winelands primary / laerskool wynland

Parafeer asb wanneer gelees en voltooi het L. vd Westhuizen Initial when read and completed Page 1 | 24 Admission Number: Leerder se naam en van: Learner’s name & surname: PASTEL SAMI SCANNED D6 PAID R965 WINELANDS PRIMARY / LAERSKOOL WYNLAND This is a fee-paying public school. Compulsory school fees for 2021: R1 050-00 (Gr R – 6) R1 250 (Gr 7) Application Date: (office use) Grade / Graad: Tuition language / Onderrig taal: Date collected / datum afgehaal: Male Female Comments: (For office use) Sibling in school: Name: Grade:

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Parafeer asb wanneer gelees en voltooi het

L. vd Westhuizen Initial when read and completed P a g e 1 | 24

Admission Number:

Leerder se naam en van: Learner’s name & surname:







This is a fee-paying public school. Compulsory school fees for 2021: R1 050-00 (Gr R – 6) R1 250 (Gr 7)

Prosedure vir die aansoek om toelating : Openbare skole

Application Date: (office use)

Grade / Graad:

Tuition language / Onderrig taal:

Date collected / datum afgehaal:

Male Female

Comments: (For office use)

Sibling in school:




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Procedure for applying for admission: Public schools

1. for Online application / vir aanlyn aansoek

• You will need an email address / U sal ‘n e-pos adres nodig hê vir die proses

• You will need a cellphone number to complete this process / U sal ‘n selfoonnommer nodig hê vir hierdie proses

• You will receive an OTP that will only be valid for 15 mins. Keep your cellphone ready for this. / U sal ‘n pin nommer op u selfoon ontvang wat u binne 15 minute moet insleutel om registrasie te voltooi.

• You will have to create login details to keep track of your application. / U moet aanteken besonderhede skep vir latere aanteken om die vordering met u aansoek te volg.

• Capture all necessary fields. / Voltooi elke blad. ❖ Step 1 - Complete parents details / Voltooi ouers se besonderhede ❖ Step 2 - Complete learner profile / Voltooi leerder se besonderhede ❖ Step 3 - Complete School programmes / Voltooi Skool besonderhede ❖ Step 4 - Choose the School of your choice / Kies die skool van u keuse

(You have to choose at least 3 schools in order of preference / U moet ten minste 3 skole kies en hulle in volgorde van voorkeur plaas

• The system will allow you to upload supporting documents, but Winelands Primary prefer to receive hard copies at school. / Die stelsel sal u toelaat om die ondersteunende dokumente aanlyn op te laai, maar Laerskool Wynland verkies om harde kopieë by die skool te ontvang.

2. Bring hard copy of the application with supporting documents to school / Bring volledig voltooide aansoekvorm tesame met al die voorgeskrewe dokumente na die skool.

3. Completed written application; supporting documents requested and the printout of online registration must reach the school within 14 calendar days after online registration. / Die voltooide aangehegte harde kopie; steunende dokumente soos versoek en ‘n uitdruk van die aanlyn registrasie moet die skool binne 14 kalender dae na aanlynregistrasie bereik.

4. 07 June 2021: Parents will receive on-line feedback regarding the success of their application. / Ouers sal op 7 Junie 2021 op die aanlynstelsel verwittig word rakende die sukses van hul aansoek al dan nie.

5. 12 July 2021: Parents MUST log in and confirm final acceptance. If parents fail to confirm final placing, the WCED will decide on behalf of the parents to which school the learner will be assigned to / Ouers moet op 12 Julie 2021 weer aanlyn inteken en finale aanvaarding van die plasing te erken. Indien ouers nalaat om plasing te bevestig sal die WKOD ‘n skool aan die leerder toewys.

Contact Kevin or Shayma at 023-3480635 for support with online registration

Laerskool Wynland/ Winelands Primary Tulbaghstraat 110, Worcester, 6850

Tel. (023) 34 71160/5.

E-pos: [email protected] ; [email protected]


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• Missie – ‘n Stygende sukseslyn / Accending line of success

• Visie – Respekteer jouself en die wêreld om jou / Respect goes a long way


Grade RR & R - 07:30 - 12:15

Grade 1 & 2 - 07:30 - 13:00 Grade 3 - 07:30 - 13:30 Grade 4 - 7 - 07:30 - 14:10 (Monday – Wednesday) Grade 4 - 7 - 07:30 - 13:10 (Thursday – Friday) 2. ABSENTEEISM:

• When a pupil has been absent, a letter explaining the reason for absence must be sent to the school.

• At the request of the parent/guardian the pupil may, because of religious convictions, be exempted from

attending school on a particular day. Such a request must be submitted to the Principal in writing.


School fees are compulsory and are payable in advance. Please make arrangements regarding payment with the finance office at school. School fees for 2021 will be R1 050 per year (Gr. RR - 6) R1 050 per month over 10 months. (R1 250/ month Gr 7) School fees are determined at our Annual General Meeting. No monthly statement will be sent out. Only one reminder will be sent out regarding payments. All accounts outstanding will immediately be handed over for debt collection. Please make arrangements in advance for accounts in arrears. We recommend our debit order system. Forms can be obtained from the finance office for indigent parents to apply for an exemption or partial exemption. All money sent to school must be in a clearly marked envelope. Card facilities available at school.



An aftercare facility is available. However, it can only accommodate a limited number of learners per grade per year. Aftercare fees are compulsory and are payable in advance, over a 10 month period. Aftercare fees for 2021 will be R5000 per year (Gr. RR - 7) R500 per month over 10 months. Aftercare fees are determined at our Annual General Meeting. No statement will be sent out. Only one reminder regarding fees will be sent out. All accounts outstanding will result in your child having to leave the Aftercare immediately. 5. SCHOOL LIAISON:

When you receive written communication, please make sure that you read through it carefully. Winelands Primary uses E-communication such as the D6 Communicator for sending SMS’s, corresponding with parents and for important notifications including term programmes and School Policies. It is imperative that you keep the school informed about any changes regarding your telephone number and email address to ensure effective communication between parents, educators and the school. Parents are welcome to make an appointment with the respective teachers or the school principal. Please follow the correct procedures. * NO PARENT IS ALLOWED TO SEE A TEACHER DURING TUITION TIME. 6. ASSESSMENT AND REPORTS:

Each learner receives a progress report after each term. ALL REPORTS MUST BE COLLECTED FROM SCHOOL ON THE DATE AND AT THE TIME THAT WILL BE COMMUNICATED VIA THE D6 COMMUNICATOR. On this day, you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s academic progress with the class teacher. No appointment is necessary on this day.


The class teacher will arrange with you personally when your child needs didactic assistance.


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Each item of clothing must be clearly marked. The new school uniform is available at De Jagers, Boland Clothing and Laslappies. *Please note that we are currently in the process to change our school uniform.



• Navy blue quantic culottes.

• Short sleeve blue striped shirt with an owl on.

• Short blue socks with white tackies OR barefoot OR flip-flops (ONL Y available from school)

• School tracksuit top.

• Navy blue school underwear - COMPULSORY.


• School tracksuit with striped sports shirt, short blue socks or grey Preparatory School socks and predominantly white tackies with white laces

• Navy blue scarf and gloves.

• School tracksuit top and/or navy blue windbreaker and a navy pullover.

• Navy blue school panties COMPULSORY.



• Blue striped short-sleeved shirt with an owl on.

• Navy blue quantec shorts with light blue stripe.

• White tackies with short blue socks OR barefoot OR flip-flops (ONL Y available from school)

• Navy blue school underpants - COMPULSORY.


• School tracksuit with blue striped sports shirt and blue school socks or grey Preparatory School socks with white

tackies and white laces.

• Navy scarf, cap and gloves

• School tracksuit top, a navy windbreaker and a navy pullover


School tracksuits can be worn over school wear on cooler days with predominantly white tackies and white laces. A navy hat, without symbols or a Preparatory School navy cap, is permissible for sport. 9. PERSONAL APPEARANCE

Hair: Boys:

• Hair must be kept short, neat and tidy at all times.

• Hair may not touch the collar or ears when combed straight down and fringes must end at least 2cm above the


• No “tails” are allowed.

• Unnatural styles, colours and latest fashions shaved into the hair are not allowed.


• Hair must be natural (no colouring), neat and suitable for school.

• Hair which extends below the top of the shirt must be tied back (navy bands).

• Only navy hair accessories allowed.

• After school and while still in school uniform, hair may not be worn loose.

• Fringes that fall below the eyebrows must be securely clipped back.


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• No unruly hair.

• Braiding of natural hair should be simple without “fancy” patterns or colours, same as natural hair colour.

• No thick coils, beads, loose hairpieces or wigs are acceptable.

• No mixture of styles such as half of the head braided and the other combed out.

• Avoid using excessive gel, mousse or wax.

• No nail polish or Henna may be worn.


• Only plain gold or silver studs or sleepers may be worn, (no stones/gems).

• No multi-coloured watches are allowed.


Learners must have a sturdy navy suitcase or rucksack that will ensure that school books are not damaged. It must be big enough to hold a class workbook(A4). Suitcases on wheels are not allowed. Branded school bags are available at De Jagers. 12. EXTRA-MURAL ACTIVITIES

SUMMER SPORT: Athletics; Tennis and Mini-Cricket WINTER SPORT: Netball; Rugby; Hockey CHESS: Gr 2 – 7. SPORT TIMES:

Grade 1 and 2: Mondays and Wednesdays: 13:00 – 14:00 Grade 3: Tuesday and Thursday: 13:00 – 14:00 Grade 4 - 7: Monday to Thursday: 14:10 -15:10 13. CULTURAL ACTIVITIES: School Choir, Drama, Orators club, Fusion Art Group, Contemporary Dance and the annual school concert. Opportunity is provided for learners to participate in local and provincial Eisteddfods(Recitation, singing, reading, poetry and drama) and to participate at WOW competitions as well as Olympiads. Private tuition offered at school after hours: Music lessons, Ballroom Dancing, Monkeynastix, Abacus and Land Services. 14. SAFETY MEASURES

• Parents and/or public are not permitted onto the school premises or into the school building without prior

permission as per Safety and Security Policy. Please complete the register at the office.

• No learner may leave the school premises during school hours, without the permission of the Principal.

• All learners must use the Adderley Street gates as specified per grade.

• No learners are allowed to enter at reception.


Each learner must have the necessary items of stationery.

Learners will receive a stationery list as per grade requirements.

Please mark all the above-mentioned items clearly. 16. lunch box requirements

Parents, please make sure that your child’s lunch box and juice bottle are clearly marked. No junk food or fizzy cooldrink allowed during the week except on Fridays. No late deliveries of lunch boxes will be accepted at the office. Learners may bring money for tuckshop to school on Fridays. The tuck shop is open during first break only. 17. PHONE CALLS

Only urgent calls will be made from the office at the cost of R3 per call if local and R5 per call to a cell phone. 18. CELL PHONES / ELECTRONIC GAMES

NO learner is allowed to have a cell phone or any electronic games at school. If a learner brings either to school, it will be confiscated and stored in the safe until the end of the term.


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Disciplinary measures such as detention or forfeiting the right to attend school outings may be implemented.

• Less serious - warning.

• More serious - a conversation with parents.

• Repeated trespassing or more serious disciplinary problems will be referred to the Governing Body who will act

according to Departmental measures as stipulated in the Code of Conduct.

• Winelands Primary Policies such as Code of Conduct for Learners and Parents available on D6 Communicator

At Winelands Primary, we believe that good values build character. The following principles are followed

• Discipline: This is taught and developed and leads to self-discipline. Positive behaviour is rewarded. Negative behaviour is discussed and addressed in co-operation with the parents.

• Language Policy: Mother-tongue tuition is strongly recommended. Learners receive tuition in English or Afrikaans medium.

• Religious Instruction: Christian values and norms are upheld in the school and other religions are respected.

• Education: Focus on early childhood development. A great effort is being made concerning further studies, lectures and training sessions, to keep pace with the country’s development in education.

• Admission: Age must comply with the policy of the Western Cape Education Department. (Age requirements can be seen on the admission form.)

Parental Responsibilites / Ouerverantwoordelikheid

Parents are expected to / Ouers word versoek om: • Ensure learner attends school daily, on time and the whole school day unless there is a valid

reason. Verseker leerder is elke dag by die skool, betyds en vir die hele skooldag, tensy daar geldige rede is.

• Ensure learners are picked up timeously after school and school events. Verseker leerder word betyds opgetel na skool of enige buitemuurse aktiwiteite.

• Ensure learners are well prepared and that their homework is adequately done. Verseker leerder is goed voorbereid en al sy/haar se huiswerk is gedoen.

• Ensure learners are not in possession of any dangerous weapons that will threaten or put the safety of others at risk.

Verseker dat leerder geen gevaarlike wapen in sy/haar besit het, wat die veiligheid van ander kan benadeel nie.

• Ensure learners are not under the influence of any illegal substances. Verseker leerder is nie onder invloed van enige onwettige middels.

• Ensure learners are not taken out of school without a valid reason. Verseker leerders is nie uit skool gehaal sonder ‘n geldige rede.

• Inform the principal or class teacher if a learner is absent or expected to be absent or to be late for school with a valid reason.

Lig die skoolhoof of klasonderwyseres in as u kind afwesig gaan wees of laat vir skool met ‘n geldige rede.

• Encourage and assist learners in the making up for time lost for absence from school. Moedig aan en ondersteun u kind om in te haal vir die tyd wat hy/sy afwesig was.

• Ensure learners abide by school conduct/regulations. Verseker leerders volg skoolreёls. • Report any risk or threat to the safety of learners to the Principal. Rapporteer enige risiko of dreigement wat veiligheid van leerders kan benadeel aan skoolhoof.

• Co-operate with the school in resolving the inappropriate behaviour of learners. Saamwerking met skool om gedragsprobleme van leerder op te los word aangemoedig.

• Take co-responsibility for protecting learners during and after school hours. Neem saam verantwoordelikheid om leerders tydens en na skool te beskerm.

• Ensure the supervision of their children at all times. Verseker toesig van u kind ten alle tye.

• Be involved in the curricular activities of the learners. Wees betrokke in die akademiese aktiwiteite van die leerders.


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Rights Responsibility

The right to optimal tuition-time and education for every individual need.

The learner must co-operate with regard to stationery, discipline, homework, behaviour and obedience.

To be respected as an individual. Show respect towards the staff, adults and peers.

Neat, well equipped, safe and hygienic environment.

Respect school property and be neat.

To be happy at school, treated fairly and accepted with love.

Treat others with fairness, love and respect.

Parent Rights Responsibility

The right to be listened to. Play a supportive role and be involved with functions.

To receive information. Note times and dates, read notices and keep them and attend meetings.

To air views and participate. Share knowledge, make suggestions and participate at meetings.

To report any problems or make suggestions. Be aware of the correct facts and solve problems together.

The right to optimal education for your child. See to it that learners are punctual, correctly provided for, neat and clean.

A school with order and discipline. It is the parent's responsibility to discipline their child and teach them safety measures.


Rights Responsibility

Acknowledgement. Thorough planning/preparation and keeping abreast with development in education.

Privacy. Available to parents.

Reasonable working hours and distribution of workload.

Effective use of education time - apply skills.

Well-equipped classroom, job satisfaction. Good interrelationships and communication between colleagues - responsibility to make grievances known, make suggestions and help solve the problem.

Respect from learners, colleagues and parents / Right to be listened to.

Irreproachable behaviour, lead by example, maintain acceptable norms, values and self-discipline.

Non-Educator Rights Responsibility

Acknowledgement. Create a clean, neat and safe environment - maintain a high standard of work.

Reasonable working hours. Work according to a timetable, and adhere to working hours set by the Department and Management Council - effective use of time.

Privacy. Must be available for after-hour duties at the school, e.g. alarm, school event

Respect from parents, educators and learners. Command respect from parents, educators and learners.

Job satisfaction. Good interrelationships between colleagues, the responsibility to report grievances.


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Die reg op optimale onderrigtyd en opvoeding vir elke individuele behoefte.

Die leerder moet sy samewerking gee t.o.v. regte skryfbehoeftes, dissipline, huiswerk, gedrag en gehoorsaamheid.

Om as individu gerespekteer te word. Betoon respek teenoor personeel, volwassenes en maats.

Netjiese, goed toegeruste, veilige en higiëniese omgewing.

Respekteer skooleiendom en handhaaf netheid.

Om gelukkig in die skool te wees, regverdig behandel te word en met liefde aanvaar te word.

Behandel ander regverdig, met liefde en respek.


Die reg om na geluister te word. ‘n Ondersteunende rol speel en betrokke wees by funksies.

Inligting te verkry. Kennis neem van tye en datums, omsendbriewe moet gelees en bewaar word, vergaderings moet bygewoon word.

Inspraak lewer, deelnemende bestuur. Kundighede beskikbaar stel, voorstelle maak, betrokke by besprekings.

Probleme, voorstelle te kan aanmeld. Vergewis van korrekte feite en probeer saam probleme oplos.

Die reg op optimale onderrig van kind. Sorg dat leerders skool getrou bywoon, betyds by skool is, volledig toegerus, netjies en higiënies is.

Skool met orde en dissipline. Dit is die ouer se plig om eie kind te dissiplineer, op te voed en veiligheidsmaatreëls aan te leer.


Erkenning. Deeglike voorbereiding/beplanning en vernuwing van onderrig, metodes, ens.

Privaatheid. Beskikbaar wees vir ouerkontak.

Billike werkstye en werksverdeling. Onderrigtyd moet effektief benut word - stel jou kundigheid beskikbaar.

Werksgeluk, goed toegeruste klasse. Goeie kollegiale verhoudings en kommunikasie. Verantwoordelikheid om griewe te lug, voorstelle te maak en probleme te help oplos.

Respek van leerlinge, kollegas en ouers / Reg om gehoor te word.

Onberispelike gedrag, voorbeeld in optrede, handhaaf van aanvaarbare waardes, normes en selfdissipline.


Erkenning. Die skep van ‘n skoon, netjiese, veilige omgewing - hoë werkstandaard handhaaf.

Billike werksure. Moet geskied volgens rooster, moet hou by werksure soos deur Departement en Beheerliggaam uiteengesit - effektiewe tydsbenutting.

Privaatheid. Moet beskikbaar wees na-ure vir take/opdragte/funksies by skool soos bv. Alarm en skoolfunksies.

Respek van ouers, opvoeders en leerders. Respek afdwing by ouers, opvoeders en leerders.

Werksgeluk. Goeie kollegiale verhoudings, verantwoordelik om griewe te lig.


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Graad waarvoor aansoek gedoen word: Taal van onderrig Grade applying for: ………………… Tuition language:………………………………..…

The medium of instruction and tuition at this school is English and Afrikaans.

No application will not be taken in without these documents: Geen aansoek sal ingeneem word as die onderstaande dokumentasie nie volledig aangeheg is nie.

Tick if included

NB! Attach copy of online registration / Heg afskrif van aanlyn registrasie aan

1. Original Clinic card / Oorspronklike Kliniekkaart

2. Original Unabridged Birth certificate / Oorspronklike Geboortesertifikaat

3. Original last report / Grade R report (only for Grade 1 application) / Laaste rapport

4. Both parents / guardian ID’s / Death certificate / ID’s van albei ouers/ voogde / sterftesertifikaat

5. A copy of both parents/guardians pay slips / Salarisstrokies van albei ouers / voogde

6. Proof of residence / Bewys van adres

7. Upon acceptance of a learner, the first month’s school fee instalment will be payable. Wanneer die leerder aanvaar word, sal die eerste maand se skoolfooie betaalbaar wees.

Foreign nationals: Parents need to have appropriate documentation; Learners must have a valid study permit/asylum seeker permit in his / her name.

Application Policy / Toelatings Beleid

I have received the application policy / Ek het die Toelatingsbeleid ontvang: I have read through the application policy / Ek het deur die toelatingsbeleid gelees:


Learner’s full names and surname Leerder se volle naam en van

Preferred name / Noemnaam

Date of birth / Geboorte datum

Identity number / Identiteitsnommer

Male or Female / Manlik of Vroulik

Race: (Compulsory to complete for WCED forms) Ras: (Verpligtend vir WKOD inligting)

Black Coloured White Indian

Religion (Indicate with X) / Geloof (merk met X)

African/ Afrika Bahai Buddist / Boedhis

Christian/ Christen

Hindu/ Hindoe

Jewish/ Jood

Islam Other / Ander

Indien ander - Verduidelik If Other - explain

Type of social grant (e.g. foster care, child grant): (Compulsory to complete for WCED forms) Maatskaplike toelaag (bv. Pleegsorg,kindertoelaag): (Verpligtend vir WKOD vorms)

Social grant reference number Verwysingsnommer

Home language / Huistaal






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PARENT INFORMATION (both must be completed) / OUER SE BESONDERHEDE (albei moet ingevul word)

Parent 1 / Ouer 1 (Legal Guardian) Parent 2 / Ouer 2 (Legal Guardian)

Married / Getroud

Single parent / Enkel ouer

Divorced / Geskei

Widow/er / Weduwee / Wewenaar

Married / Getroud

Single parent / Enkel ouer

Divorced / Geskei

Widow/er / Weduwee Wewenaar

Name and surname: Naam en Van:

Name and surname: Naam en Van:

Occupation: Beroep:

Occupation: Beroep:

Name of employer: Naam van werkgewer:

Name of employer: Naam van werkgewer:

Work address: Werkadres

Work address: Werkadres:

ID number: Identiteitsnommer:

ID number: Identiteitsnommer:

Home address: Huisadres:

Home address: Huisadres:

Suburb: Woongebied:

Suburb: Woongebied:

Postal address: Posadres:

Postal address: Posadres:

Telephone nr. Home: Telefoon nr. Huis:

Telephone nr. Home: Telefoon nr. Huis:

Cell number.: Selfoon nommer:

Cell number.: Selfoon nommer:

Telephone nr. work: Telefoon nr. Werk:

Telephone nr. work: Telefoon nr. Werk:

Email address: Epos adres:

Email address: Epos adres:

Parent / Ouer : Biological; Adoptive Step Parent Parent / Ouer : Biological; Adoptive Step Parent

Legal Guardian Other

If Other, please specify

Legal Guardian Other

If Other, please specify

In case of legal guardianship/adoption – supply copies of court documents

EXTRA INFORMATION (both must be filled in) / (Next of kin) NAASBESTAANDE SE BESONDERHEDE (albei moet ingevul word) (Enige ander familie-lid)

Relation to the child: Relation to the child:

Married / Getroud

Single parent / Enkel ouer

Divorced / Geskei

Widow/er / Weduwee / Wewenaar

Married / Getroud

Single parent / Enkel ouer

Divorced / Geskei

Widow/er / Weduwee Wewenaar

Name and surname: Naam en Van:

Name and surname: Naam en Van:

Occupation: Beroep:

Occupation: Beroep:

Name of employer: Naam van werkgewer:

Name of employer: Naam van werkgewer:

Work address: Werkadres

Work address: Werkadres:

ID number: Identiteitsnommer:

ID number: Identiteitsnommer:

Home address: Huisadres:

Home address: Huisadres:

Suburb: Woongebied:

Suburb: Woongebied:

Postal address: Posadres:

Postal address: Posadres:

Telephone nr. Home: Telefoon nr. Huis:

Telephone nr. Home: Telefoon nr. Huis:

Cell number.: Selfoon nommer:

Cell number.: Selfoon nommer:

Telephone nr. work: Telefoon nr. Werk:

Telephone nr. work: Telefoon nr. Werk:

Email address: Epos adres:

Email address: Epos adres:

Next of Kin: Grand Pa; Grand Ma Cousin Next of Kin: Grand Pa; Grand Ma Cousin

Uncle / Aunt Other

If Other, please specify

Uncle / Aunt Other

If Other, please specify


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Name and Surname / Naam en Van

Relation / Verwantskap

ID Number / Identiteitsnommer

Physical address / Woonadres

Postal address / Posadres

Work address / werksadres

Tel. numbers Home Telefoon Nr. Tuis

Cell: Selnr:

Email address / Epos adres


Name and Surname / Naam en Van

ID Number / Identiteitsno.

Telephone number / Telefoonnommer Relationship / Verwantskap

SCHOOL HISTORY / SKOOL GESKIEDENIS (Very important / Baie belangrik)

Name of previous school / Naam van vorige skool

Address / Adres

School telephone number / Skool telefoonnommer

School email address / Skool epos adres

Language of tuition / Taal van onderrig

Reason for leaving previous school / Rede vir verlating van vorige skool

MEDICAL INFORMATION / MEDIESE INLIGTING Family doctor / Clinic: Familie dokter / Kliniek:

Contact number: Kontaknommer:

Allergies: Allergieё:

Chronic ailments: Kroniese siektes:

Has your child been fully immunised? Supply clinic card as proof. Is u kind volledig gëimmuniseer? Voorsien kliniekkaart as bevestiging.

Name illnesses that learner has had (e.g. measles) Noem siektes wat leerder reeds gehad het (bv. masels)

Watter kroniese medikasie gebruik die leerder: Name any chronic medication the learner is using:

Hospital admissions for serious conditions Hospitaaltoelatings vir ernstige toestande

Yes / Ja No / Nee If Yes: explain Indien Ja : verduidelik

Any developmental problems identified. Ontwikkelingsprobleme geïdentifiseer

Yes / Ja No / Nee If Yes: explain Indien Ja : verduidelik

Any chronic condition/allergies Enige chroniese / allergiese toestand

Yes / Ja No / Nee If Yes: explain

Indien Ja : verduidelik

Name of Medical Aid: Naam van Mediese fonds:

Membership number: Lidnommer:

Name of the principal member of Medical Aid: Naam van hooflid:

Telephone number: Telefoon nommer:


Surname & initials: Van en Voorletters: Relationship / Verwantskap:

Name of employer / Company: Naam van werkgewer/ Maatskappy:

Occupation: Beroep:

ID number:(provide ID) Identiteitsno. (verskaf ID)

Street address: Straatadres:

Signature / Teken:

Tel. no: Tel. no:

Tel. no (Alternative): Tel. no.(alternatief)

The email address for accounts / Epos adres vir rekeninge:

Do you take full responsibility for school fees? Neem u volle verantwoordelikheid vir skoolfooie?

This is a fee-paying public school. Compulsory school fees for 2021: R10 050-00 (Gr R – 6) R12 500-00 (Gr 7)


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Preferred method of payment but NOT compulsory

For office use: Debit order nr.: .............................................

Surname and first names of account holder:

................................................................................................................................................... Address: ................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................

Name of bank/building society: ...................................................................... Branch: ............................................................................ City / Town: ............................................................................. Branch Code: .................................................................... Type of account: Mark with an X

Cheque Savings Transmission Account number: .............................................................................. Date of the first deduction: ..............................................................................

Instalment: Gr. RR - 6 R1 050,00 per month per child for 10 months Gr 7 R1 250,00 Other: ………………………… (Aftercare) R ………………………………….. Total: R ……………………………………


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I/We hereby authorise you to issue and deliver payment instructions to your banker for collection against my/our above-mentioned account at my/our above-mentioned bank on condition that the sum of such payment instructions will never exceed my our obligations as agreed to in the Agreement. The individual payment instructions so authorised to be issued must be issued and delivered monthly/bi-monthly/three-monthly/six-monthly/annually/weekly/bi-weekly* (interval) on or after the dates when the obligation in terms of the Agreement is due and the amount of each individual payment instruction may not be more or less than the obligation due.

The payment instructions so authorised to be issued must carry a number, which number must be included in the said payment instructions and if provided to you should enable you to identify the Agreement. The said number should be added to this form in section E before the issuing of any payment instruction and communicated to me directly after having been completed by you.

I/we agree that the first payment instruction will be issued and delivered on or after _________________ (date). Subsequent payment instructions will continue to be delivered in

terms of this authority until the obligations in terms of the Agreement have been paid or until this authority is cancelled by me/us by giving you notice in writing of not less than the interval (as indicated in the previous clause) and sent by prepaid registered post or delivered to your address indicated above. B. MANDATE I/we acknowledge that all payment instructions issued by you shall be treated by my/our above-mentioned Bank as if the instructions had been issued by me/us personally. C. CANCELLATION I/we agree that although this authority and mandate may be cancelled by me/us, such cancellation will not cancel the Agreement. I/we also understand that I/we cannot reclaim amounts, which have been withdrawn from my/our account (paid) in terms of this authority and mandate if such amounts were legally owing to you.

Should you choose to cancel your debit order, it must be done so in writing and submitted to the bursar one month in advance. D. ASSIGNMENT: I/We acknowledge that this authority may be ceded or assigned to a third party if the Agreement is also ceded or assigned to that third party.

NOTE: The NAEDO and/or EFT user may add or delete (at its own risk) from the above minimum requirements.

Name of child ............................................................................... Grade: ....................................... Do you already have a debit order at our school: Yes No Signature: ...................................................... Date: .................................


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Section B / Afdeling B

PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES / BETALING VAN SKOOLFOOIE School fees for 2021 are R10 500 (R12 500) per year per child for Gr. RR to Gr. 6 (Gr 7). As parents, you have different options for paying. School fees for 2022 will be determined at the AGM of parents in October 2021. Skoolfooie vir 2021 beloop R10 500(R12 500) per jaar vir Gr. RR tot en met Gr. 6 (Gr 7). As ouers het u verskillende opsies vir die betaal van die betrokke fooie. Skoolfooie vir 2022 sal bepaal word by die Algemene Jaarvergadering in Oktober 2021. Please indicate your choice in one of the following spaces. / Merk asb u keuse in een van die volgende spasies

Annually / Jaarliks before 31 December of the previous year a discount of 10% = R9 450 (R11 250 :Gr 7) Quarterly

/Kwartaaliks 4 Payments (Januarie, April, July and October) at R2 625 (R3 125 : Gr 7) 4 Paaiemente (January, April, Julie en Oktober) van R2 625 (R3 125 : Gr 7)

Cash / Kontant 10 EQUAL Monthly instalments (January - October) at R1 050 (R1 250 : Gr 7) 10 GELYKE Maandelikse paaiemente (Januarie – Oktober) van R1 050 (R1 250 : Gr 7)

Debit order / Debiet order

10 EQUAL Monthly instalments (January - October) at R1 050 (R1 250 : Gr 7) 10 GELYKE Maandelikse paaiemente (Januarie – Oktober) van R1 050 (R1 250 : Gr 7)

After Care / Nasorg 10 EQUAL Monthly instalments (January - October) at R500 10 GELYKE Maandelikse paaiemente (Januarie – Oktober) van R500

1. I/We hereby certify that I/we have legal custody and/or guardianship in respect of the above-named learner. Ek/Ons verklaar hiermee dat ek/ons wettige toesig en/ of voogdyskap oor bogenoemde leerder het.

2. I/We undertake to adhere to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Ek/Ons onderneem om my / ons te onderwerp aan die terme en voorwaardes.

3. I/We understand and accept that the medium of instruction and tuition in this school is English and Afrikaans. Ek / Ons verstaan en aanvaar dat Afrikaans en Engels die medium van onderrig is.

4. I/We understand and confirm that the Principal or any person duly authorised will act in loco parentis in any matter and at any time during which I/we have entrusted our child to the care of the school.

5. Section 40 of the South African Schools Act (No. 85 of 1996) determines that parents have a statutory obligation to pay school fees in accordance within Section 39 of this Act unless that parent is exempted (wholly or partially) from paying such school fees. Afdeling 40 van die SA Skolewet (No. 85 van 1996) bepaal dat ouers wetlik verplig is tot die betaling van verpligte skoolfooie in ooreenstemming met afdeling 39 van die bepaalde wet, behalwe wanneer hulle gedeeltelik of ten volle van sodanige betalings vrygestel is.

6. I/We jointly and severally undertake to pay school fees, and we/I understand the following: Ek / Ons onderneem gesamentlik om die skoolfooie te betaal en verstaan die volgende: a) The annual school fees will be a compulsory sum of R10 500 pa (R12 500 : Gr 7) for 2021 as adopted by the majority of

parents at the AGM. School fees are strictly payable in advance. Fees more than 2 months in arrears will be handed over for collection. Die jaarlikse skoolfooie is ‘n verpligte R10 500 per jaar (R12 500 : Gr 7) vir 2021, soos bepaal deur die meerderheid ouers by die Algemene jaarvergadering. Skoolfooie is streng vooruitbetaalbaar. Fooie wat meer as 2 maande agterstallig raak sal onmiddellik oorhandig word vir invordering.

b) School fees are payable in advance and are due on the first day of school. Keep all receipts for possible searches. Skoolfooie is vooruit betaalbaar en is betaalbaar op die eerste skooldag.

c) If school fees are paid in full on or before the 29 December of the previous year, then a 10% discount will be deducted from your annual school fees. Skoolfooie wat volledig betaal is voor of op 29 Desember van vorige jaar kry afslag van 10% van die jaarlikse skoolfooie.

d) Upon acceptance of a child, there is R1 050 payable. This is deemed as part of the first month's school fees. Should your child, for some reason not attend Winelands Primary, you must submit a written request with proof of payment, whereafter the money will be refunded and paid into a bank account of your choice. Wanneer u kind aanvaar is, sal daar ‘n R1 050 betaalbaar wees. Dit word as deel van die eerste maand se skoolgeld beskou. Sou u kind vir enige rede nie Laerskool Wynland bywoon nie, moet u skriftelik die geld aanvra met bewys van betaling, waarna die geld terug betaal sal word, in ‘n bankrekening van u keuse. In terms of the family law, parents are jointly and severally liable for the payment of the school fees irrespective of their marital status. In terme van die familiewet is ouers gesamentelik en afsonderlik verantwoordelik vir die betaling van skoolfooie ongeag hul huwelikstatus.

e) In the event of non-payment of school fees, the school will sue both parents irrespective of maintenance and court orders which may exist between the parties. In die geval van nie-betaling van skoolfooie sal beide ouers gedagvaar word ongeag die bepalings van onderhoud en hofbevel met die egskeiding.

f) The parties to this application undertake to pay legal costs incurred by the school in the event of the school having to take legal action for the recovery of school fees. Die partye wat hierdie aansoek onderteken onderneem om alle regskostes verbonde aan die oorhandiging van die onbetaalde skoolfooie te vereffen.


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g) Parents who are unable to pay school fees may apply for exemption of these fees. Ouers wat nie skoolfooie kan betaal nie, mag aansoek vir vrystelling van skoolgelde doen.

h) The school may hold and process by computer or otherwise, any information obtained about the parents as a result of liability for school fees.

i) The school may conduct an enquiry and /or information search about the parents with a credit information bureau, persons acting as their agents and/or credit grantors. Die skool mag ‘n ondersoek loods of navrae doen t.ov. enige inligting wat ouers in die aansoekvorm mag noem.

j) The school may transmit details of how the parent/s have performed in meeting their obligations in terms of their school fee obligations and share such information with other credit grantors for the purpose of making credit risk management decisions. Die skool mag die ouers se betalingsrekord openbaar maak by navrae ten einde kredietrisiko’s by ander entiteite te verminder.

k) Should there be a dispute on your statement of account please notify the Bursar in writing. Please keep all proofs of payments. Indien daar enige dispute is t.o.v. u staat van betalings laat weet asb die finans afdeling skriftelik. Behou asb alle bewyse van betalings.

7. Chapter 4 of the Maintenance Act (No. 99 of 1999) determines that the duty of support (which includes paying for

education) of a child is an obligation that the parents incurred jointly. It is therefore that the school requires full details of both parents when applying for exemption. Hoofstuk 4 van die Onderhouds Wet (No. 99 van 1999) bepaal dat die verantwoordelikheid van onderhoud ‘n verpligting vir beide biologiese ouers is. Vir hierdie doel benodig die skool die volledige besonderhede van albei ouers wanneer aansoek gedoen word vir die vermindering of vrystelling van skoolfooie. a) Both biological parents must APPLY ANNUALLY for an exemption or partial exemption of school fees. b) If you are not the biological parent of the learner, you must provide legal documentation stating you as a legal guardian.

Albei biologiese ouers moet jaarliks aansoek doen vir vermindering / vrystelling van skoolgeld. As u nie die biologiese ouer van die leerder is nie, moet u regsdokumentasie verskaf waarin u as wettige voog aangedui word.

c) Your application for exemption must reach the school no later than 01 March of the year applied for. Alle aansoeke om vermindering of vrystelling moet die skool voor 01 Maart van die jaar waarvoor aansoek gedoen word bereik.

d) Your application will only be considered if you provide all the necessary documentation: U aansoek sal slegs oorweeg word indien die volledige dokumentasie soos versoek voorsien word: ➢ 3 Months Payslips, IRP 5 / IT3 / EMPSA form from SARS and bank statements for 3 months of both parents.

3 Maande Salarisstrokies, IRP 5 / IT3 / EMPSA vorm van SARS en 3 maande bankstate van beide ouers. ➢ If unemployed: 1.) An EMPSA form from SARS stating that you are not registered for tax and that you do not

receive any income. These parents will be reported to social services to receive help in caring for their children. 2.) A declaration from the Department of Labour that you are registered as unemployed. 3.) Proof of 3 unsuccessful job applications not older than 3 months.

Indien werkloos: 1.) Laaste EMPSA van SARS wat aandui dat u nie vir belasting geregistreer is en dat u geen inkomste ontvang nie. Sodanige ouers sal vir hulp by ‘n maatskaplike organisasie aangemeld word teen einde in hul kind se behoeftes te kan voorsien. 2.) Verklaring deur Departement van Arbeid dat u wel as werkloos geregistreer is. 3.) Bewyse van 3 onsuksesvolle werk aansoeke, nie ouer as 3 maande nie.

➢ In case of an untraceable parent: A declaration from a Tracing Agency which states that everything possible was done to try and locate the parent. In geval van ‘n onopspoorbare ouer: Daar moet ‘n verklaring van ‘n opsporingsagentskap aangeheg word waarin daar verklaar word dat alles moontlik gedoen is om die ouer op te spoor.

➢ In the case of foster care: 1.) The original court documents – copies will be made. 2.) A formal letter from the social worker responsible for the supervision. In geval van pleegsorg: 1.) Die oorspronklike hofbevel – ‘n kopie sal hier gemaak word. 2.) ‘n Bevestiging van die maatskaplike werker verantwoordelik vir toesigdienste. Any affidavit will only be accepted when supported by a confirmatory affidavit from a social worker, competent

authority or court order.

8. In case of Foreign nationality: A study permit is required ; In die geval van ‘n Buitelandse Nationaliteit word ‘n studie permit benodig.

9. I/We the parent(s) undertake to give notice in writing of any intention to remove my/our child from the school and furthermore to return any books and/or equipment belonging to the school which your child may have. Ek / Ons as ouer(s)onderneem om die skool vroegtydig skriftelik in te lig indien ons van voorneme is om ons kind uit die skool te neem. Ons onderneem ook om alle boeke en/ of ander toerusting wat aan die skool behoort aan die skool terug te besorg wanneer die leerder die skool verlaat.

10. The signatory hereto hereby chooses domicillium citandi et executandi as indicated below. In the event of a change of address, parents are to notify the school in writing. Ondergetekende verkies domicilium citandi et executandi soos onder aangedui. In die geval waar die adres verander sal die skool skriftelik van die nuwe adres voorsien word.

11. This commitment in its entirety will be valid from the day on which it is signed by the parent/guardian to the day on which the learner officially leaves the school. Hierdie onderneming sal van krag wees van die dag dat die ouers dit onderteken totdat die leerder die skool amptelik verlaat.


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Schools in South Africa are divided into 5 Quantiles. Each quantile receives different subsidies from the government. / Skole in Suid Afrika word in 5 kwantiele verdeel. Elke kwintiel ontvang ‘n verskillende

subsidie van die staat.

Q 1 – 3 : R1 394 Subsidy received from the Dept of Education per learner per year /

Q 4 : R 699 Subsidie per leerder per jaar soos ontvang van die Dept. van Onderwys Q 5: R276 Winelands Primary is a Quantile 5 School and thus receives only R276 per learner per year / Laerskool Wynland is ‘n Kwintiel 5 skool en ontvang daarom slegs R276 per leerder per jaar.

• The government supplies the following to quantile 5 schools / Die regering voorsien die volgende vir kwintiel 5 skole :

a. One teacher for every 40 learners / Een onderwyser vir elke 40 leerders b. One Secretary / Een Sekretaresse c. Three cleaning Staff / Drie skoonmaakpersoneel d. Only prescribed textbooks / Slegs hul voorgeskrewe handboeke

• The budget of Winelands Primary consists of the following. Winelands Primary fee-paying parents contribute to the following: / Die jaarlikse begroting van Laerskool Wynland bestaan uit die volgende. Laerskool Wynland ouers wat skoolfooie betaal maak die volgende moontlik:

i. Extra teachers to keep classes small / Ekstra personeellid om klasse klein te hou (54% of school fees) ii. Class assistants to help learners who experience problems / Klasassistente om leerders wat sukkel te help

iii. Administration of the school / Administrasie van die skool (12% of school fees) iv. Fully paid educational excursions / Ten volle betaalde opvoedkundige uitstappies (4% of school fees) v. Sports events and all transport cost/ Sport byeenkomste en alle vervoerkostes (7% of school fees) vi. Beautiful buildings, well maintained school grounds, state of the art educational aides and up to date sport

equipment / Mooi en skoon geboue en skoolgronde, vernuwende opvoedkundige hulpmiddels en die beste sport geriewe (23% of school fees)

Please decide why you want to enrol your child at Winelands Primary. If the answer to this is to give him/her the advantage from i - vi listed above, please be advised that these advantages are not paid for by government funding. The school needs the school fees for every learner to maintain these services. The state reimburses the school with only 6% of school fees for learners who apply for an exemption. In the long run, this will mean that the school will only be able to provide 6% of the advantages above listed from i - vi.

Besluit asseblief hoekom jy jou kind in Laerskool Wynland wil inskryf. As die antwoord hierop is om hom / haar die voordeel soos beskryf van nommers i tot vi hierbo te gee, moet u asseblief daarop let dat dit nie deur staatsbefondsing gedek word nie. Die skool benodig die skoolgeld van elke leerder om hierdie dienste te kan volhou. Die staat vergoed die skool vir slegs 6% van die skoolgeld van leerders wat aansoek doen om vrystelling. Op die lang duur sal dit beteken dat die skool slegs 6% van die voordele soos beskryf hierbo van nommers i – vi, kan voorsien.


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I / Ek……………………………………………(full names / volle name), ID No……………………………., Address ( domicillium citandi et executandi ) / Woonadres………………………………………………………….., declare that I am the biological parent/legal guardian of learner ………………………………………..……… (full name) and I shall be

verklaar dat ek die wettige voog / biologiese ouer van die leerder (volle name) is

bound hereto both as parent/guardian and in my personal capacity. I verify that the above information is true and correct. I understand that the school reserves the right to verify all the information supplied to them via this application. In the event of fraudulent documents submitted, the school reserves the right to lay a criminal charge of fraud against any of the parents to this application.

en verbind my as sodanig tot hierdie onderneming. Ek verklaar dat alle inligting soos weergegee korrek

is en dat die skool die korrektheid daarvan mag ondersoek. In die geval van vals verklarings behou die

Skool die reg voor om kriminele klagtes aanhangig te maak.

Ek is bewus dat bywoning die moontlikheid het van fisiese beserings en verlies of beskadiging van eiendom. Met hierdie kennis verbeur ek die reg om die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement, die skoolhoof of personeel van Laerskool Wynland verantwoordelik te hou vir sodanige verliese of beserings. I am aware that the attendance may hold the possibility of physical injuries and loss or damage of property. With

this knowledge, I surrender the right to make any claim forthcoming of any injury, which my child may suffer

during the outing/excursion. I hereby indemnify the Western Cape Education Department, the School Principal

and School Staff from any claim that could be made regarding my child, on behalf of myself, my executors, my

husband/wife and child.

Signed on this …….. day of …………………………………………….. 20…… Geteken op hierdie dag van 20

Signature / Teken………………………………………………...


I / Ek………………………………………………(full names / volle name), ID No……………………………., Address ( domicillium citandi et executandi ) /Woonadres………...……………………………………….., declare that I am the biological parent/legal guardian of learner ………………………………………..……… (full name) and I shall be

verklaar dat ek die wettige voog / biologiese ouer van die leerder (volle name) is

bound hereto both as parent/guardian and in my personal capacity. I verify that the above information is true and correct. I understand en verbind my as sodanig tot hierdie onderneming. Ek verklaar dat alle inligting soos weergegee korrek

that the school reserves the right to verify all the information supplied to them via this application. In the event of fraudulent documents is en dat die skool die korrektheid daarvan mag ondersoek. In die geval van vals verklarings behou die

submitted, the school reserves the right to lay a criminal charge of fraud against any of the parents to this application. Skool die reg voor om kriminele klagtes aanhangig te maak.

Ek is bewus dat bywoning die moontlikheid het van fisiese beserings en verlies of beskadiging van eiendom. Met hierdie kennis verbeur ek die reg om die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement, die skoolhoof of personeel van Laerskool Wynland verantwoordelik te hou vir sodanige verliese of beserings. I am aware that the attendance may hold the possibility of physical injuries and loss or damage of property. With

this knowledge, I surrender the right to make any claim forthcoming of any injury, which my child may suffer

during the outing/excursion. I hereby indemnify the Western Cape Education Department, the School Principal

and School Staff from any claim that could be made regarding my child, on behalf of myself, my executors, my

husband/wife and child.

Signed on this …….. day of …………………………………………….. 20…… Geteken op hierdie dag van 20

Signature / Teken………………………………………………...


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South African Schools Act. No. 84 of 1996 (Read section B / Lees afdeling B)

Regulations for exemption of parents from payment of school fees Regulasies vir vrystelling van skoolfooie vir ouers

1. Has the Principal informed you about the annual school fees to be paid? Het die prinsipaal u in kennis gestel dat die jaarlikse skoolfooie moet betaal word? (Sien afdeling B in hierdie aansoekvorm / See section B in this application form) 2. Has the principal informed you that you are liable for the payment of school fees unless you are totally exempted from paying school fees? Het die prinsipaal u in kennis gestel dat u verantwoordelik is vir die skoolfooie, tensy u vrygestel is van skoolfooie? (Sien afdeling B in hierdie aansoekvorm / See section B in this application form) 3. Has the principal informed you of the right to apply for exemption from paying school fees? Het die prinsipaal u in kennis gestel dat u aansoek kan doen vir skoolgeld vermindering? (Sien afdeling B in hierdie aansoekvorm / See section B in this application form) 4. Do you wish to apply for such an exemption? Stel u belang om aansoek te doen vir so ‘n vermindering?

• Both biological parents must APPLY ANNUALLY for exemption or partial exemption of school fees. Albei biologiese ouers moet JAARLIKS AANSOEK doen vir vermindering / vrystelling van skoolgeld.

• Subsidy application forms may be collected from the Bursar on the first day of school each year. Vrystellingvorms is vanaf die finansiële sekretaresse op die eerste skooldag van elke jaar beskibaar.

• Your application for exemption must reach the school no later than 01 March of the year applied for. Alle aansoeke om vermindering of vrystelling moet die skool voor 01 Maart van die jaar waarvoor aansoek gedoen word bereik. Liezel van der Westhuizen …………………………………… Name of principal Name of parent / Guardian Naam van prinsipaal Naam van ouer / Voog

L vd Westhuizen …………………………………… Signature of principal Signature of parent / Guardian Handtekening van prinsipaal Handtekening van ouer / Voog

Date / Datum:…………………

yes no

yes no

yes no

yes no


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(Please tick each appropriate box/ merk asseblief elke boksie) I / Ek….......................................................................................... (full name and surname / volle naam en


Address / Woonadres:.............................................................................................................................. parent / legal guardian / ouer / voog van ................................................................................

Hereby grant permission that my child may take part in the extra-mural activities of the school, including educational tours and excursions. Gee hiermee toestemming dat my kind mag deelneem aan buitemuurse aktiwiteite van ons skool, ingesluit akademiese toere en uitstappies I am aware that the attendance of such outings and activities may hold the possibility of physical injuries and loss or

damage of property. With this knowledge, I surrender the right to make any claim forthcoming of any injury, which my child may suffer during such outing/excursion. I hereby indemnify the Western Cape Education Department, the School Principal and School Staff from any claim that could be made regarding my child, on behalf of myself, my executors, my husband/wife and child.

Ek is bewus dat die bywoning van sulke uitstappies en toere, wat sal plaasvind, die moontlikheid het van fisiese beserings en verlies of beskadiging van eiendom. Met hierdie kennis verbeur ek die reg om die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement, die skoolhoof of personeel van Laerskool Wynland verantwoordelik te hou vir sodanige verliese of beserings. I further authorise any teacher or employee of the Department, as representative of the child’s parent or guardian, to give

permission for any medical treatment, which a doctor should recommend. Verder bemagtig ek enige opvoeder of werkgewer van die Departement as verteenwoordiger van die leerder se ouer of

voog om toestemming te gee vir enige mediese behandeling wat ‘n mediese praktisyn sou aanbeveel. I give permission that my child is screened by the occupational therapist appointed by the WCED during school hours in. Ek gee toestemming dat my kind soos nodig blyk te wees, deur die arbeidsterapeut indiens van die WKOD geevalueer


Parent / Guardian / Ouer / Voog 1: Name / Naam….……………………………………………………………………………………… Contact numbers (cell) / Kontaknommers (sel)……...……………………………………………. (work / werk)....…………………………………………………………. Parent / Guardian / Ouer / Voog 2: Name / Naam….………………………………………………..…..………………………………… Contact numbers (cell) / Kontaknommers (sel)……...……………………………………………. (work / werk)....…………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………. ……………………… Signature / Handtekening: Parent / Guardian / Ouer / Voog 1 Date / Datum ……………………………………………………………………. ……………………… Signature / Handtekening: Parent / Guardian / Ouer / Voog 2 Date / Datum


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Hereby, I, ___________________________________________, grant permission to Winelands

Primary to display photos/images/videos of the child indicated below as part of: • a demonstration/project/activity in the course of classroom teaching;

• a sample project/activity on CD created by the school for use in educational workshops,

classrooms, advertisements, etc.;

• the school’s webpages and social media platforms (including Facebook and Twitter);

• samples given to programme publishers, or contest entries submitted to sponsors;

• video recordings to appear in a school-related programme broadcast on a television station;


• any printed publication, including, though not limited to, newspapers, magazines,

yearbooks, etc.

In granting this permission, I understand that the school may use photos/images/videos of the child

for purposes such as celebrating achievements and publicising education events, as deemed

appropriate by the school governing body and the Principal, and that such use may include a

display in the school photo gallery.

I further understand that although the school associated with the photos/images/videos will be

identified, and adults appearing in photos/images/videos may be named, the name(s) or other

personally identifiable information of the child will not be used with any photo/image/video.

I am signing this release form in the knowledge that any photos/images/videos posted on the

school’s website can be downloaded and reproduced by various news organisations, including

print, electronic and broadcast media, and I, therefore, release the school from any liability arising

from the use of photos/images/videos of the child in school web postings.

Additionally, I understand that there are potential dangers associated with the posting of photos,

images and videos on a website since global access to the internet does not allow for control over

who accesses information.

I further understand that if I wish to rescind this Agreement, I may do so at any time by sending a

letter to the Principal of the school.

Name of learner: ___________________________________________________

Signature of parent/guardian: ____________________________________________

Date: __________________


Parafeer asb wanneer gelees en voltooi het

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Gate Procedures / Hek Procedure


➢ All Gr R learners only will enter and leave the school via the Gr R (B on the map) in Tulbagh Street. (Not reception/office gate (C on the map))

➢ Alleenlik die Gr R leerders sal in en uitgang kry tot die skool deur die Gr R hek (B op die kaart) in Tulbaghstraat (nie die ontvangs/kantoorhek (C op die kaart) nie)

➢ At 13:00 the Gr R gate will be closed and the remaining Gr R learners must exit via Adderley Street Gate A with the Gr 1-3 learners Die Gr R hek sal vanaf 13:00 toe wees en die res van die Gr R leerders moet dan by die Adderleystraathek A uitgaan saam met die Gr 1-3 leerders.

➢ Aftercare pupils will depart from the Aftercare gate in Adderley Street. ➢ Nasorgleerders beweeg by die nasorghek in Adderleystraat uit.

➢ All the Gr 1-5 learners must enter and exit the school via Gate A at all times. ➢ Al die Gr 1-5 leerders sal ten alle tye in en uit die skool beweeg deur Hek A (sien op die kaart).

➢ All the Gr 6-7 learners must enter and exit the school via Gate D at all times. ➢ Al die Gr 6-7 leerders sal ten alle tye in en uit die skool beweeg deur Hek D (sien op die kaart).

➢ Please use Adderley Street as a one-way street during the authorised hours (pick-up at the school gate and continue around, past

Station – map on the reverse side) ➢ Gebruik asb. vir Adderleystraat as ‘n eenrigting straat soos per padteken aangedui (laai op by die skool en beweeg om verder verby

stasie – padkaart agterop)

➢ Please ensure that you make all the necessary arrangements with your child’s transport! ➢ Tref asb die nodige reëlings met u kind se vervoer!

➢ Please ensure your child is fetched on time every day. Gates closing time: See Collection Policy.

➢ Maak seker u kind word elke dag betyds afgehaal by die skool.



Winelands Primary

Laerskool Wynland A

A = Gr 1 - 4 leerders B = Gr. R C = Admin & Ontvangs

Reception D = Gr 5 – 7 leerders


Worc Gim

Worc Gym

Art School

Hugo Naude


Worcester Station / Worcester Stasie Train tracks / Treinspoor


Strictly One WAY

Gravel road /















Parafeer asb wanneer gelees en voltooi het

L. vd Westhuizen Initial when read and completed P a g e 22 | 24


All parents/guardians should be on time and ready to collect their children when school academics or extracurricular activities end. In line with the school’s Learner Collection Policy, if a child is not collected on time and left at school for an extended period at a time, safety processes will be initiated, and a referral will be made to social services and to the South African Police Services. A timetable will be provided, which shows when all the school's activities end. It is the parents’/guardians responsibility to know which activities the learner is involved in and when to collect the learner. The school will not allow children to wait inside school grounds after 16:00 pm Monday to Thursday and 15:00 pm on Friday. Please ensure that you make all the necessary arrangements with your child’s transport! Parents are welcome to collect the complete Collection Policy from the administration office.


I, ______________________________________________________________

Parent/Carer of_______________________________________(child’s full names)

Acknowledge receipt of Winelands Primary Learners Collection Policy.

(See detailed collection policy at the admin office or on the D6 Communicator of the school)

I have read and understood the policy. I know that the safety of my child/children is my responsibility. I will ensure that I or anyone collecting my child/children will be aware of the school policies, rules and regulations relating to collection times. I accept responsibility for any misbehaviour on his/her part.

Signature: __________________________ (Parent/Guardian)

Date: ___________________________


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I ……………………………………………………………………..…………..(parent / legal guardian) As parent / legal guardian of ……………………………………………….………… (learner’s name) Hereby accept full responsibility for all the text/reading books that my child will receive while attending Winelands Primary School. I accept that the text/reading books are school property and undertake to ensure the following: ➢ That the text / reading books are taken care of. ➢ That all text / reading books in my child’s possession upon request of the school be

returned to the school on time. ➢ That the school will be financially compensated by the parents / guardian for any loss or

damage to the text / reading books. By signing the form below, you give us permission to add the amount of R200 per book outstanding / damaged to the learners’ school fees account at the end of the academic year. …………………………………….. …………………………………… Name & Surname of Parent in Print Signature (Parent)

Laerskool Wynland/ Winelands Primary Tulbaghstraat 110, Worcester, 6850 Tel. (023) 34 71160/5.

E-pos: [email protected] ; [email protected]


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Please take note of the following:

• Aftercare facility is only for learners of Winelands Primary - No Exceptions. This is for the safety of the learners.

• Fees to be paid strictly in advance. If fees are not paid within the first week of the month, the learner will be asked to leave the Aftercare immediately. A learner on the waiting list will then be admitted.

• In the event of school fees and aftercare fees not being paid in full for the current year, the learner will not be allowed to attend Aftercare for the following year.

• Aftercare hours are from 11:00 to 17:30. Learners who have not been collected by 18:00 will be dropped at the SAP offices to ensure their safety. A penalty of R50.00 will be payable immediately. If a learner is collected late for the third time, he/she will be asked to leave the aftercare facility immediately. The Aftercare facility will be closed during school holidays and on Public holidays. Please make alternative arrangements in advance.

• Kindly check your child’s homework when he/she arrives home.

• Cooked meals will not be provided. There will, however, be sandwiches available.

• To cancel Aftercare you have to give written notice a month in advance at the finance office specifying the last day of attendance. You will be held responsible for all aftercare fees until such written notice is received.

Learner details Full names and surname of learner Preferred name Grade attending Date of birth Identity number Male or Female Home language Religion Name of person that the child lives with


Telephone number (H) Cell:

(W) Cell:

Emergency contact person’s name & telephone number

Signed: ………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………