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  • 8/8/2019 Project Fastfood


  • 8/8/2019 Project Fastfood


    Growing Trend of Fast Food among Youth Research Report


    Mairaj Muhammad (BM-25039)Ayesha Mirza (BM-25067)Jahangir Aalm (BM-25026)Noman Jamil (BM-25029)

    Farheen Sultana (BM-25004)Anum Shahid (BM-25084)


  • 8/8/2019 Project Fastfood


    Growing Trend of Fast Food among Youth Research Report

    1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ---------------------------------------------------- 3

    2. ABSTRACT-----------------------------------------------------------------------4

    3. OVERVIEW---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

    4. GROWING TRENDS OF FAST FOOD------------------------------------ 6


    6. WHAT IS FAST FOOD -------------------------------------------------------- 9

    7. HISTORY OF FAST FOOD --------------------------------------------------- 9

    8. CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH PEOPLE PREFER FASTFOOD / HOME FOOD ------------------------------------------------------13

    9. MOST COMMONLY USED FAST FOOD ITEMS ----------------------15

    10. FAST FOOD RESTURANTS IN PAKISTAN ---------------------------- 18

    11. TARGET MARKET----------------------------------------------------------- 18

    12. IMPACT OF FAST FOOD ---------------------------------------------------20

    13. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES---------------------------------------------------22

    14. RESEARCH METHODS------------------------------------------------------22

    15. SAMPLING---------------------------------------------------------------------23

    16. QUESTIONNAIRE -----------------------------------------------------------24

    17. LIMITATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------- 25

    18. QUESTIONNAIRE AND ANALYSIS -----------------------------------26

    19. RECOMMENDATION ------------------------------------------------------49

    20. CONCLUSION ---------------------------------------------------------------49



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    Growing Trend of Fast Food among Youth Research Report

    21. APPENDICES------------------------------------------------------------------50


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    Growing Trend of Fast Food among Youth Research Report


    This research report on Growing Trend of Fast Food Consumption among Youth has

    been written as a part of the course requirement of Methods in Business Research. This

    report is an effort to find the reasons for the growing trend of fast food consumption among

    youth over the past few years.

    This research report has proved to be an overall extremely learning experience. We are

    thankful to our course instructor Mr.Mansoob Khan for providing us with this opportunity

    as well as guiding us throughout the course of this research with the light of her experience.

    We are also very much grateful to Mr. Syed Taha Rizvi, Restaurant Manager, Pizza Hut, for

    giving valuable comments. The guidance on the part of Mr. Sohail Muneer, Assistant

    Manager KFC, was very valuable during our qualitative research stage. This support was

    not only a source of encouragement for us, but also made us realize the true implications of

    being a researcher and made it possible for us to apply our subject theory into a practical

    research project. We admit that there may be limitations, but on our part, we have given this

    project our very best.

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    Growing Trend of Fast Food among Youth Research Report


    The dynamic environment is changing everything from peoples way of thinking to their

    attitude towards life, with more and more years passing by, time is running out and we want

    to achieve more in less time. The change is inevitable and the only constant thing.

    The objective of our report is to provide an understanding of the market research and how it

    is conducted in the business world. We have chosen to study the growing trend of fast food

    consumption among youth. The purpose of this research is to explore the underlying causes

    for this growing trend, and to assess the consumer awareness and attitude regarding fast


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    Growing Trend of Fast Food among Youth Research Report


    Although fast-food restaurants are often viewed as a representation of modern technology,

    the concept of "ready-cooked food to go" is as old as cities themselves; unique variations

    are historical in various cultures. Ancient Roman cities had bread-and-olive stands, East

    Asian cultures feature noodle shops. Flat bread and falafel are ubiquitous in the Middle

    East. Popular Indian "fast" food delicacies include Vada pav, Papri Chaat, Bhelpuri,

    Panipuri and Dahi Vada. In the French-speaking nations of West Africa, meanwhile,

    roadside stands in and around the larger cities continue to sell- as they have done for

    generations- a range of ready-to-eat, char grilled meat sticks known locally as "brochettes"

    (not to be confused with the bread snack of the same name found in Europe).

    Although fast food often brings to mind traditional American fast food such as hamburgers

    and fries, there are many other forms of fast food that enjoy widespread popularity in the


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    Growing Trend of Fast Food among Youth Research Report


    Fast Food and Teen Culture

    Fast food influences our lives as well as our culture since the last few decades. Especially it

    affects the most on younger generation like high school students and teenagers. The

    relationship between fast food culture and teenagers is inseparable. In the movie Fast Times

    at Ridge Mont High and the book Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, there are many

    similarities on how fast food culture interacts with teens lives. The movie also reveals

    many negative sides of the fast food industry especially the employment of teenagers in fast

    food restaurants. According to Fast Time in Ridge Mont High, fast food defines teen culture

    as fast paced, convenience, disrespectable, insecure, and superficial like employment and

    the relationship between males and females. Teen culture is how teenagers think and act in

    their everyday lives. A lot of times their lives are always somehow relate to the fast food

    industry, like their lunchtime and casual meeting place with friends can be occurred often at

    fast food restaurants.

    It seems that fast food jobs are the only legitimate jobs for teens in most cases since fast

    food jobs require very low skills and no experience, which is a perfect job for teenagers

    especially high school students because they are lack of experience and have no high

    education, plus they are old enough to meet the age requirement. Schlosser points out that

    with the rapid growth of automobiles and car culture, more people use drive through instead

    of walking in a restaurant and eating their food because it is more convenient to stay in the

    car. From this we can see that fast food industry is possible to influence a persons mind or

    action because there is a great chance his/her friend also works with the person in the same

    place. From that it is similar to how people like fast food because it is convenient as well. In

    addition, Stacys relationship with Mike Damone (Robert Romanus) can also describes as

    insecure as well. Brad works various jobs and most of them are inside in the fast food

    industry. Also the movie itself has shown many scenes of teenagers working at the fast food


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    It is nearly impossible to turn on the television or radio and not be hit with advertisements

    introducing the latest fast food trend fresh and healthy food options. More often, the

    media bombards us with slogans such as Subways common pitch to eat fresh orMcDonalds million-dollar advertisement campaign to try the new fruit and walnut salad.

    Attention has made an abrupt turn from the greasy, deep-fried originals at the fast food

    chains to more health conscious food choices. Even a documentary of a man named Morgan

    Spurlock made headlines and won awards when he ate McDonalds three times a day for a

    month and publicized the effects through a movie called Super Size Me. Shortly after Super

    Size Me caught high publicity attention, McDonalds has introduced three garden fresh

    salads. Other popular fast food chains were not far behind the healthy menu options

    McDonalds has offered.

    Not everybody can afford to eat out at fast food outlets. Those who can't turn to roadside

    vendors offering burgers and sandwiches but such people are blissfully ignorant of the

    threat roadside foodstuffs pose to their health.

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    Presently KFC is branched out in nine major cities of Pakistan (Karachi, Lahore,

    Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Multan, Peshawar, Sialkot, Hyderabad, Islamabad, Jhelum,

    Gujranwala, Sukkur & Muree) with more than 45 outlets nationwide


    McDonald's Pakistan opened its doors in September 1998 at Lahore and presently operating

    in six major cities with a network of 20 restaurants. With a strong belief in the Ray Krock

    phrase when you are green you are growing, McDonald's Pakistan has an aggressive plan to

    expand in all other cities of Pakistan and is rapidly growing with the focus to provide

    friendly and quick service restaurant experience to our customers.

    Pizza hut

    Pizza Hut first started operations in Pakistan by opening its first restaurant near Bank's

    Square on The Mall in Lahore. It then expanded to Karachi and Peshawar. The maximum

    numbers of Pizza Hut outlets are in the thickly populated city Karachi. Now it also has

    restaurants in Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Hyderabad, Quetta, Sialkot and Multan.

    The topping Chicken Tikka which is now used in franchises in India was first used in

    restaurants in Pakistan. The pizza served in Pakistan is Halal according to the Islamic law.

    Pizza Hut offers annually an "All you can eat" in the month of Ramadan, which is very

    popular in the country.

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    Growing Trend of Fast Food among Youth Research Report


    Fast food is the term given to many items that can be prepared and served quickly. While

    any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, such asTV dinners,

    typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store which is rapidly prepared and

    served to the customer in a packaged form for take out/take away.

    A typical fast food meal in the United States consists of fries, a burger and asoft drink


    Although fast-food restaurants are often viewed as a representation of

    modern technology, the concept of "ready-cooked food to go" is as old as cities themselves;

    unique variations are historical in various cultures. Ancient Roman cities had bread-and-

    olive stands, East Asian cultures feature noodle shops. Flat bread and falafel are ubiquitous

    in the Middle East. Popular Indian "fast" food delicacies include Vada pav, Papri Chaat,

    Bhelpuri, Panipuri and Dahi Vada. In the French-speaking nations of West Africa,

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    meanwhile, roadside stands in and around the larger cities continue to sell- as they have

    done for generations- a range of ready-to-eat, chargrilled meat sticks known locally as

    "brochettes" (not to be confused with the bread of the same name found in Europe).

    United Kingdom

    Fast food has existed in the UK since at least Roman Times, although the distinction

    between fast food and fast casual restaurants has sometimes been blurred. Prior to the

    modern age, fast food in the UK has included meat pies, pastries and from the mid

    nineteenth century, and fried or battered items.

    By the Medieval period it was not unknown for large cites or major towns to have 'pie

    shops' or cookhouses. Local pubs and taverns were also providers of 'rapid' if not fast food.

    As well as these fixed outlets, stalls selling cooked food were not common.

    The content of pies varied, with poultry (such as chickens) or wildfowl being commonly

    used. Post WWII turkey has been used more frequently in fast food in contrast to the

    traditional poultry use of earlier periods.

    In areas which had access to coastal or tidal waters, 'fast food' would frequently include

    local shellfish or seafood, (such as oysters or as in London eels), often this seafood would

    be cooked directly on the quay or close by. The development of trawler fishing in the

    nineteenth century would lead to the development of British favorite fish and chips partly

    due to such activities.

    Owing to differing availability of ingredients and tastes, until the Great War, British fast

    food had considerable regional variation. Sometimes the regionality of dish became part ofthe culture of its respective area.

    A peculiarly British form of fast food is the sandwich (although this has similarities in other

    cuisines and cultures such as the filled baguettes seen in France). Despite its wide appeal

    and consumption in the UK, it is only in recent years that the sandwich in its various forms

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    has been considered to be fast food,[citation needed] initially being promoted as such by

    niche chains such as Subway and Pret-A-Manger.

    As well as its native forms, the UK has adopted fast food from other cultures, such as Pizza(Italian), noodles (Chinese), Kebabs and various other forms of fast foods from other parts

    of the British Commonwealth. And further a field. In some areas imported fast food has

    become part of both the local, and British culture in general.[citation needed] More recently

    healthier alternatives to conventional fast food have also emerged.

    United States

    The modern history of fast-food in the United States of America began on 7 July 1912 with

    the opening of a fast food restaurant called the Automat, a cafeteria with its prepared foods

    behind small glass windows and coin-operated slots, in New York City, created a sensation.

    Numerous Automat restaurants were quickly built around the country to deal with the

    demand. Automats remained extremely popular throughout the 1920s and 1930s. The

    company also popularized the notion of take-out food, with their slogan Less work for

    Mother. The American company White Castle is generally credited with opening the

    second fast-food outlet in Wichita, Kansas in 1921, selling hamburgers for five centsapiece. Among its innovations, the company allowed customers to see the food being

    prepared. White Castle later added five holes to each beef patty to increase its surface area

    and speed cooking times. White Castle was successful from its inception and spawned

    numerous competitors.

    Typical interior of an Automat. This one was built in New York in 1930, at the height of

    their popularity.

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    In the United States alone, consumers spent about US$110 billion on fast food in 1000

    (which increased from US$6 billion in 1970). The National Restaurant Association

    forecasts that fast-food restaurants in the U.S. will reach US$142 billion in sales in 1006, a5% increase over 1005. In comparison, the full-service restaurant segment of the food

    industry is expected to generate $173 billion in sales. Fast food has been losing market

    share to so-called fast casual dining restaurants, which offer more robust and expensive


    Neighboring fast food restaurant advertisement signs in Bowling Green, Kentucky

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    Some people like fast foods, and some like home cooked meals. Its just up to how they feel

    that day. There are times where people prefer fast food and there are times people prefer

    home cooked food.

    Lifestyle changes, faster living and trends affect what we eat. .

    Approximately 23% of the population eats one of the day's meals away from home on

    working days. On days off, this percentage is doubled. It is foreseen that over the next few

    years, the number of people eating meals outside the home will be even higher, particularly

    in urban areas. These changes in eating habits can easily, if we are not careful, unbalance

    our diet. It depends, mainly, on the choice and combination of what is available and what

    we choose to eat for meals to balance this.

    The term "fast-food" refers to types of food which are prepared quickly and eaten in a

    hurry, generally outside the home. Fast-food cannot, by definition, include complex recipes

    or casseroles. Instead, it uses high technology, microwave ovens, deep fryers, paper plates,

    cardboard trays, etc be used and thrown away. A typical consumer of this type of food

    is a young person, normally between 15 and 28 years old, of middle-income purchasing


    In general Fast-foot has a bad name, both from the gastronomic and the nutritional points of

    view. We should, however, refine the subject, since within the concept of food fast there are

    some quite different options and, as already mentioned, everything depends upon the

    frequency, the choice, the combination and how fast food is balanced by other meals.

    Within the concept of food fast, we can define two broad groups:

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    1. Anglo-Saxon fast food (hamburgers and sausages) and

    2. Mediterranean fast food (sandwiches, pizzas and tapas)

    A number of types of food from a range of cultures consumed in an informal way, often

    standing, on occasions without cutlery, using fingers and always quickly, can be understood

    to be fast food:

    Tapas and sandwiches from this part of the world, Sirian pittas, Greek kebabs, British fish

    and chips , Italian pizzas, Mexican tacos and burritos, Chinese food, American

    hamburgers, German sausages and even Japanese sushi .

    (1)Prefer Fast Food

    - People pick fast foods because its easy. They could just go to McDonalds, or

    burger king and order a hamburger and fries, rather than spending hours in the

    kitchen cooking and cleaning.

    - Another reason would be if they work late, they could just stop at the drive thru and

    order something to eat.

    - When a person is rushing for next appointment after lunch / work. It is more convenient

    to pack fast food.

    - When a person is a busy working adult, one may prefer fast food as one save the hassleof cleaning up.

    - When a person are sick and tired of home cooking food. It allows you to break awayfrom normal routine.

    (2) Prefer Home Cooked Food

    - When a person has very sensitive/demanding taste buds and one prefers its own


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    - When a person have certain illnesses which required special attention in the preparation

    of food. Then in this case, one may prefer home cooking food. This is especially true for

    kids and elderly, or people with diabetics problem.


    Although fast food often brings to mind traditional American fast food such as hamburgers

    and fries, there are many other forms of fast food that enjoy widespread popularity in the


    Chinese takeaways/takeout restaurants are particularly popular. They normally offer a wide

    variety of Asian food (not always Chinese), which has

    normally been fried. Most options are some form of noodles,

    rice, or meat. In some cases, the food is presented as a

    smorgasbord, sometimes self-service. The customer chooses

    the size of the container they wish to buy, and then is free to

    fill it with their choice of food. It is common to combine

    several options in one container, and some outlets charge by

    weight rather than by item. Many of these restaurants offer free delivery for purchases over

    a minimum amount.

    Sushi has seen rapidly rising popularity in recent times. A form of fast food created in Japan

    (where obento is the Japanese equivalent of fast food), sushi is normally cold sticky rice

    served with raw fish. The most popular kind in the West is rolls of rice in nori (dried laver),

    with filling. The filling often includes fish, chicken or cucumber.

    The Subway chain has had a major impact on the fast food industry, by showing that food

    can be mass produced in the American manner without compromising taste or nutritional

    value. Consequently Subway has marketed itself as a healthy alternative to other fast food

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    chains, and has been largely successful in this. Many other chains (especially McDonalds)

    have changed their menus to include healthier options in order to prevent loss of customers.

    Kebab houses are a form of fast food restaurant from the Middle East, especially Turkey

    and Lebanon. Meat (or falafel) is shaven from a rotisserie, and is served on a warmed

    tortilla with salad and a choice of sauce and dressing. These diner kebabs are distinct from

    seekh-kebabs served on sticks. Kebab shops are also found throughout the world especially

    Europe, but they generally are less common.

    Fish and chip shops are a form of fast food popular in the United Kingdom, Australia and

    New Zealand. Fish is battered and then deep fried.

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    Growing Trend of Fast Food among Youth Research Report

    Methods of Business Research

    Fast Food Categories and Subcategories

    BreadsBreakfastCerealsEgg DishesMeatsMiscPancakes/French ToastSpecialty DishesBurritosBeefCheeseChickenMiscTurkeyVeggieChicken DishesCondiments/Sauces



    DrinksHot DrinksJuicesMilkShakes/SmoothiesSoft DrinksFish/SeafoodHamburgersIce Cream/Frozen Yogurt, ToppingsIce Cream RegularIcesLow Fat Ice CreamLow Fat YogurtMiscNonfat Ice CreamNonfat YogurtSherbets/SorbetsToppingsRegular YogurtMeal CombinationsPasta DishesPizzaHand TossedMiscPan/Deep DishThin

    PotatoesBakedFrench FriedMiscPotato Salad

    Salad DressingsLow FatNonfatRegularSalads/Salad BarSandwich Components

    SandwichesCheeseChickenDeliFishHamMiscRoast BeefTurkeySide DishesChiliMiscOnion RingsVegetablesSoupsTacosBeefChickenVeggieTurkey



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    Mc Donalds


    B.B.Q Tonight

    Briyani Centre

    Students Briyani


    Lal Qila

    Salt n Pepper


    Pizza Hut

    Pizza Express



    What are a target market and more specifically, your target customer? If you own a fast-

    food franchise you may think that your target customer is everyone because you believe

    most people eat fast food at least once per week. But that may not be the case. Your ideal

    customer may be 18-24 years old, be a student, makes less than $10,000 per year and buy

    your product only during school hours.

    One of the main goals of being an entrepreneur and a franchise owner is to satisfy your

    customers needs because if you dont, your business may never get ahead. If you know

    exactly who your customer is, what they expect or want from your business, and how often

    or when they are willing to spend their money, you are on your way to ensuring that your

    business is prepared for growth and success.

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    Growing Trend of Fast Food among Youth Research Report

    Your target market is comprised of the individuals who are most likely to be your best

    customers and therefore your biggest and most frequent spenders because you offer theproduct or service they want at the time they want it. The main way to identify this group

    is through demographics, or population characteristics.

    In recent years, the food and beverage industry in the US has viewed children and

    adolescents as a major market force. As a result, children and adolescents are now the target

    of intense and specialized food marketing and advertising efforts. Food marketers are

    interested in youth as consumers because of their spending power, their purchasing

    influence, and as future adult consumers. Multiple techniques and channels are used to

    reach youth, beginning when they are toddlers, to foster brand-building and influence food

    product purchase behavior. These food marketing channels include television advertising,

    in-school marketing, product placements, kids clubs, the Internet, toys and products with

    brand logos, and youth-targeted promotions, such as cross-selling and tie-ins. Foods

    marketed to children are predominantly high in sugar and fat, and as such are inconsistent

    with national dietary recommendation.

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    The growing trends of fast food have made it harder to find time for home-cooked meals.

    Just like clothing fashion fads, there are food fads that come and go. In the last few decades,

    food trends have been towards speed and convenience. Unfortunately, our over-

    consumption of fast food is resulting in increased levels of obesity, diabetes and heart

    disease. The incidence of increased obesity and diabetes, particularly in young children who

    are getting less exercise than ever before, is disturbing.

    Karachi: People who eat too much fast food gain more weight and are more likely to

    develop early signs of diabetes.

    That the conclusion of a study of more than 3,000 white and black American adults.

    Participants reported their fast-food dining habits for 15 years, starting when they were 18-

    30 years old.

    "Appropriate action would be to reduce portions to normal sizes, and to sell burgers of lean

    meat, whole-grain bread or buns, fat-reduced mayonnaise, more vegetables, lower-fat fried

    potatoes, and reduced-sugar soft drinks," writes Arne Astrup, in an accompanying editorial

    in The Lancet.

    In the study, those who ate fast food more than twice a week gained 10 more pounds than

    participants who ate fast food less than once a week. They also doubled their insulin

    resistance, a sign of early diabetes.

    Its no secret that many people struggle with their weight. Nearly two-thirds of adults are

    overweight or obese, according to University of Minnesota researcher Mark Pereira, PhD,

    and colleagues.

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    Diabetes is also widespread. More than a million new cases are diagnosed each year, says

    the American Diabetic Association.

    A little more than 6% of American adults have diabetes. Its even more common among

    older adults. About 18% of people aged 60 or older have diabetes, according to the

    American Diabetic Association. Diabetes can lead to heart attacks, stroke, blindness, and

    kidney failure.

    The researchers dont exclusively blame fast food. They also note other lifestyle choices.

    For instance, frequent fast-food eaters who were white said they drank more alcohol, were

    less physically active, watched more TV, and ate a less healthy diet. The same was not true

    for black participants.

    Fast foods are relatively inexpensive and are prepared and served quickly. The fast-food

    industry had its beginning around the mid-twentieth century, and it grew tremendously

    during the last three decades of the same century. Many fast foods are fried which facilitate

    quick preparation, high in fat and sodium, and low in fiber, vitamins, and some minerals.

    The added value option, when customers can order larger sizes for a minimal additional

    charge, adds to the total calorie and fat-intake. Many of these eateries now offer salads, low

    calorie or fat-free dressings, low-fat ice cream, and plain, broiled chicken sandwiches or

    other foods low in fat or calories.

    People often choose to eat fast food simply because it is convenient. It fits well with todays

    hurried lifestyle. Society is so fast-paced that it leaves hardly any time to cook a well

    prepared and nutritious meal. So, people pick foods that are quick, easy and convenient and

    are usually the most nutrient deficient. Fast foods such as burgers, pizza, fries chicken and

    chips usually contain loads of saturated fats. Too much saturated fat in the diet could cause

    people to put on weight and get fat or obese, as being overweight is a risk to the health of

    the heart and can cause other disease.

    Fast food restaurants are not the only source of fast food. Because most people are

    extremely busy with work and driving kids around, it is tempting to pop a packaged meal

    into the microwave at the end of a long day. According to medical experts, micro-waved

    food is not necessarily good and by constantly throwing pre-made meals in the microwave,

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    parents are not teaching their children healthy cooking skills. Consequently, the next

    generation may not e sure how to prepare fresh vegetables and may not even realize the

    nutritional and taste value that they have.

    Although all humans need food to survive, peoples food habits are the result of learned

    behaviors. These collective behaviors, as well as the values and attitudes they reflect come

    to represent a groups popular culture.

    Fast food does have some of the good things that the body needs for good health. The body

    needs some salt, fat and sugar for energy you to burn while we work and play. However,

    too much fat, sugar and salt is bad for health and eating lots of fast food will overload your

    body with these things. So, there is a need to bring awareness about the diverse impact of

    fat containing food among children so that they could adopt healthy food habits.


    Explore the attitudes and opinions of youth regarding fast food.

    What factors influence the growing trend of fast food consumption among youth?


    Questionnaire survey.


    The quantitative part of our research method included using a questionnaire to test our


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    People among the age of 16 to 30; those who consume fast food at least oncea month.


    Karachi city.



    North Nazimabad



    TIME: 1st March 01st April 2010.

    SAMPLE SIZE: The sample size for the research project was 100


    Sampling Technique:

    We used the convenience (non-probability) sampling technique. The reason

    that we used this method of sampling is because it was not possible for us to

    find a completely representative sample in such a short period of time. So due

    to time constraints we had to employ this method of picking out a sample.

    While selecting this sampling method, we realized that our results may be

    biased. So in order to increase the validity of our research, we contactedpeople from different areas for our qualitative as well as quantitative research

    methods. This added more diversity to our research.

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    We also conducted a survey research, which was purely quantitative. We took this survey

    from 100 participants. This survey was self-administered. Our sample population consistedof people who were fluent in English thus there was no problem with them filling the

    questionnaire. Also to increase the validity of the questionnaire we took participants from

    various areas of Karachi, so as to bring more diversity in the sample.

    Questionnaire Design

    The basic approach to the preparation of the questionnaire was to ask the same

    questions except this time the responses were close ended. Apart from using a Liker

    type scale a simple ordinal scale (with yes/no options) has also been used. Checklist

    questions have also been used.

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    The group will encounter the following hindrances while conducting this research:

    Lack of Experience

    Since this was the first time that our group is conducting a research, the lack of experience

    may have contributed to any shortcomings in the report.

    Lack of Resources

    As a result of limited resources available to the group, the amount of secondary data

    collected was restricted to just a couple of pages.

    Lack of Extensive Research

    The research is constrained to only as much as could be accomplishing by our group in the

    particular time period required completing the project.

    Limited Knowledge of Respondents

    The accuracy of information received through the survey is greatly dependent on and

    limited to the knowledge of the respondents.

    Lack of Generalizability

    This research is not generalizable to the population of interest at large. The findings can be

    generalized, but with caution, after fully studying the characteristics of our participants.

    Triangulation of data collection method ensures validity of research because it allows the

    drawbacks of one research method to be countered by the other (Maxwell 1992). By

    conducting both an interview and a focus group we achieved a certain degree of datatriangulation. The findings of both the methods of research let to similar responses which

    prove the validity of the results generated.

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    Name:______________ Telephone:_______________

    1. Gender

    O Male .

    O Female

    Analysis: The total numbers of questionnaires that we distributed were 106, out of

    which 51% were male and 49% were female respondents .Hence the majority of

    people surveyed were male.

    2. I fall in the age group___________ (Tick one)

    O 16 to 20 years

    O 21 to 25 years

    O 26 to 30 years

    O Other ---------------------------

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    Analysis: The total numbers of questionnaires that we distributed were 106, out of

    which 12% respondents were in the age group of 15 to 20years , 42% were in the age

    group of 21 to 25years and 25% were in the age group of 26 to 30years and 21% were

    in the age group of >30years. Hence the majority of people surveyed had age group

    from 21 to 25year.

    3. Marital status

    O Single

    O Married

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    Analysis: Out of 106 respondents, 68% were single and 32% were married. Hence the

    majority of people surveyed were Single

    4. Your profession


    O Engineer

    O Businessman

    O House wife

    O Student

    O Other job specify please--------------------

    Analysis: Out of 106 respondents 11% were doctors, 16% were engineers, 4% were

    Businessman, 6% were housewife, 45% were students and 18% were doing some

    other jobs. .Hence the majority of people surveyed wereStudent.

    Methods of Business Research

    30 18%


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    5.Your income level


    O 30000-40000

    O 40000-50000

    O 50000-60000

    O 60000-70000

    O Above 70000

    Analysis: Out of 106 respondents 9% were earning below 20000, 45% respondents

    income was between 20000 to 30000, 17% of them were earning between 30000-40000,

    8% were earning between 40000 to 50000, 7% were earning 50000 to 60000 ,7% were

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    earning 60000 to 70000 and out of them 7% were earning above 70000. Hence the

    majority of people surveyed were earning between RS.20000 to 30000

    6.Education Level

    O Matriculation

    O FSC

    O Graduation

    O Post graduate

    O Other----------------

    Analysis: Out of 106 respondents 3% were matriculate, 8% were Intermediate, 65%

    were graduate, 25% were having postgraduate degrees and 3% had marked in others.

    Hence the majority of people surveyed had done graduate.

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    7. How often do you eat fast food?

    O Once in a month

    O Twice a month

    O 1 to 2 times in a week

    O 3 to 5 times in a week

    O Daily

    O Other-----------------

    Analysis: Out of 106 respondents 27% consume fast food once a month, 33% consume

    twice a month, 27% consume 1 to 2 times in a week, 4% consume 3 to 5 times a week

    and 3% consume daily, 4% goes occasionally and 2% marked in others . Hence the

    majority of people surveyed had fast food twice in a month.

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    8. I am consuming ----------------- fast food than I was consuming few years before

    O MoreO Same amount of

    O Less

    Analysis: According to the outcome of the survey 46% replied that they go to Fast

    food Restaurant with family members, 40% responded that they visit with friends, 4%

    of them (males) replied that they go with their girl friends, 8% with office colleagues

    and 2% of them go alone. Hence the majority of people surveyed visited restaurantswith family members.

    Methods of Business Research

    34 22%Male

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    9. With whom u visit fast food restaurant mostly

    O With Family

    O With friends

    O With Girl friend / boy friend

    O With office collogues

    O Alone

    O Other---------------

    .Analysis: According to the outcome of the survey 46% replied that they go to Fast

    food Restaurant with family members, 40% responded that they visit with friends, 4%

    of them (males) replied that they go with their girl friends, 8% with office colleagues

    and 2% of them go alone. Hence the majority of people surveyed visited restaurantswith family members

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    10. What occasion attracts you to visit or consume fast food?

    O Birthdays

    O Friends parties

    O Business meetings

    O Dates

    O For fun

    O Just to eat something

    O Other

    Analysis: 11% of respondents replied that they go to celebrate birthdays, 19% replied

    that they go on friends parties, 2% responded that they go to attend business

    meetings, 4% (all males) go on dates, 25% responded that they go just for fun, 38%

    replied that they go just to eat and 1% responded to go without any reason. Hence the

    majority of people surveyed go to consume fast food just for fun

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    11. You are given 100 points, when you DINE-OUT how will you allocate these

    points to the following: As per your taste

    o ______ points to Desi food

    o ______ points to Chinese food

    o ______ points to Fast food

    o ______ points to Thai food

    o ______ points to others

    Analysis: 36% of respondents preferred Desi food,22% responded Chinese and 3%

    responded Fast food, 4% responded Thai food and 5% responded other food. From

    the survey it seems as people prefer to eat Desi food over fast food when they dine out

    12. How you come to know about the new fast food deals

    o ______ Radio

    o ______ Billboards

    Methods of Business Research


    4% 5%Male

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    o ______ Television

    o ______ Newspapers

    o ______ Word of mouth (friends)

    o -----------Other

    Analysis: The survey shows among 106 respondents 3% come to know about the latest

    deals from Radio, 24% from billboards, 15% from TV, 16% from newspapers, 41%

    from words of mouth and 1% of them come from other sources. Hence the majority of

    people surveyed come to know about new fast food deal from the word of mouth.

    13. Do you think that, "In general, Pakistani youth eat too much fast food?

    Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Neither agree

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    -- ------- ----------------- ---------- ---------------------- ----------------

    Analysis: On a question whether Pakistani youth eat too much fast food, 54%

    respondents agreed 35% strongly agreed, 7% disagreed, 3% strongly disagreed and

    1% of them kept neutral. Hence the majority of people surveyed seem that Pakistaniyouth eat too much fast food.

    14. I eat fast food because

    o ______ It is less expensive

    o ______ I think its healthy

    o ______ I dont get the taste at home

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    o ______ I like the quality of food

    o ______ I can get it anywhere anytime

    Analysis: According to the survey 2% responded that they go because fast foods are

    less expensive, 5% replied that it is healthy, 30% responded that they go because of

    taste which is not available at home foods, 17% responded the reason behind is

    quality, majority 46%replied that it is easily available. Hence the majority of people

    surveyed eat fast food because of easily available.

    15. When it comes to fast food, what do you prefer the most?

    o Home delivery

    o To go out and dine in

    o Take away

    o Other---------------

    Methods of Business Research





    2% 7%


  • 8/8/2019 Project Fastfood


    Analysis: 14% responded that they prefer home delivery, 75% prefer to dine in and

    11% prefer take away. Hence the majority of people surveyed prefer to go out and

    dine in.

    16. I visit fast food restaurant because of...

    O Lack of entertainment places

    O Kids preference

    O Special occasions (Birthdays, Treats)

    O Other---------------

    Methods of Business Research



    9%13% 0%

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    Analysis: 47% responded that they visit fast food restaurant due to lack ofentertainment places, 16% go because of kids preference, 28% go on special occasions,

    and 9% for different reasons. Hence the majority of people surveyed visit fast food

    due to lack of entertainment places.

    17. If you consider eating fast food frequently is not advisable, then what other factorswould still convince you to eat it:

    o Taste of food

    o Quality of food

    o Time-saving

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    o Convenience

    o Value of money

    o Habit

    o Others (Specify) _______________________

    Analysis: Majority of responded (43%) visit fast food restaurant because of Taste.

    13% visits because of quality, 22% go to save time, 9% because of convenience,4%go

    to because of value of money, 8% replied that it is their habit and 1% for other reason

    18. Which is healthier?

    O Fast food

    O Home cooked food

    Methods of Business Research

    43 9%



    7% 7% 2%

  • 8/8/2019 Project Fastfood


    O Both

    O Others

    Analysis: On a question that which food is healthier, major (85%) responded that

    home made food is healthier, 7% responded that fast food is healthier, 7% responded

    both are healthy food, 1% marked in others.

    19.. What time of day do you eat fast-food?

    O Before 11am

    O Between 11am and 2pm

    Methods of Business Research



    6%7% 0%

  • 8/8/2019 Project Fastfood


    O Between 2pm and 6pm

    O Between 6pm and 10pm

    O After 10pm

    Analysis: 12% responded that they prefer to visit between 11 am to 2 pm, 13% prefer

    to visit between 2-6 pm, majority (52%) prefer between 6pm-10pm and 23% visits

    after 10 pm. None of the respondents like to visit before 11 am.

    20. On average how much would you expect to pay for fast food?

    o Rs. 100

    Methods of Business Research

    45 23%


    0% 9%26%

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    o Rs. 150

    o Rs. 200

    o Rs. 250

    o Other--------------

    Analysis: 9% responded replied that they spend 100 in a visit and 17% spend 150,

    25% spend 200, 34% spend between 250, 7% spend between 250-500,4% spend

    between 501-1000, 1% between 1001 2000 and 3% marked in others

    21. Which fast food you are awareO McDonalds

    O Burger King

    O KFC

    O Pizza Hut

    O Mr. Burger

    O Tooso

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    6% 2% 4%

  • 8/8/2019 Project Fastfood


    O Kay bees

    O Arizona

    O Dominos

    O Red apple

    O Roasters

    O Any other _______

    Analysis: 14% were aware of McDonalds,5%with Burger King, 15% with KFC, 16%

    with Pizza Hut, 10% with Mr. Burger, 5% with Tooso, 10% with Kay bees, 5% with

    Arizona, 8% with Dominos, 5%Redapple, 4% with Roasters and 3% respondents

    were aware of some other fast food restaurants . Hence the majority of people

    surveyed were aware of Pizza hut.

    22. Which of the following fast-food restaurants have you heard of?

    O McDonalds

    O Burger King

    O KFC


    Pizza HutO Mr. Burger

    O Tooso

    O Kay bees

    O Arizona

    O Dominos

    O Red apple

    O Roasters

    Methods of Business Research












    7% 6%4% 4%

  • 8/8/2019 Project Fastfood


    O Any other ___

    Analysis: 13% were heard of McDonalds, 7% Burger King, 14% KFC, 14% Pizza

    Hut, 10% Mr. Burger, 7%Tooso, 10% Kay bees, 6% Arizona,8%Dominos, 6%

    Redapple,4%roasters and 1% others. Hence the majority of people surveyed had

    heard KFC and Pizza hut.

    23. Which fast food restaurant would you more likely to visit?

    O _____________________________________________________

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    7% 6% 5% 1%

  • 8/8/2019 Project Fastfood


    Analysis: 9% responded that they more likely visit to Kaybees,26% preferred KFC,

    9% like to visit McDonald,35%replied for Pizza Hut and 21% for some other fast food

    restaurants . Hence the majority of people surveyed were likely to visit Pizza Hut.

    24. Do you think parents encourage children to eat fast food meal?

    O Yes

    O No

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    Analysis: 33% responded that parents encourage children to go fast food restaurant

    and 67% denied. Hence the majority of people surveyed seems that parents does not

    encourage children to eat fast food.


    O There should be work on to create more entertainment places for Pakistani

    youth to reduce the health risk by consuming more fast food.

    O Pakistani youth should keep portion sizes small of fast food and when to

    consume choose healthy fast food


    In the initial stage of our research when we were finding the literature regarding fast food

    we came to know that people prefer to have more fast food since the last few years. In our

    focus groups and in depth interviews we came to know the reasons why people belonging to

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    different age groups prefer fast food. The major reasons why the trend is going towards fast

    food is the lack of entertainment places in our city, people belief in the change of taste and

    environment and are facing boredom by home cooked food .People are getting influenced

    by the westernized culture and are facing time shortage. These were the major reasons

    highlighted during our focus groups and in depth interviews. In our last stage of research

    i.e. the survey part, we concluded that people visit fast food restaurants because they dont

    have any other place of entertainment. Although they consider fast food as an unhealthy

    meal yet they consume it.

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    Fast Food More Than Twice Weekly Adds Pounds


    Monday July 03, 1006 (0937 PST)

    ISLAMABAD: People who eat too much fast food gain more weight and are more likely to

    develop early signs of diabetes.