unit 10 marketing 市 场营销

Unit Unit 10 10 Marketing Marketing 市市市市 市市市市

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Unit 10 Marketing 市 场营销. 学习目标. 长期以来,市场营销一直被认为是商业机构的基本职能之一。今年来更有一种意见认为它是一种中心职能,公司的其他部门必须服从这一中心。本单元首先提出市场营销的两种定义;然后是一篇课文,其中讨论了“市场营销的概念”,接着是市场研究,市场营销组合和工业品市场营销等;还有采访一家百货商店经理的录音,在录音中,这位经理谈到了一种营销失败的假设及可能的挽救措施;最后是一个关于市场研究的简短案例。. 词汇和短语. centrality 集中性 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Unit Unit 1010 MarketingMarketing市场营销市场营销

Unit Unit 1010 MarketingMarketing市场营销市场营销

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词汇和短语 centrality 集中性 console 控制台 data ( datum 的复数) 资料,数据 differential 有差别的,差异的 discount 折扣 distinctive 有特色的,特别的 distribution channel 分销渠道 feature 特征,特色 focus group 重点组 genetic 遗传的

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词汇和短语 head office 公司总部 integration 整合 market opportunity 市场机会 market research or marketing research 市场研究,市场调研 market segmentation 细分市场 marketer 营销者,营销人员 marketing mix 市场营销组合 packaging 包装 personal selling 人员推销 point of sale 销售地点

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producer market 生产者市场 promotion 促销 publicity 宣传,发布 questionnaire 调查表,问卷 sales promotion 促销活动 sales staff 销售队伍,员工 secondary data 第二手资料 selling 推销 target customer 目标顾客 vigorous 精力旺盛的 Walkman( 复数 --mans) 随声听(商品名称)

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3.Marketers are consequently always looking for market opportunities--profitable possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs or creating new ones in areas in which the company is likely to enjoy a differential advantage,due to its distinctive competencies(the things it does particularly well).

本句破折号后面是 opportunies 的同位语,进一步说明哪些是“市场机会”。 filling...or creating... 是介词 of 后面两个基本的分词短语。 In which 引起的定语从句修饰 areas 。整句的意思:因而,营销人员总是在寻找市场机会 --- 填补还没得到满足的需要,或者是在因为公司的突出能力(即它特别擅长的事情)而有可能有领先优势的领域中创建新需要的那些获利的可能性。

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4..The company must also take account of the existence of competitors,who always have to be identified,monitored and defeated in the search for loyal customers.

本句 who 引起的从句中, be identified 说明在商界中有时候看不到竞争对手,因而必须“识别”它们。本句的意思:公司必须考虑到在发展忠实的客户过程中存在着一些总是不得不被识别、监控和击败的竞争者。

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5.They collect and analyze information about the size of a potential market,about consumers' reactions to particular product or service features,and so on.

. 本句 about 引起的两个介词短语说明 information 。全句译为:他们收集并且分析关于潜在市场的规模,关于消费者对某一产品或者服务特点的反应等信息。

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7.Promotion groups together advertising,publicity,sales promotion,and personal selling,while price includes the basic list price,discounts,the length of the payment period,possible credit terms,and so on.

本句的 group用作动词,意思是“集中”。句子可以译为:促销集中了广告、宣传、促销和人员促销;而价格包括基本价目表所列出之价格、折扣、付款时期的跨度可能的信用条款等等。

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练习答案 1a 定义

1.identify 2.develop 3.persuade 4.modify 5.design6.influence

Drucker's definition seems to be a little optimistic,and overlooks the existence of competition:a successful product will soon attract imitators or rivals onto the market.Even if you have an exceptional product that consumers want to buy,it is unlikely to be the only one on the market.

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练习答案 1b 词汇

1.A 2.I 3.F 4.H 5.D 6.J 7.E 8.B 9.C 10.G

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练习答案 1c 课文

Paragraph 1----the selling and marketing conceptsParagraph 2----identifying market opportunitiesParagraoh 3----the importanraphce of market reseach Paragraph 4----the marketing mixParagraph 5----company-to-company marketing

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1d 理解

The third summary is the most accurate and complete.The second summary fails to mention market research,and both the first and second contain errors.They both neglect the continued importance of selling,and the existence of competitors.They also wrongly suggest that market segmentation is the only way to find a market opportunity:some products are aimed at wholly new,unsegmented markets.The first summary wrongly states that marketers regularly have to change a product,its distribution,the way it is promoted,and its price.In fact they may change one or more of these elements as necessary.The second summary states that the marketing of industrial or producer goods is'more important' than that of consumer goods,which is unture.

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1e 理解