
May 12, 2012 對稱的物理與數學 分享我的 Facebook 分享我的 Plurk 分享我的即時通 發 找知識 此營隊授課對象為升大三(含)上之學。 http://phys.cts.ntu.edu.tw/workshop/2012/1010806center/default.aspx ?mclass=5 建議學具下基知識: Calculus and General Physics -- You should be familiar with them. Linear algebra -- You should know what are vector spaces, linear transformations, and dual spaces. Basics about finite groups and finite fields -- use Google or Wikipedia if you do not know what they are. Partial different equations -- You are not scared to see them, and know what it means to solve them, even though you might not know how. 是什麼人後放棄物理?我想實際原非常複雜,不過一個很重要 的原,是現物理學高度的理論化和抽象化掩蓋了物理的趣味 現物理學高度的理論化和抽象化掩蓋了物理的趣味 現物理學高度的理論化和抽象化掩蓋了物理的趣味 現物理學高度的理論化和抽象化掩蓋了物理的趣味。 要這些理論框架,概念,數學工具,需要反复的思考和勤奮的學 習。有一種點,象理論物理,純數學這樣的基礎學科,現已經是 一種貴族式的科學了。沒有天賦的大腦,從小的熏,很難有所成。 對這個點,我總有點不服氣。但是隨著自己學習的深入,我時不時 的懷疑自己的天賦能力是否足夠繼續學物理。我深切會到,天賦與 天賦與 天賦與 天賦與 勤奮真是非常重要 勤奮真是非常重要 勤奮真是非常重要 勤奮真是非常重要。雖然很擊人,是一確認自己不是學物理的 料,趕快轉行才是途,對物理學的熱愛有藏中了

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May 12, 2012


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Calculus and General Physics -- You should be familiar with them.

Linear algebra -- You should know what are vector spaces, linear

transformations, and dual spaces.

Basics about finite groups and finite fields -- use Google or Wikipedia if

you do not know what they are.

Partial different equations -- You are not scared to see them, and know

what it means to solve them, even though you might not know how.










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How to Pass the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam in Physics

By arhatee, eHow Member

How to Do

So you've made it into graduate school, and have somehow managed to

pass your first year of classes. ConGRADulations! Now, if you're in 90% of

the universities in the United States , you will inevitably face the physics

PhD. qualifying exam. Don't fret! With a few tips, you'll be cruising

through to a passing grade.


Things You'll Need:



Physics Textbooks

Old Qualifier Exams

Step 1

KNOW YOUR SCHOOL'S STYLE: Each university has their own unique PhD

qualifying exam, which changes from year to year. Also, the exam format

varies for each university (the amount of questions and time allowed for

examination). Some schools have a 6 hour exam in one session, while

others give the exam in multiple sections over multiple days. It is

important to become familiar with your university's qualifying exam to

know what exactly to expect. The best way to do this is to talk to


Step 2

KNOW THE TEST: While the qualifying exam may be different for

different universities, they should all cover Electricity and Magnetism,

Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, and Statistical Mechanics.

Usually there is more emphasis made on E&M and Quantum. The

difficulty level is usually equivalent to your first year of graduate school

classes. The same profs who are teaching you these subjects are the

ones who are writing the qualifying exam so keep this in mind. One of

Page 4: 理論物理訓練雜項

the best ways to study for the qualifying exam is by getting as much out

of your current classes as possible.

Step 3

KNOW WHEN TO START: It is best to start serious studying for the

qualifying exam a couple days after your final exams end, probably May

sometime. This gives you approximately 3 months to study (Most Quals

are given in August). Treat it like a day job! Try to designate at least 6

hours a day to practicing problems as we'll discuss below and you'll be

confident and ready for your exam come August!

Step 4

GET OLD EXAMS: Every physics department has a stockpile of old qual

exams locked away in the basement. Your department's receptionist will

undoubtedly know where to find these and will give them to you, No

Charge! This really gives you a ton of problems to do...say 10 years of

exams X 12 problems per exam = 120 problems! Also, this will give you a

feel for the difficulty level of your particular school's exam.

Step 5

GET THE RIGHT BOOKS: In the words of Good Will Hunting, "You people

spend your whole lives surrounding yourselves with books and their the

WRONG books!"

Well, here are a list of the right books to use as references while working

qualifier problems. Also, ask your professors which books they think are

the right books. I'm sure they will have a list they're dying to talk about.


Classical Electrodynamics by Jackson - A must-have!

Electrodynamics by Griffiths - Undergrad text but very clear and


Classical Theory of Fields by Landau and Lifshitz - Doesn't show steps,

but may clear up conceptualization problems.

Problems & Solutions on Electromagnetism by Linn - Great big vat of

Page 5: 理論物理訓練雜項

problems from old qualifying exams taken from a number of universities.

Quantum Mechanics--

Quantum Physics by LeBellac - Grad text, very thorough.

Quantum Mechanics by Griffiths - Undergrad text with essential


Modern Quantum Mechanics by Sakurai - grad text, good but may need

LeBellac to clear things up.

Classical Mechanics--

Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems by Thorton and Marion -

undergrad text but essential!

Classical Dynamics by Goldstein - pretty dense grad text but good for


Statistical Physics--

Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics by Hill - good overall book.

Statistical Mechanics by Pathria - dense grad text but good for reference.

Step 6

MAKE A PROBLEM BOOK: Here is some key advice to passing the

qualifying exam. When you work on a problem, write the final solution

on one sheet of paper. Then put it in a binder which will soon be

comprised of all your previous worked solutions. Title each problem with

a catchy heading which describes the jist of the problem. Also, highlight

any tricks or difficult jumps that were made with a bright color. A couple

of weeks before the exam, study your binder, going back through all the

tricks and essential tools you used to solve the problems. This is fantastic


Step 7

FINAL ADVICE: On the day of the test, set two alarms, get up early and

take a jog to get the blood flowing, take deep breaths, relax.

By now you have worked through every problem Griffiths has ever come

up with, you have mastered every problem from the last 10 years of your

school's qualifying exam, and you have a binder of mastered problems.

So relax and dominate the test!

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Tips & Warnings

Use your textbooks as references only for tricky problems! The main

point is to learn how to do as many types of problems as possible, not to

read every book on physics. Don't waste time reading chapters!

「最低的理論要求」(Theoretical Minimum)這個計畫是蘭道在三十











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作者: Jared1982





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提供在貴版參考 惟小弟看的書不多 加上我非物理科班的人(有興趣,


所以我提供的書很多是學長教授 還有我的朋友的意見 本人有些沒


我會做我所讀過的書做出個人的意見...其中還包括我在 amazon 網



希望有機會可以提供各位做參考 而我打算針對大學部的物理課程做



普物是眾所週知的大一必修入門,也是這篇要 po 的主題 不過針對普

物我讀的書及整理的資料不多 版主看過那麼多版本的普物原文書會

比我有經驗許多 所以我提供兩個知名大學的low division level(就



至今仍被這些大學使用中(有確切來源,官方網站提供) 一個是

Berkeley Series 的五本書,一個是 MIT Series 的四本書也就是兩個

學校的教授為這兩個學校學生設計的教科書 我沒有看過 MIT Series

的書 不過 Amazon 的評價都是五科星的最高級

Page 8: 理論物理訓練雜項

我個人覺得 Berkely Series 真的是寫的太棒了


跟一些核心課程如古典力學 電磁學之間的落差很大,當然數學的不

足是最主要,但我覺得念完 Berkely 第一冊簡直就是為 marion 的

pre-text(課前準備)而寫的 念完第一冊力學對 marion 的書便不會


這兩個系列是強烈推薦物理系學生唸 而且不會因為是名校 寫的書

便超難 反而是深入淺出的超水準 只能說這些學校教授的教學功力


2. 物理數學

講起物理數學內容就多了 主要是以微積分作為基礎 應用數學作為



1.單變數函數微積分 2.多變數函數微積分

3.向量微積分及張量分析 4.微分方程: ODE, PDE, Boundary Value


6.線性代數(包跨矩陣) 7.複變函數

8.機率與統計(常被忽略) 9.變分法與應用(常被忽略,卻是理論力學


3.古典力學(包擴 Newtoian 及 Lagrange)

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6.統計力學(包跨熱力學 熱物理學 與統計力學)


a.光學: 包含在四大力學之內 但是應用太廣變獨立出來

b.狹義相對論: 非常重要的近代物理(電磁 量物)基礎 物理系本科

常忽略的重點科目, 廣義則太難了 大學部不適合

c.固態物理:標準的應用物理 跟原子 分子或粒子物理等應用物理不

同的是他的內容可以在大學部便可研讀 且內容繁多 自成一科 (本


d.波動: 常被物理系學生忽略,但其實其中大有深度廣度及難度 可

以自成一科直得從基礎便開始念 會在近代物理及電磁波 光學等 幫

助非常 j非常推薦將波動自成一科來唸(後面會提供經典書籍)



reference 創下 amazon 網站教科書最高評價的書目. 62 位讀者給予

五科星評價 在物理教科書中是前所未有的........



一格的解釋 強力推薦一定要唸向量分析,複變,還有線性數學的部分

真的是寫的非常棒 尤其是內積與外積定義的由來,為什麼一個兩向

量大小乘以餘弦是純量 兩向量乘以正弦卻要定義兩個方向出來而是

向量 跟實際物理應用之間的關係有很好的解釋 可以將數學觀念基

Page 10: 理論物理訓練雜項

礎更加紮實...來用於物理 這本書的數學解釋算是最高段的~~

以上大概就是小弟整理出來的架構: 非常的多所以精挑教科書便相

當的重要了後面幾篇會慢慢把以上八大項的小弟整理的參考用書 po

上去 其中包括許多人的意見

第一篇 針對普物 本人資料遠不如版主念過的多,但大體而言普物最

多人用的兩大經典書目便是 Haliday & Serway 我個人則覺得 Helcht


但是篇敘述性 數學並不多 至於 Haliday 我覺得在力學部分寫的相


光學部分 Helcht 提供的 topics 不少其他部分則是 Serway 寫的比較

深入詳細 後面幾篇依序會按照大綱把小弟整理的原文書目提供上去

還請讀者指教~~~至於研究所的書目便在此不詳述 包括許多系列,如

著名的 Landau 系列 Pauli 系列, Feyman 系列, Dirac 系列,Greiner



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者: Jared1982 (異教皇帝朱利安) 看板: PhysicsEdu

標題: 物理系原文書推薦----古典力學

時間: Thu Apr 3 23:28:21 2003

古典力學這科如果只牽涉到牛頓力學的話 那教科書真是多如牛毛但

如果要牽涉到拉格朗日的動力學模型的話 那幾乎除了 Marion 的書


Page 11: 理論物理訓練雜項

也就是說 就一個理論力學的intermediate course來說 這實在很難

界定這是研究所的課或是大三大四的課 (內容包含 lagrange 的話)


許多國內學校把 marion 的古典力學擺在大二開一學年的課其實不叫


理論上就國外的物理系教程來看大二應該是以牛頓力學為主 到了大


這跟數學程度有關 因為一直要等到微積分與物理數學學完之後 在

學一些 calulus of variation 變分法 變分微積分等等課程 對

lagrange力學才點了解 故數學訓練的時間和課程選取的時間有相當


而我這篇提供的教科書與參考書多是學長提供 有些是我自己覺得不


主要分成牛頓力學與分析力學(Lagrange & Hamiltonian)


書非常多,推薦的是 Berkely Series 和 MIT Sereis 的牛頓力學尤其

是 berkeley 的書 Mechanics: Vol. I by Helmhotz 很多都是 cover

Marion的教材 只是數學用的比較淺 但是解釋的非常清楚 非常適合

要唸 Marion 作為 Lagrange 為入門的同學

Page 12: 理論物理訓練雜項

個人強烈推薦這本書 因為這本書講的每一個 topic 都很詳細 比一


比較嚴謹, 觀念的來龍去脈亦說明的很清楚, 不會用到很複雜的數

學 卻寫的根 Marion 一樣深入

至於 MIT 系列: Newtonian Mechanics by Anthony Philip Frenc 則

是最受好評的力學用書 和一般力學用書不同的是這本書用不同的方

式來描述牛頓力學有興趣的人可以參閱 amazon 看看他的編排方式


作者把牛頓力學與其他古典物理的理論結合在一起 具有綜合各理論


這本算是最令人耳目一新的作品 Berkeley 系列不用多說非常有名,

這本 mit 系列的力學用書台灣比較少人知道, 但是在美國被使用的

頻率卻比 berkeley 系列更高 因為評價很高

其他還有超級多各大學校物理系或是機械系用牛頓力學用書 但綜合

比較過後我覺得上述這兩本是最好最出眾的選擇~~~ 也最適合物理



目前市面只有一本聖經版入門書: Marion & Thorton, Classical

Dynamics 這本書對於要初次進入 Langrange & Hamilton 力學的學生

Page 13: 理論物理訓練雜項




動力學的書有很多專書論述,惟須補充的大概只有 第五章重力理論


本書把牛頓力學和初等拉格朗日動力學結合 並完整的把所有力學架

構推倒一遍算是最標準的教科書 但是習題很難 所以作為大學部的

理論範本比較有價值在研習 Marion 的拉是力學之前 最好預先在數


1. 牛頓力學部分 berkely 系列的力學用書個人覺得做了完美深入

的銜接數學的話大學部只要將 Marion 課本第六章及習題, Boas 那本

書的變分函數部分 或是 Mathematics of Classical and Quantum

Physics/TwoVolumes in One 這兩本前一篇所提過的物數兩大王牌書

本的變分法部分弄熟由以上兩項支援 Marion 這本的古典拉


至於研究所部分 大概才是整個分析力學的核心可能需要用到更深等


至於研究所古典力學用書眾所週知就是兩大聖書之爭 Goldstein 的

Classical Mecahnics 以及 Landau 的 Mechanics 俄國超級物理大師


當然Goldstein的支持者反駁說Landau的 style太過於簡潔 不過對



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作者: Jared1982 (異教皇帝朱利安) 看板: PhysicsEdu

標題: 物理系原文書推薦----電磁學

時間: Sat Apr 5 22:59:29 2003










旋度三大定理),而靜電靜磁和 maxewll 波動方程式等數學也需要大


等...所以修電磁學最好先將數學部份 掌握清楚.故我就先將數學部





就沒有學好的可能.這裡當然要推薦 Schey 教授的 Div, Curl and All


Page 15: 理論物理訓練雜項


角度出發來介紹如何運算向量微積分 包括三大討厭的物理量及多重




另外修習本書也可搭配姐妹作 Weinreich 教授的 Geometrical


微細的了解及獨到見解(insight) (Schey 用深入淺出的架構教你如

何算代數,Weinreich 垢則神奇的剖析幾何觀念)?

其他有關會運用的物理數學的部分(ode pde,邊界值,級數),Boas 的


學與電磁波. 後者當然是以電磁波的應用為主要的課題,很多部份會

cover 到波動光學的一些 topics



1. Intro to Elctrodynamics, thrid edtion by David J. Griffiths

2. Electromagnetic Fields, 2nd Edition by Roald K. Wangsness

一般仿間最常用的兩本教科書是 Griffiths 的 Introduction to

Electrodynamics 以及 Lorrain & Corson

的 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves,(去年已有新的版本出來).

Page 16: 理論物理訓練雜項

但 Griffiths的書自從Caltech和 Harvard選做指定教科書以來聲勢

已遠超過 Corson 的著作.本書當然是電磁學教科書的第一首選,非常





加上 examples 不多,習題又很難算,故數學上 這本書有不少令人詬

病之處. 而這本書搭配的教科書首推 Wangsness 教授所寫的

Electromagnetic Fields, 2nd Edition by Roald K. Wangsness.

這本書比起 corson 來說也是比較少人知道,卻是最受好評與

Griffiths 互補的最佳用書.這本書的數學運算提供的比 Griffiths


雖然數學用的很多,但是剛好可以和 Griffiths 的書搭配使用尤其最

受好評的是廣泛的例題 可以讓人清楚的知道如何去計算電磁學的問



1.Electricity and Magnetism,Berkeley Series Vol. II by Purcell

2.Feynman Lectures on Physics Volumn


柏克萊大教授 Edward M. Purcell 所寫的柏克萊五書系列第二冊. 這



Page 17: 理論物理訓練雜項



過的經驗是最棒的.(因為我真正了解梯度 傘度 及旋度的背後物理






徐氏基金會有出這本書的中譯本就叫做電磁學,由官德樣 葉天正等






向量位以及後面 Maxwell 方程統整整個古典物理的部分以及費曼對


概念,費曼大師提供了非常神奇驚人的討論(chapter 20).

(包括對於乙太這種東西的概念,跟 Griffiths 的解釋不惶多讓)在上

述兩本書方便我特別推薦 Purcell 的書,真的有豁然開朗的感覺~~~


Page 18: 理論物理訓練雜項


Classical Electromagnetic Radiation by Mark A. Heald, Jerry B.


Electromagnetic Vibrations, Waves, and Radiation by George


為了彌補 Griffith 和 Purcell 等書在電磁波與輻射這各題材上面的


多以 David Cheng 的書為宗.



溫格,Jackson) 但大學部就顯的少了,主要是因為會和光學的部分

cover.所以 物理系大學部學生學習電磁波與輻射,大概都是以

Marion(力學聖經本作者) 的Classical Electromagnetic Radiation



會跟 Griffiths 等書重複到,同時提供了許多歷史性的發展的編排,

以及不少物理光學的 內容,不但可以輔助電磁學用書,更可以和光學

聖經大書 Helcht 對照需注意的是使用本書必須要會傅立葉級數,可

參考 Boas 的書補充一下

如果覺得 marion 的書過於偏難的話,很多電機以及物理系的學生 會

選擇Electromagnetic Vibrations, Waves, and Radiation by George

Bekefi, Alan H. Barrett (Editor)這本書作為 Marion 的電磁

波,Helcht 的光學甚至是 Jackson 的電動力學的預備工作,這本書物

Page 19: 理論物理訓練雜項


面, 從最基礎的波動開始講起., 是打基礎的書

Jackson 電動力學 解答





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作者: Jared1982 (異教皇帝朱利安) 看板: PhysicsEdu

標題: 物理系原文書推薦----應用&物理數學

時間: Thu Apr 3 15:50:54 2003

1. Calculus: Calculus, A New Horizon by Anton


經典書我絕對會給 Anton 的紅皮書 Calculus

第七版除了提供對於科學與工程學生最詳盡的 approach 之外本書提

供了 21th 電腦繪圖對於微積分等應用數學的學習方式與時俱進的教


有人說要看一本微積分好不好 就看這本書的極限寫的如何而我並沒

有看過其他熱門書如 Thomas, Salus, 或是 Stewart 等全部內容但是

Anton的內容不但絕廣泛(對理工來說) 而且極限的部分寫的最好 極

限的嚴格定義相信大家都弄得一頭霧水 但是 Anton 這部份卻循序漸

Page 20: 理論物理訓練雜項

進 交代的很清楚....

所以就極限這最基礎的部份來說 我覺得 Anton 的書最佳而包跨多變

函數及多重積分本書也著墨甚多 最好的地方是物理學尤其是力學和

天體力學的應用寫的很詳盡 對於古典力學幫助很大

2. 物理數學:

通常大家都常講念物理系 大學部就要唸 Boas 研究所就念 Arfken

可是其實現在大家物理系多在用 Arfken 要不然就用工程數學的書真

正的物理系聖經用書 Boas 用的很少

但是他的好評卻是永遠不衰的 包跨 Amazon 近 20 位讀者評價的五科



部來講, Boas 的書真的是無話可說 淺顯易懂 而且題材廣泛 有關變


兩大物理系的重大課題都有詳盡的論述 非常 understandable(相較

於 Arfken大人)是本書的最大特色 本書的習題在國外也有solution

manual販售但國內沒有 相當可惜 因為本書習題多,是廣受好評的另


相較於工學院的電話簿那種具有龐大的例題 examples 這本書顯的相

當袖珍 也算是唯一缺點吧至於 Arfken 在研究所的評價就不如他在

amazon 網站上那麼差了 畢竟就一個物理系的研究生 boas 的書是不


Page 21: 理論物理訓練雜項

而 Arfken 則是最佳的手邊參考書目..但是物理系大學部的學生如果

你只想要有一本應用數學的書 Boas 是你的唯一選擇....能去國外弄



用 kersig 等工學院電話簿雖然可以補充大量的例題(非習題喔) 但

有些物理系專門的東西如變分法特殊函數 張量分析等等就會漏掉了

~~不免要提一下如果有人要唸研究所 依然有除了 Arfken 之外的廣


Arnold 教授那種年代久遠的聖經便不提了最廣受使用的研究所物理

數學用書除了 Arfken 之外 Mathematics of Classical and Quantum

Physics by Frederick W. Byron 是最受歡迎的書最近的聲勢有超越

Boas 的趨勢,....

因為 Boas 做研究所而言可能稍嫌不足....當然 這本書的評價也遠

勝於Arfken 只是 Arfken在海外比較紅~~~所以考上物研所的同學建

議去愛因斯坦訂這本書 以前好像有在賣現在不確定因為通常研究所

不會特別開一個物理數學的課 所以買的人就少了

3. Vector Analyze

不用懷疑了, Schey 教授的 Div Crul and ALL that 搭配 Gabriel

Weinreich 教授的 Geometrical Vectors (Chicago Lectures in


Page 22: 理論物理訓練雜項

這樣組合也是 Amazon 網站的讀者挑出來的互補組合,是最佳的上手


MIT 教授 Schey 評價五星級頂級水準的經典"參考書" (因非正式數學

用書)不用拗口的數學語句 反而用輕鬆的態度 而且是以研究電磁學

的 方式讓人了解向量這種東西


常有架構而且教你如何"算"向量微積分的書 特別適合在研讀電磁學

之前的自修書~~~~ps:中譯本"誰怕向量微積分"已絕版 快去圖書館



寫的比鼎茂那種考試用書有水準太多太多了~~~ 雖然這本書不是MIT

四書系列但是在 MIT 沒有一個人不用 Schey 的書

這本也是參考書中的最暢銷作品芝大教授 Weinreich 的這本書雖然

沒有這麼大的名氣,但是依然有快滿五科星級 的超級評價,(給予負


這本書提供了一個和其他的向量書不同的 apporach 去接觸向量這種

數學 tool 運用幾何的方式去描述各種向量背後的物理與幾何內涵,

所以 schey 可以教你如何算向量 weinerich 則可以告訴妳這些代表


Page 23: 理論物理訓練雜項

我的同學就是用這本書 (但他不是芝大的:D) 我有一個學長也有從

國外訂過 可是我沒有看過 這本書在台灣相當的少見 我幾乎都沒有

找到過.... ?


書 芝大的理論物理在美國學術界是和哈佛齊名的? 但這兩本明星書

的缺點是都沒有提到張量的東西, 所以更顯出 Boas 的價值出來

至於Linear Algebra也有許多書目 但有些超出物理系的範圍了除非

修課 不需要在去買書k了 Boas的書裡有 如有需要可以參考黃子嘉

老師的網頁 這位老師有詳盡的整理

http://teacher.7-11learning.com.tw/zjhwang/ 裡面線性代數專


所以這裡挑出來的書目不但是指定教科書 更得到很多人的評價,所

以不要因為在台灣 只有 kreszig , O'Neil 等書有名而忽略了這些好



記得不要只看打幾科星要看幾個人打分數 大分數的上面會寫有幾個


有些人因為書很便宜也可以打五科星 或是書很貴就打一科星 這些



Page 24: 理論物理訓練雜項

分享在我的 Facebook 分享在我的 Plurk 分享在我的即時通 發文


作者: Jared1982 (異教皇帝朱利安) 看板: PhysicsEdu

標題: 物理系原文書推薦----量子物理

時間: Sun Apr 6 03:19:54 2003





(這部分跟 Lagrange 力學一樣,學生不懂都是因為變分法的難

度問題, 而不是去探討拉式力學和牛頓力學之間哲學內涵的差異)


有鑑於此,數學這方面最好能多做準備~~~ 大體來說,量子力學在國







Page 25: 理論物理訓練雜項


而書目的提供分三部分,一是量子物理, 二是量子力學, 三是數學教


推薦書目:Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei&

particles 2th edtion

by Eisberg & Resnick




其中兩大聖經版本就是 Esiberg & Resnick 的這本以及加州理工大二

用書 Liboff 教授所寫的 Introductory Quantum Mechanics 但是

resnick 的書提供了整個量子物理發展史的發展過程(這對了解量子


Liboff 的書要詳盡


理觀念的解釋與歷史邏輯的推演都不如 Eisberg 好.

兩本書大體都包含了 相當完整的內容包括量子理論用在原子分子固

態 核物理及高能粒子物理上面

兩本書的數學推衍都十分完備,但是選擇的話 Eisberg 我還是比較推

薦 因為絕大多數的讀者對於本書物理意義 step by step 的分析與解



Page 26: 理論物理訓練雜項




推薦教科書:Principles of Quantum Mechanics by Ramamurti


推薦參考教材: Quantum Mechanics by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. III

作為第一本學習量子力學的書,耶魯大學物理系系主任 Shankar 寫的




比需具備的基礎是你研習過 Eisberg 的量子物理,以及你的數學準備



以幾乎人人叫苦. 連大名鼎鼎的電磁學聖經作者 Griffiths 寫的大

學部量子力學教科書 Intro of Q.M. 評價都呈現兩極化甚至負面多


其他作者便更不用說了.主要都是寫的太深的緣故而 gritffiths 雖

然想用淺顯平易的方式去教你如何"算"QM. 但是即使學生能夠了解

Gtiffiths 的用意,但對於數學是背後的意涵還是模糊不清的直到

Shankar 的書出現之後,幾乎所有看到此書的物理系研究生都大嘆相



Page 27: 理論物理訓練雜項


在物理教科書網站上看到學生票選出來的 Shankar 這本的"互補書

"(如電磁學中的 Griffiths 和 Wangsness)是 Cohen-Tannoudji 的一


他除了具備 Shankar 的風格 是本數學與觀念著重的好書之外,更重


繁多,典型的參考書類型,最重要的是他補足了 Shankar 的書所沒有


另外值得一提的是量子力學第一人費曼大師(他所建立的 QED 物理界

公認 史上最完美的理論,最精確也最完整)所寫的費曼物理第三策,









上多下苦工. 物理數學兩大明星書Boas和 Bryon.都是相當重要的作

品.特別是 Bryon 的書.裡面有專門位量子力學所寫的部分,寫的非常


Page 28: 理論物理訓練雜項

所以 amazon 把這本書選為搭配 Shankar 的?數學搭配物理的姊妹書


書,shankar 搭配的物理參考書是 Cohen 的量子力學,搭配的數學用

書是 Bryon 的 Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics) 至

於 Boas 的


在接觸較深的 Bryon 會比較上手.


Shankar為了 要讓他的讀者們能更上手,以後來又寫了一本數學的書,


了一本物理搭配數學的姐妹作,跟和 Bryon 的本搭配姐妹作一點也不

惶多讓~~~Basic Training in Mathematics: A Fitness Program for

Science Students 這本書更是好評連連,因為這本非常淺顯易懂,比

BRYON 的書更好理解,


如果覺得 Bryon 的書較難的話,可以參考這本書做為讀 shankar 之前






Page 29: 理論物理訓練雜項

得獨到 在複數部分這裡可以做非常觀念性的補充喔~~~


力學更是相當的少. 大多用非常困難的

Sakurai, Menzbacher 等人的教科書雖然這些書在研究所用書都是相


但是作為一各入門書沒有一本比 Shankar 寫的更好,其他都是作為深

等的量子力學用書了(大學部能和 Shankar 相比的頂多只有 Cohen 的



Quantum Mechanics by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Feynman Lectures

on Physics Vol. III

Feynman Vol. III


Quantum physics by Michel Le Bellac 概念部份 Feynman 之


量子物理 (簡體) 新概念物理教程 數學部份 Feynman


Page 30: 理論物理訓練雜項


在德國 大三教量子光學


量力 大二就學了...





Gasiorowicz 量物 Shankar 量力 滿配的

Notes on Quantum Mechanics

K. Schulten


物理人應讀的原文書單---波動 光學 狹相

分享在我的 Facebook 分享在我的 Plurk 分享在我的即時通 發文


作者: Jared1982 (異教皇帝朱利安) 看板: PhysicsEdu

標題: 物理系原文書推薦---波動 光學 狹相

時間: Sun Apr 6 17:10:44 2003


光學光電物理,原子分子 核物理 等等都是屬於這四大力的應用.不

Page 31: 理論物理訓練雜項



大體上前面已經提供兩本向量經典,兩本物數經典,及 Shankar 的數




在就針對波動,光學 以及相對論這三個部分作介紹











本研究所用的波動力 Wave Mechanics,成為所有理論物理研習者必讀




Laplace Equation. 這部份當然是物理數學的主要內容,前述以說明


Page 32: 理論物理訓練雜項


1.Waves, Vol. III Berkeley Series Volumn III

2.Vibrations and Waves by Anthony P. French MIT Series

這兩本經典的波動教科書是所有研習波動力學的源頭.Berkeley 系

列以及 mit 系列都提供了非常完整的數學模式,而且涵蓋了相當廣泛

的 題材去了解何為波動這種概念.

應用包括到光學 電磁波 力學波等等的題材,有這兩本書,前進

Helcht 的光學以及 Marion 的電磁波會更上手


注: 光學 相對論 文章失蹤

【軟體名稱】:經典物理學著作全集 Physics Complete







Page 33: 理論物理訓練雜項

天體物理學、Benjamin Crowell、電磁學、實驗物理、Feynman Lectures、



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Bellido.pdf 7.7 MB

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Structure - A. Liddle, D. Lyth.djvu 3.3 MB

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cosmic structure - Coles P., Lucchin F..pdf 3.4 MB

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Astrophysics / Cosmology / Neutrinos in Cosmology - A. Dolgov.pdf

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Astrophysics / Cosmology / Origins - The Quest for our Cosmic Roots - T

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Linde.pdf 1.9 MB

Astrophysics / Cosmology / Principles of cosmology and gravitation -

Berry M..djvu 1.3 MB

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Weinberg, Piran.djvu 3.1 MB

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Wudka.pdf 12 MB

Astrophysics / Cosmology / Relativity, thermodynamics, and cosmology -

Tolman R.C..djvu 11 MB

Astrophysics / Cosmology / The First Three Minutes - a modern view of

the origin of the universe - S. Weinberg.pdf 1.8 MB

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- Woolfson.pdf 5.8 MB

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Page 36: 理論物理訓練雜項

Papantonopoulos.pdf 2.6 MB

Astrophysics / Cosmology / Weak Gravitational Lensing - M. Bartelmann,

P. Schneider.pdf 1.6 MB

Astrophysics / General Astrophysics / Encyclopedia of Astronomy and

Astrophysics - Nature Publishing.pdf 143.2 MB

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And Astrophysics 2d ed- Zombeck.pdf 20.6 MB

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planets around stars - G. Cole, M. Woolfson.djvu 7 MB

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astrophysics - Falgarone, Passot.djvu 3.1 MB

Astrophysics / Radio Astronomy / Basics of Radio Astronomy for the

Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope.pdf 1.1 MB

Astrophysics / Stellar Astrophysics / The Fundamentals Of Stellar

Astrophysics - Collins G. W..pdf 8.7 MB

Astrophysics / Stellar Astrophysics / The Virial Theorem in Stellar

Astrophysics - G. W. Collins.pdf 1.8 MB

Benjamin Crowell / Conceptual Physics.pdf 14.3 MB

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Benjamin Crowell / The Modern Revolution in Physics.pdf 4.7


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Maxwell.pdf 17.5 MB

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Maxwell.pdf 20 MB

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Page 37: 理論物理訓練雜項

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Page 38: 理論物理訓練雜項

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ElectroMagnetism / The finite difference time domain method for

electromagnetism - Kunz K.S., Luebbers R.J..pdf 15.7 MB

Experimental Physics / Antenna Theory / Antenna Theory and Design -

Stutzman , thiele.pdf 54.5 MB

Experimental Physics / Antenna Theory / Conformal Array Antenna

Theory and Design - Josefsson, Persson.pdf 12.4 MB

Experimental Physics / Antenna Theory / Electromagnetic Waves &

Antennas – S. J. Orfanidis.pdf 11.5 MB

Experimental Physics / Antenna Theory / Microwave Antenna Theory

And Design - silver.pdf 27.5 MB

Experimental Physics / Experimental Techniques in Low Temperature

Physics - White , Meeson.pdf 3.5 MB

Experimental Physics / Nanotechnology / Introduction To

Nanotechnology - Poole , Owens.pdf 154.6 MB

Experimental Physics / Nanotechnology / Nanophysics and

Nanotechnology - E. Wolf.djvu 7 MB

Experimental Physics / Nanotechnology / Springer Handbook of

NanoTechnology - B. Bhushan.pdf 73.1 MB

Page 39: 理論物理訓練雜項

Feynman Lectures on Physics / Feynman Lectures on Physics Volumes

1,2,3 - Feynman, Leighton and Sands.pdf 83.2 MB

Fluid Mechanics / A Course in Fluid Mechanics with Vector Field Theory -

D. Prieve.pdf 1.3 MB

Fluid Mechanics / A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 3rd

ed. - J. Chorin, J. Marsden.djvu 1.2 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Computational Fluid Mechanics And Heat Transfer -

Anderson.pdf 34.8 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid dynamics / An introduction to fluid dynamics -

G.K. Batchelor.djvu 8.1 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid dynamics / Computational Fluid Dynamics - T.

Chung.djvu 10.1 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid dynamics / Computational Methods for Fluid

Dynamics, 3rd ed. - J. Ferziger, M. Peric.djvu 4.4 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid dynamics / Dynamics of polymeric liquids, vol 1

Fluid mechanics - Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O..djvu

10.7 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid dynamics / Fluid Dynamics for Physicists - Faber,

T.E..djvu 4.7 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid dynamics / Fundamentals Of Computational Fluid

Dynamics - Lomax, Pulliam.pdf 3.1 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid dynamics / Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, 2e -

R. Zucker, O. Biblarz.pdf 4.2 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid dynamics / Gas Dynamics - Becker.pdf

10.5 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid dynamics / The finite element method. Fluid

dynamics - Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor R.L..pdf 3.2 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid dynamics / The Properties of Gases and Liquids,

Fifth Edition - Poling, Prausnitz, O’Connell.pdf 3.6 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid Mechanics - L D Landau, E M Lifschitz.pdf

32.5 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid Mechanics - Problem Solver - WILLIAMS.pdf

3.1 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid Mechanics 2nd ed. - P. Kundu, I. Cohen.pdf

Page 40: 理論物理訓練雜項

34.6 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fluid Mechanics 4th ed - F. White.pdf 13.5


Fluid Mechanics / Fluid mechanics and the environment dynamical

approaches - Lumley J.L..djvu 7.1 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Foundations of Fluid Mechanics - G. Gallavotti.pdf

5.3 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Fundamentals Of The Finite Element Method For Heat

And Fluid Flow - Lewis, Nithiarasu,Seetharamu.pdf 11.9 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Intermediate Fluid Mechanics [ME563 Course

Notes].pdf 34.5 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Introduction fo Fluid Mechanics - Y. Nakayama.pdf

17.6 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Introduction to Hydrodynamic Stability - Drazin.djvu

2.6 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Low-Gravity Fluid Mechanics - Myshkis A.D.djvu

4.5 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Mathematical Theory Of Viscous Incompressible Flow -

Ladyzhenskaya.djvu 2 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Perturbation Methods In Fluid Mechanics - Van

Dyke.pdf 20 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Practical Fluid Mechanics For Engineering Applications

- Bloomer.pdf 12.2 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Prandtl's Essentials of Fluid Mechanics - Herbert

Oertel.pdf 33.5 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Vectors, Tensors, And The Basic Equations Of Fluid

Mechanics - Aris R.djvu 2.5 MB

Fluid Mechanics / Viscous Fluid Flow - Papanastasiou,Georgiou.pdf

3.8 MB

Fun / Black Holes Wormholes and Time Machines - Jim Al-Khalili.pdf

1.3 MB

Fun / Great Physicists - From Galileo to Hawking - W. Cropper.pdf

7.1 MB

Fun / Mad About Modern Physics - F. Potter, C. Jargodzki.pdf

Page 41: 理論物理訓練雜項

3.3 MB

Fun / Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy I The Motion of

Bodies - I. Newton.pdf 16.1 MB

Fun / Perfect Symmetry - The Search for the Beginning of Time - H.

Pagels.pdf 3.8 MB

Fun / The Fabric of the Cosmos - B. Greene.pdf 25.5 MB

Fun / The Tao of Physics - F. Capra.pdf 10.6 MB

Geophysics / AGU Ref Shelf 1 - Global Earth Physics A Handbook of

Physical Constants - T. Ahrens.pdf 29.5 MB

Geophysics / AGU Ref Shelf 2 - Mineral Physics and Crystallography - T.

Ahrens.pdf 22.9 MB

Geophysics / AGU Ref Shelf 3 - Rock Physics and Phase Relations - T.

Ahrens.pdf 18.5 MB

Geophysics / Dictionary of geophysics, astrophysics, and astronomy -

Dipak Basu.pdf 5.4 MB

Geophysics / Field Geophysics - John Milsom.pdf 3.8 MB

Geophysics / Image Estimation by Example - Geophysical Sounding - J.

Claerbout.pdf 7.9 MB

Geophysics / Mineral Physics And Crystallography, Handbook Of Physical

Constants - Ahrens.djvu 4.6 MB

Geophysics / Theory of the Earth - D. Anderson.pdf 30.2 MB

Mechanics / Analytical mechanics - Hand, Finch.pdf 38.2 MB

Mechanics / Chaos Theory Tamed - Garnett P. Williams.pdf 16.6


Mechanics / Classical and quantum mechanics of the damped harmonic

oscillator - Dekker H..djvu 1.3 MB

Mechanics / Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems - Marion,

Thornton.pdf 66.2 MB

Mechanics / Classical Mechanics - 3rd ed. - Goldstein, Poole & Safko.pdf

198.9 MB

Mechanics / Classical Mechanics - Point Particles And Relativity - W.

Greiner.djvu 9.1 MB

Mechanics / Classical Mechanics - Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian

Dynamics - W. Greiner.djv 5.6 MB

Page 42: 理論物理訓練雜項

Mechanics / Classical Mechanics - Tatum.djvu 2.9 MB

Mechanics / Elasticity / An Introduction to Differential Geometry with

Applications to Elasticity - Ciarlet.pdf 1.6 MB

Mechanics / Elasticity / Continuum Mechanics and Elements of Elasticity

Structural Mechanics - Victor E.Saouma.pdf 2.1 MB

Mechanics / Elasticity / Elasticity Theory, applications, and numerics -

M.Sadd.pdf 5 MB

Mechanics / Elasticity / Theory of Elasticity - TIMOSHENKO.pdf

18.6 MB

Mechanics / Elementary Mechanics and Thermodynamics - J.

Norbury.pdf 1.2 MB

Mechanics / Elementary Mechanics and Thermodynamics SOLUTIONS

MANUAL - J. Norbury.pdf 576.7 KB

Mechanics / Gravitation - an Introduction to Current Research - L.

Witten.djvu 4.2 MB

Mechanics / Gravitation and Gauge Symmetries - M. Blagojevic.djvu

3 MB

Mechanics / Hamiltonian Dynamics - Theory and Applications - Cachan,

paris.pdf 2.2 MB

Mechanics / Intro to Statics and Dynamics - A. Ruina, R. Pratap.pdf

10.9 MB

Mechanics / Introduction to Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed. - Atam P.

Arya.djvu 16.2 MB

Mechanics / Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3rd ed. - W. Lai, D.

Rubin, E. Krempl.pdf 15.7 MB

Mechanics / Introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics -

BRIZARD, A. J..pdf 952.6 KB

Mechanics / Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry- J. Marsden, T.

Ratiu.pdf 2.9 MB

Mechanics / Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics - M. G. Calkin.pdf

6.9 MB

Mechanics / Lagrangian Mechanics, Dynamics & Control-Andrew - D.

Lewis.pdf 3.4 MB

Mechanics / Mechanics 3rd ed. - L. Landau, E. Lifshitz.djvu 2.4

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Mechanics / Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics For Finite Element Analysis

- Bonet, Wood.pdf 2 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Elementary principles of statistical

mechanics - Gibbs, J.W..djvu 3.3 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium

Statistical Mechanics - Balescu.djvu 6.3 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Foundations of statistical mechanics -

Penrose O..djvu 3.4 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Fundamentals of statistical

mechanics - Bloch F..djvu 2.4 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Introduction to Chaos in

Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics - Dorfman J.R..djvu 2.4


Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Introduction to Modern Statistical

Mechanics - D. Chandler.djvu 2.1 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics

- Kubo R., Toda M., Hashitsume N..djv 2.6 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / STATISTICAL MECHANICS -

Gallavotti.pdf 2.5 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics - Pathria, R K

-.djvu 5.3 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics 2nd Ed. - K.

Huang.djvu 3.6 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics Fundamentals

And Model Solutions - Dorlas.djvu 2.1 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Statistical mechanics of

nonequilibrium liquids - Evans.djvu 1.8 MB

Mechanics / Statistical Mechanics / Thermodynamics and statistical

mechanics - Greiner, Neise, Stoecker.djvu 4.6 MB

Mechanics / Structure And Interpretation Of Classical Mechanics - G.

Sussman, J. Wisdom.djv 3 MB

Modern Physics / Computational Physics / Computational Fluid Dynamics

- Principles and Applications - J. Blazek.pdf 11.5 MB

Page 44: 理論物理訓練雜項

Modern Physics / Computational Physics / Computational Physics - M.

Jensen.pdf 2.4 MB

Modern Physics / Computational Physics / Computer Algebra Recipes for

Mathematical Physics - Enns.pdf 4.6 MB

Modern Physics / Computational Physics / Fundamentals of

Computational Fluid Dynamics - H. Lomax, T. Pulliam, D. Zingg.pdf

3.6 MB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / ABC Of Relativity 4th.

revised ed. - B. Russell.pdf 1.7 MB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / Advanced General

Relativity - J. Stewart.djvu 1.6 MB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / General Relativity - R.

Wald.pdf 30.2 MB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / General relativity and

relativistic astrophysics - Straumann N..djvu 3.5 MB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / General Theory Of

Relativity - Dirac, P A M.djvu 741.3 KB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / Gravitation - Misner,

Thorne, Wheeler.djvu 11.4 MB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / Gravitation and cosmology

principles and applications of the general theory of relativity - Weinberg

S..pdf 37.8 MB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / Intro to Differential

Geometry and General Relativity - S. Waner.pdf 1.7 MB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / Introduction To General

Relativity - G. T.Hooft.pdf 415.5 KB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / Introduction to Tensor

Calculus for General relativity - MIT.pdf 5.9 MB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / Lecture Notes on General

Relativity - S. Carroll.pdf 1.3 MB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / Semi-Riemannian

Geometry and General Relativity - S. Sternberg.pdf 1 MB

Modern Physics / General Relativity Theory / The Special and General

Theory of Relativity - A. Einstein.pdf 1.2 MB

Page 45: 理論物理訓練雜項

Modern Physics / Lasers / Fundamentals of Light Sources and Lasers -

Mark Csele.pdf 3.7 MB

Modern Physics / Lasers / HandBook of Lasers - webber.pdf 8.1


Modern Physics / Lasers / LASER LIGHT DYNAMICS vol 2 - HAKEN.pdf

4.9 MB

Modern Physics / Lasers / Principles of Lasers and Optics - W. Chang.pdf

3.4 MB

Modern Physics / Lasers / Quantum well lasers - Zory P.S..djvu

12.3 MB

Modern Physics / Lasers / Semiconductor-Laser Fundamentals - Chow W

W , Koch S W.pdf 15.3 MB

Modern Physics / Lasers / Solid-State Lasers - A Graduate Text -

W.Koechner, M.Bass.pdf 3.3 MB

Modern Physics / Lasers / Tunable Lasers Handbook - F. Duarte.pdf

12.1 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / A Course in Modern

Mathematical Physics - Groups, Hilbert Spaces and Diff. Geom. - P.

Szekeres.djvu 6.7 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / A Guided Tour of Mathematical

Physics - Roel Snieder.pdf 1.7 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Applied Mathematical

Methods in Theoretical Physics - Masujima M..pdf 1.5 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Bayes, Boltzmann and Bohm -

Probabilities in Physics - J. Bricmont.djvu 1.7 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Calculus Of Variations With

Applications To Physics & Engineering - R. Weinstock.djv 2.8 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Chaos - Classical and Quantum

- P. Civitanovic.pdf 9.9 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Chaos and Structures in

Geophysics and Astrophysics - Provenzale & Balmforth.pdf 4


Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Determinants and their

applications in mathematical physics - Vein R., Dale P..pdf 1.7

Page 46: 理論物理訓練雜項


Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Differential Geometry -

Analysis and Physics - J. Lee.pdf 9.4 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Entropy and partial differential

equations - Evans L.C..pdf 1 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Equations of Mathematical

Physics - Bitsadze A.V..djvu 2 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / From calculus to chaos -

Acheson.djvu 2.4 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Fundamental Numerical

Methods and Data Analysis - G. Collins.pdf 4.7 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Geometric Algebra and its

Application to Mathematical Physics - C. Doran.pdf 1003.4 KB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Geometry, Topology and

Physics - M.Nakahara.pdf 24 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / HIGH-ORDER ACCURATE


Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Homological Methods in

Equations of Mathematical Physics-J.Krasil'schchik.pdf 1 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Iintroduction to Groups,

Invariants and Particles - F. Kirk.pdf 379.9 KB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Math methods in physics and

engineering with Mathematica - F. Cap.djvu 1.8 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Mathematical Methods for

Physicists - a Concise Introduction - T. Chow.pdf 5.6 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Mathematical methods for

physics and engineering - Riley, Hobson.pdf 8.3 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Mathematical Methods of

Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed. - V.I. Arnold.djvu 4 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Mathematical Models in

Isotope Hydrogeology - Iaea.pdf 15.1 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Mathematical Tools for Physics

- J. Nearing.pdf 2.9 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Mathematical topics between

Page 47: 理論物理訓練雜項

classical and quantum mechanics - Landsman N.P..djvu 5.7 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Methods for Solving Inverse

Problems in Mathematical Physics - Prilepko, Orlovskiy.pdf 16.6


Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Methods of Modern

Mathematical Physics Vol 1 - Functional Analysis 2nd. ed. - M. Reed.djvu

9.3 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Methods of Modern

Mathematical Physics Vol 2 - Fourier Analysis, Self Adjointness - 2nd ed.,

- M. Reed.djvu 7.1 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Methods of Modern

Mathematical Physics Vol 3 - Scattering Theory - M. Reed.djvu 7


Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Methods of Modern

Mathematical Physics Vol 4 - Analysis of Operators - M. Reed.djvu

8.2 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Modern Differential Geometry

for Physicists 2nd ed., - C. Isham.pdf 14.9 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Nonlinear Physics with

Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers - R. Ennis, G. McGuire.pdf

35.7 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Numerical Quantum Dynamics

- W. Schweizer.djvu 3.1 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Path integrals and their

applications in quantum, statistical, and solid state physics -

Papadopoulos , J. T. Devreese.djvu 2.8 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Path Integrals in Physics

Volume 1 Stochastic Process & Quantum Mechanics - M. Chaichian, A.

Demichev.pdf 2.8 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Path integrals in physics, vol.2.

QFT, statistical physics and modern applications - Chaichian M.,

Demichev A..pdf 2.6 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Probability Statistical Opticts

and Data Testing - Verlag.pdf 76.2 MB

Page 48: 理論物理訓練雜項

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Quantum Geometry - A

Statistical Field Theory Approach - Ambje, Durhuus B., Jonsson T.djvu

15 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Singularities of solutions to

equations of mathematical physics - Mazija, Kozlov..pdf 2.1 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Spacetime Calculus - with

applications - D. Hestenes.djv 482.8 KB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / String Theory And

Noncommutative Geometry - Nathan Seiberg And Edward Witten.pdf

767.5 KB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Supersymmetric methods in

quantum and statistical physics - Junker G..djvu 1.5 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / The Fourier Transform And Its

Applications - Bracewell.pdf 128.5 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / The Mathematical Beauty of

Physics - World Scientific -.pdf 30.6 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Topics in Mathematical Physics

- Victor Palamodov.pdf 2.3 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Topology & Geometry in

Physics - Steffen.pdf 2.1 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Topology and Geometry for

Physicists - C. Nash, S. Sen.djv 2 MB

Modern Physics / Mathematical Physics / Twistor Geometry,

Supersymmetric Field Theories in Supertring Theory - C. Samann.pdf

3.5 MB

Modern Physics / Others / High-field electrodynamics - Hartemann.djvu

6.2 MB

Modern Physics / Others / Quantum Magnetism - Richter, Bishop.pdf

5.9 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Advanced Course in Modern Nuclear

Physics - J. Arias, M. Lozano.djv 2.9 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Advances in Nuclear Physics v. 23 -

Negele J.W., Vogt E..pdf 4.6 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / An Introduction to nuclear physics -

Page 49: 理論物理訓練雜項

Greenwood, Cottingham.pdf 22.7 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Angular Momentum Techniques in

Quantum Mechanics - Devanathan V..djvu 1.6 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Building Blocks of Matter A

Supplement to the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics - John S.

Rigden.pdf 12.9 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Charged Particle Beams - S.

Humphries.pdf 27.9 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics -

From Nuclear Structure to Cosmology - Basdevant, Rich, Spiro.pdf

4.6 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Handbook of Particle Physics - J.

Sundaresan.djvu 3.4 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Introduction to Elementary Particles -

D. Griffiths.djvu 3.6 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Kinematical Theory of Spinning

Particles - Classical and Quantum - M. Rivas.pdf 3.5 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Particles and Quantum Fields - H.

Klienert.djvu 6.3 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Physics of Particles Matter and the

Universe - Blin-Stoyle.pdf 10.5 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Principles of Charged Particle

Acceleration - S. Humphries.pdf 9.8 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Problems And Solutions On Atomic,

Nuclear, And Particle Physics - Kuo Lim.pdf 3 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Quarks and Leptons An Introductory

Course in Modern Particle Physics - F.Halzem,A.Martin.pdf 14.3


Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Quarks Leptons and the Big Bang 2nd

Ed. - J. Allday.pdf 4.1 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Study Materials for MIT Course

[22.101] - Applied Nuclear Physics.pdf 14.5 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Superspace - 1001 lessons in

Supersymmetry - S. Gates, et al.pdf 3 MB

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Modern Physics / Particle Physics / Supersymmetry and Cosmology - J.

Feng.pdf 1.3 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / The Nuclear Physics and Reactor

Theory Handbook.pdf 3.2 MB

Modern Physics / Particle Physics / The Universe in a Helium Droplet - G.

Volovik.djv 3.6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum electrodynamics / Introduction to Quantum

Electrodynamics - C. Cohen-Tannoudji.djvu 4.1 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum electrodynamics / QED,The Strange Theory

of Light and Matter - R. Feynman.djv 1.3 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum electrodynamics / Quantum Electrodynamics

- 3rd ed., - W. Greiner, J. Reinhardt.djvu 3.9 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / An Introduction to Quantum

Field Theory - Peskin and Schroeder.pdf 4.3 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Concepts in Theoretical

Physics - B. Simons.djvu 2.4 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Conformal Field Theory - P.

DiFrancesco, P. Mathieu, D. Senechal.djvu 7.5 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Field Quantization - W. Greiner,

J. Reinhardt.djvu 3.8 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Fields - W. Siegel.pdf

5.4 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Gauge theories in particle

physics, 3rd. ed. vol 1From Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to Qed - I.

Aitichison.djvu 2.4 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Introduction to Algebraic and

Constructive Quantum Field Theory - Baez, Segal, Zhou.djvu 3


Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Introduction To Quantum Field

Theory In Condensed Matter Physics - Flensberg,Bruus.pdf 4.6


Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Introduction to Relativistic

Quantum Field Theory - H. vanHees.pdf 2.6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / New Developments in

Page 51: 理論物理訓練雜項

Quantum Field Theory - P. Damagaard, J. Jurkiewicz.pdf 3.6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Nonperturbative Quantum

Field Theory and the Structure of Matter - T. Borne, G. Lochak, H.

Stumpf.djvu 2.5 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / QFT and Topology -

Schwarz.pdf 10.5 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Quantum Chromodynamics

2nd ed - W. Greiner, S. Schramm, E. Stein.djv 5.1 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Quantum Field Theoretical

Methods in Statistical Physics 2nd ed. - Abrikosov, Gorkov,

Dzyaloshinskii.djvu 3.6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Quantum Field Theory - J.

Norbury.pdf 829 KB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Quantum Field Theory - L.

Brown.djvu 4.5 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Quantum Field Theory - R.

Clarkson, D. McKeon.pdf 1.5 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Quantum Field Theory in a

Nutshell - A. Zee.djvu 3.9 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Quantum Field Theory in

Curved Spacetime - B. DeWitt.djvu 752.7 KB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / Quantum Field Theory

Proceedings of the RingbergWorkshop - Breitenlohner , Maison.pdf

16 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / The Dirac Equation - B.

Thaller.djvu 3.1 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / The quantum field theory of

electric and magnetic charge - Blagojevic, Sejanovic..djvu 1.1


Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / The Quantum Theory of Fields

vol 3 Supersymmetry - S. Weinberg.djvu 3.8 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / The Quantum Theory Of Fields

Vol 1 Foundations - S. Weinberg.djvu 5.9 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Field Theory / The Quantum Theory of Fields

Page 52: 理論物理訓練雜項

Vol 2 - Modern applications - S. Weinberg.djvu 2.5 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum gravity / Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity - J.

Baez, J. Muniain.djvu 2.8 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum gravity / Gravitation And Gauge Fields

Supergravity String Theory - Milutin Blagojevic.djvu 2.2 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum gravity / Loops,Kknots, Gauge Theories and

Quantum Gravity - R. Gambini, J. Pullin.djvu 2.4 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum gravity / Quantum Gravity - C. Rovelli.pdf

4.6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum gravity / Quantum Gravity, Generalized

Theory of Gravitation, and Superstring Theory-based Unification -

Mintz,Perlmutter.pdf 1.9 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum gravity / Towards Quantum Gravity -

Kowalski-Glikman.pdf 2 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / an elementary approach to the

quantum theory of scattering by a potential.djvu 6.8 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Bibliographic Guide to

Foundations of Quantum Mechanics - A. Cabello.pdf 5.4 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Canonical Structures in

potential Theory - S.S. Vinogradov, P. D. Smith, E.D. Vinogradova.pdf

5.9 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Cavity quantum

electrodynamics the strange theory of light in a box - Dutra S..djvu

4.2 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Classical and Quantum

Mechanics of the Damped Harmonic Oscillator - Dekker.pdf 4.8


Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Course of Theoretical Physics -

Vol 3 Quantum Mechanics - nonrelativistic theory 3rd ed.- L. Landau, E.

Lifshitz.djvu 7.3 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Fundamentals of Quantum

Mechanics for Solid State Electronics, Optics - C. Tang.pdf 3.3


Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Introduction to Optical

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Waveguide Analysis Solving Maxwell's Equation and the Schrdinger

Equation - Kenji Kawano, Tsutomu Kitoh.pdf 1.3 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Introduction to Quantum

Mechanics - A. Phillips.djvu 1.4 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Introduction to Quantum

Mechanics - D. Griffiths.djvu 3 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Irreversibilities in Quantum

Mechanics - B. Fain.djvu 1.4 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Lecture Notes on C-algebras and

Quantum Mechanics [jnl article] - N. Lamdsman.pdf 815.2 KB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Localising Relational Degrees of

Freedom in Quantum Mechanics [thesis] - H. cable.pdf 1.2 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Mathematical Methods in

Quantum Mechanics - G. Teschl.pdf 1.5 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Matrix Quantum Mechanics and

2-D String Theory [thesis] - S. Alexandrov.pdf 1.3 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Modern Quantum Mechanics

and solutions for the exercices - J. Sakurai.pdf 75.9 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Molecular Quantum Mechanics

4th ed - P Atkins, R. Friedman.djvu 14.9 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Notes on Quantum Mechanics -

K. Schulten.pdf 1.8 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Operator Algebras and

Quantum Statistical Mechanics Vol 1 - 2ed - Bratelli.djv 4.6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Operator Algebras and

Quantum Statistical Mechanics Vol 2 - 2ed - Bratelli.djv 6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Principles of Quantum

Mechanics 2nd ed. - R. Shankar.pdf 16.8 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Information Theory

and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics [thesis] - C. Timpson.pdf

1.8 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics - A

Conceptual Approach - H. Hameka.pdf 1.1 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics - A

Page 54: 理論物理訓練雜項

Modern Development - L. Ballentine.pdf 5 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics - an

Introduction, 4th ed. - W. Greiner.djvu 4.5 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics - Concepts

and Applications - T. Biswas.pdf 1.2 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics - J.

Norbury.pdf 1.2 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics - L.

Schiff.djvu 10.1 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics - Modern

Mevelopment 4ed - A. Rae.pdf 2.5 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics -

Symmetries 2nd ed. - W. Greiner, B. Muller.pdf 29.6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics - Vol 1 -

Cohen-Tannoudji.pdf 94.1 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics - Vol 2 -

Cohen-Tannoudji.pdf 65.4 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics And Path

Integrals - R. Feynman, A. Hibbs.djvu 7.8 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics in Hilbert

Space - E. Prugovecki.djvu 4.5 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum statistical mechanics -

Kadanoff, L.P., Baym, G..djvu 1.8 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Quantum theory of scattering

processes - Farina J.E.G..djvu 1.4 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.

Wave Equations, 3rd ed. - W. Greiner.pdf 35.6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Scattering Theory The Quantum

Theory of Nonrelativistic Collisions - John R. Taylor.pdf 4.7 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Schaum's Outline of theory and

problems of Quantum Mechanics - Peleg, Pinni and Zaarur.djvu

3 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Solutions to Problems in

Sakurai's Quantum Mechanics - P. Saltsidis, B. Brinne.pdf 607.1

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Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Solutions to Sakurai's Probls. in

Quantum Mechanics - B. Brinne.pdf 3.6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Some Novel Thought

Experiments - Foundations of Quantum Mechanics [thesis] - O.

Akhavan.pdf 1.1 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Speakable And Unspeakable In

Quantum Mechanics - J. Bell.djvu 1.6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Supersymmetry in Quantum

and Classical Mechanics - B.K.Bagchi.pdf 1.6 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / The grand unified theory of

quantum classical mechanics - Mills R.L..djvu 6.2 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / The Nonlinear Schroedinger

Equations Self-Focusing and Wave Collapse - Catherine Sulem ,

Pierre-Louis Sulem.pdf 20 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / The Theory of Groups and

Quantum Mechanics - H. Weyl.djvu 19.4 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Topics in advanced quantum

mechanics - C. Callan.djvu 1.4 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Visual Quantum Mechanics - B.

Thaller.djvu 3.2 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Optics / Mathematical Methods of Quantum

Optics - R.R. Puri.djvu 2.1 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Optics / Mesoscopic quantum optics -

Yamamoto Y., Imamoglu A..djvu 2.7 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Optics / Quantum Optics - D. Walls, G.

Milburn.djvu 2.9 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum Optics / Topics in Modern Quantum Optics -

B. Skagerstam.pdf 1 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum theory / Elements of Advanced Quantum

Theory - J. Ziman.djvu 2.2 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum theory / Introduction To Quantum Theory

And Atomic Structure - P. A. Cox.pdf 2.8 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum theory / Quantum Physics - A Text for

Page 56: 理論物理訓練雜項

Graduate Students R. Newton.pdf 21.3 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum theory / Quantum Physics - S.

Gasiorowicz.pdf 11 MB

Modern Physics / Quantum theory / Quantum Theory - Concepts &

Methods - A. Peres.pdf 4.4 MB

Modern Physics / spectroscopy / Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy -

Peter Hannaford.pdf 11.2 MB

Modern Physics / spectroscopy / Fourier Transforms In Spectroscopy -

Kauppinen J.pdf 3.9 MB

Modern Physics / spectroscopy / Handbook Of Spectroscopy - G.

Gauglitz , T. Vo-Dinh.pdf 18.7 MB

Modern Physics / spectroscopy / Impedance Spectroscopy, Theory

Experiment and Applications - Macdonald.pdf 5.7 MB

Modern Physics / spectroscopy / Ir And Raman Spectroscopy -

Wartewig.pdf 9.4 MB

Modern Physics / spectroscopy / The Raman Effect A Unified Treatment

of the Theory of Raman Scattering by Molecules - Derek A. Long.pdf

5.8 MB

Modern Physics / String Theory / A First Course in String Theory -

B.Zwiebach.pdf 32.3 MB

Modern Physics / String Theory / Intro to String Theory - G. terHooft.pdf

454.4 KB

Modern Physics / String Theory / Introduction to String Field Theory - W.

Siegel.pdf 1.4 MB

Modern Physics / String Theory / Introduction to Superstring Theory - E.

Kiritsis.pdf 1.7 MB

Modern Physics / String Theory / Large N Field Theories, String Theory

and Gravity - O. Aharony, S.S. Gubser, J. Maldacena, H. Ooguri, Y. Oz.pdf

1.7 MB

Modern Physics / String Theory / String Theory vol 1 - J. Polchinski.djvu

3.7 MB

Modern Physics / String Theory / String Theory vol 2 - J. Polchinski.djvu

5.2 MB

Modern Physics / String Theory / Strings Branes and Superstring Theory -

Page 57: 理論物理訓練雜項

S. Forste.pdf 1.4 MB

Modern Physics / String Theory / The Elegant Universe - Brian Green.pdf

3.1 MB

Modern Physics / String Theory / The Mathematical Theory Of Cosmic

Strings - M. Anderson.pdf 2.3 MB

Modern Physics / String Theory / What Is String Theory - J. Polchinski.pdf

954.4 KB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / A New Kind Of Science - S.

Wolfram.pdf 83.1 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / Aethro-kinematics - Steven

Rado.pdf 3.1 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / Algebraic Singularities, Finite

Graphs and D-Brane Theories - Y. He.pdf 3.4 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for

the Physical Sciences with Mathematica Support - P. Gregory.pdf

6.8 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / Decoherence and entropy in

complex systems - Elze H.-T..djvu 3.5 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / Electronic Structure and

Magneto-Optical Properties of Solids - V. Antonov, B. Harmon, A.

Yaresko.pdf 27.2 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / Elements For Physics - Quantities,

Qualities and Intrinsic Theories - A. Tarantola.pdf 3.2 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / GRAVITY GAUGE THEORIES AND

GEOMETRIC ALGEBRA - Chris Doran.pdf 1.3 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / Henri Poincare and Relativity

Theory - LOGUNOV, A. A..pdf 1.1 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / Lectures in Theoretical Biophysics

- Schulten.pdf 3.1 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / Optimization Algorithms In Physics

- A. Hartmann, H. Rieger.pdf 12.4 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / Quantum Versus Chaos -

questions from mesoscopy - K. Nakamura.pdf 6.1 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / The Road to Reality - A Complete

Page 58: 理論物理訓練雜項

Guide to the Laws of the Universe - Penrose, Roger.pdf 13.8 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / The Third Branch of Physics,

Eassys in Scientific Computing - Norbert Schaorghofer.pdf 4 MB

Modern Physics / theoretical Physics / Vorticity and incompressible flow -

Majda, Bertozzi..pdf 6.2 MB

Optics / Geometrical Optics - Goodman.pdf 37.4 MB

Optics / Handbook of Optics second edition vol. 2 - Bass M.pdf

19.4 MB

Optics / Handbook of optics second edition Vol 1 - - Bass M.pdf

17.5 MB

Optics / Handbook Of Optics Second Edition Vol.3 - Bass M.pdf

37.3 MB

Optics / Introduction to Fourier Optics 2nd - J. Goodman.pdf

9.3 MB

Optics / Modern Optics - Guenther R D.djvu 7.9 MB

Optics / Optical Metrology 3rd ed - Kjell.pdf 4.2 MB

Optics / Opticks - scan from original manuscript - I. Newton.pdf

26.2 MB

Optics / Optics and optical instruments - Johnson.pdf 21.4 MB

Optics / Optics Handbook Of Optical Materials - webber.pdf 2.7


Optics / Principles of applied optics - Banerjee P.P., Poon T.-C.djvu

2.3 MB

Optics / Principles Of Nonlinear Optics - Y. R. Shen.pdf 8.8 MB

Optics / Principles of Optics - M.Born, E. Wolf.pdf 24.1 MB

Optics / Quantum Statistics in Optics and Solid-state Physics - Graham,

Haake.pdf 13 MB

Optics / Semiconductor Optics - Klingshirn.pdf 6.1 MB

Optics / Statistical Optics - Goodman.pdf 42.2 MB

Optics / The Visualization Handbook -Charles D. Hansen , Chris R.

Johnson.pdf 11 MB

Optics / Theoretical Optics, an introduction - H. Remer.pdf 2.9


Optics / Useful Optics - W. Welford.djvu 2.6 MB

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State of Matter / Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases - Pethick C.J.,

Smith H..pdf 2.1 MB

State of Matter / Concepts of theoretical solid state physics - Altland,

Simons.djvu 3.8 MB

State of Matter / Electrodynamics Of Solids - Dressel, Gruner.pdf

3.7 MB

State of Matter / Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties of

Semiconductor Structures - singh.pdf 11.5 MB

State of Matter / Elementary Condensed Matter Physics - Neto.pdf

5.3 MB

State of Matter / Fundamentals Of Plasma Physics - Paul M. Bellan.pdf

4.9 MB

State of Matter / Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter Vol 1 - H. Kleinert /

1.pdf 7.6 MB

State of Matter / Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter Vol 1 - H. Kleinert /

2.pdf 12.4 MB

State of Matter / Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter Vol 2 - H. Kleinert /

3.pdf 13.8 MB

State of Matter / Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter Vol 2 - H. Kleinert /

4.pdf 3.2 MB

State of Matter / Introduction To Modern Solid State Physics - Y.

Galperin.pdf 4.5 MB

State of Matter / introduction to plasma physics graduate level course -

Fitzpatrick.pdf 1.8 MB

State of Matter / Introduction to Solid State Physics 7th edition- Kittel,

Charles.djvu 13.1 MB

State of Matter / Many-Particle Physics 2d ed - Mahan G D.djvu

8.3 MB

State of Matter / Particle And Nuclear Physics - Niels Walet.pdf

2.8 MB

State of Matter / Quantum statistical theory of superconductivity - Fujita

S., Godoy S..pdf 3.2 MB

State of Matter / Semiconductor Physics And Devices 3rd ed. - J.

Neamen.pdf 63 MB

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State of Matter / Semiconductors for Micro and Nanotechnology An

Introduction for Engineers -Korvink J. G., Greiner A..pdf 9.6 MB

State of Matter / Solid State Physics - Ashcroft, Neil W, Mermin, David

N.djvu 11.3 MB

State of Matter / Solid state physics problems and solutions - Mihaly L.,

Martin M.C..djvu 1.8 MB

State of Matter / The Fourth State Of Matter An Introduction To Plasma

Science - eliezer.pdf 1.8 MB

State of Matter / The Structure Of Matter - Mulders.pdf 2 MB

State of Matter / Theory of Dislocations 2nd ed., - J. Hirth, J. Lothe.djvu

11.6 MB

Statistical physics / A Modern Course in Statistical Physics - Reichl.djvu

8.1 MB

Statistical physics / An Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Physics - D.

Lemons.pdf 407.3 KB

Statistical physics / Quantum Field Theoretical Methods in Statistical

Physics - Abrikosov, A.A.djvu 4.6 MB

Statistical physics / Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physics - J.

Cardy.djvu 2.2 MB

Statistical physics / Statistical physics - Isihara A..djvu 3 MB

Statistical physics / Statistical Physics - Statics, Dynamics and

Renormalization - L. Kadanoff.djv 5.3 MB

Statistical physics / Statistical Physics And Spatial Statistics - Mecke K ,

Stoyan D.pdf 6.6 MB

Statistical physics / Statistical physics of spin glasses and information

processing an introduction - Nishimori H..pdf 2 MB

Statistical physics / Statistical Physics part 1 3rd ed. - L. Landau, E.

Lifshitz.djvu 7.8 MB

Statistical physics / Statistical physics part 2 2nd ed. - L. Landau, E.

Lifshitz.djvu 5.9 MB

Statistical physics / Stochastic Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and

Biology.pdf 25.5 MB



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3.pdf 2.9 MB



3.pdf 1.2 MB



3.pdf 1.2 MB

Thermodynamics / Dynamical Theory Of Brownian Motion - E.

Nelson.djvu 1.1 MB

Thermodynamics / Entropy and its Physical Meaning - J. S. Dugdale.pdf

16.2 MB

Thermodynamics / Fundamentals of Statistical And Thermal Physics - F.

Reif.djvu 7.5 MB

Thermodynamics / Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Solids -

Ericksen JL..djvu 1.5 MB

Thermodynamics / Introduction to Thermodynamics with

Applications.pdf 1.9 MB

Thermodynamics / Schaum's Outline of Heat Transfer - D. Pitts, L.

Sissom.djv 4.6 MB

Thermodynamics / Thermal and Statistical Physics - H. Gould, J.

Tobochnik.pdf 3.1 MB

Thermodynamics / Thermal physics - Kittel.pdf 10.5 MB

Thermodynamics / Thermodynamics - E. Fermi.djvu 4.3 MB

Thermodynamics / Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach 5th

Edition - Gengel, Boles.pdf 21.4 MB

Thermodynamics / Thermodynamics an introductory treatise - Bryan

G.H..djvu 10.8 MB

Thermodynamics / Thermodynamics and an Introduction to

Thermostatistics 2ed - H. Callen.djvu 5.9 MB

Thermodynamics / Thermodynamics and Introductory Statistical

Mechanics - Linder B..pdf 836.3 KB

Thermodynamics / Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics - W.

Greiner, L. Niese, H. Stocker.djvu 11.2 MB

Thermodynamics / Thermodynamics of Systems Containing

Page 62: 理論物理訓練雜項

Flexible-Chain Polymers - V.J. Klenin.pdf 22.7 MB

Thermodynamics / Thermodynamics- An Advanced Treatment for

Chemists and Physicists - E. Guggenheim.djvu 3.4 MB

Wave Motion / A mathematical approach to the common types of wave

motion 2.Ed - C. A. Coulson.djvu 1.8 MB

Wave Motion / Acoustics - L. Beranek.pdf 40.1 MB