rreral days '^th relatiTes in Ridi •iond>

    Thechancety ttlntotrat«r vt. Shm>her{t et als, in the Drange county circuit court, almost equals the fainoas case of Jaondice vs. JaBttSice. t%is suit has bew pending in the Orange court for more Uian

    Orac« MOMH, raerabos tt 1*» ttft* -•».y«»r», art^ls-Jnrtnww A o n t ^ be and graded scho


    cxmoN Tlj* . ^ ^

    beiDK run t 8:00^ y.

    was paralyzed Monday and is report-rl tu be in a serious ooiulition.

    Mr. and Mrs. Woedyard are movia^r Washington, having; sold their home I.. .Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wright, who ^MH take possession. The Wrifht I I- o pe rty was Toeently puitliaseJ it > !.irmly from Syracuse, N. Y.

    It IS reported that Mrs. Woodyard . rurning up some trash while pack-

    unfortunately burned a sum I y taken with the papers hy aa


    -Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wright have . ',>jn joined the Clifton commuters.

    -Miss Sara Cr'ewe spent the week-< I { with Miss Miriam Buckley.

    Rev. DeForest Wade, of Manassas, •A a s a Clifton visitor during the week.

    Irvin Quigg spent Tuesday night in Washington, attending a theatre i'arty.

    .Mr. D. W. Buckley, who was on the sjck iist, is able to be out.

    The new BaptiA minister will begin [)astora1 relations with the CUften Baptist church Sunday moraing at 11 o'clock.

    * Mrs. R. L. Poindexter' is vis i t i i^ in

    Washington. • " The Baptist Sunday School will

    hold chiltfrjn's day fcrvices neart Snn. day and the Presbyterian Sunday School on the Sunday following.

    CBDifedfi SB|r?IC9B


    Prayer laeetiiic Wechiestlay at 9:9*^


    H ^ . Trinity IJpiwopal Chiucli, A. Stuart Gibeon, Sector.

    Sunday Beheol a t ID o'clock Service Arst, second and fourth

    Sunday a t 11 a. m.; every Sunday at 8:00 p. m. '.

    St. Ann's Memorial Chapel, Nbkes-yille. . Servtse fiwt Sunday at 8 p . .«n.; third Sunday at 1 1 « . laJ

    BAPTIST Manassas Baptist Church, Ber. T.

    O. D. Clark, pastor. Sooday—Sunday Seheol, 9.46 a. m.;

    moraing service, 11 o'eloac; B. Y. P. U., 4:46; evening aerviee at 1:dO.

    Wednesday—Prayer meetfaig at 7:30 p. m.

    «MTTFFF"" ^ X

    The Civic and SchO< .̂ Improvement League will meet at^-tlieacbuol houH tomorrow evening. Owing to the busy time the meeting was net hrtd-last month. ~

    Mra. E. M. ColvinrMpi MUba>»-€ol-vih, Miss Adine uolvm, Mrs. J T T Murphey, Mrs. J. B. Lynn and Mr. and and family motO'

    Mrs. 0 . L. Keys anhlngtoH

    and visited relatives here Sunday, ire-turning in the afternoon.

    Mr. William Keeler loat 4 valuable mule oaeday tUa w«aic." -

    Mr. and-Mrs. L. B. Keys 19«A Sat-urday and Sunday in-Washington and Baltimore. •^"

    Mrs. Susie ConrweO, of Bristow,-is visiting at the home of her siater-in-law, Mrs. C. Beavors.

    t h e many Smifefiehl f i e n d s o f H t ^ tie Andrew~~Lee UoUnii^


    Stevens, pastor. Lynn, Hiss H i i d a f ' I f tmawit SdMay Sdiool « r » ! ^ .

    ~sr icksburg, who has been very in pneumonia, are gladUfalJSDQW he, proving.

    Mr. Cleveland Bugefl passed

    le is un.>,.

    thruugh the uppei yai'l M aiiiiUilieUf Sunday, en route to Canoya, where he uas the guest of his l»other, Mr. T. M. Russell. '

    Miss Lueye Kincfaeloe hae as her guest her niece, little Miss Alma Keys, of Saint Elmo.

    Mr and Mrs. J. S:"lJlinrfOrd and gET 4oft, Eorlyi


    Broad Run, secmid and fourth Son-days, U a. m. J-~'HjtfeherrSemorial, second- Sunday, 8:80 p. m^ fourth Sunday, 8 p. m. fifth Sunday, 11 a. in.

    Oak Dale, third Sunday, 11 a. m., and first Sunday, SHM) p. n^ -,

    AubgTB, flrst Sunday, 11 a. m., and third Sunday SHW p. m.

    . C A t B O U C

    AU Bafnta' GathoUe Glnncb. Man asaas, Father William GOl, paator. ~

    Mass at% a. a . , flxst and Hifiid Buu-days. Hecond and fourth Saaiuf^ ai 10:80 a. m., ^dlowad by benadietfaa «t the'Blessed SaeraaieM.

    -Kr-S, HBtB r—--'---

    Preeehiag St Badchall seeend ihd fourth Snndiitys at 3 p. m. . .. CHUBCH 6f THB^WMaVaXS-

    Bev; £ . E. Blaagh,'paatMri Bev. X M. KHae, aas i s t sat • —

    iund^ 10 s m. ^ — -

    4 m A C n V B FASM PBOPMSniHi

    -ffi TMutLm vujjsatitaib 3M acsea ia Priaee Wiilfav Cmuij

    U acres ia a g e e * s&te af caMvattas aad the r s i s l a d s r te eak weafc with abeat iOM ttee ea it wUck ate very r a h u U e aew.- TUe farat is I f adles frees railrea*. en pakUejiead, is b i r . ^ w e n feBCJiJl,~lMa tee ercliani eT alTt'

    ef fralt, aiee raaaisig water. It ef fate 4 w ^ i ^ ef tJ

    tees is . geed bara aad pra m M per acre, ea very easy teraw.

    Great Bargatat ia FaafBier Ceaaty. S22 aerea witiria X adBea ef ndiraad aad gaed vUla^e^ where thsrs 4 s < • » •ckoel. good stecee, eharehes siad eti»-er ceaveaieaces. T U s f a n s is ssseeth and U fiae state ef caltivatlea and there is. 3M acres ef-tt nader eaMva-

    eak wee^s. It lays aleag bath sides ef a geed pnbtie read. Is well feaeed, aieely watered by well, springs aad r a u t e g streasi aad is ideal for eitkir dairyiag, geaeral fa iwiag er stock ndstag. There i s aft-fciads of ales tnit and the lijdldiags, which ase bcaatif ttUy located. ea^Mist ef a splea-did 7-rooai frasM henae, a new ,4-reaai teaesMBt hooac, new dati^ and Itersc bama, large cement sQe and other baildiags and we oCer it at | 16^ 000, on easy tenas, if soU viick.

    Nice Little Dairy Fana Near Neks*, vllk. SO acres, al n a d v caitivatioa aad very 'productive. T U s f aria lays right along geeil paUic road. 1 a^Ue freai statiMi, and at preseirt Is hsiag osed as s dairy priq>e^tiOa. flaa aiee yooag orchard, fiae raaaiag water aad the bnikUags, which, arc aew, cea-sist of geed and nicely paltated 4-rooBi henae, good dairy aad hofse barn, new silo and other boHAags aad Is e w af the best Httle ( U r y p r ^ -

    uf at |4,(

    E BUSYtrORNER" PENNA.Ai/LAT 8 TH.ST̂ tut. I. WAStllNGTON, D.C. a»ft»r.E

    Correct Materials for Snmmer Frocks

    wear whea a i f e j q L i i t o pretty facb, drirt

  • F F i l D A V , U N E 27. l'+»'» THE MANj&SAS J< iafti

    'Tsm^ !^i l?^'* '^"W*WPlWPPWIii i ipi«wp- PAGE SEVt:» L & nrSEMI-PASTE PAINTS

    B S S r THATxCAN BB MAOB ' OiMt tonoB $3̂ raaB£H. .:iimimri.^rtLn R«bt,-Wateen, umc- 36.00 Palmer Bmith, same.....:: ...;.. 69.00

    . x j ^ X ^ H I^wnard, same 32. 'J. W. Ganctt, same 28.M 2.«0

    2.00 tJO 2.00 2.00 " • **• • * • • / « » . UMIIIB.. . .

    i. E. Keys, Jodge and returning . polls 4.00 i. S. Storke, cl«ak 2.00 A. F. Woodyard, clerk and room _ r * n t ^ ......JL., 3.60 H. J». Davis, l u n a c y ^ M w 2.00 ?• K ?«•«"• •*"»• ^ 6-00 J. C. Meredith, same _ 2.60 W. F. Merchant, ssnte 2.50 C h a t A . ^Stasi^ saimej:,^;;^^.. 1.60 J. L, Dawson, »ame....TrZTZ3i::r:~;t30 A. Crummett, poor claim... .:.i„! lO.OO' J. L. BushMg, same 6.00 Everett Waddey Co., supplies

    fo* iderit** omeer.T;:... :::.......... 30.18 4.37 8.00

    Ooirersity of Virpna

    X O X O X O X O X O X O X O X O 'Sr- ' • , . . . ' , X O WHAT is better than a good 0 X Soda, MOk^kake er lee Cream ^ O on a warm dayt ' ,0 X • . • • -L • " ._' %

    O WHAT is better-Wan a' good O X SQUARE MEAL when yoa are X d hnn^y? & X • • ••••• ^ - ' ••• X O W e have i t -Brcrythiag Sanitary 0 X , CoBie i a ' a » d t* convinced X O . _ O

    O^ Opposite Depot- ff X A FaO Une of Candiea and X Gea E. Soutter, same.. E. M. Biijms. gfeh. etc.



    mm 8tk aid K Streets, N. W.

    Washiî iui, D. C

    GOTAKODag? wish ta anewMc 'the teUjlatiea ef the latcat and bca« apparatas fee haMffiag y e n ftedak 4e«dep. img. wtinOmt and eidargiiw in the

    -AiVtfciag cuu*EPrat, VnGDHA


    Our Store-fcr-

    T o S e r v e fhe

    i F e r tbe auay thiaga


    ffOar the

    ''WtfWWtM mt I


    iadadiagthe tieas aa wdi aa the leas cxpeaatre awkaa. Tear iaapecfiea htwtui.

    DUUNi MARTIN CO. 1216 F St. and 134-1


    Ira'C. Iteid, bulletin boards""!" P. M. Boley, registrar. Grsham-Tinley ft Co., typê ;̂

    writer ribbons ""3.76 D. E. Kinch^oe, poor claim... 36.00 J. L. Dawson, attendance and

    mileage .̂ _........ 6.80 J. J. Conner, same 4.00 J. T. Syntox, same 6.80 JIcDuflf Green, rn^m* >- KM O. C. Hutchisoiir same, 6;20 T. M. Russell, same r7Q. H. P. Davis, tr., light C. H. and

    jail .-. .3.00 Uriah Wilkerson, C. H. janitor

    for June ^ _; 20.00 Thotiiton Comwell, painting C.

    H. front ;,_ „ 7.73 J. M. Beid, poor claim .' _ 28.00 Manassas Jourpal Pub. Co.; sup*

    plies for clerk's office 75.45 T. M. Russell, poor claim .- 6.00 W. R. Goasom, same 30.00 J. J. Carter, maintenance poor

    house - ^ 191.62 C. A. Sinclair, B«rvice~inectoral

    board .....J:. =......... 12.00- SBMCWS Benj. Purvis, acting (fin^jgf^ 27.60 H. D. Wenrich, wiaduig dock .

    and glass _ 19.00 Brentavilie Distrier-Road Fund

    O. W. Hedriek, paid out for lai>or 66.60 R. H. Davis A Co., nails.., 6.60 E Fanshnmngh, woak on readi. 80iOO

    John Dunkin, Use Palmer Smith,

    Amos Pag0 T. J. Caton, work on bridge 16.25 L. J. Mcintosh, same 12.60 Comwell Supply Co., feed pipe A

    for tractor, Ac .162.10 Geo. M. Davis, money paid for

    ^ork on grades 6.30 Geo. M. Davis.^part salary."..... 36.00 Hulfish A Clarkson, cement for

    Bull Run bridge! 60.00 R. L. Gaither, work on Bull Bon

    bridge ...„ 82.12 E. M. Briggs, part salary....... 21.00' Va. MeUl-Mfg. Co., pipe....... 146.00

    Adjounied to Monday, July 28.


    W. X . Allen, use McDnff Green, same. .•:.......T;;:.„ .-...^... 40.50

    C. E. Allen, same _... 27.90 W. T. Wine, work on road. 8.20 H. L. Tubbs, same 57.00 M. Bennett, 'game. : 15.00 Herbert Purcell, same. '. ..-67.00 l i L Wheaton, i i8e-T7M. Rusaett;

    ' s a m e ...:.:....^ir. 6.00 Standard Oil Co., oil... 10.50 fJiBs A Rsrhee, work on road 1600

    Damfries Diatriet Road JPand. Reuben Abel, work on road...: 3.00 Wallace Abel, same.. 3.00 L. W. Tiramons,' same ;. O.OO" Wm. Crow, oil, freight, Ac .r . . . - ^ » 7

    1UM)3. TVdlrk on road 40Jib 15.00

    -30:66 , work on road 40^26

    r r I _ I _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 _ I _ I _ 1 _ I _ I - 1 _ I

    M. 1 Hottle MANASSAS. VA.

    ihrfcfe. fante a J iiB

    Kinds af CeaetOT


    T^r^i^i^ i v i ^ 1-̂ r^ T^r^T-iTrii-

    vjyitad a t » M t At las" seyeral days of the past week.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. WilUam Garrett aa^ Billy, jr., visited Mr. Ganett 'a parents in Fairfax county recently. j M r s . Henry Dickson, Mrs. Artiwr ^ h r m k n and the Miases Lena and UlUe Brooks, of Washington, were gueatt ^ tbt home of Mrs. 1^2.

    '. ^"-1

    lix. Lee Mayhngh, of Lorton, was a recent viaitor here.

    Mrs. Robert Van H o m and the M i s A Edna and Grace Van Horn, ot. B r ^ t w o o d , Md., were guests a t "Oak-shade" last week. •

    Mr. a M Jfza . .Howard BeU are re-ceiving congratulations on the. arrival of a small son, "Howard, jr,"

    Mrs. J. T. Simonds, Miss Lotta - -Brooks, Mza. Charles Seal and. Mr, C.

    8. Shirley, of Wasliington, were guests at "Oakshade" last week.

    Mrs. Elizabeth Guilford, Miss Guil-ford, Messrs. Arthur and Elmer Guil-foid and Mrs. William Dodge and children, "of McLean, Fa ir fax county, were guests of relatives here several days this week. .

    Miss EUiet Simonds and Mr. Holmes Levi, of WasbingtMi, visited Mrs. G. W. Downs'recently.

    Miss "Bee" Kiblo-. of Marshan, waa a guest at "Poplar Hill" last wedc.

    News' has been received h o e of the death in Washington on Monday of Mrs. John Coopfr. Mrs. Cooper was weU known. in this njeighboriiood aa Miss L^cy Mount. She M y e s a hus-band and" sniall daughter.

    Misses Florence Gossmn and Mary Louise Rector are tfttendling thCTred-erieksburg normal.

    Mr. WUIiam Bond, of Washington, "spgit' the wei^^^od w i t i r relativeB ~ h«e5—-; • ^— — — ' • — ; — - Mr. and Mrs. Ford Anderson and

    Frances Anderson, Mr. J. W. Shirley and Misses Irene and Ruth Shirleyy-Mrs. Jamea Maxheimer and. Mr. Ba-rney, of Washingrton, were guests a t "Oakshade" last week.

    The'Joiiiiwl II tiiH file Jot worth

    rFDR] - ^ 1 HERE! EVERY WHERE!

    Have you seen the latest model? . TgJc


    FRIDAY. JUNE 27, 1S1«


    Haymaiint is to h»v« • bttak, to it

    «rty *t UM o m c r of H«in ateoot aad Crolina Boad. formorly owned JaL Mr. E. JLSaetor. has bf.Etad-fricksburg.

    Mrs. A. R. G. Bass is visiting rela-tives at her old home near Harrison-burg. " • . ,

    Mr. Winston Carter, of Borne. N. Y., and Mr. James Carter, of Fairfax, were here on Monday. —

    Mrs. R. L. Badding (formerly Miss Nellie CIarks4 Mia. Walter Byrnes^ of UW*lUMk Ulll' "neighborhood, wwe (Jatnarpiii.viaiton one day last week.

    Messrs. John Caton, Biehard Col-lins and W. H. Qnisenbccry have re-cently bought new cars.

    Mr. N. C. Pattie spent a few day*


    Farmers are about through harveet-in^ wheat. The crop seems to be fair. Com is not liDoking so well owing to the dry weathar— ^


    Mr, DMidorff S«U Pace for/GUl-

    ^lie cattpdgB -for -««e-Bo»e Soeiety of Virginia is still in progreas under the dlreetimi of Bev. DeForeeV-Wade and bis asaistanta.

    "I am enclosing my citeek for $10 for the Children's Home fund," feeds a letter whieb Mr. Wade haa recaived from Mr> Ceo>pre Ar-PwBHl>irff,,of Oo-coquaa. ."I am very glad yon called my attention to this matter, as I be-lieve it is a very worthy cause of which I knew nothing. I am sorry 1 am not aMe to rontribnt* n a n at tUa-ttme OB aicceoBv o« tiia upmi Biy special aocooat UttlT. N** hope yon will kec^ me in ndnd if more ia needed later .T


    A extend'existing pension haaeflts to Confederate Veteruis or their widows has been introduced by Be;resentative Upahat», democrat, of Cfeorgia, who 8Si^n~9at leading r*-publiean members of iwth houses of congress have assured Iiim of their support.

    The preamble of the J>iU seta forth that these veterans "have prov«i their devotion to the Union in every con-ceivaUe way, marchinSg in unmur-muring loyalty to the treasury of the nation for more than fifty years and helping to pay the pensions of their Victorious brothers, and by giving their sona-rad grandsons Ob the altar of our country through two victorkwa

    Edgar H. Gentry, one of Oie oldest ESial carrieis in point of aarvioe in Albemarle county, is critically ill and his horse is expected to die from ttie eifecta of bee sting*. While refbm-ing. to Charlottesville along the Sgram for tba fcnday Schools _^ Ute raral churches in Virginia. It is ejqiected that not less than 260 Insti-tutes will be held, lasting from t w o ^ five days each. The seesions of the inatitates will be opened to the work-ers of the- various denominattona, al-thon^ the textbooks used will be theaa of t ^ Baptist Sunday School Beard. The staff ci workera consists of twen^ilve men n d women, all Of iriMm have had much exparlenca- and have haen astivt in f - ^ y fffhwl



    Is the Ocean dustyT Marines aboard the U. B. S. FeiDmaylvsmaToow ill port gt "Naw York, will say it ia.

    "The salt in ,tfae air erystalixea on the decks And bulk beads," Goriknral WjUiam H. AU«> e:qMunad to a re-porter. "It is fhm ground under foot luid bacoinea dnaty so although' we tiirow overboard a conple of ea ior^ dnat tboe is the same amoant the next tbne we awMp down."


    Govamor Davis haa received a'let-- t̂er f̂rom' Secretary of the Navy^Jfeea-

    phua Daniato informing him that ^lere are on hand at the WaahingteB Navy-Isrd 1,411 memorial tabli " cd CrMn BMMI rifetfvered from'tUt wreck of the old battieiMp Maine which MW t» be dispoBed of to mmici-psatBte; ttHUiary m nnvti' uMetf^ tioBM, and certain otbera th«t~^fish

    9 a ^


    Biehmond lias one caae of infanttie paialyaiarthe first r̂ Murted to'the city health bvrean since last August. The vietiin is a yoath of aixiaeia Vho ia IP«.»p..^ Ti the left Ut' Tail iliH dren living in the-same houae have ba«i qoaraniined and permtta-hav» tiBeii"gi»au tluee aduHa to leave •fee-

    AU precautioas ai«~~baing taken and a special effort ia h^ng made to kill out aB iUea aa4 othar in-tllftB ' • ^ ^ »Aw«i*Y • —

    Visitors' are scarce in oar town. Miss Lucille Clarke, who has "been-

    on the sidrlist tbr the past two 'weeks, is slowly ImpHVlBffr—

    Mr. R. B. Raid is wall again after a few days' sick Jeâ wT ~Mr. c. K. Clarke n^otored to Waah. ingrton Monday: im hiisiiiaas — -

    Mr. Noah GriAth, who W s in. tiie neighborhood home Sunday.

    Services will be held at Greenwood Baptist Church July S and «, Satur-day aftemooB aad nigl* and S«aday rooming. —

    Mr. aande Eonia was in WaaUag-ton on Wedneaday.

    1 H«T« jTMi ever kad' o«r

    t iw»r:j

    • V

    Tbe Guaranteed ,!t*;r,




    ^WW% HER£ SHQUtiD BJB notU«K ipgrgterioivs about g proper I dairy ntiMU Wc aU know Just wliat it duHiM ctHitaln

    A (1) More milk; (2) or lawer cost of it*^^ or greater conTenienee wiOeat'kdftBd eset or decrease hi mHk. Just what y«ia can do wiUi LARRO-FEED itPfmU on tow « 0 M | « ration yon have; hot it wUl have ,t» b» «ill|B;yp>eil-;«n tf X A | | p M ^ p

    .caauMrt beat it. . ^

    # A < i s ? a 1

    ( Incocpoi*^

    FhNir, Meal, Gcaia, ^ y , Sdt ^ lHmlBlaa|i jMT i i lUmASSAS^ .̂ îittSINIA


    > * H .

    f i I i I I

    jYfH, lndfwl,"oiir SODA FOUNTAIN IS HFiBB aad THE MOST SANITABT AMk-UP-TOrHtfTE FOUNTS T01IW. We want yov.le crane hr and his»eete«

    -ff MatM o v rti)t« yew headqnartws whik_fa> town. Lp^e^plor paredb ia ofB-care BBtfl yewan Nndytoleitver


    the City Jriy 4th, at

    Oh. we triad so hard tft save htm'^ As we watched the whole nightlong, But Gad wanted another a n g ^ _ So h« took oor b»by home. _ _

    And tK« home is sad and lonely Since God took our baby home. But we hop*- to m**! oor dear one Wijen our work on earth :? aone.

    By .lis iû in$! aunt.

    f l lEET TOUR FRIENDS AND AC^AINTANCBS AI OtJR FOUNTAIN. . \ ^ ^- .__^ ;f-?^-/



    f OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT K OPEN FORPUBUC 1HSP9CaOii, and you wlB ahrsys hter* your prescr^ptiews fiBed




    MEDfATB DBLnrii i i .