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  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003


  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003


    T dhnat financiare pr vitin 2003, jan marre nga bilancet e shoqrive t sigurimeve.

    Publikuar nga Komisioni i Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeve.

    Rr. Perlat Rexhepi, Pall. 10 katesh, Tirane

    Tel/Fax: +355 4 250 686

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Tregoni burimin e informacionit nse perdorni t dhna nga ky botim.

    Grafika: Studio Grafike Elsi KongoShtypi: PEGI

  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003


  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    Tabela dhe GrafikeTabela 1:Tregues te pergjithshem qe lidhen me tregun e sigurimeve

    Tabela 2:Volumi i primeve bruto per vitet : 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003

    Tabela 3:Volumi i primeve bruto ne v itet 2002,2003

    Tabela 4:Volumi i primeve bruto ne vitin 2003, sigurimi i detyrueshem e sigurimi vullnetar (jete, jo-jete)

    Tabela 5:Volumi i primeve bruto ne vitet : 1999, 2000,2001,2002,2003

    Tabele 6:Deme te paguara ne vitin 2003

    Tabele 7:Deme te paguara ne vite

    Tabele 8:Ecuria e primeve dhe demeve ne vite , ne milione leke

    Tabela 9: Demet e paguara nga shoqerite e sigurimit ne vitet : 2002,2003

    Tabela 10: Demet e paguara nga shoqerite e sigurimit ne Sigurimin Motorrik

    Tabela 11:Demet e paguara nga shoqerite e sigurimit ne Sigurimin e Pa surise

    Tabela 12:Demet e paguara nga shoqerite e sigurimit ne Sigurimin e Shendetit

    Tabele 13:Pjesmarja e shoqerive ne tregun e sigurimit per vitin 2003

    Tabele 14:Pjesemarrja e shoqerive ne tregun e sigurimeve ne vite

    Tabele 15:Volumi i primeve te Sigurimit te Det yrueshem te arketuara ne vite

    Tabela 16:Volumi i primeve te Sigurimit Vullnetar te arketuara ne vite

    Tabele 17:Struktura e primeve sipas portofoleve ne vite

    Tabela 18:Volumi i primeve bruto te arketuara sipas klasave te Sigurimeve Motorrike gjate vitit 2003

    Tabela 19:Volumi i primeve te Sigurimit te Detyrueshem TPL te arketuara ne vitet 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003

    Tabela 20:Volumi i primeve te Sigurimit te Det yrueshem, Kartoni Jeshil, te arketuara ne vite

    Tabela 21:Klasat e Sigurimit te Pasurise ne vitin 2003

    Tabela 22: Klasat e Sigurimit te Aksidenteve dhe Shendetit ne vitin 2003

    Tabela 23:Klasat e Sigurimit te Jetes ne vitin 2003

    Tabela 24:Klasat e Sigurimit te Jetes ne vite

    Tabela 25:Tregues te rentabilitetit per vitin 2003 , ne perqindje

    I. Komisioni i Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeve

    II. Legjislacioni n fushn e sigurimeve

    III. Ekonomia shqiptare n vitin 2003

    IV. Tregu i Sigurimeve4.1 Primet

    4.2 Ecuria vjetore e t ardhurave bruto nga primet

    V. Ndarja e Tregut t Sigurimeve5.1 Sigurimi i detyrueshm e sigurimi vullnetar (jete, jo-jete)

    5.2 Dmet

    5.3 Ndarja e tregut t sigurimeve sipas shoqrive t sigurimit









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    Tabela 26:Treguesi i kufirit te fitimit per vitin 2003, ne perqindje

    Tabela 27:Raporti deme / prime per vitin 2003, ne perqindje

    Tabela 28:Treguesi fitimit per vitin 2003, ne perqindje

    Tabela 29:Raporti i retensionit per vitin 2003

    Tabela 30:Treguesi i kostos se marrjes ne sigurim per vitin 2003, ne perqindje

    Tabela 31:Treguesi i shpenzimeve te pergjithshme per vitin 2003

    Tabela 32: Treguesi i pozites paguese per vitin 2003, ne perqindje

    Tabela 33: Rezervat teknike

    Tabela 34:Prime te kaluara ne Risigurim gjate vitit 2003

    Grafik 1:Ecuria e t regut te sigurimeve ne periudhen 1999-2003Grafik 2:Ecuria e te ardhurave bruto te primeve gjate vitit 2003 e ndare sipas tremujoreve

    Grafik 3:Tregu i sigurimeve gjate vitit 2003

    Grafik 4:Shperndarja e demeve gjate vitit 2003

    Grafik 5:Ecuria e primeve dhe demeve ne vite, ne milione leke

    Grafik 6:Demet e paguara nga shoqerite e sigurimit ne vitet : 2002,2003

    Grafik 7:Demet e paguara ne sigurimin motorrik nga shoqerite e sigurimit gjate viteve 2002, 2003

    Grafik 8:Demet e paguara nga shoqerite e sigurimit ne Sigurimin e Pasurise gjate viteve 2002, 2003

    Grafik 9:Demet e paguara nga shoqerite e sigurimit ne Sigurimin e Shendetit gjate viteve 2002, 2003

    Grafik 10:Ecuria e te ardhurave bruto te primeve sipas shoqerive te sigurimit ne vite

    Grafik 11:Raporti i Sigurimit Vullnetar dhe Sigurimit te Detyrueshem ne shoqerite e sigurimit

    Grafik 12: Ndarja e tregut te sigurimit motorrik sipas portofoleve

    Grafik 13:Ndarja e Tregut te Sigurimit te P asurise sipas portofoleve ne vitin 2003

    Grafik 14:Ndarja e tregut te sigurimit te aksidenteve dhe shendetit sipas portofoleve ne vitin 2003

    Grafik 15:Ndarja sipas klasave te Sigurimit te Jetes

    5.4 Ndarja e tregut t sigurimeve sipas portofoleve t sigurimit

    5.4.1 Sigurimet motorrike

    5.4.2 Sigurimi i pasuris

    5.4.3 Sigurimi i aksidenteve dhe shndetit

    5.4.4 Sigurimi i jetes

    5.5 Disa tregues t gjendjes s tregut t sigurimeve

    5.6 Rezervat teknike dhe risigurimet

    5.6.1 Rezervat teknike

    5.6.2 Risigurimet

    VI. Bilanci i shoqrive t sigurimit pr vitin 20036.1 Aktivi

    6.2 Pasivi

    6.3 Pasqyra e t ardhurave dhe shpenzimeve, viti 2003

    Shoqerit e sigurimit n tregun Shqiptar 2003














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    Gzim AgasiKryetar

    Teuta CaniNnkryetare

    Shptim ShehuAntar

    Genc ifliguAntar

    Hysen elaAntar

    Adriatik IslamajAntar





    Silvana BelloNnkryetare

  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    Komisioni i Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeve n vijim t prmirsimit tvazhdueshm t metodave te kontrollit dhe mbikqyrjes, me qllim

    mbrojtjen e interesave t t siguruarve , rritjen e transparencs n

    ndihm t zhvillimit t industris s sigurimeve n Shqipri, publikon

    Raportin Vjetor t vitit 2003.

    Ky raport jep nj permbledhje t treguesve t tregut t sigurimeve

    n Shqipri, duke dhn nj panoram t tij dhe ndikimit t ktij

    tregu n zhvillimin e ekonomis, duke shpresuar t jet nj publikim i

    nevojshm dhe praktik.

    Megjithse treguesit e tregut t sigurimeve per vitin 2003 jan

    modest, ato flasin qart per nj treg n konsolidim, drejt perafrimit me

    eksperiencat europiane.

    Do t ishin n interesin ton t prbashkt dhe veanrisht t dobishme

    opinionet dhe vleresimet kritike pr kt raport, me qllim zhvillimin

    e mtejshm t metodave t puns t Komisionit t Mbikqyrjes s

    Sigurimeve, pr ti dhene drejtimin e nevojshm tregut te sigurimeve n


    Gzim Agasi



  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    1. Komisioni i Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeve

    Komisioni i Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeve

    sht autoriteti i vetem ligjor q licenson,

    kontrollon dhe mbikqyr shoqerit e sigurimit

    n mbrojtje t interesave t t siguruarve.

    Komisioni i Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeve,

    ushtron veprimtarin e tij n prputhje me

    ligjin 8081, date 07.03.1996 Pr veprimtarit

    e sigurimit dhe/ose risigurimit dhe VKM

    Nr 229, dt 28.04.1999 Pr mnyrn e

    funksionimit dhe organizimit t KMS.

    Komisioni i Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeveprbhet nga Komisioni dhe Stafi Ekzektuiv.

    KOMISIONI prbehet nga Kryetari, dy

    nnkryetar dhe 4 antar.

    Kryetari i KMS emrohet nga Keshilli i

    Ministrave me propozim te Ministrit t

    Financave, ndrsa nnkryetart dhe katr

    antart emerohen nga ministri i Financave

    me propozim te kryetarit te KMS-se.

    Komisioni shte organ kolegjial dhe n

    permbushje t funksioneve t tij nxjerrvendime, udhzime dhe rregullore.

    Veprimtaria e ketij institucioni, gjat vitit

    2003, u orientua n drejtimet e mposhtme:

    Mbikqyrje dhe kontroll i shoqrive

    t sigurimit, vendimmarrje, nisma

    legjislative, shtje administrative.

    Duke iu referuar ndryshimeve qe po kalon

    ekonomia shqiptare ne prgjithsi dhe tregu

    i sigurimeve ne veanti, vlen te theksojme

    disa specifika te ktij tregu gjate vitit 2003 qtregojn qart ecurine drejt modernizimit t

    industris s sigurimeve n Shqipri.

    N vijim t ktyre ndryshimeve, duke e par si

    nevoje t tregut si dhe bazuar n sygjerimet

    dhe asistencn e Banks Boterore, Qeveria

    Shqiptare npermjet Ministris s Financave

    dhe Komisionit t Mbikeqyrjes s Sigurimeve

    ndrmori nismn pr hartimin e projektligjit

    Mbi veprimtarin e sigurimit, risigurimit dhe

    ndrmjetesimit, i cili mbeshtetet trsisht npraktikn e vendeve europiane.

    Ky draft ofron prkufizime mbi veprimtarin

    e sigurimeve dhe risigurimeve n prputhje

    me direktivat e BE dhe parimet baze te IAIS

    t cilat do t mundsojn stabilizimin dhe

    zhvillimin e mtejshem t tregut shqiptar t

    sigurimeve si nj treg i stabilizuar, efient dhe


    Gjithashtu, me rritjen e tregut bhet mse i domosdoshm licensimi i shoqrive

    t ndermjetsimit, ky ligj jep kushtet dhe

    rregullat pr licensimin e tyre.

    Po ashtu, n kt ligj nj vmendje e vecante i

    shte kushtuar mbrojtjes s policmbajtsve

    dhe aprovimi i ketij ligji sigurisht do t

    lehtesonte aktivitetin e tregut t sigurimeve

    n t ardhmen.

    STAFI EKZEKUTIV i Komisionit t Mbikeqyrjes

    s Sigurimeve ushtron veprimtarin e tij

    me qellim realizimin e detyrave q dalin

    ne zbatim t ligjeve, urdhrave dhe akteve

    nnligjore n fuqi si dhe siguron zbatimin e

    tyre me prpikmri nga ana e shoqrive t

    sigurimit dhe aktorve t tjer n tregun e


    Stafi ekzekutiv i KMS

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    Projektligji mbi veprimtarin e Komisionit

    te Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeve sht hartuar

    duke marr pr baz eksperiencn eurpiane

    n kt drejtim si dhe parimet e IAIS, te cilat,

    pr vete stadin e zhvillim t tregut do te mund

    ti japin Komisionit , autoritetin e vrtet

    te rregullatorit, mbrojtsit te interesave te

    policmbajtesve dhe inisiatorit pr zhvillimin

    e ktij tregu, gjithmon n ngritje t

    vazhdueshme profesionale.

    Gjithashtu npermjet ktij projektligji

    synohet t rritet transparenca gjat procesit

    t licensimit t shoqrive t sigurimit si

    dhe t vendosen rregulla strikte me qllim

    mbikqyrjen e aktivitetit t tyre.

    Tregu shqiptar i sigurimeve gjat vitit 2003

    psoi ndryshime rrnjesore pr sa i prket

    edhe infrastuktures s tij.

    Pr her t par rrjeti i shitjes s shoqerive

    t sigurimit operon nprmjet agjentve t

    licensuar nga Komisioni i Mbikqyrjes s


    Rreth 560 agjent q kan dhen testimin

    profesional dhe plotesojne kushtet e

    krkuara, operojn tashm n gjith vendin.

    Vlen t theksojm se e nj rndsie t

    veant sht dhe hyrja n tregun shqiptar t

    sigurimeve, pr her t par n vitin 2003, e

    institucioneve ndrkombetare financiare.

    Tashme partner t shoqrive shqiptare t

    sigurimit jan institucione t rndsishme


    BERZH dhe IFC jane partneret e rinj t INSIG-

    ut duke zotruar 39%, ndersa FSHAN-ja(

    Fondi Shqiptaro-Amerikan i Ndermarrjeve)

    sht partner i shoqris SIGAL me 12%.

    Kto ndryshime rrnjsore tregojn edhe

    nj her evoluimin e tregut shqiptar t

    sigurimeve drejt stabilitetit dhe zhvillimit.

    Gjithashtu gjat vitit 2003 Komisioni i

    Mbikqyrjes se Sigurimeve ka ndrmarr

    nisma pr hartimin rregulloreve:

    - Mbi licensimin e brokerave n sigurimeve,

    nj proces ky i domosdoshem pr vet

    stadin ne te cilin ndodhet tregu shqiptar i


    - Mbi parandalimin e pastrimit t parave n

    aktivitetin e sigurimeve

    - Mbi Standardet e Kontrollit

    - Mbi Sistemin e Raportimit

    N Qershor t vitit 2003, n bashkpunim

    me Shoqatn e Siguruesve t Shqipris,

    Komisioni i Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeve

    organizoi Konferencn e Par Rajonale

    Sigurimet - pjes integrale e tregut financiar

    dhe faktor n zhvillimin e ekonomis n t

    ciln morn pjes aktor t rndsishm t

    tregut t sigurimeve nga Rajoni dhe Europa.

    Komisioni i Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeve gjat

    ketij viti ka marr inisiativa pr organizimin

    e seminareve t ndryshme me qllim ngritjen

    e nivelit teknik t stafit t tij apo edhe

    t shoqrive t sigurimit, si ishte edhe

    Seminari Aktuarial i organizuar n Tiran me

    pjesmarrjen e Kompanive t sigurimit jo

    vetem nga Shqipria por edhe nga Kosova.

    Konferenca Rajonale, Qershor 2003

    Seminar aktuarial, Dhjetor 2003

  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    Marrdheniet me institucionetndrkombtare

    N kuadr t koordinimit sa m t mir

    t puns ndermjet instancave shtetrore

    t ngarkuara me ligj pr kontrollin dhe

    mbikeqyrjen e aktiviteteve t subjekteve

    private, KMS gjat vitit 2003 ndrmori

    nisma pr t hartuar, negociuar dhe

    nnshkruar marrveshje bashkpunimi

    dhe shkmbimi informacionesh respektive

    me disa institucione t lidhura me sektorin

    e sigurimeve, dhe konkretisht KMS ka

    nnshkruar marrveshje dypalshe

    bashkpunimi me:

    Drejtorin e Prgjithshme t Tatimeve

    Ministrin e Transporteve (DPSHTR)

    Gjat vitit 2004 kan filluar procedura pr

    nnshkrimin e marrveshjeve me Ministrine

    e Rendit (Drejtorine e Pergjithshme te Poli-

    cise), n kuadrin e kontrollit te zbatimit te

    legjislacionit t sigurimit t detyrueshm

    t mbajtsve t mjeteve motorrike pr

    prgjegjsit ndaj palve t treta, me Bankn

    e Shqiprise n kuadrin e bashkrendimit t

    puns pr kontrollin e sistemit financiar-

    Komisioni i Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeve sht

    antar me t drejta t plota n Shoqatn

    Ndrkombtare t Autoriteteve Mbikqyrese

    t Sigurimeve (IAIS). Antarsimi i KMS n

    kt organizm i ka dhn mundsin stafit

    t Komisionit t marr pjes n aktivitete

    trajnuese dhe konferenca ndrkombtare

    t organizuara nga IAIS dhe organizata t

    tjera gjate vitit 2003. Pjesmarrja n kto

    aktivitete sht vlersuar si tepr e frytshme

    n funksion t prmirsimit t standardeve t

    mbikeqyrjes dhe njohjes me t rejat n kt


    Gjithashtu gjate vitit 2003 Komisioni

    ka ndrrmar inisiativen e fillimit t

    bashkpunimit me autoritetet mbikqyrese t

    sigurimeve n rajon ndrsa gjat vitit 2004 do

    t nnshkruhet memorandumi i mirkuptimit

    me Autoritetin Mbikeqyres te Kosovs si dhe

    do t fillojn negociatat pr nnshkrimin e tij

    me Autoritetet Mbikqyrese t Sigurimeve t

    Italis, Greqis, Maqedonis. Ky dokument do

    t hedh formalisht bazat e bashkpunimit

    ndinsitucional me kto autoritete, me

    qllim rritjen dhe prmirsimin e metodave

    mbikqyrese, prafrimin e tyre me standardet

    europiane si dhe zhvillimin e mtejshem t

    industris s sigurimeve.

  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    Veprimtaria e sigurimeve dhe risigurimeve n

    Shqipri bazohet dhe rregullohet nprmjet

    akteve ligjore e nnligjore t mposhtme:

    Kushtetuta e Republikes se Shqiperise

    Kodi Civil dat 1.11.1994.

    Ligji 8081, dat 7.03.2001 Pr

    veprimtarit e sigurimit dhe/ose

    risigurimit (i ndyrshuar), me an t t

    cilit prcaktohen parimet dhe rregullat

    e prgjithshme lidhur me veprimtarit

    e sigurimit dhe/ose risigurimit si dhe

    me mbikeqyrjen nga ana e shtetit t

    shoqrive dhe enteve ligjore q marrin

    prsipr e ushtrojn veprimtari sigurimi

    dhe ose risigurimi

    Ligji Nr 7641, dat 1.12.1992 Pr

    miratimin me ndryshime t Dekretit Nr

    295, dat 15.09.1992 Pr sigurimin e

    detyrueshm t mbajtsve t mjeteve

    motorrike pr prgjegjsin ndaj

    personave t tret.

    VKM Nr 626, dat 8.10.1998 Pr

    kufijt minimal t Fondit t garancis

    t shoqrive t sigurimeve dhe/ose


    VKM Nr. 229, dat 28.04.1999 Pr

    mnyrn e funksionimit dhe organizimit t


    VKM Nr.470,date 03.10.2002 Mbi kushtet

    e dhenies se autorizimit zyrtar dhe

    rregullat e ndrmjetsimit ne sigurime

    Udhzime dhe Urdhra t Ministrit t


    Rregullore t KMS

    Kuadri ligjor i msiprm lejon:

    - Krijimin e shoqrive private t


    - Veprimtaria e sigurimeve dhe ose

    risigurimeve ushtrohet nga shoqri

    t themeluara n formn e shoqrive

    anonime me kapital vendas ose

    te huaj , ndrsa shoqria e huaj e

    sigurimit ose risigurimit mund t

    ushtroj veprimtari n territorin

    e Republiks s Shqipris vetm

    nprmjet degs s saj t vendosur n

    kt territor.

    - Nj shoqri sigurimi nuk mund t

    ushtroj n t njjtn koh veprimtari

    sigurimi pr jetn dhe jo-jeten.

    - Shoqrit e sigurimit dhe risigurimit

    duhet t ken nj kapital themeltar,

    pa prfshir kontributet n natyr,

    qe varion nga 50-100 milion lek,

    n varsi t grupeve t sigurimit q

    shoqria do t ushtroj n sigurimin

    e dmeve, dhe jo m t vogl se

    120 milion lek nse shoqria do t

    ushtroj veprimtari n sigurimin e


    - Shoqrit q do t ushtrojn

    veprimtari sigurimi dhe/ose risigurimi

    do t nisin veprimtarin e tyre vetm

    pasi t ken marr autorizim zyrtar

    nga Komisioni i Mbikeqyrjes s


    - Nj shoqri sigurimi vendase ose deg

    e shoqerise se huaj mund t pajiset

    me autorizim zyrtar nga Komisioni i

    Mbikeqyrjes s Sigurimeve ne qofte

    se prmbush kushte t tilla si:

    - T jet themeluar n formn e

    prcaktuar nga Ligji 8081, dat


    - T ket nj program veprimtarie t

    hartuar sipas krkesave t Ligjit

    8081, dat 7.03.1996

    - T zotroj kufijt minimal t fondit

    t garancis

    - Drejtimi efektiv i shoqris tu

    jet besuar personave fizik me

    kualfikim e prvoj profesionale t


    2. Legjislacioni n fushn e sigurimeve

  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    - Shoqrit e autorizuara pr t

    ushtruar veprimtari sigurimi dhe

    ose risigurimi n Republikn e

    Shqiperis mbikqyren nga Komisioni

    i Mbikqyrjes s Sigurimeve, me

    qllim mbrojtjen e interesave t t


    - Shoqrit e sigurimit q kryejn

    sigurime motorrike krijojn Byron

    Motorike q i prfaqson kto shoqri

    n tregun vendas dhe t huaj.

    - Pjesmarrja e kapitalit t huaj n nj

    shoqri sigurimi vendase sht e


    - Shoqerit e huaja t sigurimit dhe/

    ose risigurimit t cilat krkojn t

    ushtrojn veprimtari sigurimi n

    territorin e Republiks s Shqipris

    nprmjet degve t tyre duhet t

    ken nj eksperienc n fushn e

    sigurimeve t paktn prej 5 vjetsh n

    shtetin e origjins.

    - Kufijt minimale t fondit t garancis

    t nj shoqrie sigurimi dhe/ose

    risigurimi variojn nga 30 60 milion

    lek n fillim t veprimtaris dhe 50

    90 milion lek n fund t vitit t dyt

    financiar t veprimtaris, n varsi t

    grupeve t sigurimit q shoqria do t

    ushtroj n sigurimin e dmeve; nse

    shoqria do t ushtroj veprimtari n

    sigurimin e jets, 120 milione lek n

    fillim t veprimtaris dhe 180 milion

    lek n fund t vitit t dyt financiar

    - Tarifat e primeve t sigurimit vullnetar

    caktohen nga vet shoqria e

    sigurimit, tarifat e primeve t sigurimit

    t detyrueshm caktohen nga Ministri

    i Financave.

    - Sigurimi i detyrueshm prfshin

    klasn e prgjegjsive civile nga

    prdorimi i automjeteve, pra kontratn

    e sigurimit t mbajtsve t mjeteve

    motorrike pr prgjegjsin ndaj

    paleve t treta brenda territorit t

    vendit (TPL); kontratn e sigurimit t

    mbajtsit t mjetit motorik q vihet n

    qarkullim me targ t prkohshme;

    kontratn e sigurimit t mbajtsit

    t mjetit motorrik pr prgjegjsit

    jasht territorit t vendit (kartoni

    jeshil); kontratn e sigurimit t

    mbajtsit t mjetit motorik me targ

    regjistrimi t huaj por q e ka lidhur

    me nj sigurues vendas (kontratn e

    sigurimit kufitar).

    - T gjitha kontratat e sigurimit (dme

    dhe jet) jan subjekt i TVSH prej


  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    Burimi i Informacionit:Banka e Shqiperis, Raporti Vjetor 2003

    Rritja ekonomike ne Shqipri per vitin 2003,

    rezultoi n masn 6 pr qind n krahasimme 4.7 pr qind regjistruar n 2002. Rritje

    e aktivitetit ekonomik vihet re n t gjith

    sektort e ekonomis por vecanrisht n

    sektorin e ndrtimit, t transportit dhe

    t shrbimeve. N kt rritje kan dhn

    kontributin e tyre edhe rritja e investimeve

    duke arritur vleren e 22.3 pr qind te PBB.

    Investimet n sektorin privat q prbjn

    rreth 75% t totalit t investimeve gjat vitit

    2003 gjetn nj mbshtetje t madhe edhe

    nga sektori bankar.

    Viti 2003 ka regjistruar nj prmirsim t

    leht n situatn e punsimit. Numri i t

    punsuarve ka psuar rritje ndrkoh q

    faktort kronik t tranzicionit shqiptar:

    emigrimi dhe informaliteti i ekonomis

    ndikojn n uljen e forcave t puns gjithsej

    dhe vshtirsojn shpjegimin e efektit

    n punsim t politikave dhe zhvillimeve

    ekonomike t vendit. N fund t vitit 2003,

    shkalla e papunsis u ndal n nivelin 15 prqind, krahasuar me 15.8 pr qind q ishte n

    fund t vitit 2002.

    Viti 2003 u karakterizua nga nj inflacion

    i ult, brenda objektivit t Banks s

    Shqipris. Vlera e inflacionit n muajin

    dhjetor ishte 3.3 pr qind, duke respektuar

    objektivin e Banks s Shqipris ndrkoh

    q mesatarisht, gjat vitit 2003, mimet e

    konsumit jan rritur me 2.37 pr qind.

    Pavarsisht faktorve t ndryshm q kan

    ndikuar, vlersohet se ky inflacion i ult ka

    reflektuar kontrollin e presioneve t krkess

    s brendshme si pasoj e politikave t

    shndosha fiskale e monetare.

    Ndryshe nga vitet e tjera, ky vit q sapo

    lam u karakterizua nga nj shprndarje m

    racionale e shpenzimeve fiskale. Shprndarja

    e krkesave t qeveris pr huamarrje ka

    qen m e njtrajtshme gjat vitit 2003,duke shmangur prqendrimin e financimit

    t deficitit n muajin dhjetor. Gjithashtu,

    zgjedhjet lokale t tetorit dhe klima e acaruar

    politike gjat gjysms s dyt t vitit nuk jan

    shoqruar me prqendrime t shpenzimeve

    buxhetore apo me komprometim t disiplins

    fiskale. S bashku me kufizimin e huamarrjes

    s brendshme t qeveris n nivelin 2.7 pr

    qind t PBB-s, kan prbr nj kontribut

    t muar t politiks fiskale pr stabilitetin

    makroekonomik n prgjithsi, dhe pr att mimeve n veanti. Megjithat, duhet

    theksuar se pika t dobta mbeten realizimi

    i t ardhurave n masn 93 pr qind dhe

    veanrisht realizimi i shpenzimeve kapitale

    n masn 62 pr qind t planit.

    Viti 2003 sht karakterizuar nga nj aktivitet

    intensiv n sektorin e jashtm t vendit, i

    shprehur n rritjen e konsiderueshme t

    t ardhurave dhe t shpenzimeve korente.

    Deficiti i llogaris korente vlersohet tket arritur n 6.7 pr qind t PBB-s, duke

    u ulur me 2 pik prqindjeje krahasuar

    me nj vit m par. Duhet theksuar se

    deficiti tregtar n terma absolut vazhdon

    t thellohet. Ai reflekton kryesisht rritjen

    e konsumit t ekonomis shqiptare dhe

    nnvizon nevojn e rritjes s kapaciteteve

    prodhuese dhe konkurruese t ekonomis

    shqiptare. Pavarsisht sa m sipr, pozicioni

    i prgjithshm i bilancit t pagesave sht

    pozitiv, duke br q rezervat valutore t

    vendit t rriten vazhdimisht. Pr her t par,

    n muajin dhjetor, niveli i prgjithshm i tyre

    kaloi shifrn 1 miliard dollar amerikan, pr

    t regjistruar m saktsisht 1.026 miliard

    dollar n fund t muajit Dhjetor 2003.

    3. Ekonomia shqiptare ne vitin 2003

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    Q nga viti 1999 q daton liberalizimin e

    tregut t sigurimeve n Shqipri, ky treg ka

    njohur ritme zhvillimi n t ardhurat bruto t


    Tabela 1: Tregues te pergjithshem qe lidhen me tregun e sigurimeve;

    4.1 Primet

    Volumi i primeve, pr vitin 2003 u ul me 1.28

    pr qind, krahasuar me nj vit m par. N

    kater vitet e mparshme ky aktivitet sht

    vlersuar me rritje, ndrkoh q n vitin e

    pest psoi nj ulje t leht

    Tabela 2: Volumi i primeve bruto per vitet : 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003.

    Grafik 1: Ecuria e tregut t sigurimeve n periudhn 1999-2003

    4. Tregu i sigurimeve

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    4.2 Ecuria vjetore e t ardhuravebruto nga primet

    Fillimi i vitit 2003 dha sinjale pozitive t cilat

    u ndjen deri n muajin gusht por ngadalsimi i theksuar n katrmujorin e fundit oi

    n uljen e t ardhurave n kt sektor t

    tregut financiar.

    Rnia e volumit t primeve pr vitin 2003

    krahasuar me nj vit m par ndjehet n

    sigurimin vullnetar Jo-Jet me 4.75 p r qind ;

    N sigurimin vullnetar Jo-Jet peshn m

    t madhe n t ardhurat nga primet e z

    Portofoli i sigurimit nga Zjarri dhe Forcat

    e Natyres, ku vihet re se primi mesatar

    n vitin 2003 ka ulje afrsisht 21 % n

    krahasim me vitin 2002 ;

    Grafik 2: Ecuria e t ardhurave bruto t primeve gjat vitit 2003 e ndar sipas tremujorve

    Tabela 3: Volumi i primeve bruto n vitet 2002,2003;

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    5. Ndarja e Tregut t Sigurimeve

    5.1 Sigurimi i detyrueshm e

    sigurimi vullnetar (jet jo-jet)

    N vitin 2003 volumi i primeve bruto t ark-

    tuara rezultoi 3,755.09 mlion lek , kundrejt

    3,803.74 milion lek t ark tuar n vitin

    2002, ose 1.28% m t ulta se nje vit m


    Tregu i sigurimeve edhe n vitin 2003 u

    orientua drejt sigurimit t detyrueshme.

    Volumi i primeve bruto t arktuara nga

    portofolet e Sigurimeve t detyrueshm n

    vitin 2003 rezultoi 7.12 pr qind m i lartse ai i vitit 2002, duke zn nj pozicion me

    rreth 76.31 pr qind t totalit t primeve t

    arktuara n vitin 2003.

    Volumi i primeve bruto t arktuara nga

    Tabela 4: Volumi i primeve bruto n vitin 2003, sigurimi i detyrueshm e sigurimi vullnetar(jet, jo jet)

    Grafik 3: Tregu i sigurimeve gjat vitit 2003

    portofolet e Sigurimeve vullnetare rezultoi

    21.17 pr qind m i ulet se ai vitit 2002, duke

    zn nj pozicion me rreth 23.69 pr qind t

    totalit t primeve t arktuara n vitin 2003.

    N vitin 2003 tregu shqiptar i sigurimeve

    vullnetare mbeti i orientuar drejt sigurimeve

    t jo jets. Volumi i primeve t arktuara

    nga portofolet e sigurimit t jo jetes n

    vitin 2003, rezultoi 90.32 pr qind t totalit

    t primeve bruto t arktuara , ndrkohq volumi i primeve bruto t arktuara nga

    portofolet e sigurimit t Jets rezultoi n

    masn 9.68 pr qind t totalit t primeve

    bruto t arktuara.

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    Tabela 5: Volumi i primeve bruto n vitet: 1999, 2000,2001,2002,2003.

    5.2 Dmet

    N vitin 2003 dmet e paguara rezultuan

    1,306 milion leke ose 448 milion lek meshum se n vitin 2002.

    Vlera m e madhe e dmeve t paguara i

    prket Sigurimit t detyrueshm t cilat zn

    83.84 pr qind t totalit t tyre.

    Dmet e paguara ne portofolet e sigurimit

    vullnetar rezultuan 211 milion lek q

    prbjn 16.16 pr qind t totalit t dmevet paguara. Prsa i prket ndarjes midis dy

    aktiviteteve siguruese Dme (jo-jete) dhe

    Jete, dmet e paguara n vitin 2003 i prkasin

    84.07 pr qind sigurimit te Dmeve (jo-jete)).

    Tabele 6: Dme t paguara n vitin 2003.

    Tabele 7: Dme t paguara n vite.

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    Grafik 4: Shprndarja e dmeve gjat vitit 2003.

    Tabele 8: Ecuria e primeve dhe dmeve n vite, n milion lek.

    Grafik 5: Ecuria e primeve dhe dmeve n vite , n milion lek;

    Dmet e paguara nga shoqrit e sigurimit

    n vitin 2003 evidentohen n vlern 1,306.86

    milion lek. Ndarja e dmeve t paguara

    sipas shoqrive t sigurimit pr vitin 2003

    pasqyron rritjen e ketyre vlerave t paguara

    nga shoqerit Insig, Sigma, Sigal, Intersig

    dhe n menyr me pak t ndjeshme nga

    shoqria Atlantik.

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    Tabela 9: Dmet e paguara nga shoqrit e sigurimit n vitet: 2002, 2003.

    Grafik 6: Dmet e paguara nga shoqrit e sigurimit n vitet: 2002, 2003.

    Tabela 10: Dmt e paguara nga shoqrit e sigurimit n Sigurimin Motorrik.

    Grafik 7: Dmet e paguara n Sigurimin Motorrik nga shoqrite e sigurimit gjat viteve 2002, 2003.

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    Tabela 11: Dmet e paguara nga shoqerit e sigurimit n Sigurimin e Pasuris.

    Grafik 8: Dmet e paguara nga shoqerit e sigurimit n Sigurimin e Pasuris gjate viteve 2002, 2003.

    Tabela 12: Dmet e paguara nga shoqerit e sigurimit n Sigurimin e Shndetit.

    Grafik 9: Dmet e paguara nga shoqerit e sigurimit n Sigurimin e Shndetit gjat viteve 2002, 2003.

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    5.3 Ndarja e tregut te sigurimevesipas shoqerive te sigurimit

    Edhe gjat vitit 2003 tregu Shqiptar i sigurimeve

    u nda ndrmjet pes shoqrive t sigurimeve :Insig, Sigma, Sigal, Atlantik, Intersig.

    N kt industri kapitali vendas sht

    mbizotrues, ndrsa kapitali i huaj

    perfaqesohet me pjesmarrje 39 % n

    shoqrine Insig dhe 12 % ne shoqrine Sigal.N vitin 2003 n tregun e sigurimit dominojn

    tri shoqrit Sigal, Sigma, Insig, megjithse

    edhe dy shoqrit e tjera kan nj rritje

    Tabel 13: Pjesmarja e shoqrive n tregun e sigurimit pr vitin 2003.

    Tabel 14: Pjesmarrja e shoqrive n tregun e sigurimeve n vite.

    Grafik 10: Ecuria e t ardhurave bruto t primeve sipas shoqrive t sigurimit n vite.

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    Tabele 15: Volumi i primeve t Sigurimit t Detyrueshm t arketuara n vite.

    Tabela 16: Volumi i primeve t Sigurimit Vullnetar t arktuara n vite (milion lek).

    Grafik 11: Raporti i Sigurimit Vullnetar dhe Sigurimit t Detyrueshm n shoqerit e sigurimit.

    5.4 Ndarja e tregut t sigurimeve sipas portofoleve t sigurimit

    Tabele 17: Struktura e primeve sipas portofoleve n vite.

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    5.4.1 Sigurimet motorrike

    N vitin 2003 t ardhurat e sigurimeve

    motorrike zun 79.85 pr qind t t ardhurave

    totale t aktivitetit sigurues, kundrejt 73.05

    prqind q ishte n vitin 2002. N vitin 2003

    primet nga sigurimet motorrike rezultuan 7.90

    pr qind m shum se n vitin 2002.

    Peshn kryesore n t ardhurat e portofolit

    motorrik e zun t ardhurat nga TPL

    brndshme e automjeteve dhe Kartoni jeshil.

    T ardhurat nga primet e sigurimit TPL n vitin

    2003 zun 68.37 pr qind t t ardhurave t

    sigurimeve motorrike, nga 65.58 pr qind n

    vitin 2002, ndrsa t ardhurat e siguruara

    nga kartoni jeshil zune 18.58 pr qind t t

    ardhurave t portofolit te sigurmit motorrik,

    kundrejt 23.26 pr qind t vitit 2002.

    Nga shoqrite e sigurimit n vitin 2003 nga

    aktiviteti i TPL u arktuan 2,049 milion lek

    prime ose 227 milion lek m shum se n

    vitin 2002, ku u arktuan 1,822 milion lek

    nga ky aktivitet .

    Tabela 18: Volumi i primeve bruto te arketuara sipas klasave te Sigurimeve Motorrike gjate vitit 2003.

    Grafik 12: Ndarja e tregut t sigurimit motorrik sipas portofoleve.

    N rritjen e t ardhurave nga primet e

    sigurimit TPL s brndshme ka ndikuar:

    numri ne rritje i automjeteve ;

    kjo shprehet me rritjen e numrit te kontratave

    TPL, ku nga 149,999 kontrata t lidhura n

    vitin 2002, ne vitin 2003 numri i tyre rezultoi

    165,272, pra rreth 15,273 kontrata m shum

    se n vitin 2002.

    Numri i mjeteve t transportit rrugor qe kan

    marr taksn e regjistrimit dhe qe kan

    qarkulluar sipas DSHPTR per vitin 2003 esht

    rreth 168,000 mjete.

    Sipas statistikave t marra nga shoqrite e

    sigurimit numri i kontratave sht 146,959.

    T ardhurat nga Kartoni Jeshil n vitin 2003

    rezultuan rreth 556.84 milion lek ose 89.38

    milion lek me pak se n vitin 2002. Pr

    sa i prket numrit te kontratave t Kartonit

    Jeshil n vitin 2002 u lidhn 35,276 kontrata,

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    Tabela 19: Volumi i primeve t Sigurimit t Detyrueshm TPL t arktuara n vitet 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.

    Tabela 20: Volumi i primeve t Sigurimit t Detyrueshem Kartoni Jeshil t arketuara n vite.

    ndrsa n vitin 2003 u lidhn 35,965 kontrata

    ose 689 kontrata m shum.

    T ardhurat nga primet e sigurimit Kufitar

    n vitin 2003 shnuan nj rritje n krahasim

    me nj vit me par. Primet nga ky aktivitet

    u rritn n masn 44.33 milion lek ose

    rreth 24 pr qind. N qofte se n vitin 2002

    u arketuan 184.27 milione lek, n vitin

    2003 u arktuan 228.60 milion lek. Numri

    i kontratave t sigurimit Kufitar n vitin

    2003 rezultoi 57,538 ose 17,325 kontrata

    m shum se n vitin 2002 ku ishin lidhur

    40,213 kontrata pr kt lloj sigurimi t


    Raporti dme/prime pr Sigurimin Motorrik

    n vitin 2003 rezultoi 39.91 pr qind nga

    28.25 pr qind n vitin 2002.

    Raporti dme/prime pr Sigurimin e

    Detyrueshm n vitin 2003 rezultoi 38.23 pr

    qind nga 26.59 pr qind n vitin 2002.

    Raporti dme/prime pr Portofolin e Kartonit

    Jeshil n vitin 2003 rezultoi 92.73 prqind

    nga 47.56 pr qind n vitin 2002 dhe 41

    prqind n vitin 2001:

    Tregu shqiptar i sigurimeve pr grupin e

    sigurimeve Motorrike n vitin 2003 u nda

    midis pes shoqrive te sigurimit si m


  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    Nvitin 2003 Sigurimet e Pasuris zun14.48

    pr qind ttardhurave tprgjithshme t

    aktivitetit sigurues. Gjat keitj viti tardhurat

    nga primet e sigurimit tPasuris rezultuan

    14.19 pr qind mtulta krahasuar me

    vitin 2002. Peshn kryesore ne sigurimin e

    Pasuris e zuri sigurimi nga Zjarri dhe Forcat

    e natyrs me rreth 37.79 pr qind t totalit te

    ketij portofoli.

    Ndrsa n vitin 2002 nga portofoli i zjarrit u

    arktuan 268.41 milion lek, n vitin 2003

    u arktuan 205.55 milion lek. Pra portofoli

    i zjarrit paraqet rnie n vitin 2003 n masn

    62.86 milion lek ose rreth 23.42 pr qind m


    Primi mesatar n fund te vitit 2003 rezultoi

    me rnie. Kshtu nga 108,870 leknfund t

    vitit 2001, primi mesatar pr portofolin nga

    zjarri ra n masv n 80,968 leknvitin 2002

    5.4.2 Sigurimi i Pasuris

    dhe nfund tvitit 2003 ra n54,021 lek.

    Megjithse tardhurat nga Sigurimi nga Zjarri

    zunpjesn mtmadhe ttardhurave nga

    primet nsigurimin e Prones , vihet re nj

    rnie e ktyre operacioneve prsa i prket

    sigurimit tpronave tvogla private , shtpive

    apo dyqaneve qprbjne njpjestmirt

    t ardhurave nSIgurimin nga Zjarri

    Raporti dme /prime pr sigurimet e Pasuris

    rezultoi nvitin 2003 nmasn 10.67 pr qind,

    gjqe shnoi rritje nkrahasim me njvit m

    parku ky raport rezultonte 5.01 pr qind.

    Viti 2003 nuk shnoi dme nga katastrofat


    Tregu shqiptar i sigurimeve pr grupin e

    sigurimeve tPasuris nvitin 2003 u nda

    midis pesshoqrive tsigurimit si m

    Tabela 21: Klasat e Sigurimit t Pasuris n vitin 2003.

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    5.4.3 Sigurimi i aksidenteve dhe shendetit

    Gjat vitit 2003 primet e arktuara nga

    Sigurimi i aksidenteve dhe Shndetit

    prbenin 3.38 pr qind t t ardhurave

    totale t aktivitetit sigurues. N vitin 2003 t

    ardhurat nga primet e sigurimit t

    Aksidenteve dhe Shndetit arritn nivelin

    e 126.91 milion lek ose 19.51 pr qind me

    shum krahasuar me vitin 2002 duke shnuar

    nj rritje t t ardhurave t ketij portofoli.

    N vitin 2003 raporti dme/prime n

    sigurimin e aksidenteve personale dhe

    shndetit rezultoi 14.49 pr qind kundrejt

    27.31 prqind n vitin 2002.

    Tregu shqiptar i sigurimeve pr grupin e

    sigurimeve t aksidenteve dhe shndetit

    n vitin 2003 u nda midis pes shoqerive t

    sigurimit si me posht:

    Tabela 22: Klasat e Sigurimit t Aksidenteve dhe Shndetit n vitin 2003;

    Grafik 13: Ndarja e Tregut t sigurimit t Pasuris sipas portofoleve n vitin 2003.

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    Grafik 14: Ndarja e tregut t sigurimit t aksidenteve dhe shndetit sipas portofoleve , 2003.

    5.4.4 Sigurimi i jetes

    Edhe gjat vitit 2003 aktivitetin e Sigurimit t

    jets e ushtroi vetm shoqeria e sigurimeve

    INSIG e cila njekohsisht ushtron edhe

    aktivitetin e jo-jets.

    N vitin 2003 primet e arktuara nga Sigurimi

    i Jets perbenin vetem 2.29 pr qind t t

    ardhurave totale t aktivitetit sigurues kundrejt

    Tabela 23: Klasat e Sigurimit t Jets n vitin 2003.

    Grafik 15: Ndarja sipas klasave t Sigurimit t Jets.

    7.49 prqind q prbenin n vitin 2002.

    Megjithse gjat vitit 2003 u bn prpjekje

    me qllim prmirsimin e produkteve t

    sigurimit t jets n treg , kto produkte duhett prshtatn sa m mir me tregun shqiptar

    dhe t prputhen me mentalitetin e njerzve.

    E rendsishme pr kt sektor mbetet sensibi-

    lizimi i vazhdueshm i klientve pr rndsin

    e sigurimit t jets dhe prfitimet q ai sjell.

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    Tabela 24: Klasat e Sigurimit t Jets n vite.

    5.5 Disa tregues t gjendjes stregut t sigurimeve

    Industria e sigurimeve rezulton me 3,34

    miliard lek t ardhura neto duke zn rreth

    0.5 pr qind te PBB-se.

    Treguesi i ROA tregon aftsin e shoqris

    pr t operuar me fitim, ndrsa ROE

    mundsin e rritjes s investimeve.

    Tabela 25: Tregues t rentabilitetit pr vitin 2003, n prqindje.

    ROA t ardhura nga investimet / totali aktiveveROE - fitimi i ushrimit / kapitalet e veta

    Tabela 26: Treguesi i kufirit t fitimit pr vitin 2003, n prqindje.

    Treguesi fitimit - Kufiri fitimit / prime bruto

    Tabela 27: Raporti dme / prime pr vitin 2003, n prqindje.

    Raporti dme / prime dme t ndodhura / prime t fituara.

    Tabela 28: Treguesi fitimit pr vitin 2003, n prqindje.

    Treguesi fitimit shpreh nse bisnesi ka qne me prfitim.Raporti _ (Dme t ndodhura +shpenzime t pergjithshme )/ Prime t fituara

    /mln leke

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    Tabela 29: Raporti i retensionit pr vitin 2003.

    Tabela 30: Treguesi i kostos s marrjes n sigurim pr vitin 2003, n prqindje.

    Shpenzimet e marrjes n sigurim / prime t shkruara

    Tabela 31: Treguesi i shpenzimeve t prgjithshme pr vitin 2003.

    Pjesa e primit t fituar q shrben pr t mbuluar shpenzimet e prgjithshme.

    Tabela 32: Treguesi i pozits paguese pr vitin 2003, n prqindje.

    Prime neto / kapitalet e vetaKy sht nj raport q jep nj induksion t par t pozits paguese t shoqris.

    5.6 Rezervat teknike dhe risigurimet

    5.6.1 Rezervat teknike

    N baz t akteve ligjore e nnligjore n fuqi,

    rezervat teknike t 31/12/2003 pr shoqerit

    e sigurimit u ndan n rezerva teknike t

    primit t pafituar dhe t rrezikut t paskaduar,

    rezerva teknike t dmeve, rezerva teknike t

    katastrofave dhe rezerva teknike t tjera.

    Kto rezerva teknike u llogaritn duke u

    bazuar n prgjgjesit e marra, si edhe n t

    dhnat e dmeve dhe primeve t shoqrive t


    Ne milione lekeTabela 33. Rezervat teknike

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    Aktiviteti sigurues sht i lidhur ngusht

    edhe me risigurimin. Kjo pasi risigurimi i

    lejon siguruesit t lirojn veten nga nj pjes

    e riskut q kaprcen kapacitetin e tij mbajts

    ose t rreziqeve te cilat pr nj arsye ose nj

    tjetr nuk dshiron ti mbaj i vetm.

    Nprmjet risigurimeve bhet e mundur:

    stabiliteti i tregut t sigurimeve;

    rritja e kapacitetit mbulues;

    rritja e gams s produkteve n tregun e


    fuqizimi i potencialit financiar t


    do sigurues duhet t arrije n nj konkluzion

    mbshtetur n vendimet e tij n mas duhet

    t blihet risigurimi. Vendimi i tij final do t

    varet nga vullneti pr t marr nj rrezik,

    fuqia financiare e shoqeris, apo praktikat e

    tregut. Megjithat risigurmi mbetet prher

    nj instrument i rndsishm q redukton

    rrezikun e dshtimit t kompanis n

    aktivitetin e saj sigurues.

    N Shqipri nuk ekzistojn shoqri vendase

    risiguruese apo siguruese q ushtrojn

    aktivitet risigurimi, pavarsisht se Ligji Nr

    8081, dat 7.03.1996 Pr veprimtarit e

    Tabela 34: Prime t kaluara n Risigurim gjat vitit 2003.

    sigurimit dhe/ose risigurimit, neni 9, ia njeh

    kt t drejt edhe shoqrive vendase pr

    ushtrimin e nj veprimtarie t till

    Pr prballimin e prgjegjsive t marra

    prej shoqrive t sigurimit q operuan n

    tregun shqiptar gjat vitit 2003 u lidhn

    marreveshje risigurimi, si fakultative pr

    prballimin e pergjegjsive t veanta, ashtu

    edhe marrveshje risigurimi pr perballimin e

    portofoleve n trsi.

    Kshtu pr risigurimin e portofoleve n trsi

    u lidhen marrveshje risigurimi si t tipit

    Exess of Loss (Jo proporcionale), ashtu edhe

    te tipit Quota Share (proporcionale).

    Portofolet e risiguruara ishin ato t sigurimit

    t Pasuris(Pasuria, Cargo, CAR, EAR etj.),

    t sigurimit Kartoni Jeshil, dhe t sigurimit t

    Shndetit n Udhtim.

    Shoqrit shqiptare t sigurimeve n vitin

    2003 kan realizuar risigurime t suksesshme

    pran risiguruesve serioz si: Swiss Re;

    Hannover Re; Lloyds; Gothaer Re e t tjera.

    Volumi i primeve t kaluara n risigurim n

    vitin 2003 rezultoi ne 10.61 pr qind t tregut

    t sigurimeve.

    5.6.2 Risigurimet

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    6. Bilanci i shoqrive t sigurimit pr vitin 2003




  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    6.1 Aktivi

    Shnim: N t dhnat e Shoqeris INSIG sha jan t perfshir aktiviteti i Jets dhe Jo-jets.

    31.12.2002 milion/leke

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    6.2 Pasivi


    Shenim: N t dhnat e Shoqris INSIG sha jan t prfshir aktiviteti i Jets dhe Jo-jets.

  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    Shenim: N t dhnat e Shoqerise INSIG sha jane te perfshire aktiviteti i Jetes dhe Jo-jetes.

    6.3 Pasqyra e t ardhurave dhe shpenzimeve, viti 2003

  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003


    Insig sh.a.Shoqri sigurimi jete dhe dmesh

    Adresa:Rruga e Dibres, Nr 91, Tiran

    Tel:234170, 234168 Fax:234180

    Drejtor i Pergjithshm: Z.Varuzhan Piranjani

    Data e themelimit:

    Themeluar me Ligjin Nr 7506, dat 31.07.1991

    Pr Institutin e Sigurimeve

    Data e regjistrimit:

    INSIG sh.a regjistruar n Gjykatn e rrethit

    Tiran, Nr Akti 21463, dat 8.06.1999.

    Licensuar nga KMS me Autorizim zyrtar Nr 03,

    dat 8.06.2000 dhe Nr.04, dat 8.06.2000

    Sigal sh.aShoqri sigurimi dmesh

    Adresa:Bulevardi Dshmoret e Kombit,

    Pallati i Diplomatve, nr 57, Tirane

    Tel: 250220 ;Fax :233308

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Drejtor i Pergjithshm: Z. Avni Ponari

    Data e regjistrimit:Regjistruar n Gjykatn

    e rrethit Tiran, Nr Akti 20863, dat

    22.02.1999. Licensuar nga KMS me Autorizim

    zyrtar Nr 2, dat 23.06.1999.

    Sigma sh.a.Shoqri sigurimi dmesh

    Adresa:Sheshi Wilson, Tiran

    Kutia postale 1714, Tiran

    Tel: 258254 ; Fax :258253

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Drejtor i Pergjithshm: Z.Qemal Disha

    Data e regjistrimit: Regjistruar n Gjykatn e

    rrethit Tiran, Nr Akti 20487, dat 31.12.1998 .

    Licensuar nga KMS me Autorizim zyrtar Nr 01,

    dat 03.02.1999.

    Intersig sh.a.Shoqri sigurimi dmesh

    Adresa:Rr.Ali Demi TIRANE

    Tel:344 718

    Drejtor i pergjithshm: Z. Vangjel Birbo

    Data e regjistrimit:Regjistruar n Gjykaten e

    rrethit Tiran, Nr Akti 26103, dat 18.07.2001

    Licensuar nga KMS me Autorizim zyrtar Nr 6,

    dat 13.09.2001.

    Shoqerit e sigurimit n tregun Shqiptar 2003

    Atlantik sh.a.Shoqri sigurimi dmesh

    Adresa:Rr. Themistokli Germenji Nr.3/1


    Tel:230 506 ; Fax : 253 o71

    Drejtor i pergjithshem:Z.Dritan elaj

    Data e regjistrimit:Regjistruar n Gjykaten e

    rrethit Tiran, Nr Akti 25720, dat 02.05.2001.

    Licensuar nga KMS me Autorizim zyrtar Nr 5,

    dat 13.04.2001.

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    Tables and GraphsTable 1: General Indicators

    Table 2:Premiums in Years: 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003

    Table 3:Gross premiums 2002,2003

    Table 4: Gross Premiums in 2003, Compulsory and Voluntary Insurance (Life & Non-life)

    Table 5: Gross Premiums volume by year: 1999, 2000,2001,2002,2003;

    Table 6:Paid Claims in 2003.

    Table 7: Paid claims by year

    Table 8: Premiums and Claims by year, in million leke.

    Table 9: Paid claims by Insurance company: 2002,2003 (in million lek)

    Table 10:Paid claims by Insurance company in Motor Insurance (in million lek)

    Table 11: Claims by Insurance company in Property Insurance (million lek)

    Table 12: Paid claims by Insurance company in Health InsuranceTable 13:Participation of the insurance companies in the market for 2003

    Table 14:Participation of the insurance companies in the market by year

    Table 15: Premiums Volume of Compulsory Insurance by year (million lek):

    Table 16:Premiums Volume of Voluntary Insurance by year (million lek);

    Table 17: Premiums collected divided by portfolio (million lek);

    Table 18: Premiums by Motor Vehicle Insurance Classes in 2003

    Table 19:Motor insurance TPL Premiums by year

    Table 20:Green Card written Premiums by year

    Table 21: Property Insurance Classes in 2003

    Table 22:Health and Accident Insurance in 2003

    Table 23:Life insurance classes for 2003;Table 24: Life insurance Classes in years

    Table 25:Indicators for 2003

    I. Insurance Supervisory Commission

    II. Legislation on Insurance Activity

    III. Albanian Economy 2003

    IV. Insurance Market4.1 Premiums.

    4.2 Gross Written Premiums for 2003

    V. Insurance market Share5.1 Compulsory and Voluntary Insurance (Life & Non-life)

    5.2 Claims

    5.3 Insurance Companies









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    Table 26: Profit Indicator in 2003

    Table 27: Claims/Premiums ratio for 2003

    Table 28: Profit indicator for 2003

    Table 29: Retention Ratio for 2003

    Table 30: Underwriting cost indicator for 2003

    Table 31: General expenses indicator for 2003

    Table 32:Indicator of payable position for 2003

    Table 33:Technical Reserves

    Table 34: Premiums ceded in reinsurance during 2003

    Graph 1: Insurance market 1999-2003

    Graph 2: Gross premiums 2003 by trimesters

    Graph 3: Insurance market 2003

    Graph 4: Claims by Insurance branch in 2003

    Graph 5:Premiums and Claims by year, in million leke.

    Graph 6:Paid claims by Insurance company: 2002,2003 (in million lek)

    Graph 7:Paid claims by Insurance company in Motor Insurance (in million lek) 2002,2003

    Graph 8:Paid claims by Insurance company in Property Insurance (million lek) 2002, 2003

    Graph 9:Paid claims by Insurance company in Health Insurance 2002,2003

    Graph 10:Gross Premiums collected by companies

    Graph 11:Between Voluntary and Compulsory Insurance by Company

    Graph 12:Motor Vehicle Insurance by Portfolio

    Graph 13: Property Insurance Market in 2003Graph 14:Health and Accident Insurance Market by portfolio in 2003

    Graph 15:Life insurance by Classes

    5.4 Insurance Market by Portfolio

    5.4.1 Motor Vehicle Insurance

    5.4.2 Property Insurance5.4.3 Health and Accident Insurance

    5.4.4 Life Insurance

    5.5 Indicators of the Insurance Market

    5.6 Technical Reserves and Reinsurance

    5.6.1 Technical Reserves

    5.6.2 Reinsurance

    VI. Balance Sheet of Insurance Companies 20036.1 Active

    6.2 Passive

    6.3 Revenues and Expenses

    Insurance Companies in Albanian Market for 2003













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    Gzim AgasiChairman

    Teuta CaniDeputy Chairwoman

    Shptim ShehuMember

    Genc ifliguMember

    Hysen elaMember

    Adriatik IslamajMemberI






    Silvana BelloDeputy Chairwoman

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  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    1. Insurance Supervisory Commission

    The Insurance Supervisory Commission is the

    solely legal authority that licenses, audits

    and supervises the insurance companies in

    the protection of insureds interest.

    Albanias Insurance Supervisory Commission

    (ISC) exerts its activity in compliance with the

    Law 8081, dated n 07.03. 1996 On the Insur-

    ance and Reinsurance Activity, based on the

    Council of Ministers Decision no 229, dated

    on 28.04.1999 On Functioning and Organiza-tion of ISC.

    Albanian Insurance Supervisory Commis-

    sion is composed by the Commission and the

    Executive staff.

    Executive staff of the Insurance Supervisory

    Commission carries out its activity aiming at

    realizing the obligations deriving from rel-

    evant laws, orders and by-law acts in power,

    assuring their implementation from the insur-

    ance companies and other stakeholders of

    the insurance market.

    Over the course of this year, the activity of

    this institution was directed in the following:

    Supervision, auditing of insurance compa-

    nies, decision-making; Legislative initiatives;

    Administrative Issues.

    Referred to the changes the Albanian

    economy is going through in general, and in-

    surance market in particular it is necessary to

    underline some specifics of this market dur-

    ing 2003, that clearly show the modernization

    of the Albanian Insurance industry.

    In line of this changes, and based on sugges-

    tions and assistance of the World Bank, the

    Albanian Government through the Ministry of

    finance and The insurance Supervisory Com-

    mission undertook the initiative of drafting

    two new laws, On insurance, reinsurance

    and intermediary activity and On organiza-

    tion and functioning of Insurance Supervisory

    commission that heavily rely on European


    This draft laws have been enriched with clear

    definitions of insurance and reinsurance ac-

    tivities consistent with EU directives and IAIS

    standards that are crucial to its successful

    implementation that will enable the establish-

    ment of a stable, efficient and transparent


    ISC Commission is composed of the Chair-

    man, two deputy Chairwoman and four

    members. The Chairman is appointed for the

    Council of Ministers with the proposal of the

    Minster of Finance and the deputy chairwom-

    en and the members of board are appointed

    from the Minster of Finance with the proposal

    of the Chairman of ISC.

    Insurance Supervisory Commission is a col-

    legial body, and in line with its functions it is-

    sues decisions, instructions and regulations.

    The executive staff of ISC

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    As the market grows the needs for the licens-

    ing of intermediaries entities becomes quite

    obvious. The draft law has provided the terms

    and conditions, for the licensing of intermedi-

    ary activity.

    References to the protection of the policy-

    holders, as important as it is in a growing

    market with so many uncertainties are made

    in the draft law for insurance activities, and

    the enactment of this law would certainly fa-

    cilitate the operation of the insurance market

    in the future.

    The draft law On organizing and functioning

    of Insurance Supervisory Commission will

    affect the increase of the supervisory and

    regulatory level of the institution in helping

    the development of the insurance market.

    Another important thing are the changes in

    the Albanian Insurance Market infrastructure

    during 2003, it is the first time that insurance

    companies operate through insurance agent

    licensed from the Insurance Supervisory

    Commission, process, which shall increase

    the level of control and supervision on the

    insurance activity.

    It is important to stress, the entry of new ac-

    tors into the Albanian Insurance Market dur-

    ing 2003. EBRD and IFC are shareholders of

    Insig Company with 39% and American Alba-

    nian Enterprise Fund has now 12%of shares in

    Sigal insurance Company. These fundamental

    changes show once again the big steps that

    have made the Albanian Insurance industry

    towards stability and development.

    In 2003 the Insurance supervisory Commis-

    sion undertook the initiative of drafting new

    regulations on insurance activity:

    On licensing the insurance brokers, an indis-

    pensable process for the Albanian insurance


    On prevention of money-laundering in insur-

    ance activity;

    Controlling Standards on insurance compa-


    On reporting systems from insurance com-


    Also a lot of initiatives have been undertaken

    in order to increase the level of commu-

    nication between the ISC and insurance

    companies, and to develop training courses


    In June 2003 the Insurance supervisory com-

    mission in collaboration with the Association

    of the Albanian Insurers organized the I-st Re-

    gional Conference Insurance as an integral

    part of the financial market and an important

    factor on the development of the economy

    with the participation of important actors of

    the insurance market from region and Europe.

    The Insurance Supervisory Commission

    organized in December 2003 in cooperation

    with the Insurance Supervisory Authority of

    Sweden the Actuarial Seminar in Tirana, with

    participants from ISC, and insurance Compa-

    nies from Albania and Kosovo.

    Regional Conference, June 2003

    Actuarial seminar, December 2003

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    Relations with the InternationalInstitutions

    In the light of a better coordination of the

    work of our institution with the state struc-

    tures charged by the law for auditing and

    supervising the activity of private entities,

    during 2003, ISC undertook initiatives to

    draft, negotiate and sign co-operation

    agreements on exchange of relevant informa-

    tion with some institutions linked with the

    supervising sector. More specifically, ISC has

    signed co-operation agreements with:

    General Tax Directorate;

    Ministry of Transports;

    During 2004 have started the procedures to

    sign cooperation agreements with the Gen-

    eral Directorate of Police, in order to better

    implementation of the legislation in force on

    obligatory insurance TPL, and with the Bank

    of Albania.

    ISC is a full right member of the International

    Insurance Supervisory Association. ISC

    membership in this institution enabled the

    staff to take part in training activities and in

    international conferences organized by IAIS

    and other similar organizations during 2003.

    Our participation in these organizations

    has been assessed as very successful and

    has helped in improvement of supervisory

    standards and acquaintance with the new

    things in this field.

    During 2003 ISC undertook the initiative to

    start cooperation with Insurance Supervisory

    Authorities in the region,during 2004 will be

    signed the Memorandum of Understanding

    with Supervisory Authority of Kosovo, and

    shall start the negotiations to sign this

    memorandum also with the Supervisory

    Authorities of Italy, FYROM, Greece.

    This document shall formally set up the bases

    of an institutional cooperation with these

    authorities in order to increase and improve

    the supervisory methods, and fur ther develop

    the insurance industry.

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    The activity of insurances and reinsurances

    in Albania is based and regulated by the

    following law and by-law acts:

    Constitution of the Republic of Albania

    The Civil Code of the Republic of Albania

    The Law no 8081, dated on 7.03.1996

    On the insurance and/or reinsurance

    activity(amended), which defines

    the principles and general regulations

    connected with the insurance and/or

    reinsurance activity and with the state

    supervision of legal associations and

    enterprises that undertake to carry out

    insurance and reinsurance activities.

    The law no 7641, dated on 1.12.1992 On

    the approval and changes to the Decree

    no 259, dated on 15.09.1992 On the

    compulsory insurance of the possessors

    of motoric vehicles for third party


    Council of Ministers Decision no 626,

    dated on 8.10.1998 On the minimum

    boundaries of the guarantee for insurance

    and/or reinsurance companies.

    Council of Ministers Decision no 229,

    dated on 28.04.1999 On ISC functioning

    and organization.

    Council of Ministers Decision no 470,

    dated on 03.10.2002 On conditions of

    issuance of the official authorization and

    the regulations in insurance intermediary


    Instructions and Orders from the Minister

    of Finance.

    ISC Regulations

    The above-listed legal framework


    Establishment of private insurance


    Insurance and/or reinsurance

    activity is carried out by companies,

    established in the form of joint-

    stock company with foreign or

    domestic capital, while the foreign

    companies can exert insurance and/or

    reinsurance activities in the Republic

    of Albania only through their branches

    in Albania.

    An insurance company that operates

    in the life insurance cannot exert

    insurance activities for non-life.

    The Insurance and/or reinsurance

    companies should have a fundamental

    calendar, without including the

    contributions varying from 50-

    100 million lek, depending on the

    insurance groups the society will pay

    in insurance of damages, and not

    less than 120 mln if the company will

    operate in life insurance activities.

    The insurance and/or reinsurance

    companies will start their activity

    only after they receive the formal

    authorization from the ISC.

    A local or foreign branch insurance

    company can be equipped with an

    official authorization from the ISC if

    they meet similar criteria as:

    It should be founded in the way

    defined by Law 9081, dated on 7.03.


    It should have a business plan

    drafted according to the demands of

    this Law.

    It should possess the minimum

    guarantee funds.

    The effective management of

    the company should be trusted to

    physically sound and professionally

    capable individuals.

    The companies authorized to

    operate in the field of insurances and/

    or reinsurances should be supervised

    2. Legislation on Insurance Activity

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    by the ISC, aiming at protecting the

    costumers interests.

    Insurance companies exercising

    motor insurance business should

    establish the Motoric Bureau, which

    represents these companies to the

    domestic and foreign market.

    Foreign capital in an insurance

    company according to Albanian Law is


    Foreign insurance and/or

    reinsurance companies that want to

    extend their activity in the territory of

    the Republic of Albania through their

    branches should have an experience

    of at least 5 years in the country of


    The minimum limits of the guarantee

    fund for an insurance and/or

    reinsurance company should vary from

    30 to 60 million lek at the beginning of

    the activity, and from 50 to 90 mln lek

    at the end of the second financial year,

    depending on the insurance classes

    that the company shall exercise in

    non-life business; if the company will

    operate in the field of life insurance it

    should have a minimum of 120 million

    lek at the beginning of the first year

    and 180 million at the end of the

    second financial year;

    Premiums of voluntary insurance

    should be defined by the company

    itself; premiums of compulsory

    insurance should be defined by the

    Minister of Finances.

    The compulsory insurance includes

    the class of civil responsibilities

    from usage of vehicles, that is the

    insurance contract of owners of

    motoric vehicles for third party

    liabilities within the countrys territory

    (TPL); the insurance contract of

    an owner of a motoric vehicle that

    has a temporary number plate; the

    insurance contract for using the

    motoric vehicle outside the countrys

    territory (green card); insurance

    contract of an owner of a motoric

    vehicle that has a foreign license plate

    but who has an insurance contract

    with a domestic insurer (border

    insurance contract).

    All the insurance contracts are

    subject of the VAT in the amount of


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    Source of information:Bank of Albania, Annual Report 2003

    The economic growth in Albania for

    2003, resulted 6% compared with 4.7%

    registered in 2002.The development of the

    economic activity is evident in all sectors

    of the economy, especially in construction,

    transport and services. The increase of

    investments that resulted in 22.3% of GDP

    has its contribution on the economic growth

    for 2003.

    As a result of a big support from the banking

    sector, investments in private sector

    represented 75% of the total of investments

    for 2003.

    Year 2003 marked a slight improvement

    of the labor market. During this year there

    is a increase in the number of employed

    people, but the chronic factors of the

    Albanian transition: emigration and informal

    economy, effect in the decrease of the labor

    forces, and make difficult to explain the

    effects of economic development policies on


    At the end of 2003 the level of unemployment

    stopped at 15%, compared with 15.8% at the

    end of 2002.

    Year 2003 was characterized by a low

    inflation, within the objectives of the Bank

    of Albania. The Inflation norm in December

    2003 was 3.3 %, respecting the BoA

    objectives, and the consume prices increased

    by 2.37% during 2003.

    Regardless the various factors that have

    affected this inflation, it is considered that

    it has reflected the controlling of internal

    demand pressures as a result of healthy fiscal

    and monetary policies.

    This year was characterized also by a rational

    distribution of the fiscal expenditures.

    Although, it must be underlined that the weak

    points remain the revenues that reached

    93% and especially capital expenditures that

    marked 62% of the plan for 2003.

    Year 2003 is characterized from an intense

    activity in foreign sector, expressed in the

    considerable increase of the revenues and of

    current expenditures.

    The deficit of the current account has reached

    6.7 % of GDP, decreased by 2 percent points,

    compared with the previous year.

    It must be stressed that the commercial

    deficit keep on deepening, reflecting mainly

    the increase of the Albanian economy

    consumption and underlines the need to

    improve the productive and competitive

    capacities of the Albanian Economy. The

    payments balance sheets general position is

    positive. For the first time in December 2003

    its general level exceeded 1 billion USD, or

    more precisely registered 1.026 billion USD at

    the end of December2003.

    3. Albanian Economy 2003

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    Since 1999, year that dated the liberalization

    of the insurance market in Albania, this

    market has done real steps towards

    development in its gross premiums revenues.

    Table 1: General Indicators

    4.1 Premiums

    Premium volume for 2003 decreased by 1.28

    percent compared with 2002. With the growth

    indicators that this activity has shown during

    the last four years, this year, it registered for

    the first time very slight signs of decrease.

    Table 2: Premiums in Years: 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003.

    Graph 1: Insurance market 1999-2003

    4. Insurance Market

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    5. Insurance Market Share

    5.1 Compulsory and Voluntary

    Insurance (Life & Non-life)

    In 2003 the Gross Premium volume resulted

    3,755.09 million leke compared with 3,803.74

    million leke collected in 2002, or marked a

    decrease by 1.28% .

    The insurance market in 2003 was oriented

    towards compulsory insurance.

    Gross Premiums volume collected from

    Compulsory insurance in 2003 resulted 7.12

    per cent higher than the volume collected in2002, representing 76.31 percent of the total

    Gross Premiums volume collected in 2003.

    Gross Premiums volume collected from

    Voluntary insurance in 2003 marked a

    Table 4: Gross Premiums in 2003, Compulsory and Voluntary Insurance (Life & Non-life)

    Graph 3: Insurance market 2003

    decreased by 21.17 per cent compared with

    2002, representing 23.69 percent of the Total

    Gross Premiums volume collected in 2003.

    Albanian Voluntary Insurance Market

    remained oriented towards non-life business

    also for 2003.

    The premium volume collected from non-life

    insurance activity in 2003 represented 90.32per cent of the Total Gross Premiums volume

    collected in 2003, compared with 9.68

    collected from Life insurance, that still remain

    in very low levels also during 2003.

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    Table 5: Gross Premiums volume by year : 1999, 2000,2001,2002,2003;

    5.2 Claims

    During 2003 paid claims amounted 1,306

    million leke or 448 million leke more,compared with the total amount that

    insurance companies paid during 2002.

    Paid Claims related with Compulsory

    Insurance for 2003 represented 83.84 per

    cent of the total amount this year.

    Paid Claims in Voluntary Insurance Portfolios

    resulted 211 million leke , representing 16.16percent of the total amount paid by insurance


    During this year in the Albanian insurance

    market 84.07 per cent of the paid claims was

    related with non- life insurance.

    Table 6: Paid Claims in 2003.

    Table 7: Paid claims by year

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    Graph 4: Claims by Insurance branch in 2003

    Table 8: Premiums and Claims by year , in million leke.

    Graph 5: Premiums and Claims by year, in million leke.

    The ratio Paid Claims/Written Premiums for

    2003 resulted 25.55% compared with 22.57%

    in 2002. This ratio in compulsory insurance

    resulted 38.22 per cent compared with 26.59

    per cent in 2002, while in voluntary insurance

    resulted 23.73 per cent compared with 13.05

    per cent in 2002.

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    Table 11: Paid claims by Insurance company in Property Insurance (million lek)

    Graph 8: Paid claims by Insurance company in Property Insurance (million lek) 2002, 2003

    Table 12: Paid claims by Insurance company in Health Insurance

    Graph 9: Paid claims by Insurance company in Health Insurance 2002, 2003

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    5.3 Insurance Companies

    Insig, Sigma, Sigal, Atlantik, Intersig are the

    companies that exercised their activity in the

    Albanian Insurance Market for 2003.

    Albanian insurance activity is mainly

    represented by domestic capital, while foreign

    capital is represented only with 39% of shares

    in INSIG insurance company and 12 % in

    Sigal insurance company.

    In 2003 the first three insurance companiesdominated the insurance market, representing

    82.44 per cent of the premiums volume.

    Although, the other two companies showed

    progress compared with the previous year.

    Table 13: Participation of the insurance companies in the market for 2003

    Table 14: Participation of the insurance companies in the market by year

    Graph 10: Gross Premiums collected by companies

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    Table 15: Premiums Volume of Compulsory Insurance by year (million lek):

    Table 16: Premiums Volume of Voluntary Insurance by year (million lek);

    Graph 11: Between Voluntary and Compulsory Insurance by Company

    5.4 Insurance Market by Portfolio

    Table 17: Premiums collected divided by portfolio(million lek);

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    5.4.1 Motor Vehicle Insurance

    The growth tendency in motor insurance is

    more evident during these years than in other

    insurance portfolios.

    The revenues form motor insurance activity

    represented 79.85percent of the total revenues

    collected from insurance activity during 2003

    resulting 7.90percent higher, compared with


    The main part of the revenues from this

    portfolio was represented by MTPL and Green


    Revenues from the TPL in 2003 represented

    68.37percent of incomes collected

    from Motor Insurance Portfolio compared with

    65.58percent in 2002, while the

    revenues from Green Card represented

    18.58percent compared with

    23.26percent collected in 2002.

    The domestic third party liability (TPL)

    premiums collected during 2003 have

    reached the amount of 2,049 million lek

    Table 18: Premiums by Motor Vehicle Insurance Classes in 2003

    Graph 12: Motor Vehicle Insurance by Portfolio

    compared with 1,822 million lek collected

    during the previous year.

    The continuous growth of the number of

    vehicles during 2003 had its impact in

    the growth of the premium income in this

    portfolio, this is indicated also with the

    growing number of TPL contracts that during

    2003 resulted 165,272 or 15,273 contracts

    more than in 2002.

    Number of vehicles registered during 2003

    has reached the amount of 168.000 vehicles.

    According to the statistical data taken

    from insurance companies the number of

    TPL contracts has reached the amount of


    The revenues from Green Card in 2003

    resulted 556.84million lek with a decrease of

    89.38million lek compared with the previous

    year. During 2003 were concluded 689 Green

    Card policies more than in 2002, the number

    of this contracts for 2003 was 35,965.

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    Property insurance in 2003 represented,

    14.48 % of the insurance market with a

    decrease of 14.19 % compared with 2002.

    Even during 2003, Fire and Natural Disasters

    insurance had the main share in Property

    Insurance with 37.79%.

    In spite of a harsh competition, during 2003

    the Fire Insurance premium income reached

    the amount of 205.55 million leke registering

    a decrease of 23.42 compared with the year


    The average premium at the end year 2003

    reached the amount of 54.021 leke registering

    a decrease compared with 108,870 leke at the

    end of 2001.

    The Claims/Premiums ratio for 2003 in

    5.4.2 Property Insurance

    Property Insurance resulted 10.67percent,

    this marked an increase compared with 5.01

    percent in 2002.

    During the year 2003 there were not

    registered any important damage from

    natural catastrophes.

    The participation of the companies in the

    Albanian Property Insurance Market for 2003

    is shown in the graph below.

    Table 21: Property Insurance Classes in 2003

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    5.4.3 Health and Accident Insurance

    During 2003 the premium income of Health

    and Accident insurance represented 3.38

    percent of the total insurance premium

    income. Year 2003 marked positive results

    in premium income of Health and Accident

    Insurance reaching the amount of 126.91

    million leke or 19.51 percent higher than in the

    previous year.

    The Claims/Premiums ratio for 2003 in

    Health and Accident Insurance resulted

    14.49percent, compared with 27.31 percent in


    During the year 2003 there were not

    registered any important damage from

    natural catastrophes.

    The participation of the companies in the

    Albanian Health and Accident Insurance

    Market for 2003 is shown in the graph below.

    Table 22: Health and Accident Insurance in 2003

    Graph 13: Property Insurance Market in 2003

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    5.4.4 Life Insurance

    Also during 2003 the activity of life insurance

    was exerted only by INSIG insurance

    company, which exercised simultaneously

    non-life insurance.

    The amount of premiums collected in life

    insurance represented only 2.29 percent of

    the total premium income for 2003 compared

    with 7.49 percent that it represented in 2002.

    An important component on this sector still re-

    mains the continuous sensitization of the clients

    for the importance and benefits of life insurance.

    Table 23: Life insurance classes for 2003;

    Graph 15: Life insurance by Classes

    The insurance companies made efforts during

    2003 in order to improve the existing products

    of life insurance in the market, which is a

    priority for increasing the revenues on this

    insurance branch. These products should meet

    the needs of Albanian market and should be

    in compliance with peoples mentality.

    During 2003 claims / premiums ratio, resulted

    to be 39.08 percent compared to 4.47 percent

    that was in 2002.

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    Table 24: Life insurance Classes in years

    5.5 Indicators of the InsuranceMarket

    The financial situation of the insurance sector

    for the ending year 2003 is considered positive.

    The revenues of this system result 3,34 milliard

    lek representing 0.5 percent of GDP.

    ROA indicator shows the ability of the

    company to operate efficiently, while ROE

    shows the investment growth possibility

    Table 25: Indicators for 2003

    ROA revenues from Investments / Active totalROE - Net Profit /Individual Capital

    Table 26: Profit Indicator in 2003

    Profit Indicator Net profit / Gross premiums

    Table 27: Claims/Premiums ratio for 2003

    Ratio Claims / premiums : Occurre d Claims /Net premiums .

    Table 28: Profit indicator for 2003

    This indicator shows if the business is operating with profitabilityRatio (Occurred claims +general expenses/ Net premiums

    /mln leke

  • 8/12/2019 KMS_RV2003



    Table 29: Retention Ratio for 2003

    Table 30: Underwriting cost indicator for 2003

    Underwriting expenses / Written premiums

    Table 31: General expenses indicator for 2003

    That part of premium that cover the general e xpenses.

    Table 32: Indicator of payable position for 2003

    Net premiums / Individual capital

    5.6 Technical reserves and reinsurance

    5.6.1 Technical Reserves

    Based in the legal frame work in force,

    and in by law acts, technical reserves of

    the insurance companies in 31/12/2003

    were broken down in technical reserves

    of unearned premium, claims technical

    reserves, unexpired risk technical reserve,

    catastrophes technical reserves and other

    technical reserves.

    These technical reserves were estimated

    based in the liabilities taken from the insur-

    ance companies and also based in premiums

    and claims dates of the insurance companies.

    in million LekTable 33. Technical Reserves

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    6. Balance Sheet




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    6.1 Active

    Shenim: Ne te dhenat e Shoqerise INSIG sha jane te perfshire aktiviteti i Jetes dhe Jo-jetes.

    31.12.2002 million/lek

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    6.2 Passive


    Note: Data for INSIG includes activities of life and non-life business

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    Note: Data for INSIG includes activities of life and non-life business

    6.3 Revenues and Expenses

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    Insig sh.a.Life and Non-life Insurance Company

    Address:Rruga e Dibres, Nr 91, Tiran

    Tel:234170, 234168 Fax:234180

    General Manager: Mr.Varuzhan Piranjan

    Founded date:

    Funded based on Law Nr 7506, 31.07.1991 On

    Insurance Institute

    Registration date:

    INSIG sh.a registered in Tirana Court,

    Nr.21463, dated 8.06.1999. Licensed from

    ISC with Official Authorization Nr 03, dated

    8.06.2000 and Nr.04, dated 8.06.2000

    Sigal sh.aNon-life Insurance Company

    Address:Bulevardi Dshmoret e Kombit,

    Pallati i Diplomatve, nr 57, TIRANE

    Tel: 250220 ;Fax :233308

    E-mail: [email protected]

    General Manager: Mr. Avni Ponari

    Registration date:

    Sigal sh.a registered in Tirana Court,

    Nr.20863, dated 22.02.1999. Licensed from

    ISC with Official Authorization Nr 02, dated


    Sigma sh.a.Non-life Insurance Company

    Address:Sheshi Wilson, Tirane

    P.O. Box 1714, Tiran

    Tel: 258254 ; Fax :258253

    E-mail: [email protected]

    General Manager: Mr.Qemal Disha

    Registration date:

    Sigma sh.a registered in Tirana Court,

    Nr.20487, dated 31.12.1998. Licensed from

    ISC with Official Authorization Nr 01, dated


    Intersig sh.a.Non-life Insurance Company

    Address:Rr.Ali Demi TIRANE

    Tel:344 718

    General Manager: Mr. Vangjel Birbo

    Registration date:

    Intersig sh.a registered in Tirana Court,

    Nr.26103, dated 18.07.2001. Licensed from

    ISC with Official Authorization Nr 06, dated


    Insurance Companies in Albanian Market for 2003

    Atlantik sh.a.Non-life Insurance CompanyAddress:Rr. Themistokli Germenji Nr.3/1


    Tel:230 506 ; Fax : 253 o71

    General Manager: Mr.Dritan Celaj

    Registration date:

    Atlantik sh.a registered in Tirana Court,

    Nr.25720, dated 02.05.2001. Licensed from

    ISC with Official Authorization Nr 05, dated


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