maluti 13 mar 2013

TEL: 058 - 303 5407 WEDNESDAY 13 MARCH 2013 FREE Koerant met hart The paper with heart I MET hul helderkleurige geel, pers en lem- metjiegroen klere het die span van Nu Pro die prys vir die beste kleredrag op die Relay for Life wat op Bethlehem gehou is, ontvang. Die jaarlikse geleentheid word ten bate van Kansa aangebied. Foto’s: Lynda Greyling WILLIE PRETORIUS het die Relay for Life terdeë geniet! DIE personeel van Wulf Alarms het vir groot opwinding gesorg toe hulle Pieter Koen, die gaskunstenaar op die relay, ontvoer en ’n losprys van al die ander deelnemers geëis het om hom vry te laat. Hier word Pieter meegedeel dat hy ontvoer gaan word. EEN van Paul Roux se Matadors en kankeroorwinnaar, Emmarentzia van Aarde, op die jaarlikse Relay for Life. IVY HEINLEIN en Ritjie Nel van Bethlehem-Wes se span. SPANNE met die optog om die baan. Hope pret Hope pret

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Maluti 13 Mar 2013


Page 1: Maluti 13 Mar 2013

TEL: 058 ­ 303 5407 WEDNESDAY 13 MARCH 2013 FREE

Koerant met hart The paper with heartI

MET hul helderkleurige geel, pers en lem­metjiegroen klere het die span van Nu Prodie prys vir die beste kleredrag op die Relayfor Life wat op Bethlehem gehou is, ontvang.Die jaarlikse geleentheid word ten bate vanKansa aangebied. Foto’s: Lynda Greyling

WILLIE PRETORIUS het die Relayfor Life terdeë geniet!

DIE personeel van Wulf Alarms het vir groot opwinding gesorg toe hullePieter Koen, die gaskunstenaar op die relay, ontvoer en ’n losprys vanal die ander deelnemers geëis het om hom vry te laat. Hier word Pietermeegedeel dat hy ontvoer gaan word.

EEN vanPaul Roux seMatadors enkankeroorwinnaar, EmmarentziavanAarde, op die jaarlikseRelay forLife.

IVY HEINLEIN en Ritjie Nel vanBethlehem­Wes se span. SPANNE met die optog om die baan.

Hope pretHope pret

Page 2: Maluti 13 Mar 2013


Koerant met hart The paper with heartI

Gedruk deur Paarl Coldset

Tel: 051 430 1050

Nelson Mandelarylaan 79


Verkoopsbestuurder:Coleen Cilliers

Sel: 083 411 1064

[email protected]

Redakteur: Lynda Greyling

Sel: 082 484 2080

Tel: 058 303 5411

[email protected]

15 en 16 Maart: Die HoërskoolWitteberg se matrieks van 1993hou hul 20 jaar-reünie. Vir meerinligting oor die reünie bel Liezel(néé Coetzee) Wessels by 082-474-8216.13 Maart: Die Bethlehem-tuin-bouklub vergader by Ria Slab-bert. Belangstellendes vertrekom 09:00 van die parkeerterreinoorkant die Dihlabeng-hospitaal.14 tot 19Maart:MalutiMagic, dieMaluti-Hooglandskool se kon-sert, word in die skoolsaal aange-bied.16 Maart: Die Bethlehem-perde-uithouritklub bied sy jaarlikse uit-

hourit oor 80 kmaan. Dit begin eneindig op die skouterrein. Rig na-vrae aan Derick O’Connor by083-629-5242.19Maart:DieChristelike Afhank-likheidsdiens (CAD) vergader om18:00 by Baartmanstraat 7. Rignavrae aan Lappies Labuschag-ne by 079-522-4088 of Kotie La-buschagne by 072-486-2924.

’n COBRA, GT4 en Mustang. Diejaarlikse Maluti Antique Auto-klub se Carsat the Airport-motorskou het Saterdagtalle besoekers van oor die land heengelok.Die motorfees is in samewerking met

die Dihlabeng-munisipaliteit en Bethle-hem-vliegklub aangebied.Die klublede glo nie daarin dat karre

staties en stil moet wees nie, hulle moetbeweeg en party moet brul en die skouwas behoorlik ’n motor- en enjinfees metgerestoureerde rygoed, streetrods, musclecars, tuner cars en sportmotors.Vanjaar se tema was Tribute to Carroll

Shelby. Shelby was die ontwerper vandie Cobra, die Ford GT40 en die Mus-tang GT350 en is verlede jaar oorlede.Cobras, GT40’s en Mustangs van oor

die land heen was op die skou te sien.Die hoogtepunt van die dag was dieMoment of Noise toe al die deelnemersgelyktydig hulde aan Shelby gebringhet.Ander gerestoureerde motors van so

ver terug soos die Model T’s is ook tentoon gestel.Een van die hoogtepunte was die

uitstalling van ’n Cobra Daytona Coupé.Peter Lindenberg, wat in ’n stadium die

vinnigste man op land en op water was,het die skou as eregas bygewoon.

Toeka serygoedpronk opvliegveld

EEN van die talle Cobras wat Saterdag op dieMaluti Antique Auto­klub se Cars at the Air­port­motorskou op die Bethlehem­vliegvelduitgestal is. Foto: Riaan van der Walt

DIE Hoërskool Voortrekker het dieeerste keer ’n musiekblyspelaangebied waarin die leerlingeself gesing het.So eie aan die jare vyftig, met

hamburgers, melkskommels,botteltjies koeldrank, springmieliesen die kenmerkende kleredrag,was die leerlinge se vertolkingvan Grease besonders.Grease was Kyle de Villers se

negende produksie waarin hyopgetree het. Hy het die rol vanDanny vertolk.Lené Wiggett, wat in die

Randburgse Jeugkoor gesing het,het die rol van Sandy vertolk.Die Burger Palace Boys is deur

Jason du Randt, Paul-JohanFarrell, Louis Fourie en Gert vanWyk vertolk, terwyl MagrietKleynhans, Liezl Reed, TracyMofokeng en Brenda du Plessis

die Pink Ladies was.Marianne Mathee was die

produksieleier en repetiteur, terwyl

Ronelle van Heerden vir die teks,dekor en choreografie verantwoor-delik was.

Laat waai in ‘Grease’

DANNY (links), die Pink Ladies en Burger Palace Boys in aksie in die musiek­blyspel Grease wat aan die Hoërskool Voortrekker opgevoer is.

Page 3: Maluti 13 Mar 2013


EXTENTIONS and renovations atthe Dihlabeng Regional Hospitalare nearing completion.

The hospital’s radiology depart-ment required a user-friendly andrevolutionary multi-slice CT scan-ner. It is situated in the newly-builtarea, near the chemist. This scan-ner was recently installed in thehospital and has the capacity to de-liver a dedicated 24-hour service.

In the past when patients need-ed to be scanned they had to besent to the Manapo Hospital inQwaqwa. The more severe caseshad to be referred to private institu-tions such as the Hoogland Medi-clinic at a cost to the hospital.

This scanner can perform scanssuch as CT Brain-CVA, trauma,chest, abdominal, pelvic, spine,extremities and a selection of angi-

ograms. It has a powerful genera-tor with a tube rotation time of 0.5seconds per slice. It can accom-modate patients weighing up to200 kg.

The system also has massivestorage capacity and data retrievalis much easier as images can beprinted on film or loaded onto CD’s.According to Dr Ira Kearns, theDRH’s acting chief executive offic-er, the referral of patients to otherpublic hospitals or local private in-stitutions will now be a thing of thepast. “I am very excited. This ac-quisition is a plus for us and it willalso bring much-needed relief tohealth facilities in our catchmentarea. It demonstrates our commit-ment to bettering the health andlives of the people in the area,” sheadded.

Scanner a big assetJOACHME MONUNYANE was the first patient at the Dihlabeng Regional Hospital to be scanned withthe newmulti­slice CT scanner the hospital obtained.With him are from the left Steps Sethibe (chief radiolo­gist), Palesa Khateane (radiologist), Paulen Makobo and Ntombi Letsoalo (radiologist). Photo: Lynda Greyling

SCANS from the new CT scan­ner on a computer screen.

IS Bethlehem nog kompeterendteenoor die internasionale mark?Die vraag is deur die bekende eko-noom Ulrich Joubert tydens ’n ge-selligheid van die AHI Bethlehem(voorheen bekend as die Hoog-land- Besigheidforum) gevra. Jou-bert het oor die begroting gepraat.

Belasting is nie verhoog nie, trou-ens minister Pravin Gordhan hetR7,3 miljard se verligting aan be-lastingbetalers gegee deur die be-lastingdrempels soos gewoonlikaan te pas om vir inflasie voorsie-ning te maak.

Nie veel gaan egter in belasting-betalers se sak beland nie, omdatdie minister weer R5,8 miljard te-ruggevat het deur soos gewoonlikpetrol, drank en tabak hoër te be-las. Hy het gesê die Suid-Afrikaan-se ekonomie groei steeds, maarteen ’n stadiger tempo as wat ver-wag is. Dit word beraam om teen2.7% vanjaar te groei. Meer is be-groot vir onderwys. Daar word ge-werk aan ’n 100%- matriekslaagsy-fer, maar wat beteken dit? “Daar is

te veel kortkominge in die onder-wysstelsel”.

Daarby het die probleme in diemynbou en landbou, asook in diediensleweringbedryf, se merk ge-laat. Byna 4.5 miljoen Suid-Afrika-ners is werkloos en werkloosheid isdie hoogste onder die jeug. Die ver-vaardigingsektor is belangrik virgroei en ontwikkeling, maar andersektore word toenemend belangrik.

Joubert het gewaarsku dat politi-ci versigtig moet wees wat hullekwytraak, aangesien dit die ekono-mie skade kan berokken. Hullemoet ook versigtig wees oor hoegeld bestee word.

Op plaaslike vlak moet die AHI“lawaai” maak oor wat en hoe geldbestee word. Weet Bethlehemietehoe die plaaslike owerheid (munisi-paliteit) sy geld bestee? Wat is be-groot vir dienslewering?

Ben Deysel, ondervoorsitter vandie AHI, sê hulle wil met die betrok-kenes gesels en gesamentlike op-lossings vir probleme vind endienslewering verbeter.

Begroting komonder die loep

ULRICH JOUBERT (links) het die begroting tydens ’n dinee van die AHIBethlehem bespreek. Belanghebbendes wat die geselligheid bygewoonhet, is van links, voor: Joubert, Johan Voigt (voorsitter, AHI Bethlehem),MariaanVoigt enMorganVanga (voorsitter, Bohlokong­sakekamer); agter:Amanda Deysel en Ben Deysel (Harrismith), vise­president AHI.

Page 4: Maluti 13 Mar 2013






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Behoorlik gelas deur die Terugname- en Vlootbestuurders van Wesbank, MFC (‘n divisie van Nedbank), Nedbank Ltd, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd en die Likwidatuers in die saak van Taxi Trucks Logistics (Edms) Bpk (In Likwidasie,) -Meestersverwysingsnommer: C1236/2012, sal Aucor die volgende aanvul en per publieke veiling verkoop:

Padvark het geen respekJ. VENTER, Bethlehem:

DIE berig oor die geel Lambor-ghini in Maluti van 27 Februarie2013 het betrekking.Ek het ’n soortgelyke jaagding

kort gelede in Kerkstraat en VillageSquare gesien.By die verkeerslig in Kerkstraat

het die ding voor in die ry voertuiegestaan terwyl die bestuurder diemotor ge-ref-ref het – ek weet nieof daar ’n ander beskrywing vir sul-ke windgatgeid is nie – soos ’n For-mule 1-motor wat by die weg-springplek vir die groen lig wag. Toedie lig na groen oorslaan, vlieg hy

daar weg. Maar dit was baie gouduidelik dat die bestuurder geenbeheer oor die voertuig het nie. Hyjaag van die een baan na die anderen kom eers heelwat verder by ’nverkeerslig tot stilstand. Hy moesdaar stop, want die lig was nog niegroen nie.Ek weet daar is baie negatiwiteit

oor die plaaslike munisipaliteit,maar daar is een ding wat hulle be-slis regdoen en dit is dat ons dorp

se verkeersligte redelik goed gesin-chroniseer is. Bestuur jy jou voer-tuig beskaaf sal jy al die verkeers-ligte groen kry so ver soos wat jyry. Die weg sal vir jou oopgaan.Maar dié ou was heeltemal te haas-

tig en toe daardie verkeerslig nagroen oorslaan, jaag hy weer vanbaan tot baan tot by die volgenderooi verkeerslig en weer het hygeen beheer oor die voertuig nie.’n Dag of wat later gewaar ek

weer so ’n geel gevaarte, maar diékeer geparkeer by dieVillageSqua-re. Hy parkeer toe sommer op vierplekke gelyktydig.Dit verbaas nie dat hy in ’n woe-

de-uitbarsting ook ’n vuurwapen

rondgeswaai en ’n grassnyer ge-skop het nie. Kla hom aan.Indien vervolging nie kan slaag

nie, gaan lê ’n beëdigde verkla-ring by die polisie se vuurwapenaf-deling af sodat die man onbevoegverklaar kan word om ’n wapen tebesit.’n Mens wat so optree, het beslis

geen beheer oor sy voertuie, wa-pens en humeur nie.Waarskynlik ook nie oor sy geld-

sake nie.Hy/sy minag die samelewing en

sy wette.Hy/sy hoort nie in enige beska-

wing nie.

Briewe /


Page 5: Maluti 13 Mar 2013



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Page 6: Maluti 13 Mar 2013


The Frontier Inn & Casino, which ispart of the Peermont Group, recei-ved the Top Performing Unit Awardat the CEO’s Top Achiever Awards– this only four years after the Fron-tier Inn & Casino stood last in linefor this prestigious award.The Frontier Inn & Casino is one

of 13 hotels in the group.Anthony Oliver became the ge-

neral manager four years ago.Coming from the casino and ho-

tel industry, the work at the FrontierInn & Casino was nothing strangeto him.With lots of challenges and being

a persons-person, Oliver set towork in all the various facets of thebusiness.His hands-on approach was re-

warded at the awards function heldat the Emperors Palace.Since Oliver became general

manager at the Frontier Inn & Casi-no they were awarded the MMSETourism Award for the growth and

development of the tourism indus-try from the Free State Departmentof Economical Development, Tou-rism and Environmental Affairs.He also received the Business-

man of the Year Award from theHighlands Business Forum, nowthe AHI Bethlehem, in 2010.Currently he is the vice-chairman

of the AHI Bethlehem.“I am grateful for the award. I

would like to thank my Frontierteam for their hard work, commit-ment and dedication that helpedmake this achievement possible.”Oliver would like to convey his

sincere appreciation to all the loyalclients for their patronage at theFrontier Inn & Casino.A team representing the Fron-

tier Inn, Connie Claasen, JP Au-gustine, Steve Pringle and An-thony Oliver, won second prizeduring the same week – for co-ming second in the Mmbatho An-nual Golf Challenge.

Casino awarded as top achiever

THE Frontier Inn & Casino received the CEO’s prize as the bestunit at their anual prizegiving. From the left are Leon Kok, CliveTavener, Nigel Atherton, Herman Brits, Anthony Olivier and Mark Jak­ins.

PEERMONT’S top achievers for 2013 are from the left Nicole Kandier (head office, runner­up), Anthony Puttergill(chief executive officer), Thabisile Sibeko (Emperors Palace, joint third), Moemedi Moseki (The Grand Palm,2013 winner), Leon Kok (chief operating officer South Africa), Kihlewe Nkomo (group chief human resourcesexecutive) and Emily Tladi (Frontier Inn, joint third).

Page 7: Maluti 13 Mar 2013


Page 8: Maluti 13 Mar 2013


Coach Moloi proud of his soccer teamTHE Frontier Inn Dihlabeng Community Trust sponsored the Nigol Football Club with R20 000. This teamwon the 2012 soccer league. Coach Malawi Moloi is very proud of them. With the team at the back arefrom the left Malawi Moloi (coach), Lené de Villiers (marketing mananger, Frontier Inn) and Anthony Oliver(general manager, Frontier Inn).

ONE of the welfare organisationFree State Care in Action’scrèches, the Thusong Crèche,received a facelift thanks to theFrontier Inn Dihlabeng Commu-nity Trust.

Staff of the Frontier Innpainted the building on theinside and outside in their spare

time. Some maintenance wasdone to the building.

They also donated educationaltoys and posters as well asblankets and mattresses andswings for the little ones tokeep themselves busy whileplaying outside – a project ofR20 000.

Crèche getsa facelift

THE Thusong Crèche in Bohlokong was painted and new equipment in­stalled thanks to the Frontier Dihlabeng Community Trust. From the leftare, front: JosephinaMokhatlo (Thusong) and Lydia Niya (Thusong); back:Raymond Mahlaba (Frontier Inn), Dr Clem Harrington (chairman: FreeState Care in Action, Bethlehem), Lené de Villiers (marketing manager:Frontier Inn), David Jane (Frontier Inn), Anthony Oliver (general manager:Frontier Inn) and Daphne Thabalala (Thusong).

FOR the past few years theFrontier Inn Dihlabeng Com-munity Trust has been in-volved in various communityprojects.

Not only big amounts ofmoney was spent on theprojects, but lots of labourwent into all of them.

Staff members that participa-

ted in these projects took sometime off from work, but in mostcases they did the work intheir free time.

Some of the projects arethe Bethlehem CollegiansLadies Rugby Club; Bohlo-kong Hospice; CharlotteTheron Children’s Home,Ikamoheleng Bophelong

Disabled Centre, Free StateYouth Care Centres, JapsnoetKindergarten, Maluti HooglandSchool, Nigol Football Club;Phaphamang Lounge Club;Phedisang Bana DisabledCentre; Ratanang LuncheonClub; Sydney’s VegetableProject and the Thusong DayCare Centre.

Trust reaches out to community


Koerant met hart The paper with heartI

Koerant met ‘n hart vir sy mense,

sy adverteerders en sy omgewing.

Koerant met ‘n hart vir sy mense,

sy adverteerders en sy omgewing.


Johan 081 438 7715

Redene 082 405 5019

vir u advertensiebehoeftes.

Page 9: Maluti 13 Mar 2013


’n KOMITEE van al die belangegroepe in kleingrane het vroeër van­deesmaand by die LNR­Kleingraaninsituut buite Bethlehem vergaderom die nasionale kultivar­evalueringsprogram te evalueer. Die komi­tee bestaan uit verteenwoordigers van die LNR­KGI, die Universiteitvan die Vrystaat (UV), die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US), Sansor,SAB Maltings (Pty) Ltd, die onderskeie departemente van landbou,saadmaatskappye en ander belanghebbendes. Van links is, voor: Le­bogang Jack (departement landbou, Noordwes), Cynthia Mapatlara(DAFF), Piet Lombard (departement landbou, Wes­Kaap) en CornelBender (UV); agter: Ben Roothman (AllGro), dr. Francois Koekemoer(Sensako), Willem Kilian (LNR­KGI), Willem Boshoff (Pannar) en Ko­bus Lategan (departement landbou, Noord­Kaap).

Instituut leiprogramDIE LNR-kleingraaninstituut hetdie mandaat om die nasionalekultivar-evalueringsprogram naal die koringproduserendegebiede in Suid-Afrika uit tevoer.

Die program, wat die enigstein sy soort in Suid-Afrika is,toets en evalueer alle vryge-stelde koringkultivars van al diesaadmaatskappye op ’nobjektiewe en wetenskaplikemanier wat betref van aan-pasbaarheid, opbrengs engehalte.

Daar bestaan drie afsonderli-ke evalueringsprogramme,naamlik vir koringverbouing indie somerreënvalgebied(droëland, sowel as besproei-ing), asook vir koringverbouingin die winterreënvalgebied.

Die navorsingsresultate watdie afgelope jaar ingesamel is,

is aan die komitee voorgelê eneenparig goedgekeur.

Die data word nou gebruikom aanbevelings aan produ-sente te maak om hulle instaat te stel om hul produksie-risiko’s tot die minimum tebeperk en hul wins te verhoog.

Die LNR-Kleingraaninstituutpubliseer jaarliks ’n kompakteproduksiehandleiding waarin aldie nuutste inligting en resulta-te saamgevat is.

Dié produksiehandleidingbevat verder ook inligting ooralgemene produksiepraktyke,grondbewerkingsriglyne,plantvoeding, onkruid-, siekte-en insekbeheer.

Die opbrengs- en gehaltere-sultate wat die afgelopeseisoen ingesamel is, wordvolledig in die produksiehand-leidings geplaas.

VIR enige nuus of nuuswenke belLynda Greyling by 058-303-5411 of082-484-2080 of stuur ’n e-pos na

[email protected].

N6 students informed atDenmarN6 STUDENTS of theMaluti FET College:Bethlehem Campus visitedthe Denmar Estate atSlabberts.The former Maluti FET

students April Ntombeleand Tebello Motsoenengwho works for Denmar,did the presentation abouttheir operations thatinclude the manufacturingand distribution of cooledproducts such as cheese,milk, yoghurt and fruitjuice.Students were also

informed about exportingto Lesotho, as well as

important aspects of themarketing process.A tour through the

warehouse ended with agift of Denmar’s own juicethat they manufacture.

STUDENTS from the Maluti FET College: Bethlehem­Cam­pus recently visited Denmar.

Page 10: Maluti 13 Mar 2013


THEFRONTIER INNDIHLABENGCOMMUNITY TRUST het die klere van dieMaluti­Hooglandskool se eerste krieket­span geborg. Van links is, voor: Guillome Steyn, Thaphelo Sehloho, Cornel Pepler en Bennet Kok; agter: John Cordier(afrigter), André Pepler (voorsitter, beheerliggaam) en Anthony Oliver (Frontier Inn Dihlabeng Community Trust).

Lookingfor bestteacherPEP is onceagain asking kidsall over South Africa to nomi-nate their favourite teacher forthe 2013 Amazing Teacher ofthe Year award – an initiativein which not only the winningteacher, but also the nomina-tor and the school, all win pri-zes. The competition is opento gr. 4 to gr. 7 pupils who areinvited to write a short letterexplainingwhy they think theirteacher is amazing. Entryforms are available at all Pepstores nationwide or on thePep website ( Entries close on 31May.The award is now in its se-

cond year following the initia-tive’s success in 2012 whenMaurett Bell of the Belhar Pri-mary School in Bellville, Wes-tern Cape, was named theTeacher of the Year. Bell saidwhat was really important forher is to teach basic humanrespect. “I like to show thechildren how to behave pro-perly.” Her nominator, Chri-scheAfrica, saidMrsBell “ . . .was like a mother to me. Shealso made me comfortableabout what I was learning”.The winning prize is

R15 000 for the winning tea-cher, as well as the title “Mostamazing teacher of 2013.”The nominating pupil will re-ceive R5 000 in vouchers.The school wins a Pep Aca-demy national programme forextra tuition.

J.D. SALINGER word as een van diegrootste Amerikaanse skrywers be­skou, dog sy hele oeuvre beslaaneenroman, The Catcher in the Rye, endrie volumes kortverhale waarvanFranny en Zooey moontlik die be­kendstes is. Elna Venter het die wer­ke van Salinger op die Bethlehem­leeskring se maandelikse vergade­ring bespreek.

Bespreek Salinger

Borg Maluti­Hoogland­span se krieketklere

TWEEpersoneellede van Partrite hetaltesaam 1 506 boeke deur die AfgriBook Collection Drive ingesamel enaan die Kinder­ en Gesinsorgvereni­ging op Bethlehem oorhandig. Dieboeke is nou vir tussen R5 en R10in die Tsepong Ya Rona­skuiling byRouxstraat 30 te koop. Van links isDeon Erwee, bestuurder van die Kin­der­ en Gesinsorgvereniging, Yvon­ne Louw en Lida van Heerden.

Samel boeke inOUD­SKOLIERE sekrieketspan, wat dieafgelope seisoen on­oorwonne in die 50­beurtliga was, het dieDewar­skild ontvangnadat hulle Reitz Sa­terdag met 40 lopiesgeklop het. Hier oor­handig Dawie Botha(links) van Oos­Vry­staat Krieket die skildaan Deon Schoom­bie, kaptein vanOud­Skoliere.

MPHO RAMATHIBE (regs) van die Oud­Sko­liere­krieketspan is in die Suid­AfrikaansePlattelandspan vir 2013 ingesluit. By hom isDawie Botha van die Oos­Vrystaat Krieketko­mitee.

KlopReitz,wen liga

Haal span

Page 11: Maluti 13 Mar 2013


Human Communications 96477

Background: The Independent Development Trust (IDT) is a Schedule 2 PublicEntity and a delivery driver of Government’s social poverty alleviation programmesand is committed to ensuring the implementation of the Codes of Good Practiceas per Section 9(1) of the Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 53 of2003. The organisation has representation in all provinces and is organised on thebasis of regional offices.

The IDT Free State (Bloemfontein) office invites prospective suppliers to register onits database of suppliers.

The list of services and application forms can be obtained from the IDT Free Stateregional office or downloaded from the IDT website: (to accessthese documents on the website, click on Publications, SCM, then SupplierQuestionnaires).

Completed applications are to be submitted at the IDT, Free State RegionalOffice, Unipark Offices, 082 Vodacom Lane, Nobel Street, Brandwag,Bloemfontein.

Certified copies of company registration certificates, certified copies of IDs, originalvalid Tax Clearance, B-BBEE Certificates and VAT Certificates, etc, must beattached when returning the registration documents.

Closing date for submission is 30 April 2013.

Failure to complete all supplementary information may result in non-registration.

*Female contractors are encouraged to register*

All enquiries regarding registration on the IDT database must be directed toMr Silo Mathe, tel. (051) 411-6255/40.

If your company is already registered and would like to confirm registration andreference, kindly contact us.

NB: Telegraphic, facsimiled, electronic and incomplete forms will not be considered.

Supplier RegistrationInvitation to Prospective Suppliers to

Apply for Listing as a Preferred Supplieron the Independent Development Trust

Vendor Management System

THE avalanche of goals scored during thefirst round of the Nedbank Cup resultedinto R448 000 worth of funds for charity aspart of the Nedbank Cup Goals for Goals2013 campaign.

In total, 56 goals were scored during theelectrifying first round of the Nedbank Cupand for every goal scored during thetournament, Nedbank is donating R8 000towards the establishment of a multi-pur-pose sports court. To this end the bankhas challenged the players to reach itstarget of R1 million worth of goals and atthis rate the set target looks feasible.

One of the biggest contributors to thegoals galore during the first round of the2013 tournament was Maluti FET College,after scoring four goals and pulling one ofthe Nedbank Cup’s memorable upsets.

“It’s absolutely amazing to have kicked-off this campaign on a high note. All theteams and players that took part in thefirst round have certainly come to theparty in a remarkable way and wecongratulate them on their efforts. Wefurther encourage those who will be takingpart in the last 16 round to continue thetrend and score more goals, thus contribu-te to the efforts aimed at assisting thosewho are underprivileged in our country,”said Maseda Ratshikuni, Head: causemarketing at Nedbank.

A week ago, Nedbank officially kickstarted the Sports Development compo-nent of the Goals for Goals 2013 cam-paign through a donation of soccer kit toMilnerton and Delft Primary Schools aswell as Pinelands High School in CapeTown. The donation was part of thenational soccer kit hand over programmeaimed at benefitting at least 10 schoolsper province. In total, 100 schools acrossSouth Africa will benefit as part of theNedbank Sport Development Programmelaunched in 2010, in partnership with the

Sports Trust.Nedbank’s long standing partnership

with the Sports Trust spans over almost20 years. Over this period, Nedbank hascontributed nearly R15 million through theNedbank Sport Affinity Programme. Asclients use their Sport Affinity banking andinvestment accounts, more money isdonated to the Sports Trust to developsport in South Africa at no cost to theclient.

Last year, Nedbank donated soccer kitto more than 64 schools across thecountry and also donated R200 000 to theMC Weiler School in Alexandra to assistin building a sports field as part of theNedbank Cup Goals for Goals campaign.In less than three years, Nedbank hasreached approximately 240 schools aspart of the Nedbank Soccer DevelopmentProgramme.

“One of our objectives is to be a bankfor all South Africans and football hasproven to be a great platform to connectwith the communities we serve. The bankwill continue to make a positive contributi-on towards empowering communities aswell as current and rising football starswith the skills and resources they need tomake things happen,” said Maseda.

Since its inception, the Nedbank Cuphas contributed to the development ofyoung talent, given deserving players fromthe NFD and SAFA ranks the opportunityto make their mark by testing their skillsagainst teams from the PSL. Within fiveyears, the Nedbank Cup has become apremier cup competition filled with manymemorable moments for the fans, teamsand players.

Nedbank believes when combined withGoals for Goals and Nedbank Ke YonaTeam search, the Cup will enable evenmore South Africans to realise theirdreams.

Millions donated toschools for soccer

Cold BustersCold BustersCold Busters

Rouxstraat 11ABethlehem

058 303 9159(Mr Door & Gate)

Bethlehem se eiebraai- en kaggelfabriek

Bethlehem se eiebraai- en kaggelfabriek

For all tombstones andrepairs to damagedtombstones, as well asepitaphs, etc. Pleasephone 058 303 4840.

Was vansitkamerstelle,

volvloermatte enmotorsitplekke.

Uitsuig van water.Gratis kwotasies.


Ronel 082 788 1483

Flower Fun Kwekery:Nuwe voorraad en 'specials'op plante. Vars blomme be-skikbaar vir alle geleenthe-de. Skakel 058 303 8423.Cambrigestr. 58. By silo's.Oop Ma. - Sa.

1-slk-woonstel in Eurekate huur. Beskikbaar vanaf 1April 2013 teen R2 500 p.m.W en l ingesluit. Derick082 825 4097.

Marzandahof Apartment:Woonstel sentraal geleë inBethlehem te huur. 3 slk, 1,5badkamers, groot sit-/eet-kamer, tuin rondom, motor-huis, sekuriteitshek. Onmid-dellik beskikbaar. Bel asbvir Marlien by 082 662 8372.


KORT AFSTANDE. Groot ofklein vragmotors. Skakel

082 706 3919.

Page 12: Maluti 13 Mar 2013


SportSportKoerant met hart The paper with heartI

KARLIEN MYBURGH van die Hoërskool Witteberg in aksie indie paalspring op die Clover­byeenkoms wat op Goblepark be­slis is.

Karlien reik na die sterre

Pa en dogter klubkampioene’n PA en sy dogter isdie nuwe klubkampi-oene van die Bethle-hem-gholfklub.

Dolf Maartenswas al verskeie kereklubkampioen. Sydogter, Melincke,wat al van jongs afspeel en vanjaar bydie Hoërskool Witte-berg begin skoolhouhet, het die vroue-af-deling gewen.

In die mansafde-ling was Stefan vanDyk tweede gevolgdeur Retief Tolken.

Tienie van derSpuy het die bestenetto telling vir dienaweek gehad.

Hy is ook die wen-ner van die B-afde-ling.

DIE klubkampioenskap is verlede naweek bydie Bethlehem­gholfklub beslis. Van links isDeon vanRensburg (klubkaptein), Dolf Maar­tens (wenner: mansafdeling), MelinckeMaar­tens (wenner: vroueafdeling) en DesmondDeysel (onderkaptein).

TIENIE VAN DER SPUY (middel) het die B­afdeling van die Bethle­hem­gholfklub se klubkampioenskappe gewen. Links is Deon vanRensburg, klubkaptein, en regs is Desmond Deysel, onderkaptein.

ILENE BEUKES, ’n befaamde ruitervan Bethlehem, het onlangs aan ’nskou op De Aar deelgeneem. Sy het ’neerste plek in die stap­draf­toetsklas indie o.12­afdeling ontvang en derde indie o.14­afdeling vir driegangruiter­kuns geëindig. Sy gaan einde April aandie Suid­Afrikaanse kampioenskappein Bloemfontein deelneem.

Behaal 1ste plek

Koerant met hart The paper with heartI


Johan 081 438 7715

Redene 082 405 5019

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