第二屆空城藝術節場刊 booklet of the 2nd emptyscape art festival

Beyond the village school 20, 21, 27, 28/2 12pm - 6pm 藝術節將在坪輋村落空間四週發生 The art festival will take place in the village spaces around Ping Che 資訊中心: 新界坪輋,坪洋公立學校正門 Visitor Centre : Entrance of the Ping Yeung Public School, Ping Che, N.T.

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Page 1: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

B e y o n d t h e v i l l a g e s c h o o l

2 0 , 2 1 , 2 7 , 2 8 / 2 1 2 p m - 6 p m

藝術節將在坪輋村落空間四週發生 Th e a r t f e s t i v a l w i l l t a k e p l a c e i n t h e v i l l a ge s p a c e s a r o und P i n g Che資訊中心 : 新界坪輋,坪洋公立學校正門 V i s i t o r C e n t r e : E n t r a n c e o f t h e P i n g Ye ung Pub l i c S choo l , P i n g Che , N . T.

Page 2: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

第二屆空城藝術節:坪輋.村校.之外2nd Emptyscape Art Festival : Beyond the Village School空城藝術節從第一屆(2013) 到現在 , 意念依然簡單,我們希望把藝術家和觀眾帶到城市邊緣的另類空間 , 享受不一樣的創作與觀賞經驗。藝術節的焦點依舊放於閒置空間 , 或一般人所認知的「廢墟」。然而,藝術節的作品與廢墟美學無關,我們相信大家共同關懷的是展望這些空間由下而上再生的種種可能。


藝術節從上屆的場地—被閒置了約十年的坪洋公立學校--出發 ,延伸至坪輋的幾個生活著的角落。希望參與藝術節的每位觀眾,通過步行能與藝術作品,村落,和人交會,都能獲得一次難忘美妙的經驗,獲得一顆能種於心裡的種子,讓你內心所相信的理想生活發芽。

Since our establishment in 2011 to 1st Emptyscape Art Festival held in 2013 and till today, our goal has been persistent and consistent. We would like to take you, artists and visitors to spaces that are abandoned and forgotten, sometimes being labelled as “Ruins”. We would like to dig deep to the history, reveal the stories behind these spaces and most importantly to explore the many possibilities of reusing, re-interpreting or redefining these spaces, from all perspectives, throught art interventions and interaction within the communities.

Ping Che had been a very unique location for us to achieve our visions. There, resides many villagers who shared the similar ideology that there is a strong tie between the community, the people and the area they live in. They welcome all kinds of dialogues and interactions, encouraging all kinds revitalization and exploration of their village site.

This year, at the 2nd Emptyscape Art Festival, we would like to bring all of our visitors to go beyond the Former Ping Yueng Public School ( where our 1st Emptyscale Festival was held), and explore the wider area of Ping Che. We hope that all of you will enjoy strolling around, be inspired by the artworks, meet new friends and comprehend a different perspective of this village in the north and the concept of abandoned spaces.

Page 3: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

策展 | 空城計劃Curator | emptyscape空城計劃(EmptySCape)於2011年成立,為跨領域藝術團體,以研究和介入香港的閒置空間為宗旨,通過藝術探索這些空間的可能性與關聯脈絡,開拓香港公共領域的論述及實踐。

除了2013年第一屆空城藝術節(坪輋•村校•展演),亦曾策劃吉場展演講座系列(2012)、崖上的Party(2012)、消失的教室無電插音樂會(2013)、埋岸的Party(2013)、原地.踏步:新界東北藝術展(裝置部份)(2014)、祺森的Party(2014) 等。

聯合策劃 | 打鼓嶺坪輋保衛家園聯盟 Co-organizer | Ta Kwu Ling/Ping Che Alliance 2012年夏天,數十位生活在香港新界東北、坪輋及打鼓嶺鄉郊村落的居民成立,除了致力通過行動、組織和教育實踐保衛家園的理念,也通過廣泛的公民社會結連,開拓香港市民對城鄉共生和可持續生活的想像。

Established in 2011 by a group of multi-discplinary profession, emptyscape aims to research and explore the history and characteristics of emptied spaces. We wish to explore the future potential uses and re-representation of these spaces through art intervention, and hence, raise the public awareness of use and discourses on public space.

Besides the 1st Emptyscape Art Festival held in 2013, we have also curated a series of events namely, Forum Series in 2012, Party of the Rock in 2012, The Diminishing Classroom Mini Concert - Unplugged (2012), Party on the Short (2013), Dances with the green - An Exhibition on the Northeastern New Territories (Art Installation) (2014), Party in Kee Sum Cafe (2014).

Established in 2012 by a group of villagers residing in Ping Che and Ta Kwu Ling, Ta Kwu Ling Ping Che Alliances aims to reveal and open up the publics’ imagination to the sustainability of city-village coexistence and development. Throughout the years, they had been devoted to cooperating with different groups and organizing varous functions to acheive their goals.


Page 4: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

節目一覽Programme Schedule

戶外裝置藝術 Outdoor Installation Art12pm - 6pm

# 散步導賞團 Guided Walks1pm - 5pm

坪輋村民墟市 Ping Che Villagers Market1pm - 5pm

戶外裝置藝術 Outdoor Installation Art12pm - 6pm

# 散步導賞團 Guided Walks1pm - 5pm

坪輋村民墟市 Ping Che Villagers Market1pm - 5pm

*# 環境劇場 Environmental Theatre: Papillon 2030+


*# 工作坊:聲音研習徑 — 坪輋篇 Workshop: A Walk for Listening Together


# 雄仔叔叔樹下講故 Under Tree Stories with Uncle Hung


*# 工作坊:共創—音樂 x社區 Workshop: Cocreating music & community


開幕音樂會及<香村>唱片發佈 Opening Concert + Album Launch


*# 環境舞蹈:蒞緊,轉角就到 Environmental Dance Theatre: Incoming


*# 環境劇場 Environmental Theatre: Papillon 2030+


*# 工作坊:「他的氣息」Workshop: 'His scent'


*# 工作坊:聲音研習徑 — 坪輋篇 Workshop: A Walk for Listening Together


乒乓球大賽 Ping Pong Tournament


*# 環境舞蹈:蒞緊,轉角就到 Environmental Dance Theatre: Incoming


# 閉幕對談 + 稻草神獸巡遊Closing dialogue + 'Beast Parade'


Feb 20 (SAT) Feb 21 (SUN) Feb 27 (SAT) Feb 28 (SUN)

* 需預先登記節目 Programmes require pre-registration# 以廣東話進行 Cantonese only另請參考節目詳情及地點 (資訊中心:坪洋公立學校) Please refer to program details and venues seperately (Info centre: Ping Yeung Public School)

節目一覽 List of Programmes節目一覽 List of Programmes

Page 5: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

藝術節建議路線簡介 Suggested Art Tour Route以下5站皆有藝術節節目在其中進行 我們鼓勵你走完這條路線 (可參與散步導賞團或自行探索),體驗整個藝術節的環境

Art installations, events and workshops will be located in the following 5 areas. We strongly suggest you to follow the route ( and also join our guided art tour or roam around freely) so as to explore the whole art festival beyond the village.


觀眾首先到達第一屆藝術節的場地 -- 閒置將近十年的坪洋公立學校,附近不少村民都曾就讀此校。

Information CenterA

Arriving at the first stop of the art tour, we enter Ping Yueng Primary School, where the 1st Emptyscape Art Festival was held in 2013. Many of the villagers grew up and graduated from this school, which they also used their own hands to build and develop this campus they once loved and had joy. Where as now, it has been abandoned for 10 years.

村落空間 (一)

進入學校正面對著的小路往北行,會到達早前空城計劃跟坪輋村民小朋共同策劃的「美化村落計劃」的重心段落,是本屆藝術節的主要場地之一(在Google Map上,此處被標注為「坪洋壁畫村」)。

Village Space ( I )

Following the narrow pathway that faces the entrance of the Ping Yeung Primary School, we stroll towards north to arrive at the center of the “Village Beautification Project”. In the past several months, Emptyscape had been curating with one of the villager, KK, to flourish this part of the village with arts and colour.



Around Kau Kee Store

Heading back to Ping Yueng Road, we arrive at Kau Kee Store. Take a look at the surroudings including the bus stops and playground next to the Ping Che Village.

村落空間 (二)


Village Space ( II )

Departing from the Village Hall and the playground to the west, passing by the public toilet and Yuen Ha Village, walking straight ahead, we will arrive at Chun Kee Organic Farm, where we have set up a stage for our art festival’s events.




Visitor & Community Center

Finally, we stroll back to Kau Kee Store and follow the signages on our left to enter the Visitor and Community Center of Ping Che/Ta Kwu Ling Alliance.




村落空間 (一) Village Space (l)

珍記農場Chun Kee Farm

舞台在野Theatre in the Wild

52K 小巴站Mini - bus Stop

導賞中心 Visitor & Community Center

村落空間 (二)Village Space (ll)



九記士多附近 Around Kau Kee Store



資訊中心 (坪洋公立學校)

Information Center(Ping Yeung Public School)


九記士多Kau Kee Store


壁畫村小徑The Mural Village Path


下車處Minibus Drop-off

林雪健康教室Mr. Fat Workshop


巴士站Bus Stop

垃圾站Refuse Station

卓榮記Cheuk Wing Kee

坪輋村村公所Ping Che Village Hall

坪 輋 路Ping Che Road

導賞中心入口Path to Community Center

Page 6: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

戶外裝置藝術 Outdoor Installation Art

九記士多Kau Kee Store

珍記農場Chun Kee Farm

52K 小巴站Mini - bus Stop

九記士多附近 Around Kau Kee StoreC

九記士多附近 Around Kau Kee Store

村落空間 (二)Village Space (ll)D


林雪健康教室Mr. Fat Workshop


音樂會舞台Concert Stage

坪輋村村公所Ping Che Village Hall

坪 輋 路Ping Che Road

閒置豬欄Abandoned Pig Den

舞台在野/ 蔡杰宏、黎永鋒、鄭穎臻、吳宛容及阮穎彤

Theatre in the Wild/ Choi Kit Wang, Lai Wing Fung, Cheng Wing Chun, Yu Yu Ng & Claire Yuen

坐低睇風景/ 李雪盈

Sit and See/ Lee Suet Ying

巴士站長椅/ 林兆榮 Bus Stop Bench/ Lam Siu Wing, Swing

香圳瞭望台/ 羅文樂 & 梁梓豪 Observatory of Hong Zhen/ Law Man Lok & Oskar Leung

氣息 · 異物/ 黃振欽 Scent . Alterity/ Wong Chun Yam, Leo

飄鈴/ 余榮基

Whirlbrook Bells/ Yu Wing Kei, Rik

稻草神獸/ 吳家俊 XXX beast/ Ng Ka Chun















村落空間 (二)Village Space (ll)D

戶外裝置藝術 Outdoor Installation Art

九記士多Kau Kee Store

珍記農場Chun Kee Farm

52K 小巴站Mini - bus Stop

九記士多附近 Around Kau Kee StoreC

九記士多附近 Around Kau Kee Store

村落空間 (二)Village Space (ll)D


林雪健康教室Mr. Fat Workshop


音樂會舞台Concert Stage

坪輋村村公所Ping Che Village Hall

坪 輋 路Ping Che Road

閒置豬欄Abandoned Pig Den

舞台在野/ 蔡杰宏、黎永鋒、鄭穎臻、吳宛容及阮穎彤

Theatre in the Wild/ Choi Kit Wang, Lai Wing Fung, Cheng Wing Chun, Yu Yu Ng & Claire Yuen

坐低睇風景/ 李雪盈

Sit and See/ Lee Suet Ying

巴士站長椅/ 林兆榮 Bus Stop Bench/ Lam Siu Wing, Swing

香圳瞭望台/ 羅文樂 & 梁梓豪 Observatory of Hong Zhen/ Law Man Lok & Oskar Leung

氣息 · 異物/ 黃振欽 Scent . Alterity/ Wong Chun Yam, Leo

飄鈴/ 余榮基

Whirlbrook Bells/ Yu Wing Kei, Rik

稻草神獸/ 吳家俊 XXX beast/ Ng Ka Chun















村落空間 (二)Village Space (ll)D

Page 7: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

導賞中心入口Path to Community Center


Sel 哥的家Home of Sel

九記士多Kau Kee Store

村校入口School Entrance

導賞中心 Vistor & Community Center

村落空間 (一) Village Space (l)



資訊中心 (坪洋公立學校)Information Center(Ping Yeung Public School)


壁畫村小徑The Mural Village Path

可能佔地/ 樊樂怡 A Possible Footprint/ Fan Lok Yi

坪輋空景/ 黃福權 & 聲音掏腰包 PingChe-scape/Wong Fuk Kuen & Soundpocket

坪輋村民墟市Villagers ’ Market

記得 (2013) / 吳家俊

As they can remember (2013) / NG Ka Chung

巍然兀立(2013) / 羅文樂 featuring Winnie Lau & 肥仔紅

Majestically Standing Up (2013) / Law Man Lok featuring WinnieLau and Mr. Fat

不是垃圾/ 小朋 It's not rubbish/Siu Pang

被發展的傷痕/ 林天翔Scar of development/ Lam Tin Cheung

無星之城(2013) / 林天翔Starless City (2013) / Lam Tin Cheung


Northeast Afar/ HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity Environmental Spacial Study Students

卓榮記Cheuk Wing Kee


















井,無題/ 張貴財 (財哥) & 孻BUntitled, on a well/ CHEUNG Kwai Choi (Choi Gor) & Lai B











MC仁塗鴉Graffiti by MC Yan

6 自由畫小路Free Paint on the Road

7 平叔的家Home of Uncle Ping

導賞中心入口Entrance of Visitor Centre

被投訴僭建的小屋們Little Houses as Illegal Structure

美化村落計劃Beautification Project

蘭姐的家Home of Lan 4




藝術節資訊中心Festival Info Center


村落空間 (一) Village Space (l)B

資訊中心 (坪洋公立學校)Information Center (Ping Yeung Public School) A

Page 8: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

戶外裝置藝術Outdoor Installation Art就如去屆藝術節,展出的戶外裝置藝術都是因地制宜(site-specific)的作品。其中,三組三年前的作品被保存下來,均在資訊中心(學校)之內。今屆參展作品中,兩組為坪輋村民小朋和張貴財(財哥)的作品。他們均在第一屆空城藝術節及其後首次展出自己的藝術作品。

Similar to the 1st Emptyscape Art Festival held in 2013, all of the outdoor installation art displayed this year are “site specific”. The artists’ creation practices are driven by dialogues with the residents in Ping Che and by using ‘natural ingredients’ taken from the village and beyond.

Among the many artworks, 3 pieces are created in the 1st Emptyscape art Festival held in 2013 and they are now still standing inside the Former Ping Yeung Public School. Whilst 2 artworks from this year are created by villagers, Siu Pang and Choi Gor, who are inspired to respond to their own land and own home.

Information Center資訊中心 A

Village Space ( I )村落空間 (一)

不是垃圾 | 小朋Its Not Rubbish by Siu Pang


無星之城 | 林天翔 (2013) Starless City by Lam Tin Cheung (2013)


記得 | 吳家俊 (2013) As They Can Remember by Ng Ka Chun (2013)


巍然兀立 | 羅文樂 (2013) Featuring Winnie Lau and 肥仔紅 Majestically Standing Up by Law Man Lok (2013) Featuring Winnie Lau and 肥仔紅


坪輋空景 | 黃福權 & 聲音掏腰包 Pingche-scape by Wong Fuk Kuen & soundpocket


可能佔地 | 樊樂怡A Possible Footprint by Fan Lok Yi


井,無題 | 張貴財 (財哥) & 孻B Untitled, On a Well by Cheung Kwai Choi (Choi Gor) & Lai B


Around Kau Kee Store九記士多附近

Village Space ( II )村落空間 (二)

巴士站長椅 | 林兆榮 Bus Stop Bench by Lam Siu Wing, Swing


稻草神獸 | 吳家俊 XXX Beast by Ng Ka Chun


坐低睇風景 | 李雪盈 Sit and See by Lee Suet Ying


飄鈴 | 余榮基 Whirlbrook Bells by Yu Wing Kei, Rik


香圳瞭望台 | 羅文樂 & 梁梓豪 Observatory of Hong Zhen by Law Man Lok & Oskar Leung


延伸:藝術工作坊:聲音研習徑-坪輋篇 (21/2, 2pm & 3pm)聲音掏腰包將會透過各種提示,引導公眾在村落展開一次<聲音研習徑 — 坪輋篇>。我們將聲音圖書館的自學教材伸延,帶領村民及公眾來一次聆聽之旅

延伸社區藝術實習計劃:「稻草神獸」巡遊藝術家與家長和孩子共讀怪獸/奇怪動物的繪本,然後一起動手設計和製作「神獸」。完成作品將參與空城藝術節閉幕巡遊 (28/2, 5pm),再放生「神獸」於村內。合辦:擔泥、綠腳丫、美育共和國、兒童社區探險隊

遙遙東北有條村 | 香港兆基創意書院空間研習學生 Northeast Afar by KICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity Environmental Spacial Study Students


被發展的傷痕 | 林天翔 Scar of development by Lam Tin Cheung


氣息 ·異物 | 黃振欽 Scent.Alterity By Wong Chun Yam, Leo


舞台在野 | 蔡杰宏、黎永鋒、鄭穎臻、吳宛容及阮穎彤 Theatre in the Wild By Choi Kit Wang, Lai Wing Fung, Cheng Wing Chun, Yu Yu Ng & Claire Yuen





Page 9: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

藝術節開幕暨《香村》唱片發佈音樂會Opening Concert &Concept Album Launch for “Fragrant Villages”


MC仁 | MC Yan老B@迷你噪音 | Billy Hung @Mininoise 黃仁逵 Wong Yan KwaiThe Interzone Collective邱立信 | Nelson Hiu阿朗 | Ah Long崔展鴻 | Tsui Chin Hung

Opening Concert Performers:煤炭書樓 | MTSLKy@ libidoWilmer Chan李文生 | Lee Man Sang曹疏影 | Cao shuyingHeartgrey客家婆婆唱山歌 | Hakka Grandma

The Interzone Collective x 小朋 KK邱立信 Nelson Hiu x 邱烙汶 Candy YauMC仁 MC Yan x 阿朗 Ah Long黃立青 Wong Lap Ching x 咕 GuWonderland x 如妹一家 Yu’s family崔展鴻 Tsui Chin Hung x 陳淑鳳 Chan Suk FungKy@libido x Becky Au@馬屎埔 Becky Au @ Ma Shi Po煤炭書樓 MTSL x 珍姐@珍記農場 Chun from Chun Kee Farm老B @迷你噪音 Billy Hung@mininoise x 張貴財 Cheung Kwai Choi (Choi Gor) Wilmer Chan+曹疏影 Cao Shuying x 華哥@古洞 Wa Gor @ Kwu Tung

唱片參與者及與其對話的村民朋友 :Participating Musicians and Villagers


Produced by Sze Ka Yan, one of the founders of emptyscape, the concept album paired up each musicians with one or more villagers from Ping Che, Kwu Tung and Ma Shi Po to exchange ideas and collaborate to create music that inspired from their conversations. This unique collaboration brings you this concept album - Fragrant Villages

《香村》- 坪輋、古洞、馬屎埔村民與獨立音樂人共創唱片“Fragrant Villages” - a concept music album co-created by independent musicians and villagers from Ping Che, Kwu Tung & Ma Shi Po

The album can be purchased at A Information Center如欲購買唱片,可往A資訊中心Venue : Theatre in the Wild @ Village Space ( II )

Date : 20 Feb ( Sat )Time : 3:30 - 6:00 pm

位置 : 舞台大在野@村落空間 (二) 日期:2月20日時間:下午3時30分至6時


Page 10: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

散步導賞團(藝術作品及村落空間導賞) Guided Walks (A Guide to the Artworks and Village Space)

坪輋村民墟市Ping Che Villagers’ Market

表演 Performances

*節目一及二均須預先登記及開始前15分鐘集合*Pre-registration is required for programme 1 & 2. Please arrive 15 min earlier before the programme commences. #Please note that all workshops will be conducted in Cantonese only.


節目一:環境舞蹈劇場《蒞緊,轉角就到》| 自由闊腿

Meeting Point : Information CenterDate: 21 Feb & 28 Feb ( Sun )Time 3:30 pm

集合地點 : 資訊中心 日期:2月21日及28日時間:下午3時半

Programme 1: Environmental Dance Theatre“Incoming” by Free Wide Thigh

Home”, bring it with you.

表演類型 : 行行企企睇下演出搞下展覽創作及出演 : 你、你地、我地、黃育德、張君洳、郭佩欣、(法援)David Bensimhon

節目二: 環境劇場 《Papillon 2030+》| 目乙劇場

Meeting Point : Information CenterDate & Time : 20 Feb (Sat) 2:00pm27 Feb (Sat) 4:00pm

集合地點 : 資訊中心 日期及時間:2月20日下午2時2月27日下午4時

Programme 2: Environmental Theatre“Papillon 2030+” by Free Will Theatre

節目三:樹下講故 《樹下講故》| 雄仔叔叔

Venue : Information CenterDate : 27 Feb ( Sat )Time : 2:00 pm

位置 : 資訊中心 日期:2月27日時間:下午2時

Programme 3: Story Telling“Under Tree Story Telling” by Uncle Hung



Venue : Visitor & Community CenterDate : 20,21,27,28 Feb Time : 12:00 - 6:00pm

位置 : 導賞中心 日期:2月20,21,27,28日時間:下午12時至6時

Meeting Pont : Information CenterDate : 20,21,27,28 Feb Time : 1:00 - 5:00pm

集合位置 : 資訊中心 日期:2月20,21,27,28日時間:下午1時至5時

#Please note that guided tour will be conducted in Cantonese only.





創作、編舞及演出: 徐奕婕,施卓然Concept,Choreographer and performers: Ivy Tsui, Kenneth Sze E

Page 11: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

藝術工作坊Art Workshops

乒乓球大賽Ping-pong Tournament

閉幕對談 及 巡遊 Closing Dialogue and XXX Beast Parade


For the closing dialogue, we shall all gather and discuss the on the topics of art festivals, communities, lands, and etc. Then, led by artist Ng Ka Chun and the ‘beasts’ he crafted with children and parents throughout the festival, we shall close the art festival with a parade!


坪輋高手與藝術家將會來一場久違了的乒乓球大賽,各方朋友也歡迎當天即興加入,觀眾更是愈多愈好,無任歡迎!Villagers, artists and you are all invited to join our Ping-pong Tournament – just walk in and be a participant or audience!

音樂 x 社區 共創工作坊Cocreating Music & Community

聲音掏腰包將會透過各種提示,引導公眾在村落展開一次<聲音研習徑 — 坪輋篇>。我們將聲音圖書館的自學教材伸延,帶領村民及公眾來一次聆聽之旅 。

聲音研習徑 — 坪輋篇

Venue : Information CenterInstructor : soundpocketDate : 21 Feb ( Sat )Time : 2:00 pm & 4:00 pm

位置 : 資訊中心 導師 : 聲音掏腰包日期:2月21日時間:下午2時及4時

A Walk for Listening Together - Ping Che version

Soundpocket will bring “A Walk for Listening Together – Ping Che version” through setting up some instructions and hints in the village to be discovered by visitors . The walk is an adaptation of the Self-Learning Kit by The Library by soundpocket, bringing an experience of practicing listening while walking to villagers and the general public.

如何從社區的故事,提鍊出創作? How do we extract creative ideas from community stories?

Venue : Information Center Instructor : Billy Hung@mininoiseDate : 28 Feb ( Sun )Time : 2:00 pm

位置 : 資訊中心 導師 : 老B@迷你噪音 日期:2月28日時間:下午2時

「他的氣息」工作坊 “His Scent” : Scent-making Workshop利用當地產物,製作手工香,成為坪輋獨有的氣息! Using Ping-Che produce to create lasting scent!

Venue : Information CenterInstructor: Leo WongDate : 28 Feb ( Sun )Time : 3:00 pm

位置 : 資訊中心 導師 : 黃振欽 日期:2月28日時間:下午3時

*全部藝術工作坊需預先報名及於開始前15分鐘集合*Pre-registration is required for all workshops & please arrivev 15 minutes before all workshops commence.#Please note that all workshops will be conducted in Cantonese only.

Venue : Playground opposite to Kau KeeDate : 27 Feb ( Sat )Time : 5:00 pm

位置 : 九記士多對面遊樂場日期:2月27日時間:下午5時




Guests for closing diaglogue : TV Yuen, Cheung Kwai Choi, Chow Sze Chung


Venue : Theatre in the Wild @ Village Space ( II ) Date : 27 Feb ( Sat )Time : 5:00 pm

位置 : 舞台大在野@村落空間(二) 日期:2月27日時間:下午5時


Page 12: 第二屆空城藝術節場刊 Booklet of the 2nd emptyscape Art Festival

策劃、監製:史嘉茵@emptyscape在地錄音師:岑宗達混音師:Edmund Leung, 小白, Heartgrey, 黃立青, 陳柏達大碟平面設計:Siuyuen@emptyscape大碟封面相片提供: Fung@Hour 25 出版: 空城計劃, 2016大碟製作鳴謝:打鼓嶺坪輋保衛家園聯盟 | 古洞龍苑 | 社區文化發展中心 | Nelson Hiu | 坪輋興哥 | 張偉樂 John Choy | Jesse Clockwork | Eric Hong混音室贊助:Substudio錄音器材贊助:Indent Production & Jeremy Sound 音響器材贊助 Audio Equipment Sponsor : Miso

Curatorial Team:策展團隊

黃宇軒 Sampson Wong 盧韻淇 Wiki Lo 史嘉茵 Sze Ka Yan 阮穎彤 Claire Yuen 何其穎 May Ho 陳健忠 Peter Chan 蔡德蕙 Cindy Choi韓雪婷 Michelle Hon

Supporting Groups:支持

打鼓嶺坪輋保衛家園聯盟 Ping Che/Ta Kwu Ling Alliance

Special thanks to:特別鳴謝

張翠如 | 信報 | 立場新聞 | 何嵐@ 藝頻 | 李淳朗 Lee Soen Long | Kubrick | Fullcup | 序言書店 | 田園書店 | 富德樓 | 前進進戲劇工作坊 | Soil 土壤文創

還有你 And You !!

何應豐 Ho Ying Fung 劉天明 Lau Tin Ming



村落美化計劃小隊香港兆基創意書院義工王少君 Vicky Wong 梁達明 Leung Tat Ming 朱圃言 Chu Po Yin 陳枯榮 Andyannis Chan 蒲頌t賢 Po Chung Yin梅馥曼 Fei Mui Cathy Leung Clara Fung Vicky Lau 周嘉禧 Kat Chow 劉子鏗 Lau tsz hang 林律汝 Lam Lut Yu Yuuna 張雅謙 Crystal Cheung 鄭雯心 Tiffany Cheng 羅勺榆 Cherry Law鄭偉倩 Ruby Cheng 列宛雯 Lit Yuen Man 張雪寧 Cheung Suet Ling 孫興玲 Suen Hing Ling 盤倩廷 Pun Sin Ting Waveley Sammi 熊昫齊 Hung Hui Chai Brooke Chan

袁禮誼 Yuen Lai Yi 余榮基 Rik Yu

Tour Guide義務導賞員


平面設計 Graphic design : Jason Lam | 樹下工作室Undertree Studio | Chu Cheuk Ying & Ming Lui@請槍出設 | Hour 25 | 小丸 and Mayho

大會T-shirt 設計Tee Design : 王少君 Vicky Wong

攝影及錄像 Photography&Video : Jesse Clockwork | 陳家濠 Gary Chan&Ho Ka Ho

Production Team:策展團隊

Concept Album Production Team:《香村》大碟製作人員:

講座系列 (I) - 再造共同體:社區中的對話藝術講座系列 (II) @九龍城書節 : 末日未至,先談廢墟講座系列 (III) @DETOUR 2012: RENEGRADE–「展演」:展場外的藝術香港藝穗民化節閉幕 X 空城計劃 - 崖上的 PARTY消失的教室無電插音樂會「坪輋。村校。展演」藝術節 -「香港盡頭」在地寫生村校裝置工作坊「坪輋。村校。展演」藝術節 - 「擔擔抬抬」村校當代藝術工作坊- 19/05/13 EmptySCape x HKAC Beyond Architecture Exhibition- 09/06/13 第一屆空城藝術節「坪輋。村校。展演」藝術節 香港藝穗民化節閉幕 X 空城計劃 - 埋岸的 PARTY- 23/02/14「原地.踏步:新界東北藝術展」- 《非原居生活》,《沒/看見》裝置部份2014深港城市/建築城雙年展 - 村落導賞:從變動中的坪輋到由此而生的藝術宏開工業大廈,即興聲音與錄像演出祺森的PARTY第二屆空城藝術節籌款音樂會

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過往活動Past Events

美化村落計劃Beautification Project從2013年開始,空城計劃聯同活躍的村民小朋,合力統籌長遠美化村落道路、樓房和指示牌的計劃。這項計劃持續讓更多不同團體,與村民連結,及參與在地義工工作。

Since 2013, emptyscape has been collaborating with Siu Pang, an art lover and active villagers, to oversee a long-term project aiming at beautifying the roads, buildings and signage around Ping Che. The project has enabled a wide spectrum of organizations to connect with the residents and has allowed many publics to participate in this programme.

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B e y o n d t h e v i l l a g e s c h o o l

2 0 , 2 1 , 2 7 , 2 8 / 2 1 2 p m - 6 p m

藝術節將在坪輋村落空間四週發生 The a r t f e s t i v a l w i l l t a k e p l a c e i n t h e v i l l a ge s p a c e s a r o und P i n g Che資訊中心 : 新界坪輋,坪洋公立學校正門 V i s i t o r C en t r e : E n t r a n c e o f t h e P i n g Ye ung Pub l i c S choo l , P i n g Che , N . T.

S u p p o r t e d b y