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2015 : A year in which PazHolandesa proudly entered its 15 years of existence. An event, celebrated in modesty over a benefit dinner.

A year in which a board change took place. Where we had to take leave of Bert Verheul – our treasurer ever since day one-, Dick

Tibboel and Paul Knegt – respectively chairman and secretary- and Ger Olyhoek, as General Member.

Between 10 and 15 years, we have worked together as a team. I am personally very grateful for the time, the interest and the efforts

that Bert, Dick, Paul and Ger disinterestedly brought the organisation, that made PazHolandesa what it is today.

The circumstances bore two Surgery Projects. We managed to implement new projects along such as language classes to cleft children

that live in the often remote outskirts of Arequipa, through tablets and the Internet: we finally realised our long-desired wish to

provide these children with this improved form of accessible aftercare – weekly elocution classes to which they couldn’t attend

otherwise, because of the distance. Crowned with a prize from Telefonica, Peru, in the category “Rural Projects”, this project’s aim

was to provide access to high-quality care or support to children living in remote areas. Moreover, the prize merely consisted of a

certificate. In a glance, the retrospect on 2015 leaves me with fulfilling satisfaction, having again been able to help many children.

Now, all that is left to do is thanking every volunteer, from each team, for her/his continuous self-investment and devotion! Naturally,

we are infinitely grateful to our donators, big or small, without whom we impossibly could continue doing what we do!

Thank You very much, Veel Dank, Muchas Gracias, Marjan Van Mourik, Director

Foreword by the Executive

Fundraising; 6.397; 3%

Spent on objective; 192.789; 97%


Fondsenwerving Uitgegeven aan doel

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Activiteiten 2015


185 free


2300 children



2800 donated


and materials


children self-



15000 consultations

Operatie- en nazorgprojecten

In 2014 hebben we vijf operatieprojecten uitgevoerd: drie plastisch chirurgische- en

twee urologische. In totaal zijn er 322 (gratis) operaties succesvol verricht.

Tijdens de plastisch chirurgische projecten worden niet alleen kinderen met een schisis

Cardiologie; 76; 1% Chirurgie; 69; 1%

Endocrinologie; 113; 2%Gynaecologie; 157; 2%

Huidziekten; 220; 3%Kaakchirurgie;

502; 7%

Kinderarts; 2913; 39%

Kinderchirurgie; 182; 2%

Kinderlongziekenten; 53; 1%

KNO; 213; 3%

Maag-darmziekten; 374; 5%

Neurologie; 47; 1%

Orthodontie; 499; 7%

Ortopedie; 507; 7%

Tandarts; 1422; 19%

Urology; 100; 1%

Specialism outpatient clinic

Cardiologie Chirurgie Endocrinologie Gynaecologie

Huidziekten Kaakchirurgie Kinderarts Kinderchirurgie

Kinderlongziekenten KNO Maag-darmziekten Neurologie

Orthodontie Ortopedie Tandarts Urologie

1000 hearing

aids donated

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In 2015 we realised two plastic surgery projects. 89 children with either

grave burn wounds or born with a cleft lip underwent surgery. All

patients of the mentioned (surgery)projects above, are attended

through pre and post-surgery by our teams. They receive

multidisciplinary treatments, such as speech therapy, dental care,

psychological accompaniment and medical rehabilitation. For years we

have been giving parents and patients training against incontinence –in

association with the International Federation for Spina Bifida and

Hydrocephalus- so that they may attend to school or university, dry

and clean. The aim of this being to help them become independent and

lead an autonomous life.

in cooperation with the American Starkley

organisation and the Arequipan Rotary Club we managed to measure

for 1000 hearing-aids and donate them to hearing impaired and deaf

children. This action helped improving life quality for both children and

their parents.

For the second year in a row, we treated over 200

mentally and/or physically disabled patients in cooperation with a team

of specialised dentists from Fundacion FES. These children would not

have had access to care elsewhere given the complexity of their

situation. Thanks to these dentists and the availability of narcosis for

their treatment in our hospital, their denture and general health can be

closely upheld.

International medical students’ internships In 2015

we hosted 15 medical students –nursing, medical and physiotherapy-

from across the world for clinical internships. For them as for us, it was

a compilation of instructive experiences.

Training and knowledge transfer for doctors,

nurses and parents Plastic surgeon Dr. Francisco Parri

presented the Medical Faculty at Universidad Catolica in Arequipa with

two lectures of reconstructive surgery to which 200 students and

doctors attended. Anaestesist Jo Mourisse gave interactive training to

nurses on “How to recognise and handle post-surgery complications”.

Information sessions for parents were held with topics such as “Dental

care for children with cleft lip” or “Healthy nutrition”.

Short overview

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Patientjes uitgelicht

Roger (13 jr.)

Begin 2014 Roger (13 jr.) verloor zijn rechterarm, zijn

genitaliën en liep zware brandwonden op in een

ongeluk met een hoge voltagekabel in zijn dorp

Lampa, provincie Puno.

Hij werd overgebracht na enkele dagen vanuit Puno

naar het Hospital General in Arequipa. Via de sociaal

werkster van de Gobierno Regional, werden wij

benaderd om hem aldaar te bezoeken. Hij was

uitbehandeld, er werd geen fysiotherapie,

psychologische behandeling, een armprothese dan

wel verdere operatieve behandeling aangeboden.

Daar de staatsverzekering SIS dit niet vergoedt en de

electriciteitsmaatschappij het ongeluk niet erkent.

Wij hebben hem overgenomen en gedurende meer

dan 6 maanden, niet alleen psychologische be-

geleiding gegeven, maar ook geopereerd en

uiteindelijk gelukt om een armprothese te verkrijgen.

In de komende jaren zal Roger nog reconstructieve

operaties moeten ondergaan.

Dominique (6 y.o) is a down girl that lives an impressive 18 hour drive away from Arequipa. Because of the distance

she can merely attend to her elocution courses and physiotherapy once a month. The extraordinary in her story

being that her little sister, Eva (5 y.o), never leaves her side. Hand-in-hand, they face the long voyage and attend

to treatment together. Back home, Eva practices the exercises and classes with her sister. Thanks to her sister’s

support, Dominique’s progression is not only encouraging, it is improving in great leaps. She was even allowed into

her local school, in her sister’s class naturally.

Jhia, now almost one years old, was born with a bilateral cleft lip in a small town far from Arequipa. As common to

many women in her situation in Peru, the mother was blamed for this birth defect by the father, and had to care for

the child on her own. Jhia’s case was no different. Thanks to a teacher at the local school, the mother successfully

inquired to get in contact with us. In November 2015, Dr. Reinier van Twisk performed the first phase of the cleft lip

closing. In parallel, her mother receives psychological support. The second surgical operation will be performed in may,

closing the lip for good. After the intervention, Jhia will receive speech therapy. Now Jhia and her mother live in

Arequipa, but they will visit their family before the summer and hopefully restore the family bonds.


Dominique and Eva

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Surgery Project 1 : Plastic Surgery-August 2015

Dr. Francisco Parri plastic surgeon Dr. Asteria Albert plastic surgeon Dr. Alejandro Manzanares plastic surgeon Dr. Miguel Bejerano plastic surgeon Dr. Josetxo Die anaesthesist Dr. Dolores Peligri anaesthesist Fanny Feijoo sr-assistent Maria-Jose Garcia sr-assistent

Surgery Project 2 : Plastic Surgery – November 2015 Dr.Reinier van Twisk plastic surgeon Dr.Jos Mourisse anaesthesist Jose Mourisse anaesthesie-assistent Ilse van Denderen sr-assistente Kitty van Denderen sr-assistente Paco, Montse, Asteria, Fanny, Josetxo,Dolores, Alejandro, Miguel, Maria-Jose, Reinier, Jos, Pim, Josè, Ilse, Kitty, a great thanks for your enthusiastic devotion and unbridled energy ! Many Peruvian children have been granted a better future thanks to your volunteering, your energy and expertise. In the name of all our little patients, thank you.

Surgery projects and collaborators

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Stichting True Blue, Haarlem Fundacion FES, Barcelona AMEPEBA, Barcelona IFChildhelp, Belgium RotaryClub Selva Alegre, Arequipa RotaryClub Yordan Linda, USA The Smile Train, New York Wir Helfen, Gemany


Anna Muntz Hofstee Stichting Innovatiefonds Zorgverzekeraars Kinderfonds van Dusseldorp Postzegelhandel ‘Poststempel’ Stichting BGS Stichting Filadelfia Stichting Katholieke Jongerenbelangen RotaryClub Schouwen-Duiveland Stichting Mundo Crast Meliori Schumacher/Kramer Stichting Stichting Kend Foundation Surgical Company SV Interieurgroep Weeshuis Doopsgezinden Wybenga Advocaten Lilianefondo, Peru A large number of partners and donors wish to remain anonymous. We also thank them for their tremendous support in 2015. Without our partners and donors, the future of many Peruvian children would look less bright.

Partners & Donors

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Foundation Paz Holandesa (official name "foundation Fundación PazHolandesa") is a Dutch foundation, based in Rotterdam, and notarial established in 1999. The Foundation aims "to improve the living conditions in the social and medical field in particular, (street) children in Peru and further to engage with one another directly or indirectly related or may be conducive thereto, all in the broadest sense. " The organization Paz Holandesa has a Foundation Board, an Executive Board and an Advisory Board. The table below shows the members of the (administrative) bodies are shown.

Foundation Board Excutive Board Advisory Board

Mr.Rob Evers MBA ,president Marjan van Mourik, director Dr. Ron Hiles Mrs.Monique van Driel-Kristel, treasurer Drs. Maarten van Mourik Mrs.Marieke Korving –Gieteling, secretary Dr. Daniel Paz y Geuze, honorary member In Peru Paz Holandesa is represented by Asociación Paz Holandesa, Arequipa. The Foundation's board consists of Marjan van Mourik, president, Mr.Ricardo Sahurie, secretary and Dr. Percy Bellido, treasurer.


Secretariaat: Zuidbroekse Opweg 26 2825 AB Berkenwoude The Netherlands Tel.: 0031182-367957 Email: [email protected] Website: www.pazholandesa.com Facebook www.facebook.com/Pazholandesa15 Bank: IBAN NL42ABNA 0548543534

Asociación PAZ-Holandesa, Arequipa Urb.Villa Continental, Calle 4 nr.101 Paucarpata, Arequipa,Peru

T +51(0)54-432281

Organization Foundation Paz Holandesa