08 - jccac 賽馬會創意藝術中心 · 免責聲明...

盧世強 Lo Sai-keung, Louis | Woman’s Brain | 陶器 Stonware | 2019 AUG 八月 2019 賽馬會黑盒劇場資助計劃 JOCKEY CLUB BLACK BOX THEATRE SUBSIDY SCHEME 此計劃資助本地中/小型藝團及個別藝術工作者 的發展,讓他們只須支付基本場地租金的 10% 便可租用賽馬會黑盒劇場進行排練及公開演出。 賽馬會黑盒劇場空間佈局靈活,切合不同製作及 演出需要,是發表作品的理想平台。 The Jockey Club Black Box Theatre is an experimental friendly and well equipped theatre for different production and performance needs. This scheme funds local and especially budding art groups & artists for them to rehearse and stage public ticketed performances at the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre at only 10% of the normal hiring fee. 查詢計劃 For Scheme Enquiries www.jccac.org.hk/jcbbtss 票務資料 賽馬會創意藝術中心售票處 開放時間︰10:00 - 18:00 (開放時間如有更改,恕不另行通知) 各賽馬會黑盒劇場節目之門票均可透過以下其中一個單位購買: 備註︰ · 一人一票,憑票入場(兒童亦須購票)。 · 門票一經出售,恕不退換。 · 優惠票持有人(包括全日制學生、高齡及殘疾人士)必須在入場時出示認可 之身份證明文件。 優惠票 ST– 全日制學生 註解︰ SC–60 歲或以上高齡人士 DIS– 殘疾人士及看護人 CSSA– 綜合社會保障援助受惠人 賽馬會黑盒劇場 / 藝廊 / 中央庭園 公開接受租用申請 JOCKEY CLUB BLACK BOX THEATRE / GALLERIES / CENTRAL COURTYARD – OPEN FOR APPLICATION 有關場地資料、收費及租用詳情及表格,請到中心網站 www.jccac.org.hk 下載,或致電 2353 1311 查詢。 Information and booking forms for the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, Galleries and Central Courtyard are available on JCCAC website: www.jccac.org.hk 賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC)於 2008 年開幕,是一所自負盈虧及非 牟利慈善團體,並為香港浸會大學附屬機構。作為多元化及對外開放 的藝術村兼藝術中心,中心旨在提供文化藝術創作空間(藝術工作室和 展示場地)、協助培育創意人才、讓公眾近距離接觸藝術,從而推廣創 意文化,為香港文化藝術發展出一分力。作為藝術村, JCCAC 是近 140 個各類型藝術家和藝術團體的運作基地;作為藝術中心,中心內設兩層 藝廊展覽廳、賽馬會黑盒劇場、分布各樓層的小型展覽空間、茶藝館、 咖啡室和創意工藝店。中心定期主辦大型公開活動,包括每年 12 月的 JCCAC 藝術節」、季度「手作市集」、露天電影會和工作室導賞等。 免責聲明 賽馬會創意藝術中心為一藝術場所,支持及尊重藝術表達自由。中心及本月刊內展示的藝術作品、 活動、言論內容及其準確性,均由有關藝術家/藝術團體提供及負責,概不代表本中心立場,敬請 留意。 Disclaimer Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre is an arts venue which supports the freedom of artistic expression. Artistic works, activities and views presented in the Centre and in this monthly guide are provided by the relevant artists / art groups, who are responsible for their content and accuracy, and do not represent the views of the Centre. For details and enquiries of the programmes / paid activities presented in the monthly guide, please contact the relevant organiser directly. Opened in 2008, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) is a self-financed registered charity and a Hong Kong Baptist University subsidiary. As a multidisciplinary arts village and arts centre, JCCAC provides studio facilities for the arts community and a relaxing environment for the public to experience arts and culture. As an arts village, JCCAC is the operation base for nearly 140 artists and cultural organisations of a wide array of art forms. As an arts centre, JCCAC includes a tea house, cafe, craft shops, exhibition space on different floors of common area, the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre and Galleries. JCCAC strives to support arts development in Hong Kong by helping to nurture young talents and promote arts and culture in general through the provision of space (arts studios and display venues) for creative work. Regular public events presented by JCCAC include the annual JCCAC Festivalin December, quarterly JCCAC Handicraft Fair, rooftop film screening and public guided tours. 關於賽馬會創意藝術中心 ABOUT JOCKEY CLUB CREATIVE ARTS CENTRE 每日 Daily 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. (農曆新年假期除外 Except Chinese New Year holidays捐助機構 Funded by 主辦 Organised by jccacpage jccac_artsvillage 電話 Tel: (852) 2353 1311 電郵 Email: [email protected] 網址 Website: www.jccac.org.hk 香港九龍石硤尾白田街 30 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong 港鐵石硤尾站 C 出口 MTR Shek Kip Mei Station Exit C WWW.JCCAC.ORG.HK 八月 AUGUST 2O19 緊貼最新活動資訊,歡迎︰ · 瀏覽 www.jccac.org.hk · 免費取閱或下載每月出版的節目表 · 訂閱 JCCAC 電子通訊 Visitors may gain an overview of current programmes: · by visiting www.jccac.org.hk · from the monthly published programme guide · by subscribing to JCCAC e-news 部分須預約或登記 Booking or online pre- registration might be required 其他展覽及免費活動 Other Exhibitions & Free Activities 賽馬會黑盒劇場節目 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Programmes 1. art-mate - 網上購票 www.art-mate.net - 親身前往位於賽馬會 創意藝術中心售票處 之購票點購買 2. URBTIX - 網上購票 www.urbtix.hk - 信用咭電話購票 2111 5999 - 流動購票應用程式: My URBTIX - 親身前往各城市 售票網售票處購票 3. 節目主辦單位 - 直接向節目主辦 單位查詢購票詳情 JCCAC PROGRAMMES 賽馬會創意藝術中心節目表 08 藝廊及中央庭園展覽 Exhibitions @ Galleries and Central Courtyard MONTHLY HIGHLIGHTS 本月推介 賽馬會心導遊 計劃 Jockey Club Tourheart Project 「三人行」 速寫作品展覽 慢條斯理狗 Doggie Go Doggie 賽馬會心導遊 計劃 Jockey Club Tourheart Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 謝曬皮,著作《Long Time No Se5》(封面局部),2016 Tse Sai Pei, publication LONG TIME NO SE5 (detail of cover), 2016 JCCAC 夏日影院 JCCAC Summer Films 唔識死── 面對死亡的 情意之旅 綠升級創作 為環保 till 2/9/2019 香港中學 辯論賽總決賽 及頒獎典禮 表演藝術平台 Performing Arts Platform 香港兒童魔術團 之我啊 Sir 去左邊? 鍾馗地府重塑 ATYA 周年大會 暨表演藝術平台 ATYA Congress & Performing Arts Platform 透明人 「那些還未說 的……」 四度公演 Got Something to Say…… JCCAC 夏日影院 Summer Films 自 由 係 …… INTIMATE PORTRAIT 藝述心言 FREEDOM, HI! 謝文欣 Tse Man-yan, Jasmine 謝文欣 Tse Man-yan, Jasmine ______ __________________________________ J :時 代 女 性 追 求 的 是 獨 立 與 自 由 嗎?潮 流 於你又是甚麼? T :本地女性還是抱有成家立室的傳統思想, 給自己訂下死線:三十歲前要嫁,也要事業 有 成,要 不 就 是 輸 家。其 實 三 十 過 後,還 有 大 把 前 途,你 看 看 美 國 名 嘴 艾倫.狄 珍 妮, 都 是 四 十 以 後 才 有 自 己 的 第 一 個 脫 口 秀。 我想我們更應肯定女性自主生活的好處與 自由。 懷舊是永恆的潮流,無論是衣著或者藝術。 例如現在的衣著潮流都是九十至千禧年代 的延伸,經典音樂也是永不過時。但創作人 不 應 該 只 凝 望 過 去,要 吸 收 新 事 物。很 多 藝 術 家 喜 歡 非 主 流,認 為 主 流 的 東 西 就 一 定是差的,但其實並不然,要持開放的心態 對 待 事 物 嘛! ______ __________________________________ J :未來有沒有甚麼計劃? T :我 正 計 劃 成 立一 個 網 台,作 烽 煙 節 目, 解答大家的疑難和感情問題,並醫治心靈。 我 很 喜 歡 聽 電 台 節 目,偶 像 是 陳 雲 海。還 記得電台節目《一八七二遊花園》有一個環 節 叫「齋 呵唔 鬧」,我 會 想 要 開 一 個 叫「齋 鬧唔呵」,今時今日大家都是喜歡被人鬧的 ( 笑 )。另 外,我 正考 慮 報 讀 香 港 浸 會 大 學 的中醫課程,了解養生的智慧,並自我增值。 ______ __________________________________ J :愈 來 愈 多 年 青人 投 身 插 畫 界,你 如 何 看 待這行業的發展? T :有學生曾經問我如何成為一位插畫家, 我 的 回 覆 是 你 在 臉 書 開 一 個 帳 戶 便 是了。 相 比 起 從 前 漫 畫 家 要 由 低 做 起,學 徒 要 成 為主筆,需要一段很長的時間,現在對插畫 家 來 說 應 該 是 最 好 的 時 代。但 門 檻 低了,競 爭便會大,要突圍而出就要知道自己有甚 麼特別之處。有些人會認為主題突出就能 「吸睛」,但 反 璞 歸真,構 圖同 樣 重 要。 香港近月鬧得滿城風雨的社會 運 動 為 我 們 帶 來 了「自 由 嗨」一 詞,自 由 於 你 代 表 甚 麼?人 氣 插 畫 家 謝 文 欣(「偽」名 謝 曬 皮, L7-03)說:「自由係一種奢 侈。」 打開謝曬皮的個人網站,首先留 意到的是「born free」的標語,然 後是「核突」的自畫像;打開話匣 子,發現她本人不但好「Cult」(有 文化啦!),亦好「溝」(溝通啦!); 打開她粗俗、搞笑與自嘲「低等」 的包裝,會看見細膩的情感、深厚 的底蘊及敏銳的社會觸覺。 從 她 的 創 作 可見,自 由 彷 彿 就 是 做自己和做自己喜歡的事。 ______ __________________________________ J: Any future plans? T: I would like to start a web radio station and host phone-in programmes. I fancy playing an agony aunt giving advice on relationship and life problems. Anything to mend the soul. I have always been a sucker for radio programmes and my idol is Henry Chan (aka Wan Hoi). There was this radio programme Talk of the Town and they had a segment called All Pampering and Zero Scolding (transliteration). I am thinking of calling mine All Scolding and Zero Pampering. People these days seem to prefer sticks over carrots (chuckles). And as part of self-improvement, I am planning to enrol in a Chinese medicine course at Hong Kong Baptist University, to learn the wisdom of this traditional practice for health and wellness. ______ __________________________________ J: An increasing number of young people are joining the illustration sector. What are your views on the future development of this industry? T: A student once asked me how to become an illustrator. My answer was that you can be one as soon as you start a Facebook page! Compared to the olden days when comic artists had to undergo the long, painstaking progress of apprenticeship, this really is the best of times for aspiring illustrators. However, with the bar lowered, the competition becomes fiercer, one needs to find its niche to win readersattention. Some people believe that quirky subject matters catch peoples eyes, but I find going back to basics and effort placed in composition are equally important. ________________________________________ J: The Slash Generation is the latest buzzword, everybody seems to assume multiple identities. Between an illustrator, a teacher and a KOL (key opinion leader), which is your favourite role? T: My favourite role would still be illustrator. I used to think that being an illustrator means only to keep my feet on the ground and stay behind the scenes, to single- mindedly dedicate myself to creative work and pursue nothing else. But now, I think it is more interesting for creators to open up, experiment different mediums and interact with audiences via various platforms. ________________________________________ J: How do you strike a creative balance between popular taste and your artistic integrity? T: For works intended to be published online, public interest takes precedence as far as the subject matter is concerned, adding the Tse Sai Pei treatment of light-hearted humour and the creators perspective on the subjects, in order to strike a chord with my readers. I used to consider illustration merely as a means to derive income. But, in time, I realised that my works can also be an emotional outlet, like my recent animated music video Hotel Harbour Grand, which was created at a low point of my life after a breakup to channel the sadness. The video happened to catch the eye of local singer Justin Los creative team, who later invited me to work on an animation for his concert. In addition to my comic strips for online media, I also do illustration work for an eclectic range of commercials. Aside from cosmetics and skin care products, I seem to be favoured by clients selling products for curing unmentionable ailments, anything from acne spot-treatment cream to body odour spray. I have even illustrated for both of the only two Athlete's Foot ointments from Hong Kong. I guess it is because Tse Sai Pei has a mass appeal, and within the diversity of my creation lies the uncanny ability to extract humour from the grotesque. ________________________________________ J: Are independence and freedom what modern women pursue? What does trend mean to you? T: Hong Kong women still embrace the traditional notion of getting married and raising a family. They even set a deadline for themselves to get getting married before 30 while leading a successful career. Failing to achieve either of these means failure in life. What they do not know is that life really begins at 30. Just look at Ellen DeGeneres. She was in her 40s when she had her first talk show. I think we should give more recognition to both women being the bosses of their lives and the perks of being independent and free. Nostalgia is an everlasting trend, from fashion to the arts. For example, fashion inspired from 1990s and millennium styles are on trend now; and classic music never gets old. But creators should not just indulge in the past and they must also move forward to learn new things. Many artists are partial to the alternative and disdain all things mainstream – but that should not be the case. My philosophy is to always keep an open mind. ________________________________________ J :「謝 曬 皮」的 由來…… T :「謝 曬 皮」是我 2012 年畢業後當第一份 正職時的心態投射,當時厭倦公司刻板的工 作,想 要 透 過 創 作 宣 洩。雖 然 我 已 不 再「謝 皮 」,畫 風 亦 在 過 程 中 有 了一 些 改 變,但 謝 曬皮還是我,創作的主旋律仍然幽默惹笑。 ________________________________________ J :謝 曬 皮 是 一 個 怎 樣 的 人?你 如 何 看「麻 甩」、「hea」、「毒」等 現代 俚 語? T :我 是 一 個 敏 感、容 易 分 心 的 人。讀 書 的 時 候 已 很 難 集 中 精 神,喜 歡 留 意 身 邊 的 事 物, 例如在餐廳偷聽鄰座的對話(可以啟發創作 啊!)。 人 是 虛 偽 的,常 對 認 為 醜 陋 的 人 說 可 愛,但 當用到這三個看似譏笑的詞語時,你會發現 其 實 內 裡 暗 藏 一 種 肯 定 和 親 切 感,因 為 只 有 相對熟稔的人才會這樣說。 ________________________________________ J :為何選擇到英國讀碩士? T :因為當時覺得創作已到達一個瓶頸,困在 香港無法再提升自己,而我又喜歡嘗試新事 物,英國更是夢寐以求讀書的地方。 往 外 闖 闖,就 會 發 現 自 己 的 渺 小。那 時 候 跟 來自世界各地的同學交流,從他們身上學到 的比課程本身還要多。 ________________________________________ J: What inspired you to create your comic character, Tse Sai Pei? T: The phrase reflected my state of mind back in 2012 when I was at my first full-time job fresh out of university. Sick and tired of the mundane office work, I needed a creative outlet. Though now I am no longer burnt out and my illustration style has evolved since, part of those characteristics lived on and there is still a strong sense of humour and playfulness in my work. ________________________________________ J: How is Tse Sai Pei like? How do you view Cantonese slangs such as mah lut (masculine bad habits, stemming from the French word, malade), hea (procrastination) and duk (literally toxicand generally used to describe unattractive nerds)? T: I am sensitive and easily distracted. I could never focus at school but was constantly drawn to things in my surroundings. While at restaurants, for example, I am always eavesdropping on my neighbouring patrons – for inspiration, of course! My daily observation informs me that people are phony. They would call something cute even though they are ugly. However, as much as terms like mah lut and duk seem like mockery, there is a sense of endearment embedded there – they are only used with people we are familiar with, who are in the circle, so to speak. ________________________________________ J: Why did you choose to pursue your masters in the UK? T: At that time, I felt like I was trapped in Hong Kong in an artistic bottleneck, with little room to enhance my creation. At the same time, I am up to try new things and studying in the UK has always been my dream. You would not realise how small you are until you leave home and see the world. My coursemates came from all over the world and enlightened me so much – I would say even more than the course itself. ________________________________________ J: Returning to Hong Kong, how differently do you perceive your hometown? T: I became politically conscious in 2014, and it was when my work started to touch on political themes and current social issues. I came back from the UK with a fresh perspective on people and things. My political stance has drawn closer to the pan- democracy camp (the so-called leftardswith their peaceful, rational and non- violentapproach from the localist groups) in recent years. Many people nowadays seem to struggle seeing a bright future in Hong Kong. But my hope for this place has been reignited when I saw the level of maturity demonstrated by our young generation, as well as how people stand in solidarity in recent rallies. J JCCAC T :謝文欣 Tse Man-yan, Jasmine ________________________________________ J:回 到 香 港 再 看 這 個「家 」,有沒 有 不 同 的感受或轉變? T :我是由 2014 年 開 始 關 注 政 治 的,作 品 也 多了 圍 繞 政 治 和 時 事。從 英 國 學 成 歸 來 後, 我 看 事 物 的 角 度 有 所 不 同,政 治 立 場 亦 與 泛 民(本 土 派 所 謂「左 膠」及「和 理 非」)的 距 離拉近了一點。近來很多人說在香港看不到 希 望。但 我 見 到 的 是 年 青 人 的 成 熟 懂 事,以 及一班學生在近日的社運中展現團結和無 私,讓我對這地方重燃希望。 ________________________________________ J :「Slash 世代 」乃 近 年 廣 泛 談 論 的 話 題,每 個 人也 有 多重 身 份。插 畫 家、老 師 及「KOL之中,你最喜歡哪一個身份? T :我最喜歡的身份當然還是插畫家。以前認 為插畫家就應該腳踏實地做創作,不要露面, 也 不 要 作 其 它 多 餘 的 事 情。但 現 在 覺 得 創 作 者更應勇於嘗試不同的媒介,在圖像以外與 觀眾互動。 ________________________________________ J :創作上如何平衡迎合大眾口味和表達自己 的想法? T :放上社交媒體或網絡的作品,題材上的首 要考慮會是大眾喜好,希望以我的角度及觀 點 切入,以 輕 鬆 幽 默 的 手 法 表 達,也 較 著 重 作 品 能 否 得 到 讀 者 的 共 鳴。以 前 我 視 創 作 為 賺 錢 工 具,但 最 近 我 慢 慢 感 受 到 創 作 更 是 個 人情感抒發的出口。例如最近創作音樂動畫 錄 像《Hotel Harbour Grand》,就是源於想要 透過創作來治療情傷,怎料卻無心插柳得到 側田團隊的賞識,並為其演唱會進行創作。 除了於大眾媒體有定期連環漫畫專欄,我也 接 到 很 多 商 務 廣 告,產 品 種 類 形 形 色 色,除 一 般 化 妝 品、護 膚 品 外,有 趣 的 是 隱 疾 客 戶 好 像 都 對 我 特 別 眷 顧,除了 暗 瘡 膏、治 臭 狐 外,我 更做 過 香 港 所 有(兩 間)的 腳 癬 品 牌! 我想這是因為謝曬皮的受眾很廣,創作亦很 多元化,令「核 突」變 得風 趣、易入口。 The recent social movement in Hong Kong brought about much noise, sparking an outburst of creativity such as the coining of the slang, freedom-hi. What does freedom mean to you? “Freedom is a luxury”, said Jasmine Tse (L7-03), the well- liked illustrator who works under the pseudonym, Tse Sai Pei (a Canto-slang that means exhaustion). Take a browse at Tse’s website, the first thing that comes into sight is the slogan “born free”, accompanied by an almost grotesque self-portrait. As the conversation flows, it is hard to miss her cult(ural) and communicative personality – beneath that eccentric, vulgar and hilarious façade, lies a sensitive soul with intellectual faculty and astute social antennae. Through Tse’s works, one can almost see that freedom is the ability to express one’s true self and to pursue one’s heart’s desire. 謝曬皮,《找一個如淘寶賣家秒回妳的男人》插畫,2018 Tse Sai Pei, illustration The Dream Man is as Responsive as a Taobao Seller, 2018 謝曬皮,於《Beauty Exchange》的專欄作品,2019 Tse Sai Pei, work in Beauty Exchange column, 2019 謝曬皮,插畫作品《全副裝備既 17 歲細路》,2019 Tse Sai Pei, illustration The fully geared 17-year-old, 2019 謝曬皮,innisfree 廣告插畫,2019 Tse Sai Pei, commercial illustration for innisfree, 2019 謝曬皮,音樂錄像作品《Hotel Harbour Grand》,2019 Tse Sai Pei, music video Hotel Harbour Grand, 2019

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Page 1: 08 - JCCAC 賽馬會創意藝術中心 · 免責聲明 賽馬會創意藝術中心為一藝術場所,支持及尊重藝術表達自由。 ... 謝文欣 謝文欣 Tse Man-yan, Jasmine

盧世強 Lo Sai-keung, Louis | Woman’s Brain | 陶器 Stonware | 2019

A U G八 月2 0 19



的發展,讓他們只須支付基本場地租金的 10%,便可租用賽馬會黑盒劇場進行排練及公開演出。



The Jockey Club Black Box Theatre is an experimental friendly and well equipped theatre for different production and performance needs. This scheme funds local and especially budding art groups & artists for them to rehearse and stage public ticketed performances at the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre at only 10% of the normal hiring fee. 查詢計劃 For Scheme Enquirieswww.jccac.org.hk/jcbbtss


開放時間︰ 10:00 - 18:00(開放時間如有更改,恕不另行通知)


備註︰ · 一人一票,憑票入場(兒童亦須購票)。 · 門票一經出售,恕不退換。 · 優惠票持有人(包括全日制學生、高齡及殘疾人士)必須在入場時出示認可 之身份證明文件。

優惠票 ST–全日制學生註解︰ SC–60歲或以上高齡人士 DIS–殘疾人士及看護人 CSSA–綜合社會保障援助受惠人



www.jccac.org.hk下載,或致電 2353 1311查詢。Information and booking forms for the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, Galleries and Central Courtyard are available on JCCAC website: www.jccac.org.hk

賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC)於 2008 年開幕,是一所自負盈虧及非牟利慈善團體,並為香港浸會大學附屬機構。作為多元化及對外開放



意文化,為香港文化藝術發展出一分力。作為藝術村,JCCAC 是近 140 個各類型藝術家和藝術團體的運作基地;作為藝術中心,中心內設兩層


咖啡室和創意工藝店。中心定期主辦大型公開活動,包括每年 12 月的「JCCAC 藝術節」、季度「手作市集」、露天電影會和工作室導賞等。





DisclaimerJockey Club Creative Arts Centre is an arts venue which supports the freedom of artistic expression. Artistic works, activities and views presented in the Centre and in this monthly guide are provided by the relevant artists / art groups, who are responsible for their content and accuracy, and do not represent the views of the Centre. For details and enquiries of the programmes / paid activities presented in the monthly guide, please contact the relevant organiser directly.

Opened in 2008, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) is a self-financed registered charity and a Hong Kong Baptist University subsidiary. As a multidisciplinary arts village and arts centre, JCCAC provides studio facilities for the arts community and a relaxing environment for the public to experience arts and culture. As an arts village, JCCAC is the operation base for nearly 140 artists and cultural organisations of a wide array of art forms. As an arts centre, JCCAC includes a tea house, cafe, craft shops, exhibition space on different floors of common area, the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre and Galleries. JCCAC strives to support arts development in Hong Kong by helping to nurture young talents and promote arts and culture in general through the provision of space (arts studios and display venues) for creative work. Regular public events presented by JCCAC include the annual “JCCAC Festival” in December, quarterly “JCCAC Handicraft Fair”, rooftop film screening and public guided tours.

關於賽馬會創意藝術中心ABOUT JOCKEY CLUB CREATIVE ARTS CENTRE 每日 Daily 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.

(農曆新年假期除外 Except Chinese New Year holidays)

捐助機構 Funded by 主辦 Organised by


電話 Tel: (852) 2353 1311電郵 Email: [email protected]網址Website: www.jccac.org.hk

香港九龍石硤尾白田街 30號 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

港鐵石硤尾站 C出口 MTR Shek Kip Mei Station Exit C


八月 AUGUST 2O19


· 瀏覽 www.jccac.org.hk · 免費取閱或下載每月出版的節目表· 訂閱 JCCAC電子通訊

Visitors may gain an overview of current programmes:· by visiting www.jccac.org.hk· from the monthly published programme guide· by subscribing to JCCAC e-news


Booking or online pre-registration might be required

其他展覽及免費活動 Other Exhibitions & Free Activities


Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Programmes

1. art-mate- 網上購票  www.art-mate.net- 親身前往位於賽馬會 創意藝術中心售票處 之購票點購買

2. URBTIX- 網上購票  www.urbtix.hk- 信用咭電話購票 2111 5999- 流動購票應用程式: My URBTIX- 親身前往各城市 售票網售票處購票

3. 節目主辦單位- 直接向節目主辦 單位查詢購票詳情



藝廊及中央庭園展覽 Exhibitions @ Galleries and Central Courtyard



計劃 Jockey Club Tourheart Project



Doggie Go Doggie


計劃 Jockey Club Tourheart Project

















謝曬皮,著作《Long Time No Se5》(封面局部),2016Tse Sai Pei, publication LONG TIME NO SE5 (detail of cover), 2016

JCCAC 夏日影院 JCCAC Summer Films





為環保至 till 2/9/2019




表演藝術平台 Performing Arts Platform


之我啊 Sir去左邊?


ATYA 周年大會暨表演藝術平台 ATYA Congress & Performing Arts Platform




四度公演 Got Something to Say……

JCCAC 夏日影院 Summer Films

自 由 係 ……



謝文欣 Tse Man-yan, Jasmine謝 文 欣 Tse Man-yan, Jasmine





































畫家謝文欣(「偽」名謝曬皮, L7-03)說:「自由係一種奢侈。」


意到的是「born free」的標語,然後是「核突」的自畫像;打開話匣








J: Any future plans?

T: I would like to start a web radio station and host phone-in programmes. I fancy playing an agony aunt giving advice on relationship and life problems. Anything to mend the soul. I have always been a sucker for radio programmes and my idol is Henry Chan (aka Wan Hoi). There was this radio programme Talk of the Town and they had a segment called “All Pampering and Zero Scolding (transliteration)”. I am thinking of calling mine “All Scolding and Zero Pampering”. People these days seem to prefer sticks over carrots (chuckles). And as part of self-improvement, I am planning to enrol in a Chinese medicine course at Hong Kong Baptist University, to learn the wisdom of this traditional practice for health and wellness.


J: An increasing number of young people are joining the illustration sector. What are your views on the future development of this industry?

T: A student once asked me how to become an illustrator. My answer was that you can be one as soon as you start a Facebook page! Compared to the olden days when comic artists had to undergo the long, painstaking progress of apprenticeship, this really is the best of times for aspiring illustrators. However, with the bar lowered, the competition becomes fiercer, one needs to find its niche to win readers’ attention. Some people believe that quirky subject matters catch people’s eyes, but I find going back to basics and effort placed in composition are equally important.


J: The Slash Generation is the latest buzzword, everybody seems to assume multiple identities. Between an illustrator, a teacher and a KOL (key opinion leader), which is your favourite role?

T: My favourite role would still be illustrator. I used to think that being an illustrator means only to keep my feet on the ground and stay behind the scenes, to single-mindedly dedicate myself to creative work and pursue nothing else. But now, I think it is more interesting for creators to open up, experiment different mediums and interact with audiences via various platforms.


J: How do you strike a creative balance between popular taste and your artistic integrity?

T: For works intended to be published online, public interest takes precedence as far as the subject matter is concerned, adding the Tse Sai Pei treatment of light-hearted humour and the creator’s perspective on the subjects, in order to strike a chord with my readers. I used to consider illustration merely as a means to derive income. But, in time, I realised that my works can also be an emotional outlet, like my recent animated music video Hotel Harbour Grand, which was created at a low point of my life after a breakup to channel the sadness. The video happened to catch the eye of local singer Justin Lo’s creative team, who later invited me to work on an animation for his concert.

In addition to my comic strips for online media, I also do illustration work for an eclectic range of commercials. Aside from cosmetics and skin care products, I seem to be favoured by clients selling products for curing unmentionable ailments, anything from acne spot-treatment cream to body odour spray. I have even illustrated for both of the only two Athlete's Foot ointments from Hong Kong. I guess it is because Tse Sai Pei has a mass appeal, and within the diversity of my creation lies the uncanny ability to extract humour from the grotesque.


J: Are independence and freedom what modern women pursue? What does trend mean to you?

T: Hong Kong women still embrace the traditional notion of getting married and raising a family. They even set a deadline for themselves to get getting married before 30 while leading a successful career. Failing to achieve either of these means failure in life. What they do not know is that life really begins at 30. Just look at Ellen DeGeneres. She was in her 40s when she had her first talk show. I think we should give more recognition to both women being the bosses of their lives and the perks of being independent and free.

Nostalgia is an everlasting trend, from fashion to the arts. For example, fashion inspired from 1990s and millennium styles are on trend now; and classic music never gets old. But creators should not just indulge in the past and they must also move forward to learn new things. Many artists are partial to the alternative and disdain all things mainstream – but that should not be the case. My philosophy is to always keep an open mind.



T:「謝曬皮」是我 2012 年畢業後當第一份正職時的心態投射,當時厭倦公司刻板的工





















J: What inspired you to create your comic character, Tse Sai Pei?

T: The phrase reflected my state of mind back in 2012 when I was at my first full-time job fresh out of university. Sick and tired of the mundane office work, I needed a creative outlet. Though now I am no longer burnt out and my illustration style has evolved since, part of those characteristics lived on and there is still a strong sense of humour and playfulness in my work.


J: How is Tse Sai Pei like? How do you view Cantonese slangs such as mah lut (masculine bad habits, stemming from the French word, malade), hea (procrastination) and duk (literally “toxic” and generally used to describe unattractive nerds)?

T: I am sensitive and easily distracted. I could never focus at school but was constantly drawn to things in my surroundings. While at restaurants, for example, I am always eavesdropping on my neighbouring patrons – for inspiration, of course!

My daily observation informs me that people are phony. They would call something cute even though they are ugly. However, as much as terms like mah lut and duk seem like mockery, there is a sense of endearment embedded there – they are only used with people we are familiar with, who are “in the circle”, so to speak.


J: Why did you choose to pursue your masters in the UK?

T: At that time, I felt like I was trapped in Hong Kong in an artistic bottleneck, with little room to enhance my creation. At the same time, I am up to try new things and studying in the UK has always been my dream.

You would not realise how small you are until you leave home and see the world. My coursemates came from all over the world and enlightened me so much – I would say even more than the course itself.


J: Returning to Hong Kong, how differently do you perceive your hometown?

T: I became politically conscious in 2014, and it was when my work started to touch on political themes and current social issues. I came back from the UK with a fresh perspective on people and things. My political stance has drawn closer to the pan-democracy camp (the so-called “leftards” with their “peaceful, rational and non-violent” approach from the localist groups) in recent years. Many people nowadays seem to struggle seeing a bright future in Hong Kong. But my hope for this place has been reignited when I saw the level of maturity demonstrated by our young generation, as well as how people stand in solidarity in recent rallies.

J:JCCAC T:謝文欣 Tse Man-yan, Jasmine



T:我是由 2014 年開始關注政治的,作品也多了圍繞政治和時事。從英國學成歸來後,




















錄像《Hotel Harbour Grand》,就是源於想要透過創作來治療情傷,怎料卻無心插柳得到









The recent social movement in Hong Kong brought about much noise, sparking an outburst of creativity such as the coining of the slang, freedom-hi. What does freedom mean to you? “Freedom is a luxury”, said Jasmine Tse (L7-03), the well-liked illustrator who works under the pseudonym, Tse Sai Pei (a Canto-slang that means exhaustion).

Take a browse at Tse’s website, the first thing that comes into sight is the slogan “born free”, accompanied by an almost grotesque self-portrait. As the conversation flows, it is hard to miss her cult(ural) and communicative personality – beneath that eccentric, vulgar and hilarious façade, lies a sensitive soul with intellectual faculty and astute social antennae.

Through Tse’s works, one can almost see that freedom is the ability to express one’s true self and to pursue one’s heart’s desire.

謝曬皮,《找一個如淘寶賣家秒回妳的男人》插畫,2018Tse Sai Pei, illustration The Dream Man is as Responsive as a Taobao Seller, 2018

謝曬皮,於《Beauty Exchange》的專欄作品,2019Tse Sai Pei, work in Beauty Exchange column, 2019

謝曬皮,插畫作品《全副裝備既 17歲細路》,2019 Tse Sai Pei, illustration The fully geared 17-year-old, 2019

謝曬皮,innisfree廣告插畫,2019Tse Sai Pei, commercial illustration for innisfree, 2019

謝曬皮,音樂錄像作品《Hotel Harbour Grand》,2019Tse Sai Pei, music video Hotel Harbour Grand, 2019

Page 2: 08 - JCCAC 賽馬會創意藝術中心 · 免責聲明 賽馬會創意藝術中心為一藝術場所,支持及尊重藝術表達自由。 ... 謝文欣 謝文欣 Tse Man-yan, Jasmine






明日藝術教育機構有限公司 Ming Ri Institute for Arts Education Ltd. L7-16 侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio

香港中文大學新生精神康復會 New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

L5-16 W Studio

L5-09 Studio FontaineL0-04香港玻璃工作室 Studio Glass Hong Kong

L3-05D 香港美術教育協會 Hong Kong Society for Education in Art

2 / 8 / 2019 10:00開 幕 O P E N I N G

五 Fri

賽馬會創意藝術中心 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre


日期 Dates: 22 / 7 / 2019 《仁多瑪》Ritoma 24 / 7 / 2019 「香港短片新里程」精選紀錄片 Hong Kong Short Film: New Action Express – Documentary Highlights 6 / 8 / 2019 全球大學電影獎及浸大學生得獎作品 Global University Film Awards & Hong Kong Baptist University Selection 7 / 8 / 2019 「香港短片新里程」動畫佳作巡禮 Hong Kong Short Film: New Action Express – Animation Highlights時間 Time: 19:30地點 Venue: 賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre票價 Ticket Price: 免費 Free admission電影夥伴 Screening Partners:香港浸會大學電影學院、香港藝術中心、倡愛文化傳播有限公司 Hong Kong Baptist University Academy of Film, Hong Kong Arts Centre & Chang Ai Media Project Ltd.查詢 Enquiries: 2319 2173(陳小姐);[email protected] 2319 2512(林小姐);[email protected]報名 Application: www.jccac.org.hk 1

1. 請預先登記,名額有限,先到先得 Online registration required; limited capacity available on a first-come, first-served basis

明日藝術教育機構有限公司 Ming Ri Institute for Arts Education Ltd.


專題講座 Thematic Talk焦點城市分享 FOCUS city sharing本地展演 Local Showcase

日期 Dates: 2 – 4 / 8 / 2019地點 Venue: 賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre票價 Ticket Price: $1,250 1, 2

查詢 Enquiries: 2742 2966;[email protected] 網址 Website: www.mingri.org.hk/group/a


This programme is supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Subsidy Scheme

門票現正於賽馬會創意藝術中心售票處及 art-mate網站發售Tickets are now available at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Box Office and art-mate.Art-mate 網站Website:www.art-mate.net


For more ticketing and programme information, please contact the presenter

1. 香港劇場工作者於早鳥期間購票可享半價優惠,一般早鳥優惠可享七折 50% discount for local theatrical workers during the early bird period; 30% discount for normal early bird tickets2. 另特設單日通行證及其他優惠,詳情請參閱 art-mate網頁 One-day pass and other discounts are also on offer, with details published on art-mate website.

L3-02 香港偶影藝術中心 Hong Kong Puppet And Shadow Art Center

鍾馗地府重塑日期及時間 Dates & Times:10 / 8 / 2019 > 15:00 & 20:0011 / 8 / 2019 > 15:00 地點 Venue: 賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre票價 Ticket Prices: $150 1 & $110(ST, SC, DIS & CSSA) 查詢 Enquiries: 6333 6213(黃小姐 Ms. Wong); [email protected]網址 Website: www.hkpsac.org



This programme is supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Subsidy Scheme

門票現正於賽馬會創意藝術中心售票處及 art-mate網站發售Tickets are now available at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Box Office and art-mate.Art-mate 網站Website : www.art-mate.net


For more ticketing information, please contact the presenter

民社服務中心 People Service Centre

1. 凡每次購買正價門票 4至 9張可獲 9折;10張或以上可獲 85折 10% off every purchase of 4 to 9 standard tickets; 15% off 10 or more standard tickets


日期及時間 Date & Times:13 / 8 / 2019 > 16:00 – 1700 & 20:00 – 21:00地點 Venue: 賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre票價 Ticket Prices: $80 & $40(ST, SC, DIS & CSSA)合辦機構 Co-presenter:藝術本子 Paint In Sense Art Studio查詢 Enquiries: 6095 7289(黎姑娘 Ms. Lai);[email protected]網址 Website: www.pschk.org

門票現正於賽馬會創意藝術中心售票處及 art-mate網站發售Tickets are now available at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Box Office and art-mate.Art-mate 網站Website:www.art-mate.net


For more ticketing information, please contact the presenter

千載一念 Thoughtful Theatre

「那些還未說的……」四度公演 GOT SOMETHING TO SAY……日期及時間 Dates & Times:16 / 8 / 2019 > 19:4517 – 18 / 8 / 2019 > 14:45 & 19:45地點 Venue: 賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre票價 Ticket Prices: $300 1, $200 & $120(ST, SC, DIS & CSSA)查詢 Enquiries: 9036 9997(吳小姐 Ms. Ng); [email protected]網址 Website: www.thoughtfultheatre.org


This programme is supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Subsidy Scheme

門票於各城市售票網售票處、網上、流動購票應用程式 My URBTIX(Android 及 iPhone/iPad版本)及電話購票熱線發售Tickets available at all URBTIX outlets, on websites, in mobile ticketing app My URBTIX (Android and iPhone/iPad versions), and via ticketing hotline


For more ticketing information, please contact the presenter

1. 贊助套票,持套票觀眾將獲紀念品一份及安排入座較佳位置 Sponsorship package with a souvenir and privileged seat.

融樹頭創意藝術文化基金會有限公司 Dramagic Cultural Arts Foundation Limited

香港兒童魔術團之我啊 SIR去左邊?日期及時間 Dates & Times:23 / 8 / 2019 > 20:0024 / 8 / 2019 > 15:00 & 20:0025 / 8 / 2019 > 15:00 & 20:00地點 Venue: 賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre票價 Ticket Prices: $ 160 1 & $80(ST, SC, DIS & CSSA) 合辦機構 Co-presenters:MAGIC3 Production (HK) Limited;Unique Stage;語樂同行協會 Sign Language Fun Club;中華基督教禮賢會香港區會禮賢會彩雲綜合青少年服務中心 Choi Wan Rhenish Integrated Children & Youth Services Centre;明愛賽馬會石塘咀青少年綜合服務 Caritas Jockey Club Integrated Service for Young People – Shek Tong Tsui查詢 Enquiries: 6230 1736(廖先生 Mr. Liu);[email protected]臉書專頁 Facebook Page:香港兒童魔術團 Hong Kong Children's Magician Association


This programme is supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Subsidy Scheme

門票現正於賽馬會創意藝術中心售票處及 art-mate網站發售Tickets are now available at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Box Office and art-mate.Art-mate 網站Website:www.art-mate.net


For more ticketing information, please contact the presenter1. 凡每次購買 5張正價門票,可以多獲贈門票一張 One free ticket for every 5 tickets purchased


日期及時間 Dates & Times:2 – 3 / 8 / 2019 > 10:00 – 19:00 4 / 8 / 2019 > 10:00 – 17:30地點 Venue: 中央庭園 Central Courtyard查詢 Enquiries: 2742 2966;[email protected] 網址 Website: www.mingri.org.hk

香港中文大學新生精神康復會 New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


日期 Dates: 9 – 11 / 8 / 2019時間 Time: 11:00 – 20:00 地點 Venues: 中央庭園 Central Courtyard & L2平台 Terrace活動 Activities: VR虛擬實境體驗、多媒體及互動體驗裝置、 大型氣球裝置藝術 Virtual Reality (VR) experience interactive multimedia installations & large-scale balloon installation

協辦單位 Co-organiser:說書人 StoryTaler 展覽創意夥伴 Exhibition Creative Partner:Duma Wong Interiors捐助機構 Funded by:香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

查詢 Enquiries: 3943 3462;[email protected]

基督教香港信義會社會服務部 Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong

生死之交 •延續篇──長者生死教育及支援計劃 「唔識死──面對死亡的情意之旅」體驗藝術展

日期 Dates: 16 – 25 / 8 / 2019 時間 Times: 星期日至四 Suns to Thurs > 10:00 – 17:00 星期五至六 Fris to Sats > 10:00 – 19:00 地點 Venue: L1 藝廊 Gallery查詢 Enquiries: 3124 7633(電話查詢 Phone enquiries); 5410 2879(WhatsApp) 楊婉兒小姐及鄭曉芹小姐

Ms. Vega Yeung & Ms. Kathy Cheng; [email protected] 網址 Website: www.service.elchk.org.hk臉書專頁 Facebook Page:projectcrossroad.elchk

計劃由香港公益金資助 This project is sponsored by The Community Chest

16 / 8 / 2019 15:00開 幕 O P E N I N G

五 Fri



日期 Date: 27 / 8 / 2019時間 Time: 14:00 – 18:00地點 Venue: 中央庭園 Central Courtyard查詢 Enquiries: 9303 2694(黃先生King); [email protected]臉書專頁 Facebook Page:HKISDC

27 / 8 / 201914:00

開 幕 O P E N I N G二 Tue

保良局康復服務 Po Leung Kuk Rehabilitation Services


日期及時間 Dates & Times:30 / 8 / 2019 > 14:00 – 19:0031 / 8 – 1 / 9 / 2019 > 13:00 – 19:002 / 9 / 2019 > 13:00 – 17:00地點 Venues: L1 藝廊 Gallery & 中央庭園 Central Courtyard查詢 Enquiries: 3568 7853;[email protected]網址 Website: www.poleungkuk.org.hk

免費領取《香港美術教育協會》2019年第一期:營造藝術校園宜觀宜學FREE DISTRIBUTION OF HONG KONG ART EDUCATION JOURNAL , ISSUE 1, 2019

日期 Dates: 即日至 From now until 12 / 2019時間 Times: 10:00 – 18:00(星期一至五 Mons to Fris); 10:00 – 13:30(星期六 Sats)地點 Venue: L3-05D查詢 Enquiries: 2234 6096(王湧鑫先生/張曉婷小姐); [email protected]網址 Website: www.hksea.org.hk

L3-06D 據點 • 句點 Floating Projects


日期 Dates: 2 – 20 / 8 / 2019(逄星期一休息 Closes on Mondays)時間 Time: 14:00 – 20:00 地點 Venue: L3-06D查詢 Enquiries: 9030 6444(偉);[email protected]網址 Website: www.floatingprojectscollective.net/events/ doggie-go-doggie-slowly-not- necessarilysurely-solo-exhibition

L7-16 侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio

「三人行」速寫作品展覽—— 侯紹政、謝江華、JOHN MCARTHUR 聯合展出日期 Dates: 18 / 7 – 31 / 8 / 2019時間 Time: 10:00 – 22:00地點 Venue: L7 藍墻 Blue Wall協辦機構 Co-organiser:香港素描學會 Hong Kong Drawing Association查詢 Enquiries: [email protected]



日期 Dates: 10 – 11 / 8 / 2019時間 Times: 11:00 – 12:00 & 14:00 – 15:00 地點 Venue: L4-03A講座 Talk 1 * 探索內心天氣變化:情緒病是什麼? 講座 Talk 2 * 來一趟照顧自己的旅程:靜觀是什麼 ? 講座 Talk 3 行李減重有辦法:如何處理工作壓力 ?講座 Talk 4 帶住周公去旅行:如何處理失眠 ?網址 Website: www.jcthexhibit2019.com/talks ^



日期及時間 Dates & Times:10 / 8 / 2019 > 11:00 – 13:00;13:15 – 15:15; 15:30 – 17:30;17:45 – 19:45 11 / 8 / 2019 * > 11:00 – 13:00;15:00 – 17:00 地點 Venue: L7-19網址 Website: www.jcthexhibit2019.com/storysharing ^

* 設手語傳譯 With sign language interpretation ^ 活動費用全免,需於 29 / 7 / 2019前於網上報名參加 The events are with free admission; online registrations by 29 / 7 / 2019 are required 查詢 Enquiries:3943 3462;[email protected]






日期 Dates: 星期一至日 Mon to Sun時間 Times: 10:00 – 22:00(早午晚均可 Morning, afternoon and night sessions available)地點 Venue: L0-04費用 Fee: 請瀏覽網頁參閱詳情 Please visit website for details查詢 Enquiries: 2728 4224;[email protected]網址Website: www.studioglass.hk

歡迎私人及團體預約 Private and group bookings welcome





L2-13 當下藝術工作室 Present in Art Studio


日期 Dates: 24 / 8 / 2019時間 Time: 11:00 – 13:30地點 Venue: L2-13費用 Fee: $300查詢 Enquiries: 9477 5291(Mr. Philippe Charmes); [email protected]網址 Website: www.presentinart.com/web_phil/clay-sculpture- courses

創意藝術工作坊 (布偶、手作、毛冷編織、古箏)

日期 Dates: 1 – 31 / 8 / 2019時間 Time: 10:00 – 22:00地點 Venue: L3-02費用 Fees: $150 – $1,200 (視乎課程而定 Depends on courses)查詢 Enquiries: 6333 6213(黃小姐 Ms. Janet Wong); [email protected]臉書專頁 Facebook Page:pandahandcraft

L3-02 香港偶影藝術中心 Hong Kong Puppet and Shadow Art Center

塑膠彩繪畫班 /油彩繪畫班 /水彩繪畫班日期及時間 Dates & Times:星期四 Thurs > 16:00 – 22:00星期六 Sat > 10:00 – 14:00地點 Venue: L5-09查詢 Enquiries: 9260 7203(岑小姐 Miss Shum); [email protected]網址 Website:


日期 Dates: 逄星期日 Every Sun 1 時間 Time: 14:30 – 18:30 (4 小時 hrs / 1 堂 lesson)地點 Venue: L5-16費用 Fee: $800 / 4 堂 lessons 2

查詢 Enquiries: (許小姐 Ms. Yanki Hui)5199 9700; [email protected];網站 Websites: www.yanki-rosepinky.com;www.wstuido516.com臉書專頁 Facebook Page:wstudio516

1. 可自行選擇星期日的上堂日期 ; 3個月內完成 4堂 Lesson dates on Sun can be chosen; 4 lessons will be finished within 3 months2. 將提供所有物料,包括一幅 40 x 50 厘米的畫布 All materials including a 40cm x 50cm canvas are covered

素描藝術基礎(全因素)教學 (成人及青少年個別或小組教學指導)日期與時間 Dates & Times:逢星期一、二、四 Every Mon, Tue & Thurs > 下午及晚上 Afternoon and evening逢星期三 Every Wed > 下午 Afternoon逢星期六 Every Sat > 中午 Noon地點 Venue: L7-16費用 Fees: $600 / 4堂 lessons;$150 / 1 堂 lesson (105分鐘 mins / 1 堂 lesson)協辦機構 Co-organiser:香港素描學會 Hong Kong Drawing Association查詢 Enquiries: [email protected]

L7-04 7:04


日期 Dates: 3, 4, 10, 11 / 8 / 2019時間 Time: 14:00 – 20:00費用 Fee: $300 / 1位 person 1


日期 Dates: 17 – 18 / 8 / 2019時間 Times: 14:00 – 16:00;16:00 – 18:00費用 Fee: $320 2

森林世界──手捏陶瓷暑期工作坊日期 Dates: 6, 8, 13 / 8 / 2019 (共 3堂 3 lessons in total)時間 Times: (選擇一個時段 Choose one time slot)甲班 Class A:10:15 – 11:30乙班 Class B:11:45 – 13:00 丙班 Class C:14:15 – 15:30丁班 Class D:15:45 – 17:00 戊班 Class E:17:15 – 18:30參加年齡 Age Range:6 – 14歲 Years費用 Fee: $750 3

地點 Venue: L7-04臉書專頁 Facebook Page:dayon.gopicnicInstagram 帳號 Account:dayon.gopicnic

1. 包括 1件作品所需的材料及燒製費用,每件加做作品另收 $50 Covers the materials and kiln firing fees for 1 work; a $50 surcharge on each additional work2. 包括 1件作品所需的材料及燒製費用,每件加做作品另收 $220 Covers the materials and kiln firing fees for 1 work; a $220 surcharge on each additional work3. 包括 2件作品所需的材料及燒製費用,4人成班 Covers the materials and kiln firing fees for 2 works; a minimum of 4 participants is required for the workshop to take place