
Archi T T i i l l e es s PLUG-IN FOR ARCHICAD ® Creation placement and calculation of tiles Schaffen, Verlegen und Berechnen von Fliesen Creazione, posa e calcolo delle piastrelle Création, pose et calcul de carrelage Creación, colocación y cálculo de las baldosas/azulejos Cigraph

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Creation placement and calculation of tilesSchaffen, Verlegen und Berechnen von FliesenCreazione, posa e calcolo delle piastrelleCréation, pose et calcul de carrelageCreación, colocación y cálculo de lasbaldosas/azulejos


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ArchiTiles ™User Guide

Cigraph S.r.l.Via Orsato, 38 - (I)30175 VE/MargheraTel. (+39) 041 93 23 88 - Fax (+39) 041 92 00 31Internet: http://www.cigraph.come-mail: [email protected]

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ArchiTiles “User Guide”Version 1.0 for Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh© 2001 Cigraph S.r.l.

CopyrightThe contents of this manual and the software described therein are the sole property ofCigraph S.r.l. with all rights reserved.As per copyright laws, this manual and the software programs cannot be copied either fully orin part without the written consent of Cigraph S.r.l., except during normal use of the softwareto create a back-up copy. This exception does not allow the buyer to make copies for others,even if the software is sold, traded or given away.

Written by Gil LiebrechtLayout by Chiara CarnevaleCover Illustration by Marco MarellaCoordination and Package design by Rossana Mason

Guarantee limitationsEven if Cigraph S.r.l. has tested the software described in this manual and reviewed itscontents, Cigraph S.r.l. can give neither express nor implied guarantees or statements withreference to the software, its quality, its performance or suitability for any particular purpose.Therefore, this software is sold “as is” and the buyer assumes all risks with reference to itsquality and performance.In no case shall Cigraph S.r.l. be held responsible for direct, indirect, special, incidental orconsequential damages deriving from any defect in the software or from errors in the manual,even if its notified of the possibility of said damages.In particular, Cigraph S.r.l. shall not be held liable for possible loss of data or of the programon computers, including the cost of recovery or the cost of data reproduction or of the programitself.

Licences and TrademarksArchiTiles is a registered brand name of Cigraph S.r.l. ArchiCAD, PlotMaker, StairMaker,PlayBack, and GDL are registered trademarks of Graphisoft. Microsoft Windows andWindows 95/NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft, Inc. Apple, Macintosh, PowerMacintosh and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc.. Other productsand trade names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies and areused purely for demonstrative purposes in favour of the trademark holder, without intent ofbreach.

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User Guide



Plug-In for the creation placement ecalculation of tilesWhat is an ArchiCAD plug-in?A Plug-in is a software component that allows ArchiCAD to providenew functions in addition to the standard characteristics.

ArchiCAD allows you to manage the plug-ins automatically, startingthem up and closing them through the menu bar. Indeed, once thePlug-in has been installed, a new menu will appear in the menu bar.This menu will behave completely like any other ArchiCAD menu. It willallow you to access the ArchiTiles palette and therefore to access all ofits tools.

In fact, you will not even realise that you are using a Plug-in: it will stillbe similar to using your ArchiCAD, but with more functions.

System RequirementsArchiTiles’s configuration is established by the configuration requestedfor ArchiCAD. However if you do not have enough storage space forthe libraries, a warning message will be displayed.

In this case, more storage space in the Disk Operating System can bemade available by closing other applications or decreasing thestorage space assigned to ArchiCAD.

ArchiCAD VersionArchiTiles is compatible with ArchiCAD 6.5 (we suggest you use the6.5 V3-R3 release) and does not work with older versions ofArchiCAD.

Where should the ArchiTiles plug-in be placed?The plug-ins cannot be opened directly through the Finder (Macintoshplatform) or through Windows Explorer (Windows platform) andtherefore, to be able to start them up, you must copy them into theArchiCAD Add-Ons folder.

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• Mac OS: the Add-Ons folder can be found in the same folder as theArchiCAD application, or within the Graphisoft folder present in theSystem folder.

• Windows: the Add-Ons folder must be in the same folder as theArchiCAD application. If positioned elsewhere, ArchiCAD will not beable to access it.

ArchiCAD verifies the presence of Plug-ins when booting up. If the Plug-ins are not found in the correct place, you must quit the program andplace them in the correct location and then restart ArchiCAD.

For temporary use, you may run the Plug-in requested via the LoadAdd-On… command present in the Tools menu.

Installing the packageThe ArchiTiles folder contains the ArchiTiles plug-in and the“ArchiTiles.Lib” folder. To install ArchiTiles, please carry out thefollowing procedure:

• Copy the ArchiTiles folder into the Add-On folder, found in theArchiCAD folder.

If the installation has been performed correctly, a new menu will havebeen added to the Menu Bar.

Thanks to this added menu, you will be able to display/hide theArchiTiles Toolbox.

The library needed for running the “Arcsfaçade.Lib” is automaticallyadded to the list of active libraries by ArchiTiles.

If, for whatever reason, the additional library is not loaded, when youuse one of the ArchiTiles commands for the first time, the program willnotify you and suggest that you start it up.

Select the Load library… command from the ArchiCAD Archive menu.

In this window, select the ArchiTiles.Lib folder and add it to the list ofactive libraries.

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The ArchiTiles working philosophyThe process of laying tiles with ArchiTiles is as follows:

• Build the tile library objects• Transform a room into elevations• Choose or create the tile pattern• Lay the tiles onto the elevations• Rotate your tiles to your walls• Lay tiles on the floor and or ceiling• Smile, you’re done!The rest of the manual describes this process; Smiling is not obligatory!

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Building Tile Library ObjectsClick on ArchiTiles in the ArchiCAD menu and select Open ArchiTerrapalette.

The first step in the tiling process is to construct tile library objects thatyou will use to lay in your ArchiCAD room. ArchiTiles provides youwith 4 different tools to choose from, in order to construct the tiles ofyour choice. They are:

• Square tile tool• Rectangular tile tool• Perfect polygon tile tool• Custom tile tool

Square Tile ToolWe start with the Square tile tool. To construct a square tile, click onthe Square tile tool icon. The New tile dialog box will open:

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Parameters ModeWhen the dialog box is first opened, it is in the parameters mode,allowing you to insert the various information that describes thephysical attributes of your tile.

Start by inserting the measurement for the side of your square tile.

There are two ways to proceed from this point:

• Create a tile with a material from ArchiCAD,• Create a tile without an ArchiCAD material, in order to create a

custom material/texture for your tile object.

To Create a tile with a material from ArchiCADClick on the material pop-up menu which now contains the word,“General”.

You will now be able to select from the various ArchiCAD materials.Notice that only some of the ArchiCAD materials contain textures.Select the desired material with texture, and the linked image sectionwill disappear. Selecting an ArchiCAD material deactivates the imagecommands at the bottom of the New Tile dialog box.

ArchiCAD will demonstrate a color referring to the material you chosein the 3D model, and demonstrate the attached texture in theArchiCAD photo-rendering.

To Create a tile without an ArchiCAD materialTo Create a tile without an ArchiCAD material, in order to create acustom material/texture for your tile object, leave the “General”material as the chosen material. The bottom of the dialog box willremain active.

Now click on Open, and select the tile texture from your active library.

Only the textures that have been loaded in the ArchiCAD Active librarywill be visible in the ArchiTiles dialog box. The image for your

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personalized tile, can be a Tiff, Giff, Jpeg, Pict, or Bmp file. Select theimage, and click OK.

ArchiCAD will demonstrate this texture in the ArchiCAD photo-rendering. To give your tiles an appropriate color for the 3D model,click on the color pop-up menu and select the color that best representsyour tile.

Glossy EffectOnce you have created your custom tile, click on the Gloss button, inorder to have a glossy photo-rendering affect. Re-click this button toundo the gloss affect.

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Calculations Mode Click on the calculations icon to change the dialog box from parameter

information, to calculation information. In the calculations mode, you can enter administration information for your tiles.

Here, you can enter the producer of the tile, the tile code, the numbers of pieces in a box, the currency you work with, and the price. If the Price per item button is checked, you are entering the price per tile. If you click on the button so that it becomes unchecked, you are giving the price per surface of tiles (by square foot or square meter depending on your standard ArchiCAD settings).

Click OK, to finish constructing the tile object.

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The New tile dialog box will close and a new dialog box will opengiving you the chance to save the tile as a GDL object.

Make sure you are saving the object inside an active ArchiCADlibrary. Give the tile a name, and click on Save. ArchiTiles will tell youthat you have successfully created a new tile library object.

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Rectangular Tile ToolTo construct a rectangular tile, click on the Rectangular tile tool icon.The New tile dialog box will open:

Notice that this dialog box is identical to the dialog box for creating asquare tile, except that here you need to enter both the length and thewidth dimensions to define the tile. Except for this difference, theprocess of creating a rectangular tile is identical to that for creating asquare tile.

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Perfect Polygon Tile ToolThe perfect polygon tile tool allows the user to construct tiles that have6 or 8 sides of equal length (an equilateral hexagon or octagon).

To begin constructing a perfect polygon tile, click on the Perfectpolygon tile tool icon. The New tile dialog box will open:

Notice that this dialog box is identical to the dialog box for creating asquare or rectangular tile, except that:

• There are push buttons that allow you to choose between a sixsided and eight sided polygon,

• There are push buttons that let you choose between entering thedimension of the tile by the length of a side or by the length of theextending box.

Except for these differences, the process of creating a perfect polygontile is identical to that for creating a square or rectangular tile.

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Customize Tile ToolThe Customize tile tool allows the user to create tiles of any shape.

Use the ArchiCAD Fill tool in the standard ArchiCAD way, to designthe shape of your tile. Draw this fill anywhere on the plan. The fill canbe curved but must not have any holes (have you ever seen a tile withholes?). Design the fill according to your desired tile specifications,because the measurements of your tile depend on the measurements ofthe fill’s design.

Once you have drawn the shape, select the fill, and click on theCustomize tile tool icon.

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The New tile dialog box will open:

Notice that this dialog box is identical to the dialog box for creating arectangular tile, except that:

• The width and length measurements of the tiles within the dialogbox are already entered according to your design,

• The width measurement is calculated from the farthest point alongthe left part of the tile, to the farthest point along the right part of thetile. In effect, it has measured the extending box, or, the net spacethis tile covers on the X axis.

• The length measurement is calculated from the farthest point alongthe top part of the tile, to the farthest point along the bottom part ofthe tile. In effect, it has measured the extending box, or, net spacethis tile covers on the Y axis.

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Except for these differences, the process of creating a Custom tile isidentical to that for creating a square or rectangular tile.

Randomizing the Texture: for more realisticphoto-renderingsThere is one extra feature that needs to be explained: You can alsomake the texture photo rendering look more real by using up to 5different images to Randomize the texture.

You must first check the Randomize the texture check button, in theNew tile dialog box, while creating your tile.

You must have multiple images (textures) saved in an ArchiCAD activelibrary. They also must be saved with the same name except the lastdigit which must have a different number (the first image name withouta number, then the second image with the same name and the number2, the third image with the same name and the number 3, etc.). Here isan example of how the different textures must be named in theArchiCAD library:

1st image: pink_marble

2nd image: pink_marble2

3rd image: pink_marble3

4th image: pink_marble4

5th image: pink_marble5

When creating the tile pattern, leave the “General” material as thechosen material. The bottom of the dialog box will remain active.

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Now click on Open, and select the 1st image: pink_marble, and clickOK.

ArchiCAD will demonstrate this texture plus the other 4 versions in arandom pattern in the ArchiCAD photo-rendering. Remember to alsoselect a color to designate the Tile colors in the 3D plan.

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The ArchiTiles PreferencesThe ArchiTiles Preferences allows you to edit the default measurementsfor tile creation.

Click on ArchiTiles in the ArchiCAD menu and select Preferences. TheArchiTiles Preferences dialogue window will open:

This dialogue window allows you to:

• Edit the default measurements that are normally displayed in thevarious data fields within the New tile dialogue windows,

• Select the minimum dimensions of a cut tile that ArchiTiles shouldlay.

Edit the default measurements that are normally displayed in thevarious data fields within the New tile dialogue windows by simplytyping new values into the existing fields.

These fields include:

• the default measurements for the side of the square tile;

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• the default length and width of the rectangle tile;

• the default measurement of the side and extended box of the perfectpolygon;

• the default width of the grout;

• the default layer;

• currency;

• the default selection for whether you desire price per tile or priceper unit of measurement.

Once you change these preferences, the new preferences will be seenevery time you create new tile objects.

The bottom two fields allow you to select the minimum dimensions of acut tile that ArchiTiles should lay.

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The first field allows you to select the minimum width a tile must have inorder to be placed. If a tile must be cut so small, so that its width is lessthan your specified minimum, ArchiTiles will not place any tile in thatplace and instead leave only grout.

The second field allows you to select the minimum volume measurementa tile must have in order to be laid. If a tile must be cut so small, sothat its area is less than your specified minimum, ArchiTiles will notplace any tile in that place, and instead leave only grout.

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The Tile Object SettingsYour ArchiTiles tile objects must be saved inside the ArchiCAD activelibrary. Now you can access them, visualize them, lay them asindividual objects, and modify tiles already laid in the plan, byutilizing the Tile Object Settings dialog box.

To enter the Tile Object Settings dialog box, double click on the TileObject icon from the standard ArchiCAD tool palette.

The tile object icon is on the bottom of the ArchiCAD tool palette,sharing a spot with the StairMaker icon. If the StairMaker icon isvisible, click and hold on it. The ArchiTile object icon will appear.Move your mouse onto the tile object icon, and release the mousebutton. Now double click on this Tile Object icon.

The following Tile Object Settings dialog box will open:

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You will quickly notice that this is an ArchiCAD dialog window, forwhich you already know how to navigate.

There are some differences that I will now describe:

Only the tiles you constructed (and that were saved in an ArchiCADloaded library) will appear in the object window. They will appear inone of 3 forms.

• The first is an ArchiCAD texture. This means you saved your tileusing an ArchiCAD material that had an ArchiCAD texture attachedto it.

• The second possibility is your personalized texture. This means youleft General as the material, and attached your own image as atexture.

• The third form you may see, is the ArchiTiles symbol of a clownjuggling tiles. This image represents a tile that you saved with amaterial that did not contain a texture. This tile, when placed inyour plan, will be seen in the 3D model and in the photo-rendering,with the color of the material you selected from the color pop-upmenu, while constructing your tile.

Another difference is that there is now a new ArchiTiles icon thatallows you to view and modify your tile object settings.

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Click on this icon, and the following tile information area will open:

A summary of Information regarding the tile, selected from the objectwindow above, is now presented below.

• You see information regarding tile size, material, and pen color.

You can also see the texture with the name of the image below it, orif there is no attached image, then ArchiTiles will tell you that notexture is attached.

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• You can also choose to randomize the tiles by clicking on therandomize button, or unclick the previous setting to un-randomizethe tiles.

By clicking on this icon: “>>” , you revert back to the calculationsfigures you entered when constructing the tile. In this area, you can:

• Modify the calculations information you entered before(Tileproducer, cost per tile, etc.).

• Select any of the following languages: English, Spanish, French,Italian, and German.

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Press “<<“ to go back to the previous view, or press OK to finish yoursettings modification.

It is important to note that the changes you make do not get saved asnew tile parameters. Instead, the settings are used for changing theinformation for tiles that have already been laid in the plan, and arenow selected.

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Creating Elevations from the Walls of aRoomOnce you have built your tiles, it is time to define the location whereyou wish to place them. This section describes how to create interiorwall elevations from a room where you wish to place your tiles.

You must use the zone tool within an ArchiCAD room, so that the roomyou wish to tile, contains one unique zone.

Select the Zone, and click on the Interior Elevations icon.

The Interior Elevations Settings dialog box will open:

This dialog box gives the user three options for creating the Interiorelevations. These three options are, in essence, the three differentworking methods that the ArchiCAD user can choose from to lay tiles.Note that the placement of a fill within an Interior elevation determinesthe location where tiles will be placed. The three options are asfollows.

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• A simple full filling.• Filling up to three rows.• Elevation without filling.A simple full filling means the ArchiCAD user will be able to place atile pattern over the entire surface of the elevations. To make theInterior elevations all contain 1 simple full filling, click on the Simplefull filling button.

Filling up to three rows divides the elevations in up to three rows of fillsthat can all be laid with different tile patterns.

To change the settings to Filling up to three rows, click on the Filling upto 3 rows button.

On the right side of the dialog box, are the four numerical data fieldsthat determine the heights of these fills.

In the lowest of these data fields, enter the tiles starting height. In thenext data field above, enter the width of the first layer of tiles.

If you wish to add another height of tile, activate the next layer byclicking on the push button to the right of the data field. Now enter thewidth of the next layer of tile.

If you wish to add yet another height of tile, activate the last height byclicking on the push button to the right of the last data field. Now enterthe width of the last height of tile.

Elevation without filling creates the interior elevations without placingany fills. We added his option to give ArchiCAD users an extra tool tosimply create interior elevations from an ArchiCAD room.

To change the settings to Elevation without filling, click on the Elevationwithout filling button.

In the lower part of the dialog box, you can specify the distancebetween elevations that will be drawn side by side on your plan. Youcan also select the pen color and ArchiCAD layer.

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Click OK to accept your settings. The pointer will transform into apencil asking you to designate the location on the plan where theelevations will be placed. Click once and ArchiCAD will draw yourelevations.

Notice that to make your work easier, we added numbers next to eachwall in your ArchiCAD room. These numbers exactly match thenumbers under the corresponding Interior elevations drawn in yourplan.

Please note: This version of ArchiTiles can not lay tiles on a curved wall. For thisreason, the elevations drawn on the plan skip curved walls (thecorresponding numbers are intelligent and take this intoconsideration).

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Modifying the Interior elevationsYou have just built the interior elevations of an ArchiCAD room. If youhave created a Simple full filling, your elevations are now completelycovered by fills (except of course where you have doors andwindows).

If you created a Filling up to three rows, then you have rows of fillscovering the heights you designated in the settings dialog box (againavoiding the doors and windows).

These fills are 100% modifiable using the normal ArchiCAD tools andmethods. That means you can curve them, cut holes, expand them etc.,to position the fill in the exact location you wish to tile.

It is important to note, that ArchiTiles places an origin object at thebottom left of every interior elevation. Do not cancel or modify theseobjects in any way!

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Selecting Tile Pattern and Laying the TileOnce your fills are ready, it is time to lay tiles. There are two optionsfor laying the tile:

• Choose a tile pattern from our list of most common tile patterns,• Design your own pattern.

Choose a tile pattern from our list of mostcommon tile patterns

Select the fill you wish to tile. You can select one fill at a time, or selectmultiple fills to lay a specific tile in various parts of your interiorelevations at once.

Once you have selected your fill(s) click on the Tile pattern icon.

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The Select Tile Laying dialog box will open:

This dialog box displays various tile patterns that you can choose from.The shaded tiles represent the tiles for which you will need to definewith the tile objects you created earlier.

Scroll to the right until you find the pattern you desire, and then clickon it.

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A new dialog window will open.

Notice that the pattern you chose is now displayed, with a number oneach tile that must be defined. There are corresponding numericalbuttons below which allow you to select your tile objects from withinthe ArchiCAD active library.

Press the 1 button, and a new dialog window will open that allows youto select the tile objects from your active library.

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The only objects you see in this Library window are the Tile objects thatyou’ve created. You may see one or more of the following versions:

• An ArchiTiles image of a clown juggling tiles.This means the tile was made with a material but without a texture

• An ArchiCAD texture.This means the tile was made with a material that had an ArchiCADtexture attached.

• A personalized texture.This means the tile was made with a texture you attached.

Click on a tile to select it. You can read about each tile on the bottompart of this dialog window. There is information that describes whattype of tile it is that you have selected, the dimensions, and the size.You can also select to rotate your tile 90°, 180° or 270°.

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Select the tile that will be inserted into the pattern in the 1 position andpress ok. This takes you back to the tile pattern.

Repeat the process for each tile that must be defined.

This dialog window contains 4 other important settings:

• Select the distance the tiles are to be set from the wall;

• Select the layer in which the tiles will be inserted;

• Select the grout width;

• Select the grout material.

Now click on OK, to finish building your tile pattern. The dialogwindow disappears, and the pointer becomes a pencil.

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Laying the Tiles (predefined pattern)To lay the tiles, click on a selected fill. The first click designates theorigin where the tiles will start to be laid on the fill. Move your pointerand click again to designate the tile laying angle. If you have selectedmore than one fill, you will need to now designate the origin youdesire for each fill. Once you have finished, ArchiTiles will lay the tileson all the selected fills.

In laying the tiles, ArchiTiles cut’s the tiles where necessary. The tilepieces that are smaller than the minimum setting you designate in thetile settings window, will not be placed. Tile settings is described on pg.15

Now select the next fill(s) where you want to lay tile, and repeat the5process of Selecting Tile Pattern and, Laying the Tiles until you havefinished laying tiles on the interior elevations.

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Design your own patternIf you wish to use a pattern that is not included in the ArchiTiles patternlist, or you have created a custom tile that does not fit in one of thestandard ArchiTiles patterns, you will need to design your own pattern.

First, you will need to create a module pattern. Once you have createdthe module pattern, you will be able to use the ArchiTiles Multiply Tilecommand to create a pattern from your base design of customizedtiles.

Create Module PatternA module pattern can be one tile, or can be created by placingindividual tile objects together.

The tiles you have created can be accessed by entering into theArchiTiles Settings dialog box. To enter the ArchiTiles Settings dialogbox, double click on the Tile Object icon from the standard ArchiCADtool palette.

The tile object icon is on the bottom of the ArchiCAD tool palette,sharing a spot with the StairMaker icon. If the StairMaker icon isvisible, click and hold the icon. The ArchiTile object icon will appear.Move your mouse onto the tile object icon, and release the mousebutton.

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Double click on the Tile Object icon to open the ArchiTiles Settingsdialog box. Here you can view the library of tile objects you havecreated. Select one for your new pattern and press OK.

Place this tile on an empty area of your plan. Select other tiles that youmay need for your pattern and place them according to your desiredmodule pattern.

Cut TilesYou may desire to cut the tiles in order to reach your desired result. Todo so, place a fill on your pattern, select the fill and all the tile objectsof your module pattern, and click on the Cut Tile icon from theArchiTerra palette.

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The following dialog box will open:

Choose whether you wish to delete the inside of the fill, or the outsideof the fill, and press OK.

Add any other tiles or make any further cuts to achieve your desiredmodule pattern.

Laying the Tile (custom pattern)Place an ArchiCAD hotspot at the origin of your custom modulepattern. The origin is the part of the custom pattern where themultiplying of the pattern will begin.

Now select the fill where you wish to lay the pattern, the hotspot, andyour custom tile pattern, and click on the Multiply Tiles icon.

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The following dialog box will open:

This dialog box contains various important features.

First, designate the height from the surface to be tiles, where your tileswill be laid.

Next, you will see that the width and length measurements of theextending box of your customized tile pattern, are already entered inthe dialog box according to your design.

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The width measurement is calculated from the farthest point along theleft part of the tile, to the farthest point along the right part of the tile. Ineffect, it has measured the extending box, or, the net space this tilepattern covers on the X axis .

The length measurement is calculated from the farthest point along thetop part of the tile, to the farthest point along the bottom part of the tile.In effect, it has measured the extending box, or, the net space this tilepattern covers on the Y axis.

You must now make an adjustment to this measurement to restrict themultiplication to only the X and Y measurements (not the wholeextending box) you desire multiplied.

In the X coordinate field, enter the exact width measurement you wishrepeated. This measurement should include the grout width and Xportion of the tile pattern you wish to multiply.

In the Y coordinate field, enter the exact length measurement you wishto multiply. This measurement should include the grout width and the Y

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portion of the pattern you wish to multiply. Please look at the belowexample to clarify this procedure:

Next, select the layer in which the tiles will be inserted, and select thegrout material you desire. Disable the check box if you do not wish tocreate the grout.

Click OK, and the selected fill will be covered by your customized tile.

The pointer will become a pen and wait for you to define the origin ofthe fill (where you will start to lay the tiles).

Click on the origin, then move your mouse towards the direction youwish to lay the tiles, and click again.

In laying the tiles, ArchiTiles cut’s the tiles when necessary.

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The tile pieces that are smaller than the minimum setting you designatein the tile settings window, will not be placed.

Creating and Using Libraries of Custom PatternsCreating a custom pattern, as we have seen above, is very simple.

But sometimes it could be very useful to reuse the same pattern schemeinside other projects. Using ArchiTiles day after day, could result inyour building a valuable library of custom patterns that will beavailable for every ArchiCAD project you will create.

Let’s see, showing a simple example, how we can store a patternsceme by using the simple standard procedures provided byArchiCAD:

First of all, build the module of our pattern as we described in theprevious paragraph, then select the elements that make up the pattern(the tiles and the hotspot that defines the pattern origin). Store them inthe clipboard by using the Copy command from the ArchiCAD Editmenu or by using the universal keyboard shortcut (Command+C forMacintosh, Ctrl+C for Windows).

Now from the ArchiCAD File menu, select the Save as… command.

Choose the “Module File from Clipboard” file format and type the filename, defining the desired location for the new file.

We suggest that you also insert, within the file name, the two patternstep values, along the X and Y directions, in order to have an efficientmnemonic reminder for the next time you use this pattern.

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In order to use the saved pattern in another project, load it in theArchiCAD plan by using the ArchiCAD Merge command from the Filemenu (choosing the Module file format).

Note: You can also reach the same result by using the Drag-and-Droptechnique:

1. To save the pattern: select the pattern elements and drag them to thedesired location (ArchiCAD will automatically create a Module file).

2. To use the saved pattern: select the desired Module file and drag itonto the ArchiCAD plan window.

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Rotating TilesArchiTiles gives the ArchiCAD user the ability to, with one command,rotate all the interior elevations and paste them into the ArchiCADroom. It also gives the user the ability to create separate tile selections,and rotate them individually.

Rotating the Interior ElevationsYou have now just finished laying tile onto the interior elevations. Thefollowing section describes how to paste the interior elevations backinto your room.

Select all the interior elevations by selecting all the elevations, originobjects, and tile information, with the mouse pointer. It is crucial thatyou select the elevations with the origin hotspots that are on the bottomleft of the elevations.

Now click on the Rotate Tiles icon from the ArchiTiles palette.

The following dialog window will open:

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ArchiTiles transforms the tiled interior elevations into 1 object that willbe placed inside your room. Give a name for the Object to be createdand click on Save.

ArchiTiles will automatically place the object into your room.

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Rotating individual selectionsArchiTiles also gives the user the ability to create separate tileselections, and rotate them individually.

The rotate tile command can be used to rotate a single tiled fill or evena single tile.

Just select the tile or tiled fill to be rotated, and click on the Rotate Tilescommand. ArchiTiles will open a dialog window to have you save theselection as an object. Give the selection a name and Click Save.

The pointer will become a pencil. Click once on the origin where youwish to place the rotated object, move the mouse along the directionyour object will be pasted, and then click your mouse a second time.The tile object you rotated, will now be placed where you selected.

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Tiling the Floor and CeilingThere are two ways to Tile the floor and/or ceiling.

• Create a fill that covers the entire room.• Draw a fill(s) directly inside the room and transform the fill into a

tiled floor.

Use a zone to cover an entire room with TilesTo Create a fill that covers the entire room, select the room “Zone”,and then click on the Tile floor or ceiling icon.

The following dialog box will open:

Select whether you wish to create the pavement or ceiling by clickingon the appropriate push-button.

You can also select the pen colors and the layer. Click on OK.

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The pointer will become a pencil, and you will have to click on theplan to designate where you wish to place the fill that represents thefloor or ceiling.

Click where on the plan you wish to place the floor or ceiling fill, andthe fill will appear on your plan. You can modify this fill in thestandard ArchiCAD method to contain holes, curves, etc.

Now that you have the fill of the room’s floor or ceiling, you can tile itusing the methods described earlier in this manual: chapter aboutSelecting Tile Pattern and Laying the Tile.

Once your floor is tiled, you need to paste the floor or ceiling tiles backinto the room. Simply select the tiled fill, and click on the Create Flooror Ceiling icon.

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A new dialog window will open:

In this dialog window, you can enter the distance you wish the floor orceiling to be from the zone. Enter the distance and click OK.

Another dialog box will open requesting that you save the floor as aGDL object. Give the object a name and press Save.

Make sure that the object is saved in an active ArchiCAD library! Thetiled floor object will now be placed in your ArchiCAD room.

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Draw a fill directly inside the room andtransform the fill into a tiled floor

To Draw a fill(s) directly inside the room and transform the fill into atiled floor, select the fill tool and draw the fill(s) you desire directly intoyour ArchiCAD room. You can modify these fills using the standardArchiCAD methods to contain holes, curves, etc.

Select the fill and tile it using the methods described earlier in chapterabout Selecting Tile Pattern and Laying the Tile.

If there is more than one fill for your floor or ceiling, repeat the processuntil you have finished to tile your floor or ceiling. Click OK to finish.

Repeat this process if you desire to create a floor and a ceiling.

Your work is done! Smile

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On-Line Help If at any time you forget how to use a tool, click on the Help icon.

ArchiTiles will open a help window where you can browse through various colorful explanations.

Also, if you make an error, the correct help page, which describing the feature you were using, will automatically open.

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Tile CalculationsSome very interesting features provided by ArchiTiles concerning thetiles calculations.

As we already described before, when you create a tile object you canalso link it to some information regarding pricing, quantity, producer,etc. Using a set of predefined templates, you will be able to display/print all of this information.

If you have properly loaded the ArchiTiles library, there will be 7 newlist templates displayed in the ArchiCAD Calculate Menu:

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The first three Element list templates provide you with:

- Tiles(3D)o This template lists all the tile objects included in your project, givinginformation about name, sizes and number of occurrences.

- Tiles/Storieso This template lists all the tile objects included in your project, givinginformation about home story, name, total surfaces, and number ofoccurrences.

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- Tiles (Grand Totals)o This template lists all the tile objects included in your project, givinginformation about name, total surfaces, and number of occurrences(this is a grand total list).

The Component list templates provides you with:

- Tiles/Nameso This is a very useful component template. It lists all the tile objects,displaying all the info regarding these components. These componentscome from the data you inserted during the tile creation (producer,code, currency, price, number of tiles per box) or from the changesyou performed by selecting the tiles and configuring the values in theirdialog settings window. Once again, we want to point out a very

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important feature: if you enabled the unit price check-box (during thetiles creation or in the tile dialog setting window) the cost will becalculated by multiplying the tile price for the number of tiles youinserted in the plan. Otherwise the cost will be calculate per area. Thatmeans the typed price will be multiplied for the tile covered surface.Another calculation method you have to remember is the way in whichArchiTiles calculates the number of tiles. In all the other lists, thisnumber comes from the tile object occurrences and (not distinguishingwhether the tiles have been cut or not). This special list calculates thenumber of tiles in a smarter way: if the tile surface is less than half atile, ArchiTiles calculates half a tile, if the tile surface is more than halfa tile, ArchiTiles calculates a whole tile.

- Tiles/Zones/Nameso This template lists all the tile objects included in your project, givinginformation about home room, name, components and quantity, andnumber of occurrences.

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The last Zone list template provides you with:

- Tiles/Zoneso This template lists all the tile objects included in your project, givinginformation about home zone name and number, tile name, andnumber of occurrences.

- Cigraph Zoneso This list doesn’t have anything to do with the tile calculations. It onlyreturns all the useful data about the zones inside your project… enjoy it!

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Personalize the ArchiTiles list templatesThere are some features you should know in order to customize theArchiTiles list templates.

First of all, the header data (all the info displayed in the page header)can be personalized by editing the following files (that you can findinside the ArchiTiles.Lib/ ArchiTiles List/ Personal Data folder):

AT_TEXT_1.txt (a text file that identify the data displayed in the firstheader row)

AT_TEXT_2.txt (a text file that identify the data displayed in the secondheader row)

AT_TEXT_3.txt (a text file that identify the data displayed in the thirdheader row)

AT_TEXT_4.txt (a text file that identify the data displayed in the fourthheader row)

Logo_Studio.jpg (if you replace this image file with the logo of youroffice, your logo will be included in the list header)

Tile Drawing inside the listsThe ArchiTiles element list named Tiles(3d) can display also a graphicrepresentation of the listed tiles.

In order to display these drawings, you have to select all the tileobjects in your project and link them to one of the following PropertyObjects:

- Tile3D.GPS- TilePlan.GPSThis is a standard ArchiCAD procedure, so we will suggest to you toread the ArchiCAD User Manual in order to better learn how you canlink a property object to an ArchiCAD element.

If you use the Tile3D.GPS property object the ArchiTiles list will displaya 3D view of the listed tiles:

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If you use the TilePlan.GPS property object, the ArchiTiles list willdisplay the plan of the listed tiles:

Filtering the data calculationIn order to get the correct result by using the ArchiTiles lists, we suggestyou use these lists only with the ArchiTiles elements.

This means that you have to customize these lists by properlyconfiguring them.

From the ArchiCAD Calculate Menu, choose the Setup List Schemescommand.

On the right side, select the list scheme you want to modify.

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Now, on the First tab page, configure the listing option.

The best way to filter the ArchiTiles element is by using the layerhierarchy; when you lay your tiles, always use the same layers.

Then, when you want to display the calculation, enable only theselayers, and the ArchiTiles scheme lists will show all the requested datain the best way.

Origin of the calculation dataAs you learned in the previous chapters, the final result produced byArchiTiles is a set of objects that represents your tiles.

From the tile laying on your room walls, you got a single object. Fromthe laying of room slab and ceiling, you got single objects, ect.

This ArchiCAD object represents only the 3D visualization of your tiles,but all the calculation info comes from all the single tile objectsArchiTiles automatically inserted in the ArchiCAD Floor plan.

Once you have created the final 3D objects, DON’T delete the tileobjects from which they have been created, otherwise you will looseall the data needed for the tiles calculations.

Of course, you can put these tiles out of sight by hiding their layer (thesame layer you will use for the calculation purpose!). But once again,remember that if you delete them, you will not have any calculationfeatures.

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There is another “trick” we suggest you use to hide these tiles withoutdeleting them:

1. Select all the tiles you want to hide2. Double-click on the ArchiTiles Tile Object Tool3. In the displayed Tile Object Settings window, disable the variable

named “Show 3D” (Show 3D = Off); In this way, independentlyfrom your layer configuration, the selected tiles won’t be displayedin the 3D window, they will be displayed only in the ArchiCADFloor plan.

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